Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Exhibiting the trappings of a spoilt brat who cannot and would not take personal responsibility for his own shortcomings in the last election, Mitt Romney once again passed the buck on where or who to blame for his abysmal performance in the election.  The Mormon bishop from the states of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Michigan, Utah and California claimed that President Barack Obama promised women, minorities including Hispanics as well as youngsters of America "STUFF" aka bribery as a quid pro quo for their votes; and because of this, these very important voting blocs deserted his own campaign and voted for "THAT ONE." 

Icheoku says give me a break Mitt as your own foibles including refusal to come clean with the American people on whether or not you paid your taxes as well as other anti-peoples' policies espoused by your campaign did you in. You chose gaunt-looking Paul Ryan for your veepee and his anti-socials credentials spoke volume and alienated so many Americans' voting blocs. Two of your close Republicans spoke about "legitimate rape" and "God intending a resulting rape baby who must therefore be kept by such a victim woman' and you failed to denounce or disavow them? May be another of Obama's bribes, right? When you said you will kill Big Bird was that another Obama's bribe? When you talked negatively about students loans and Pell grant, was was another Obama's bribe to young people? When you drummed up war against Iran was that part of the Obama bribery? When you said FEMA and Planned Parenthood will  be killed, was that the Obama's bribery you alluede to? At least you remembered those things you sais you were going to  kill unlike your primary challenger Rick Perry of Texas, who called you a "vulture capitalist" but otherwise couldn't remember the departments he want closed as president of the United States? 

Icheoku says this your latest insult on American voters who decisively and intelligently voted for President Barack Obama is akin to your derisive and dismissive 47% 'takers' comment. Anyway you are no longer a stranger to American voters who rejected you in the last election based on the nothingness and emptiness of your campaign, so they understand that Mitt Romney does not care about American people. They understand that Mitt Romney is simply an out of touch multi-millionaire who palls around with his fellow millionaires and "takes" campaign financing (bribes) from his billionaire friends. Icheoku denounces this Mitt Romney who sees majority of Americans working men, women and children as either "takers" and/or now as "bribe receivers?" It is indeed quite unfortunate the new low into which Mitt Romney have descended since his ass-whopping in the last election and which is increasingly tasking his mental stability, such comments taken into advisement. 

Mitt Romney's latest toxicity led a columnist to posit:-  "Obama didn't win Janesville, Iowa or New Hampshire because of gifts to minorities. Those places are overwhelmingly white. Indeed,  Obama didn't somehow buy votes by showering Americans with free stuff. He convinced people he actually cared about the problems they were dealing with, which is something that Romney never seemed to be able to do."  Mitt Romney, Icheoku agrees with this conclusion  that therein lay your tomb and into which you have jumped in and in perpetuity. You failed miserably and woefully to convince American people that you had a mission other than being a puppet for the billionaire American raiders who wanted to loot the treasury with you looking the other way. Fortunately the God we serve was wide awake and took you out of contention before you could cause irreparable damage. Mitt Romney, what a phony and a fluke who is still dazed and did not know what hit him last November 6. 


Icheoku says available records seems to exonerate the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Dr Susan Rice, that she did not cook the story when she told the world that the Benghazi Libyan attack wherein armed militants stormed United States embassy in Benghazi and killed our ambassador alongside four other Americans was initially thought to be a protest gone awry. According to recently released unclassified CIA memo on the security assessment of the attack, it was believed then that protest as opposed to terrorist action led to the incident. 

The released memo states as follows:- "The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the United States Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against United States diplomatic posts in Benghazi and subsequently its annex. There are indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations. This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and as currently available information continues to be evaluated. The investigation is ongoing, and the United States government is working with Libyan authorities to bring justice to those responsible for the death of United States citizens." Icheoku says may be the old angry Senator John McCain and his South Carolina dancing partner Lindsay Graham should apologize to the ambassador for "besmirching her name." Failure for both men to do so by taking the high road would only reinforce the thinking that both of these "good ole white men" are doing what they are doing simply because the ambassador does not have the "right" skin color; and that they cannot stand the "unsightly" sight of having a "NIGGER" occupying "their" White House in addition to another "NIGGERLESS" as their Secretary of States? 

Icheoku says these racist white men must read the handwriting on the wall as evidenced in the last November 6 election and know that it is no longer 1950 America. Things have changed. Imagine the arrogance of the trigger-tempered John McCain, who cleaned the floor in his Navy class and had struggled through the Navy until he was shot down in Vietnam and who has never truly recovered from being an under-achieving son and grandson of two other McCains, both Rear Admirals, now suggesting that a Rhode Scholar, a PhD who was top of her class in Stanford University is "unqualified, not bright and not brilliant" for any other higher posting? This is coming from a man who chose the Alaskan beauty and no brain Sarah Palin as his vice presidential candidate and you wonder whether dumb and dumber is his idea of brilliance? Icheoku says thankfully the whole world is now beginning to see the phony White Americans' mentality and the reason why last presidential election was more of resentment than any other thing including immigration. Unfortunately, this Senator 'bomb, bomb Iran" John McCain is still reeling from his defeat by President Obama in 2008 and could still not explain to his White American folks why he lost "their" White House to the "THAT ONE" NIGGER.  Pitiful, pitiful; it is indeed pitiful of Senator John McCain to call a PhD Rhodes scholar "not bright?".

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Icheoku says people were genuinely scared and afraid of what a Romney presidency would do to them and what it portends for ordinary folks in America and as a result, they went into offense proactively with their votes to make sure it never happened. It was a case of the proverbial offense being the best defense and it worked so well that Mitt Romney did not know what hit him on election night last Tuesday. There was palpable fear in the land among minorities, women, Hispanics, the poor, the elderly, the infirm as well as some segment of the white population that Mitt Romney was coming after them with a pitch fork and sledge hammer, and would spare none of them from serious pain and much suffering. Mitt Romney was seen as the Grinch that stole their Christmas even before Christmas got here and no one wants to be left holding the bag at Christmas. And for those angry White men who are saying that Obama voters wanted stuff, Icheoku says no one wanted and still wants stuff more than these human excrement - from wanting and taking free Native American's land, to 400 years of wanting and taking free slave labors, to their skewered unfair tax advantaged deductions, to hiring cheap labor and paying people stipends they can hardly live on, to commandeering America's wealth only for themselves and the list goes on ad infinitum. Lets hope that the revolution of last Tuesday will only remain as it is, a mere ballot revolution; as people feel shafted everyday by this section of Americans. Now who is it that really want stuff America? One of them recently told me that it is about lifestyle, as they do not want to compromise what they are used to by not having enough money to sustain it through equitable taxation. To this guy, who admittedly makes high six figures and his ilks, Icheoku says, what about the millions of other Americans who cannot afford a hot meal?

Only a tree gets notice of its impending felling and still stands where it would be found and cut down. Reasonable humans make a run for it to spare their lives and so did the new America majority, the coalition of true representatives of America, who decided to nip the Romney "killing machine" in the bud. This is one reason people ecstatically celebrated President Obama's triumph at the polls as it ensured the Mitt anguish is further deferred if not completely starved off; as it is more likely than not that the Mitt is done and will never entertain the thought of running for the presidency of America, having been irreparably damaged in this campaign. 

The fear of what the oppressive angry white males of America, who have been seething in pain these past four years that a "NIGGER" was occupying "their" White house, would have unleashed on the oppressed people of color, women and children of America was simply too haranguing that people sprang to action and  stop it cold. American people knew better as they understood that a man who was so heartless as to tie his pet-dog on the roof of his car for a twelve hour vacation road trip to Canada, who voiced out that he does not care about 47% of Americans, that he will deny people with pre-existing conditions insurance by cancelling OBAMACARE, that there is a case to be made about "legitimate rape" or that "rape babies are gift from God" by proxy of his support of the chief proponents, that FEMA has no relevance, that more money should be spent on the military instead of on education, that Planned Parenthood should be outlawed, that conditions should be made so unbearable for Hispanics that they self-deport, that Medicare and Social Security should be voucher(alized), that Pell Grant should be abolished, whose actions and utterances forced even a five year old boy in California to tell his teacher, that "although his dad is voting for Romney, he and his mom and his four year old younger brother are voting for Obama in part to save 'Big Bird;" cannot and would not get their backs. It was a case of "we have no inheritance or protection in a Romney presidency, so to Obama we go" and they went.

Now please tell Icheoku if you are part of the millions of Americans any of these inhumane policies would have impacted negatively that you would stay on the sidelines while this man sneaked into office? A matter made worse when Mitt Romney confessed to being a heartless acute and severe conservative and to drive this message further home and to show he was not joking, picked an anti-peoples' poster boy Paul Ryan as his running mate? Two anti-Christ be your brother's keeper injunction candidates, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, running on one ticket gave no one hope or reason to vote for them? Indeed people were scared-stiff and genuinely afrid of the impending knifing to their underbellies that they voted to reject and stop the source of this enveloping fear. When added to his storied take no prisoner cut throat business ethics at Bain Capital and it became everybody run to the hills America. Icheoku says Team Obama read the feeling in the country right and tailored their messaging that Mitt Romney is not to be trusted. As is always the case, people need protection from what they fear and they saw a President Obama as their buffer wall and that friends, was what won the election for President Obama for most part; and who as president and commander in chief must work to protect Americans from Mitt Romney and his vile policies. Thankfully common sense reasonable approach won and Icheoku prays that Americans shall in the next four years and in the President's word, see better days. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Donald Trump has gone from being an ignoble birther in chief to college transcript enforcer and now is taking potshots at anyone who dares to cross his path or try pointing him out of the woods in which he seemingly is lost and wandering in currently. This overripe tomato of a pig, Donald Trump, without first caring to know whether his infamous endorsement of Mitt Romney contributed in the abysmal defeat of last Tuesday because it added to the stereotype of Mitt  being an out of touch millionaire who doesn't care about ordinary folks, is seeing red and apparently losing his mind about the election result. Icheoku warns that if the Donald does not immediately get the psychotic help he honestly needs at this time, may be the next America hears of him, he would be an inmate at a mental hospital being treated for misfiring neurons. 

Donald Trump's apparent mental breakdown has gotten so worse that NBC news anchorman Brian Williams took notice and was forced to observe last Tuesday night that "“Donald Trump, who has driven well past the last exit to relevance and peered into something closer to irresponsible here, is tweeting tonight.” 

Icheoku retorts that passing the last exit of relevance is a lesser evil and would be far more acceptable outcome as the red pig may have already walked off the reservation of sane people enroute to a lunatic asylum. Icheoku wonders the kind of racist hatred that is driving this cockroach to such an end that he will so hate someone who did nothing to him just because he is BLACK and occupying "their" White House. Icheoku adds, election matters Donald Trump and if it were easy, you would not have dropped out of your intended Republican primaries  run when you did and your minion Mitt Romney would not have been so trounced last Tuesday. However, icheoku wants you to throw more fits of anger as that makes you more imbecilic, idiotic and pedantic; and like McDonald's ad, Icheoku is lovin it - your pain at seeing "your" White House still being occupied by a "NIGGER" and his "NIGGERED" family. Go jump Donald and the nation will not shed a tear for your sorry ass. What a scumbag racist straggly haired guinea pig this Donald Trump is.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Icheoku says those of us who are indeed deeply truly appreciative of people and their goodwill gestures towards us, understand that eye-fluids quickly rushes out in appreciation, whenever someone does something that touches our inner being in some particular special way. So it is easy to relate or trade places with President Barack Hussein Obama tearing up while thanking the miracle-workers that was his campaign team. They made what we are celebrating today possible - they delivered to "THAT ONE" four more years tenancy in the White House against all odds, especially against crass racism that still pervades today's America and which provides fodder for his haters till this day. BO, Icheoku tears up with you and congratulations for REALLY now, convincingly winning a presidential election and for a second term. Admitted you defeated Senator McCain handily in 2008 but they did not see it so as according to sources, they were not expecting you to even secure the nomination hence their lack of preparation to stop you then; unlike this time around when they moved their "earth and heaven" to get you out of "their" White House but still failed woefully. What a deserved dish you served them with your triumph over their idea of a "perfect candidate?" Your victory means so much to so many and Icheoku celebrates it among many other reasons, particularly as no one knows when again we shall be blessed with a soothing sight in the White House of a black couple not doing the chores therein but living there rightly as occupants in chief. Anyway, Icheoku intend to enjoy it while it lasts and like McDonald's ad, Icheoku is lovin it. Congratulations Commander in Chief.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Madonna said that she 'does not care about who you vote for as long as you vote for President Obama.' President Bill Clinton said “I gave my voice in the service of my president” and he wants you to vote your interest by voting for President Obama. Icheoku asks what would you give in service of your president? At least, YOUR VOTE. Mitt Romney is not a desirable alternative, hence we should stick with a tested and tried compassionate man who is for both the 99% as well as the 47% Americans. This Tuesday November 6, vote sensibly, vote Obama; vote FORWARD, vote Obama.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Icheoku says what the campaign of President Obama is going through is a mirrored reflection of the still very much white-tilted American racist society, which judges people disparately based on the color of their skin. As always white people still gets advantageous pass for what their typical black counterparts would be made to pay heavily for. In our American society, what is good for the (white) goose is usually not always good for the (black) gander. In our America society, the warped understanding of the white people is that black people are supposedly destined to serve them (tea) but not otherwise; or in any other event be their boss or try to tell them what to do. It is a society where the worst white hick is usually preferred as better than the best of the best a black person. Icheoku has severally experienced this sociological disequilibrium and the story is mostly true and not different across the board of virtually every black person or person of color living in America; who at one time or another was passed over or asked to train his white replacement or asked to make way for his white junior to take over from him or her? Yes you heard and read Icheoku right and such discriminatory practices continues till this day in the closeted America which the rest of the world do not get to see. Therefore many black people and other minorities of America understand the true underlying reason President Barack Obama is getting all the resistance he is getting in office, including in his reelection campaign, which is not getting the full  follower-ship steam it rightly deserves. It is a racist American society which is rabid that a "NIGGER" is occupying their White House and wants to get rid of him in order to get "their" White House back and at all cost. 

To these people, provided the "NIGGER" is "evicted" from their White House, it does not matter if the white replacement that goes into occupation thereafter is as mean, uncaring, clueless, untrustworthy and out of touch as Mitt Romney. During this political campaign circle, Icheoku has witnessed this "white Mitt Romney can do no wrong" attitude in America political discuss with the less intrusive inquiry into Mitt Romney's religious beliefs. There was no concerted or forensic examination of Mitt Romney's Mormon religion affiliation by main stream American media; unlike the barrage of criticism and "anal probe" carried out on then candidate Obama and which still continues till today within American political discuss. Till this day, talking-heads Americans still question whether President Obama is a Muslim, a secret agent of the Islamic world here to destroy America, who stayed in Pastor Jeremiah's church for twenty years and wonder if indeed the president really goes to church or truly worships. But now Mitt Romney, a Mormon, whose religion has always been held out as a CULT, is freely running the range without even the media shouting a question across to him on his MORMON faith. No one is asking to know what type of doctrine the Mormons espouses or whether Mitt Romney's Mormon believes will impact his presidency or influence his decisions if elected? No, not any one of these journalists or pundits is seeking to know what Mitt Romney's religion truly is all about and whether their beliefs is good for America. Even the "America pastor" so called, Bill Graham, recently took down a page in his church's website where he previously denounced Mormon as a cult and you wonder what other explanation for this herded support for Mitt Romney is other than their anti-Obama sentiment fulled by race. 

Even the last Mitt Romney foreign policy burnish(ment) overseas trip which was literally botched by the candidates mediocre performance hardly sustained any traction within the American media. Needless to mention the negative-undertone of the media during the very successful then candidate Barack Obama similar overseas trip. Icheoku understands and so are millions of other honest Americans who know that race is a huge factor driving the narratives of this two candidates. Further, if Mitt Romney is such a good "economist" who will magically turn America's economy around and overnight, which is probably the only other factor driving his campaign being a former businessman, Icheoku queries, why didn't Mitt Romney foresee that the bailout of the auto industry was a good, humane and profitable thing to do and that the investment would eventually pay off as it has now? Political economics is and should not be a Monday night quarterbacking so Icheoku is emphatic that Mitt Romney should be made to pay a price for abandoning the millions of American families who are dependent on the auto industry when he callously asked that the industry go bankrupt. Icheoku really does not buy into the hype of "economic genus" nonsense that is being ascribed to Mitt Romney and as person who has personally run a business before, Icheoku knows that there is a big daylight between issuing instructions top-down and carrying everybody along. As a CEO, you just issue marching orders with one objective in mind, to meet the bottom-line which is in direct opposite to the role of a democratically elected president, who must endeavor to carry every person along, arm-twisting and cajoling an ever unwilling, highly partisan congress in order to move his policies an inch. So while a person with some business background would make a good Commerce secretary as well as Secretary of the Interior, someone without much ego who could "wash the car and walk the dog of the opposition party leaders," if that is what it will take to get things done, is much more suited and preferred for the office of the president. 

During this election cycle we have seen the cut-throat resistance President Obama's campaign is getting even in most unlikely places such as Ohio, where the president saved 1 in every 6 person's job with the magic of the auto industry bailout; which prompts Icheoku to ask, where did the saying "one good deed deserves another in return" go, Ohioans? It is instructive that when President Obama stood firmly to save the American auto industry, such idea was not politically popular but he did it anyway; while the Mitt Romneys of America were for conducting immediate funeral rites for the industry instead. Yet the only way Ohio is  now remembering that huge favor done for them by President Obama is to be lukewarm and wish-washy about his second term reelection bid? Icheoku asks Ohioans, where is the return of that singular favor which saved your state to the president now that he really needs it? By being indecisive and still remaining on the fence about Mr President's second term reelection effort, it proves one thing and one thing only - that either Ohioans are an ungrateful people or they are just part of the other Americans who are seeing a NIGGER in "their" White House and wants him out and gone for good. Otherwise how else does one place a handle around the fleeting, mercurial and undecided situation in Ohio, where a man who once wanted Ohioans dead economically, is running neck and neck in the polls with the other man who saved them when it mattered most? Icheoku does not get it, because there is nothing to get; and does not understand it because there is no rationalized thing to understand in the circumstance. Simply put, Icheoku laments that Ohioans would be betraying that life-saving trust and bond with President Obama if they vote wrongly and against their interest by embracing Mitt Romney. 

President Obama ordinarily ought to and should be clearly ahead and leading his opponent by so far a wide margin in Ohio were things rightly considered and both candidate fairly judged based on their antecedents. Except that racism still thrives and is still very much alive in America, hence the inexplicable close race America is witnessing in Ohio between the two candidates. It would seem that doctrine of quid pro quo is alien to and does not exist in Ohioans' dictionary; and you wonder why no previous American president seriously wants to tackle the big issues and solve real problems until now. They would rather as was the practice, kick the can down the road and just play along in order to get along because as the whole world is now seeing, Americans are somehow shallow and would not remember, reciprocate a favor; or  rather conveniently choose to forget who it was that got their back when it mattered most. Icheoku says, if Ohioans were a thinking bunch, Mitt Romney would be chased out of the state each and anytime he shows up there for campaign because he was not there for Ohio when it mattered most and when their economic survival was on the firing line. Mitt Romney, cannot and should not be allowed to be a selective "friend" of Ohioans only when it is convenient, with him thinking that Ohioan had forgotten that he prescribed a poison pill for them during the height of the economic turmoil in America. Ohioans, like other sensible Americans should desire a friend indeed who will stand with them when the going is tough and not sacrifice them on the alter of political expediency. Icheoku says Ohioans OWE President Obama big time and alongside the world, is waiting for Ohioans to write the president a big check with their VOTES this November 6, 2012 in repayment. 

In Florida we have also seen thousands of Jewish Americans still strung out against the president despite all he has done to ensure Israeli security more than any other United States president living or dead? These Jews in Florida would rather throw their destiny in the hands of the same Mormon bishop Mitt Romney, who as a governor of Massachusetts, cut off funding for Jewish elderly seniors' Kosher meals? So let some Jewish person in Florida explain this to Icheoku that a man who has showed some averse behavior to the Jews in Massachusetts would not extend same to Jews everywhere and anywhere in America, including in Florida? Same goes for Michigan, Wisconsin and many other American states where the president's reelection effort is not enthusiastically receiving the much needed support it has rightly earned and thus deserves. 

It is, what it is; and as far as Icheoku is concerned, it does not and should not matter any more whatever be the outcome of this election. So if on November 7 we wake up to a Mitt Romney's presidency, we shall understand that racist white Americans eventually had their way - they have reclaimed "their" White House? Icheoku, together with all and every other persons of faith hereby binds over and decrees that such a nightmarish outcome shall not be America's portion in Jesus name. However if and the very unfortunate if situation, it happens, then let it be known that no minority can and shall ever become president of America again and not in the next millennium as the white people of America will go to a great length to frustrate such from ever happening again. Anyone in doubt should take a look at the United States senate where no minority occupies any seat in a 100-seat senate chamber and you tell Icheoku the white Americans would not spend the capital of a Romney's presidency trying to shore up against their fast dwindling (majority) population in America? Still wondering why these Republicans want all raped women to have those rape-babies - to augment their population, may be? Still wondering why the hung-up Republicans want to see the "breeding-rabbits" Hispanics self-deport? Still wants to know why the racist Republicans want to lock up so many viral black-men away in prisons and string some of them on the gurney and have lethal barbiturates injected in them? It is just to make it fair and increase their own (white) chances in competing for populating America and thus retain their majority status, period. But President Obama is in the way and OUT they must get him; except that these racist have another thing coming and that is that they are already in the minority and Americans will resist them come November 6.

We are talking about entrenched racism which cuts across every strata of the American society, manifests and exists everywhere, including in industries, banking, judiciary, politics, commerce and law enforcement. It is an open wound which is still festering in America and only the Almighty would say when it is going to end as Americans are continuously pulling apart to their respective racial enclaves each day for security and comfort. 

During the first presidential debate, it was generally agreed that Mitt Romney trumped Obama. Some white people were overtly ecstatic, congratulating themselves, patting each other's back and slapping themselves hi-five that their Mitt smoked "That One" in the debate. Some of them even suggested that President Obama was so doped and very high on something and forgot the real Barack Obama in the White House; that President Obama only brought his phenom and body-double to the debate and was not present in the debate. Even Icheoku cried holy molly about the president's lackluster performance in the first debate and went to the extent of blaming it on possibly a wife's trouble? Obama, being the sportsman he is, took the message in, went back to the locker room and came out charging and demolishing Mitt Romney in the two subsequent debates that followed. But what followed was atypical of the real America, an America which is hidden to the outside world where a black-man is portrayed as ever ANGRY and intimidating; admitted none of these white people ever asks why? Instead of congratulating the president for being a "come-back kid", they said he was too "aggressive, mean and threatening" to their "gentle and harmless" Mitt Romney? They accused President Obama of taking the sledge-hammer to their "tiny ant" Mitt, who was so scared and intimidated by President Obama that he forgot his lines? They accused the president of belittling the office of the president and of being obtrusively "patronizing," whatever that means? They intoned that Obama was not "presidential" in the debates? Further, that President Obama stooped very low in engaging Mitt Romney and decisively holding The Mitt accountable for his past records of double-speak and numerous flip-flops on so many issues dear to America? They continued that President Barack Obama pummeled and Mike Tyson(ed) frightened chihuahua Mitt Romney in the two final debates and because of his "overreaching" that he is disqualifies to be reelected for a second term? To these rabid white folks, Icheoku asks, what exactly did Mitt Romney do in that first debate to earn him a win, but attack President Obama endlessly and albeit falsely? 

But hell no, in America, a white man can do no wrong whenever a black-man is at the receiving end. No, they are a specially privileged people, ordained by their God to mete it out to black people and other minorities of America as they seem and dim fit? To them the black-man is here to "serve them tea" following their liberation from indentured servitude of slavery and therefore must and should automatically know their place which is definitely not "their" White House. So if on November 7, you wake up to a President-elect Romney, please do not cry or mourn, just understand that the white people of America have taken back "their" White house. To these people it does not matter whether they sacrificed the best face of America to the world or a real breathing and thriving manifestation of the proverbial American dream; and traded him for a dumbo who does not understand the geography between Iran and Syria as well as so many other elementary things. Afterall the same people elected George Bush twice and were prepared to have and put up with him for eight agonizing long years, stammering through the English Language, his only lingua franca. So what the heck if they elect a Mitt Romney, a Mormon, who would not or has refused to release his tax records and has been very secretive about his other past records and activities, including his governorship in Massachusetts, a state which ironically he is not campaigning in because he knows the fate which awaits him there based on his stewardship as their then governor. To this people, it also does not matter that neither Mitt Romney nor his five boys ever served in the military and thus lacked the national security credentials? That Mitt Romney did not visit our troops during his bungled overseas candidate's tour nor mentioned them during his acceptance speech at the Tampa Republican convention?

All Icheoku is saying is that the rest of the world, which thinks that they have had it with America and their George Bush; and that America finally got it right with President Obama, would see a Mitt Romney's "imposition" as a direct affront to them and the heavens will once again come thundering down with their resentment. America's president is technically president of the world at large based on the enormous power and influence it wields over world affairs; little wonder a German parliamentarian once opined that the rest of the world should be allowed to partake in electing an American president or somewhat allowed a say in who becomes American president since he is always going to tell them what to do, short of ordering them around? Russia is anxiously waiting, China is prancingly waiting and so is the Middle East as well as other hot spots of the world to press their respective resentment buttons and restart where they stopped hating America with George Bush? Icheoku queries which American wants all these hassles and unneeded tension and an apprehensive world banded together in their common resentment of America again? Icheoku honestly does not think that all these foreseeable problems and many more are worth electing Mitt Romney without more, other than that he is a white man? Instead, America should keep "That One" who is  currently occupying "their" White House, who happens to be "tanned" or should Icheoku say a NIGGER, because the world is at peace with us because of him. Also he has earned a second term because of the many formidable things he has accomplished within his very short four years first term and would readily do more if reelected. 

Icheoku says however and in the sad unfortunate event America did not or failed to do right by reelecting President Obama for a second term, America will survive. President Barack Obama, whether or not he is retained in the White House will survive and so will his family  - he and his family will be just fine. His history shattering record of being the first black man and a minority to be ever elected America's president will indelibly occupy its enviable place in the annals of history and no two-horned white people can wish or decree it away. The real person and people that would be shafted would be the American people, especially the 99% as well as the  47%, whom Romney has publicly acknowledged he does not care about. So America, either you wake up and smell the coffee or slumber and awake to the nightmare and impending catastrophe that is a Mitt Romney's presidency. If you think George Bush was a disaster then you are looking at a Dick Cheney and Bush combined on steroids with a Romney's presidency, so don't midwife the apocalypse. 

A man who inherited the worst economic crisis since the great depression is now being chased out of the White House just because he did not fix the economy fast enough and overnight? The same man who plugged a 800,000 monthly job loss hole in the economy, created additional 5 million new jobs, killed Osama Bin Laden, saved the auto industry, repaired our relationships around and with the world, ended 'don't ask don't tell' discriminatory policy in the military, made healthcare available to millions of Americans including those with preexisting condition who can now get health coverage, removed world dictators without any American military dying in the process, carried out Wall Street financial reforms, ended Iraq war with Afghanistan's in the course to a meaningful conclusions, kept Americans safe these past four years and put an end to the unnecessary code this and code that warning alerts that increased tension in the land, invested in education and technological needs of Americans as well as numerous other laudable achievements, all within just four years? Simply put, those of us minorities of America who live through discrimination daily in America, understand what time it is; and that time is that a black-man is not and would never be good enough in the jaundiced eyes of these bred of Americans and his accomplishments not worthy of reckoning by these racist white folks. 

Yes, that is the real America, the America not known to the outside world where people are still judged not by the content of their character or their God given ability but mostly by the color of their skin. President Barack Obama is a victim of this skewered racial society which has failed or rather refused to see the many good things he has done this past four years. They also failed to acknowledge his goal-directed effort to improve every body's general well-being instead of the just few one percent; and he is being judged harshly, wrongly and with prejudice by these racist Americans. So if on November 7, you woke up and Obama is no longer the president, do not cry; just remember that his not being reelected was not because he did not do enough or earned the right to a second term; nope, it is because in America, racism is still very much alive and thriving till this day. Put in another way, it would be because the white people have simply taken back their White House and it does not matter to them that a pig is the new occupant provided that pig is white. Before you ask but what about 2008, Icheoku in response reasserts that Senator John McCain lost the election when he chose Sarah Palin, period.

Conversely, if America rose up to the occasion and vote rightly and correctly, by electing President Obama for a richly deserved second term, Icheoku with the rest of the anxious world would breath a sigh of relief that America rose above their mundane racism and did the right thing. Like Colin Powell said while endorsing Obama for a second term, Mitt Romney is not a palatable alternative; Mitt Romney is not a good trade nor a viable option for Obama as he (Mitt) stands for nothing and believes in nothing; moreso those Neo-Con vultures around him would hijack his presidency and among other things plunge America into another unnecessary war we could ill afford; as well as implement such other anti-society policies like gutting education and depriving millions of America their health coverage under Obamacare. Remember, unlike Obama who cares, Mitt Romney does not care a hoot about the less fortunate Americans and then ask yourself why help put a man who is so heartless, ruthless and completely indifferent to the plight of millions of Americans as Mitt Romney in the White house? America, Icheoku says we have a choice to make this November 6, we have a choice to vote to protect our interest, we have a choice to vote to prove we are in the majority - the 99 % that is. This November, ELECT President Barack Obama for a second term to enable him finish and complete the good works he has already begun. In President Barack Obama we, the 99 percent as well as the 47 percent trust; in President Barack Obama, our fate lies and together we must and shall ensure that a man with compassion, integrity and proven empathy retains the White house for our sake and the sake of America's enduring future. This is our cause, this is Icheoku's pledge and together we shall have the job done come election day, November 6, 2012; and in unison exclaim once again, YES WE DID! With this, Icheoku solemnly endorses President Barack Hussein Obama for a second term. Vote America, Vote Obama.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Has he done all that he said or promised he would do, no. Has he done everything he ought to do or possibly could do, nope, But under the circumstance he found America in 2009, he has done enough within his first term to earn and therefore merits a second term to finish what he has begun. Like children in the back seat of a vehicle on a journey often asks, "are we there yet?" Icheoku responds no; but says the destination is within the horizon and we shall get there soon. Americans should know that the country is travelling on a course that is predetermined, with a driver that is razor-sharply focused and the destination already within sight. We are moving forward and the compass confirms that we are on the right trajectory and shall get there soon and very soon. Therefore lets stay the course as there is no need changing the driver mid-journey or starting the journey denovo with a new road-map or changing the route so far into the travel especially when the one already navigating us out of our mess is doing a good job. Lets renew President Obama's contract with America for four more years and watch the bounty of his past four years come to fruition. On November 6, Vote FORWARD, VOTE OBAMA

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


"This campaign is about trust. There is no more serious issue in a presidential campaign than trust. The person who leads this country you've got to have some confidence that he or she means what he or she says; that they believe that they are going to do it. You want someone to look you in the eye and say, 'Here's what I stand for. Here's what I'll fight for. Here's what I care about. Here's who I'm going to look out for in the debates in Washington." - President Barack Obama making a very strong case touching on character or lack thereof against the 'all over the map' Mitt Romney and his incessant equivocations and prevarications from post to pillar on so many issues. Icheoku agrees with the president that Mitt Romney is trying so hard to hoodwink Americans and con his way into the White House and should be stopped. Just in case, should the tragedy of a Mitt Romney presidency happen, America shall live to regret their intemperate shortsightedness and a time for buyer's remorse would certainly follow. This November, vote for a steady and assured hand in the White House; the world is in need of a repairman and Mitt Romney is not one. Vote for FORWARD moving America, VOTE OBAMA.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Icheoku agrees with millions of Americans that President Obama gave The Mitt some tutorials on foreign affairs in today's final debate. Mitt Romney was so flabbergasted by the marshaling of foreign policy objective by the president that he practically agreed with President Barack Obama on literally every point. This found Mitt Romney changing all his previously held positions and once again living up to his sobriquet as Mister Flip-flopping in chief. Mitt Romney was so pummeled by the president that he started singing his known refrain of "me too" to whatever position the president held or was for. So Americans, you have seen today the men who wants to be your president and commander in chief - one who is already tested and has so far proved his mettle and one, a novitiate, trying rather too hard to lie his way into the White House. In this troubled times and in a world too shaky, we need a steady hand on the tiller as the later is too much of a risk for America to gamble her future with. So, choose today and choose wisely, who shall sensibly pilot our affairs the next four years including not starting another war we cannot afford or causing more troubles for America particularly with Russia and China. Congratulations BO, we are marching FORWARD and this November, VOTE OBAMA. 



"I know you have'nt been in a position to actually execute foreign policy, but every time you've offered an opinion, you've been wrong." - President Barack Hussein Obama counselling Mitt Romney.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The president did exactly what he knew we expected from him to do and boy, was he what and who we elected in 2008 to lead us. The president smoked The Mitt; he showed the Mormon bishop pepper. This November 6, give him 4 more years of continuing the onward march FORWARD, carrying everyone along. VOTE OBAMA, he earned it, he gets it, he gets your back, he gets the job done and he will complete the job. We have to together finish what we have begun with a man of character who says what he means and means what he says! 

Boy was the boy wonder is back and swinging at the Mormon bishop and lying scumbag who wants to con his way into the White House. Thank you President Barack Obama for reassuring America that they did not make any mistake when they first hired you last November 2008 and that what was left undone would be accomplished within the next four years. 

Icheoku says we are back, Team Obama is back and together we are marching FORWARD unstoppably into the White House for a second term. But we never left in the first place for crying out loud, so no shaking. The president truly showed the Mitt who is commander in chief and what it means to be a sportsman - competitiveness. He smoked Mitt Romney roundly and for this Icheoku and millions of Americans are grateful. To President Obama Icheoku says today's debate earns you another round of greens from us in appreciation and we shall be doubling our contributions made so far to the campaign. Kudos Barack, Icheoku is grateful you showed the Mitt pepper. Thank you Mr President.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


The Mormon bishop from Massachusetts has a secret agenda and this is why he is doing and saying whatever you will like to hear to secure the presidency. Mitt Romney is a Mormon and Mormons believe Jesus Christ landed in America after his transfiguration and told their founder Joseph Smith to establish the church of Later days Saints aka Mormon. So the correlative is that since Mormon was founded in America, America ought to be like a Vatican of the Mormon church and this is one of the driving forces of Mitt Romney's campaign of lies and double-speak. Do you also know that Mormons believe that they are "gods" and that there is no heaven or hell; but that those found good will inherit the earth entirely to themselves. Therefore Icheoku asks, does a religion which thinks this way still qualify as Christianity or a Christian religion?

Could the Southern Baptist minister who once called Mormon a cult be right and if so why is Mitt Romney's religion not occupying the center-stage of discussion and anal-exam in this election campaign season; afterall in 2008, Obama was accused of being a "MUSLIM" and at the same time of spending over 20 years in Jeremiah Wright's CHURCH? Which begs the question, how could a MUSLIM spend over twenty years in a church when American landscape is fully dotted with mosques or was then candidate Obama a "MUSTAIN" - an Icheoku manufactured acronym for a religious hybrid adherent who is both a Muslim and a Christian all in one?

Regrettably, Americans are given to shows, thanks to the influence of Hollywood and television fantasy-themed shows, and are gradually being misled and beguiled by the smooth talking snake-oil sales man Mitt Romney. Icheoku warns, if Mitt wins this election, there will be a lot of depression in America and so many people might even commit suicide in protest when they no longer see the man who represents hope in the White House. A mean and alien-looking Mitt is not a good trade-off or exchange or replacement for the all American story we have now and President Obama has done enough to earn him a second term. Mitt is mean and so please America, don't bite of the forbidden apple represented in Mitt Romney. This November, vote your interest; vote for a man who has worn your shoes before and knows how it hurts; vote for a man who has paid mortgages and knows how it drives your blood pressure high each time another month end is approaching; vote for a man who has had student loans and knows what it means for debt collectors to ring your phone off the hook; vote for a man who truly wants to help you have a real opportunity at crossing over the economic chasm in this country because himself was once on the other side of the divide.

Mitt Romney does not get it because he has never lived the life of the ordinary Joe and Jane of America. Mitt does not understand and cannot feel your pains because he is a son of privilege and has enjoyed a life of privilege since birth and still making out like a bandit today with a net-worth in excess of $250 million dollars. Mitt has made Russia mad. Mitt has insulted Britain. Mitt has denigrated Spain. The Middle East is riled up and smarting for a showdown with America's Mitt. Iran might get the hammer dragging America into another costly war we cannot afford to wage now with so many domestic issues needing all the funding they can get. The Chinese are waiting for America to make the mistake of "electing" Mitt before they will tell us how truly pissed off they at Mitt. America, ask yourself what are the cost benefits of these scenarios with having a Mitt Romney's president or are we far better off continuing our travel on the more sensible path which we are currently on?

As you already know, President Obama will be just fine assuming the worst happens and he loses the election. The people that will be shafted are those of you 99% as well as the new 47% Americans the President is trying so hard to help lift out of their misery index; but the choice is now yours to prove that you are truly the majority in America by voting to protect what is dear to you. Icheoku says if Mitt is "elected" and by these same people, since the majority decides and they are the supposedly the majority, then they deserve whatever comes down the pike to them from a Mitt Romney's White House. And to refresh their minds, these assured destruction include letting the banks foreclose on all houses owing any mortgage; letting the rebounding auto industry fall back into foreclosure, letting Wall Street run wild again; letting Insurance companies deny people with pre-existing condition coverage or drop your coverage once you get sick. That women who get raped will have to prove under oath that the rape was not legitimate before they can see a doctor is also a possibility? Remember fundamentalist Paul Ryan is Mitt Romney's running mate and the far right extremist wing of the Republican Party are waiting to hijack a Mitt's administration as soon as he is "sworn in?" America, we cannot afford these retrogressive ideology and allow it yoke us down again or to start the next four years in another cold war fog. What we need now is to cement the gains of the past four years and continue our progressive march forward and only one candidate thinks this way. America, think and move FORWARD with Obama, this November VOTE OBAMA.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Professor Wole Soyinka in his 1972 locus classicus, "The Man Died," wrote:- "The man dies in him who keeps silent in the face of tyranny." Professor Chinua Achebe decided that his manliness shall not die. He refused to keep silent or be quietened down. As a man whose manhood is still alive, Professor Chinua Achebe has spoken out against the injustice that was meted out to the people of Biafra by two known Nigerian tyrants, Obafemi Awolowo and Yakubu Gowon. Why some people are chewing him out for chronicling facts of consequence which took place not too long ago for their memories to have faded or become somewhat too hazy for its recollection is simply beyond Icheoku's comprehension; except that evil thrives when good men chose to do nothing. Now those evil people are in addition, mad as hell that someone is finally speaking up and speaking out about a sordid Nigeria past which still haunts her till today. Thankfully the same Wole Soyinka also once said that history are kept for a reason that its actors may not later dispute what was recorded? 

Regrettably many of the apologists calling Professor Chinua Achebe out for his audacity in pointing an accusatory finger on the two devils - Awolowo and Gowon, in their sanctimonious adumbration, missed the salient point raised by Achebe in "There was a country", especially as it appertain to the two principal subjects being reproached. It was Awolowo and not the entire Yoruba race that was called out by Achebe in his Biafran war memoirs and so if there is any beef with anyone it is with Awolowo and not the entire Oduduwa clan. Awolowo was the sole perpetrator of the infra-dig which roils Achebe as well as millions of other Igbo people who were shafted during the Biafran war, as a result of crushing and inhumane policies put together and implemented to the letter by Obafemi Awolowo. Icheoku will not rehash all the cruelty dished out to the Igbo people by that human excrement, but suffice it that history books are brimming with them for those curious minded to feast on. What happened is not an ancient fiction but a very recent historical fact, al things considered since the Jewish people still talk about the holocaust and African Americans the slavery, so why not a mere forty plus year genocide of the Biafran people? 

Anyway Icheoku commends Professor Chinua Achebe for his bravery and audacity in calling a spade a spade by holding Awolowo responsible and accountable for the hand he dealt the people of Biafra, Achebe did this, fully aware that many of those herd-mentality plagued humans of the Southwest would come out swinging and charging at him for daring to call their deity out on his intransigence. Men like Chinua Achebe are very hard to come by and his latest work highly commendable; a matter made more pertinent because of his very advanced age and the fact that our other hero Odumegwu Ojukwu went to his grave with his memoirs, which he promised Nigerians but never had time to bring it out before he passed on. Icheoku hopes other actors, men and women with actual and true knowledge about what happened to Igbo people during that war of survival, shall stand up following in Achebe's footprint, eyeball the devil and tell the world their stories. The world needs to know and Biafran future generation needs to know their struggle which ensured their continued existence in Nigeria today despite the shenanigans of genocidal machinations of two rather war criminals, Yakubu Gowon and Obafemi Awolowo who wished Biafra a total extinction. But at last, they were not God and their both families are still paying the price for what these two animals did to women and children of Biafra. 

"There was a country" is a good historical account of the Biafran war and Icheoku strongly recommends it as a must read for all who want to understand the havoc wrecked on a people by two vicious, very mean and perverted fellows named Gowon and Awolowo. To their greatest chagrin, Biafran people survived their plots and are thriving well under the circumstance in a country which has stacked so much against them. Icheoku says who now laughs last - an Awolowo that none of his children is thriving in Yoruba Southwest political equation or a literally castrated Yakubu Gowon, who is now living on a semi self exile in London while his Berom people are being savagely murdered by the Hausa/Fulani herdsmen in Plateau state; while he stands aloof in hopeless bewilderment wondering what happened to his being part of Northern Nigeria? Gowon's people, the hunters of Biafrans are now themselves being brutally hunted by the Hausa/Fulani real owners of Northern Nigeria. That makes Yakubu Gowon and his people neither here nor there as they have strangely found out to their chagrin that they are not accepted Northern Nigeria bona fides as the real Northern Nigerians wants them wiped out and off their regional hemisphere? 

Icheoku says accursed be all those people or persons whose wicked plans caused untold harm to a people who did nothing to provoke a war or their planned extermination from Nigeria. People whose only offense was trying to defend themselves from an already begun extermination agenda in the hands of Gowon's led Nigerian vindictive Nigeria's army. Icheoku says to hell with Awolowo and all those his apostles who are completely blinded by their deaf and dumb follower-ship of him not to see the gist of the angst expressed in Achebe's "There was a country." That it was not an indictment of the entire Yoruba people, many of whom fought with and for Biafra, but a targeted pointing out of Awolowo for what he did during Biafran war to a people who did not deserve his darts. Ditto Yakubu Gowon and some of his then Middle-belt people who laid in wait and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Igbo people as they made their way back to the East fleeing the world's worst known but rarely mentioned genocidal ethnic cleansing. 

Friday, October 5, 2012


Mitt Romney came charging and mesmerized millions of watching Americans and others world-wide with his "better" credentials to be president. The theater was good, his delivery eloquent and stage presence well felt; but the question bothering Icheoku as well as other millions of Americans is which Mitt Romney showed up in the debate? Is it the Mitt Romney who is very mean and uncaring and who says a lot of bad things about the poor and down-trodden in private? Is it the Mitt Romney who derided 47% Americans as victims and freeloaders? Is it the Mitt Romney who will kill Elmo and PBS? Is it the Mitt Romney who did not pay his taxes and if he did, paid at a rate far below the average rate Joe and Jane Americans paid? Is it the Mitt Romney, the Mormon bishop, who the Baptist Southern Christians called his religion a CULT? Is it the Mitt Romney who speaks on both sides of his mouth depending on the audience before him? The Mitt Romney that showed up in the debate is definitely not the same Mitt Romney Americans have come to loathe so much because of his scary positions on all things that make America a better and caring nation.

Icheoku asks, which copy of Mitt Romney showed up in the debate and bamboozled Americans into thinking that he will make a good president? The problem however is that a man who turns tricks with his positions each time and every time he is cornered lacks the character to be a good president. The problem is that a man who cannot maintain a stand on an issue but pivots as soon as it becomes uncomfortable cannot make a good president. The problem is that a man who does not stand on his words but flip flops constantly and depending on the audience before him cannot be a good president. So America, how does anyone know if the same Mitt Romney that showed up in the debate would be the same Mitt Romney that would show up to govern assuming the accident of his presidency becomes a reality.

This is where the cookie crumbled regarding his stellar performance in the debate and Americans should beware of the product represented in the Mitt. Mitt Romney will force Russia into a shooting war with America if? Mitt Romney will force the Chinese hands too if? Mitt Romney will cause more trouble around the world for America just to prove a point if? So do not be fooled by his Hollywood-styled performance last Wednesday because what you saw will not be what you will get. Icheoku says that Mitt Romney is a fluke, a fake and a fraud and if you are in doubt, just look into his eyes and you will see peering back at you a man who wants to gut everything that sustains your life and living conditions. This Mitt is just too Mean to be president of all. So please don't fall for that display; please don't vote against your interest; please reject Mitt Romney for he stands against the 99% as well as additional 47% Americans. This November, VOTE OBAMA; he is a steady hand manning the tiller and it can only get better. America we are moving FORWARD, and FORWARD we shall continue to move.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


As the presidential debate number one goes into history books, Icheoku makes bold to say that watching President Obama during the debate left much to be desired. Either he was tired or pissed off at something or indeed did not prepared well enough for the debate. Our verdict, like millions of other Americans and interested foreigners alike that tuned in, it was Mitt Romney's night in Denver. 

However Icheoku disagrees with the margin being ascribed to Mitt's out-performance of the president and would rather state that it hovers around 57 against the president's 51 percentage points respectively. Some good news however is that the debate no matter how erudite and lofty, would not necessarily affect the votes of die in the wool partisans; moreso the topic centered on the economy which is Mitt Romney's strongest argument why he want to be president and President Obama's Achilles heel shadowing his reelection bid. What is Icheoku saying, that Mitt Romney has fired his best and probably final shot and there are two more battles yet ahead, in areas President Obama have succeeded and would take his own pound of flesh then - foreign relations and keeping America safe. May be like Don Corleone said in The Godfather, the economy-debate might be the bad news that is preferably better served first, for President Obama. As going forward with the debates, the Mitt having spent his most lethal weapon can only look as the president takes him to task to explain which Mitt Americans will see as president and why he says one thing in private and says completely different thing when in public? 

Further, it would appear that the president, like millions of other Americans that tuned in, was surprised by the different Mitt Romney that showed up for the debate - a somewhat more amiable and jocularly beaming Mitt, that was entirely different from the stiff and woody Mitt America has been living with these past several months. Icheoku is not a fan but would admit that the Mitt Romney that turned out for this debate left impressions; although not enough to persuade us differently with our priceless vote come November 6. Last but not the least is that Mitt Romney is a seasoned salesman who could easily sell snake oil to anyone or even sand to Sahara desert dweller and so was in a better position to push his sloganeering agenda past a very articulate and methodical president who came across somehow unsure of his positions or was seen deferring so much to Mitt Romney as he constantly used the words "Mitt and I agree....?" 

Anyway be the debate as it may, the fact of this election is that Mitt is very mean and does not and would not care about so many Americans on the bottom of the food chain. However, Icheoku is in agreement that people should be taught rather how to fish than to be perpetually handed fish; but posits that the weaning-off process should be a gradual one as opposed to the cold-turkey approach Mitt and Ryan are saying the would implement. 

So in conclusion, Icheoku says that luckily the campaign still has more than four weeks to go and the auto industry-reliant Ohio and Pennsylvania states would not forget who saved their life-blood when it mattered most and who wanted it junked. Further that a man who would not release his tax records probably has something he is hiding and suffers a credibility question. to be president. That a man who is not consistent but constantly speaks from both sides of his mouth is sure not the type of president America desires or deserves at this time. Needless to add that America is safer today because Osama Bin Laden is gone and we know under whose watch that came to pass. In any event, America, lets allow the president's planted seeds of tomorrow's better and stronger economy mature into a harvest that the plurality of Americans would enjoy and not rush him out the door considering the enormity of the disaster which he inherited from the previous administration. So on November 6, VOTE OBAMA and do not let the president suffer a defeat in the hands of the man who was defeated by Senator John McCain who the president defeated in 2008. Moreso the president has done good job so far and should be allowed to complete his legally tolerable second term.

Monday, October 1, 2012


"Nigeria is an imploded society which has socially and economically shrunk to a point of recurrent and generalized malfunction because a great deal of its vitality has evaporated as a result of an extensive degradation of its social values and economic capabilities. One only needs to keep both eyes open to observe in one’s daily surrounding the multiplication of supporting evidences as well as the depth to which the disease has penetrated our society." - Richard Akinjide on the occasion of Nigeria's 52nd independence day anniversary. Icheoku says 'beeni' and couldn't agree with the high chief more. The worst case is that the supposed leadership has not identified the fundamental problem militating against Nigeria's awakening and by necessary implication could not succinctly articulate the way forward out of the malaise. Icheoku posits what is 52 years of life if it was a life lived so far without meaning.