Sunday, June 14, 2020
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Friday, June 12, 2020
ICHEOKU says President Donald John Trump has once again delivered to the black American community, appointing for the first time in the history of America, a black person as head of a branch of the United States of America Armed Forces, the Air Force. A man of action who believes in tangible deliverables; unlike the Democrats who has been riding black people dirty for a long time without anything for black people to show for their never unyielding loyalty to the party. |
The president was right when he asked black people during the last election, what do they got to lose voting for him and since his inauguration has delivered a lot for the black community in America including a Surgeon General of the United States, Criminal Reform and now the Air Force chief among many other things. ICHEOKU says any black person who does not vote for President Donald John Trump on November 3rd is an unappreciative ingrate who chose to be blinded by the unexplained hatred for the president, especially as Joe Biden damaged the black community more, his 1994 Crime Bill considered.
ICHEOKU says will vote for the president and before then, will continue to vigorously campaign for his reelection and he will be reelected. Congratulations to the new Air Force Chief General Charles Q Brown and also to President Donald John Trump for making that impossible opportunity possible. Without a doubt, black people are certainly moving forward under the president more than they have ever been under any previous president. The president has done enough to earn their vote on November 3rd and hopefully they will give the president reason to continue delivering for them in his next term.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Campaigning for any elective office, especially the presidency, should not be based on complains about the incumbent and things he or she did wrong. It also should not be about repeatedly saying how disdainful or disgusting the incumbent is and how awful they are. No, campaign should be about what the aspirant intends to and will do to right perceived wrongs and correct inadequacies of the administration they are aspiring to displace. Campaign should be how the aspirant will improve the lives of the people and keep them safe and overall make them better than the administration they are seeking to oust. But instead of message of hopeful anticipation, the Democratic Party are usually busy with personal attack of the incumbent, the reason it is often difficult for them to win presidential elections.
So, why is the Democratic Party's presidential candidate not innovating to elevate and is stuck in the old playbook for presidential election as Hillary Clinton did in 2016 and expecting a different outcome. ICHEOKU says not withstanding the usual "poll" numbers which is usually skewed by the pollsters to achieve a desired outcome, Joe Biden will not win the forthcoming November 3rd presidential election. It will not happen as he has not convinced the country on the merit of putting him in the White House; at least not at this moment. His campaign is busy telling American people that President Donald John Trump is bad, but they are not telling them why they are better and deserving of their votes instead of the president. They are also too condescending to allow American people determine the president's badness by themselves, the reason they are drumming that repeatedly.
Instead of telling American people why they should replace their president and in his place put Joe Biden in the White House, they are busy bombarding tired ears with how horrible the president is. They are not enumerating the many ways Joe Biden's government will be different and how he will improve their lives much more than the current president. Rather, they are stuck in the mud of President Trump is a bad person, he is morbidly obese, he is an orange man, he does not show empathy, he is a bomb thrower and all other sundry descriptions which attacks his personality but not his presidency. They forgot that President Donald John Trump was elected "as is" in 2016 and because he promised American people a different kind of presidency and he is delivering on it. That is what is uppermost in the minds of American people as they vote to reelect the president and not the "orange" color of the president's skin.
They are not articulating policy positions, economic plans, healthcare plan, how to counter Chinese insurgence and domination quest, how to checkmate North Korea, Iran and Russia, how to tackle the economy and of course how they will do a better job at these than the president. These are what American people want to hear from candidates seeking the highest office in the land, but instead they just want American people to hand the keys of their White House to Joe Biden without telling them why they should take the key away from the president and give it to Joe Biden. Where is the nuance and where is the difference, otherwise why should there be change in the White House; but the Joe Biden's campaign is not supplying the answers because they have no answer to give to the American people, the reason Joe Biden will lose the election of November 3rd.
Anyway, it is what repeatedly doing the same thing while expecting different results is all about. It is the concise definition of insanity. On November 3rd the Joe Biden's campaign will understand that President Donald John Trump won the 2016 election based on the same set of electioneering principle of telling voters what a president will do differently. You convince them and they will vote for you. So, as it was in 2016 so shall it be in 2020. President Donald John Trump will be reelected on November 3rd 2020 because Joe Biden did not give American people a reason to vote otherwise differently. A wise person does not change the horse mid stream and American people are wise. The reason they say "if ain't broke don't fix it" and if there is no reason to change what is, maintain the status quo.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Monday, June 8, 2020
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Friday, June 5, 2020
Now, he has aligned with General Mattis and you wonder what will Mitt Romney not do to show and register his displeasure at the president. A president who is a man of peace and who has not started any new war since he came into office, but is ending America's overextended engagements in never ending wars throughout the world. That anybody would seriously think that the president will allow American citizens to be killed by American soldiers on American soil is the height of puerility and willful ignorance of the president's approach to governance. The president merely cajoled the protesters to see if they could stop their looting and burning, but he never meant to unleash soldiers on American citizens. But Mitt Romney and his Trump-hating band of scavengers would rather pretend otherwise as they attack the president for no reason whatsoever other than to pile on him, because it is election season and all the long knives are out.
It is the continuing enmity which saw Mitt Romney vote to call more witnesses against the president during the impeachment hearing; admitted he did not have the decency to apologize for that since the truth of the hoax became public. Mitt Romney had asked for more witnesses and additional documentations to be presented, which were rejected, but he still went on to vote to convict the president. ICHEOKU says on what sufficient evidence did Mitt Romney's determination that the president was guilty based, since his request for more witnesses and additional evidence were denied. According to Mitt Romney, the reason for the additional witnesses and documentations was to shore up the weak evidence presented. But they were not made available, which meant that the case was not sufficiently proved to warrant a conviction but he went on to vote to convict the president, regardless.
It showed a Mitt Romney who was predisposed to convict the president, otherwise he would have voted to acquit the president for lack of sufficient evidence. Meanwhile, he pretended all along to be an impartial juror but had made up his mind to convict, which shows that he is double faced janus. Mitt Romney does not know how to get past his anger at the president. He is also envious and jealous of the president accomplishments, particularly his presidency and he will always stab the president at any given opportunity, as he just did again by taking sides with General Mattis against a president who was merely trying to quell the riot and destruction going on by talking tough. He knows that the president will not kill Americans, yet he chose to once again drive the knife into the president's rib cage.
If the president is a bad person would Mitt Romney have actively sought a job as Secretary of State in his presidency. If the president is evil, would Mitt Romney have accepted as many dinner invites and visits to the White House. If the president is a horrible person would Mitt Romney have accepted an invitation to the White House to participate in the vaping brainstorming. If the president is such a hate-filled monster, would Mitt Romney have actively courted his endorsement when he ran for president against Barack Obama in 2012? Again the president endorsed him when he ran for Senate in Utah and Mitt Romney welcomed the endorsement with glee. What exactly did the president do to attract such venomous hatred from Mitt Romney, except that the president achieved what Mitt Romney bungled and became the president of the United States of America before him and an envious Mitt Romney is still sulking over it.
ICHEOKU says the person who actually have a cold heart of evil is Mitt Romney, the Mormon. Mr Penguin is very antagonistic of the president for no reason except that he is jealous of the president. Mr Stiff, who choked during his 2012 second debate with Barack Obama and went on to lose the election, is still mad at himself and mad at a president who succeeded where he failed. During the impeachment, Mitt Romney would have voted to acquit or at most voted PRESENT due to lack of sufficient evidence but he chose to vote to convict the president. He was also aware that his joining the Democrats to vote guilty would not change the verdict. But not Mitt Romney, as he insisted on sticking it to the president with his yes vote and let the world know that he hates the president so much, seeks his downfall and does not give a damn nor care a hoot about party unity or being a team player.
Mitt Romney said that he principally wanted John Bolton's testimony to see if it could provide him with a reasonable doubt about what the president did. This meant that Mitt Romney had already made up his mind about the president's guilt, adjudged the president guilty and only sought a reason to change his guilty vote. How tenable was Mitt Romney's explanation since he knew what John Bolton would have testified to, that the president told him investigating Joe Biden was his reason for delaying the Ukrainian aid. How could such a testimony have provided Mitt Romney with any reasonable doubt in order to change his already made up mind, guilty. But he lied anyway about his ulterior motive, yet he parades himself as a Christian, exactly the reason many people doubt that the Mormon church is a Christian body and not a cult.
What manner of a Christian holds such an unending grudge and is very unforgiving. The president has severally tried to woo and win Mitt Romney over despite Mitt Romney having actively worked against his candidacy and also refused to vote for him. The president interviewed Mitt Romney for the Secretary of State position but Mitt Romney was determined not qualified. The president actively supported Mitt Romney's Senate campaign and severally twitted his full support for his Senate run. The has severally invited Mitt Romney to the White House for dinner and for semi official matters such as during the Vaping brain storming. But despite all these gestures of goodwill, Mitt Romney still harbors ill will against the president, begging the question, what exactly does Mitt Romney want before he could repent and sin no more against a president who did nothing to him nor bears grudges against him.
ICHEOKU says what manner of a man still wishes the president ill despite all the president have done to smooth things over with him, except a Judas Iscariot who covets the presidency and continuously participates in various schemes to get rid of the president and remove from office. Mitt Romney admitted that nobody can defeat an incumbent President Donald John Trump on November 3rd, 2020; the reason he shied away from contesting for president this 2020. Mitt Romney said this himself while speaking to his donors and supporters in June 2018:
"I think President Trump will be re-nominated by my party easily, and I think he’ll be reelected solidly in 2020. A strong economy and rising wages, including the Democrats really going out of the mainstream of American thought, will make it easier for a president who is presiding over a growing economy to win a reelection come 2020. Therefore I will not challenge his nomination but will strongly support his reelection in 2020." But the economy has succumbed to the coronavirus pandemic and Mitt Romney is second guessing himself by resuming his hostility at the president.
Unfortunately a lot of bad people do horrible things in the name of religion. Islamist terrorists blow people up shouting Allahu Arkbah. Mitt Romney shrouds his evil heart in religion and uses it to bamboozle his listeners. He presents an outer piousness as a reason to believe him because according to him, his faith is in a higher being which solely drives his actions. But this is the same callous man who refused to provide insurance to one of his employee who had cancer and he watched him die. This is a man who became rich through hostile take over of distressed companies and firing their staff and then turning around to sell the shorted companies off at a profit. This is a man who tied his family's dog on the roof of his car and drove twelve hours on a vacation. Mitt Romney also kept a binder full of women, yet he is sanctimoniously preaching virtue and love to the president.
This is the fella preaching morals and holding himself supremely qualified to pass judgment on President Trump. What exactly did Mitt Romney want the president to do, to stand aside hands akimbo and watch the mob overrun the White House and burn it down like the British did. The same Mitt Romney would have been the first person to complain that the president could not and did not defend the White House from the mob when they attacked, begging the question could this guy make heaven and what would Jesus say to him. What a pitiful slimy fellow and he looks the part, a Cassius and a Judas Iscariot combined. The good news is that Mitt Romney has burnt whatever goodwill he previously had with American people and he can NEVER be elected president of the United States of America no matter his treachery. The guy is toast, electorally.