Friday, July 5, 2019
"Hello, America. Hello. The First Lady and I wish each and every one of you a Happy Independence Day on this truly historic Fourth of July! Today, we come together as one nation with this very special Salute to America. We celebrate our history, our people, and the heroes who proudly defend our flag -- the brave men and women of the United States Military.
Thursday, July 4, 2019
ICHEOKU says the NBC moderators seemed to favor her with more questions, answering time and air time. They even opened the two segments of the two hours debate with first questions directed at her. ICHEOKU says is she the Plan B, just in case Joe Biden gaffes himself out of relevance. She acquitted herself well and might likely secure the nomination, if only the Democratic Party will not rig the process once again. She has a right sounding presidential name, Warren. Anyway, we shall see how everything turns out.
ICHEOKU says her name is Cori Gauff, aka Coco and she is an exceptionally talented tennis player; simply put, a tennis prodigy. She is just 15 years old and defeated a consummate tennis great Venus Williams at the Wimbledon. ICHEOKU says they don't make her likes that many and it is important to remember that Venus also, similarly started playing tennis at a very young age as well.
Young Coco admitted that Venus was her role model, the reason she took to playing tennis and said that she is living her dream by defeating her heroine Venus. In her own words, she said:
"Honestly I don't really know how to feel. This was the first time I ever cried after a match. While winning, obviously. ... I never thought this would happen. I'm literally living my dream right now. And not many people get to say that. I'm just happy that Wimbledon gave me the opportunity to play. I definitely had to tell myself to stay calm. I had never played on a court that big. But I had to remind myself that the lines on the court are the same size. Everything around it might be bigger, but the lines are the same. After every point, I was just telling myself to stay calm."
ICHEOKU says what a wisdom filled talented young woman as she not only played very well, but also spoke very well. ICHEOKU says another tennis great is born, hurrah. Congratulations Coco.
ICHEOKU says on the occasion of America's independence day from Britain, a day which every American should celebrate with prideful dignity, nobody should trivialize the solemnity of this day. Happy independence anniversary celebration to all patriotic Americans who are joyful that they are Americans. Salute.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
ICHEOKU says when you think that Colin Kaepernick has disappeared with his kneeling down controversy and that chapter of his disruptive activism was finally closed, here he resurfaces with yet another more weightier controversy, impugning American flag and forcing Nike to withdraw a beautiful flag themed shoes, which many people would have bought because it is a thing of beauty.
The Betsy Ross flag shoes which Nike had planned to release for America's Independence Day commemoration, a well intended honor for the woman who first designed the American flag, has now been hounded down with a needless controversy about slavery, as Nike was forced to beat a retreat and pull them from its stores.
ICHEOKU says why was Colin Kaepernich not first consulted for his input during the design and approval stages of the shoes; and why did Nike wait until now that the shoes were ready for launch before seeking Colin Kaepernick's opinion, resulting to the current imbroglio. Imagine the amount of money spent on getting the shoes to the market, in design, production, logistics, advertising as well as marketing and all of these will now go to waste simply because Colin Kaepernick gave a thumb down. Speaking of a manufactured crisis and this otherwise avoidable controversy, about a 13 Stars representing 13 States themed flag design, is absolutely really one.
This is a flag which even black American President Barack Obama did not find offensive and used it during his inauguration ceremony; but suddenly Colin Kaepernick woke up and decided it is henceforth offensive because it was designed during slavery, without regards to the fact that America had thirteen States at the time the flag was designed, which founded the thirteen stars representing the 13 States in the Union. But acting as devil's advocate to the Colin Kaepernick crowd, ICHEOKU says, should America now destroy everything that was built and founded during the same period of slavery, before it was abolished; and if yes, what will still be left standing in America, knowing fully well that majority of America's vast wealth could be traced to slave labor.
ICHEOKU says does not support slavery, but it is a historical part of America which cannot be simply easily wished away. Therefore, holding Nike hostage because of a supposed "slave" flag, which was then at the time of its design time appropriate, is not right. Nike should have instead proceeded to sell the shoes and donate all the proceeds of sale to causes which Colin Kaepernick approves and supports. But to just condemn the entire stock of such beautiful shoes and waste all the money spent on bringing it to the market as well as expected profits from sales, is simply incomprehensible and a colossal waste of resources.
Colin Kaeprnick should have been more reasonable not to suffer Nike such a loss of money; and instead accept a donation of the proceeds to ameliorating causes to blacks and other disadvantaged peoples of America, as well as those foreign slaves in those sweatshops which make those Nike beautiful shoes. Query, should Joseph Biden now be prohibited from running for president in the Democratic Party, simply because, according to him, his Great State of Delaware was a slave State? Enough of all these needless, petty righteous indignation that only further polarizes Americans and create additional fissures among Americans. #BringBackBetsyRossShoes&DonateTheProceedsOfSales.
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
ICHEOKU says despite all the lip service denials, is it possible that former Vice President Joe Biden had and still nurses some racist tendencies, which sometimes bubbles up to the top in some of his unguarded comments and statements. He is afterall a good ole white boy and like Bill Clinton, shared in the same privileges of whites only, this and that; as well as other perks of that era, which somewhat continued till this day.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck; so if the former Vice President has made statements which could be associated to racists or interpreted as racism, and has palled around with known racists and segregationists, is it possible that he is one of them? A popular aphorism says, tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are; so, who is Joe Biden?
JOE BIDEN said that he does not have any racist bone in him, but his action and utterances say otherwise. Take a look at the litany of utterances and action of Joe Biden and ask yourself how a person with such disposition to black folks and other colored Americans, could with a straight face, say that he is not a racist, even if he lacks the courage to in fact, actually match his words with his thinking.
In an article published in New York Observer of Wednesday February 7, 2007, Joe Biden said of Barack Obama:- "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy", which Obama denounced as historically inaccurate in face of other African Americans who once ran for the office including Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton.
ICHEOKU says let any defender of Joe Biden's racist antecedents please explain to ICHEOKU how a person that has lived for nearly 80 years in America has never seen any African American that is articulate, bright, clean and nice looking, until Barack Obama happened on the stage. This is dog whistle equivalent of coded subliminal message that black people are dumb, dirty and dull; and in fact ugly looking too; yet Joe Biden has no racist bone in his body, you're right.
It is also on record that Joe Biden once fought against school integration in America by opposing busing of school children across schools. An effort which he tagged along with late racist Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina to pursue. Yet, Joe Biden claims that he is not a racist but palled around with such an openly racist Senator. A case which Senator and presidential candidate wanna be Kamala Harris brought to light during the last Democratic Party's presidential debate in Miami, when she told her story of being the little school girl that Joe Biden's anti busing action nearly impacted in California.
Joe Biden also, once on national television, bragged about how his State of Delaware was a slave State and proudly so. The interviewer was asking Joe Biden how his presidential quest would fare in the South, being a Yankee; and he proudly said that he comes from a slave State and that fact is easily relatable to the South and that he will be easily home in the South.
ICHEOKU says how could someone who does not have a racist bone in his body be so proud to come from a slave State and then went ahead to mouth it off as his presidential credentials and his bona fides as a strong candidate in the South. If he was ashamed of his past and still not into deep racism, why would he be so comfortable with such a dark past history of Delaware, as to say it on national television and claimed it as a qualifying attribute and the reason he will be easily accepted in the South. But Joe Biden wants black Americans to believe that he got their back.
Also, Joe Biden was on record edifying his Senatorial working experience back in the 70s with known racists Senators from Mississippi and Georgia, James Eastland and Herman Talmadge. According to him, "I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland. He never called me boy, he always called me son. A guy like Herman Talmadge, one of the meanest guys I ever knew, you go down the list of all these guys. Well guess what? At least there was some civility. We got things done. We didn’t agree on much of anything. We got things done. We got it finished. But today, you look at the other side and you’re the enemy. Not the opposition, the enemy. We don’t talk to each other anymore.”
ICHEOKU says while what Joe Biden said overall did not sufficiently rise to racism, but his reference to not being called "BOY" did him in. He is fully aware of the derogatory nature of the word BOY is to African American males and how insulting calling a fully grown black man boy really is; and racist white men often use it to place black men in their place. So, by Joe Biden bringing up the word boy, he knew exactly what he intended and he successfully communicated it. Yet he is not a racist, but he speaks and uses words of racism.
Then add his 7Eleven comment about having Indian accent and the fog gets clearer about what he truly thinks about people whose color of the skin is different. Should ICHEOKU add that Joe Biden was twice married and non of his wives was a person of color; and of course he does not live in black neighborhood nor attends black church either.
Anyway, Joe Biden will not win the primaries and will not be the party's presidential nominee; and if he is rigged in, he will be roundly defeated by President Donald John Trump. The much touted name recognition myth was laid to waste when Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton could not use her globally recognized name to win the White House in November 8th, 2016. Names no longer wins election, touching the hearts and minds of American people does; and without positivity and stronger message on policies, the Democrats are once again running on empty, as anger alone will not do it. This is 2020 election we are talking about and not one in the 1980s.
Joe Biden is exhausted, tired, washed and looks like a ghost and caricature of his former amiable self, period. He is no longer the original Joe American people once knew. Unlike Obama, Joe Biden has no charisma left going into 2020 election. Unlike Jeb Bush, Joe Biden has no energy at all going into the 2020 election; and of course, unlike Trump, Joe Biden is steeped in the old ways of politicking, including straight jacketed boring campaign style.
American people have moved on from Obama/Biden; and American people will not trade the vibrancy of a President Donald John Trump's presidency to a dower Joe Biden drab presidency. Unfortunately, his time in the sun has passed and there is no amount of energy drink or other energy boosting ingestible or injectable that can successfully bring back the original, aviator-shades wearing Joe.
American loved him when he had spring in his steps and was vibrant and cognitive; but that Joe which we once knew is gone forever. American people will not accept the current effigy for the boy from Scranton who later turned into Amtrak riding Senator from Delaware and rose to become the Vice President. ICHEOKU says Joe Biden should in fact withdraw from the race and avoid having the final chapter of his long running stellar career in politics be bookended with a resounding defeat in 2020. President Donald John Trump will be reelected president come November 3rd, 2020 because none of the 20 Democratic Party's presidential candidates has what it takes to uproot him from the White House. Joe Biden, your time in politics is up, pass the torch. #PassTheTouch.
Monday, July 1, 2019
ICHEOKU says at this stage of the selection process, when the Democratic Party is still trying to find the best candidate to take on President Donald John Trump in next year's November 3rd, 2020 presidential election, the focus of the candidates should have been on themselves and not the president. They are respectively seeking the opportunity to be their party's presidential flag bearer and their focus should have been solely on this primary objective, how to become the nominee and then he or she can start debating the president. A candidate can only emerge as the party's nominee by submerging his or her fellow competitors for that singular privilege.
That is what presidential primaries are about, the kneecapping of opponents; and the surviving candidate, who secured the nomination, will then punt to attacking the man in the White House who he or she wants to replace. The main objective of candidates vying in any party's presidential primaries is to win the nomination of the party, period. Any other thing, including attacking a sitting president is but a needless distraction in which the limited allotted speaking time should not be foolishly wasted on. Therefore, it was disheartening to see the candidates, who are still vying for the privilege of becoming the party's nominee, acting as if they are already the nominee of the party. Instead of focusing on each other and advocating on why they are a better candidate to take on President Donald John Trump and by extension, why they are the best choice for the party's nominee, they acted as if they have already secured the party's nomination and are already debating the president and fretted away valuable minutes doing that.
ICHEOKU says it is tactically foolish and strategically inept and rather preposterous for them to be gunning for the mat without first securing the ground on which to lay the mat. Attacking the president will not secure them the party's nomination; rather they must demonstrate why they are better than each other, by attacking and destroying the policy objective of each other and letting the primaries voting Democrats know why they are better than each other, the reason they are the best candidate to take on the president in 2020. Without destroying each other, by exposing the weaknesses and flaws of each other, how then can the Democrats make up their mind and decide on who to beat fly their party's flag. By being gun-shy and making tepid responses, they suggest that they are more of the same, simply a generic collection of candidates; in which case any of them would suffice. Thus begging the question, why waste time, energy and money going through the primaries since the Party could have just handpicked any one of the candidates and get it over with.
Game of the Throne readily comes to mind that if there is only one nomination slot, how else does any of the candidates get to be the nominee by sparing other who are also coveting the same position. Power game is ruthless. It is not for the squeamish and faint hearted; only the brave, courageous and fearless makes a cutthroat dash for it. ICHEOKU expected some of the candidates to be mortally wounded during the debate, but regrettably, none of them suffered more than a bruise. This makes it harder to choose the candidate for the general election within the motley of candidates still standing and that is practically all of the 20 of them.
ICHEOKU says if these candidates are so timid and circumspect to pull the trigger at each other, how then can whoever eventually emerges stand President Trump in a debate and general election campaign? But playing the devil's advocate, assuming he or she miraculous wins the November 3rd, 2020 election, how is she or he going to take on Russia's Vladimir Putin, Chinese Xi Jingpin, North Korea's Kim Jong Un, Iranian Ayatollah and Venezuela's Innocent Maduro. These candidates are showing lack of steely resolve and lacking in backbone and American people will not have any of them in place of President Donald John Trump, the acclaimed unabashed defender in chief of America and its people and values.
The primaries should be a demolition derby of each other, to help clear their competitors out of the way in an otherwise overcrowded field. They are fighting for the presidential nomination of their party and must strictly keep their eyes on the ball; and stop being distracted by what is ahead of the eventual winner of the nomination process; first things first. The worst offender of this queasiness is Bernie Sanders, who despite the raw hand dealt him by Queen Crooked Hillary and the Democratic Party's honchos in 2016, is once again very reluctant to make a serious play for the party's nomination, by demolishing his arch rival Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren. He is too hesitant and such is not a quality of a leader.
ICHEOKU says except if Bernie Sanders is just an unserious agitator without a real intent on becoming president, his strategy of playing it safe with his fellow contestants is not a game changing winning plan. He should have imbibed the lesson of fool me once shame on you, but fool me twice shame on me. Why is he even running if he is this gun-shy? It is for this reason that ICHEOKU commends the Congressman and Senator from California, Eric Swalwell and Kamala Harris, for going where others refused to go, the issue of Joe Biden's inevitability. While Swalwell shone the light on Joe Biden's long stay in Washington DC since 1972; Harris pointed the searchlight on Joe Biden's somewhat racist past. These two pointers are necessary as it gave Americans reason to look more deeply at Joe Biden and question if he indeed has the right qualifying resume to go forward.
The change in government which is being clamored for, cannot be obtained by allowing the same people who crashed the things, back into governing or to fix what they intentionally broke. They purposely broke them and have no intention to right their wrong, so why border asking them to, knowing fully well that they will not do so because they created the mess in the first place and for a reason, and will want it to remain as is. The most laughable of them all is Joe Biden who is complaining that the government is broken and ICHEOKU asks Joe Biden to explain to the American people who broke the government, if not a guy who has been in government for 47 long years. Such a longevity leaves many people wondering what exactly does Joe Biden wants to suddenly do now, which 47 years was not enough time for him to have mission accomplished. Then throw in Bernie Sanders who complained that the Supreme Court could use new blood and you wonder why he does not think same of the Senate as well as the party's nominee?
ICHEOKU says the Democratic Party should just forget all the pretenses of a primary and just coronate their favorite candidate Joe Biden and get it over with. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party is democratic in name only and have institutionalized cronyism and a hierarchical order in the party, where one can only rise through the ranks by obeying party honchos and elders, who own the party and handpicks who gets what and who rises to which office within the party. They did it with Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton and are once again doing it with Joe Biden, trying to stifle the people and deny them their real choice. But if they succeed in foisting a NO ENERGY Joe Biden on the party, it will spell four more years for President Donald John Trump; because without enthusiasm and excitement among Democratic Party's voters, they will not turn out in the election because there is nothing in it for them. It will remain just the same old song, a veneer of paint on an old structure.
Overall, Elizabeth Warren proved herself most worthy of consideration in the debate, admitted that her excessive radicalism will not play well in the general election. After the hair-raising experiences with Barack Obama, Americans are not ready to take another chances with another radical in their White House. But if she wins the primaries, who will she pick as her vice presidential candidate running mate. A female and female ticket will not win the general election nor would a radical and radical ticket win either. A female minority ticket like Kamala Harris will not win also, because it will leave white males wondering what their faith would be under such a hostile takeover by wild eyed, crazed out, feminist female. It would have been much easier for a black female candidate and a white male running mate to run; but again, Kamara Harris is too radical for comfort and will not win the nomination of the Democratic Party and if she does, she will be roundly rejected by the American people.
ICHEOKU says candidate Marianne Williamson in fact captured the correct mood of Americans and the reason President Donald John Trump will win a reelection, he has captured American peoples' spirit with his Americanism brand of politics. A matter made worse because of the extreme far left which the Democratic Party has veered to, where it would appear that the candidates were campaigning in a different foreign country and not for America's presidency. Some candidates were speaking foreign language to American audience, advocating for socialism, canvasing for open borders, free medical care to illegal immigrants and banishing every institution of law enforcement in America; and you wonder the level which the Democratic Party will not go with their pandering. The good news however is that Americans are still in the majority, compared to all the illegal immigrants put together, so come November 3rd, 2020, they will troupe out to vote to secure their country and keep it safe from foreign invaders and protect its capitalism and general way of life. Translation, President Donald John Trump WINS. #PassTheTorch.
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