Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


ICHEOKU says it will require the suspension of disbelief to accept as is, the account of the alleged attack on homosexual gay man and actor in Empire Television series, Jussie Smollets. That he was attacked by two white men, who roughed him up, threw some liquid on him and shouted this is MAGA country. The account looks simply made up, as the coincidences were laughable at best, if not outrightly concocted. How did they know precisely that he was going to be where he was and got there at the same time they did, armed with some liquid and noose, did what they did to him and then escaped, without being caught or seen by anyone else except Ms Smollets? 

Why were his attackers not captured by any of the neighborhood surveillance cameras or the attack captured on video, including the act of roughing him up, pouring the bleach on him and affixing the noose on his neck. Why did he not remove the noose immediately the attack ended, but wore it like a prized medal back to his apartment, until minded by his lover to remove it? Shouldn't removing the noose be the first reaction of any traumatized victim, upon regaining his freedom and senses. Shouldn't freeing himself of the noose have been uppermost in his mind, then make a contemporaneous 911 call, before dashing back to his pad to await the police arrival? 

What happened to the fast food which he went to buy, did he lose it during the melee or clutched unto it until he got back to his apartment and still ate it? How did his attackers  know that he was a homosexual gay black guy, without seeing his face to know his identity, since it was in the dark. How could his attackers have shouted gay slurs faggot, or did somebody tip them off that Ms Smollets was gay and enroute to the fast food restaurant and asked them to waylay him on his way back? Why would Ms Smollets assume that every American watches Empire and knows who he is and that he was black and gay? ICHEOKU says never watched the television series and does not know about this guy or the fact that he is a black gay man until this developments, so why would he think that his attackers knew him? The randomness is doubtful except it was an inside job prank, staged by his friends to get his adrenalin racing. 

Since the explanations so far provided by him  are not adding up and a lot of questions are still left unanswered or answered satisfactorily, is it then possible that Ms Smollets made the whole thing up, as a stunt to get attention or was he lashing out as a result of love gone sour. Imagine how convenient it was that the attackers shouted "This is MAGA country" and you wonder if Ms Smollets did not manufacture that aspect of the tale just to give it extra coloration, as perpetrated by Trump supporters against a black gay guy. But unbeknownst to Ms Smollets, there are many non white people who are members of Team MAGA, including ICHEOKU who happens to be non white person. Why continue fanning the amber of racism or is the tension in the land not enough already that it needed another fuel? Such race baiting is not good for our cohesiveness as a nation and need to stop. 

It happened not too long ago in Houston Texas where some black people claimed that a white skinhead, hater of black people, shot into a vehicle killing an 11 year old black girl; only for the allegation to later turn out to be that it was a black guy who infact did the shooting and killing of the black young girl. According to Ms Smollets, the attackers beat Ms Smollets up, threw a caustic liquid on him, which miraculously did not land on his face nor impacted his eyes; and later put a noose on him but did not draw it tight. So, why would the attackers go to the trouble of throwing some liquid on him without precisely targeting his eyes and face with it? Why would the attackers waste their time bringing a noose and putting a noose on his neck without drawing it tight or at least choking him a little bit with it? 

Yet Ms Smollets did not fight back nor scream and shout for help and he was within a residential neighborhood and not too far from the fast food place where he had gone to buy some dinner. When the attackers were attacking him, was he tremblingly crouching down in fear and moaning in pain or did he try to fight back, kick, scratch and crawl his way out of danger zone? Did he try to escape by running or did they hold him down and restrained as they pummeled him, poured the liquid on him and then put a noose on his neck? Why did nobody see any of these happen or came to his rescue and above all, why did he wear the noose back to his apartment. Did his attackers seize his phone or dispossess him of his watch, wallet or jewelries. Who goes about with bleach and noose, seeking out victims to torment, except it was a prank pulled off by people who know him. 

Why did the surveillance camera, located at the location of the attack, not capture the actual attacking or was it not functioning? Simply put, there are so many things that are not rounding off, which is highly suggestive that no attack actually ever took place. It is possible that Ms Smollets might be up to no good and was emotionally under the weather and decided to concoct the story just to get someone's attention back or just decided to act out a bottled depression. So, until the police completes their investigation, nobody except Ms Smollets, will ever know what truly happened and it is regrettable. 

Hopefully the police will do their work to unmask the attackers or at least yield a forensic explanation or account of what really happened. ICHEOKU is somewhat convinced that what Ms Smollets said happened, did not happen; at least not as he claimed and therefore not buying it. However, if it did, ICHEOKU prays that the police will solve the crime quickly and arrest the culprits for prosecution; at least some fingerprints would have been left on the noose. Race relations in America is steadily getting worse and stories like Ms Smollets will only add to the tension in the land and make matters worse. If it was a fluke, it will make it more difficult to know when real victims need real help. People should therefore please cease and desist from hoaxes or at least not exaggerate any actual encounter, in order to keep things within tolerable level, because nobody will gain from an open race war in America. Let everyone please calm down. 

Saturday, February 2, 2019


ICHEOKU says Nasir el-Rufai was indeed right that former Chief Justice of Nigeria Walter Samuel Nkanu Onnoghen, is shameless. Look at a very corrupt person trying to explain away a consistent deposits of nearly the same tranches of money, as profits from his currency trading and you wonder when did he open a bureau du change or was he simply converting bribery proceeds paid to him in Naira into dollars to sustain their value. 

That this man has not been put in handcuffs and paraded before the cameras is the worst scandal unfolding in Nigeria. If the alleged transactions were from his trading in foreign exchange, FOREX and AGRICODE, where are the documentations backing the various transactions? Also where are the tax papers evidencing the taxes which he paid on the income and profits from so trading? Further, he alleged that some of the deposits were sourced from his "reserve" and you ask yourself what reserve or has the former chief justice become the Central Bank of Nigeria, with his own foreign currency reserve. Further, how much was his grand estacode that he could save tens of thousands of dollars, as evidenced in the frequency with which those deposits were made? 

ICHEOKU says how much medical expenses were paid to him and how many times was he actually in fact sick and hospitalized to warrant such a heavy amount of medical expenses being paid to him. Why were the "medical expenses" even paid to him and not paid directly to the hospital from which he sought and received the treatments. Why would the former judge collect medical expenses when he was not sick and did not expend any money treating himself. This is exactly what Corruption 101 looks like, that a person who was not sick collected such a very high medical expenses; while ordinary citizens who are in fact really sick could not find any succor in the destitute medical institutions nor had the means to pay their charges and fees in bills. 

Yet this mongrel is who some crazy loonies are still defending his actions and questioning why he was fired, a firing which even came too little too late as he deserved to have been fired since last decade. How could any sane person not find such a flagrant abuse of office, monetizing the judiciary and the administration of justice, a violation of everything they hold dear to their conscience. How could any decent person stand a Chief Justice of his or her country making out like bandit from selling justice to the highest bidders and still find such a slime ball admirable enough to be shielded and protected. What exactly moves or rattles the conscience of Nigerians if this scandal is not enough or are these Nigerians not actually looking into the allegation, but are too incensed at the president that they are prepared to throw everything to the winds, provided the president is disparaged.

ICHEOKU says with all his claimed forgetfulness about the various transactions, one begins to wonder whether he is also suffering from amnesia and dementia like the president, and ought to have retired from office by reason of incapacity; rather than to hang in there only to now be disgraced out of office. How can a lawyer, a judge and Chief Justice of a country, forgot that he had millions of dollars and billions of Naira deposited in several bank accounts in his name. How can he also not know that it is illegal not to declare your assets as a public servant. This former Justice Walter Onnoghen reeks of corruption and in fact he criminally abused his high office in the land as the former Chief Justice of Nigeria and deserves to have the book thrown at him, at least to make an example of him on how not to be a corrupt Chief Justice.

ICHEOKU says does not know about you, but this guy is a source of shame to the judiciary and everybody involved in the legal profession. He has given the law an indelible mark of calumny and the damage which he caused to the dispensation of justice in Nigeria is irreparable. How can such an endemically corrupt fellow be serving as the chief presiding officer of the judiciary for this long before being discovered. It is pitiful and it is SAD and also inexplicable, as there is nothing to explain or understand with such a wanton abuse of office, a Chief Justice parceling out "justice" according to the highest bidder. In fact that guy is lucky that ICHEOKU is not running things, otherwise he would have been since locked away in detention, following a very public humiliating arrest; handcuffed like the common criminal which he is and frog marched into detention. What a pathetic and shameless fella, caught with his hands in the cookie jar, yet had the temerity to insult every body's intelligence with such a buffoonery cockamamie of an explanation.  Simply shameless. Lock him up and seize his assets.

Friday, February 1, 2019


ICHEOKU says the fact of the matter is that until they are caught pants down with their racist hand in the cookie jar, they mask and pretend otherwise. But they all are cut from the same cloth, the white supremacist cloth, which makes them feel entitled, arrogantly think that they are better than others and in fact believe that they are superior to everybody. To them, there is no other better or superior race before them, hence they expect others to kneel, bend in genuflection with heads bowed in respect. 

ICHEOKU said it severally before and is here reiterating it that every white person, regardless of party affiliation and whatever pretentiousness, is primarily racist, period. All they do is put on the mask of Zorro and wear a facade of being different, but they all believe  think and feel the same superiority to other races. They also know how to pretend otherwise, especially within earshot or eye sight in order not to appear pr actually show their true colors. But periodically, they mask is blown away to reveal their true identity as is the case with the Virginia Governor Northam. What a shame that won't go away. 

This was the same guy who few days ago was calling for the legitimization of infanticide, now exposed as the worst racist of them all, a Ku Klux Klan wearing hoodie, who also likes to paint his face black in mockery of African Americans. If not that he was caught, he will still be showing his false teeth and pretending to be everything to everybody, including black Americans. But underneath the mask, is a racist pig who is simply another good ole white boy, milking the system as he exerts his whiteness and uses it to oppress, intimidate and progress. Megan Kelly was fired from her NBC gig for a similar black face act and so did former Florida Secretary of State, Mike Ertel, forced to resign for painting his face black for Halloween. Therefore, this Governor of Virginia must do the needful and end his governorship of shame forthwith. 

The Great Commonwealth State of Virginia cannot put up with having such an openly racist governor running a State that is literary majority African Americans, despite the storied racism that built that State, which is still prevalent, depending on which part of the hood or neck of the wood which you are in. So, without any further ado or much delay, ICHEOKU hereby calls of Governor Ralph Northam to resign the office immediately and his office, let another take. What the governor now represents is indeed too hurtful and very damaging to millions of black Americans, so it cannot be tolerated and not a day longer. Away with the KKK, black face wearing, racist, bigoted, Jim Crow of Virginia, Governor Ralph Northam. ICHEOKU says yet another racist gift from the Democratic Party which also gave America George Wallace and Robert Byrd. Interesting.

Thursday, January 31, 2019


ICHEOKU says it is a publicly available information that Senator Kamara Devi Harris, the presidential candidate wanna-be of the Democratic Party, had a well known sexual relationship with then married Mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown. The two were engaged in a romantic affair, which would be considered adulterous, while the mayor was still married to his wife of so many years, which culminated in their divorce. Such a home wrecker now wants to be president of the United States of America and you ask yourself, really? 

Without the love affair, the Senator would not have gotten the necessary leg up in life, which saw her effortlessly break into the clogged up California politics, rising from a young District Attorney of San Francisco to the Attorney General of the State of California and eventually to the United States of America Senator from California, within such a short span in politics. Hers would otherwise have been a case of the present day "Me Too" beneficiary, but to her credit in respecting commitments, she has refused and has not needlessly called out Mayor Willie Brown for "sexually harassing" her. She refused to play the victim as she knew what she wanted and went about getting it; a case of using what she has to get what she wants, a bottom power for political power quid pro quo power play. 

ICHEOKU says appreciates her for not being a hostage taker, who would heartlessly take advantage of the situation to blackmail a man for a dalliance that was rather mutual and voluntary, by alleging undue influence and that she was taken advantage of. Definitely, a  huge credit for her, because she appreciated the fact that her legs up gave her the leg up in life, as her career rocketed off as a result and she is enjoying the fruits of her spread eagle and not whining about Uncle Willie. The good news for her is that the Willie Brown scandal will not cause any damage to her presidential ambition because she is already a politically damaged candidate for a nation-wide election. The country witnessed her during the Justice Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing and concluded not to have anything to do with such an obtuse irritant in their White House. Also her anger and bitterness towards anything President Donald John Trump rubbed American people wrongly and they will never forget nor forgive her in a hurry. 

ICHEOKU says she is definitely photogenic and her smile is as beguiling as that of Barack Obama, who once called her 'the best looking Attorney General'; but she is a serpent, a viper and apparently heartless. She broke a married man's home without giving a hoot's damn about the wife and she took it out on Justice Kavanaugh as well as inferring that border patrol agents are akin to KKK. Her early life lechery was such that many potential suitors were scared away and Mayor Willie Brown eventually ended up not marrying her as well. This left her angry, bitter and unmarried until very late in life in 2014, long pass her youth and when menopause would have probably set in, when a divorce with two kids saw her as an asset and made her a trophy wife. Her being childless and not ever personally experiencing the joy which babies bring, most likely informs her very fiery pro-abortion activism. She is also not black, but like Barack Obama, was a product of racial cross breeding, a hybrid of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father; which informs her always identifying herself as a person of color and not a black American, presupposing that she does not even like being called a black American. 

As a District Attorney in San Francisco, she stopped prosecuting people busted with marijuana, which later facilitated the legalization of the drug in San Francisco as medicinal recreational herb, long before it received a State-wide legalization. So, technically, Kamara Harris was instrumental to marijuana being legalized in California, and just like Governor Gavin Newsom, who as Mayor of San Francisco engineered the homosexual revolution in America by allowing the first gay marriages in San Francisco.  So, Kamara Harris is a revolutionary and that streak still runs deep in her blood which American people have come to witnessed since she joined the Senate. They equally got an eyeful and earful about her warped ideology and philosophy during her recent town hall meet on CNN. 

The good news however is that she stands no chance in hell of securing the nomination  for president of the Democratic Party; and if she does, she will be rejected by the American people as simply too radicalized for the presidency. Like former Governor Moonbeam Gerry Brown, also another radicalized Californian, Kamara Harris will only get an "E" for effort in trying and that will be as far as she will go with her current tall dream of becoming president of the United States of America. She will only end up where she currently is, in the Senate; but never at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as American people will never elect another minority president, especially not so soon after Barack Obama threatened everything foundational about America. Obama destroyed it for every minority in America because he spooked the white people so badly that they got scared of losing everything; and the experience was too eerie for them to want to relive it. 

Kamara Harris is seen as too wild-eyed, too risky a proposition to be allowed into the White House and will only waste her time gallivanting across the land, but will not ever make it into the White House. A feminist liberal Hillary Clinton's female supporter told ICHEOKU that Kamara Harris stands absolutely zero chance at making it out of the nomination process and might be challenged in her reelection bid for the senate when the time comes in order to curb her excessive ambition. She also went on to say that she personally does not like Kamara Harris and that so many of her colleagues, her Hillary Clinton feminist females loathes her, especially for daring where their Queen failed. She also confessed that it will be a blemish on Hillary Clinton's feminist record for Kamara Harris to reap where she did not sow by first making it to the White House before their revered feminist champion Hillary Clinton.

Kamara Harris is a sworn radical who does not love America and who would rather have America flooded out by illegal immigrants than sign off on building the protective Southern border Wall. Kamara Harris is simply not good for America as she loves illegal immigrants more than Americans and her statements are full of anti American institutions and once called for the banning of ICE and equating border control to the Ku Klux Klan. But President Donald John Trump will walk all over her and make a  minced meat of her should she secure her party's nomination. The president vanquished the Clinton and the Bush political dynasty, so Kamara Harris will only be a piece of cake for him to serve up.

ICHEOKU says Kamara Harris will not be nor mount any serious opposition as she is just basking in the sun of the soon to fizzle out national spotlight. Her fifteen minutes of national fame as that angry colored woman who is seeing red and lashing out, and who wants to give everything away for free to everybody including illegal immigrants, without telling Americans how she will fund the freebies, will soon pass. Luckily enough she has been called out by members of her own Democratic Party on the free stuff as being an untenable ambition and now she is darting her eyes like someone caught with her hands in the cookie jar, thus damaging her ambition beyond redemption; a case of failure to launch one would add. 

Such a fatal error of trying to appeal to the farthest left of the Democratic Party nut-jobs, has cost her the mainstream of her party as well as independents; and thus has driven her presidential ambition into a cul-de-sac from where she cannot back out. ICHEOKU is emphatic that Kamara Devi Harris, the Indian-Jamaican colored woman American, will not  inch close to anywhere near the White House. She might also be challenged for reelection to the Senate and will likely lose her reelection battle, should former Governor Gerry Brown decides to have a go at adding a United States Senator to his resume. California is a machine-politics State and she might be forced to step-down for Gerry Brown to have his moment at Washington DC. But whatever happens, ICHEOKU says will keep an eagle eyes on her foray into presidential electioneering politics, admitted not optimistic of her chances or advancement with the nomination process. However, ICHEOKU agrees with Barack Obama and paraphrasing the former president, says that Kamara Harris is one heck of a Senator good looking, thanks to her Indian heritage. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


ICHEOKU says he was simply one of the best of era gone by, the good old seventies and eighties rhythm and blues music time; and yes, he was good indeed. 

James Ingram, 66, died of brain cancer, glioblastoma. May his soulful soul now rest. ICHEOKU says love his "Yah Mo B There" song the most. Adieu Jimmy.

Monday, January 28, 2019


ICHEOKU says to the many headaches of former Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is now added the United States of America which has thrown its weight behind the interim President Juan Guaido Como. With it comes the freezing out of the $11 billion Venezuelan oil from the world oil market and the readying of 5000 United States Marines who will soon parachute into Caracas to storm the presidential palace and yank Maduro out of there. 

ICHEOKU says it is not a matter of if, but when; as the tale tell signs are everywhere that the days of Nicolas Maduro in Caracas's presidential palace are now measured in weeks but definitely not months. The choice is now his, either to make it out alive as a captured prisoner or assume room temperature in the process; or better still, flee into exile in Moscow now before it is too late. Away with the dictator! 

Saturday, January 26, 2019




ICHEOKU says the president rose above the fray and in fact came out tops for ending the government shutdown. For the president, it was not all about politics or the need to score some cheap brownie points about who won what or lost what or who caved in or did not cave in. He was also not too proud to yield, if only such gesture will help move the needle., as his objective remains the same, to solve an existing problem. He is a CEO who is rooted in problems solving and who sees the never ending illegal immigration crisis in the Southern border with Mexico, as a problem which needs to be solved and which actually in fact has a proven solution. Once it is fenced off, it will become a problem solved, case finished.

So, you wonder why the other side is not willing to have the problem solved or and the recurring crisis resolved. It does not make sense and it never made sense; nor will it ever in the future somewhat make sense; that there is an existing problem with an apparent proven solution, yet some people are against solving it. ICHEOKU says which side are these Democrats anyway, that want or rather prefer to sustain the recurring illegal immigration problem at the Southern border. Are these democrats real Americans or what, that they should be standing with the enemy instead of with the American people whose lives are constantly being threatened and endangered by this influx of illegal migrants from the Southern border. 

ICHEOKU commends President Donald John Trump for once again taking a courageous step to accommodate the Democrats' request to first agree to reopen the government before they can agree to negotiate the border security including a border Wall. For some shallow anarchists, by doing so, the president caved in to the Democrats as he got nothing in exchange before reopening the government. To this people, ICHEOKU says there is a story of two goats that met each other on a narrow country bridge over a river. None of them would yield the right of way for the other to first pass. They started fighting and butting heads for the right of first passage until they slipped and fell down from their perch, into the river and drowned. An end which could have been otherwise avoided if only one of them had played the proverbial fool and yielded way and allowed the other to first pass before passing itself. Such hidden wisdom would have saved both goats lives, after first successfully crossing the bridge as well. 

So, a time always comes in live when a bigger person had to show some magnanimity and concede a point to a smaller person, as stooping down to listen to a dwarf does not make a giant less taller. President Donald John Trump is the giant here because a dwarf cannot spring up to meet the ears of a giant, but a giant can stoop down to hear the dwarf out and that is exactly what happened here. The Democrats can go on singing and dancing their victory song; but if one thing came out of the government shutdown, it shows that the Democrats are a very mean lot; otherwise where was their hearts in watching their fellow country men and women go for three weeks without money in their pockets, to pay their bills and purchase groceries as well as put food on the table. They held out trying to project strength while their fellow citizens suffered. There is no real strength in such a heartless pose and American people acknowledges the president for being so touched and moved by their pains and suffering that he yielded some ground and reopened the government. 

ICHEOKU is emphatic that there is definitely a case to be made about having a border Wall in the Southern border with Mexico. If for nothing else, it will surely make the work of the border patrol agents much easier, as those illegal immigrants will be corralled to a lawful entry point where they can be legally processed;  instead of having to chase them down through a stretch of thousands of miles of a border. Like sheep and the shepherd in the plains, with shepherd dog helping to direct the flock into the pen, so shall the border Wall help funnel those illegal immigrants to the lawful entry points. A Wall will also encourage sensible migration and be more efficient in controlling migration; as resources which otherwise will be dissipated and stretched thin along the thousands of border miles, can now be more efficiently deployed as at need basis and that way result in an overall enhanced policing of the border. 

Even drones and spotters flying around and spotting the thousands of illegals will be concentrated in areas without border Walls and that way become much better utilized, with increased yield. There is no argument that border Wall works, as has been established and proved beyond doubt in numerous occasions, with reduced immigration in areas with border Walls or barriers. Also, many immigrants have been captured on video trying to scale through a barrier, but failed. Yes, border Wall will not stop all illegal immigrations, but at least it will drastically reduce them to tolerable numbers, which is the primary objective of every laws and regulations, including ones against homicides. Just get it down to acceptable numbers and it is problem solved. 

The president has shown and exhibited his big heart in honestly seeking a solution to an existing problem, by demonstrating that it was not about his ego or self interest and not afraid to take a beaten and blow back from his seeming u-turn.  But his sole interest is that the problem at the Southern border be solved and he has expressed his willingness to have it solved. The president, by agreeing to reopen the government has demonstrated that he is ready, willing and able to solve the problem and have it permanently resolved. To this end, he had made so many concessions in order to meet the Democrats demands and show good faith in the entire process. The president made concessions on DACA and other ancillary technological approach to border security; he also agreed not to give a State of the Union address to the nation while the government shutdown lasted; and now he has also agreed to first reopen the government to jumpstart the negotiation. 

Now, the ball is on the Democrats' court and hopefully they can now take steps to negotiate and let the president solve the Southern border problem by building the promised border WALL Meanwhile Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi can start the goodwill building by reinventing the president to deliver the State of the Union address as earlier agreed on for the January 29th, 2019. ICHEOKU says well done Mr President for not being too proud to accommodate the Democrat's requests, seeing that American people are hurting by the government continued shutdown. It is a demonstrable willingness on the president's part to negotiate a settlement on building the border Wall. ICHEOKU is convinced that the president has satisfied every reasonable American that he meant well and he will eventually  get the funds to build that Wall. ICHEOKU says Nancy Pelosi, #FUNDTHATWALL.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


ICHEOKU says opposition leader and a Barack Obama's look alike, Juan Guaido Como, was sworn in as interim president of Venezuela and was immediately recognized by President Donald John Trump and other Latin American countries; effectively ending the rule of the soon to be former President Maduro, whose only choice now is to take the next flight out of Caracas to Moscow for asylum/exile; or face a forcibly eviction from the presidential palace by parachuting American Marines. 

At 35 years, Como is the stuff revolutionaries are made of - youthful, courageous and exhibits great oratory prowess. ICHEOKU says congratulations to the peoples power of Venezuelans that facilitated his ascension into office and hopefully Maduro will allow a peaceful transition by surrendering his mandate and seek a safe passage out of the country, short of bloodletting and eventual long term imprisonment in America. Once again, peoples power prevailed.


ICHEOKU says before too long it will happen, as women know how not to allow each other steal the shine off them or take them out of the spotlight. Old lady Madam Speaker will definitely not allow the newbie Ocasio-Cortez to eclipse her shine in the Congress, not as long as she remains Madam Speaker with power to do and undo. 

It will be only a matter of time and the continuing media interest in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, before Nancy Pelosi shows her who is the boss, the real deal in the Congress. But until then, it will seem that the House of Representatives now has a new bride, the darling of everyone, regardless their reason, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

The Congresswoman from the State of New York is the new chic on the bloc and everyone in Washington DC knows it; as every gaddam person in the media is now swooning to get a date with her. What a whirlwind of a media blitz it has been for her within the last few weeks. A gift that keeps on giving for any politician, such that so many of her colleagues are dying for a minuscule of the attention being showered on her and will soon start getting jealous of her and with it comes the Satanic envy. 

Every where you turn, every channel you change to and every newspaper and magazine you rifle through, as well as radio, it is the same refrain, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; and you wonder when will the honeymoon be finally over, if ever. It is America and Americans are usually giddily excited with new things, novelties, especially such a storied tale of an American dream come through. A Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who went from her waitressing job in a bar, to becoming an elected member of the United States of American Congress; the youngest person ever elected to Congress that is, and within her very first time foray into politics as a candidate for any office. ICHEOKU says what a feat.

Like President Donald John Trump like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, as both non career politicians struck Americans like a thunderbolt and with it shook the establishment order of politics. They invited themselves to the power party and took the center table and are unapologetic about it too. They breached every protocol of climbing the ladder of political power structure and defied the otherwise known conventional reprimand of "wait for your turn" which is usually associated with politics and did the unthinkable, displaced career politicians. Both, now have the bulls-eye tattooed on their backs, as career politicians and the establishment politicians see their accomplishments as a slight to everything they hold sacred in politics and they will be angling to take their pound of flesh and bring both of them down in a banging flash. 

It will only get nastier and messier as both Trump and Ocasio-Cortez continue to get the publicity and attract the following which has made them the two most popular politicians in America, if not the entire planet earth. Thus begging the question, for how long will Madam Speaker tolerate having the spotlight taken away from her and put up with being displaced in the media by this newbie, her epicurean perch as the most powerful woman in politics in America, considered. ICHEOKU vouchsafes, not for too long and when she strikes, it is going to be venomously poisonous. 

But until that death bite, ICHEOKU is hopped on the ride, as Americans are staying tuned to the saga of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and hopefully will watch her redefine the Democratic Party and remake it in her own image. So far so good, as she is succeeding and her entertaining value is phenomenal too. She is definitely a breath of fresh air to the swampy old gang, some of who has been in Washington DC long before the 29 year old Alexandria was even born. She is a millennial original and her fellow Utopian dreamers are attached, attracted to both her message and her image. But Nancy Pelosi is definitely not finding it funny, both being displaced from the center page and having to share the spotlight with ACO. ICHEOKU says cannot wait for the showdown between Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to begin, even right at this minute. It will be fun to watch them go at each other, clawing and hair-pulling, included. ICHEOKU says Nancy, please move over as Alexandria is here. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


ICHEOKU says at 97, stubbornly still driving and causing accidents, somebody should intervene and order His Majesty to stop, before he causes more damage. It shouldn't take until he eventually kills somebody or even kills himself in an accident, before the authorities in Britain will tell the prince that his good days behind wheels are since over; and that he should allow somebody to help him get around as he lives out his twilight years. 

Prevention is better than cure and there is no means of bringing back the dead to life. The intervention must be NOW as tomorrow might be too late. He escaped this time and so were his victims; but he or his next victims might not be as lucky tomorrow. Somebody does not have to first die or be irreparably injured before Prince Philip realizes that his days behind the wheels is no longer good for the public, as well as to himself. He must allow people who still can and who still have all their faculties intact to do the driving while he relaxes and enjoy the ride as a chauffeured dignitary. 

If he must drive, a driving stimulator should be acquired for him, so that he can be driving a stationary vehicle, but not one venturing unto public roads, with its attendant risks of exposing the pubic to great dangers to both their lives and limbs. Prince Philip is now an existential danger to people on the road and his nuisance must be abated before it results in fatalities. He must accept that everything in life has a shelf span and that his days are nearing their end and learn to live out the final years of his life in peace as he awaits the inevitable end of all mortals. If it means the Queen intervening to save her Prince and her subjects from foreseeable harm, so be it; but let somebody take those keys away from the prince before it is too late. ICHEOKU says yank the keys away from his hand and do it NOW.

Monday, January 21, 2019


ICHEOKU says he or as in this case, she, who lives in a glass house does not throw stones. Her husband is a defense contractor who does a lot of contracts with the Defense Department, Pentagon, and the squeeze could be put on him. A woman whose homes are all walled off and gated, but is pretending as if walls don't matter; protected and shielded, that even in the part of San Francisco where one of her homes is located, Pacific Heights, is not suffering the blight of homelessness and drugs of downtown San Francisco and you wonder how selfish anyone could be. 

People are dying, drugs are pouring in, communities are being overrun, jobs are getting scarce for certain tiers of the society, including reduced wages and decreased income, because of illegal immigrants who are ready to do the same job for pennies on the dollar; yet Madam Speaker does not see the problem of illegal immigration. Worse still, the same jobs previously available at living wages to blacks and other minorities are what Shylock companies and other cutthroat individuals are now handing over to these illegal immigrants and making out like bandits, from savings which they would have otherwise paid to Americans under minimum wage law. 

The worst scandal of it all is that some black members of the Congress are incohoot in this madness which affects the black communities most disproportionately; as jobs which previously brought home the bacon are no longer available at a living wage, outbid by illegals who have no strings in America but are just in America to see what they can grab and run. It is very unfortunate and it is further choking off black Americans earning potentials, leading to increase in the problem of absentee fathers who could not find livable wage jobs with which to support their families. 

ICHEOKU says agrees with President Donald John Trump that Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi is behaving so irrationally not to see the damage which illegal immigration is causing; and by calling the Wall immoral, has gone so far to the left that she has now officially become a Radical Democrat. It is true, that Nancy Pelosi is so petrified of the 'lefties' in her party, led by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that she has lost control of the party, her power now held hostage to the crazies who have taken over the Democratic Party. Very SAD and pitiful. #FUNDTHATWALL.

Sunday, January 20, 2019


ICHEOKU says they are afraid of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and wont bulge or negotiate. #FUNDTHEWALL and do it NOW!


ICHEOKU says it is finished for the leaders of the Democratic Party Charles Schumer and Nancy Pelosi as they are now being held hostage, maximally boxed in by the enfant-terrible and apparently the new face of the Democratic Party, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She will not allow Chuck and Nancy to bulge or meaningfully negotiate an end to the government shutdown, by authorizing funds for the Southern border Wall. 

Afraid that she will engineer a primary against them, these Democratic Party leaders have become almost nearly as unreasonable as this their far left anarchist colleague by not negotiating an end to the government shutdown; and you wonder how could Nancy Pelosi or Charles Schumer ever lose elections in San Francisco and New York respectively. What happened to their sense of negotiation and why are they beholden to this little rascal freshie Congresswoman from New York; and allowing her to dominate the conversation. Where are their deterrent against such nuisance who is trying to turn the Congress into a kindergartener's playhouse or are they going to just surrender without a fight and capitulate to this wild eyed, crazed out, woman from New York Congressional District 6,  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

ICHEOKU says where is the mojo of Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Charles Schumer that the fear of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now their greatest Achilles heels. How will anything else ever get done in America with such polarization, just because they fear being primary(ed) by Ocasio-Cortez's led group of lunatic leftists. If they don't let President Donald John Trump deliver on his biggest campaign promise, how do they expect the president to ever allow them to deliver on their own campaign promises, since everything will pass through the president's desk for his signature before they can become law. President Barack Obama's signature Obamacare was ramrodded through, but President Donald John Trump's signature Wall is being blocked? It does not make sense and it should be condemned by every American, regardless of party or political ideology and leaning. 

Elections do matter and there are natural consequences flowing from every election, including signature projects campaigned on by candidates, which are always allowed to come to fruition. The Democratic Party is definitely setting a bad precedent by stonewalling on the president's border Wall. Just like the Supreme Court, which they ended its filibuster proof, has now come to bite them, the refusal to negotiate with an elected president over his core campaign issue, will someday be remembered and they will be the one left holding the plate and at the tip of the business end of the spear. ICHEOKU says common sense should prevail and let both parties meet each other half way and end the government shutdown on terms equitable to each side.  The Democratic party's leaders, if indeed they want to live up to their title, should not allow Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to dictate terms to them; afterall they are her leader and many of them have been in the Congress long before Ocasio-Cortez was even conceived. 

By not negotiating, these leaders are showing excessive weakness, deferring to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in this manner. She can only become more emboldened to carry on with her rascality, seeing that it pays, with increased demands for more. She will continue with her nauseating behavior until she finally pushes these leaders aside and personally assumes the mantle of leadership of Democratic Party, both in the Congress as well as the entire United States of America. Ocasio-Cortez is like the shrub in the Little House of Horror movie, which got used to drinking blood that it became addicted to the crimson fluid and made unending demands for it on the shop owner. A cancerous growth is not fed with regular supply of blood; rather it is choked off blood supply to wither away and die. ICHEOKU says if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not checkmated right now, the Democratic Party will live to regret their mistake in allowing this impetuous woman, with such childish antics, ruin it all for them all. 

The time to start clipping her wing is now, as tomorrow will only make her grow stronger; and the best way to start is to ignore her threats and sincerely enter into negotiation to reopen the government and for the southern border Wall. It is the right thing to do as American people deserves better and also, a protected and secured Southern border. The president is not saying to completely wall off America southern border; but that areas where constant violations of American immigration laws are carried out be checkmated and to direct all entrants to the legal entry points. ICHEOKU laments that the Democrats, by holding steadfastly to their position, are only encouraging the illegal migration as more immigrants, sensing the division in government, will continue to head up North. The tide of flow will never ebb nor stop; not as long as they have a friend in the Democratic Party who are encouraging this flagrant violation of the United States of America immigration laws.

ICHEOKU calls on Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer to end the stalemate now; enough of the theatre of absurdity, a desire to appear and be seen and perceived as being strong. Enter a meaningful honest negotiation to resolve the issue and reopen the government and do it NOW as America and American people are suffering. Think of America's perception by the rest of the world and think about those who have lost their lives in the hands of illegal immigrants; and of course think about the hundreds of thousands who are not being paid and they have bills to pay as well as family to feed. Please check the excessive egos and do it for these, especially for the American people. Get the negotiations to end the government shutdown going immediately and of course authorize the funds for the Southern border Wall. #FUNDTHEWALL.

Friday, January 18, 2019


ICHEOKU says Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi now knows who is the real boss as her planned 7 days junket around the world of Switzerland, Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan has been stopped by President Donald John Trump, irked by Nancy's impetuosity. 

She will not authorize $5 billion for the Southern border Wall; she will not negotiate a solution to the immigration crisis; she will not agree to end the government shutdown and she denied the president his scheduled January 29th, 2019 State of the Union address venue. 

ICHEOKU says she started the fight and the president is only finishing it for her; now lets see how everything finally gets resolved. Nancy Pelosi is being held hostage by the farthest left wing of the Democratic Party led by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and she is deathly afraid of the crazed out New York freshie. Too bad.


ICHEOKU says pledged earlier that the day Abubakar Atiku travels to the United States of America and returns safely back to Nigeria, without being arrested by the FBI, ICHEOKU will back off from pointing the searchlight on him and allow the two Fulani brothers to battle it out in the coming February 16th, 2019 presidential election. What Olusegun Obasanjo started, ICHEOKU was prepared to finish, but circumstances have now intervened to pull the plug. ICHEOKU intends to keep his word as every receptacle person is expected to do and will now honor his commitment to cease and desist from any further Atiku expose`. 

ICHEOKU will not even wait for Atiku to first complete the mission by returning back to Nigeria before performing his own part of the bargain. Therefore ICHEOKU says from today, January 17th, 2019, will no longer criticize Abubakar Atiku; and in fact, barring any major situation-altering development, will completely stay out of the political fray until Election Day, February 16th, 2019, when congratulatory message will be sent to the victorious party. ICHEOKU says has no dog in the fight nor beef with anyone, only that Nigerians make informed decision and vote right. 

Whoever allowed the grotesque display of a town-hall meet, watched globally on January 15th, 2019, which assaulted eyes and insulted intellects, did President Muhammadu Buhari a very big disservice and disfavor. It was so bad that the other politician parties do not need any further campaign advertorials, but to just keep on running the performance on television and radio. The body language was awful; and the heavily labored effort at comprehending issues and rendering "answers" was simply ghoulish. It was literary so embarrassing that it served to push the president off and over the cliff's edge. If the president was dead, the performance dug his grave, lowered him into the earth and covered his corpse with a mound of dirt. 

It was indeed very hard to watch and too pitiful to see. The world cringed, watching  a real life human caricature that was barely hanging in there unto life, so heavily medicated with morphine and steroids that he could pass for a dead man talking. A zombie president, a talking dead and soliloquizing mummified president; and you wonder how functional his neurons still are, talkless of effectively running the affairs of Nigeria. He was incoherent, he was inaudible, he was incomprehensible, he was inarticulate and in fact he was unaware of his sense of self. ICHEOKU says President Muhammadu Buhari, literary does not have a sound mind anymore and should be declared incapacitated by reason of a debilitating sickness which has rendered him vegetated. He was lost in oblivion and was indeed a pitiful spectacle to behold, that whoever was responsible for putting him on television deserves to be fired since yesterday. 

ICHEOKU says the Buhari that was seen on television is definitely not the same Buhari that ran and won election in 2015. While ICHEOKU is not ascribing to the needless distraction of a fantastical Jubril el Sudani, but maintains that the treatment which Buhari received in London did not work. Rather, it messed up with his faculties and turned him into a ghoulish figure, the ghost of his former self. The original Buhari is no more and what remains now is but a ghost of his former self and ghosts belong in the realm and not in Aso Rock. It was indeed bizarre and so unsightly to sore eyes, that even good eyes popped wide open in bewilderment and great unbelief, that this is the apparition who is running the affairs of Nigeria. 

ICHEOKU says gleaned from sources that the living-dead, mechanical display witnessed, which was seen globally, finally forced the issue and made the White House to sign off on the lifeless one and green-lighted the Atiku's visit, by guaranteeing his safe trip. However, this is not to say that Atiku did nothing wrong nor had a pending case, but that the greater good of avoiding a catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Africa's most populous nation weighed heavily in the mind of Washington DC; and they decided on a waiver instead. It was overall, a well considered trade off. 

Anyway, ICHEOKU will not waste any further time on the nitty-gritty of what transpired that preceded Atiku's undisturbed arrival to America, nor will in anyway seek to diminish its significance as a very big boost to Atiku's presidential quest. It is now time to leave what is written on a vehicle and just enter the vehicle, because if you pay attention to how sausages are made, eating sausages might become too difficult to do. The FBI red carpet reception was a serious issue and it dogged every of his step until now that the fog has been lifted and finally dissipated with this visit. It was on the strength of it, because it was true, that ICHEOKU had always said that Atiku will "NEVER" be elected president of Nigeria. This Washington DC visit is definitely another case where "Never say Never" is quite apposite. 

Be that as it may, unlike APC, ICHEOKU keeps his words, as honorable people do or at least expected to do. ICHEOKU's word is his bond. ICHEOKU says watched Rotimi Amaechi's secret video and have also closely followed Buhari's activities since he returned back to Nigeria following his long hospitalization in London; but nothing ever raised more concern and alarmed ICHEOKU so much as his gothic town-hall meet. It definitely served as the last straw to break the resistance and the Washington DC trip capped it off. ICHEOKU says was working on so many articles and had planned them through till the February 16th, but they are now moot; as the effigy, scarecrow, mechanical tin man display was indeed so overwhelming, that it will amount to being unconscionable not to call it out. 

However, this is not ICHEOKU's endorsement of anyone, but that a pledge made be kept. Hopefully, the new promises now being made by the candidates will be kept and that Nigerians will finally find the elusive succor this time around. There was nothing personal with what went down and nobody hired nor paid ICHEOKU for it; just that ICHEOKU wishes motherland the best possible outcome from its legion of challenges, especially its recurring decimal that is ineptitude leadership. Also there is nothing for ICHEOKU to apologize for as conscience and truthfully speaking guided the effort, hence no previously made post will be taken down; as the made pledge was subsequent his visit to America. 

Whatever happens, just be minded that every moment of the banters, although sometimes highly charged and very passionate, were indeed deeply treasured. ICHEOKU could not have wished for anything more and will do it all over again in a heartbeat faced with similar circumstances. On a parting note, please just remember to be guarded, as none of the two Fulani brother's victory is worth your losing your live or limb or even incarceration. Be smart in going about it. ICHEOKU wishes Nigerians a crisis free election 2019 and says may the electorates' verdict prevail IJN. So until Election Day February 16th, 2019, this is ICHEOKU signing off from election campaign 2019. All the best folks. One love.  So long fellas. Salute

Thursday, January 17, 2019


ICHEOKU says decisions made out of desperation is often fatal, because Satan is an opportunist who lays in wait and lurks for your hour of greatest need to strike. It waits for your greatest vulnerability, during which time ANYTHING will suffice. If you are thirsty, it waits until you are completely parched and nearly losing consciousness before he offers you vinegar. If you are hungry, it will first turn you into a Somalian refugee with birds of prey tagging along every foot you put forward, waiting for your carcass to finally give up the ghost and drop, before it offers you a morsel. And remember at such a near death out of body experience junction, it will be strictly on its own terms; just like the Chinese are doing in Africa with their Greek Gift "INVESTMENTS". 

Abubakar Atiku has the mastery of the serpent and made his current gamble based on his calculation that Nigerians are desperately seeking an out from the bonehead in Aso Rock. As a result he made Obasanjo an offer which Obasanjo could not refuse to purchase Obasanjo's severally, previously denied forgiveness. Then he decamped to the PDP and pulled every last stop to purchase their presidential ticket, despite not being so entitled as a returnee grasshopper politician. Now, every one of his investment is paying off as Nigerians have been stupefied by the noise into seemingly forgetting who they are dealing with; but they will be sorry if he successfully hoodwinks them into letting him into Aso Rock. 

Atiku is a calculating, cold bloodied villain, who is cashing in on Nigerians desperation for a change to secure a position which he was severally denied; including in 2007 when Obasanjo bypassed him for Umaru Yar'Adua and again in 2011 when Obasanjo stood on his way in order for Jonathan to win. Like snakes which usually strike in darkness, when the victim is helplessly shortsighted, Abubakar Atiku is about springing on Nigerians, cashing in on their anguish against the other guy in Aso Rock. Atiku is fully aware that but for the despondency of the now, that he does not stand a chance in hell with Nigerian electorates, hence he must strike when Nigerians are forlornly without much option. Atiku is a predatory animal, ready to pounce due to the vulnerability of the prey, Nigerians who are desperately seeking an out from Buhari. 

ICHEOKU says just ask a guy who was forced to marry a girl because he knocked her up; or a woman who had to marry out of desperation of running out her biological clock. A two complete no, no; as marrying out of sympathy or desperation is the surest way to audition for life in real hell or as Andy would put it, "Living in Bondage." But should Nigerians fall prey to Atiku, the cobra? ICHEOKU says does not think so, as the closest hour to dawn is usually the darkest; and the last miles of a marathon are always the hardest to run. Perseverance is the key, admitted Buhari has not been the president any thinking society would have otherwise imposed on themselves; but the Atiku poisonous apple is not an option, because no data or indices support that it will amount to anything of value to Nigerians. 

Other than America, the world economy is bleak and dithering and Nigeria is not an exception and will not be magically transformed, the vacuous promises of "Get Nigeria working again" notwithstanding. Even if Atiku intends to build 1000 refineries, at least it takes a few years to complete them. Even if he wants to build 1000 car manufacturing plants, it will also take a few years to complete them. So, let nobody be deceived that Atiku will overnight pull a magic wand and abracadabra Nigerians problems away. It will not happen and there is no need raising anyone's expectations to a point of suffering rude shock. The unfolding situation calls for curbing one's enthusiasm and taking things in perspective. Like a chic you want to lay, you brainwash her until she spreads; and that is exactly what Atiku is doing to gullible Nigerians, who now think with their stomach and hearts, instead of engaging their cerebral cortex. 

Nothing good or better will ever come out of the Atikumania or Atikulooted whirlwind, because whenever it sounds too good to be true, run to the hills. Atiku is a deceiver and Adam has not recovered from his chic's flirting with the original deceiver in chief, the serpent. Please do not be burnt by Atiku because Atiku will burn you. 

ICHEOKU is just a messenger with a sixth sense and the foreboding is inspired by experience, guided by informed calculus. ICHEOKU prays that Nigerians can persevere for the next four years and punt into something entirely new, different, promising and in short exhilarating. But this Atiku thing is neither the way forward nor the answer to the Nigeria question. If the bait is bitten, it will hurt so badly that Nigerians would wish that three Buharis had remained in office instead. 1 Kings 12:11 is very instructive. May God help us all reason the situation better and remember, NO PAIN, NO GAIN. Salute.