Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


ICHEOKU says for far too long have Nigerians been crying about bad governance, but for the same far too long have they refused to do what is necessary to enthrone good governance. They want to Make Nigeria Great, but lack the fire in their belly to get it done. They will not choose leaders who still dream big dreams and who share in their common aspiration. Leaders, who are highly motivated; driven individuals who can put their skin in the game and re-engineer a new Nigeria. A Nigeria, which is both functional and fair; and which works for everyone. A Nigeria, where every Nigerian can feel at home, as co-equal stakeholders in the Nigeria project.

Each time an opportunity for a reboot and reset of direction of the country presents itself and for Nigerians to indeed take their country back as real influencers in how their affairs are managed, they always saunter and flounder. They watch helplessly as the same group of degenerates, many of who belong in the cemeteries and nursing/convalescing homes, who kept them shackled down, hogtied in a servile bondage, hijack the presented opportunity and continue to maintain their stranglehold over them. As a result, they make choices of leaders under the influence of this absurdity, suggestive of a people who are not deeply troubled nor unbearably discomforted by their situation and desperately wants out. 

Just ask yourself, if Nigerians really want a change in the direction of their country, why then do they always revert to the same demented person/s, who led them into their dire situation. Short of being afflicted with the battered person's syndrome, which makes people perpetually attracted to their abusers, nothing else makes sense nor justifies Nigerians, always choosing the type of leaders which they choose. Why go back to the same swamp of old and tired leaders, to dredge up one of them, believing that such a cosmetic change is good enough. A sure definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. 

As a result, election never produces any leadership of value, hence nothing ever changes as the same bunch of heartless goons are recycled. It thus becomes impossible to install a functional government which can correct the ills afflicting the society, which has kept Nigeria stunted, mediocre and underachieving. Their decision, regrettably, is not usually out of their free volition, but largely influenced by tombs-raiding goblins who are nearing their graves and who have no real interest in passing a functioning Nigeria to their successors. Why Nigerians listen to these voices of perdition which put them in their dire strait is beyond any rational comprehension.

For instance, why should Nigerians listen to Obasanjo for guidance and direction going into the Election 2019, when they are still suffering the consequences of their having listened to him during the last Election 2015. Any thinking society would have reviewed his previous guidance and weighed its beneficial impact on them against the backdrop of his latest attempt at intervening in their political process and advised themselves more appropriately. This imperative would have required Nigerians to say, "Wait a minute, if this man knew what he is talking about, why is it that he got it so wrong the last time?" 

But for Obasanjo, there will be no Buhari in Aso Rock today for Nigerians to worry about his removal. So, why do Nigerians still accord any political relevance to a man who assessed Buhari as being "Educated enough to be president" and also still holds such a man  highly as an expert, good character reader and/or judge of presidential candidates, when Buhari turned out hopelessly this way. 

Obasanjo has led Nigerians astray for far too long and continuing till this day. He has also perfected his joy-riding of Nigerians so much that he now does it so effortlessly, that some numbskull Nigerians are buying into this his latest ''Project Make Atiku President 2019", a sure testament to their vulnerability. How any sane person could be pushing for the presidency of a man who is so flawed in character as Abubakar Atiku is indeed simply unimaginable. But it is Obasanjo and with him, anything that profits him is good business, regardless of its reprehensibility. 

ICHEOKU says if there is one person who could be held responsible for all the woes of Nigerians, it is Olusegun Obasanjo. Yes, you heard ICHEOKU right, Olusegun Obasanjo is the Grinch who permanently stole Nigerians' Christmas. Just review the stewardship of Olusegun Obasanjo since 1975 when he first came to power following the assassination of Muritala Mohammed and you will agree with ICHEOKU that everything that ever went wrong with Nigeria had Obasanjo's signature to it. They were either his direct order/act or are somewhat traceable to him, both as a leader and/or a statesman. 

A matter made worse because Obasanjo pretends to be a Christian but does not live by the Christian ethos nor behaves in a Christ-like manner. ICHEOKU says Lucifer must have made a deputy for himself but failed or forgot or in fact deliberately refused to warn Nigerians where he sent him. It is also self evident that Obasanjo does not read the Bible either, and if he does, suffered a similar fate as in Acts 8:30, otherwise he would not have been oblivious of Matthew 7:9-10 and would have advised his actions more appropriately. 

A very sanctimonious Pharisee of our time, who deliberately chose to ignore his previous warnings about Atiku and now wants to delude himself that Nigerians did not hear him then or are too imbecilic to remember. Obasanjo is probably capitalizing on Nigerians' notorious penchant for forgetfulness, their fabled amnesia, in now painting an entirely different picture of the same man who he once warned Nigerians to stay away from. 

Query, if you are an employer and a surety tells you not to hire a potential employee  because he is a thief and based on the reference, you did not hire the thief job seeker. If subsequently, another position opens up in your business and the same surety now asks you to hire the same previously unemployable thief job seeker, what will you do? How would you react or won't you at least, for due diligence, want to find out from the surety what changed with the former unemployable thief, who suddenly is now no longer a thief and employable. Why would you now rely and act on the words of the same surety, who previously counseled against employing the job seeker, but is now urging you to risk it all. 

Needless to add that Obasanjo's "do or die" presidency was the bloodiest ever recorded in the annals of Nigeria's history of blood letting by the State. Obasanjo hurt more Nigerians than any other leader, past or present and possibly even future, if not the totality of them put together. So, why do Nigerians still allow Obasanjo to remain their guiding compass or does Obasanjo have a hypnotic spell on Nigerians which interferes with their rational thought process? Are Nigerians too confounded and attention-span deficient, not to remember what happened in their recent past, that such a deviant is still allowed to drive the political football in Nigeria leading up to the February 16th, 2019 election, after his past 2015 action which ushered Buhari into power. 

That Nigerians are still looking up to this man for direction and guidance, in matters involving their collective destiny, is in fact the greatest scandal in the life of Nigerians. How can Nigerians still seek directions from Obasanjo when his previous direction led then into the cul-de-sac of despondency in which they are currently mired, lost and confused.  

If Obasanjo led Nigerians for about 12 years officially, and for another 30 years unofficially, of his constantly meddling and directing other leaders on how to lead Nigeria, and Nigeria is still in a parlous state, doesn't common sense dictate that it is about time Nigerians did some serious introspection and moved away from Obasanjo. Shouldn't a thinking society, since taken stock and assessed how well they have fared following Obasanjo and then find a different way out of the woods in which Obasanjo led them into. 

Why would a society that wants to thrive not move away from a man whose dictates thus far, had not improved their lot and look for a completely new director of their affairs, going forward. If Nigeria is still so stagnated as to elicit the unflattering moniker, a "shithole" country, where then is Obasanjo's continuing relevance in the affairs of Nigeria; or better still, why is Obasanjo not taking full responsibility or being held accountable for running Nigeria aground

When has failure become something to celebrate by a society, admitted the Nigerian society is a very peculiar one, judging by the criminality and mediocrity which they usually honor and celebrate; including incompetent creeps which they frequently put forward as their leaders. ICHEOKU says will like to know what earned Obasanjo the right to determine who rules Nigeria or is Nigeria now Obasanjo's private estate and an entity within his Ota Farms Holding PLC. If only Chinua Achebe was not right and Nigeria is indeed a country, especially one which holds her transgressors accountable for their misdeeds, ICHEOKU is confident that Obasanjo would have since died a rotten prisoner of the State. 

Why do Nigerians always reward their traducers instead of holding them accountable; and are once again in the cusp of rewarding yet another one of them, with the presidency of the country, just because Obasanjo said so. Although, it will NEVER happen, but the fact that such an idea is even being entertained by some Nigerians, is by itself, dishearteningly idiotic. Yet, tomorrow, they will turn around to complain that the country is being run down and that things are not moving in the right direction. Yet they keep on electing mediocrities as leaders and in a country so richly blessed with so many first class materials, who know what needs to be done in order to turn the fortunes of the country around and for the better. 

The most disheartening thing about the current Obasanjo's manipulative antics is that he was the person who gave Nigerians the man presently in Aso Rock, who he now wants removed and replaced. It was just 46 months ago that Obasanjo told Nigerians that "Buhari was educated enough to be be president", despite knowing to the contrary. So, what changed, Nigerians? ICHEOKU says would not have had any qualms about replacing any non performing president, except that the man who Obasanjo wants to replace Buhari, is just another Buhari with a different name, if not a worse version Buhari 3.0. 

If Obasanjo meant well with his desire to replace an incompetent, non performing, old, illiterate, Fulani president, why in the world did Obasanjo settle for yet another old, illiterate, Fulani candidate, who has no records to run on or to show as evidence of his competence and ability to perform. Why did Obasanjo not chose any of the overachieving, youthful, highly energetic, well educated and obviously supremely qualified candidates including Kingsley Moghalu, Oby Ezekwesili, Gbenga Hashim, Donald Duke, Hamisu Santuraki or even Obadiah Mailafia, the candidate of the African Democratic Congress (ADC), which Obasanjo's Coalition of Nigeria Movement (CNM) adopted for the Election 2019? 

Any of this candidate is miles ahead in both competence and qualification than the two leading Fulani candidates. But no, Obasanjo would rather replace an unqualified and incompetent slow-man, with an also unqualified and incompetent thief-man; just because as far as Obasanjo is concerned, only either of them is good enough for Nigeria.

How can a supposed "PhD" defend this decision to support a man, who he previously called a thief and described as not fit for any office in Nigeria. What logic, no matter how flawed, could back up such unmitigated disaster of a decision. ICHEOKU says not even the then strongman of Ibadan, Lamidi Ariyibi Adedibu, would have condescended this so low.  

How can Olusegun Obasanjo single-handily forgive Abubakar Atiku of all his sins, administer an absolution on him, rehabilitate him and now tell Nigerians to elect him president? How can Obasanjo tell Nigerians to hand over the keys to their commonwealth to such a publicly named and shamed thief of State. How can Obasanjo look Nigerians in the eyes and defend this his illogical and irreconcilable decision to support Abubakar Atiku's campaign for the presidency of Nigeria, his earlier statements against Atiku considered?

But just for the sake of advancing the argument and given that forgiveness is divine, how is it Obasanjo's prerogative to forgive Atiku for stealing money which does not belong to Obasanjo, but to the people of Nigeria. Why did Obasanjo arrogate to himself the preeminent owner of Nigeria who knows what is good for Nigerians, that he should preside over the forgiveness of Atiku's thieving-sins, without first consulting with Nigerians. Why should it be Obasanjo's place to forgave Atiku and not the people of Nigeria, whose money Atiku stole? 

It is the height of impetuous disdain for Obasanjo to ask Nigerians to accept his forgiveness of Atiku and adopt it as theirs by voting for his now "forgiven" thief for president. Where was Atiku's penitence and penance; and was the money which Atiku stole from Nigerians returned in atonement for his thieving-sins, as any truly repentant and contrite transgressor is expected and required to do. What in fact purchased Obasanjo's absolution of Atiku? 

How can Obasanjo accuse Atiku of being a thief and turn around to say that he has forgiven Atiku and wants Nigerians to now vote for the same former thief-Atiku, but without first telling Nigerians what happened to the money which the thief-Atiku stole. Obasanjo even went further to write a book, MY WATCH, where he referred to Abubakar Atiku as the worst crook Nigeria has ever produced and the worst misfortune which ever befell Nigeria and that Nigeria was cursed to have produced Atiku. Yet, he now wants the same man to be president. ICHEOKU says regrettably, something is not adding up here. 

How can this cyborg be manipulating Nigerians in this manner and so effortlessly? Why are Nigerians not demanding that Obasanjo explain to them what made him to swallow his vomit and forced his u-turn on Atiku. If Atiku was such a good person and worthy of the honor of being a trusted custodian of Nigeria's treasury, why did Obasanjo not hand power over to him in 2007. Instead, Obasanjo chose Umaru Yar'Adua and after him, Goodluck Jonathan; all in an effort to prevent Atiku from ever nearing Nigeria's treasury. So what suddenly changed now, Nigerians? Please put on your thinking hats before it is too late.

Obasanjo is an elder, whose words should mean something and not be so easily trivialized. Obasanjo's conscience should not be dictated and driven by circumstances; and he should mean what he say and say what he means. If Obasasjo called Atiku a thief and mimeographed it in a book, MY WATCH, why then does anybody still think that Atiku is not a thief? If Atiku is not a thief, why has he not sued Obasanjo for slander and defamation, or forced Obasanjo to retract and recant the statement and apologize to him for besmirching his character and permanently damaging his reputation. A damage so bad, that generations yet unborn will someday read "MY WATCH" to learn that Nigeria once had a Vice President named Abubakar Atiku, who is a thief and who had the shameless audacity to even seek the presidency of the country. 

Where is the logic in the juxtaposition that in one breath, a man is a thief and in another whiff, the same thief miraculously morphed into a saintly monk, sworn to oath of poverty and can now be entrusted with the country's finances. Nigerians, please tell Obasanjo that you are smarter than he gives you credit for, because people do not change, at least not at such an advanced old age as Atiku. Nigerians similarly thought that Buhari had changed when they voted for him in 2015, only to later find out how far they had miscalculated. Why suffer the same misjudgment twice? It is not wise and it does not bode well for a society seeking redemption from its past too many disastrous mistakes. 

A matter made worse because Obasanjo did not tell Nigerians what necessary safeguards he will put in place to prevent Atiku's kleptomaniac instincts and uncontrollable impulses towards Nigeria's resources. Who will keep an eye on Atiku to make sure that he does not loot Nigeria into bankruptcy or worse still, auction the country off to the Chinese, in a deal of perpetual indebtedness and eventual hostile takeover of the country. Who will watch the watchman. Why are Nigerians listening to Obasanjo without first asking themselves what made Obasanjo to make a sudden u-turn about a man he previously characterized as a thief and not good for Nigeria.     

ICHEOKU says Aremu Matthew Kikiola Olusegun Obasanjo is the worst thing that ever happened to Nigeria since the hellish 1904 amalgamation of Nigeria. Whatever Obasanjo touched always ended in a disastrous tale of woes and Obasanjo created the rudderless Nigeria that is adrift and continuously threatening to capsize. 

Obasanjo also introduced the macabre Bar Beach show were hastily condemned individuals were tied at the stake and shot to death, cheered on by a crowd which did not know any better about the sanctity of human lives. 

ICHEOKU says but for tainted Viagra poisoning of Abacha, the Obasanjo nuisance would have since been abated. A man who refused to appreciate God's merciful hand in his life, who stubbornly remained an impertinent and unrepentant resident evil of Nigeria. It was the same Obasanjo, who, instead of being on the right side of history, joined forces with the enemies of Nigeria to scuttle the election of MKO Abiola president of Nigeria. Obasanjo  was heard in South Africa saying that Abiola was not the Messiah who Nigerians were expecting and therefore aborting his presidency was not a big deal. Yet this is the guy Nigerians are heeding his counsel?

Just take a look at the many blood letting and agony which Obasanjo midwifed in Nigeria:- the genocidal civil war which claimed nearly 5 million Biafrans' lives; the failed military coup of Colonel Buka Suka Dimka which triggered reprisal massacre of hundreds of Middle Belt top military officers; Odi Bayelsa massacre in which thousands were murdered; Zaki Ibiam Benue State massacre with thousands dead; thousands of Bakassi Nigerians who Obasanjo banished from their rightful country of origin and against their will into Cameroon; another 20,000 Nigerians who perished in a bomb explosion at an Army base in Ikeja. 

Attorney General and Minister of Justice of Nigeria Bola Ige and so many other prominent and un-prominent Nigerians were also collateral damage of his misrule, victims of the State under Obasanjo's watch. Then add the then frequently occurring plane "crashes" which claimed hundreds of Nigerian lives and which many people, including Babangida, suspected was another means of taking out personal enemies of Obasanjo and his government, which suddenly ended with his leaving office, which somewhat sustains the suspicion of his complicity and culpability in the murder by plane crashes. 

The tragedy of the situation in Nigeria today is that Nigerians seem to have forgotten who bequeathed them with the Dracula of Daura. They are angry at the man in Aso Rock, but not angry at the man or rather men, Obasanjo and Atiku, who facilitated Buhari's ascension to power in 2015. How can any Nigerian be mad at President Muhammadu Buhari for accepting a presidency which was handed over to him and it was not as if he staged a coup, like in 1983, and forcibly seized power. He was voted into power. But for Obasanjo and Atiku's sabotage of Jonathan's reelection bid, President Muhammadu Buhari would not be anywhere near Aso Rock today. Yet Nigerians are trying to reward this two evil men who gave them Buhari and who technically, are responsible for the dire situation in the country today, where Nigerians found themselves weeping and gnashing their teeth.

What will it take to finally awaken the consciousness of Nigerians to see the evil incarnate that is Obasanjo, the man who destroyed their collective destiny. Even Matthew 7:9-11 is very instructive that Obasanjo does not mean well for Nigerians, otherwise why would it be Abubakar Atiku that Obasanjo is championing his presidential candidacy. How can any decent person, especially one who parades himself as a leader, be advocating for a man who he repeatedly called a thief and swore an oath that it is over his dead body that Atiku will be elected president. Recall his fabled "I DEY LAUGH O" remark.  

ICHEOKU says there is something inherently wrong with Obasanjo and the odious mindset which finds his repulsive antics worthy. Were Nigeria a decent society, Obasanjo would have since been held accountable for his crimes against humanity, of the people who call Nigeria home. There is nothing good about a man of a very advanced old age, still fermenting trouble in Nigeria and threatening to take Nigeria down with him to his grave. 

As a president, Obasanjo never tolerated any opposition and hounded all of them into the grave or to a graveyard silence. Obasanjo also rigged every election conducted during his presidency, that even a beneficiary of one of such rigging, Umaru Yar'Adua, had to apologize to Nigerians for the election rigging that brought him into Aso Rock. But look who is now running around the real estate of Nigeria and hollering like a rhesus monkey about Armageddon should President Muhammadu Buhari win a reelection. Obasanjo is lucky that ICHEOKU is not in occupation of Aso Rock, otherwise what Abacha started with him would have since been completed and the heavens will not fall. What a pitiful sociopath and psychopath who once accused Jonathan of importing snipers to kill 1000 Nigerians and is again at his game of manipulating Nigerians and they are paying him  attention?

Indeed a psychiatric evaluation of Obasanjo would be in order, because not even Hannibal Lectern was this brazenly callous. ICHEOKU maintains that Olusegun Obasanjo is a despicable degenerate, who does not deserve his epicurean perch within the Nigerian society and should therefore be shunned and avoided like a leper. But are Nigerians even listening, otherwise which loving father, according to Matthew 7:10, will give his son a scorpion just because he asked for a fish. If Nigerians are tired of Buhari, why must it be Atiku that Obasanjo considers the only good enough choice for his replacement. Nigerians, please reject Obasanjo and his thief-Atiku, as their 1999 to 2007 draconian governance is still too fresh in the memory, to pretend it never happened. For the good of Nigeria, please ignore Obasanjo and SAY NO TO ATIKU because Atiku is NOT GOOD FOR NIGERIA. 

Friday, January 11, 2019


ICHEOKU says Team MAGA must be united and objectively directed; as what the other side is trying to do is to divide the rock solid coalition. No more infighting since the objective is the same, to build the WALL. However, now that building the Wall has started, lets help President Donald John Trump, FINISH THE WALL. #MAGA.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


ICHEOKU says if border WALL to protect Americans is immoral, why then are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer mansions fenced-in-around with ten foot walls? Are they saying that their lives, which their own fence (border) WALL is protecting, is more important than that of millions of other Americans, whose lives have been compromised and in many cases, even lost, as a result of lack of border fence? ICHEOKU says, like Black Lives Matter, American Peoples Lives also Matter. So Chuck and Nancy, FUND THAT WALL and do it NOW! #FUNDTHEWALL. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


"We want to make people aware of a development in our lives. As our family and close friends know, after a long period of loving exploration and trial separation, we have decided to divorce and continue our shared lives as friends. We feel incredibly lucky to have found each other and deeply grateful for every one of the years we have been married to each other. 

If we had known we would separate after 25 years, we would do it all again. We've had such a great life together as a married couple, and we also see wonderful futures ahead, as parents, friends, partners in ventures and projects, and as individuals pursuing ventures and adventures. Though the labels might be different, we remain a family, and we remain cherished friends." - Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos, soon to be former Mr and Mrs Bezos. 

ICHEOKU says with those words the world's richest couple have notified the world of their decision to part ways and regain their unmarried single status. But after 25 years and both seemingly happy, blessed with fruits of the womb and the groin, as well as more money and fame than billions of earthlings, the question remains what went wrong or did they just got tired of being married or seen as husband and wife and decided to part ways. 

Anyway, ICHEOKU wishes them all the best as they have the right to decide as they have decided; and hopefully whatever monkey it was that threw the wrench in their union will now give them a break to live their lives separately and as they see fit. A quarter of a century is one heck of a long time to be married to somebody and only now to want out. The only other people that will be making out like bandits from this divorce of world's richest couple will be their divorce lawyers; but since it seems to be an amicable decision, possibly the same lawyer/s will draw up their divorce settlement agreement and in that way only one lawyer's fees will have to be paid. Goodluck Jeff and Kenzie

Monday, January 7, 2019


ICHEOKU says her CBS 60 Minutes interview was indeed refreshingly assuring. A true breath of fresh air and she sounded in every bit very intelligent and in command of the issues. Her background also affirms that American Dream is still realistically possible, provided you are ready to throw your skin in the game to get it done. 

ICHEOKU says was particularly impressed listening to her, watching her body language and of course her choice of words and effective command of the language, were also noticeable. ICHEOKU’s verdict, is that Americans have not heard the last of the freshman Congresswoman from New York, who said it is always risky to try something new and ICHEOKU definitely agrees with her. 

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the Democratic Party’s equivalent of Republican Party’s President Donald John Trump, both are new; both are outsiders; both are idealistic and both are insurgent candidates. ICHEOKU says she now has a follower in ICHEOKU. Congratulations AOC. Salute

Sunday, January 6, 2019


ICHEOKU says the Democratic Party is acting as if election no longer has consequences or that they in fact won the election of November 8, 2016. President Donald John Trump won that election and one of the reasons he won was his promise to build the Southern border WALL with Mexico. The American people who voted for the president wants that border Wall built and the president must be allowed to fulfill his promise to the American people. 

The Congress must therefore, as a matter of necessity, provide the president with the funds he needs to build that Wall. If the Democratic Party does not like the Wall, they can campaign on "Tear that Wall" mantra and if they win, based on that come 2024, and wants to take bulldozers to the Wall, they should be free to also do that and necessary fund should be provided them to execute the task. 

Therefore, until the $5.3 billion or acceptable equivalent amount is authorized for the president to build that Wall, the government shutdown should remain in place and let its opening be part of the negotiating cards for the funds. Enough of the Democrats acting and behaving as if the Election of November 6th, 2016 never took place or that President Donald John Trump did not win that election. Enough also of the Democratic Party's base being the deciding factor in what goes on in America; how about the Republican Party's base, especially the Trump Nation, Team MAGA. The Congress must authorize the funds now or the government shutdown remains in effect indefinitely.


ICHEOKU says would have, like Speaker Nancy Pelosi, excused it by claiming that ICHEOKU is "not in the censorship business"; but only if it was an unintentional, accidental discharge faux passe, which fell out of nowhere and under the passionate moment it was uttered. But for the Congresswoman from Michigan, instead of excusing her language or even apologized for it as unintended heat of passion event made to her enthusiastic supporters, to now double down as "#UnapologeticallyMe", blows the whole thing out of the ballpark and into the arena of conflict. 

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib from the State of Michigan, a Palestine American, definitely crossed the line when she was afforded the opportunity to make a mea culpa, but instead, decided to throw every acceptable decency to the dogs. Yet, she is a Congresswoman of the United States of American Congress. ICHEOKU says in fact, by refusing to apologize for this foul language, Representative Tlaib has maximally diminished herself and the standing of the Congress. A matter made worse because Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic Party's leadership of the House of Representative, being deathly afraid of the crackheads wing of the 161st Congress, and thus lacking the guts, has refused and failed to demand that the Congresswoman from the State of Michigan maintain the decorum and respectability expected of Congressional delegation and apologize for the MF bomb which she dropped. 

By refusing to admonish Rashida Tlaib and demand that she apologize for what she said, and if she refuses, have her suspended from the Congress to maintain discipline, suggests an adoption of Ms Tlaib's action not to see the damage which she caused to the Congress as a foul mouthed Islamic woman from Michigan, member of Congress. By her obstinate refusal to understand the ramification of her action, the Congresswoman has exposed the Congress, Palestine-Americans, her Congressional district, the State of Michigan, as well as American Muslims to odium and ridicule, as an uncultured lot, who can do whatever the heck they desire, regardless of the decorum expected from them. She merely added to the stereotype and should not hold anyone responsible, if tomorrow, some people hold people with her bio-data with suspicion; as she has nothing to prove to anyone by being too stupid to appreciate her mistake. It is not necessarily about the president, but that an adult, a mother, especially one who is now a member of the United States Congress, should not use such a foul language

ICHEOKU says when President Donald John Trump sometime last year or two, said that "Today's Democratic Party has been hijacked and held hostage by left wing haters, angry mobs, deep State radicals, establishment cronies and Fake News allies", little did anyone knew then that one of them will be elected a member of the Congress. ICHEOKU says how any person with such uncouth radicalism and a mother for that matter, could sneak through the vetting process by the Democratic Party, shows that the president is indeed blessed with prophetic vision. There is no way in hell to excuse the utterance by Michigan State Congressional Representative Rashida Tlaib, both as an adult, a wife or single mother, a novelty and a mother of children. If she is this foul-mouthed in public, imagine what she is like behind closed doors and the environment in which her children are being raised. If she has a husband, imagine the type of sissy girlie man that would put up with such a crazed out, wild eyed feminist knucklehead. 

ICHEOKU says does not know anything about this woman, her background inclusive; but she has forever diminished her standing among her peers, the people of Michigan State, her Congressional district, the people of Palestine, Muslims all over the world and in short America in general; as she will forever be known as the foul-mouthed radical Congresswoman from Michigan, who used a foul language and defended its use as appropriate. How can any person, especially one representing thousands of others, not see the damage caused when she said the following:- "And when your son looks at you and says, ‘Mama, look, you won. Bullies don’t win,’ and I said, ‘Baby, they don’t,’ because we’re going to go in there and we’re going to impeach the motherfucker.” And she was narrating what she told her son, suggesting that foul language is acceptable in her home and this is who the State of Michigan sent to Washington DC to represent them? 

ICHEOKU says there is nothing like "speaking truth to power" in using repulsive foul language, especially one with sexual connotation to it. What truth to power was she speaking and to who? She wasn't addressing the president nor anyone higher in authority, but her son, and you wonder who in authority she was supposedly speaking truth to. How can calling the president a motherfucker be truthfully speaking in any way, shape or form. 

The worst scandal arising out of this is that this Congresswoman is oblivious of the damage which she has caused to herself; and then add the other scandal which is the leadership of the Democratic Party's failure to vociferously demand that the Congresswoman apologize or even retract her utterance as unbecoming of a member of Congress. There is no way to explain out the faux passe other than that Rashida Tlaib is a Congresswoman with street creed, who has sunk to the lowest level in the 116th Congress, such that every other Congress member, male or female, has now risen above her and she will permanently remain a rock bottom dweller of the Congress, throughout her congressional adventure or rather misadventure to Washington DC. She and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York will now be fighting for the headlines and with such distraction, their respective districts will suffer, holding the plate without much being placed thereon throughout their sojourn in Washington DC. 

Look at the beautiful and well mannered Somalian-American Muslim Congresswoman from Minnesota, IIhan Omar; and how beautifully she disarms everyone with her beautiful smile. Now, her landmark achievement American dream of being a refuge some 20 years ago to now a member of Congress, will somewhat become eclipsed and sidelined by this disgusting misbehavior of her fellow Muslim Congresswoman, Palestine-American Rashida Tlaib, a crazed out radical from Michigan. It is sad indeed and it is sadder that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic leadership is trying to sweep the matter under the rug as a no big deal; or as with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, trying to establish a moral equivalency with an utterance made by the president way back and before the president ever thought of becoming a politician, talkless of president. 

It is indeed regrettable and pitiful; and posterity will not judge Representative Rashida Tlaib Kindly; nor will it forgive her and the condoners of her "motherfucker" utterance. Could you imagine if it is the president that uttered such foul language and how the Democratic Party and their Fake News allies would sit on the story until the president apologized for it. But no, it is one of their own creeps and it is either okay, acceptable or excusable. Imagine it is this type of fringed people that the Democratic Party has now pawned away their party to and finds good enough to be elected into offices. Imagine the decadence into which the party would sink within the next few years if this trend continues; such that one day a Stormy Daniel might be nominated their presidential candidate with a Tony Wiener as her vice presidential candidate running mate. ICHEOKU says, America, we have a problem and it is the left wing nut jobs that have hijacked the Democratic Party. What a sad commentary. 

Friday, January 4, 2019


ICHEOKU says has anyone noticed how Femi Fani Olukayode only develops balls in matters outside the Yoruba Southwest but seems to chicken out whenever it appertains to the people within the Yoruba race or nation. He is deathly afraid to criticize anybody from Yorubaland but pretentiously grows steely balls when his victim is from Igboland or any other place outside Yoruba land. First he kissed and told on two Igbo ladies, Bianca Onoh-Ojukwu and Ms Adaobi Kate Uchegbu. Second, he criticized Lauretta Onochie for serving in a government when he served in two other governments himself; and now, his latest diatribe is on Father Mbaka. Meanwhile this loud mouth has never told Nigerians the many Yoruba girls who he slept with nor has he ever mouthed off against Obasanjo or Tinubu or even the governor of his home State of Osun. 

This Yoruba leper has never criticizes Enoch Adeboe whose pastor is President Muhammadu Buhari's Vice President and the man who alongside the Dracula of Daura is visiting Nigerians with the iniquities of their forebears to the present fourth generation. But suddenly, Father Mbaka saw a different vision and here comes the loudmouth pouring invectives on the clergyman for simply exercising his right to think differently. ICHEOKU queries, if Femi Fani Kayode could not criticize Enoch Adeboye for being part of Team Buhari and for propping up that government, what then gives him the right and impetus to trade tackles with Father Mbaka who has not taking any steps nor done anything significantly to sustain Buhari is office. 

ICHEOKU says the only thing that makes sense is that the lout is still suffering from the curse which was placed on his father for being a traitor to Yoruba people. His father Fani Power sabotaged Awolowo and the Yoruba people have not forgiven his family til date. This is the reason Femi is trading very cautiously in Yorubaland in order not to provoke their wrath and ire. He is struggling desperately to prove his bona fides to them and hopefully earn some brownie points for them to grant him fully pardon and absolution for his father's perfidy, by pretending to be a strong Yoruba warrior only against other tribes in Nigeria, including Ndigbo. 

ICHEOKU says it is about time this punk is called out for who he truly is - just a loud mouth, who is addicted to smoking week and snorting cocaine, which according to Adaobi, are "what he uses to function normally every day." Femi is also a known domestic violent person, who abuses his women and companions. Adaobi also said that Femi Fani Kayode suffers from bouts of epileptic seizures which he uses heavy medication to keep under some control. Further, she informed that Femi is a heavy womanizer who cavorts with  underage teenage girls, yet very pretentious when calling out some Northern underage predators. 

ICHEOKU says Femi Fani Kayode should not be allowed, especially by Ndigbo, to continue milking them for front page news and until he metes out the same condemnation to his Yoruba kind, he should be seen for who he is, just another one of them and treated similarly in kind. An eye for an eye and a punch on the nose for a punch on the nose henceforth. How dare he condemn Father Mbaka, but looks the other way at Enoch Adeboye, who actually put Buhari into office and continues to sustain him till this day. ENOUGH of the Femi Kayode's selective righteous indignity nuisance. Salute

Thursday, January 3, 2019


ICHEOKU says congratulations and hopefully the crazy leftists can finally rest now that they have taken back one of the three government chambers. But whether her party's far left crazies will allow her to work with the president in the interest of the American people will only be known with time. But hey, we shall see how everything works out; but the Democratic Party must realize that just like their Nancy Pelosi took back the gavel,  that election has consequences. 

The people of America elected President Donald John Trump primarily for his promise to build the Southern border wall and therefore she must allow the president to keep his campaign promise to the people who elected him president. If in 2020 the Democrats run on "Demolish The Wall" and wins, then they should also have the prerogative to take bulldozers to the Southern Wall and find money to so do. But this idea of the Democrats, especially their noisy and very vociferous activist farthest left, to think that they can bull their way into stopping or denying funding for the wall is the height of unmerited arrogance. 

ICHEOKU says Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi, FUND THAT WALL and do it now! Once again, congratulations on your second time around and lets hope the country can work again. 

Friday, December 28, 2018


ICHEOKU say the former president of Nigeria during the second republic between 1978 to 1983, Alhaji Shehu Shagari, has died. Shehu Shagari died of old age related infirmities following a brief illness. He was 93 years old. Shehu Shagari was meekness exemplified and had a heart of gold that granted amnesty to both Yakubu Gowon and Odimegwu Ojukwu, the two protagonists of the Biafran Civil war, admitted Gowon's case was for participating in the failed coup that ousted Muritala Mohammed. ICHEOKU says may his gentle soul now rest. Adieu Shagari.

Thursday, December 27, 2018


ICHEOKU says hopefully the visit will now quieten down all those naysayers who have been crying wolf that the president has never visited troops stationed overseas since his presidency; as they will now look for something else to be mad and angry about at the president. ICHEOKu says congratulations to President Donald John Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for finding time to visit with our fighting men and women at the Iraqi front. May God keep them safe and also our troops. Happy Yuletide season everyone. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


ICHEOKU says the only reason America is constantly fighting wars and acting as a police man of the world is the American military industrial complex, their profiteering honchos and the pervasive mentality among the elites that it is other peoples children and relatives who are fighting, being killed and maimed in these mostly needless and endless wars. As is always the case, when somebody is not paying a levy, he or she usually does not mind nor care if the levy is unaffordable or outrageously so high, provided they are not required to pay it. This is the reason so many people, particularly those in the Congress, support engaging America in unending wars throughout the world and in every part of world, no matter how remote it is; regardless of how inconsequential it might be to the security interests and needs of the United States of America. 

ICHEOKU says it is about time, these wars, which are depleting America's resources, both monetary and human, ended; or at least be brought within reasonable affordability. America cannot continue to assume everybody's and every country's security responsibility, especially when it the American tax payers that are usually called upon to bear the brunt of paying for these wars. It is becoming unbearably too expensive and it is about time it ended; or at least those countries whose security interests and needs, necessitate those wars, are made to pay for them. If that means American military becoming a mercenary soldiers that go to fight other countries wars, so be it; but America should henceforth start choosing its wars more sensibly and as is strictly restricted to the security needs of the country. That America is always going to save these countries makes those countries not to invest in their own military and security needs, aware that  American military will always rush in to save them.

It is therefore disheartening to see the outrageous outcry by some people in the Washington DC power circle, following President Donald John Trump's latest order pulling American troops out of Syria; and you ask yourself what is behind this outcry. The answer is simple, these people who are shouting holy macro have neither their sons and daughters or relatives in the military, who are fighting, being killed and being maimed and whose families are left lonely and without them during holidays and festivities such as the Yuletide season. They are observing the holidays with their own families, while the military families are alone, separated and perpetually worrying about the safety of their wards in the front line. Some of these perpetual wars apologists are also beholden to the military industrial complex, with military contractors lobbying them without ceasing for their military contracts to keep on coming, regardless of the dire hardships which military families face, the loss of lives, life altering injuries and financial resources involved in these world wide military adventurism. 

A solution however exists and ICHEOKU strongly believes one that will be the magic silver bullet that will finally solve all these needless and unending global war, which America has somewhat made its past time. Every son and daughter born to any American parents should be required to do at least four years of service in the military, compulsorily and without any exception or waiver whatsoever; except on dire medical or proven sickness grounds, which will render such a person incapable of serving the fatherland. ICHEOKU says you can call it bring back the draft if you like, but it is about time America reinstated the compulsory military service and force every parent in America to put their skin in the game that is defending America; and watch this incessant needless wars come to an end. Other peoples children are being killed and being maimed; and families are in constant grieving, while many others have since broken apart, victims of the constant separation of families; while the beneficiaries of these wars are smiling to the banks and building nests for their own privileged sons and daughters and generations yet unborn, from their profiteering from all these wars. 

It is about time this skewed Americanism ended and every American should be made to equally contribute in the defense and security needs of America. Military service in America should be made a one cap fits all affair, and let every American share in the burden, pain, agony and joy that necessarily comes with serving in the military. That way, every American will be better placed to have a real and actual perspective of what is  involved in prosecuting wars. This will enable them appreciate the need to only order the military into wars when a real need arises and exists; and not just because there is money to be made and that war lobbyists want to make more money or that their lobbying foreign countries want their security need to be met. American military should only be deployed to protect America's interest and nothing more. Therefore, ICHEOKU supports the withdrawal of the American troops from Syria and urges more of such withdrawals, including from Afghanistan and other places where their presence is not necessarily needed. Enough of these endless, needless wars. as the cost in human lives and to the American treasury is increasingly becoming exorbitantly, too prohibitive.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


ICHEOKU says why is the Charles Schumer led Democratic Party behaving as if the election of 2016 did not take place and as if his party is still in power and therefore still calling all the shots in Washington DC; and also as if President Donald John Trump was not elected president based on election promises which he made to the American people? 

Watching the current absurdity going on in Washington DC where a minority party is holding a party in power hostage to its own agenda, indeed questions everything the Democratic Party has told American people previously that elections have consequences and you wonder if it is only when the Democratic Party wins elections that the rule applies. Why is it that they tell us this and then turn around and seem to forget the fact that President Donald John Trump was elected president in 2016 and therefore his election should have consequences as well. Or did they forget that the president was elected largely in part for his tough stance on immigration, including his promise to build wall on America's southern border; admitted Mexico was supposed to pay for it. but things did not work out as earlier planned to make Mexico pay for it. 

But irrespective of who pays for the wall, if the president won the election by reason of his promise to BUILD THE WALL, why then should the expressed wishes of the more than 63 million Americans who voted for the president not matter to the Democratic Party or be of such consequence as to warrant the fulfillment of the promise and expectation from the government which they put in power. Why then do people vote for any particular candidate based on campaign promises and why do people even run for offices if not to articulate what is important to the electorates, with a promise made to fulfill them if elected? Why then do candidates make promises to the electorate, based on which they swing their votes, if it turns out that they will be frustrated from keeping their election promises, by the obtuse and obstructing minority party? 

A case in point being the southern border wall with Mexico which catapulted President Donald John Trump into the White House, and which Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton and even Barack Obama once supported, only to now become anti wall obstructionists just because their lunatic fringe base is against it. How about President Donald John Trump's own base or is it only the Democratic Party's base that should be catered to and whose wish must always be fulfilled? Where is the tolerance and accommodation or is the political relationship now so one sided that it must always be the Republican Party which is always forced into a retreat while the Democratic Party becomes so bullish that they always have their way or it is the highway for everybody else. 

Where is the fairness and honesty in the horse trading usually involved in politics and where is the justiciability. Why did the Democratic Party take over the House of Representatives in the last Midterm Election if not for the promise of keeping Obamacare which they made to their base. So, how will they feel if Republicans decide to obstruct them or truncate it and make their promise to their base go up in smoke? Politics should never be a game of winner takes it all or a stance of my way or the highway, because what goes around always have a way of coming around. It should be a little here and a little there, flesh and bone situation, and in that way, both political parties' bases will feel like their votes mattered and counted.

ICHEOKU says therefore necessary accommodations must be made by the Congress to enable the president satisfy the wishes of the millions of Americans who want the wall built and thus help him fulfill his election promise to them; otherwise what use then is running for any office, if the wishes of the electorates doesn't matter any more or can be simply discountenanced by a minority opposition party. 

ICHEOKU says short of trying to force a distance between the president and his base and thus separate them from him because of the 2020 election, the Charles Schumer led Democratic Party have no other business or any cogent reason for obstructing and resisting the building of the southern border Mexico wall. The Republicans must therefore treat such a continuing obstruction as an affront to them as the majority party and to their president and find a way of circumventing the Democrats obstruction. If it means deploying the nuclear option, so be it; afterall their former leader Harry Reed used it to confirm two otherwise would have been impossible to confirm liberal Justices of the Supreme Court. 

Were it the Democratic Party that ran on the BUILD THE WALL promise and won, they would have since flooded the airwaves with their "election has consequences" outcry and will stay on the message until every American says let the Democrats build their wall. But not with the Republican Party, which sometimes appear to be not willing to fight for anything which their party's base wants or believes in; afraid of being branded racist or any other inclement adjective. 

ICHEOKU says what happened to the fighting spirit which distinguishes the two political parties, failing which, we should just have a one Party State and forget about it. What is worse if ICHEOKU may ask, is it using the nuclear option to confirm Supreme Court Justices that lasts a lifetime and which decisions affects nearly everything in the society or using it to clear obstacles towards securing needed funding to build the wall. Only that it would seem that even the Republican Party are equally sabotaging the president's agenda and do not want him to succeed, otherwise why not just go full metal jacket on approving the entire $25 billion for the wall and damn the consequence. But they are mad as well, alongside their Democratic Party establishment, that an outsider crashed their Washington DC's power party, uninvited and hijacked the center seat at the head table. 

Anyway, American people are waiting and watching to see how the current border wall triggered government shut-down face-off eventually works out; but truth be told, President Donald John Trump needs to have his wall built and it does not matter nor should it matter if the next Democratic Party's candidate runs on demolishing the wall and if he or she wins on that promise, should feel free to take bulldozers to the wall and demolish it. But let candidates be allowed to fulfill their campaign promises otherwise American electioneering campaign is doomed for vacuousness; because words should matter and campaign promises which secured victory for a candidate should as a matter of need, be fulfilled. BUILD THE WALL and let American Tax payers pay for it.

Monday, December 24, 2018


ICHEOKU says it was wrong for the outgoing Defense Secretary, James Mad Dog Mattis, to so publicly rebuke the President and Commander In Chief and the man at whose pleasure he served; and should have shown some respect at least to the office of the president, even if he does not like or disagrees with the president. President Donald John Trump was elected president by the American people and anyone who disagrees with what he I doing or what his policy initiative and direction is, should trash it out with the American people who elected him, but must learn to respect the choice which they made on November 6, 2016. It is not debatable and it admits of little to no choice in the matter. Therefore, irrespective of how any of those Washington insiders may feel or think, America has only one elected president and President Donald John Trump is that person, case closed. 

Therefore, anyone called upon to serve in the administration must either conform to the policy directive of the president or take the exit; no backbiting and no talking back nor grudging snipes will be entertained or tolerated. There is no exception to the rule and it does not matter how highly regarded the official is, as everyone of them is subordinate to the President and Commander In Chief who appointed them into office. James Mad Dog Mattis is not an exception to the rule, thus firing him was in order, as he disrespected the office of the president by openly castigating the president and challenging his right to the office by disregarding his order and by necessary implication, questioning his decision making capability. 

Those too big to control appointees in the administration should make way for those self disciplined individuals, who understands the boundaries of their appointment and are fully aware that there is only one president of the United States of America who was elected to direct the policy initiative of the country to step in. America does not have room for more than one president at a time and any appointee who cannot check his ego to this consequential fact should move on or be fired. If any appointee feels that they do not like the direction of the government or the type of foreign policy they are pursuing, they should leave or even run for president themselves and if they win, then drive the ball of the State as they see fit; but they must not be a passenger in another man's vehicle and want to impose their will on how the vehicle will be driven. 

President Donald John Trump was elected by the American people who are tired of how things have been going on and wanted an entirely new direction. Nobody serving in his government has any superior right to anything, including the right to first refusal other than the president. If James Mad Dog Mattis was given a notice long time ago, 8 months to be precise, that the mission in Syria should be wound down within the next six months and two months after the deadline, he has not taken any steps to implement the directive, that actually amounts to insubordination and disobedience of a lawful order from a superior authority. So the question should in fact be why did James Mad Dog Mattis not obey the president's directive and if he strongly disagrees with the president, why did he not turn in his resignation, rather than wait to be fired and now acting out with open letters of disagreements. 

Why would James Mad Dog Mattis play the game which all of those Washington establishment members play? Why would James Mad Dog Mattis disobey his boss, the President's directive, only to now say what? That he knows better than the man who was elected to drive the policy and foreign relations football of the United States of America, who appointed him into office and at whose pleasure he served. But as with every other thing else which the crooked media covers, concerning the president, they are now making the James Mad Dog Mattis firing appear as if the president took him by surprise, when in fact it was James Mattis that indeed took the president by surprise by not only carrying not carrying out an express directive  but now lashing out against the president, when he was given 8 months notice hers up, which is now two months past due, to wind down the Syrian operation. If he knew that the president should have the type of defense secretary that he can work with, why did he not resign or rather change into the type of defense secretary he knows the president would rather have.

Anyway, in any government or administration, every appointee is dispensable and even the president if need be; so as James Mattis goes another person will fill his shoes. The Pentagon was there long before James Mattis arrived and so will the Pentagon remain there long after James Mattis is gone. Hopefully, the president will quickly find a very competent hand to man the tiller at the Defense Department and life, as always, goes on. Many members of Team MAGA thought that Mad Dog Mattis would have been above the fray and crass partisanship of Washington DC, and would have worked with the leader of Team MAGA seamlessly, but it turned out not to be so. Our allegiance lies and remains with the president and we are sticking with him until after his second term in 2023. Therefore, the president can fire whoever the heck he wants to fire, as nothing will or can sever our allegiance to him and we shall reelect him to a second term come 2020. So long Jim. 

Sunday, December 23, 2018



ICHEOKU says may the Yuletide season bring you everlasting peace of mind and fulfillment in the life whose birth we are celebrating today. Merry Xmas.

Friday, December 21, 2018


ICHEOKU says it is now John 19:30 for the Abubakar Atiku's campaign effort to enter Aso Rock. As is self evident, the noose on the crooked and corrupt polygamist Abubakar Atiku's quest to make it into Aso Rock is increasingly, tightening. The taut just got more tense as his own people, the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, MACBAN, has now thrown him under the bus or is it even under the hoofs of their cows, to be stampeded to death. A man who has been bedeviled with all manners of problems, each capable of derailing his campaign and collectively now seriously threatening to actually achieve that. 

What a gathering of the storm against a campaign that was doomed from the onset to fail, even before it actually kicked off; dogged by one scandal after another. A man with such a quantum of baggage, yet the load keeps on getting heavier as more and more things are being added to his already heavy burden. Atiku's case is made worse by the ineptitude of his campaign media organization, which is not doing anything fantastically well and/or professionally exceptional, to help shut some of these bad press against their candidate down and ultimately squelch them. 

ICHEOKU says what then is the use of a media consultants who could not kill a story or at least spin it out of focus and out of the front page and prime time, which are constantly  reminding Nigerians of the questionable character who wants to be their president. There is the saga of an American financial crime, an absconding from America, an American visa snafu and also his being a wanted man by the American FBI, all of which have hounded Atiku's presidential quest for so long and are still hounding him till today; and which will eventually, collectively prove his albatross come February 15th, 2019. 

As if those are not enough campaign-killing troubles already, Atiku is running a mediocre campaign with staffers who either do not know what they are doing or could be said to be working against the interest of their candidate. How can a candidate seeking the votes of the electorates be damaging his relationships with different voting blocks of the electorates. How could Atiku's staffers and even vice presidential candidate be picking fights with the electorates, instead of mending fences and suckling up to them, at least, until they cast their votes. 

The other day it was Father Mbaka and his Adoration Ministry that Atiku's campaign took on and today, it is the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, his own Fulani people, his umunna, that the Atiku campaign also took on. The first rule of engagement of campaign politics is "TO DO NO HARM" and not cost your campaign any votes; and to protect every vote, no matter how seemingly inconsequential they may be, from leaving your column of support. One cardinal rule of electioneering campaign is to never make any voter so mad or minimize his or her essence, as to make the voter's vote part of the 500 votes in Florida which made Al Gore to lose the presidential election to George Bush in 2000. 

That Atiku is not a consummate politician is becoming clearer by the day as evidenced in the way in which he is running his campaign thus far; and by not protecting against these leaching off, of his otherwise potential votes. This explains why he has not been able to successfully close the deal with the Nigerian electorates, despite the strong distaste for a continuation of the Buhari's presidency. It could also be argued that Atiku is a very bad product, which a very horrible sales people, his campaign organization, are trying so hard but without success to push into the market. But unfortunately, they are not doing well enough and neither are they making the requisite effort necessarily needed and required to push such an unwanted product into marketability. 

ICHEOKU says so far, the Atiku campaign media organization has failed him woefully and a thinking presidential candidate would have done some shaking up in it, with a view to injecting fresh, ideas-filled minds and competent hands and quick thinking brains, to help chaperon and coast him through the rest of the campaign season. The current staffers have failed to propagate his candidacy far enough as to be within the threshold of electability. Their inability to successfully endear Atiku in the minds of his critics and detractors; and thus unable to erode some Buhari's would be voters and switch them to Atiku is tellingly costly. 

Atiku, ordinarily, has no strong solid political base anywhere, and without poaching voters from the other guy, he has a near zero chance of ever uprooting an incumbent who is fully resolved of retaining the seat of power. President Donald John Trump won the presidency of the United States of America not with Republican votes or because the Republican Party wanted him; no, but because he was able to poach some Democratic voter's votes, some Independents voters' votes, as well as other non aligned voting blocks, some of who have never voted for any candidate within the past 30 years, but all of who came out to break for him. But instead of Atiku courting and growing these various block of voters, he is rather constantly pushing them away; some as a result of unintended misspeak, utterances and actions. 

ICHEOKU says except for the easily excitable few hollering Facebook macaws, there are no major noticeable movement or political realignments within the polity, ever since Atiku purchased the PDP's presidential nomination ticket. The most chilling being among Nigerian governors, particularly those from Atiku's own Northeast geo-political region; none of who are getting giddy with excitement about Atiku's prospects at entering Aso Rock. The Southeastern governors as not excited either; including Southeast's Ike Ekweremadu, who will not commit a political harakiri by encouraging his own upstage as the natural PDP political leader in the Southeast. The Deputy Senate President is fully aware that the election of a PDP Vice President from the region will automatically sideline or push him aside and make way for the new dog in town. 

But will Ike Ekweremadu accept this new impending order, in view of the Alex Ekwueme's saga of 1979 through 1983, which saw an unparalleled rivalry and sometimes near physical confrontation and even a shooting fight at Nkpor, in his attempt to wrestle power and control from the then NPP controlled Southeastern States of Imo and Anambra States. The memory is still very fresh in the memory in those PDP governors as well as Ike Ekweremadu and they will seriously guard against their losing their relevance and of course political strength in the Southeast to any stranger who just wandered into the PDP to snatch their entitled right of first refusal vice presidential slot, and thereby a threat to their political base, which took them decades, in putting together and establishing. 

This is a pivotal issue which any thinking presidential candidate would have factored in, while choosing his vice presidential candidate, but not the brain-dead Atiku. Politics is about having a strong loyal powerful base and once established, no politician likes any straggler encroaching on it and will do whatever it takes to sabotage and frustrate such incursion or should ICHEOKU even call it, protect against such an invasion and possible overthrow of the politician and banish him from his territorial political space. It is akin to staging a personal political coup de tat against such politician and they usually do not take such very kindly. 

It is just like the lions in Serengeti National Wild Life Park or any other place, once they establish their territory and their pride, only a fight to death to defend it or their banishment would dislodge them from there; and so it is with politicians, because without being in charge and control of their political base, they are nothing and have no bargaining chips left on their table. 

But the man who believes that everything is money and money Is everything, is yet to convince ICHEOKU that his pick will deliver the Southeast for him, especially when he has no control of the political apparatchik of the Southeast, including in his own home State of Anambra. That William Obiano is working for Buhari reelection effort is an open secret, based on a deal which the governor reached with the president, before his own reelection victory was signed off on. That Ike Ekweremadu feels threatened by Peter Obi's emergence is also a fact because he will not allow his political hold of the Southeast to slip from his hands and shift to Peter Obi. Further, Enugu State Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, who owes his appointment or "selection" as then PDP candidate for governor, to the Sultan of Sokoto, will do exactly as instructed by the Caliphate. 

Thus, with Ekweremadu and his State's Governor Ugwuanyi working against Atiku, Atiku's election victory's prospect in Enugu State is at best, flickering. Then factor in the Enugu State's Father Mbaka's Adoration Ministry fiasco with Peter Obi and you be the judge that with this three opposed factors in Enugu State, that Atiku's winning Enugu State will be an uphill task to pull off. Imo State is already under the APC controlled and Ebonyi State governor is not equally excited about Atiku and he is rumored to be a closeted Buhari supporter. Abia State is at best uncommitted; and there goes the so much noise about a sweep of the Southeast by the Atiku/Obi ticket; a matter which is not helped by the IPOB threatened Election 2019 boycott in Southeast and South-south, Biafran land. 

But Atiku, as if he needed more problems in addition to his already existing 99 problems, which are seriously militating against his election bid, has now added the entire Fulani North in the Atiku's conundrum. How can any politician, who is already this heavily loathed, afford to continuously elongate his enemy's list, especially when the cavorted new enemy is his own Fulani people. It shows that Abubakar Atiku is an unthinking money miss road; and has no grey matter in his brain. How can Atiku afford to be bleeding this much many votes, particularly a voting Zombie Nation, as the Fulani, who simply follows orders to execute and without ever asking questions or thinking about it. What inoculation does Atiku has against these lost votes and he is not in power to either mobilize, marshal out and coordinate an effective rigging of the election with the security agencies. 

ICHEOKU says anyone who pays attention in Nigeria knows that the powerful Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, MACBAN, is everything Fulani. Put in another way, Fulani is MACBAN and MACBAN is Fulani, two sires of the same loin and inseparably tied together to the same apron string. They are the same people and what affects one, equally affects the other. Fulani are fundamentally cattle rearing Nation and for the most part, have retained this niche in the society, as it has always been and still remains true till this day. It is their preeminent occupation and they are so proud of this their ancestral heritage, that every Fulani either owns cows or has a family member who owns cows and/or is a herdsman. It runs in their blood, hence whatever affects a Fulani herdsman affects the entire Fulani Nation put together. It is also a fact that the Fulani still maintains a top to bottom hierarchical society and that they usually speak with one voice. 

Therefore, the Fulani who denounced Abubakar Atiku as a prodigal bad Fulani, would not have spoken if his statement was not first signed off by the Sokoto Caliphate itself. Please don't forget that MACBAN has as its three patrons, the three most prominent Northern traditional rulers - the Sultan of Sokoto Sa`ad Abubakar, the Emir of Kano Mohammed Sanusi III and the Shehu of Bornu El Kanemi.  It is also on strong authority that ICHEOKU says that practically every retired or serving Northern military honcho invest in the cattle business heavily. Then add other prominent rich Fulani and other Northerners who consider cattle rearing business as a must own share or buy stock; or put in another way, Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria is the Fulani person's Stock Exchange and their fortunes rise and fall, depending on how the market of cattle rearing is performing. So, they will do whatever it takes to keep it waxing stronger and stronger and will not tolerate anything or person who threatens them in any way, form or fashion. 

Abubakar Atiku just did that by condemning and threatening that their murderous escapades will be tackled and they will not hear nor entertain such intrusion into how they conduct their business, which often turn gory and bloodied. So, it is based on these variables, especially the fallout with the Miyettii Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, a group as powerful as America's National Rifle Association, the NRA, that ICHEOKU says that the Abubakar Atiku's campaign just received a death blow by the statement which was credited tot he Fulani Nation as issued by MACBAN. 

The membership of that Fulani body MACBAN is deeply rooted and they are very powerful as well. That they have now disowned and distanced themselves from Atiku is the biggest deal against the Atiku's moribund campaign for Aso Rock. Yet, somebody is still saying to ICHEOKU that Atiku will win the Election 2019 and ICHEOKU retorts, with what constituents? The MACBAN's statement telegraphs a resoundingly resonating message that the Fulani Nation does not trust Atiku; and at at best, not enough trust, that he will protect their Fulani interest in Nigeria. 

It also sends a clear signal that the Fulani Nation is sticking with their zealotry Fulani nationalist and brother, President Muhammadu Buhari through the Election 2019. Their message is unmistakable and it is clear as a whistle that for the Fulani Nation, their interest supersedes any other interest or thing or consideration, and that they are not prepared to risk it all with a renegade Fulani, Abubakar Atiku, who they cannot trust. 

ICHEOKU says just read what the President of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, in charge of the killing field hotbed Benue State sector, Alhaji Garus Gololo, said, about Abubakar Atikuand you will be convinced. It requires no further interpretation as to where the heart of the Fulani Nation lies in the forthcoming Election Campaign 2019. They do not joke when it comes to protecting their interest and they have severally killed in the past to protect it and if need be, they will also willingly shed more blood to register their message that nothing else matters to them nor trumps the Fulani interest in Nigeria. With the message, the Fulani Nation have spoken and unequivocally too, that they have no inheritance in the House of Atiku; and so have decided to stay put in the House which Muhammadu Buhari built for them. 

President Muhammadu Buhari gave his all to his Fulani Nation, including giving them a government of a Fulani man by Fulani people and for the Fulani Nation. So what else can they ask for and who else can beat the Buhari record of completely ceding Nigeria to the Fulani people. Not a thousand Atikus can come close to ever being more fundamentalistic ally Fulani, than the man who put FULA in the FULANI. Yet somebody somewhere, who just had a bellyful of the the ATIKULOOTED coolaid, is dreaming of an Atiku inside Aso Rock and tasing ICHEOKU tp join the marching band of ATIKULOOTED vuvuzelas now. Really? 

Just listen to what Alhaji Garus Gololo said about Abubakar Atiku for you to understand that were Atiku a cow, MACBAN would have since led him straight to the slaughter and had his meat sliced up as suya and kilisi; and by his own people, the Fulani Nation of Nigeria. The Fulani Nation detests Atiku so much, for being a fake Fulani and actually, accused him of being of a questionable Fulani descent. Here below is the riveting statement:-
“I am disappointed in Atiku because he had already divided Nigeria even when he has not come to power. Buhari has nothing to do with herdsmen, he is a Nigerian and it is the people of Nigeria that voted him into power and l believe they will still vote him again in 2019. Nigerians should ask Atiku about the N68.8 billion proceeds from NEPA which he sold when he superintended over the privatization process of the then NEPA. People should talk about the power plants or the money he raised from the sale of that public asset. As far as I am concerned, Atiku is not a credible candidate to contest the coming presidential election in Nigeria because he is so sentimental and if they vote him in as president, he would divide Nigeria the more." 

ICHEOKU says if this is not the final nail that was driven into the coffin of Atiku's presidential quest, then it is going to take his coming to America and being arrested by the FBI and locked up in prison following a criminal prosecution and conviction to achieve it. But a person who has been disowned by his own very umunna, his kinsmen, is definitely running on empty; just only on fumes, in his quest to dislodge Buhari from Aso Rock. But hey, we shall see how the crooked and corrupt polygamist intends to surmount and dismantle all the obstacles which are blocking, not only his way but his sight, as he continues trudging on, on a lonely road of a failure to accelerate his Mission to Aso Rock. 

As if the mountain of obstacles is not enough already  now his own people, the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, a bona fides Fulani people of Nigeria group, have descended into the arena of conflict to throw their hat in the ring, in support of an incumbent Fulani zealot, their own beloved son, in whom they are all well pleased and  also trust. It is much unlike the renegade Fulani in name only, Abubakar Atiku, a walker about, philandering Fulani polygamist, who they detests with passion. 

And there goes up in a fiery smoke, a dreamt Atiku's presidency but which failed to successfully launch. Abubakar Atiku is victim of self destructive impulses and an inept campaign media organization, which has crass incompetence for a middle name. So long Atiku and may you be forever remembered, although euphemistically, as another best president who Nigeria never had; the other one being the wicked degenerate Obafemi Awolowo. SAY NO TO ATIKU. Atiku, NOT GOOD FOR NIGERIA.