Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


ICHEOKU says it was with mixed feelings but definitely not shocked, that ICHEOKU received the news of the assassination of a former Defense Chief of Nigeria, AVM Alex Badeh. It is unfortunate that he was murdered and now has become part of the statistics of victims of the general insecurity in the land. 

This was a guy who diverted billions of Naira meant to arm and equip the Nigerian Air-Force into his personal use accounts; and was being prosecuted for the grand larceny and theft of the Nation's commonwealth. Ironically, his billions could not save him from the assassins hot leads and he cannot take any dime with him as he flies away into eternity. 

The story of such unmitigated corruption is replete throughout the society, including in other branches of the military as well as other security agencies, including the police; and somebody is still wondering why the intolerable high level of insecurity in the land which has literary defied solution. Yet despite all these, some people still wants to vote for the face of this wanton corruption in Nigeria,  Abubakar Atiku, into office as their president. ICHEOKU says may God forbid bad thing, IJN. 

However, the only good thing out of this tragedy is that it shows that nobody is immune from the insecurity in the land; and that even the high-up also falls victim to the incessant blood letting in Nigeria. A situation which they often don't pay much attention to and at best, a lip service attention, because of the security cordon usually thrown around them, including battery of government paid guards who protect them. But none of it paid off today, as he assumed room temperature and instead of returning home to his palatial mansion which corruption purchased for him, he is in a frozen drawer inside a morgue, awaiting the pathologist's scalpel. 

As a high up military honcho, Badeh possibly too, knew and/or had an inkling about what happened to Bola Ige, but kept quiet about it; thinking that he was just a bloody civilian Attorney General and Minister of Justice and that a non bloody and nor civilian military honcho is totally shielded from such a dastardly assassination. Imagine the possibility that Bade could still be alive today had Bola Ige's assassins been caught, prosecuted and convicted and are either serving life prison sentences or received death penalty sentences that have already been carried out. It would have surely served as a deterrent to those assassins, who today, took Bade's life. But no, it was Bola Ige's turn yesterday and today, it was is Alexander Badeh and who knows for whom the bell will toll tomorrow. 

So, it is somewhat comforting to see that every life can succumb to insecurity and therefore every life should matter and should be protected, by solving the insecurity problem in the country. Therefore, if Alex Badeh's assassination will jolt every leader or everyone in authority in Nigeria, to work harder, going forward; to ensure that there is security for everybody, so be it. An insecurity for one should as a matter of course be an insecurity for all. The life of an Agatu farmer in remote Benue State should not be of any lesser value than a former military honcho Bade's life in Abuja, simply because Bade is a proverbial Nigerian "big man." Former IGP Ogbonna Onovo once issued a report which showed that more than half of Nigerian Police Force are deployed to protecting about only 10% of the population's high up, with the other half protecting the rest of other 90% of the lower caste Nigerians, whose lives are less important and of lower value. Speaking of a country or rather a country, that once was. 

Therefore ICHEOKU welcomes the periodic felling of some of these Nigerian leaders, because we are all in it together and are all equally exposed to the life altering vagaries, which their ineptitude and cross corruption festooned on the country, admitted the disparate proportion. The Orwellian Animal Farm situation in Nigeria cannot go on forever and should not continue to be tolerated, because no life should be more equal than the other, simply because they are the proverbial "big men" and "big women" of Nigeria and other Nigerians are not. A Nibo Nise man's life taken by a killer Fulani herdsman is as precious as a Bade''s life, also, probably taken by some Fulani hired assassins. But who knows who wanted him out of the way or ordered him killed; whether he was another victim of the continuing Fulani onslaught on the people from that region of the country, or he was simply a victim of just a random attack. 

Hopefully the police will help Nigerians solve the crime quickly because of who he was, admitted Bola Ige's murder is still a cold case over 15 years after he was brutally hacked down while having dinner, his last supper, with his family inside his family home. It is very SAD that Bola Ige was killed and it is even sadder that no lessons were learnt from his killing to guard against such,  leading to the now killing of a former Chief of Defense Staff, Air Vice Marshal Alexander Badeh. When will all these wanton wastage and spillage of human lives ever end in Nigeria? May his soul now rest. Adieu Alex.

Monday, December 17, 2018


ICHEOKU says Linda is only blackmailing a guy whose only sin was picking up an easy lay, who  took in and was advised to see a doctor, but she refused. How could she, when her womb has long been yawning for a fruit and therefore, was too precious to flush out. According to Linda, her son is the product of a long unanswered prayer, which was finally answered. Query, why and what then is the need for Linda's tale by moonlight about a casual, reckless and unprotected sex, which produced for her a love child and also a loveless baby daddy?

Linda says she is 38 years old, but anyone who has some brain knows that Linda is likely closer to 45 years and at such an advanced old woman age, conceiving is often times very difficult for women. This explains why a surprised Linda would not hear nor entertain the idea of an abortion and she carried her child to full gestation. Luckily too, the child looks healthy and she has the means to support him and give him the best which money can purchase in his life. She should therefor zip it and stop all these pity party story for the Gods, because many people do not really care about what two adults did behind closed doors and at their spare time. 

So what, if she had sex with a stranger and got knocked up, and a child outside wedlock results? She will not be the first, neither will she be the last to so do. The last time ICHEOKU checked, none of the above is a crime, so, why bother with the salacious details. Linda should therefore move on with her life of being a single mother and a baby mama to a guy who did not and does not want a long term commitment and has himself since moved on. 

Nigerians would rather not be disturbed by the outbursts of a one night stand baby mama and she should have known better when she was riding an air bicycle and screaming harder baby, daddy, do it to me really harder; and recklessly, without any form of protection whatsoever. This is the real tragedy of her story, that a supposedly enlightened Linda Ikeji was having an unprotected sex with somebody she just met, a casual one night stand, despite its attendant risks including having a baby out of wedlock. She knows that her risky behavior could result in an unplanned and/or unwanted baby; or if planned by her, she did not communicate or share or break her sex partner, now turned her baby daddy, into it. Linda was being clever by half until 'nkata we kpudo ya bu onye aghugho.' 

Query, did Linda ever discuss getting pregnant or having a child with her baby daddy or was she up to no good in trying to trap the guy with a pregnancy, like so many unthinking women sometimes do. As every grown man who has played the field extensively knows, women are often times cunning, thinking that they are smart, only to down the road regret their actions. Some of such entrapped men often times turn into monsters, as they never forgive such women who forced marriage on them, just because they had sex and pregnancy results and the story turns into you must marry me o. These daughters of Eve have also somewhat perfected the act of entrapment with pregnancy, that even when you agree that condoms and birth controls should be used, they always find a way of skirting the agreement, only to turn around and blame you for getting them pregnant. 

There was this case where one guy did all he could do to stay above the you must marry me thing, until the woman insisted that she will be the one putting on him the condom. But unbeknownst to this guy, the girl always rip off the tip of the condom and the guy thinking that their agreement was holding kept on coming without withdrawal. Few months into their gig, the girl told him that she is pregnant and that she is not aborting the child and that he is responsible for it and must marry her. The rest of the story is now history, but their marriage is one made in hell and blessed by Lucifer. But do you blame the guy when a woman forced herself on him and compelled him to say "I DO." 

Sometimes when such unplanned pregnancy results and these lecherous woman are asked to see a doctor or even before then, are asked to be on birth control pills or feminine guards or cervix gauze, they will refuse. Some will tell you that their upbringing and religious faith is against such things and that it is murder to flush a zygote or rather blood clot inside their womb and we are speaking about a few weeks old cells. They will tell you that abortion is not a medical procedure, but a sin; and that God will not forgive them if they try it. Meanwhile all the time they were performing acrobatic gymnastics and screaming daddy mo, daddy mo, harder and harder, they did not remember that they had the special upbringing and/or that their faith was against having sex outside wedlock. 

They were just interested in proving themselves a whore on your bed, trying to satisfy you and to make you not look any further, and to prevent your wandering eyes from seeing any other God's creature, who is shaking what her mother gave her, down the road.  It is a game for many of them and they have perfected it to science. They will be riding dirty, with legs thrust up as high as Mountain Everest and spread apart as wide as Lake Michigan, with your suffocating self sandwiched in between, only to change the story when pregnancy results and come and see a possessed animal, swearing at you like you killed her parents and entire family. 

ICHEOKU is not here to chastise anybody nor pass judgment on Linda Ikeji or hold brief for her baby daddy, either. ICHEOKU says is here to share some thoughts and also to condemn, in no unmistakable terms, the attempt by Linda to blackmail a guy for merely having  sex with her and he never raped her nor forced his through her. That Linda did not even care nor bothered to find out if the guy was HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis C free; as well as free of other venereal diseases, before taking her pants off for him shows the level of her moral degeneracy and turpitude. That a child resulted from the dalliance is not the big deal here, because Linda purposely schemed the outcome which she got; only that she became an Oliver Twist and wanted more; admitted she couldn't get that her other particular wish fulfilled. 

Linda wanted a child so desperately and her wish was fulfilled by her baby daddy and sperm donor, who obliged her, albeit unintentionally. What a dream come true for her, she got a baby and also wanted the guy in addition; but Linda did not and does not care what her baby daddy actually wanted nor wants. It is all about Linda and nobody else. 

Linda Ikeji is a living example of the tragedy that are those high flying "big girls" in Nigeria and their fellow crazed-out, wild eyed, feminists activists, who are running around town with much gusto, but beneath the facade, are pining away in misery of a loveless and very lonely life. They know that their life is incomplete without a man and they know that as females, there is this naturally occurring biological fire, burning inside of them, with the urge to give life to another, and the lack of fulfillment of this often drives them nut-crazy. 

This group of women have succeeded in every other department of their life, except the the ultimate one, which incidentally they cherishes most - to become a mother and if lucky enough, to kill two birds with a stone and also become somebody's wife, as well. So, dear readers, forget their pretenses and forget their facades, because inside of them is a raging inferno of desire for men, which often manifests as rage against men because they couldn't find one and that no man found them wifely enough, to want to take them to the alter and make them honest women. 

Every woman is by nature a mother, with the ultimate desire to procreate and these highly mobile and jet pacing over achieving women are no exception. They also have their social ego at stake, as they become the object of gossips as to why despite their status, no man ever found them worthy enough to make them their wife. The pressure becomes palpably unbearable when all their friends have since moved on and into men's homes as wives and possibly mothers and they are still left in the cold. They feel abandoned and they feel rejected and they act out every time an incident forces their anxiety to bubble up to the surface. ICHEOKU is emphatic that the angriest women on earth are loveless sex starved women, those that do not get laid periodically. It is hormonal and estrogen is a real bitch; and it ravages them like dogs in heat. It is true and it is backed up by scientific studies. 

Unfortunately, the only way to guard against this, short of the natural progression of procreation, is to surgically take out the entire birth entrails - the womb or uterus, as well as the Fallopian tubes. That way the hormones could be checked and peradventure, prevent it from causing them any further distress. But if in doubt, just read up some medical literature or even watch National Geographic Channel and see felines go nuts when in heat; they literary beg for it. 

People in Linda's social class or rather single women with money, are so much disproportionately displaced in the love lane. First, they will not accept a lower rung  man as a suitor; then the men in their level or above them will not want the disrespect or psychological rivalry and completion involved in dating or even marrying them and will easily step down to get women who are lower than them but who will still show them some respect. It is usually a case of their being suspended mid air, where neither going up is feasible and coming down is not palatable, either. And they are not helped by the cutthroat competition from the up and coming highly mobile and ambitious sweet sixteens, which increases their dick-droughts, triggering the ever present rage against men in them. They are angry and they don't surfer fools showing it, just don't yank their tail feathers.

But what Linda failed to or did not include in her long epistle of a broken heart tale is what made the guy to Ben Johnson away and as fast as his legs could carry him. Is it possible that Linda is such a high maintenance chic that satisfactorily pleasing her is near impossible? Is it possible that Linda does not know how to be a great homemaker and cannot lift a thing and put them in their proper and correct places? Is it possible that the Linda who Nigerians see publicly is different from the fiesta catty Linda behind closed doors, who no real man can stand or tolerate her negatively charged impulses? 

May be Linda is a walking time bomb and a mood killer supernova, who screams and shouts and nags; and sometimes even craws and scratches people in a manufactured fight just to make somebody's life miserable? Is it possible that Linda is even bi-polar and possessed with acerbic mood swings that goes out of whack without notice or provocation? Is it possible that Linda is a stalker who will not give a man any breathing space and is in the habit of checking a man's phone? 

May be Linda is the type of a less confident chic, despite all the bull-crap braggadocio,  who will constantly suspect that her man is cheating on her and perpetually, falsely accuses him of unfounded infidelity, which no real man can stand. Is it possible that Linda is not domesticated enough to be of a good wifely quality or possibly not good enough in bed, that no man wants to be trapped with such an unfeeling cur for the rest of his life? Nobody knows exactly how Linda really responds to the stimuli of sex; so, is it possible that she is just a log of wood in bed, the type who reads the Bible with a man on top of her and will tell him to please let her know when he finishes? Is it possible that Linda does not know even how to cook, clean and keep the habitat tidy; and might not even be as clean inside as she looks outside? 

Is it possible that Linda has anger issues and throws fits and starts, as well spasmodic tantrums which no real man can really put up with? Is it possible that Linda screams and shouts at the slightest disagreement, such that will drive any real man nuts, and as far away from her as is distantly possible? Is it possible that with Linda Ikeji, it is always her way or the highway and which man will tolerate such an absurdity and for how long, except a man who cannot fend for himself and decided to become a Mr Mom to her?  May be Linda curses like a drunken sailor and throws profanities at the slightest provocation; and possibly breaks things when she gets mad? Is it possible that Linda is not well mannered and does not maintain proper personal hygiene and does not have the right etiquette? Is it possible that she has addiction problems, may be alcohol, drugs or even excessive impulsive shopping? There are a thousand and one reasons why and which could make a man to pass, ditto a woman. 

ICHEOKU says there are a thousand and one reasons men check out of relationships; moreso every sex tryst must not end up in an 'I DO".  How about "I CHANGED MY MIND", or  "I NO DO ANYMORE", or are men not allowed to ever back out of a relationship? What is good for the goose should also be good for the gander; and if women can end a relationship pronto, fairness demands that men should also be allowed to enjoy that privilege, if they elect to exercise it. 

Imagine where every man or every woman is compelled to marry every sexual partner he or she ever had, some people will make Abubakar Atiku, a kindergartner in the art of collecting women. Just like women look for certain things in a potential husband, men also look at certain things in a wife to be; and when they don't find them, they beat a fast and quick and speedy retreat. Like not every man is a good husband material, because it is not just about having a penis; likewise women, as there is more to being a wife than just having a vagina and two breasts. 

So is it possible that Linda's baby daddy did not find in Linda what he was looking for in a wife to be and decided to withhold his affection before he became trapped in an unholy, agonizing and unhappy union, called a marriage to Linda Ikeji? ICHEOKU says does not know what stick that broke the camel's back for him was; and nobody else but the guy, including Linda, conclusively knows. All Linda did was to give an account of her side, a  favorable narration indeed, as would make her the sympathetic victim. But Nigerians cannot be deceived, especially not those steeped in the game of love and understands the nature of the beast and how it is played. Such a grown woman and widely traveled and hopefully civilized, should know better; hence nobody with some functioning cerebral cortex is buying into the malarkey which she is selling. It is a snake oil tale of love gone sour and she wants to come out of it smelling like roses, but ICHEOKU says cut the crap Linda.

ICHEOKU will advise the guy to continue to maintain his silence and not take the bait which Linda set for him, by not joining issues with her, because he will not win the game of the mud with a pig. No well mannered and decent woman will so publicly air her private business for the consumption of a hounding world, which means no well, either to her or the other guy, nor anybody else for that matter. Her behavior is street, a market-woman like, and possibly the reason the very private guy, her baby daddy, found her not a wifely material and pulled the plug to whatever they had going on between them. 

Linda will not be the first woman, nor will she be the last woman, to spread her legs for a guy who was not into her romantically enough to want to take the relationship any further. Marriage is not by force and marriage should not be contracted by two strange bed fellows whose souls are not bonded together. Parties to any thing, including sexual coitus or relationship, must endeavor to spell out things about their expectations out of each other, right from the onset. Fa suppose ikpo okwu afa, in order to know if they are agreeable and ad idem to a definite future plan before proceeding. So many unhappy marriages exist today as a result of strangers, who came together, had sex and a baby results; and instead of seeing a doctor, they decided to formalize their relationship just to welcome the baby into a home. 

This should not be the case, because it always ends up causing lamentations of Gomorrah, with both parties regretting why did they get married. A party to a marriage must, under no circumstances, feel compelled or trapped, otherwise they will spend their entire life in the marriage looking for ways to break free and escape with little time left to enjoy each other. The days of sympathy marriage is long over and being single is not yet outlawed. But ask yourself who wants to be trapped in such a permanent cage fight, in a life that is already too short to waste it ruefully with somebody who you silently pray without ceasing for his or her demise, so that you could be set free. 

Linda is a woman scorned and William Congreve's play, The Mourning Bride, rightly captured it that "Hell has no fury like a woman scorned." Linda is hurting because her plan to entrap a guy who wants none of her in the long term, has failed and now she wants to spread her misery and make a villain out of an innocent man who just picked up a chic and had sex with her. Linda had several options, first she could have rejected the guy's come on passes; she could have not followed the guy home on their first meet; she could have not had sex him or if she must, do it with condom; she could have also placed herself on some birth control pills or even have a vaginal sperm guard or cervical gauze to trap the semen; and Linda could also have flushed her womb clean, when she suspected that something might be sticking right inside there and the guy was not interested in furthering their expedition. But she maintained her course, hoping that she can blackmail a guy into committing to her, only to now be abandoned midway like a trailer park whore, by a guy who did nothing wrong except screwing a date, who gave it up. 

It is unfortunate but it is true as Linda's ego is so stratospheric that being an unwanted single mother was not the life she had planned for herself. But shit do happen and Linda should learn to pick up her pieces and go her way and quit this uncalled for tale of love gone awry. The current fight she is smarting for is unnecessary and she will probably not get it, not from a guy who wants to remain under the radar because of the friendships he keeps within the Nigerian high echelon. 

Most decent people avoid scandals like plague and this guy is probably cut in the same cloth, no matter what the whirlwind dust Linda throws up. Avoiding a fight one cannot win is wisdom and not weakness; so Linda can have all the airwaves and social media to herself, as silence is often the most deadly weapon of heart destruction known to lovers. The guy should just give her the silent treatment and she will implode internally, case closed. 

The guy can help her with his child's upkeep by providing Linda with some cash support, if Linda will accept it. He should also try as much as possible to be in his son's life, if again Linda will permit it. Later, if he desires to claim his son, he can always work out an agreeable arrangements with Linda to finally, someday, have his boy returned back to him, his father. At least, he has not denied paternity and the boy looks like him anyway. Possibly too, he can just let Linda be and hopefully, the boy will grow up someday and either reconcile his parents or look for his dad. 

But no matter what happens, life goes on and like Aduke rightly said, "NEPA or no NEPA, Aduke is on." As for Linda, she should know that there are millions of single mothers out there and that it is not a big deal that another one, called Linda Ikeji, just joined the club of unwed mothers' catalogue. The world has advanced so much that no child is a bastard any longer, especially not one whose father is clearly identified and known. As for being an unwed mother and baby mama reject, that's more of a societal derivative than what is right and she can live with that. 

Linda is a big gal and can take care of her business and so, has the supreme right to have as many babies as she wants to have and as with many baby daddies as her heart delights. There was this woman on Maury Povich's Show who had seven children from eight different men and although presently married, her ninth child was not even from her husband's groins. Linda's child or children do not necessarily have to travel to Southeast Igbo land, as even those born by officially married Ndigbo no longer see themselves as being Igbo, courtesy of their parents, who no longer travel to the Southeast nor take their children home to the Southeast, not even at Christmas. 

Even some of these parents are now being buried in strange foreign lands, both abroad and domestic. Many of them who live in Lagos, Abuja, Kano, Port Harcourt and other nooks of Nigeria, have since abandoned their ancestral homes in the Southeast and are now full citizens of their abodes of domicile. So, Linda's son or children yet unborn, if she decides to have more, will be just fine being Lagosians and so, no big deal about what umunna would say or how they will react to the proverbial "bastards."

Linda should just take some chill pills and relax and be thankful that she has the means and can support her child because some out of the millions of other not so fortunate baby mamas, are on the streets, begging for money to buy diapers for their own love children and the heavens have fallen down in protest. 

As for her reason for sharing the story, ICHEOKU says it was an unnecessary TMI. Nobody really wants to know or cares that two adults had sex and a baby resulted therefrom. She  could have summarized her tale from the Crypt very tersely, - "She met this guy, she thought that they had something going on, they had sex, it resulted in a baby. The guy is not ready to settle down. She love her child, a gift from God, and she intends to be the best mother ever to him, case close." Her needless "Love Gone Sour" essay would have been kept so brief and everybody would have since moved on from the story of a knocked up Linda IKeji and the current dramatization of an affair that went sour.

Linda, by telling her story broke the cardinal rule of "don't ask, don't tell" which every relationship, be it marriage, relationship or a fling, demands. According to Tiwa Savage, such two party contract is not a community project, talkless of Linda now making hers a national or rather global project. What a kiss and tell amebo Linda became and you wonder if she could now pass for a Nigerian version of Stormy Daniels who rats on her trysts. Which man wants to be so publicly shamed as a hit and run? 

How about, it is nobody's business what her private life is or did Linda tell anybody when she was riding the air bicycle and screaming 'daddy, f**k me harder, into the guy's ears; not knowing that the guy was not finding it funny nor was he enjoying her theater of absurdity. Matters of the heart is usually different strokes for different folks; and as she screamed every gibberish with excited passion, with every of his thrusting, did she ever look into his eyes to gauge if things were mutually correlated; or is she a tata who does not know when a man is not into her or is smitten by her. 

Nobody was either told nor invited as a witness by Linda when she was doing her thing, so, it is ill advised for her to now forcibly bring everybody into her business and burden them with the salacious details of her being had like a cheap whore and dumped. The last time ICHEOKU checked, Linda never told anybody that she likes dating guys who she is much taller than; or that little people turns her on in a special way or that she would, ordinarily, have looked at the guy twice, if not for who he is and the types of friends which he keeps their company, which Linda of course, would like to be identified and associated with. In some way, Linda qualifies for the proverbial gold digger, admitted it was a different kind of gold she was digging, social class and connections within a particular realm.

ICHEOKU says Linda is entitled to date whoever she likes, but she must suck it up whenever it turns sour because things are not always what they seem.  She should learn not to bother the entire world with her sulking, because millions of other people have been shafted and will continue to be shafted just like her. Everybody knows that Linda was increasingly becoming so desperate to be a mother and if lucky, a wife too. Few years ago, Linda  repeatedly gushed about this her upcoming fantasy wedding with this fantasy guy, who nobody ever knew nor saw or met; giving rise to a story that she merely conjured him up in her mind. She never disclosed the guy's identity to anyone until now when she got knocked her up by a stranger and everyone is being dragged into it, giving credence to the story then that Linda never had any man at all, but was just making it up as she went, while languishing in her lonely laland of desires. 

But what was Linda's attraction to this her baby daddy sef, other than a case of the desirable not being available and the available was converted to being the desirable. She should count her blessings that she at least proved her womanhood, that she was capable of getting pregnant and having a baby. Every other thing is but bunkum hogwash as she knew the risks involved in having unprotected sex but chose to take them anyway. You don't just have unprotected sex with a guy without discussing what would happen if a pregnancy results, especially at her very advanced old woman age, too old for bearing children. If she is as decent a woman as she is painting herself to be, why was she so reckless at her old age not to use protection? What if the guy had the killer virus? Why did she get pregnant without weighing the ramifications and discussing it with the guy to see if that is what he wanted as well? 

Certain things does not usually make sense and this Linda's tale of love gone sour is definitely one of them. Some women often times do stupid things, including getting pregnant and hoping to entrap a man with it, but without first discussing it with the man to gauge his reactions and whether he is ready to buy into such a long term commitment. As with Linda, she was desperate to have a child and possibly too, answer somebody's wife and she saw an opportunity and took it. She should therefore zip up her front upper orifice and rather be thankful and grateful that she is a woman of means and can afford to take care of her God's gift through the guy and not want it all. That is the definition of greediness. The guy technically agreed to be her sperm donor and now Linda wants more than what was originally bargained, just a quickie. Mbanu, adighi eme ya eme; no be like that now. 

Please Linda, stop discussing your business, especially your privacy in public. Nobody really cares and those who pretend to care are but vultures waiting to pounce on your carcass and devour you. Just learn to discipline yourself enough to not scare any future potential suitors away. You are not impressing anyone by shouting on top of the world that you are a Naira billionaire and probably not as rich as you regularly flaunts, including in denying ownership of your Banana Island home when the tax men called. Regardless, just maintain your cool and not be as rambunctious as you have been, admitted those who did not know that they will ever afford the ozo title, sometimes wear their anklets insignia right up to their knees.

ICHEOKU says Linda's epistle is a cry for help and a desperate plea for attention. She needs a man who she can come to and take off her clothes without minding his presence. She needs a man she can come home to and have her feet lovingly stroked or massaged or have her hair flung free and have him run his fingers on it. She needs a man who can whisper sweet nothings in her ears and tell her how she is the oxygen in his lungs; and how she is the Queen of the universe of his world. She needs companionship and a safe hands to run back home to after the bustling of the day. 

Linda needs someone she can call her own and hold his arm as she steps into social events and gatherings. She needs someone who she can go to vacations with and lazily lounge in white sand beaches of the Caribbean and Tahiti. And yes, most women do not feel complete without having a man they can call their own man. Linda Ikeji is understandably furious that her last desperate ditch effort left his tail in her hand and screeched off. Now with his son to constantly remind her of him of what could have been doesn't make her pains any easier. So, simply put, Linda is losing it, her sanity that is. 

Looking into Linda's eyes you will see a hopeless romantic who is desperately begging to be loved and she likely has a large good heart as well. She is not ugly, although she is not a beauty queen, but she is reasonably good looking and not the type of gal who nobody will like to take to a prom party; admitted she is not the type most would hurriedly take home on Thanksgiving to meet their family. Linda may have everything money can purchase including designer bags from Hermes; but what Linda does not have is somebody she can call her own man, who can unconditionally love her and make her feel complete. 

That Linda loves sex is a fact discernible from her body language and her forever roving and darting eyes, as well as actions, such as laboriously driving two hours just to go get some. That Linda likes to be specially remembered during holidays, including on Valentines Day, is also indisputable, every woman does. So it is very easy to see where Linda is coming from and why she is lashing out at a guy she thought she had cornered but who managed to slip off through her fingers. She is mad as hell and she is acting out her bottled up and pent up anger and frustrations. Linda is just being human, with a beating heart and she is hurting.

Unlike men with money, Linda does not have the privilege of just driving down the street or to a university or even at a social event to pick up a lay to go home with. Most women are very particular about who they date and who they say yes to, despite the hundreds of men that usually make passes at them. The social ladder climbers are the worse hit because they will be extra vigilant lest their friends and colleagues chides them about the lower caste they settled for. They are heavily constrained about who they date or have sex with, and usually younger men and men who doesn't belong, are often a no, no for them. 

Also, unlike their men counterparts who plays the field and sometimes can even sleep with women, who are young enough to be their granddaughter. So, put in an odd way, Linda Ikeji also do also cry, although her cry is not for lack of money or food or cloth or designer hand bags; no, her cry is a cry for help for somebody to please love her; as she has not been so lucky in that department, in finding a true love. That is the whole propeller driving her shaft, resulting in the lashing out and not that somebody had sex with her and knocked her up and a baby boy came into being, as a result. 

But can Linda settle for a man with less means, as sometimes such successful women are forced to do? That's the million dollar question and only Linda Ikeji can answer that question. If ICHEOKU may, will advises Linda to find a guy who does not have as much money or someone even without any money at all; take out a prenuptial agreement, with a promise to pay the guy a bonus of N1 million every year he remained of good behavior and until death do them apart. She should just purchase a trophy husband and damn what anyone would say; and let him love her and pamper her and that way she could truly find somebody who could love, cherish and treasure her for the Linda she is. Just a man with sensitivity will do. 

But Linda is making a mistake thinking that with her riches, she could attract other similarly situated rich men, because those men on that level will not settle for an old hag when the entire bevy of Forever 21 are at their beck and call. The competition is so rife that without her money, nobody will be talking or discussing a woman who is old enough to be grandma; as so many of her mates have been going to omugo since yesterday; but here she is, shamelessly discussing having unprotected sex with a guy she just met and getting knocked up as a result.

In India, any woman that passes 25 years without being married is filed away in the unmarried cabinet to rot away; pining at the missed opportunity which she once had. It is true that biology is not merciful to women and the competition is cutthroat, as much younger and much succulent women join the market for men and suitors every day more than you can count. So, why would those men in that level of affluence settle for a Linda Ikeji when they can get as many sweet sixteens as they please. People they can easily please and mesmerized with little stuff than an old woman who has it all and who can hardly be pleased with anything. This is the crux of the matter in the Linda imbroglio and Linda should wake up and smell the coffee to know that her time in the sun has actually since passed and that her choices in the men's market is drastically reduced, if not already closed down. 

But hey, ICHEOKU has no intention of becoming an unpaid counselor here, as Linda knows best what is best for Linda, provided she stopped making her business, the world's business. Everybody has their own issues to deal with and they will be better off if their burden is not made heavier by Linda, with her tales of woes about her love forlorn. Linda is inviting tailor ants and soldier ants by being obnoxiously, too loud for comfort, especially for most of the men who can easily afford to marry her and give her all the life she dreams of and which money can afford, but she is scaring these few good men away and out of her reach. 

Anyway, just said to chime in and hopefully Linda will someday find the elusive love which has been going on a parallel lane from her for as long as Linda became. She is just another Jennifer Aniston or is it even Genevieve Nnaji, another over achieving woman who could not find someone to truly love her. In a Lucifer's world, where nobody actually has it all and Linda Ikeji should learn to make do with what she has and not sweat other sundry stuff. She got herself an awesome healthy boy to raise and hopefully he will someday reconcile his mama with his papa and together the three can live out their life in a bliss filled home. Goodluck Linda and Merry Christmas to the LIB family. 

Sunday, December 16, 2018


ICHEOKU says anyone who is still waiting for the smoking gun should wait no more, as his attitude now confirms undeniably what the whole world knew since, that Abubakar Atiku  is a wanted person in America and will not dare step foot in America for fear of arrest and prosecution and an assured prison sentence. For the umpteenth time, Atiku skipped his arrival in America as expected on December 14th, 2018; and peradventure purchased for himself some additional freedom as he deferred his arrest and prosecution for money laundering financial crimes against America, yet again. 

Now that his promised and much heralded 'Coming to America' of December 14th, 2018 has come and gone, but without Abubakar Atiku within sight, because he could not summon the courage to make use of his issued American visa, is anyone still in doubt or still questioning the veracity of the story that he is a wanted man in America, wanted by the FBI? As usual, only the guilty is afraid and the crooked and corrupt polygamist is as guilty as hell; and will do whatever is impossible to postpone the evil day, the day of reckoning with the American Justice System, which but patiently awaits and even beckons him to please visit America. 

ICHEOKU assured Nigerians that Abubakar Atiku will be arrested, handcuffed and marched off to detention, to await indictment and speedy prosecution, any day his corrupt foot touches down in America. Once again, ICHEOKU's veracity for truthfully speaking remains unassailed, a perfect record, as it maintained its stellar unblemished record of keeping them honest with just truthfully speaking as Atiku skipped coming to America, yet again. 

First was that American embassy will not give him a visiting visa, which ICHEOKU countered that it is not true because a man of his stature and wealth cannot be refused entry visa into the United States of America and even offered to help facilitate it, with an invite, if need be. This offer got to him because one of his baby mamas is on ICHEOKU's Facebook's friendship list; she is a good lady, admitted she fell for whatever it is that made her find Atiku attractive enough to want to spread eagle for him. 

But moving on, since this piece is not about her, but her paramour, the American visa was subsequently granted to Abubakar Atiku and it was extensively publicized in the media. It was on the strength of this, that his media aides, including his campaign chairman and former Ogun State governor Gbenga Daniels, announced that Atiku was invited for a visa at the American Embassy. Subsequently, it was learnt that the visa was issued to him and that Atiku will be traveling to the United States of America on December 14th, 2018, to speak at an event in Washington DC. 

ICHEOKU wrote a piece then that it is very doubtful if Atiku will follow through with the planned visit, because Atiku does not want to go to jail. Atiku knows that he is a nobody in America and that he cannot bullshit nor bribe his way through the American Justice System, which is a no respecter of persons and before who there is no one superior to the others; as it holds everybody accountable, including American presidents as evidenced by the current President Trump and his travails of nearly than two years now and still going. 

It is ICHEOKU's unshakable and unflappable position that Atiku will be arrested upon touch down at either Dulles, National, BWI, JFK or anywhere else within America's territorial space, wherever and whenever any plane which a manifest containing his name touches down and lands. This position has not shifted and will not shift, until Atiku visits America to either prove ICHEOKU wrong or redeem himself or most likely, be arrested and put through the criminal process. Many of his defenders, including the Atiku-demon possessed ATIKULOOTED vuvuzelas went berserk on a shouting rampage and cursed themselves out and not ICHEOKU.  Some of them challenged ICHEOKU to commit to an assurance that once Atiku visits America, there will be peace on ICHEOKU's Wall and the barrage of expositions against Atiku will stop forthwith and stop making appearances thereon. 

ICHEOKU accepted the challenge and even went further to say that not only will the Atiku's unmasking end, but that ICHEOKU will wish him luck with the rest of his campaign, and morph into a silent observer from the sidelines and from a land so distant far away. This was four weeks ago and ICHEOKU and millions of Nigerians waited for the appointed December 14th day, 2018 to come, which fortunately sped up so fast that it is now in the rear-view mirror of today. But as predicted, the guilty one was too afraid to venture into America and was nowhere to be seen around or near the continental United States of America and/or any of its territories and possessions. Atiku has the courage of a Tin Man, Scarecrow and the funky lion put together.

It is also instructive that when ICHEOKU shared a photographic information where PDP chairman Uche Secondus knelt down and pled with Atiku not to fall into a set trap by some people, with a sinister motive to have him locked away by the Americans, as the party cannot afford to lose him to the long arms of the law in America and that there was no need for him to dare visiting America, because according to Secondus, America's system works because it is not answerable to any proverbial "big man" with a pot belly, the same ATIKULOOTED vuvuzelas tirelessly buzzed ICHEOKU's ears. Now see who has been vindicated by the CROOK, for not braving an assured arrest and prosecution and definitely an also assured long term imprisonment. 

ICHEOKU has it on strong authority that when Atiku travels these days, he is very wary of a possible interdiction of his plane and sometimes flies blindly without his transponders being turned on, to avoid sudden escorting to a nearest airfield to be handcuffed and flown to America to face the law for his crimes. It is also on record, that Atiku only goes to places without extradition treaty with the United States of America and of recent, has restricted all his foreign trips to only Dubai. 

Atiku has been pretending and faking it for his lap dogs Nigerian audience, who have since lost their conscience and moral authority, because everybody is stealing and Atiku did nothing wrong by telling; and thus it has somewhat legitimized the misbehavior to the extent that Goodluck Jonathan called stealing a national pastime but not corruption. The reason they have no revulsion that a thief and an internationally recognized face of corruption in Nigeria, is on the cusp of becoming Nigeria's president. But God no go gree; otherwise Amadioha might be forced to intervene IJN.

Abubakar Atiku will be arrested and prosecuted and sent to prison any day his foot touches American soil. Abubakar Atiku committed money laundering financial crimes in America and America does not take kindly to crimes that is injurious to their economy and will neither forgive nor forget that Abubakar Atiku flew into America with intent to launder, a sum of $40 million in cash. Atiku wanted to launder the unexplained wealth through America's financial system with the help of Louisiana Congressman William Jefferson, who had arranged some local banks through which the crime could be carried out. It is on record that his accomplice in crime, Congress man William Jefferson, was convicted and given 13 years in prison for his role in the scheme. Yet Abubakar Atiku is there still bullshitting Nigerians that the American Department of Justice has nothing on him. ICHEOKU says really? 

Please Nigerians help ICHEOKU ask Atiku, if they got nothing on him, then "na why he dey run?" If Abubakar Atiku is so convinced of his innocence, why did he hurriedly abscond from America in 2006, abandoning his multi million dollars Potomac mansion, which has since been auctioned off as a distressed property, including for hundreds of thousands of dollars owed in back property taxes and incidental liens. For 13 years now, a man who used to frequent America four to six times every year and who was in the process of applying for a Green Card and who once lived in America for an extended period of six months without ever leaving the country, suddenly became so allergic to America, that he has never set foot in there ever since. 

Atiku should have some explaining to do about such a sneaky behavior to what it is exactly that is chasing him from America. But everybody knows that when the fowl fouls the air, the grounds angrily begins to pursue it. Atiku can stay away from America as long as he chooses, thinking to outlive or outfox America's Justice Department, but he should be mindful that even Osama Bin Laden tried, but failed and is today sleeping with the fishes in the depths of the Arabian Sea, with thousands of feet of heavy water above his skeletal remains. 

With America, you can run temporarily but not forever; you can also try and hide but eventually they will find you. All Atiku is doing is trying to stall and that perhaps, he will win the Nigeria's presidency and use the office to bargain his way out of his financial crimes trouble in America, using Nigeria's oil as a bargaining chip. He saw a similar thing happen with India's Modi and wants to be a good student of the Indian leader who was placed on a "do not enter America" travel ban because of his Hindu fundamentalism until his prime minister-ship purchased him a relief. 

Atiku is tempting fate and prayerfully desperate for a succor and relief from the America's sword of Damocles, which is hovering over his freedom and they will capture him sooner than he can imagine. Nobody fucks with America's Justice Department because their resources is limitless, they don't operate on a budget as their budget is as extensive and vast as the America's treasury is deep and they can hound you until you go broke and still end you up in prison.  

Nigerians, other functional societies will need the suspension of disbelief to buy into such a crap, the litany of excuses which Atiku has been making since 2006 as reasons he cannot visit America. From American embassy refused to and won't give him visa, to that he does not have a need to visit America etc. Finally now that Atiku was issued the American visa, Atiku has refused to make use of the visa and visit America. Even sources has it that it was the possibility of Atiku visiting America unscathed that brought Saraki, Ben Bruce and former Jonathan's social media aid to America recently, in the photo-op which they had with Senator Jeff flakey Flakes of Arizona, but they were told point blankly that nobody messes with American Justice Department for fear of becoming their next focal point. 

Atiku is deathly afraid of losing this freedom as only the Americans will humble him and in a matter of New York minutes, should his foot ever touch down in America. He knows of his involvement and culpability in the crimes; and this is the only reason Atiku will not visit America and will NEVER be elected president of Nigeria. This information is bankable, so you can take it to the bank and thank ICHEOKU later for the scoop.

But if Nigerians fail to advise themselves properly and do the needful by rejecting Abubakar Atiku, an incensed world will definitely remember that. All it will take will be a little economic sanction and Nigerians will ask for his head on a platter like Herodias' wife Portia demanded of John the Baptist. Nobody who is closely watching the saga of Abubakar Atiku, a wanted man in America, who his former boss Olusegun Obasanjo chastised for being a brazen raider of the Nigeria's treasury, will not go gun-ho crazy, should Nigerians not see and treat the Atiku's refusal to visit America as a clear indication that he tried to launder money which he stole from Nigerians through American banking system and still vote for him. 

ICHEOKU says Abubakar Atiku is a kleptomaniac who is also a seriously flawed character, and a morally bankrupt individual. Such a criminal is not deserving of the honor of being any country's president, no matter how shitholey or fantastically corrupt that country is. Nigerians must rise up to the occasion and redeem their image before it sinks further down and irredeemably.

Can anyone imagine the type of message which Atiku's "election" would send to the rest of the world, that it is okay to be a CROOK in Nigeria and that such abhor-able behavior is rewarded and not punished. It will further cement the rest of the world's stereotyping of Nigerians that you must be very clear-eyed when dealing with Nigerians, despite the many recorded success stories of Nigerians globally. A case of "ofu aka ruta nmanu, ozue the rest of the fingers, one would add. So, why give the world an opportunity to conclude that in Nigeria, it takes a kind to elect one of their own kind, president. It is not as if being branded a shitholey country or a fantastically corrupt society is not enough besmirch on the country already, but some people want to still take the smear a little further by 'electing" Atiku, the crook president.  

But hey, today is December 16th, 2018 and unlike Julius Caesar, whose Ides of March came but was not gone before he fell to the conspirators' daggers, the Ides of March for Atiku came and went, yet Atiku was a no-show at his scheduled American event. His plane never took to the air in Nigeria nor was it radar captured anywhere near American airspace, because he is holed in inside his harem, still thinking what will soon become another lost opportunity to also answer Mr President. 

ICHEOKU is more confident today than he was yesterday that Abubakar Atiku will NEVER be elected president of Nigeria and it is true, with or without the Ota Deity, the man who shamelessly licked his vomit just for money. If Obasanjo still had his mojo, his Conference of Nigerians Congress or whatever that gathering was called, would have morphed into a political party and fielded a presidential candidate for the Election 2019. But no, as the powers which he once held and which made him a prattling meddlesome interloper, has since been whittled down by the Caliphate cabal and he knows that they can pick him up any day they want and the heavens will not fall. 

Obasanjo never allowed any election to hold in Nigeria when he was president and so shall Atiku be messed up after wasting his billions and will NOT be allowed anywhere near Aso Rock. Obasanjo knows the drill, he is fully aware how the game of power grab is played in actuality in Africa and it is called "do or die" politics for a reason. According to Murphy's Law, the man with the gold or as in this case the gun or should we just marry the two items together and call it the golden gun, thanks to James Bond 007, always eats the lunch of the other guy without. So come Election Day 2019, Abubakar Atiku will not be elected president and anyone can cry however long they choose to whine and moan over their loss and invested capital in the Atiku's dreamt presidency, but anybody that makes fiam or attempts to march in protest must be aware that the same Obasanjo tear gased Chuba Okadigbo to death while he marched and protested, case closed. 

ICHEOKU says that nothing short of a guilty mind could be inferred as to the reason the cunning Atiku decided to stay as far away from America as is humanly possible. Atiku is waiting and hoping to win the presidency, God forbid;  so that the immunity of the office will shield and protect him from the long arms of the United States of America Justice Department. But hey, Nigerians has one glaring opportunity to prove to the rest of world that their country is not inhabited by only bandits, hoodlums, criminals, armed robbers, frauds and also prostitutes, by at least not voting, but rejecting the crooked and corrupt polygamist Abubakar Atiku. 

Buhari may not have earned anybody's first choice for a second term, but Atiku is definitely not the alternative which Nigerians can use nor desire. At least if the situation cannot be made better, let nobody make it worse. Atiku is a bad news beaver and he must be kept as far away possible from Aso Rock, as it is politically possible. Let him only go there occasionally on a supervised visit, but never as the Chief Executive Officer and custodian of the Nigeria's treasury, because he will loot Nigeria into bankruptcy. Remember to always SAY NO TO ATIKU. Atiku, NOT GOOD FOR NIGERIA.

Friday, December 14, 2018


ICHEOKU says if he lied then, what is the guarantees that he is not lying now; otherwise the president can easily claim that he did whatever he is being accused of doing based on the advise of his counsel, Michael Cohen. ICHEOKu refuses to agree that it was due to pure blind loyalty that Michael Cohen did what Michael Cohen did, commit multiple crimes, thinking that he would get away with them, but he was caught and now this stupid idiocy that a client made a lawyer commit crimes. If it was just only one crime, may be; but there was a pattern of misbehavior involving multiple crimes, many of which were committed outside his then existing legal relationship with the president. 

ICHEOKU is not buying it as it will require the suspension of disbelief to accept that a lawyer, hired to protect and prevent his client from going astray of the law, will be the one, now being made by the same client, who sought and retained his services to always ensure that he remained within the confines of the law, will be the person who made him to commit the same infractions for which he was hired to protect and prevent the client from making. This is a guy who benefited enormously and profited heavily from his association with then businessman Donald John Trump as his personal lawyer, who Trump hired to advise him on matters of the law, to ensure that he does not violate any law and is always compliant with every existing rules and regulations. So, who in fact should be held liable for any violations, the doctor who misdiagnosed the patient or the patient who, based on the expertise of the doctor in the area of his affliction, went to him for a paid diagnosis and treatment. 

Michael Cohen was Trump's lawyer and Trump was his client, so who advises who on what the law says? Why did Michael Cohen think that Trump kept him on a fat retainer and payroll throughout all these years? Does Michael Cohen always do what he is told or directed to do; and had Trump directed him to whack his family, would he have done that? Speaking of a loyal person who always did whatever Trump asked or directed him to do; begging the question, why did he not refuse to violate any extant law or simply cautioned his client that what he was asking or rather "directing" him to do was an illegal campaign financing, As a lawyer, why did Michael Cohen not advise his client that what he asked him to do or sought his advise on was against the law and rather elect to resign his retainer than follow through with it. The question Michael Cohen is not answering, is, why he went ahead to break the law or was the offer too juicy to pass on?

ICHEOKU says wants to know what Michael Cohen exactly meant when he said previously that he will take a bullet for Trump. Did Michael Cohen literally mean it then, figuratively speaking; or was it a merely vacuous emotional boast, short of any substance and made as a good soundbite in order to please his then client, Trump? What changed between the making of the statement and now, that made Michael Cohen to become the worse snitch ever? Was Michael Cohen just trying to be vengeful and in order to take his pound of flesh because he fell out of favor with his client. What happened to trigger this morphing fro from a once trusted consiglieri to now the counsel from the bottomless pit of hell who rats on his client. 

Does Michael Cohen still sees himself as credible, honest, truthful, trustworthy and honorable. If Michael Cohen was in trouble and seeking relief from the law, would he hire a Michael Cohen now known to every American as well as the rest of the world as the lawyer who snitched on his client to represent him? If Michael Cohen was seeking legal advise and counsel, would he seek it from or hire a Michael Cohen to give him it? If Michael Cohen is a client to Michael Cohen and he tape recorded him surreptitiously, how would Michael Cohen feel? Does Michael Cohen think that a lawyer, who snitches on his client, deserves any honor and respect; and what exactly does Michael Cohen think attorney/client privilege entails and why did that elude his awareness? Was Michael Cohen mindful of this ethical obligation to safeguard the secrets he learnt of  while in the service of a client, which he owed his then client Trump? 

When exactly did Michael Cohen knew that what Trump "directed" him to do was a crime and if then, why did he proceed with it and not terminate the retainer forthwith other than comply with an illegal instruction; or even refused to oblige Trump and even elect to be fired rather than break the law as "directed."  Or did Michael Cohen think that he was going to get away with it as he normally does with all his other infractions; or bullishly carried on simply because he was paid such a high retainer fees which is so mouthwatering that he could not resist it. 

If Trump is such a horrible person who directed Michael Cohen to commit crimes, it cannot just be on one or two occasions that he issued such directive. Michael Cohen should therefore tell Americans where he buried other dead bodies as he was directed by Trump, because such a "despicable" person as Trump, could not have stopped from just directing Michael Cohen into paying for sex with two women of easy virtue,  because they were blackmailing him and threatening to go public with their salacious affairs with Trump and Trump just wanted to make their  nuisance go away, just end. 

ICHEOKU says if anybody should be believed and given the benefit of the doubt in this disputation, it must be the president who did what every wise businessman or woman does, keep a lawyer near himself to ensure compliance to rules, regulations and laws. Michael Cohen therefore has the onus of explaining why the laws were broken, regardless of who broke it. If the law was broken by Michael Cohen, then he is a criminal, who thought that he could get away with just anything simply because he is a lawyer and knows how to cover his tracks and trails. But if the president, then Michael Cohen equally failed him woefully, in his duty to the president then as a compliance attorney, whose job was to prevent such matter from ever happening. 

So, by not advising the president properly on permissible conducts by an intending presidential candidate, prelude to a presidential election, and also watching such mistakes take place, without intervening to stop them, Michael Cohen is also responsible for what took place. His duty to the president was dual, first is to not break the law by himself simply because he was directed to and second, he owed the president the duty not to personally break any law, no matter the guise and/or subterfuge. 

ICHEOKU says is not buying into Michael Cohen's claim of perfidy and at best, he made it  up as he went just to protect and safeguard his lying butt; afterall he is the one who is a lawyer and was schooled in the art of lying and covering things up. As the president rightly pointed out, Michael Cohen most likely said what he said in order to get a lenient sentences from his myriad of criminal conducts, for which he has now been convicted and sent to three years in prison, which starts on March 2019. It does not make sense and it does not add up, that a client could so have such a total and complete and overwhelming  control over his counsel, as to exert such amount of influence on him; and become the person directing the lawyer on matters of the law and not the other way round - the natural way between a client and his lawyer. 

Michael Cohen could safely pass for a disgruntled former lawyer, who was out to exact revenge, by making false unsubstantiated statements against a former client, who he formerly swore, was the best thing to happen to him since the sliced bread, just because that pipeline which watered his bread and butter has been completely shut off.

A guy who is steeped in the habit of tape recording his conversations with clients including Trump, but did not or failed or refused to record the instance in which Trump directed him to break the law in this particular matter. ICHEOKU says it us extremely difficult to  accept that Michael Cohen, a lawyer, who was retained to prevent such a breach of the law, will be directed to breach the same law and he simply acquiesced, still stayed on in the contract, without resigning his retainer. It was definitely not by reason of blind loyalty as he claimed, that Michael Cohen did what Michael Cohen did. 

Michael Cohen had a pattern of breaking the laws and committing crimes predating his retainer by Trump and the present issue under discussion, as evidenced by his tax cheating, taxi medallions and other crimes which he committed outside the president's knowledge or legal relationship,  but in his habitual conduct as a criminal. If the president directed him to pay off the two women, why did the president not also direct him to pay off the other 38 women who lined up to cast their stones of fantasy encounter with the president. Why just the two women, except that Michael Cohen was probably incohoot with them and wanted to scam the president possibly. 

ICHEOKU says a wretched Michael Cohen saw an opportunity to make money from a billionaire and turned into a lapping dog, eager to please in order to remain in the favored book of the president and bent over backwards to make himself acceptable and loved by the president, such that he was prepared to do and possibly did what it took to keep his checks coming as a result of his billable. Michael Cohen saw a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow in the president and decided to suckle on to the president, without regard to his primary obligation as a lawyer, to advise his client appropriately on what the law is on every given situation, as his advise may be sought or expected. Michael Cohen wanted to earn his upkeep by all means necessary and ended up being too overzealous, and ended up being too over-broad in approving and agreeing to do whatever the heck that paid his bills, in total disregard to the law. 

Michael Cohen is a despicable desperate person, who thought that he was too smart to be nabbed and ended up being nabbed, anyway. ICHEOKU hopes that karmic law will visit Michael Cohen in prison and dispense to him such justice as it regularly meted out to snitches. What a disgrace to the legal profession, this pitiful person Michael Cohen, really is. Michael Cohen is not worthy of trust and as a lawyer, he is not good. May he never recover from the trauma that his prison experience will visit upon his psyche. What a mumbling bumbling snitching ratty-lawyer from hell he is, who no client should ever desire again nor find fit for any representation by him whatsoever, not in this life.

Thursday, December 13, 2018


ICHEOKU says he was a gynecologist per excellence, a Class A politician, a great patriot, a custodian of Igbo traditional values and culture, and above all, he was a fervent Biafran nationalist extraordinaire, who believed and strongly pursued the inviolable right to Statehood of the Biafran Nation, right through to the end of his journey on this earth. We shall miss him so much.

He believed that Biafra is sine qua non with Ndigbo and that Ndigbo's common destiny will be better realized in a Biafran Nation, where their indefatigable enterprising spirit could be unleashed, full throttle and unfettered; and the wings of their creative ingenuity fully spread for them to soar like an eagle. Dr Dozie Ikedife also believed that no amount of the gathering of storm, no matter how thick and dark, of the various conspiracies of the anti Igbo elements, groups and Nations in Nigeria, will stop the sun of Biafra from ever rising again. 

He was loved and cherished by his people, Ndigbo people, both home and abroad, that he was the envy of his detractors, many of who admired him silently, as they wished and coveted the love and admiration bestowed on him. He was a man who stood up to be counted when it mattered most and he resolutely stood his grounds and unyieldingly, to his very last breath. His epitaph shall read here lies on this sacred grounds, the remains of a great son of Nnewi, Igboland, Biafra and Nigeria. He came, he fought and he gave it his all, his very best shot. Rest in peace the great one. 

Dr Dozie Ikedife was another one of the rare bred Igbo men, part of the endangered species of core Igbo patriots, whose rate of dying off is rather frightful. He fought the good fight for the betterment of Ndigbo in Nigeria and/or alternatively, to let his Igbo  people go from the Nigerian State with a Biafran Nation, which they can proudly call their own. He fought to the very last end fight and has now fallen, joining other Igbo phenomenal warriors like Chukwuemeka Odimegwu Ojukwu, Joseph Achuzie and Alex Ekwueme, just to mention a few of our very revered Igbo warriors, who passed away to the great beyond within the last decade, especially just in this 2017 alone. Why this sad year 2017 is still lingering on is beyond ICHEOKU's comprehension, but wishes it either sped away faster or at least stop killing our finest and our best. 

Enough of these incessant plucking of foundational Ndigbo as an empty Obi is a sad thing to have in an Igboland where so many have since lost their minds and have become mentally enslaved to strange identities, both foreign and domestic. Some of these yeye Ndigbo are now bette3r off with their children spiking Hausa, Fulfude, Yoruba, Edo and Oyibo language including Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, Swahili rather than steep them in what it takes to be an Igbo person and to keep them fully grounded and keep the Igbo identity flag flying. At the rate some of these losers, who think they are being hip by accepting the superiority of other peoples culture and language, over, above and beyond their own Igbo culture and language, are going, within the next few decades, the Igbo identifying qualities might somewhat become extinct. 

To these miscreants who are selling Igbo Nation short, ICHEOKU says will actually suggests and recommend that they stopped procreating, since they are merely increasing and multiplying other peoples, races and nations population, but not propagating their own Igbo Nation. So many of these people might also have labored in vain by brining forth children who will nor consider themselves Igbo and will not even think about taking their dead bodies back to Igbo land for burial. So, ICHEOKU asks, what is the point of it all, afterall, of spending all the time, effort and money raising their non Igbo sires, some of who do not even eat typical Igbo food, nor speak Igbo language or know any Igbo wise sayings aka proverbs. That some of them don't even know their cousins is equal a fact of the degeneracy which has afflicted these people, who are oblivious that any people without language and culture are efulefus and don't matter in this culturally sensitive world. 

This "whoever-happens" mentality or rather virus, which is afflicting many Ndigbo, is the worst thing to happen to AlaIgbo. A mindset which condemns everything and anything Igbo, in preference to non Igbo foreign idiocy, have since vanquished them and taken hold of their minds and turned them into unthinking Nation-less people. ICHEOKU says there is no Nation on earth which is not proud of their cultural identity and works hard to pass them on from generations to generations; projecting and promoting their unique markers and identifiers to their offspring, except Ndigbo of Nigeria or rather Biafra, depending on your political swinging. Majority of these lost generation have since become permanent strangers in foreign lands, as well as inside their own country, among other Nations within the Nigerian State. They are readily happy to please their host communities by trying to outdo them in their own language, culture, marriage  dressing etc but unashamed about their children place long after they are gone. 

Some of them who are the only child of their parents, have by necessary implication thus ended their family bloodline as permanent strangers in a foreign strange land. They will be lucky if their bones are not interred in an unmarked cemetery in the same strange land, hard to join the ancestral spirituality of Igbo land. When you travel through the world's cities and hear little children from very tiny Nations such as Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, Belize, Finland, Norway, Israel, Mongolia and even Somalia as well as other major Nations such as China, speaking their native tongue, regardless of where they were born or being raised, the reality of what is headed the Igbo people's way, that is bound to smash their identity forever and irrecoverably, stares one right on the face. Anyway, sorry about the little frolicking digression and now back to the tribute being paid to a real Nwa For, Nwa Amadi Igboland, Dr Dozie Ikedife. 

It is painful and it brought tears to ICHEOKU's eyes writing this obituary, as real Igbo people, who really cared for the Igbo Nation are increasingly dying off, while the vagrants who continuously betray the Igbo cause, have seemingly been rejected by death and are still left alive and still polluting the land with all manners of vile. Please dear God, stop taking the lives of our best, because at this rate, none will be left to get the backs of the oppressed peoples of Igboland and Biafra in general. But death, why are you so cruel, callous and unthinking; a despotic autocrat who does not seek the peoples input on who to kill; otherwise 10 other imbeciles would have been so easily traded for Dr Dozie Ikedife. 

It is sad and it is painful, especially watching the pathetic humanoids who maintained a stony deafness to all Dozie Ikedife's demands for equity in the land or alternatively to let his people, Biafran people, go while he lived; only to now pay their lip-service sanctimonious tributes following his departure. Tributes which did not come from their hearts and which they do not really mean, as some of these munchkins are silently celebrating the removal of a huge stumbling block on their quest to conquer and overrun Ndigbo. 

But to these monsters lying in wait, be reminded that legends do not die; they only transmute to the great beyond from where they will continue to maintain their overwhelming large presence over their loved ones who they left behind. It is in this abiding believe that ancestors are real that ICHEOKU found some consolation, after first crying his hearts out, for yet another loss of a great Igbo man, whose conviction on the Igbo cause was resolutely real and he made no pretenses about it. For this ICHEOKU and other thinking Ndigbo remain eternally grateful for the life which Ikedife lived and for the good Lord blessing AlaIgbo with such a good fella. He did not die, but has moved on to take his rightful place amongst our ancestors and their guidance and protection of their people will continue from the land beyond this planet earth.

Dr Doctor Ikedife, go in peace and may the good Lord welcome you in his bosom and reward you accordingly, for all the good deeds and works which you did while you lived. It is always sad when we lose one of these great iroko tees in Igboland because the good Lord don't make them anymore like them, and it also takes forever for Iroko trees to mature. The rest of the imitation ones now predominately available are mere bamboo plants, just running their mouth silly as they collect blood money as a trade for auctioning off Ndigbo's collective interest to their detractors and enemies. It shall not be well with those Ndigbo who are selling Ndigbo's interest short as Amadioha will visit them in Jesus name and unto their fourth generation, with ruthless vengeance. But God, why; why Dozie Ikeife? It hurts really bad it is both painfully hurtful. So long Doc, rest in peace, but please keep at least one of your watchful eyes open, just in case you need to strike them when they venture. Adieu. Je nke oma. Udo diri gi.