Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Sunday, December 9, 2018


ICHEOKU says initially wanted to completely stay out of the fray and avoid stepping into the ruckus between Father Mbaka and Peter Obi and not take sides with any of the social media warriors camps, who have since pitched their tents alongside the two gladiators respectively. But subsequently ICHEOKU changed his mind and decided to offer this piece, now that one of the parties to the dispute has made a mea culpa. ICHEOKU expects the other party to unconditionally accept the unconditional apology as made, and in good faith. Hopefully, both men will resolve the matter and rest it as a hatchet buried.

Father Mbaka was wrong for not being a good host, who as expected, should ordinarily be very accommodating of his guest. Peter Obi could have given Father Mbaka an excuse on why he cannot honor his invitation to the Thanksgiving Bazaar event, but chose to honor the invite anyway. It was good of Peter Obi that he attended and Father Mbaka should have appreciated this magnanimity as Peter Obi does not owe him anything, including being at his Thanksgiving and Bazaar event. However, Peter Obi was also wrong for the way he approached the issue, knowing fully well that the reason for his invitation is to help raise funds for whatever project Father Mbaka was executing. 

Therefore, Peter Obi would have made a forthright donation, even if a token donation; to help kick start the event and put the fund raising ball rolling and set the Thanksgiving launching process in motion. At least he would have presented a cheque for N500,000 with a promise to do more once Father Mbaka has finished giving him a walk around and tour of the project grounds, to enable him, Peter Obi, appreciate the project more and better. This is how it is done and Peter Obi will not claim ignorance of the expectations of him in a Harvest and Bazaar. The place of a chief launcher or special guest of honor, who was invited solely to help boost any occasion, be it wedding, community projects appeal fund, book launching and any other type of Fundraising event, is not subject to any second guessing because it is set in stone. So, both men have their own share of blames, admitted their ego betrayed them and they failed to realize this and otherwise manage the ugly episode better.

But be that as it may, the blame game should now end and let every party move on to other things which are more important to them and society, rather than dwelling on some petty disputation which is neither here nor there. ICHEOKU says now to the meat of this oped which is specifically directed at the lack of strategic thinking by the Igbo Nation of Nigeria; and how Ndigbo are not helping their case or rather lot, within the Nigeria experience. This is the reason they have become an oppressed minority in Nigeria and now so ignored and relegated to the background that even an Ijaw minority of all minorities was made president of Nigeria before an Igbo man or woman, for that matter. 

ICHEOKU hopefully Ndigbo can finally wake up from their slumbering indifference in matters affecting their collective interest in Nigeria and approach the issue of their position in Nigeria with collectivity and as an army of one; with only one objective in mind, to reclaim their rightful place in Nigeria and pursue it as passionately and as focused as they can be. Enough of this dog eat dog mentality of the Igbo person. Let Ndigbo please stop eating each other and stop being the executioners of their own. Father Mbaka did not do anything which other pastors from other tribes and regions in Nigeria have not done; and therefore he should not be singled out for the hangman's noose.

ICHEOKU says can somebody please tell ICHEOKU the difference between what Father Mbaka said or did from what Enoch Adeboye, TB Joshua, Apostle Suleiman and other scripture entrepreneurs in Nigeria and throughout the world has been doing for so many years and continuing till today. So, why single Father Mbaka out or is it the same "kill the Igbo man" maniacal idiocy, which has been going on in Nigeria and for such a long time. So what if he tried to pressure Peter Obi to fork out some money? So what if he tried to overwhelm Peter Obi's notorious stinginess and extort money from his gum-hand by threatening election defeat for Team Atiku/Obi? So what if Father Mbaka deployed the weapons of give me your money from his arsenal of mind hypnosis? What did Father Mbaka do which others have not done and continues to do. 

Enoch Adeboye is on record demanding N1 billion each from 10 Redeemer members, condemning those who do not donate substantial amounts of money to his church and even went as far as threateningly passing a sentence of hell-fire on anyone who do not pay FAT TITHES and donate generously to his ministry. Redeemers Christian Church of God General Overeer Enoch Adeboye was on captured on video saying that he will not let anybody who does not pay tithes to his church enter heaven and even threatened his pastors about not collecting enough tithes for his ministry. ICHEOKU had written a piece then, condemning what Enoch Adeboye said as unbecoming of a true man of God and emphasized that Enoch Adeboye is not the heaven's gate keeper, hence has no authority to speak as he had spoken. 

The same Enoch Adeboye is on record for his church collecting N250 million from a woman director of prison food supplies services, who will not feed prisoners, but pockets the N14,000 per prisoner per day cost of feeding them, and then donated N250 million in tithes to Enoch Adeboye's church branch in Abuja; and Enoch Adbeboye had no scruples collecting and pocketing same. It is instructive that Enoch Adeboye did not even ask her where she got the money from nor gave a care in the world that an ordinary civil servant on a salary could make such humongous donation to his church. Speaking of abating and aiding corruption in Nigeria and you wonder what has become of all these Scripture retailers in Nigeria masquerading as pastors and men of God. 

That all these 419 fake prophets and false men of God are shakedown artists is a fact; but what is not understandable nor acceptable or agreeable is that one of them should be singled out for haranguing. ICHEOKU therefore strongly objects to the notion that Enoch Adeboye is somewhat superior to Father Mbaka and so immune from criticisms but Father Mbaka can be reaped apart. Why should Enoch Adeboye and others from certain part of the country, Yoruba/Kogi axis, who are similarly defrauding people of their hard earned money, be above reproach, but Father Mbaka is not? Why is it a taboo to criticize Enoch Adeboye, TB Joshua, David Oyedepo, Apostle Suleiman, but Father Mbaka is a fair game to be hounded and bayoneted, just because he is an Igboman. 

ICHEOKU says totally and completely rejects the idiocy that encourages this disparate treatment of both pastorprenuers and which fuels such a selective righteous indignation;  and hereby condemns everyone, particularly any Igbo person, especially the social media hatchet men or women, who were involved in the recent war of attrition and ferocious attacks on the person of Father Mbaka. Why eat your own if ICHEOKU may ask and if Father Mbaka must be attacked, why must it be Ndigbo who are leading the charge and egging on the lynch mob. Why would Ndigbo allow and encourage an otherwise avoidable snafu between two Igbo men be dragged out in the Nigeria's public domain and watch their own being eating up alive and gleefully participating in it. Why the idiotic ignorance that the rest of Nigerians are seeing Ndigbo as the laughing stock of Nigeria and are laughing their heads off watching Ndigbo lead two of their own out to the lynching ground to be crushed to death. 

What manner of people are these Ndigbo on social media or have any of them ever seen any Yoruba person criticizing Enoch Adeboye or David Oyedepo or even TB Joshua as well as the other Kogi born fraudster Apostle Suleiman. But it is Ndigbo, the people who know too much and they like to make a feast of each other to the glee of the rest of the country. ICHEOKU categorically and unequivocally condemns the show of shame put up against Father Mbaka for his encounter with another Nwa afor Igbo, Peter Obi at the Adoration Ministry in Enugu as despicable and uncalled for; as it should have been better managed and not blown out of proportion; which turned Ndigbo into the spectacle of Nigerians as their strong headiness but lacking in strategical thinking once again reared its ugly head.  

The tragedy of the Igbo Nation, especially many of them on social media, is that they will never attack other pastors and men of God from other regions and races. You will never see them attacking or condemning or criticizing Enoch Adeboye or David Oyedepo or Apostle Suleiman, because according to their skewed slavish narrative, those fellas are "God's anointed". They will not hesitate and will readily drop for you their usual pathetic drivel, "touch not my anointed". But none of them will ever tell you who anointed these other scripture entrepreneurs and which of them witnessed the occasion of the pouring of olive oil on their heads by Samuel. But the same numbskulls who are seeking acceptance and approval of these other nationalities in Nigeria will readily throw their own Father Mbaka under the bus and tell you that Father Mbaka is a fake and that his own prophesies do not come from heaven. What a warped, idiotic and imbecilic reasoning from their anuses and anyone is still looking for the reason nobody in Nigeria takes the Igbo person seriously.

What a people, who will gleefully cannibalize their own, while they tremble at the feet of other people's own. It is the same condemned to eternal servitude mentality which sees Igbo governors and other Ndigbo elites genuflecting before other peoples rulers, such as the Fulani King Sultan of Sokoto or the Yoruba King Ooni of Ife, but disregard and mistreat and disrespect their own Igbo Kings, including the Obi of Onitsha. These misguided Ndigbo forget that those other peoples heavy weights were made by their people to be what they became, including their reverence status; and also that the big masquerade does not make itself and that people make it possible. I

ICHEOKU says is not by this, defending Father Mbaka or giving approval to the general malaise in the country that is minting money through the Bible, but that Ndigbo should readjust themselves and re-strategize their approach to addressing issues involving themselves and one of their own, if they want to indeed get anywhere in Nigeria. It is also noteworthy that many of those big donors who donate all the heavy amounts to Enoch Adeboye, David Oyedepo, TB Joshua and Apostle Suleiman are all Ndigbo; including those in legitimate business as well as those hustlers who are engaged in all manners of shady and dubious businesses including 419, Yahoo Yahoo, kidnapping, armed robbery, as well as drug pushing. But they readily go to offload their resources for Yoruba and Kogi pastors but will act stingy when it comes to giving to their own Father Mbaka and as if that is not enough, they are up in arms to bring him down and crush his Ministry. God will not allow them to succeed in Jesus name.

ICHEOKU is not interested in whether or not any of these scriptural entrepreneurs are shafting politicians and other rich Nigerians, but that the treatment of them should be equal and across the board, as none of them is greater or more important than the other; afterall Father Mbaka saw the "vision" of a Buhari's presidency while David Oyedepo saw Jonathan not leaving Aso Rock, but doing a second term. Ndigbo should understand what they are doing to each other and pull back a little. Nnamdi Ozobia was fired from NigerDock because of a snitching Igbo man, who went to Obasanjo to rat on Ozobia over what Ozobia confided to some Igbo people in a supposedly Igbo club's meeting in Lagos. So, when ICHEOKU screams about what is going on in Nigeria, it is for a reason and it is based on factual insider's first hand information; and not that ICHEOKU wants to please anyone, because ICHEOKU neither cares about anybody's emotional feelings nor gives a rat's ass damn about making them discomfited; just that the truth be told and anyone who does not like it can go chew a basket of peppers. 

ICHEOKU urges Ndigbo to adjust their thinking, especially on issues affecting everybody in Nigeria. The incessant outbursts and self absorbing, protector of everybody in Nigeria, attitude, the reason they always carry everything about Nigeria on their head, is no longer cool. They must start being strategic in their thinking and action, knowing fully well that only through a concert, can they get anywhere politically in Nigeria. Ndigbo are stretching themselves too thin in Nigeria by carrying everybody's problem on their head. Boko Haram will strike a remote town in Bornu State and Ndigbo will carry it on their heads and shout like they are the only ones in Nigeria who heard about it; and most times louder than even the Kanuri people of Bornu State, the people at the epicenter of the Boko Haram activities. 

Fulani herdsmen will strike in Plateau or Benue or Taraba State and Ndigbo will carry it on their head as if they are the big brother of those munchi people, who must be protected from their fellow Northerners and as if those munchi people cannot fight and defend themselves from their senior brothers from the caliphate. Buhari will want to move against and impeach Saraki and you will see Ndigbo crying foul and screaming themselves hoarse as if Saraki has denounced the citizenship of Kwara State and is now an Igbo man. Ditto, Dino Melaye an this ordeals with the government, as well as others who periodically run afoul of the law and political cordiality with the presidency. 

But when one of their own is in trouble, they will shout crucify him, crucify him and sometimes be the ones casting the first stone. Enough of this incessant making of otherwise avoidable enemies, and hopefully, their easily excited personality will allow them to become more disciplined and circumspect about chasing every shadow that moves in Nigeria. It is also a fact that Ndigbo has never been rewarded with love for being the "big brother" of these other Nigerians and you ask yourself, what then is their motivation. 

On a final note, ICHEOKU would strongly recommend that Father Mbaka seriously consider leaving the Catholic Church, for his own fully independent Father Mbaka's Adoration Ministry Inc. That way he can be in full and complete control of his ministerial calling and run it as he pleases, instead of being under the constant watch and control of the Catholic Church; and be subject to the idiosyncrasies of both the Vatican and whoever the local Catholic authority is in Enugu State and Nigeria. That way, he will free himself from all the shackles of jealousy and envy and the incessant, never ending. attempt to muzzle him and stop his ministry. Father Mbaka must avoid being subjected to the wind of doctrinal opinion or paid hacks trying to influence his fate and that of his Ministry through petitions and unmerited outrage against him. 

Father Mbaka can still carry on as a priest and practice all Catholic doctrinal rituals as an independent pastor, but not as a Catholic priest under the whims and capricious control of any other authority above him. Enoch Adeboye does not answer to anyone; TB Joshua does not answer to anyone, Apostle Suleiman does not report to anyone; so why should Father Mbaka? The Anglican Church pulled out of the Catholic Church, ditto nearly every other church, therefore Father Mbaka will not be doing anything out of the ordinary or revolutionary if he also follows suit with his own Father Mbaka Adoration Ministry Church of Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ Incorporated. Why not?

Saturday, December 8, 2018


ICHEOKU says Aremu Matthew Kikiola Olusegun Obasanjo is the biggest fraud to ever come out of the continental Africa and it shows in everything he touches. The foxy pretentiousness and manipulative ingenuity which Obasanjo frequently deploys against an indolent Nigerian polity, in order to achieve any given objective is simply legendary; and as adroit as only befits a voodoo witch doctor. Remember, it was the same Olusegun Obasanjo, as then Head of State, who once advocated for juju to be deployed to South Africa and used as a weapon to defeat the then South Africa apartheid government. So, his ICHEOKU's given moniker, Ota Deity, is quite aptly befitting and rightly earned as well. 

Speaking of an intelligent man who really wants what is best for Nigerians and he was instrumental to the annulment of MKO Abiola's June 12th election victory, claiming that Abiola was not the Messiah who Nigerians clamored for. That he was a party to cover up of the murder of MKO Abiola, especially the dousing of the protest which erupted as a result, is also a consequential fact. This guy Olusegun Obasanjo has been in power in Nigeria since 1970, first as Chief of Army Staff and later in 1976 as Head of State. When he sabotaged Obafemi Awolowo nearly assured presidency and used Richard Akinjide to manufacture the 12 2/3rd victory for Shehu Shagari, Nigerians allowed him to have his way. Again in 1999, the same Obasanjo was rewarded for sabotaging Abiola's election victory by being made the president of Nigeria and he was in power until 2008. 

Query, if Olusegun Obasanjo stayed this long in power and Nigeria remained so bedeviled, is it not a safe argument to make that Obasanjo was the sole architect of Nigeria's rot and decay?  Ever asked yourself or wondered who actually contributed most to or rather is the reason for the decay and rot that became Nigeria if not the Ota Deity. Yet, this fella is who Nigerians are still listening to and tolerating and allowing to direct their affairs and in own their land. It also never mattered to these knuckleheads that this man was sleeping with his son's wife, his daughter in-law. It is also highly instructive that Olusegun Obasanjo did not win the MO Ibrahim African Leadership Award for excellence because of his unquantifiable corruption. A telling tale repudiation of a braggadocious decrepitude, yet this fellow is who Nigerians are listening to for direction on the way forward of their country. 

ICHEOKU says for what? Little wonder the country is mired in the mud where it is or what does an Obasanjo have to offer to Nigeria other than grieve and mischief; and he is doling them out in huge portions.

ICHEOKU says was somewhere over the week and after necessary introductions, one mid aged entrepreneur cleared his voice in the manner which attention is drawn to a person. He asked ICHEOKU how Nigerians could continuously allow the rot in their country to go on without fighting back. This guy is French from Monaco and alluded to the violent crash going on in Paris just because the French people got tired of an unreasonable fuel price increase. Continuing, he said that the capacity of Nigerians to stoically bear burden is simply inexplicable, as no people on the entire planet earth can withstand the type of inhumanity visited on the average Nigerian daily, without losing their minds. 

He went on to enumerate all the deficiencies and lack of infrastructural amenities in Nigeria, stating that despite all these, the people are always hoping that some day everything will be alright. He then pointedly asked ICHEOKU, whether Nigerians actually know the day when everything will become okay in their country, especially without Nigerians doing the heavy lifting necessarily required to make things okay and fighting for them as well as sacrificing for them, if need be. This guy said he lived in Nigeria in the 1990s and knows exactly what the living conditions then was all about and still pays monitoring attention developments in Nigeria, especially within the last few years; mentioning the mystery Sudanese in Aso Rock and how laughable the conspiracy theory is. He also said he enjoyed ewedu soup and amala as well as jolof rice and liked Gulder beer too.

He rounded off the inquisition by pointing to the endorsement of Abubakar Atiku by  Olusegun Obasanjo, wondering how anybody in the world would ever again believe a Nigerian after what Obasanjo did. According to him, why would anyone still believe what a Nigerian said, when their former president could go back on his words and endorsed for president, a man he had previously described as being too corrupt; and who he accused of stealing billions of Nigeria's money and followed it up by swearing that it is over his dead body that Atiku will ever be president of Nigeria. Everyone among the gathered, now took a keener interest, as they sought to know more about the place of birth of their African friend. 

ICHEOKU frolicked this much to highlight the damage which Olusegun Obasanjo has done to Nigeria's image with his irreconcilable and inexplicable endorsement of Abubakar Atiku, especially after previously leveling such scathing and unflattering accusations, including some which bothered on pure banditry and robbery of the Nigeria's coffers. 

Just ask yourself what could make such an old 90 year old grandfather, to so treacherously renege on his sworn oath and you wonder at what price was his sudden somersault purchased. Possibly, the notoriously corrupt Abubakar Atiku made Obasanjo an offer he could not refuse and he took the poison pill; and is now pushing for the presidency of a man who is not fit for merchantability - the purpose for which Obasanjo want him sold to Nigerian electorates. How could any rational Nigeria reconcile the two Obasanjo's polar opposite positions of Obasanjo concerning a man who has become the notorious face of corruption in Nigeria. ICHEOKU says it is either Olusegun Obasanjo was lying then when he accused Atiku of all manners of unprintable crimes or Olusegun Obasanjo is lying now by vouching that the same brigand suddenly has been sanctified as a good choice for Nigeria's presidency. 

Therefore, the Ota Deity cannot be allowed to have it both ways or use Nigerians once again for his practiced forked-tongue speaking, and must be held accountable for speaking from both sides of his mouth. Why would any sane Nigerian still believe Olusegun  Obasanjo, who once said in his written book, My Watch, at page 39, that Abubakar Atiku stole so much from the Nigeria's coffers which could feed millions of Nigerians for several decades, but now turned around to urge victims of this Atiku's huge heist, to put the same bandit who stole from them in charge of their country and treasures. Obasanjo also selectively absolved himself of any negligence in not watching Atiku as he made a mince meat of Nigeria's treasury. 

So much for his watching and you wonder whether Obasanjo was actually watching anything or was he merely a sleeping muruanya that Atiku stole this much under his nose. What impetus warranted Obasanjo's writing of a book titled under his watch when he was not watching at all, otherwise he would have caught Atiku with his hands in the jar and stopped him from stealing Nigerians blind. ICHEOKU says it will require the suspension of disbelief to accept Obasanjo's skewed logic that a rat could ever be reformed enough not to be tempted by dry fish and therefore eligible to be put in charge of an iron-basket filled with dry fish. How can a bank armed robber be asked to guard a bank's vault or even armored bullion vehicles. Can anybody ever asks a drunk to be in charge of a bar or employed in a brewery. 

ICHEOKU says if only Nigerians can focus their curiosity on this unholy marriage between Obasanjo and Atiku, and sincerely desire to unveil behind the reconciliation of this two formerly sworn enemies. it is only then that Nigerians will realize that their country is being shared and portioned out, on a promissory note by Abubakar Atiku, to the same vultures and jackals who kept Nigeria comatose all these decades and continuing till this day. 

Olusegun Obasanjo has now become the officially recognized face of 419 in Nigeria by reason of his trying to hoodwink Nigerians into buying into a reject which he too seriously warned them against. Olusegun Obasanjo has become the reason why the rest of the world does not trust Nigerians, because Nigerians' word don't mean a thing or much; and is  not always their bond. If Nigerians are deemed unreliable and cannot be trusted; and that handshakes does not mean a thing to them, how does Nigerians expect any foreign investor to be attracted to their hellhole, where people say one thing and mean the other; where people's yes, means no and their no, means yes. Who wants to operate in such environment of murkiness which confuses more than it is elucidates.

Majority of businesses in the world are conducted on reliability and credibility and the vouched vaulted veracity that you will keep your own side of the bargain. This understanding is usually sealed with a handshake; so could somebody please tell ICHEOKU which foreigner would acquiesce to conducting business in like manner with Nigerians, following what Olusegun Obasanjo did. If your word is not your bond, what else could you be if not a con artist, period. Why would anyone want to deal with Nigerians when their words doesn't mean a thing and they cannot be trusted to keep their words. Cry thy beloved country, as Nigeria is finished and cannot be made whole again. The greatest tragedy of it all is that Nigerians are not even aware of the damage which has befallen their country and they are oblivious of the sunken ship in which they are still pretentiously sailing. 

ICHEOKU's heart bleeds for motherland, admitted there is no magic wand to startle the hypnotized citizenry into squarely facing their responsibility, to help rescue their adrift country from these band of bandits, who plugged their proboscis into Nigeria's veins and are sucking the country dry like the vampire bats which they are. 

ICHEOKU says in the spirit of Hanukkah, which means to rededicate, can Nigerians learn to rededicate themselves to what is good for their country and rise up to stop these vagrants from always having their way with Nigerians as if the polity is a cheap Stormy Daniels type prostitute, who could be so easily had at any time, with or without lubrication. This perilous times in Nigeria calls for people to rise up and protect themselves, their country  and treasury from the impending locust invasion by resisting and preventing the Obasanjo and Atiku gang up from swarming the country's treasures. Only two bad people with extremely bad intentions would so suddenly temporarily make up just for the objective at hand; but only if Nigerians let them. It is SAD and it is an existential threat to Nigeria for Abubakar Atiku and Olusegun Obasanjo to be allowed back on the saddle of power in Nigeria. Please Nigerians,  SAY NO TO ATIKU; reject the latest gathering of vultures whose only motivation is to continuously stick it to Nigerians. Atiku, NOT GOOD FOR NIGERIA.

Friday, December 7, 2018


ICHEOKU says what manner of a lawyer is this guy who does not know a thing about loyalty and you ask yourself how could he do this to himself. How could he think that stabbing the president on the back was cool and that he will be better off for it. A supposed consiglieri to a man, so rich and so powerful, who could have mortgaged everything in his power to save his skin; but not the sissy, girlie punk named Michael Cohen. 

How about even taking one for the boss, including literary taking whatever secrets he had or knew about to his grave as real men do, if it ever came to that. But unfortunately not Michael Cohen, just another example of those who the gods want to kill, but who he let to run mad first. Just in a twinkle of an eye, he went from the lawyer to Donald Trump to a convict who tried but failed to rope the president into his criminalities. Now he will stay caged in his tiny 6 by 10 prison cell and ponder how cruel fate was to him; his life forever crashed into a pile of dust and irrecoverably too. If a lawyer cannot be trusted to keep his client's confidences and related secrets and carry them to his grave, what then are his other bona fides as a lawyer? Nothing really. 

At the end of the day, Michael Cohen has burnt his candles on both ends and neither the devil nor the deep blue sea will now find him an acceptable and worthy confidant. Worse of, he is going to prison for a long time and will also pay a hefty $500,000 restitution to the government, in fines. What a way to end an otherwise flying career, with such a high profile signature client, who is now the president of the United States of America, President Donald John Trump. The good news however is that snitches don't usually last long in prison and Michael Cohen will be watching his every step 24/7 while in the Big House. If he survives, his life after prison, as an ex-con, will never be the same or even near to what it once was. He will forever be known and long after he is gone, will be remembered as the lawyer who betrayed his client, snitched on his client and tried to pull his client down. Not a good practice conduct. Awfully pitiful.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


ICHEOKU says go in peace President George Herbert Walker Bush. A grateful nation will never forget. Adieu.


JERUSALEM IS ISRAEL'S ETERNAL CAPITAL - PDJTICHEOKU says a wisdom of Solomon come to judgment; it is about time the child is given to the rightful mother. Salute to the courage of President Donald John Trump.

Sunday, December 2, 2018


ICHEOKU says were Nigeria a society that is destined to survive and thrive, the crooked and corrupt polygamist Abubakar Atiku will not stand a chance at running for an office, not even a dog catcher's, talkless of the presidency of the country. His records are there for any unbiased, discerning mind, to peruse and reach the same conclusion. 

But Nigerians are a very special breed of human beings, whose righteous indignation is often selectively predicated. Most times, they like to play the possum rather than confront an issue; and selectively choose to forget what they want to forget and to remember what they want to remember, depending on their mood. For them, the end always justifies the means; as they do not care nor give a damn about how the end was reached, once it suits their narrative and fulfills their mission objective. 

It is this situational astigmatism and selective lack of accountability, and making it up as they go attitude, and pick and choose as they elect, and the overall carefree disposition to life of Nigerians, that Abubakar Atiku is trying to cash in, on his quest for Aso Rock. Nigerians are also a very impatient people who hates to wait for anything to be fixed, as it should have been fixed since yesterday and tomorrow is rather too long. Both things are now proving a perfect storm for the current effort to yank President Muhammau Buhari out of Aso Rock. He couldn't keep all his election promises within 4 years, despite that it took the PDP 16 long years to achieve whatever they achieved; but an impatient society does not care nor give a damn and wants him gone since yesterday, as March 29, 2019 is rather too long a period to wait. 

All that is currently on some Nigerians mind is to send the Dracula of Daura back to his 150 gay cows in Daura, period. They are so impassioned with this desire, that nothing else makes any sense to them whatsoever; and they also do not care how the objective is met or achieved. To these 'Buhari Must Go" possessed Nigerians, it does not matter which vehicle is used in transporting Buhari back to Daura, they just want to get him there fast and without any further delay or dig-dallying. As far as they are concerned, anybody, even if it is the devil, is an acceptable conduit to realize their objective, provided Muhammadu Buhari is sent packing and out of Aso Rock come 2019. This is what is driving the current maniacal fervor, regardless of who replaces Buhari; as they have thrown every decorum, caution and circumspect out of the window, and stomped down on necessary qualifications that are usually required of a president. 

ICHEOKU prays that they are right and that they will not once again be burnt or feel used and discarded. It sounds too familiar to the "Anybody but Jonathan" fever that preceded the 2015 election and traveling down that path again is indeed too scary, a proposition. A matter made worse because the same guy that led them into the Buhari abattoir, is the same man they are now rooting for and you wonder the logic behind this. If Abubakar Atiku was such a discerning mind, what led him to foist Buhari on Nigeria just a few three short years ago; only to come now to pretend that the Buhari of 2014/5 was not the same Buhari of 1983/5. ICHEOKU says just positing the questions and hope to get some answers from those who are now fervently vested in the messiah-ship of Abubakar Atiku.

But ATIKULOOTED Nigerians could care less and have little to no regard at all, about who replaces Buhari or what becomes of a Nigeria that is once again handed over back to the same people who had Nigeria for 16 years but looted it dry and near bankruptcy. The records are they and ICHEOKU intend to excavate them in this lengthy treaties, so bear with ICHEOKU. It is not as if the period between 1999 to 2015 did not happen or was such an ancient history or that the records of it is not publicly available, for people to revisit and give it a serious comprehensive read either. 

But a society of anything goes and which does not frown at infra digs, is once again headed to the same cul-de-sac of gross mistakes and crass corruption, from where they were extricated and for merely three years plus now. Symptomatic of a battered wife syndrome, Nigerians are once again fighting to go back to the same choke-hold, which saw wanton abuse of power, disobedience to court orders and unmitigated corruption. They are trying to elect a  president based on their hearts' emotional touchy feely, and not using their heads, by first asking themselves some pertinent questions, especially the suitability or lack thereof of the candidate who they are now clamoring for. 

It was not too long a ago that Abubakar Atiku served Nigeria in his capacity as the Vice President to then President Olusegun Obasanjo. The memories of that malodorous eight long years in office is still fresh in many minds, especially of those Nigerians who cared enough to remember the ugly experience, and kept record of it; and who refused to fall victim to the confounding amnesia which is now afflicting millions of Nigerians. It was the sordid experience of the Obasanjo/Atiku's government from hell that forced Goodluck Jonathan to deploy the promise of a "Breath of Fresh Air" as his campaign mantra. But lest we forget, the same Abubakar Atiku, who tag-teamed with Olusegun Obasanjo, during the period under review is once again trying to cash in on Nigerians penchant for short memory, their ever forgetfulness, as he presents himself for election as the Nigeria's president. 

ICHEOKU says were Nigeria a civilized functioning country, Abubakar Atiku and Olusegun Obasanjo would still be in prison serving long prison sentences for the crimes against humanity which they both committed against Nigerians between 1999 and 2008.  ICHEOKU says therefore, falling for the Atiku's razzmatazz or biting the Atiku bait, will be the evidential height of this Nigerians' fabled notoriety for selective forgetfulness of past historical facts, especially when it suits them. Afraid of some inconvenient truths of what once was, this group of Nigerians also choose to ignore a Wole Soyinka's admonition that records are kept for a reason. So, with that as a foundation for this expose`, please join ICHEOKU as we now travel down the memory lane of a few short years ago, just for a refresher.

Some mind-numbed ATIKULOOTED vuvuzelas might argue that Olusegun Obasanjo was the president then and not Abubakar Atiku. To these fellas, ICHEOKU says the doctrine of Collective Responsibility and the duty to resign in protest, if you disagree with the policy direction and objective of a government, or did not see eye to eye with the president, inextricably yoked Abubakar Atiku to the government. He did not and failed to exercise any of the options which were available to him, and which would have otherwise extricated him from or absolved him of the blames of that government. 

Not even a vehement public protest or an outright resignation, which would have strongly suggested that what went down during the period under question were not his action nor had his approval. But the truth of the matter is that Abubakar Atiku was fully involved in the whole shebang; and he was on record, saying that he was the man in charge of things in that government, especially during the first term and that he even "mercifully" allowed Bola Tinubu to keep Lagos State because of their NADECO experience, otherwise it would have been a country wide sweep of an election by the PDP. Remember records are kept for a reason, lest we forget.

So, for staying put and not protesting or even resigning from the government of Obasanjo/Atiku, a reasonable inference could be made that Abubakar Atiku adopted, approved, participated and actively connived and contrived to achieve everything which  the government of Obasanjo/Atiku achieved and did within their eight long years in power. It is also a fair argument to input to Abubakar Atiku all of the lows and highs of that government, including their unbridled abuse of power and gross mismanagement of Nigeria, as was witnessed during the period under review. Therefore, every iota, modicum, scintilla or sliver of action of the Obasanjo/Atiku government, is entirely, technically attributable to Abubakar Atiku as his own act. So, it goes without saying that Abubakar Atiku is 100% responsible for all the credits and deficits of the Obasanjo/Atiku government between 1999 and 2008 and therefore Abubakar Atiku should be judged based on that record.

Lest we forget, when Abubakar Atiku and Olusegun Obasanjo took over power in 1999, the Naira exchanged for N78.99 to the American dollar and when they left office, the Naira  has plummeted to N247 to the dollar. 

Lest we forget, the same Abubakar Atiku alongside Olusegun Obasanjo ran one of the most brazen dictatorship which was masqueraded as democracy in Nigeria, where the executive completely swallowed up the legislature. Bribing the legislature with sacs of Ghana Must Go bags became rampant and an acceptable way of conducting government's business. Even ministers had to bribe the legislature before their Ministries could get adequate budgetary allocations. A case in point, which stood out, being the then Minister of Education Professor Fabian Osuji, who bribed the legislature with N50 million just to get enough allocation with which to run his Ministry. Lest we forget. 

Lest we forget, the National Congress during Obasanjo/Atiku government was completely emasculated, fettered and shackled; and was not allowed to operate freely as an independent co-equal branch of the government, where legislative leadership were incessantly removed and replaced at the pleasure of Aso Rock. The proverbial banana peel syndrome became a preferred means of the Obasanjo/Atiku government of affecting a desired legislative outcome, as any leader of either chambers, who will not play ball was summarily impeached and replaced by a more malleable one. Nigeria's legislature was completely subdued by this duo and it is on record that Abubakar Atiku was the hatchet man who was usually deployed by Obasanjo to affect the outcome which both of them desired and he did it with relish and glee. This is the same  man with such putrid record of intolerance and despotism that some Nigerians are now craving his presidency. Lest we forget. 

The matter became so rampant that the Senate saw more than five Senate presidents come and go just within the years both despots were in office. Lest we forget. Obasanjo and Atiku were laws unto themselves and they distributed such impunity and lawlessness with reckless abandon; using the army and all manners of security apparatchiks to visit wanton punishments on perceived enemies. Lest we forget. For this two, nobody else mattered in Nigeria except Obasanjo and Atiku; such that even a Chief of Army Staff, Victor Malu, was repeatedly disgraced and to the extent of burning down his village and demolishing his country home and supervised by their Minister of Defense TY Danjuma. 

Lest we forget, it was under Obasanjo/Atiku's government that the three branches of government in Nigeria were literary fused into one and made unitary; and operated from right inside Aso Rock, with power to decide who goes and who stays anywhere and in any position throughout Nigeria. The judiciary was completely muzzled, ditto the legislature and court orders were flagrantly disobeyed and human rights were violated with unbridled impunity. Recall that Obasanjo/Atiku government arrested MASSOB's Ralph Uwazulike and MEND's Asari Dokubo and held them in a dark, dank underground DSS dungeon and refused to honor or respect or obey all the courts rulings to secure their bail; and that it was not until Umaru Yar'Adua came to office that the two saw daylight. 

They were so many other Nigerians who shared similar fate and ICHEOKU received information on this with smuggled photographic evidence. It is on record too, that so many disaporan activists were put on a "Do Not Step into Nigeria" list by this very despotic government, including yours truly and this is a fact. ICHEOKU is not here to blow any trumpet but merely letting it all out, just in case Atiku visits America and this becomes the last oped about his suitability for office as ICHEOKU intends to honor the promise to end any further shinning of light on him if that visit happens. 

During the same reign of infamy of Obasanjo/Atiku government, peaceful demonstrations and protests were practically forbidden and banned in Nigeria; and those who dared were summarily vanquished by a heartless government and its very mean security agencies; whose only instruction was to, by all means necessary, not permit or allow any protest whatsoever on the streets of Nigeria, regardless of the reason for the protest and this was in a supposed democracy. Violators were were callously tear-gased, tased, indiscriminately bludgeoned with police batons, had their heads busted open with the butt of AK47s, kicked around, arrested and sometimes detained indefinitely without bail. It was during one of such heavy highhandedness that Chuba Okadigbo was murdered, Lest we forget. Yes, Dr Chuba Okadigbo, Oyi of Oyi, was murdered because he dared to exercise his freedom of expression, by the Obasanjo/Atiku despotic government. Aware that he was asthmatic, a murderous agent of the State applied nauseous gas directly at his nostrils, triggering an asthmatic attack which choked him to death. Lest we forget.

Communities in Nigeria were also forbidden from any agitation or protest whatsoever and were barred from protesting even the Obasanjo/Atiku's government and any attempt to disobey their government were met with brazen ruthlessness; and sometimes crushed to death. Yes, you heard ICHEOKU right that Obasanjo and Atiku summarily laid to to waste, the communities of Odi Bayelsa and Zaki Ibiam Benue. Lest we forget. Thousands of innocent Nigerians were wounded and murdered, their properties destroyed and their land laid desolate by the government led by Obasanjo and Atiku. Yet, an encore of this absurdity is what some unthinking Nigerians are clamoring for in their choice of Abubakar Atiku? Lest we forget. 

Even some State governors in their favored books developed their own messianic complex, including Anambra State Governor Mbadinuju, who had the then Onitsha Nigerian Bar Association chairman Barnabas Igwe and his beautiful pregnant wife butchered on the street of Onitsha and during daylight and walked away from such a heinous crime. Yes, you heard ICHEOKU right and the NBA cowered in great trepidation for fear of being the next victim. It was hellish and it was odious and it was under the watch of Obasanjo and Atiku, the same people that have once again ganged up and plotting evil against Nigerians. Mbadinuju was Atiku's loyalist and Atiku covered up for him; and shielded him from investigation and prosecution over the murder of a whole NBA chairman whose sin was merely criticizing the governor and fighting for the respect of human rights of Onitsha residents. This is the dark years which some brain-dead drunks are yearning for a re-live, really?

It was during the heartless regime of Obasanjo and Atiku that bombs went off at Ikeja Military Cantonment killing over 20,000 Nigerians. Olusegun Obasanjo visited the scene few days later and when survivors were complaining of thirst and that no government agency has come to their aid or given them even water to drink, Obasanjo berated and scolded them, admonishing them that they should even be grateful and happy that he bothered enough to even make the visit and angrily went back into his car and screeched off. These are records of the government led by Olusegun Obasanjo and Abubakar Atiku and which some Nigerians are somewhat praying for a comeback; and you wonder what manner of people are these Nigerians, the ATIKULOOTED vuvuzelas, that is.

Lest we forget, it was during the Obasanjo/Atiku government that a sitting Attorney General and Minister of Justice of Nigeria, the venerable Cicero of Oke Ona, Bola Ige, was murdered and till today, Nigerians have chosen to believe that 12 MOPOL security guards, who were protecting the chief law officer of the land, will all go to lunch or dinner break at the same time and within the same exact window of their collective absence, assassins struck and magically disappeared into the thin air, really? None of these security officers has even been questioned, arrested or prosecuted or even interrogated to at least try and ascertain on whose orders they acted by clearing way for the assassins to gain entry and kill Bola Ige while he was having dinner with his entire family. 

It is on record that his wife Justice Atinuke Ige never survived from the broken heart which she suffered watching her husband of many years hacked to death at their dinner table. Query, who else in authority could have overridden the security details of the country's chief law enforcement office, the Attorney General and Minister of Justice of the Federation, other than the person above him? And who else was above the Minister of Justice other than the President and Vice President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo and Abubakar Atiku. The records are there; Lest we forget.

Of all such State sponsored killings in Nigeria during the Obasanjo/Atiku infamous government, Harry Marshall's gruesome murder in Asokoro Abuja was simply hair raising. His assassins numbering about twelve men who are suspected to be members of a certain Nigeria's security unit, arrived his residence at about 11pm while the guy was already fast asleep, but was woken up by the noise. He contacted the police on his phone to report the intrusion into his compound; even his neighbors severally called the police as well; and there was a police station just within 1 mile from his residence, but no help came. He was inside his armored door bedroom and when the bandits could not smash through the door, they climbed in through the ceiling and butchered him. 

The whole macabre incident lasted for nearly 45 minutes, speaking of Jamal Khashoggi styled killing; and ten minutes following their departure, two Hilux pickup filled with MOPOLS belatedly arrived to put up their usual show of firing into the the air. ICHEOKU says please, let somebody with a better logical thought please help explain this to ICHEOKU and other curious minded people, who are finding it extremely difficult to figure out till date. Then add Dikkibo etc.  But the same participant of that inglorious days is who Nigerians are chanting his praises now and wants to elect their president. Interesting. Lest we forget.

This two brigands Obasanjo and Atiku ran a gestapo government which kidnapped a sitting Anambra State's Governor Chris Ngige, the current Minister of Labor. The same despots arbitrarily imposed martial laws on States, removing elected State governors and in their places appointed their friends as administrators and this was in a democracy? Ekiti State's Governor Ayo Fayose, Plateau State's Governor Dariye and one other governor were victims of this arbitrariness as they summarily removed from office under such a ruse of emergency; just because they dared open their mouths against the Obasanjo/Atiku government. This rascality and wanton abuse of power and utter disregard for separation of powers in a democracy is what some numbskull Nigerians are rooting for again and praying for a rerun and giddy about reliving the experience, really? Lest we forget.

It is on record too that between 1999 to 2008, no governor in Nigerian dared challenge the despots Obasanjo and Atiku as they held sway as a government of untouchables which is unaccountable to no one. Governorship and Local Government Chairmanship candidates stopped campaigning for election once they get a green light and seal of approval from Aso Rock. ICHEOKU is fully aware of this because a personally known candidate who was recommended through a third party got to Aso Rock a little too late, as they had already chosen a candidate prior. During this regime of infamy, any candidate for any office in Nigeria must first seek and secure the approval of Obasanjo/Atiku government before they can even venture to buy their nomination forms; because doing otherwise was merely an exercise in futility. 

Elections were predicated on candidates being in the good books of Aso Rock and they so micro managed elections in Nigeria that even a Local Government chairman and supervisors had to be signed off on before they can be "elected" into office. There was no opposition party or politician in tolerated anywhere in Nigeria, that the PDP was ice boasting of going to remain in power for 66 years. ICHEOKU was did an article questioning the rational of the number '66", teasing the then Vincent Ogbulafor why not make it 100 years or even eternity. This is the experience some Nigerians are suddenly rooting for again and you wonder what exactly are Nigerians' brains made of, mush may be? Lest we forget. 

It was the Obasanjo/Atiku government that deployed every and all manners of despotic cohesion, including confiscating a State's statutory revenue allocation from the Federal Government, just to punish an errant State governor who refused to dance to their tune, no matter how repugnant and repulsive it sounded. Then Lagos State government led by Governor Bolaji Tinubu had their statutory allocation seized by Obasanjo and Atiku simply because Governor  Bola Tinubu would not play ball, capitulate and allow the PDP to also overrun his State. For more than four years, no Federal Allocation was released to Lagos State by Obasanjo/Atiku until President Umaru Yar'Adua came to power and released the funds to Lagos State. Lest we forget. 

This is the reason Oba Akiolu of Lagos does not see eye to eye with Olusegun Obasanjo and by extension Abubakar Atiku, who he has bared from visiting his palace during his campaign tours. It is on record that Abubakar Atiku once boasted how he merely permitted Bola Tinubu to keep Lagos State because of their NADECO experience, otherwise he would have also 'WON" the State for the PDP. The same guy who engineered all these monumental abuses and pathetic nonsenses, is who some brain-dead Nigerians are saying come and be our president. Lest we forget. 

The same heartless Obasanjo/Atiku's government, which did not care a hoot about the welfare of Nigerian citizens; but held themselves up as demigods, above who, there was no other one and which was accountable to no one, and they viciously ensured this and ruthlessly, is the same people Nigerians are falling over themselves to come and rule them again. It knocks out the wind out of the argument that battered wives often get attracted to their abusive husbands. Lest we forget, Obasanjo and Atiku's government nearly killed democracy in Nigeria. 

They never conducted actual elections in Nigeria, but allocated offices as if they were sharing dinner plates. Election results were awarded in Aso Rock and most times long before the Election Day and before even INEC could finish collating election results. But unfortunately the name Maurice Iwu has been magically been erased out of the minds of Nigerians; and the same fella who engineered all the shenanigans is now being touted as Nigerians' now messiah, the horse mounted knight in shinning armor who has come to rescue Nigeria, really? ICHEOKU says rescue Nigeria from what or plunge Nigeria back to their pillage and brigandage of between 1999 to 2008.

Lest we forget, it was also during the same sad period of governance in Nigeria that students of higher institutions, their lecturers and staff regularly went home as a result of the government's intentional act to frustrate them out of public universities and colleges. Students spent more time at home than the schools which their parents and relatives paid for to go and learn, just because Obasanjo and Atiku wanted to establish their own private universities and have them forage from the frustrated public universities' students. Both men were in public office and using their public power to pursue their own personal businesses. Lest we forget, Obasanjo and Atiku killed public universities in Nigeria so that their own private universities can thrive. Yet, this knucklehead is who Nigerians are fawning over to be their president. 

Lest we forget, it was under Obasanjo/Atiku government, that now Governor of Kaduna State and then Minister of FCT, Nasiru Ahmed el Rufai's bulldozers, were specifically target driven and dispatched to homes and businesses of critics and oppositions of the government in Abuja, and had them leveled to the ground; and most times without notice of any violation of municipal ordinances nor sufficient time given to abate manufactured nuisances or to conform to the extant "laws" which they allegedly violated. 

It was on record that one of such victims was sleeping at night with his wife and children when they were rudely awoken by headlights and menacing sounds of bulldozers eating up their fence, prelude to their main house. They had to escape to their neighbors house in their pajamas and night gowns with nothing else taken out of their multi million Naira home. Lest we forget. There was one case where an already paved road was literary excavated just because a government critic who attracted the construction of the road prior, who later became a critic, lived on the street, down the road. A very petty and mean despicable human excrement who would be serving long prison sentences were Nigeria a civilized and functioning society. 

Lest we forget, it was under the Obasanjo/Atiku's government that Igbo businesses in Nigeria were specifically targeted and marked for complete liquidation. Slok Airlines, Sosoliso Airlines, Hallmark Bank, Savannah Bank and Ibeto Cement, just to mention a few, all fell victims to this ethnic-business cleansing. Nnamdi Ozobia of Niger Docks was also not spared either, as he was fired and his groomed Niger Docks forcibly acquired by Abubakar Atiku under the guise of government privatization. It is also on record that Atiku paid pennies on the dollar for the self auctioned off Niger Docks. 

It is also on records that while Igbo owned businesses were being eliminated, those owned by other tribes flourished, as the Obasanjo/Atiku's government supported them by making some of them monopolies with sole import and distributorship of certain lucrative commodities, Dangote to mention just one. These other businesses also enjoyed mouth watering concessions and tax breaks as well as waivers of import duties, while Ndigbo businesses suffered under a well planned out ethnic-business genocide, led by Abubakar Atiku, just to slow them down. Femi Otedola also benefited from this skewed partiality, becoming an overnight billionaire just because Obasanjo and Atiku said so. Lest we forget.

Assassinations of Nigerians also grew exponentially during the Obasanjo/Atiku's government and no political opponent or dissenter was spared. Their thirst for blood  grew so much that some individual targets were eliminated by bringing down and crashing airplanes; killing off opponents, trouble makers and perceived enemies of the government. Plane crashes became the order of the day in Nigeria and their frequency became unheard of. A plane carrying the then Sultan Maccido of Sokoto, who Obasanjo/Atiku government had invited to Abuja, was enroute back to Sokoto, with over 100 Sokoto princes and officials when it crashed in a manner suggestive of sabotage, killing everyone on board. No investigation was conducted, case closed. 

There was Sosoliso Airlines plane which was crashed in Port Harcourt, killing tens of students on holidays returning from Abuja as well as many others, just  because some of their targeted enemies target were onboard the plane. Then the Mambila Plateau military plane crash in which 18 top Army Generals were summarily, conveniently wasted. Then another plane flew into the Atlantic Ocean and another one into the Lagos swamp. These incessant plane crashes suddenly became a thing of the past following the end of their administration,  but Nigerians choose not to ask pertinent questions. 

It is also on record that Ibrahim Babangida once questioned the motive behind the frequent plane crashes and insinuated that he will investigate them if he becomes president. What did the government of Obasanjo/Atiku do, they arrested Mohammed Babangida on a false charge of some monetary transaction and forced Babangida to abort his plans to run for the presidency. This is the gestapo government which Abubakar Atiku engineered in Nigeria, Lest we forget. There were other atrocious crimes which were committed under the watch of Obasanjo and Atiku, which are simply too many to be itemized here. Yet, the same guy who actively participated in such viciousness is who some Nigerians are singing his praises as their now new messiah, who will bring heaven on earth for them and you wonder what is wrong with these Nigerians. 

ICHEOKU says a man who does everything and anything just for his own personal interest and whose conscience is frequently determined by his present circumstances; and before whom everything is always good by Atiku until it affects Atiku personally, is not a man any thinking society should trust with their common destiny. This guy was for everything and all things Olusegun Obasanjo did and approved of them, signing off on them and adopting them as his own co-acts, until Obasanjo threatened his personal interest of becoming Nigeria's president. First, he moved against Obasanjo's second term but failed in his attempt to upstage Obasanjo and take over the seat of power. Obasanjo was forced on his knees and prostrated before Atiku, and pled to be allowed a second term. This triggered the conflict-filled second term of theirs which Nigerians witnessed during their second term and which nearly grounded everything governance in Nigeria.

It led to Obasanjo's desired third term, in his attempt to punish Atiku and stop him from ever becoming president. But when Obasanjo could not pull that off, he decided to impose Yar'Adua on Nigeria and ensured that Atiku will never fulfill his dream of ever succeeding him. It is on record, both video and audio, that Olusegun Obasanjo severally vowed that Atiku will never be president in Nigeria as long as he, Obasanjo, shall live; signing the vow off with "OVER MY DEAD BODY" shall Abubakar Atiku become president of Nigeria.' For a great grand father to swear an oath about a man, shows that he knew something about the character of that person that allowing him to be president will be detrimental to Nigeria. 

But Nigerians seemed not to be concerned about this telling oath. ICHEOKU says emphatically that the ruse of fighting against a third term was not the stick that broke the camel's back as the problem started a long time ago following private communications that Obasanjo will not allow Atiku to succeed him. Also, that there were  no elections in Nigeria during the Obasanjo/Atiku regime is also a fact, including none which secured victory for Umaru Yar'Adua, which even Yar'Adua later admitted and apologized for. 

Again, Atiku also tried to upstage Goodluck Jonathan and take over the presidency; but when he failed, he took sides with Muhammadu Buhari and successfully engineered the ouster of Jonathan from Aso Rock, simply because, according to Atiku, Atiku agreed with the Northern agenda that power must change hands and shift to the North. Further, as with Obasanjo, everything was honky dory between Atiku and President Muhammadu Buhari for more than three long years of a four year presidency, until the president decided to run for a second term; and again the selectively righteous indignation of Abubakar Atiku kicked into an overdrive. 

Meanwhile everything Buhari did in the past three years was approved and loved by Atiku and Nigerians know their experience within the said period, but not Atiku; because Atiku does not care, provided his interest is preserved. Abubakar Atiku who has no conscience or character or core nor conviction, decided once again to escape from the Buhari's shadow, all in his eternal quest to answer Mr President. He returned to the PDP which he had deserted from and sabotaged their President Goodluck Jonathan's second term bid; and forcibly dollar-twisted the hands of the PDP delegates to Port Harcourt convention, which turned into a sleazy bureau du change operation and purchased the party's presidential ticket. Lest we forget.

So, what manner of man is this and why are Nigerians not perturbed by such a fluke, who only worries about himself and could care less about the general interest of the people; and who will go to any extent to achieve the Atiku's selfish objective. Why must Abubakar Atiku approvingly support every infra-dig of any president and even participate in perpetuating some of them, until it begins to affect him personally? Abubakar Atiku fought against Obasanjo only when Obasanjo refused to yield him the presidency of Nigeria, which he later spinned as fighting against Obasanjo's third term desire. Again Abubakar Atiku started fighting against Buhari only when Buhari did not stick to their earlier agreement to serve only one tern and thus became a stumbling block for Abubakar Atiku's dreamt presidency. ICHEOKU says if selfishness has a human face or definition, Abubakar Atiku is definitely it; and this is why ICHEOKU is so impassioned with the drive to STOP ATIKU and nothing else. 

Nigerians must therefore wake up to their senses and be wary of such a fair weather candidate, because for the right price, he might sell Nigeria to any highest bidder and the Chinese are lurking in wait to make Atiku an offer he cannot refused. Unlike Rotimi Amaechi who once said that his friends knows that he does not like money, Abubakar Atiku's love of money knows is legendary and knows no bounds that he can even go to the devil in his attempt to amass more. Please Nigerians, don't be fooled by Atiku's well orchestrated pretentiousness; nor be tempted by the hardship in the land to do something as stupid as playing a Russia's roulette with your common destiny. 

Ever asked yourselves who is this so desperate just because of the interest of others or have you seen anyone helping a truck pusher with his laden? ICHEOKU has no personal gratification from this effort, has not asked nor demanded nor received any; just that Atiku is not the right person to succeed Buhari and the records are there for those still lucid to see. Please avoid the temptation because if you don't, you will be sorry. To regret what was otherwise avoidable is the most foolish thing anyone can do. Who will police Atiku, in the unfortunate event he magically becomes president? He purchased the presidential ticket with his money, after walking back to the PDP to hijack the it from people who remained loyal while he was hopping around other parties. So, if he could pull it off, why would he listen or respect anyone to tell him what to do as president? Lest we forget.

ICHEOKU therefore calls on Nigerians, before they pull the lever in this Election 2019, to thoroughly think through their options and smartly weigh their choices and cleverly too. Also, to endeavor to avoid another buyer's beware and so soon after the other buyer's remorse that is currently in occupation of Aso Rock. George W. Bush once said that fool me once, shame on you; but fool me twice, shame on me. Nigerians must not succumb for the second time, to the cunning political manipulation of another Fulani man, who is deploying every decoy and deceits known to man, just to get hold of power. 

ICHEOKU is not a fan of either Aiku or Buhari; but maintains that between the two people, there is no difference; hence the lighter sentence of 4 years is to be preferred than an extended 8 longer years of more of the same. You will also note that ICHEOKU has not raised the issue of his polygamous lifestyle as that is just an aside and not a very important issue in the campaign to STOP ATIKU. Please Nigerians do not let your heart and flimsy emotion get the better hold of you; engage your logical cortex. Please remember that ICHEOKU has a choice not to bother with this election campaign, but fatherland is on the cusp of being handed to a very dangerous man and it is for real. It is one pull back from the cliff's edge which Nigerians can do and ICHEOKU urges them to please do. Atiku, NOT GOOD FOR NIGERIA. 

Saturday, December 1, 2018


ICHEOKU says he was a medical doctor who got tired of the injustice in Nigeria, particularly as it affected his Yoruba Southwest, and decided to do something about it. Alongside the current Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland Ganiyu Adams, they formed the Oduduwa Peoples Congress, an armed militia to battle the Nigeria government and/or defend their Yoruba people from the government's gangsterism. 

He did his part and now he is gone to be with his ancestors. ICHEOKU appreciates him for having the courage to at least try, and for this, his legend lives on and he lives on in the memories of those who loved him, whose interest he sought to protect and protected at a great personal risk to his life. Dr Fredrick Fasehun was 83 years old and died of old age related infirmities. May his fighting soul now rest. Adieu Doc.


ICHEOKU says he was the man's man; an alpha male, who achieved so much within his long  well lived life. He was an aviator, a politician, an oil man, a director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a Vice President, a president and also an elder statesman extraordinaire. He was a husband, a father of six children with five surviving him, a grandfather of 17 children and a great grand father of 10. He was a member of so many associations and clubs, but above all, he enjoyed the unique membership of the ultra exclusive and privileged club of former American presidents. 

In short, President George Herbert Walker Bush lived it really up, way up there in the stratosphere of human endeavors and accomplishments. Indeed he truly lived a good life of both service to fatherland and great personal achievements. He also enjoyed the honor of being also a father to a president and two governor; surpassing President Quincy Adams, with who he shares the singular honor of being both a president and father of president, by also being a father of two governors, one of which took a step further by also becoming a president. 

The 41st president of the United States of America, President George Herbert Walker Bush was married to wife Barbara Pierce Bush for 73 years and was in public service for 53 years. He lived to a good old age of 94 years and died of old age related infirmities. To the bereaved Bush family, ICHEOKU extends our condolences and to the departed, may he now rest. Adieu GHWB.

Friday, November 30, 2018


ICHEOKU says he has gone to be with his heartthrob of 73 years and together they can continue spending their life lived with love in the other side. ICHEOKU says was surprised that the former president even lived out his wife Barbara and for eight long months, after being inseparably together for that long. President George Herbert Walker Bush etched his name in the annals of history as to have indeed lived. May his soul now rest. Adieu GHWB.

Monday, November 26, 2018


ICHEOKU says if there is a magic wand to wave to make Nigerians a civilized and thinking people, a people who indeed truly loves themselves and their country and who desire the best for their country's leadership, ICHEOKU will gladly deploy that power in favor of Kingsley Moghalu; for Nigerians to rise above their peculiar hamstrings and various other mundanities and elect him their next president come 2019. 

But unfortunately such a wishful thinking does not always come true, the reason they are merely a make believe, a wishful thinking. ICHEOKU listened to the guy for the very first time a few days ago and has also ran a quick background check on him and now reached a conclusion that a Messiah is indeed knocking on Nigerians' door to be let into Aso Rock. But whether such a fantastically corrupt and convoluted people will hearken to Kingsley Moghalu's "send me plea" to their clarion call of "who shall we send" to Aso Rock, is entirely up in the air. 

Kingsley Moghalu is in every inch, material and particular, very presidential. He looks the part; he is savvy; he is erudite; he is intelligent; he is educated; he is well travelled; he is globally exposed; he is eloquent; he is knowledgeable; he is nicely well mannered; he is presentable and sightly to sore eyes; he is urbane; he has the right decorum and posture, admitted he could use some muscle toning to firm up and improve his posture a little more. His presidential gravitas is also not questionable and he looks like an excellent communicator; a charmer of minds which will be helpful in his conduct of international relations as well as cordial relationship with other branches of government, especially the legislature. Such a cordiality will be in the over-all interest of the Nigerian public as it will help make governance easier and better.

Mr Kingsley Moghalu is the best of all the candidates who have presented themselves for office and currently running for the opportunity to be elected president of Nigeria in 2019. But unfortunately, Nigeria is not yet a civilized country and her citizens do not think nationally nor globally in matters of electioneering politics; and they do not always engage their cerebral cortex in matters of politics and elections. As always, tribe and religion usually get the better part of them as they are guided not by what the candidate is bringing to the presidency; but where the candidate comes from, and whether or not he or she is a member of their religious cult. 

Nigeria is also a fantastically corrupt society where the citizens/electorates expect to be paid upfront for their votes, aware that once the politician gets into office, they will be forgotten; and all pre-election promises made to them will automatically be canceled. This is why Nigerian electorates always collect bribes from politicians and in all forms and manners, way ahead of elections; including cash, gifts, food, motorcycles, bicycles, clothing etc, because that is all they will ever hope and expect to get for their effort and votes in electing their politicians into office. 

Unfortunately, the campaign of Kingsley Moghalu will be gravely handicapped by these extraneousness and his run for the presidency of Nigeria encumbered, not by his lack of qualification but by a people who will vote their stomach infrastructures and what their religious mentors told them. This will most likely prove fatal to his current effort, otherwise he is the president Nigerians have been waiting for, dreaming for, praying for and in fact their prayer-answered president, ever since Nigeria came into being in 1960.  ICHEOKU says so many other countries in Africa as well as the greater world, will jump and grab such an opportunity to elect a president who understands what need to be done to right the ship of the State, turn it around and steer it back into a rightful and correct course. He articulated so many things which will help Nigeria get back on the right tract and hopefully help it reposition on course towards so many achievable laurels. 

ICHEOKU particularly likes his plan to help collapse the 36 States structures into only six regional governments; a position which ICHEOKU previously canvassed in few articles many moons ago. Yes, it is a true, Nigeria does not need that many States since majority of them are not viable, nor self sustaining; but useless avenues for some local political lords to hold sway and waste money on useless bureaucracies and self serving generosities. He also articulated correctly what policies that work in other countries, including America, where States control their resources and just pay taxes on them to the Federal/Central government, whose responsibility will only be limited to areas of defense, foreign relations, monetary regulations and other sundry list as may be permitted it by the truly federated regional units. 

ICHEOKU agrees with him that the needless intrusive overreach of the Federal government on matters involving States is a big leg-chain which must be curbed, if not totally eliminated. He also spoke about other things which ICHEOKU finds progressive enough, including freeing up the entrepreneurial spirits of Nigerians and set them free to operate and thrive in whatever business calling they desire to go into. To do this, banks have to be encouraged or even mandated to free their stashed money from their vaults for soft loans, especially long term loans, which industries will require to operate with. 

The government can also float loans and savings banks to help with micro financing and other investments related loans to help put money into the hands of Nigerians, who have ideas on what to do to flourish; because when they do, they will be in a position to employ others as their businesses continues to expand and thus help absorb the millions of unemployed Nigerians looking for something to do that will help keep them alive and well. Then add improved road networks and general transportation, as well as adequate power supply and Nigerians can transform Nigeria into a competitive economy that will be globally envied. Of course security will be improved with each regional government running their regional police force and other security agencies; while the Central government will maintain a federal police with specific duties including federal crimes such as banking fraud and matters of inter regional crimes. 

Anyway, what is possible is simply too good to be wished away; except that Nigerians need a thinking and intelligent president to have this mission, accomplished. Kingsley Moghalu is a perfect choice and the right fit for the job, but unfortunately, not in the present Nigeria as is presently constituted. The mentality that believes that Enoch Adeboye and his fellow scriptural hustlers have a direct telephone line to God and that their tribe must produce the president, is not the type that will evaluate Kingsley Moghalu fairly to find him qualified for the office. 

Possibly, Kingsley Moghalu came a little bit too early for Nigeria or Nigeria is too way back stuck in the mire and left in the dust to appreciate the great opportunity which he represents. What another missed opportunity this will also turn out to be; but hey, it is possible that the curse of the black-man might be affecting the most populous black country in the world in more ways than anyone could previously have imagine; otherwise Kingsley Moghalu should be elected President come 2019. ICHEOKU says would have worked heart and sinew out to help make this possible, but not in a deaf and dumb society of too many tribal and religious bigots, whose neurons are apparently not firing correctly nor working properly well. SAD.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


"Goodluck Jonathan's "My Transition Hours" is a pseudologia fantastica, a monumental manipulation of historical facts and figures. The claim by Jonathan that former US President Barack Obama and ex-UK Prime Minister David Cameron interfered with the country’s 2015 election is “ludicrous. Jonathan did not want to believe that Nigerian voters swept him out of power because of his gross incompetence and ineptitude. I think the only option left for Jonathan is to plead with God and Nigerians for forgiveness and until we forgive him, he should remain in his purgatory of lethargy. 

No amount of write-up can erase the fact that he took this great nation for granted. The indeprecabilis question for Jonathan to answer is "what did he do with the power Nigerians entrusted him with?" Did he ameliorate the sufferings of Nigerians or even the marginalized Niger Deltans? Did he even put drinking water in his own village? Are Jonathan’s village mansions accessible by road? Why does he charter helicopters to travel to his own village? Jonathan said corruption is not stealing and thereafter flagged off the looting spree of the treasury, which ultimately plunged Nigeria into recession when he left. Jonathan will go down in history as Nigeria’s worst political mistake." - Zainab Duke-Abiola.