Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Monday, January 1, 2018


ICHEOKU says we have heard about Nigerian Americans; but American Nigerian is rather a rarity and when it exists, it is to be found in the underground world of obtaining by false pretense aka 419.  So it was that an American, a caucasian, a white man, was arrested for taking the notorious  Nigerian 419 scam to an entirely new heights. 
The police in Slidell Louisiana arrested Michael Neu, 67, an American advance fee fraudster posing as a Nigerian prince who has duped hundreds of people across America using emails scams.

This goes to show that not all the crimes usually attributed to Nigerians are afterall committed by real Nigerians; but sometimes by pretenders passing themselves off as Nigerians. Who would have believed such a story if not that this felon was busted, caught red-handed in his duplicitous conduct. Just ordinary folks giving Nigerians a bad name.

Friday, December 29, 2017


ICHEOKU says once again taking out time to correct some misconceptions and misinformation currently spreading throughout Nigeria, especially the social media Nigeria world, about and concerning the recent motorcycle accident suffered by President Muhammadu Buhari's son, Yusuf Buhari.  Many false alarmists have spread the rumor that Yusuf was riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle and that the motorcycle cost him $1 million USD. ICHEOKU says nothing could be so far from the truth than both information. 

First the motorcycle which Yusuf had his accident with is not a Harley Davidson motorcycle; and secondly, Harley Davidson Motorcycle Corporation does not make a million dollar motorcycle in the course of its motorcycle manufacturing business. Most of its motorcycles are priced under $75,0000. However, it has made ONE ever one million dollar motorcycle in its entire existence and it was specifically designed and manufactured for a person, American artist Jack Armstrong.  ONLY ONE of the motorcycle  exists in the entire planet earth and it still belongs to the original owner. 

Jack Armstrong owns this one and only particular custom-made motorcycle, which he named the Cosmic Starship. He personally hand painted the motorcycle, using his exclusive cosmic exceptionalism, extreme colors and textures which were meshed into it.  It is a unique motorcycle which has been described as not just a motorcycle, but a pure artwork on two wheels. So Nigerians, ICHEOKU cautions to please thread softly and to stop spreading false and Fake News, which is ordinarily easily verifiable but for laziness of a people bent on propagating certain skewed narrative. 

Further, those wishing Yusuf ill should know that accidents do happen and it is not any person's specific. It happened to the president's son today and tomorrow it could be another person's son, including you that is reading this piece. So it is incredibly unbelievable that anyone should take delight in that the president's son suffered such a ghastly accident. A matter made more iffy because we all live in this funny world where  things we wish others has a magical way of finding their way back to us. But be that as it may, just be advised that Yusuf is but a son of President Muhammadu Buhari and not the president himself; and that none of us ever had a choice in which family we are born into. You can hate the president all you want, but please do not transfer the hatred to his innocent son, who was just being a teenager or rather a young adolescent and having good time, but unfortunately had an accident. ICHEOKU says may Yusuf Buhari have a speedy recovery IJN.


ICHEOKU says felt scandalized by the revisionist Femi Fani Olukayode's attempt to rewrite history by arrogating to TB Joshua the election victory of George Weah in the just concluded Liberian presidential re-run election. Femi was on record boasting that it was TB Joshua who made George Weah's victory possible; which to many Nigerians who followed George Weah's last October's visit to the Synagogue was nothing but a tissue of lies. 

ICHEOKU is emphatic that TB Joshua neither saw the vision of George Weah's coming victory nor did he offer any special prayers of goodluck for George Weah, because before George's visit, his opponent, Joseph Boakai, had earlier made contacts with Joshua and they discussed or rather prayed for his own victory. This is the reason TB Joshua was coy in not directly praying for George Weah's victory specifically, nor made any affirmation to him; but cleverly passed the ball unto God's court as whatever God willed for Liberia. 

TB Joshua in his own exact own words said to George Weah: 
"My brother is here today because he loves his country and wants God’s choice for his country. He is not here to impose himself. What does God say about his country, Liberia? What is God’s opinion? That is why he is here. I am not favoring any particular candidate but will pray for “the will of God” to be done in the nation of Liberia. We are not herbalists or witch-doctors; we are people of God. God’s choice is our choice. We cannot pray against God’s will. Without God’s corresponding power, we cannot pray to Him. For every step we take – every movement and action – intimation comes first. There must be a suggestion from the Spirit to move before we move. If truly I am a man of God, I must hear from God – move or don’t move. The incumbent Vice President and your contender in the upcoming presidential run-off, Joseph Boakai, had also contacted me to request a meeting. God’s opinion is what we should seek in our country – simple! God is the Answer, the Final."

ICHEOKU says yet, despite this direct evidence of the answer which TB Joshua gave to George Weah, that the will of God will be done for Liberia, Femi Fani Olukayode is still gallivanting all over the place, deceiving some gullible Nigerians with his TB Joshua did it propaganda. Pitiful Femi and some Nigerians are listening to this his bunkum hogwash. SAD.

Thursday, December 28, 2017


Patrice Nganang, a dual Cameroon and American citizen, professor of literature and activist, was arrested during a trip to his motherland Cameroon by Cameroonian government. He was detained for several weeks, then released and banished; and asked never to come back to Cameroon. 

ICHEOKU says Africa is suffering a continent-wide political dysmenorrhea and in Cameroon sits one of the longest reigning head of government, a tin-god dictator called Paul Biya, who has been in government since 1984. He admits of no opposition nor criticism and you wonder what will it eventually take Africans to finally liberate themselves from their internal colonialists. How a single person will be ruling a country for over three decades is simply mind boggling. Away with despotism; chase Paul Biya away. What is the Cameroonian military waiting for to give Paul Biya the Robert Mugabe treatment? Do it now.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


ICHEOKU says what were they thinking when they voted him president of Nigeria in the first place. An ascetic who literally has nothing to show for as great accomplishments, other than his mercurial rise to the top in the Nigeria army through a favoritism based quota system; but was considered by Nigerians as their then now messiah and the man who will indeed Make Nigeria Great Again. ICHEOKU says really? 

ICHEOKU says it is only a jaundiced mind, which has been brainwashed beyond redemption, by those 419 miracles of riches Business Center Churches, who in the usual expectation of miracles, would have and indeed had expected a spectacular feat by President Muhammadu Buhari's presidency. Unfortunately, Nigeria is brimming with such mind-numb robots and they voted for him; only to now pretend that they voted for something else other than the man presently in Aso Rock and dishing out his meanness and cluelessness on the country. Otherwise, there were no indications that he was going to be a good president, as there were no prior history of great achievement nor a road traveled by him before, to suggest or point to a destination within sight, where a President Muhammadu Buhari would creditably take Nigeria to. But hopeless Nigerian romantics, fantasized along, regardless. 

ICHEOKU is not disappointed at President Muhammadu Buhari's performance so far because nothing wonderfully good was ever expected of him or from his government. Rather, such spectacular performance by him would have been the real rude shock; and not that a man who has no resume`of storied accomplishments did in fact not disappoint those who really knew him and knew exactly what was coming down the pike when Nigeria took that poison pill and elected him into office. Muhammadu Buhari has been around for quite some time that he is somewhat a fixture in the Nigerian political firmament. As a soldier, he was promoted rapidly through the ranks and for no apparent reason other than being from the Northwestern Fulani catchment area. As Governor of North Central State, he has nothing to show for as achievements; ditto his stay as Nigeria's Minister of Petroleum, right through to when he became Head of State and then chairman of the Petroleum Trust Fund. 

Why Nigerians decided to elect him president is not clear; except that they wanted to spite the face and cut off the nose in the process; and today the whole country is bleeding for that costly but otherwise avoidable mistake. So if he did not achieve much when he was younger and more vibrant; how any thinking person or people expected him to do much now that youth is no longer his companion is the surprise in the whole matter. No Nigerian was forced to vote for Buhari as their president in 2015 and he had on three previous occasions offered himself to Nigerians for the office but was resoundingly rejected each time. It was not until Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu pulled a fast one on Nigerians, sort of a 419 move, by assuring Nigerians that Muhammadu Buhari is now a "Converted Democrat" and that he will hold his feet to the fire of performance that Nigerians bought the snake oil which Tinubu sold them. 

Today, it is all regrets galore and a lot of buyer's remorse as a forlorn fog has since enveloped the country with people begging for 2019 to speedily come by so that they can, hopefully, jettison him from Aso Rock. But not too fast Nigerians, as the man in Aso Rock does not have any plans to leave nor would he allow Nigerians to stampede him out of the seat of power. It may not be that easy, admitted they can try as their are constitutionally empowered to do. 

Nigerians were led to believe that an old dog was capable of learning new tricks; and that the leopard can change its spots and they trooped out and voted for President Muhammadu Buhari during the last election; only to now turn around to complain that he has not kept his promises nor performed creditably well. ICHEOKU says really; and on what track records of his was this their great expectation base on? It is indeed those Nigerians who had expected great performance and who are now expressing disappointment in the mediocre performance of President Muhammadu Buhari who themselves need to have their heads examined. Their neurons must not have been firing well for them to have expected some productivity from a known real clueless one, who has nothing to his credit prior to this presidency to warrant such expectation. 

It is indeed laughable that any Nigerian expected President Muhammadu Buhari to be the best president Nigeria ever had or could have. It is the stuff delirium is made of; requiring the suspension of disbelief to really believe that anyone ever arrived at such a conclusion that a President Muhammdu Buhari was ever going to accomplish much. 

ICHEOKU says trying to understand an illiterate running a government is akin to trying to understand why an illiterate housewife or even a husband for that matter, is always contentious and intolerant of certain social behaviors that is ordinarily tolerated and acceptable within any given set up. Such people do not understand logic or nuances; nor are they equipped with the capacity to engage in clear thought and critical thinking. Big picture issues is not their strongest suit either and they greatly labor through sourced information and explanations. They lack vision and foresight; and worse of, their penchant to micro manage everything is legendary. They are not self assured, hence they are always suspicious of individuals around them and in their attempt to prove themselves, they end up over doing things. They easily reject wise counsel and are averse to people who know better than them being around them. They are reactionary and their inferiority complex often times make them obstinate to a fault, such that they often times discard proven solutions rather than be seen as taking instructions from some other party. They are also mean; extremely despotic and vicious. Their level of distrust of others is such that nobody dare have a contrary opinion around them. 

President Muhammadu Buhari is all the above, an illiterate, a certificate-less one for that matter. In the tier of illiteracy, President Muhammadu Buhari is a bottom dweller and it shows in a Nigeria that is today, totally subdued and laboring under a heavy load of mismanagement and bad governance. But Nigerians, instead of trying to proactively correct their Buhari mistake, having identified the root cause of his incompetence as illiteracy, are strangely rooting for yet another illiterate Abubakar Atiku and you wonder what would it take for Nigerians to learn their lesson. This is the strangest of the strangeness now unfolding in Nigeria that Nigerians are in fact trying to replace the pet dog with a pet monkey and you ask yourself are they not both four legged pets. ICHEOKU calls it the real madness which is unfolding in Nigeria presently, the feverish megalomania associated with an Abubakar Atiku being an alternative to Muhammadu Buhari. ICHEOKU says this is the height of great unthinkingness and it shows that Nigerians are impervious to correction and are too obstinate to learn from their past mistakes. 

The same people who foist the mediocrity that is President Muhammadu Buhari on themselves, are once again lining up behind another certificate-less man, Abubakar Atiku; and you wonder what is the difference in their minds between six and a half dozen. What is the guiding philosophy of a people, who repeatedly do the same thing over and over again, while expecting an alternate result? How else does any sane person explain Nigerians or is there something inherently wrong in their DNA that make them to self immolate; such that each and every time they have the opportunity to help themselves make things better, they end up self destructing. Madness could not have any better definition, outside the McNaughton's Rule, than what Nigerians perpetually and repeatedly bring upon themselves. How and why do they do it, nobody knows. But anyone clinging to an Atiku's presidency is part of the problem with Nigeria and such person needs to cease and desist henceforth from such errancy. If Nigeria ever stands a chance at greatness or indeed even survival, Abubakar Atiku is definitely not the vehicle to get us there. 

ICHEOKU maintains that the only reason President Muhammadu Buhari is a sub-par performer is that his brain is not developed enough to engage in critical and logical thinking; and peradventure have some understanding of principles of macro economics which drives the global economy. He is apparently constrained and indeed confined and confounded by some inherent factors associated with an undeveloped mind. He cannot think outside the box and he is afraid of venturing outside his well established comfort zone. He drives some level of security being inside his familiar territory and therefore being heavily holed in, finds it extremely difficult to venture outside his given set of primitive parameters.  But unfortunately for Buhari and his Nigeria, the rest of the world has since moved on from and away from the mindset which still philosophizes about Western Germany. It is his immersion in Stone Age principles of economic management and political governance that makes President Muhammadu Buhari to still want to micro manage Nigeria. 

The result is the noticeable stagnation in every facet of the country, because what worked in the 1980s does not, no longer works and cannot work in the 21st century 2015 to date. This is the crux of the matter, the mindset which is driving Nigeria with antiquated doctrines and principles, which is so stale and no longer applicable nor  compatible with modern economics management. The reason Nigerians are aghast at what their country has become under an inept leadership of a mediocrity known as President Muhammadu Buhari. As a matter of fact, the joke is actually on those Nigerians who were expecting water from a rock and good yield from a dry arid land; and who were expectant that a man with Buhari's sketchy track record of performance was going to suddenly transform into a great performer overnight. His lack of ability and capability was obvious before the election and right from day one has not changed; and the warning lights were everywhere solid red. But unfortunately, a people who have since disengaged their critical thinking and analytical prowess, and now believes in miracles of all kinds, thought otherwise; and it has come to bite them bigly. 

A society that has refused to be proactive in its affairs, but repeatedly engages in fire brigade approach of after the fact reaction to problem solving, can only have itself to blame for the hand being dealt them by repeated clueless and incompetent governments; that has somewhat become the curse of the Nigeria. Nigerians have as a matter of practice refuses to bolt the barn door to prevent the bull from escaping; but would rather chase it after it has escaped and you wonder why. Yes, many of them ignored the known incompetence and callousness of President Muhammadu Buhari and their hatred for the coward of Otuoke spurred them on and now look who is crying blue murder. ICHEOKU says not so fast Nigerians, because baring any intervention from the On High, President Muhammadu Buhari will remain president for the next five years until 2023. That will be a five long years for Nigerians to purify themselves of their finicky and lackadaisical attitude and learn to become proactive in driving their common destiny to an end which they indeed truly want and desire. 

So instead of complaining and whining about President Buhari's below par performance or overall lack of performance, let those Nigerians who were implicit in bringing about the Buhari presidency take a page from King David and put on sack clothes, throw some ashes  upon themselves and mourn their decision which brought about the current state of affair in Nigeria where nothing is literary working. Even the fact that Muhammadu Buhari was a brutal dictator would have been sufficient to disqualify him were Nigerians a conscionable people and in a working democracy. But not with a people who were bent on torpedoing any semblance of order or rightness which is headed their way. ICHEOKU actually finds it extremely apoplectic that some Nigerians are complaining about President Muhammadu Buhari's continuing callousness and lack of performance and had expected differently. What a display of riveting delusion to think or rather expect that a fully grown, nearly senile grandfather was capable of turning tricks. What a joke of a people, on a people and by a people. Pitiful Nigerians.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


ICHEOKU says Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) in fact did President Muhammadu Buhari a great disservice with their documentary - The Human Side of President Muhammadu Buhari, a tacit admission that the man who Nigerians elected their president is in actuality a half human and a half beast. The necessary implication being that the president rightly earned his sobriquet and moniker, the Dracula of Daura; otherwise why did they bother trying to prove that the president is a human being or that part of him is actually human. This is the crossroads where the Nigerian Television Authority has, by no intentional fault of their own, successfully placed the president and thus  confirming what many had suspected for so many years that the man in occupation of Aso Rock is in fact a beast and at best an unfeeling bloody tyrant. 

This now explains without any scintilla of doubt whatsoever the president's harsh treatment of Nigerians, many of who he has murdered for simply engaging in placards carrying peaceful protests. ICHEOKU is emphatic that only animals or rather beasts that consume their own; otherwise how could anyone explain the easiness with which President Muhammdu Buhari orders his armed bandits in uniforms to continuously, violently, repress all manners of freedoms in Nigeria, including peaceful protests. How any president and his armed security agencies, which are supposed to protect the country's  citizens, but randomly turn the muzzle of the guns at them is quite beyond any reasonable fathoming. 

But good enough, the Nigerian Television Authority has done their documentary and they rightly titled it "The Human side of President Muhammdu Buhari"; the implication being that those complaining Nigerians have all along been right that the president has a beastly side; which many have seen and been visited with since the inception of his presidency. Hopefully, the Nigerian Television Authority will someday see it fit to completely showcase the president, by also doing another documentary covering the opposite side of his human side. 

This new documentary should cover the president's beastly side, the side which makes him want to spill the blood of Nigerians, his fellow citizens, for whom he was elected to protect and provide for. It shall also showcase his selective deafness to cries of citizens of Nigeria  under the spell of acute hardship and want. It shall also showcase his overthrowing of a democratically elected President Shehu Shagari's government and all the infra digs he committed following that 1983 putsch. This will help Nigerians as well as possibly any other interested parties worldwide to have a complete picture of the man who has become Nigerians nemesis in chief; except for his few Fulani tribal people to whom he has practically handed over every bounty in Nigeria. So, Nigerian Television Authority, ICHEOKU says when is the beastly side of President Muhammad Buhari documentary going to hit the screen? A mutant of some sort; a humanoid Chinese Zhulong and a character out of Greek mythology and you wonder why Nigeria has gone under under his watch. So, Nigeria Television Authority, ICHEOKU says to do it now. 

Sunday, December 24, 2017



ICHEOKU says happy birthday to Elizabeth Gathoni Koinange of Kenya who celebrated her 117th birthday recently. Married into a polygamy, her only advise for up and coming would be wives is DON'T DO IT. According to her, polygamy sucks and it is inhuman for a wife to take turns with other wives to be with their husband. Indeed very humiliating and Nigeria's Abubakar Atiku is a polygamist. Anyway, ICHEOKU wishes Elizabeth many more happy celebrations and she looks good for her century plus age. Congratulations.

Saturday, December 23, 2017


ICHEOKU says what a huge legislative win by the president who seemed to have saved the best for last, as he ended the year 2017 with a such a big feat, signing the Tax Reform Bill into law. Once again, a man who has become known as a promise keeper has again kept his election campaign promise to reform America's Tax Law. 

ICHEOKU says congratulations to President Donald John Trump for again following through with a promise made, now become a promise kept. The $1.5 trillion tax-cut legislation is a major victory for the president and marks the first major reform in American tax law in over three decades. What a win for Mr President and for a do-nothing Congress which has now finally did something. Way to go; and may that be the beginning of many things to come and become mission accomplished under the presidency of President Donald John Trump and the Republican controlled Congress. Merry Christmas America. 

Friday, December 22, 2017


ICHEOKU says following an examination of so many nominated individuals, we have determined that this year 2017's man of the year is President Donald John Trump, the 45th Presidnet of the United States of America. He came into office shooting on both hips and as the year draws to an end, his both guns are still firing and smoking. For standing up to the world and starring down American detractors and being the cheerleader and champion in chief of America, the leader of Team Make America Great Again has earned ICHEOKU's man of the year award 2017. Congratulations to President Donald John Trump. 

Thursday, December 21, 2017


"This resolution is an unproductive attempt to isolate us for a decision that was our sovereign right to make. The United States will remember this day when it was singled out in the United Nations for the act of exercising our sovereignty. We will remember it when we are called upon once again to make the world's largest contribution to the United Nations. 

And we will remember when so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit. America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. It is what the American people want us to do. This vote will make a difference only as to how America looks at the UN, and how we look at countries who disrespect us at the UN." - Nikki Haley, United States ambassador to the United Nations.


ICHEOKU says with friends like Britain, France and Germany, does America still need any enemies when the three major European countries will not back America up when they are needed most. Pacifist approach can never and will not solve the Muslim plague afflicting the world and the earlier these pussy-footed countries realizes this the better it is for possible solutions to be found thereat. And so it is that the three countries joined other American rivals Russia and China and 123 others in condemning America's recognition of Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel. A mere formality as Jerusalem has always and will always remain the capital of Israel.  
Canada and Mexico abstained.
The 35 abstentions, plus 21 countries that did not turn up for the vote, were more than many diplomats had expected, suggesting that Trump's hardball tactics had partly worked. The U.S. Mission to the U.N. issued a statement that sought to downplay the broader setback for Trump's policy.
The 193-nation general assembly approved the resolution by a massive margin, with 128 nations in favour, and nine against. There were 35 abstentions

"While the resolution passed, the vote breakdown tells a different story. It's clear that many countries prioritized their relationship with the United States over 

Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N..
The arguments have already been made. The decision was in accordance to US law dating back to 1995. The decision does not prejudge any final status agreement. 

In a series of tweets, Saeb Erekat, SG, PLO "Despite the threats and scare tactics, the world stood with justice."
Ayman Odeh, chairman of the Joint List, the party coalition that represents most Israeli Arabs, "the international community does not accept Trump and Netanyahu's morally bankrupt diplomatic policy."
Some countries that abstained, including Australia, said they disagreed with Trump's decision and condemned unilateral actions on any side. But they said another U.N. resolution would not resolve the dispute.
Canada explained its abstention by saying it considered the resolution one-sided because it did not fully acknowledge the ties to Jerusalem felt by the three major monotheistic faiths: Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
Mexico said it was "alarmed at the distortions" taking place in the peace process and called on the United States to be a mediator in the dispute, and not to take one party's side over the other.
In addition to Israel and the United States, the nations that voted against the resolution were Guatemala and Honduras in Central America, the West African nation of Togo, and the tiny Pacific island states of Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru and Palau.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017



"They take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars, and then they vote against us. Well, we're watching those votes. Let them vote against us. We'll save a lot. We don't care." - President Donald John 


“At the UN we’re always asked to do more and give more. So, when we make a decision, at the will of the American people about where to locate OUR embassy, we don’t expect those we’ve helped to target us. On Thursday there’ll be a vote criticizing our choice. The US will be taking names. The president will be watching this vote carefully and has requested I report back on those countries who voted against us. We will take note of each and every vote on this issue.” - Nikki Harley, United States ambassador to the United Nations; warning member countries about the consequences of their planned condemnation of the decision by America to relocate American embassy to Jerusalem. 


Pentecostal Christianity has corrupted our way of living. The damage that Pentecostal pastors have caused with their exploitative sermons will take decades to undo. Right across the continent, their sermons have destroyed critical thinking and produced a generation of Africans who are magical thinkers. The corruption is pervasive. It is in government, our schools, businesses, in our homes and even in our universities - the seat of all learning and philosophy. It is everywhere. 

Our universities are populated by "intellectuals" who not only believe but also teach that witches are real, that prayers can bring dead people back to life and cure all diseases and make cars drive without any fuel. Our Vice President is a professor of law and he is an ardent follower of a pastor who claims he has all these powers. We are now at a point where the generation that has suffered the most brainwashing is at the helms of our affairs. And they are spreading their corruption. If the person who teaches you science discredits evolution but argues their pastor's car can drive without fuel or that their pastor has resurrected people and cured every disease through prayers and fasting, what values are they imparting to you? The purpose of education is to overcome ignorance, not to validate it. 

Of what use is the kind of education that does not cause us to examine our prejudices? If I received a penny for every time a fellow Nigerian medical doctor argued that prayers cure cancer or resurrect people or that witches and demons are real, I would be a millionaire today. Their evidence is usually stories that have been narrated to them by their pastors, friends and families or the bible. And when I say to them the bible mentions talking snakes and donkeys they tell me I am spiritually blind and cannot understand the things of God. I think it is possible to believe in the existence of God without all that literalism but this is a subject for another day. But what value has pentecostalism added to our society? I can think of none. We are still one of the most corrupt nations on earth, the majority of our citizens subsist on less than one dollar/day, workers are owed wages sometimes running up to six months in arrears, the elderly cannot access their pensions, and our unemployed youths are forced into prostitution and armed robbery. 

The pastorpreneurs do not live by what they preach.They do not care about integrity. We have seen them physically assault church members, involved in questionable business deals, sleep with female church members, tell lies and so on. I could go on and on for days but I would struggle to identify one benefit of Pentecostalism. Greed and selfishness are the ethos of the Pentecostal movement as I have observed it practiced in Nigeria. Pastorpreneurs take money from the weakest and the most vulnerable members of the society such as widows, pensioners, the unemployed and the sick. 

They use it to buy themselves private jets and to build expansive business empires which they will bequeath to their children. They use tithes and offerings to build private schools and universities but the poor church members whose donations built these institutions cannot afford to send their children to these places. On matters that relate to human rights and good governance, we just never hear from these pastor-preneurs. Nigerians are drowning daily in the Mediterranean Sea in search of a better life in Europe. Eunice was murdered in Abuja last year by Muslim youths during evangelism. Another Christian woman was murdered by a Muslim mob in Kano recently. 

Do you hear pastor-preneurs talk about these issues? No! They are deaf and dumb, and they don’t want to know about such “mundane” issues. But as soon as you speak against tithing and threaten their livelihood they come out of hiding and one after the other, sermon after sermon, they use death threats to frighten church members to continue to pay tithes to them. They swamp us with sermons about how an all-sufficient God needs money. They say, God, who is supposedly all-powerful and omni-benevolent, needs money to be able to bless his worshippers. 

Curiously, I have yet to find one pastor use the scriptures to contradict Daddy Freeze on tithing. They have issued curses, death wishes and even tried to use his personal challenges to discredit him but not one bible verse has been used to support their position on tithing. Considering the number of scriptures these people have memorized, I think it is telling that none of them has been able to produce a SINGLE verse to support their craft. One important lesson the debate on tithing has taught us is this: Most Nigerian Christians are pastor-worshippers. They do not think for themselves and cannot read their Bibles without hearing the voices of their pastors in the background. It has taken one man to expose the shallowness with which millions of believers relate to the scriptures they claim to read daily. 

The other lesson is this: When pastor-preneurs use death threats to frighten believers into paying tithes, it proves neither the pastor-preneurs nor the believers truly believe what they preach. If heaven is the fabulous place where ALL the believer’s aspirations come to fruition then why are believers so scared of death to the point it can be used to manipulate them? This is like someone who fantasizes about emigrating to America but when they are informed they require a travel visa they say, “I reject the visa in Jesus’ name.” 

You cannot go to your beloved heaven if you do not die. To conclude, Pentecostalism is a doctrine of greed and selfishness. It thrives on fear. It exploits the weak. It destroys critical thinking. Our salvation is in insisting on a rational society. Enough of these superstitions and greed.


Friday, December 15, 2017


ICHEOKU says for the second time and by the same personality, the lady who many Americans have come to regard as an enfant terrible nut job, Omarosa Manigault, has been fired from her White House job as director of communication for the Office of Public Liaison, whatever that means. The first time was during her reality television show debut in The Apprentice.  Both times, by the same man who midwifed The Apprentice and is now the president of the United States of America, President Donald John Trump. 

ICHEOKU says provided the divorce is amicable and that Omarosa went out somewhat satisfied and not feeling so humiliated, such that she will seek a revenge, the White House would have certainly and successfully dodged the bullet. Otherwise the White House would have been minded to go watch the "Diary of a mad black woman" and see the freight train headed their way, a public relations disaster. Omarosa has such a strong personality that scares any man shitless and a mad Omarosa is capable of shaking the White House down to its foundations with sleazy and salacious account of her experience therein. A woman scorned is the worst thing anyone could wish on their worst enemy,  a Lucifer turned loose from the pits of hell, a matter made worse if the woman is a black woman and one as feisty as Omarosa Manigault. 

Omarosa Manigault now joins a retinue of been there in the White House and now no more there former staffers of President Donald John Trump's White House. An ever growing list of previously hired and fired, gone from the White House former staffers which is now elongated with Omarosa's addition. ICHEOKU says may be it is about time the former staffers form an association of former PDJT staffers, who have now been shoved aside and put out of the limelight of the White House. A reality show can also spine off from their collective experiences, which could be turned into a nation-wide event and sure, people will tune in to watch and hopefully learn the utmost secret workings of the White House. But no one exactly knows what it is that happened at the White House that led to her being let go. ICHEOKU hopes that like Las Vegas and her predecessors in being fired, that Omarosa would let what happened in the White House to stay in White House. So long Oma.