Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


"Congratulations to Doug Jones on a hard fought victory. The write-in votes played a very big factor, but a win is a win. The people of Alabama are great, and the Republicans will have another shot at this seat in a very short period of time. It never ends!" - President DonaldJohn Trump.
ICHEOKU says definitely a new way in American politics, teaching the old politicians how to play modern politics without bitterness. The peoples president is leading the way and American deplorables are in tow. Way to go.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


ICHEOKU says all the effort were not enough to see himthrough the finish line. The armada of forces amassed against him was almost humanly insurmountable. Election is one crazy thing and the lynch mob successfully took down a good man who would have been great for Alabamans. 

The take Roy Moore out conspiracy played their last joker by fielding in a Write In ex-marine ultra conservative candidate and he snatched over 20,000 votes conservative votes which would have been more than enough to win the election. But hey, the sun will still come up tomorrow morning, regardless. 

ICHEOKU says congratulations to Doug Jones onhis election victory, as Alabama now switches from red Republican to blue Democrat Senate seat. Salute

Monday, December 11, 2017



ICHEOKU says the long awaited Tuesday December 12th 2017 is finally here for the people of the Great State of Alabama to tell Washington DC to mind their gaddam business and stay the heck out of Alabama's internal affairs matter. VOTE ROY MOORE.

Sunday, December 10, 2017



Friday, December 8, 2017


ICHEOKU says President Donald John Trump is coasting to an easy second term victory come 2020. Simply put, there is no visible nor invisible competitor out there, not in the Democratic Party and neither inside the Republican Party to take him on. A matter made worse because he has single handily demolished every potential prospective presidential wanna be in the Republican Party. Boy, is the president good. Yes indeed the boy is good and he did not win the presidency for no reason. He is damn good and he gives one heck of good speeches and he backs them up too. Simply unopposed for second term. 

Thursday, December 7, 2017


ICHEOKU says it does not matter what the Washington Swamp establishment says or wants; the fact of the matter is that they should butt out from a purely internal affairs matter of the people of the great State of Alabama. Alabamans have the final say on who represents them in the United States' Senate and peradventure in the matter of Roy Moore. They are constitutionally so entitled and they will freely exercise that their right to send their preferred candidate to Washington DC as their elected Senator. 

ICHEOKU says allegations of what supposedly happened four decades ago should not be such a shaming circumstance to warrant his rejection by the people. He is a victim of the Lynch mob Washington Swamp dwellers who are afraid and scared stiff of the erudite judge and a morally upright man coming to keep an eye on them. This is the only gas in they tank which is fueling their maniacal madness to stop and prevent by all and every means necessarily his practically assured election. Whatever it was that he allegedly did, most likely flirting with younger women; but it was not rape neither was it molestation. If, could have risen to such a character damaging and impugning conduct as to be egregious enough to warrant and justify his rejection, but it did not. 

For over forty years since, Roy Moore has remained on the narrow straight path and a real Christina warrior of God and his time has now come to go to the United States if America Senate to continue his defense of what is right and American; and not worry about what a few detractors has to say, provided it satisfies God. ICHEOKU heretofore, affirms the earlier endorsement of few months ago and urge Alabamans to troop out en-masse and use their vote to tell Washington DC to stay the hell out of their business; and that they are old enough to know one of their own sons better than the Swamp megaphone tabloid Washington Post. VOTE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO THE SWAMP; VOTE TO ELECT ROY MOORE. I am ICHEOKU and I approve this message.

Saturday, December 2, 2017




Monday, November 27, 2017


ICHEOKU says and they are engaged with the nuptials scheduled for Spring 2018. Congratulations to Prince Harry and soon to be bride Meghan Markle on winning the heart of Queen Grandmother Elizabeth II; whose approval and nod has to be first sought and obtained before the duo could proceed with making their relationship formal through an engagement. It must have felt like pulling a tooth and a wait in eternity, waiting for the royal seal of approval; and happy are the duo who finally made the Queen see reason that things are no longer as they used to be and that matters of love is blind to colors. 

The pair is a product of a world that has since moved on and which will, before too long, eventually, totally dispense with the royalty itself. It is a world which has now witnessed what would have otherwise been an impossibility; an unthinkable and unacceptable taboo some years ago, that a Prince of Wales who is in line for the Kingship of England is cavorting with or rather courting a commoner who is also happens to be black for that matter. ICHEOKU says anyone who says it was easy for those two love birds to get through the hurdle of the royal "mismatch" must be out of his or her mind, not to know or rather oblivious of what the British royalty or any other royalty anywhere is all about. It is about preservation and maintenance of certain purebred bloodlines, period. Such expectation of them or rather their ordered lifestyle, accommodates of no love or what the heir wants or wishes. He is bound by what his aristocracy determines is best suited for him by reason birth and age long traditions that come with the territory. His future role of propagating the throne of England is the key and nothing more; hence everything is funneled to making him a real royalty fit for King. 

They seldom have any choice in their personal lives matters. Everything about and concerns them is treated as duty called and they are required to stoically, with stiff upper lip, soldier on in defense of what holds meaning to their life of pure luxury and great expectation; and they have no choice but to live the part. In some countries, some heirs or heir-apparents are known to have foresworn their royalty just to free themselves of the hamstrings of their birth. A choice which they did not make nor were consulted before it was determined; neither was their opinion ever sort about how to rejig things to make them more suitable to them or comfortable to their situational needs. In Thailand for example, the present King and former heir apparent severally denounced the throne before the imperial custodians persuaded him to see reason and agree to lead the people as their King. So uneasy lies the head that wears the crown and many  have some understanding about what is making Prince Harry, the rebellious Prince of Wales, that he is. 

Prince Harry does not want to be shackled down by centuries old institutions and traditions which literary owns his life as a Prince of Wales. So he uses every opportunity and available moment to telegraph to the palace that he is a different type of royalty, one who will not be bogged down by the dictates of royalty. That he is a Prince who runs away to Las Vegas to party hard, naked with chics and being caught on tape. That he is the type of royalty who drinks, drives fast cars, flies airplanes and helicopters as well as lead a company into battle grounds. Yes, he did not want to be a clone of his elder brother William, the dutiful prince and future King of England, who is so steeped in traditions and the carrying out of the duties of the office that so many admirers are getting impatient to see him coronated formally as the King of England; admitted they will have to wait a little longer and long enough for the Queen grandmother to pass on or abdicate her office, then his father Prince Charles to have a go at it or wave it on to his son Prince William before it becomes his turn. 

Anyway, be that as it may, ICHEOKU says the riveting thing about what happened in England with this engagement is to say the least, revolutionary. Prince Harry has now incontrovertibly established himself as the villain Prince, the black sheep of the royal family, who pulled off the big hit and secured a near impossible royal approval from his grandmother the Queen to do an extraordinary thing - be engaged to a commoner who is also black. ICHEOKU says Her Majesty's love for her grandson Prince Harry did it, it conquered it all; as she said whatever will make my wild-buck prince grandson happy and help him settle down into a life of near routine. It is a new day people and like Romeo and Juliet, this mixed blessings has now further cemented the bond of friendship existing between America and Great Britain. The two countries are now, in addition to all the other things that hold them together, inlaws or soon to be in-laws. What will love not make possible. The power of love is stronger than steel and near infinite. It has made nations go to war and has caused the deaths of so many; but with Prince Harry and soon to be Duchess Meghan Markle, it has now cemented further the bond of two nations. 

Queen Grandmother said yes my grandson Prince Harry, you can bring a commoner who is also black into our royal household as a bona fide member of the family. This is the gist of what went down. The Queen's assent is the 54 million dollar story here and ICHEOKU is salivating over it. The Queen against all odds, signed off on the relationship simply because of her love for her grandson who she wants to see him happy and fulfilled. ICHEOKU is emphatic that Meghan Merkel was definitely not and would not have been the Queen's first choice or preferred wife for his grandson Prince Harry, whom she had expected to follow in the footsteps of his brother Prince William and towed the path. But hey, the deal is done; both lovebirds are engaged to be married next Spring 2018 and what love has put together,  nothing will or should put asunder. Not even the fact that Meghan is older than Prince Harry by about 4 years made the consideration list. Also, that Meghan is not a virgin and was previously married and a divorcee too, was not a downer either. 

This is exactly what true love is all about really. A prince found love in the house of a commoner and sealed it with a diamond engagement ring. When the wedding bells ring in the Spring of 2018, Meghan Markle will be made to shed her commoner's garb and be transformed into a royalty, as she takes the title Duchess of Sussex. But her status will be automatically elevated beyond her imagination and hers is a story of how an American black lady captured the heart of a British true born Prince and denied every British lady of a chance at royalty, marrying their Prince Harry and into the royal family. There is definitely mourning in the house of so many British girls  over this development; but provided the catfights are confined inside their respective homes, it shall be ok. William Shakespeare again was proved right that some people were born great and some people have greatness trusted to them and Meghan Markle has now become a beneficiary of the later, supremely privileged. ICHEOKU says congratulations to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle; as well as Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for giving them the nod to hitch it. May you guys have a wonderful life and your marriage be blessed abundantly with your hearts desires. This is good.




ICHEOKU says they look nice together and hopefully the crazy media and their paparazzi hordes will let them be and not force them into a life of misery or accidentally run them off the cliff. Lady Di's tragic experience is still painfully fresh till this day and no one, not ICHEOKU, wants to relive or experience such awfulness again, NEVER again. May God protect and bless the duo as they take their baby steps into the journey of of so many unknown absurdities called marriage. All the best Harry and Meghan.

Sunday, November 26, 2017


ICHEOKU says the need to unmask the bad apples among the United States of American Congress as well as the Senate has now arisen. This is in order to separate the bad eggs from those decent men and women who went to Washington DC to actually go do the peoples business. But the sexual harassment cloud cover hovering over the nations seat of legislative power, the Capitol, cannot be allowed to completely cover every one of them including those innocent ones. 

To do this will be to also tarnish the image and reputation of those respectable members amongst them, who are not part of this orgy but happened to share the same supposedly hallowed chambers. In the eyes of the American people, all of them are incohoot in it and are deemed culpable and the suspicion will remain until those guilty parties are separated from the innocent through naming and shaming them. 

It should not be a case of one oily finger spreading its liquid on the rest of the four fingers, that they all eventually become soiled and stained for no fault of their own. Therefore those innocent members of the legislative body must as a matter of great concern, force the issue and have those wolves amongst them be unmasked, identified and shamed into not doing or continuing with their illicit activities again. Failure to do so is not an option, because they will all remain suspects of this perversion before the American people, who sent them to Washington DC, believing that they went there to do the peoples business, but are now finding out that they are doing the monkey business, horsing around and paying to cover it up. 

Little wonder nothing gets done in Washington as these people spend useful time they would have deployed in doing the peoples business, messing around with interns and staffers as well female lobbyist who trade sexual favors for legislative concerns of their clients. A matter made worse because these Congress men and women as well as Senators earmarked part of the America taxpayers money, which maintains their lifestyle, on also paying hush money to their victims and in order to purchase their eternal silence. ICHEOKU says this is unAmerican as the emasculation of freedom of speech right of these victims is unacceptable excessive restrain of an abused woman. How dare these supposed law makers break the law which they made by beating up these women and also forbidding them not to cry. it is not fair, it is unjust and it is repugnant to everything America stands for and it must not be allowed to stand. 

These women were abused and their abusers are still occupying their legislative seats. So query if they are not unmasked, how will their future would be victims know to stay away from them and remain vigilant against all the Senator Al Frankens and Congressman John Conyers of Washington DC legislative Capitol building. Not naming these perverts is indeed the real "Russian Collusion" and it amounts to condonation and enabling of a bad behavior. If the reason for not naming them is to protect their respectability and integrity of the Congress, how about the reason to name them in order to protect those innocent members among them who are not similarly situated and mired in the scandal; and who are now cast under the same pall of suspicion as sexual molesters when they are not. Is it not a preferred option to isolate, name and shame the few bad eggs who are involved in this disrespectful behavior than for their sinful acts to taint the entire Congress and Senate, with everyone of them now being under suspicion as a possible pervert. 

With over 265 cases of sexual molestations and over $17 million already paid out in hush money settlements to the victims, one would think that there is a need for the lawmakers to speedily do something to abate the ongoing sexual epidemic in Washington DC amongst them. This include naming and shaming those implicated and possibly forcing them out of the hallowed chambers and enacting laws that makes it a prohibited crime to harass and sexually molest interns and staffers alike, with punishment including expulsion and waiving of their immunity from prosecution.

These are the same people, the sanctimonious holier than thou Pharisees, who are hounding Alabama Senatorial candidate Roy Moore, who is merely being accused of a four decades old sexual indiscretion, and calling on him to step aside. Further, threatening that they will be forced not to sit him should he win or expel him subsequent his being sworn in. Meanwhile, they are the ones who are throwing stones at the glass house from within the inside, perpetrating all manners of sexual deviancy and paying to cover it up. Our Lord Jesus Christ was indeed right that he who is without sin should throw the first stone; except that such admonition rings hollow for the American Congress as well as the Senate, who preach one thing while doing another thing entirely in contradiction. How could these people with such resume ever sit in judgment over Roy Moore and you wonder why the staccato of noise has reached such decibel with their demand that Roy Moore step aside. Could it be that they do not want to increase their hush money budget, thinking that Roy Moore will add to the tab? 

These are the nations chief lawmakers and are now proven law breakers in chief and you wonder what they expect those Jack and Jill of us ordinary Americans on the streets to do. Chandra Levy lost her life in Washington DC because of her involvement in the same sexual tryst and the then Congressman Gary Conduit was forced to resign his office following her murder. ICHEOKU says why not just name these current perpetrators and shame them out of their nefarious activities or is the Congress by necessary implication approving of their acts and saying it is okay for them to carry on and also share the same legislative chambers with such decrepitude members. Until these perpetrators are publicly named and shamed, the scandal will remain on each member of Congress and Senator's head like a halo of shame. They are all guilty by association and only the isolation of the culprits will absolve the innocent among them.

Paraphrasing then President Ronald Reagan to Russian Gorbachev tear down this wall moment, ICHEOKU says name those members of the legislature who are molesting women and paying them hush money to keep them quiet and remain unknown. That's the only way their nefarious activities will stop and come to an end; otherwise they will continue to do what they do best, instead of making laws to fix what is broken of the American society. Now you know why nothing ever gets done in Washington DC, as those elected and sent there to do the peoples business has since found other more passionate and much more pleasurable businesses more attractive and rewarding than the business of the people; and they do it on the peoples time and dime. Shameful and pitiful.

Saturday, November 25, 2017


ICHEOKU says where is the citizenship in Nigerians that what touches one of them does not concern them or translates to a collective pain suffered by all. Why is it that the government of Nigeria can isolate and destroy Nigerians individually without the entire population seeing it as a we for all and that what effects one effects all? Why is Nigerians so individualistic and apathetic to the hurt of others and seem to suffer a "provided it is not me" syndrome, which every previous and subsequent leader, including maximum dictators, have exploited to their greatest advantage in ravishing and ravaging Nigerians like a cheap prostitute? Why is a hurt of one not treated and reacted to like a hurt of all; or does the one cap fits all of citizenship inapplicable to Nigerians? Paraphrasing Marvin Gay, ICHEOKU says 'what's goin on' Nigerians; or are you out of your mind and have lost your total sense of collectiveness, such that it is not your business if your brother is in trouble or sister, for that matter. 

ICHEOKU says are there answers to these 'WHYS" or are Nigerians doomed as a society incapable of ever transforming into a nation of citizens who take pride in their citizenship and protects same with valiant fervor; believing that if they come for one today, tomorrow it could be their turn or that of another; and thus band together to protect each other by protecting anyone who is suffering presently from the oppression of the State. ICHEOKU says these mind rendering questions are now more imperative than ever before, because of the inexplicable detention without legitimacy of some Nigerian citizens by the State. Why is Sambo Dasuki still in detention nearly two years since a court of competent jurisdiction granted him bail. 

Why is the government of Presidnet Muhammadu Buhari still detaining this guy in disobedience of several valid subsisting orders of court granting him bail. What explanation does Nigerians, particularly its Congress, have for allowing President Muhammadu Buhari operate as if he is running a military dictatorship where check and balance has zero tolerance. ICHEOKU says when a Congress, elected to represent the people, are no longer doing their job, like salt which has lost its taste, should be done away with. What use is it anyway still having them and wasting tax payers money on their remuneration and maintenance, when they cannot do their job. A Congress of over 600 matured individuals which is afraid of just one man and kowtowing to every one of his wish and caprice, is not a worthy Congress and should therefore either live up to its constitutional dictate of being a watchdog on the executive or forever lose its face and stand disbanded. 

Does it mean that Nigerians are proud of what their president is doing in their name or are okay with the injustice one of their own is currently being subjected to by a man they elected to represent them as their president. Why any Nigerians should be content with the state of affairs as it concerns, affects and touches Sambo Dasuki presently, also questions any and everything that person finds satisfactory with the comatose Nigerian State. How could they display this level of apathy about the fate of Sambo Dasuki, a bona fide Nigerian who co-shares the Nigerian citizenship with them. Why are Sambo Dasuki's rights and privileges, including his constitutionally guaranteed right to bail pending trial, be violated and continuing till this day and Nigerians kept quiet as if it is not a big deal. Is what President Muhammadu Buhari doing, disregarding a valid subsisting court order, indicative of the content and character of Nigerians. If as a society, Nigerians are weighted against the background of PMB actions, is this the type of behavior they are or will be proud of as fellow citizens. Definitely not the type of a representation any civilized and conscientious human-being would expect or desire from their president; at least not those who are still good citizens. Pitiful. 

Even Pakistan, as fundamentalist Islamic as it is, still obeys its courts' orders. It just released a convicted Al Queida terrorist murderer implicated in the murder of innocent victims. Zakuir Rehman Lakhvi, who is believed to be the operations chief of the Islamic militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, whose ten members, in 2008, mounted series of attacks in Mumbai India that killed 166 people and injured more than 600, was freed on bail pending appeal. But how about Sambo Dasuki, who did not kill anyone, neither is he a terrorist nor a member of any terrorist group, regardless of whatever capacity; yet he is being illegally held against his will and in utter disregard of series of subsisting orders of courts to release him on bail. All he did was work as Nigeria's National Security Adviser to former President Goodluck Jonathan and did not do anything so heinous or so adversarial as to warrant his perpetual detention. 

ICHEOKU says President Muhammadu Buhari needs to be reminded that Nigeria is a democracy and that he is not the Lord of the manor and therefore must subject himself to all the tenets of a democratic society including the separation of powers and respect of duly constituted courts' orders. What manner of a repented democrat is this president, who would so disparagingly demean a co-equal third arm of the government and without any consequence or renunciation from Nigerians. If Pakistan could obey her own court's orders, why not Nigeria. 

ICHEOKU says the whole errancy is being tolerated by a docile society, some useless pressure groups and associations, as well as a do-nothing Congress which is deathly afraid of the president, hence only rubber-stamps his wishes and caprices. A Congress which is supposed to represent the people and be their champion in chief, a watch dog, providing oversight functions on the executive branch, but which has become so intimidated by the executive that they hardly hold up their eyes to eyeball the president. 

Where is their check and balance on the executive that an elected president could be this lawless and wily without fear of his excesses being curbed and curtailed by an eagle eyed law makers. But unfortunately, Nigeria is not blessed with such a studious Congress; rather it has masquerading as Congress, a congregation of fraudsters and gangsters mired in a cesspool of corruption which the president uses threat of their prosecution as a sword of Damocles hanging over their heads to ensure their silence as he raids the vaults of rights and privileges of the citizens. 

There is also an ineffectual corrupt media which only reports what it has received the proverbial brown envelope for; although these days, a bank alert suffices. These are the accomplices to the aberration which is President Muhammadu Buhari's complete disregard for the rule of law, including his haughty mannerism as if he is a royalty and not a mere elected public servant. What use are these people if they cannot ensure that rule of law reigns supreme in the land and that the president operates within the confines of his authority as only an elected president and not his arrogated exaggerated power of a potentate. If Nigerians cannot ensure that Sambo Dasuki, a man who has been merely charged but not yet tried nor convicted, is released on bail pending trial as ordered by the courts, what use are Nigerians to one another, anyway. 

A hurt of one should be a hurt of all as nobody knows for whom the Buhari's despotic bell  tolls tomorrow. It is Sambo Dasuki today and tomorrow it might be ICHEOKU, admitted that is now an impossibility since ICHEOKU now longer pleads the authority of Abuja. Where is the Nigerian society's rage that one of its own is being persecuted by the government due to several decades past personal issues. Why the conspirator's silence that is pervading the Nigerian society with everyone acting as if it is just Sambo Dasuki's problem and only he should deal with it. Like Hitler had planned, after the Jews would have been others, as well as all those who were saying it is just the Jews that he is after and as a result, Hitler could have so easily had his way with the world and gotten away with it. 

The problem with such arbitrariness as President Muhammadu Buhari is exhibiting, especially one of flagrantly disregarding and disobeying competent court's orders, is the  propensity for it to metastasize like incurable cancerous growth. It is Sambo Dasuki today, who shall it be tomorrow and this is the reason Nigerians should in unison demand that the persecution of Dasuki come to an end. If the government has a case that is provable against Dasuki, they should make their case and get it over with. The victim deserves due process including the right to bail and the chance to be allowed to adequately prepare his defense, both of which the government is denying him. This is the faux pas, the giant elephant in the room, the monster which will eventually consume every Nigerian should they continue to ignore the case of Sambo Dasuki and treat same as only Dasuki's problem and not an attack on Nigerians' collective due process right to a fair trial. ICHEOKU says Nigerians must rise up and break their collective silence and inertia in the matter of the persecution of Sambo Dasuki by President Muhammadu Buhari and demand that the president obey subsisting courts' orders and release him on an already granted conditioned bail. Anything short of this is foolish and it should not be tolerated nor condoned. Let Sambo Dasuki free on bail.

Thursday, November 23, 2017


ICHEOKU says for all we have, family, friends and stuff, we give you thanks Oh Lord. Have a wonderful thanksgiving America. Cheers.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


ICHEOKU says even the bravest general knows when the fight cannot be won and continuing the battle becomes mere foolhardy; and so it was that the man who has ruled Zimbabwe for close to four decades, Dr Robert Mugabe, saw that the treachery is deeper than he had imagined and decided to throw in the towel and resigned his office. Now let all those conspirators who ganged up to effectuate his ouster transform Zimbabwe into the little Eldorado Paradise they saw in their vision which led to their stab on the back of the now former president. Boy, was Julius Caesar right in calling out Brutus, Et tu Brute; that an army general who he appointed to the office as head the country's military ganged up with an ousted Vice President to stage a palace coup which barreled down to the present state of a Zimbabwe without President Robert Mugabe. ICHEOKU says trust is definitely in short supply within the Zimbabwean military establishment and the country's general political environment, including the ZANU-PF.

ICHEOKU says it will take a while for it to sink in for those Zimbabweans that President Robert Mugabe is no longer in power and controlling their affairs. Hopefully they have not invited the conflagration which will ultimately consume them, with the disrespectful forced exit of a man who put so much to bring them pride and respect, as full human beings, freed from colonialist British. ICHEOKU will miss President Bobby Mugabe, especially his grandiloquence and vast repertoire of parables and metaphorical speaking. That he is a well read man is also a fact and therefore he earned the bragging right to say that he is very knowledgeable in what he is always talking about. But the conspiracies of Britain and America started the 2009 targeted economic sanction which forced the tiny country of 14 million people into a beggarly nation, with over 90% unemployment rate and a currency which is as worthless as the sands in the Sahara desert and it damaged his presidency so much that he couldn't and never recovered from it. 

But he gave it his all and he fought till the very end; tried but in vain to starve off his traducers. He was simply overpowered by circumstances beyond his control and at his very ripe old age of 93, his sinews no longer have the strength in them which they use to have to wage a fight and he signed the dotted lines of a prepared resignation letter, possibly with a pistol pointed at his cranium by the same gangster military that forced the issue to come to a head. But as with every war, after the war, comes the battle and winning the battle of a post Mugabe Zimbabwe will be the toughest challenge facing Zimbabweans down the road. Nothing really changed and therefore all the hopes raised by his ouster which led to the unwarranted jubilation of Zimbabweans might soon be dashed as wishful. 

The man who will succeed Mugabe, former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, is part of the old order that has ruled Zimbabwe since its independence in 1980. He was once the Minister of Internal Security and his ruthless put down of the Ndebele Matabeleland revolt in 1983-84 when over 20,000 Zimbabweans were brutally massacred and which actually earned him closer ties to the president, tells everything anyone needs to know about the bloody content of his character. He was subsequently appointed Vice President. But unbeknownst to Bobby Mugabe, such a snake could not be trusted and it led to the president's downfall. How this ruthless mass murderer will govern Zimbabwe is but anybody's guess. But ICHEOKU foresees the Biblical 1King 12:11 type King Rehoboam come to life that if President Robert Mugabe chastised Zimbabweans with a stick, this incoming killer will trade sticks for scorpions. Like with every revolution, after Mugabe, will come the real revolution of purging Mugabe's loyalists and replacing them with his own henchmen; and how far his decisions will go is also anybody's guess. But whether those that will be affected in the coming purge will just accept it and quietly go into the night without a fight is also up in the air. 

It is Africa where tribal and regional loyalties are always paramount in peoples affairs. As the people of Libya are still finding out after the celebration that followed the international conspiracy that led to the murder of Moummar Gaddafi, Zimbabweans might soon find out that President Mugabe was not the problem. Iraq too. Winning the war against President Robert Mugabe is definitely going to be quite different from winning the battle against a comatose economy and a people yet to fully grasp what has taken place - that their Bobby is no longer in power. A Zimbabwe military which took side with a Vice President against their own commander in chief is not a military any incoming president should trust and the real change should in fact start with them by removing every senior military officer that had a hand in the ouster of President Robert Mugabe from office. Thereafter, the over devalued currency should be addressed as well as the overall economy which is in cold doldrums, towards providing jobs for millions of unemployed Zimbabweans and prevent the 90% unemployment from further north bound trajectory. 

As far as ICHEOKU is concerned, the manner of President Robert Mugabe's removal from office is not the best. The military should have demanded the reinstatement of the sacked Vice President and allowed President Robert Mugabe to serve out his term. At his very old age of 93, he does not have that much long to live and they could have also waited him out or have the election conducted in such a way as to vote him out in next year's election. But all these are now but the shouting, as the deed is done and Robert Mugabe is no longer president of Zimbabwe. ICHEOKU says lets now wait and watch how the post President Robert Mugabe's era will turn out for Zimbabweans. So long President Bobby and may he live out whatever remains of his last days on this earth in peace and harmony; and ICHEOKU thanks him for the much which he was able to do for Zimbabweans within his widow's mite abilities. Viva Bobby.

Monday, November 20, 2017


ICHEOKU says it is official, the reclusive North Korean leader Kim Jung Un has succeeded in invoking the wrath of the United States of America and has now been put back to the list of States which sponsors terrorism. So alongside Iran, Sudan and Syria, North Korea will now pay a hefty price economically and as rightly articulated, this latest designation will further squeeze the country and force it into a better behavior. 


ICHEOKU says former Nigerian Vice President during the second republic presidency of Alhaji Shehu Shagari, Dr Alexander Ifenayichukwu Ekwueme, is dead. He died of natural causes in a London hospital. He was 85 years old. May his soul now rest. Adieu Alex.


ICHEOKU says at a conversion rate of $1 to N355 multiplied by $65 million is equals to N23,075,000,000. Now do the math and tell ICHOEKU that if indeed Enoch Adeboye is a man of God that he would not have put the staggering sum he splashed on a mere worldly extravagance, on a more Godly delighting works. Works which says heavenly such as charity, hospitals, schools, scholarships, food banks, clothing the poor, tendering the sick, feeding the prisoners, creating jobs for the jobless and such other things of grace as Matthew 25:35-40 envisaged. 

Further, why did General Overseer Enoch Adeboye not direct the $65 million towards empowering thousands of his congregants, many of who can hardly pay their children's school fees, feed themselves and/or pay their hospital bills? Why did GO Enoch Adbeoye not invest the money towards improving more Nigerian lives generally, rather than a selfish act of pure pleasure, made to benefit himself and cushion his own personal activities. If his argument that he has so many places to be at the same time is to be believed as an acceptable explanation for needing a private jet, why the topmost of the top range private jets, when there are jets that cost a lot cheaper than S650 Gulfstream. But "What Would Jesus Do" with a $65 million bounty he suddenly found in his possession?  On the authority of Matthew 14:13-21, ICHEOKU says he would not have purchased a $65 million private jet or made it his top priority. Even ordinary donkey, Jesus did not purchase nor owned; but went on borrowing it as his need of it arose. So why did Enoch Adeboye not borrow or rent private jets or fly first class as his need to travel arises and as so many exemplary leaders do, including the the Vatican See. 

If our Lord and Master Jesus Christ was around, what would he say to Enoch Adeboye than to order him to go sell off the plane and give the proceeds to the poor and needy who have no food, no clothes on their back nor shelter over their heads. Is it possible too that Enoch Adeboye does not even believe the gospel which he preaches and like another Pharisee, he is just preaching what he does not practice. Why does he believe that Jesus Christ was wrong in Matthew 4:8-11 by not falling down and worshipping Lucifer when he collects money packaged as tithes from a lot of dubious characters including ten congregants he asked to pony up N1 billion each or the Abuja woman who works with the Prison Service who gave his RCCG a N200 million in tithe offering? Did Enoch Adeboye ever question the source of these people's money and who ever legitimately acquired his wealth would just give up N1 billion just because the Overseer said so. What is really going on in this Redeemed Christian Church of God or is there some drug and/or money laundering operation going on therein?

In South Korea once lived a Reverend Sun Myung Moon who not only made it big preaching the gospel but made millionaires out of thousands of South Koreans through business products his ministry developed, perfected and maintained. His ministry enjoyed and still to a large extent today, a near monopoly of false hair attachment and other hair care products. Yes, Reverend Moon's ministry controlled artificial hair and weave on industry, as well as many haircare and beauty care industry. With money collected in donations and tithes, he ventured into hair products manufacturing, creating several thousands of middle men and women, distributors and wholesalers, as well as retailers and exporters of his product out of members of his church. His reach was so extensive that by the time he eventually died in September 3, 2012, he was nearly a Demi god in Seoul, having created lots of jobs for South Koreans and turned so many lives around as well as made millionaires and rich people out of ordinary South Koreans. 

He was not selfish and he did not make purchasing a private jet his number one priority and many of his early travels were funded by people needing him to visit and preach to them. The wealth he created transcended and trickled down the and he made a lot of rich people out of his church members and the general South Korean people. There were other things, including schools and hospitals which his ministry established and ran, most of them free to his church members; and which to a great extent helped transform South Korea into the world class nation it is today, alongside other nationalist companies such as Samsung, Daewoo, Kia etc. This is exemplary Christianity and if there is heaven, Reverend Moon is already there as he practiced what he preached and he gave impetus to giving the poor, clothing the clothe-less, sheltering the homeless and in short, gave his all to everyone. His is an example worth emulating.

Had General Overseer Enoch Adeboye been this as focused in improving the lot of Nigerians particularly those millions of his followers, many of who cannot afford to send their children to his schools or afford their hospital bills, by catering to their needs, nobody, including ICHEOKU will be raising eyebrow because he collects tithes or spent a "paltry" $65 million on a top of the range Gulfstream S650 private jet, afterall he would have rightly earned it. But, when millions of his followers are wallowing in abject poverty, including those who could not afford their daily meals nor have the capacity to pay their children's school fees and hospital bills, and he is spending such a fortune just to make himself comfortable while jetting around the globe, people pause to wonder what actually moves this guy. What manner of Christian is he indeed? Does he follow the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ? Certainly, unlike the other gay-looking fella Rotimi Amaechi, who does not love money, Enoch Adeboye appears to love the billfolds, admitted he worked tirelessly so hard to get to where he is presently. But should that excuse his exhibitionist high dollar purchase?

ICHEOKU says where is the Christianity in Enoch Adeboye if his priority is getting himself the finest private jet ever manufactured just to pleasurably get around. Where is his obedience to the Lord to sell everything he has and follow him? Where is his obedience to the Lord that such earthly distractions will deny him entry into heaven or is he content with already enjoying his own heave here on earth while millions of his congregants can go on waiting and longing for their own heaven hereafter. Where is his obedience to the Lord's admonition that on the last day he will ask when I was hungry you did not give me food to eat, when millions of the Lord's brethren members of his church are starving and going to bed hungry at night? When and if Enoch Adeboye finally meets Jesus how does he plan to explain the overt extravagance he displayed when he doled out $65 million to purchase a private jet when he could have been flying first class or even renting jets as his travels demands and at worse, purchased a much cheaper and equally efficient jet and given the rest to helping the poor and needy, especially those among his church members.

ICHEOKU says except Enoch Adeboye repents, he is definitely not going to make heaven and is bound for hell if our Lord's words are firm and unchangeable. This is a guy who once asked for ten people in his church to cough up one billion Naira each to raise ten billion Naira which will go towards building a church auditorium when God does not dwell in houses made of brick and mortar. This is a guy who once received a two hundred million Naira tithe from a woman who works with Nigerian Prisons authority in Abuja and on none of the occasions did he care to ask these "generous" givers how they came about such hefty sums which they so easily doled out. A country bedeviled with corruption where nearly half of the population have nothing to eat, but this supposed man of God has no qualms accepting these monies from these people and applying same to his church purposes including possibly towards purchasing his private jet and other sundry things which does not edify or glorify God. 

Our Lord lived with man for a little time of over 33 years and during that time, he preached and lived example of how to enter heavily paradise. He did not own nor coveted any earthly possessions because he explicitly said that people should aspire for the rewards in heaven and not be bogged down with things of the earth which has no heavily value. Even the donkey with which he rode into Jerusalem, he borrowed; and could have purchased hundreds of them if he wanted or had demanded of his followers. But no, he lived and showed example of how to make his Heavenly Father happy in order to enter paradise. A rich man even came to him in Matthew 19:16-21, seeking to know how he can make heaven and again, Jesus told him to divest himself of all his earthly possessions and come and follow him. This is imperative because no one individual will ever enjoy two heavens, it is either they enjoy the one here on earth or they wait to enjoy the promised paradisaical heaven. 

It is obvious that Enoch Adeboye is surely enjoying his earthly heaven, being able, according to his own words, to eat one cow if and whenever he so desires and also jetting around in an ultra expensive private modern jet. That he worked tirelessly so hard to get to where he is no is not an excuse because the race for heaven is a marathon which never finishes until death. Our Lord will not ask anyone how long ago they started their heavenly race; he is only interested in whether they finished it and remained in grace until the end. Why is he not practicing what he is preaching or does he not want to also enjoy the heavenly bliss promised to all faithfuls? Even John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus Christ did not own any worldly possessions but ran around foretelling the coming of Jesus Christ, subsisting on only locusts and honey. 

So, why the monetization of the church going on in Enoch Adeboye's Redeemed Christian Church of God, which hardly justifies the Christian and God in its name; and neither are his redeemers, redeemed. Where is the sacrifice or has he not heard about no pain no gain and that nobody ever gets into heaven on a fat stomach. In Matthew 14:16-20, our Lord Jesus fed the multitude with two fishes and five loaves of bread and would have kept the provision to himself or even turned them away as prompted by his disciples, but he said, feed them. Our Lord Jesus washed the feet of his apostles but did not erect a wall of superiority around himself by buying a private jet or an expensive chariot of that era. He mixed and mingled among the crowd, did not have bodyguards either; and had aversion for the high and mighty of that era. 

But as for Enoch Adeboye, he goes around with body guards, mixes with politicians, thieves and corrupt individuals and stays barricaded from the masses and has now acquired a Gulfstream which no poor member of his church will ever dream of getting on. Our Lord even once went hungry in Matthew 11:12-14 and cursed the fig tree which could not yield him fruit to eat. But never a time throughout his ministration did he ever force anyone or make demand of anyone to give or provide him with food to eat or something to drink. He always foraged for his own food and drink, just like any other person; setting example of what secures eternal paradise. But Enoch Adeboye is their daddy and General Overseer who must not go hungry, but must be attended to round the clock, pampered and provided for multiple choice foods and drinks  when millions others are hungry and unattended to. 

Unfortunately, Nigerians in their ever savvy way of copying and imitating and sometimes surpassing the originators, the Enoch Adeboyes of Nigeria, have taken the art of monetized religious business, copied from the Americans, to a completely new stratospheric heights. To even think that amidst the dire need in the country that a supposed man of God would spend such staggering sum of money just on a private jet is not only unfathomably disheartening but irreconcilable to scriptural dictates. Imagine how may people such amount of money would have empowered. Imagine how many cottage industries it would have established. Imagine how many doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects, teachers it would have trained. Imagine how many hospital bills it would have paid too. But no, not for the man of God who would rather have his reward here on earth than to wait for the Kingdom to come and contrary to what he preaches. People are hungry; people are homeless and people cannot afford to pay their children's school fees, but buying a $65 million private jet is his priority and you wonder why peoples incredulity is raised about this new religions.

ICHEOKU says Enoch Adeboye's action further explains what George Orwell tried to communicate to the world in 'Animal Farm', using Snowball antics of a fantastic Sugar Candy mountain with which he held Boxer hostage to a life of bonded servitude, in expectation of some future reward. ICHEOKU says regardless of how the current debate on the merits of paying tithes is eventually resolves, General Overseer Enoch Adeboye has irredeemably damaged himself and the image he fakes as a man of God, who is destined to heaven. With the lifestyle of the rich and famous, a rockstar, which he has transitioned into, topped off with the acquisition of a $65 million Gulfstream private jet, it is hard if not impossible to believe that he is still in sync with real and true Christianity. Definite not when millions of his followers are left hungry, homeless and jobless and he is spending millions on a private jet. There is no justification for it and no explanation is acceptable. He would have plowed the money into other more Godly projects, which will edify God and improve his branch of Christianity. RCCG is earthly and even occult like and it cannot secure him or any other member a place in heaven. In short, Enoch Adeboye is headed to hell, except he repents and sheds himself off his earthly possessions.