Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Sunday, November 19, 2017


ICHEOKU says never has a human-being been this despicable and dumb, that instead of hiding his face in shame that his thieving son nearly caused an international incident when he took his shoplifting act overseas, he is here dismissively treating what his son did as no big deal and also belittling the effort that made his son's release possible. 

LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo Ball, one of three UCLA players, who were caught red handed shoplifting in China, is one big foolish oaf and a loud mouth who should have known better not to display the stupidity of a comment which he made to ESPN. How any responsible father would so impetuously say what he said regarding the shameful criminal behavior of his son and added insult to the injury by not being appreciative of the presidential power that freed his son is simply unfathomable. ICHEOKU says if President Donald John Trump did not help and actually facilitated the release of his son and his two criminal accomplices, who did? Or was it his little self that strong armed President Xi Jing Ping and ordered him to release his son immediately; knowing that the culture over there has zero tolerance for such irresponsible criminal behavior such as stealing. 

ICHEOKU agrees with the President Donald John Trump's social media director, Dan Scavino, that his shoplifting son, LiAngelo Ball, would still be in Chinese criminal custody and for a long, long, long time without President Donald John Trump's assistance and intervention; for which this buffoon should have been eternally grateful and not open his mouth like a foolish blowhard big loud mouth which he apparently is. A more responsible, well disciplined father should have personally thanked the president and thereafter, quietly kept away to allow the incident to melt away. But no, he inserted himself into the matter and thereby successfully reintroduced his son's criminal behavior back into the limelight centerstage. 

His son LiAngelo Ball, alongside his two other colleagues in shoplifting, Cody Riley and Jalen Hill, were arrested in Hangzhou China for stealing sunglasses in a Louis Vuitton shop. They were facing possible ten years imprisonment in a Chinese prison following a likely conviction; presidential plugs were pulled to secure their release and this LaVar Ball is now saying what? A matter made worse because the three criminals have already owned up to their criminal activities, apologized for their criminal behavior and also expressed their gratitude to the president for facilitating their release. But this ostrich is saying what? In their words of gratitude, the trio said: "To President Trump and the United States government, thank you for taking the time to intervene on our behalf. Thank you for helping us out." 
So could LaVar Ball help the world understand what he understands this to mean or how else he otherwise interprets this show of contrite and gratitude by his son and the two others or is hisnuerons possibly not firing properly not to fully appreciate what went into his son's release from an assured lengthy prison term. The three musketeers stole, the three musketeers were identified from video recording and the goods were found in the three musketeers' bags, following a police search and this LaVar Ball still has the face to say what? 
ICHEOKU admonishes that a responsible father who did a good job raising his son would have hushed and not pour further gasoline into the inferno of shame. He should have allowed the three shoplifters, one of who is his ill raised son LiAngelo Ball, to have the "great life" which the president had wished them. But no, the big mouth is rather blabbing like a drunk, who is so inebriated not to to appreciate the magnitude of what his son and his friends did and for which President Donald John Trump's phone call to Chinese Jing Jin Ping helped solve. Any good father would have also followed up with ensuring that his son and his fellow thieving two friends heed the president's advise to go out and give a big Thank You to President Xi Jinping of China who made their release possible. Emphasizing too the president's fatherly advise to have a good life and be careful because there are many pitfalls on the long and winding road of life!" But not this rambler. 
Just listen to the his gibberish and you wonder what manner of a man he is indeed that raised such a badly behaving son.Whether he is actually the bad influence on his son is deducible from his reaction to this thievery; which suggested to his son that it is okay to steal or take what does not belong to him. Hear him: "Who? What was he over there for? Don't tell me nothing. Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out. As long as my boy's back here, I'm fine. I'm happy with how things were handled. A lot of people like to say a lot of things that they thought happened over there. Like I told him, 'They try to make a big deal out of nothing sometimes.' I'm from L.A. I've seen a lot worse things happen than a guy taking some glasses." 
ICHEOKU says the fact that such criminal misbehavior happens and/or is acceptable in the Hood where the blabber mouth grew up, does not otherwise legitimize it. The criminality of stealing, robbing and dispossessing people of their belongings or taking something from a store and not paying for it, is all frowned criminal misbehaviors for which the law not only frowns but pushes the offenders. What his ill mannered and poorly raised, mannerless son, LiAngelo Ball, did, was in addition to being criminal, deed both reprehensible and inexplicable. 

LaVar Ball should therefore be ashamed of raising such a thieving son, instead of so brazenly trying to explain away his conduct as if it is no big deal. From his idiotic reaction, it is possible he was in fact the reason his son did not turn up a good boy nor knows any better or aware that stealing is wrong. He probably watched his father do similar things in the past himself or he, LiAngelo Ball, has gotten away with doing such things in the past, without any consequence or admonition from his father, who rather approved of such his despicable conduct. Otherwise why would this man not scold his son who disgraced himself, his family and country, by shoplifting overseas. His reaction simply shows that he has no compunction and lacks the decency to frown at evil and has no aversion for criminal behavior. Pitiful.

Saturday, November 18, 2017


"Now that the dogs of war are calling for the head of Senator Al Franken, I believe it is time to speak up on behalf of all heterosexual males, As a candidate for governor, let me save my opponents some research time. In the last fifty years I was sexually intimate with approximately 50 very attractive females. 

It ranged from a gorgeous blonde who was my first true love and we made passionate love in the hayloft of her parents barn and ended with a drop dead gorgeous red head from Cleveland. Now can we get back to discussing legalizing marijuana and opening the sate hospital network to combat opiod crisis. I am sooooo disappointed by this national feeding frenzy about sexual indiscretions of decades ago. Peace." - Bill O'Neil, Democrat, Supreme Court Justice and Governorship candidate contender of Ohio State. 

ICHEOKU says give it up to these Democrats and coincidentally, he is another Bill; if you get the drift about the other Bill of Monica Lewinsky notoriety.

Friday, November 17, 2017


ICHEOKU says apologies not withstanding and it is unacceptable, what Al Franken did is additionally criminal. His groping and grabbing the breasts of a woman who was passed out and deeply asleep and unaware of her being violated is more than creepy. Query: is it possible too that Al Franken could have slipped a date rape drug into her drink, which made her to so pass out, for her not to wake up when her boobs were being grabbed? 

This is actually the more heartbreaking story here, that the victim was had without her consent and awareness; and not necessarily that Al Franken was being another pervert like many of them are, anyway. Yes, Al Franken was part of the Hollywood sleazy slim balls and yes, nothing more edifying was expected of him; but that he did what he did without the victim's consent and she not being conscious and unaware, makes Harvey Weinstein activities seem saintly. 

Only criminals waylay their unsuspecting victims and Al Franken summarily now qualifies as one; and therefore no longer a fit and proper person to be called a United States of American Senator, representing the great State of Minnesota. He should therefor resign his office or be impeached or recalled by his home State because his continuing in Washington DC as a Senator, gives the hallowed chambers a bad name. This is the same man whose sanctimonious righteousness and mouthing off "Russian collusion" has become a daily drama at the Senate. But here he was colluding with a photographer to capture his creepy behavior, groping a sleeping woman. Jesus Christ was indeed right that he who is without sin should throw the first stone; but Al Franken forgot this injunction and continued to throw stones from a glass house. ICHEOKU calls on Al Franken to resign now.

The veracity of what he did is no longer suspect. Picture speaks volume and he has also admitted what he did and apologized. In his apology, Al Franken said: -  
"To Tweeden and everyone else who was part of that tour, to everyone who has worked for me, to everyone I represent, and to everyone who counts on me to be an ally and supporter and champion of women. There's more I want to say, but the first and most important thing—and if it's the only thing you care to hear, that's fine—is: I'm sorry. I don't know what was in my head when I took that picture, and it doesn't matter. There's no excuse. I look at it now and I feel disgusted with myself. It isn't funny. It's completely inappropriate. It's obvious how Leeann would feel violated by that picture." 

ICHEOKU says the only thing now remaining for the Senator from Minnesota to do is to resign his office and save his State and the nation, the embarrassment of his continued representation as a Senator. His office let another take as he is no longer a fit and proper person to remain in the Senate. The Senate deserves better and more appropriately behaved membership and not a clown who was clowning his way around until the ever calculating Democrats decided to field him in order to win a Senate seat in Minnesota. Now, the dog has been caught with his mouth full of shit and only one thing is acceptable under the circumstance - HIS RESIGNATION. 

Thursday, November 16, 2017


ICHEOKU says while you were distracted and not paying attention, the man who has revolutionalized driving with his zero emission and zero gasoline, 100% electric Tesla cars, has added yet another vehicle to the Tesla family stable. An all electric truck that can go up to 500 miles on a single charge.


ICHEOKU says wondering whether Ivanka Trump Kushner ever believed all those women who wanted to derail her father's presidential election campaign last year? If she did not believe those women and the circumstances then are eerily similar as the present's Roy Moore's tangle in Alabama, bothering on what some women said and what Roy said in response; where then is her justification in saying that she believed the women currently lining up against Judge Roy Moore, Alabama Republican candidate for the Senate? 

What is good for the goose should be equally good for the gander. Therefore if the then candidate Donald John Trump, despite the number of women who lined up to give false witnesses against him including Access Hollywood captured live audio, was giving a benefit of the doubt during his challenging times; why not extend the same fairness to Judge Roy Moore? Why should Roy Moore not equally enjoy such presumption of innocent until PROVEN guilty which came to the aid of then candidate Trump. Alleged happenstances of about 40 years ago, a period when memory would have gone dim, should not be weighted against a man who has been in the public eye for so long and have ran for several offices so many times, without any of these ever coming out prior to the present. 

ICHEOKU says Ivanka Trump is wrong in saying that she now believed the women who are accusing Roy Moore; especially when she did not believe those who accused her father. She should not have joined the Lynch mob, with pitch forks, who are trying to force out a good man who is loved by his people of Alabama from completing his race to the Senate. They have tried every other thing possible, including spending over thirty million dollars to deny him the chance of coming to Washington DC and they failed. Now, they have dredged up some losers on the lunatic fringe to mouth off allegations of what allegedly happened over three decades ago. ICHEOKU says even if what they alleged happened, what took them this so long. Simply put, they are now too old to be a compelling reason to deny Judge Roy Moore his joining the United States of American Senate, as a Senator representing the great State of Alabama. Not good.

Imagine Ivanka, who should be the last person expected to opine on the alleged matters of sexual indiscretions leveled against Roy Moore, after the grueling experience his father went through during last year's presidential election campaign by the same Washington Swampers, to now say that she believed those women, is rather mind boggling. On what basis did she arrive at this conclusion or should women's accusations simply automatically become truth just because they said so. Did Ivanka first check her statement by her father, before going public with it. If so, on what basis did she think that Roy Moore's accusers should be believed when Americans did not believe her father's own accusers, but gave him a pass last year and elected him president. What other smoking gun evidence did she rely on, when even the Access Hollywood live recording was not weighted against her father. But she now wants Team MAGA to hang Judge Roy Moore because an autographed book was presented with a supposed signature of Judge Moore? 

ICHEOKU says where is the justification and had the then candidate Donald John Trump been hounded and stampeded out of the presidential race, would America today have a President Donald John Trump? Simply put, Ivanka Trump Kushner goofed and should not have spoken in the matter of Judge Roy Moore as she who lives in a glass house should not throw stones. She cannot in all sincerity pass judgment on a man who is being similarly pilloried as her father was. It does not make sense; not at all. Therefore, Ivanka's statement that  "There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children and I’ve yet to see a valid explanation and I have no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts” is a sham. Where was her father's own "valid explanation" and on what reasonable basis did she doubt those women who line up against her father last year? 

ICHEOKU says whoever advised Ivanka to make the statement got it all wrong. It was presumptuous; and if care is not taken, such a holier than thou attitude will force the Trumps to pay a price next election. The statement might eventually come around to hunt her father's reelection campaign in 2020 as Team MAGA will remember who threw one of their own select Senate candidate under the bus, just because the elitist Washington DC group wanted it.  Why should Ivanka play alongside just to appear acceptable to the same group of Never Trumpers, who never wanted her father to become president. ICHEOKU reiterates that all these piling up against Judge Roy Moore must end forthwith; otherwise it will be interpreted by Alabamans as an attempt to deny their favorite son a chance to represent them in the Senate. A challenge to their independence which they will not accept but will rise up to, in unison, tell Washington swampers that they wont back down. Alabamans don't wait to be told what to do and that Alabamans can think for themselves. Vote Roy Moore for Senate. Go Roy Moore. God's speed to a good man who did nothing wrong,

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


ICHEOKU says regardless of the otherwise would have been beneficial reason, removing an elected president of a democratic society through unconstitutional means of a military putsch is illegal and therefore unacceptable to a civilized world. Therefore the removal of Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe by the country's armed forces is condemnable and should be condemned by everyone. Nothing justifies the military intervention in Zimbabwe as there is an acceptable manner of effecting change in democratic societies - it is called election. Ironically, it is the same military that sabotaged Morgan Richard Tsvangirai attempt to succeed President Robert Mugabe through an election that is now forcefully removing the sitting president, while pretending to be acting to save Zimbabwe from corrupt government insiders. 

ICHEOKU calls on Africa Union to register their disapproval to the Zimbabwe's military and ask them to restore President Robert Mugabe to office immediately. They should alongside other people of Zimbabwe wait for next year's election to vote him out of office, if they so desire. ICHEOKU says in the same manner as the other three previous coups of the last decade in Fernada Po and Principe, Mali and Guinea-Bissau were overruled by ECOWAS regional body, and civilian rule reinstated, the Zimbabwe's development should equally be checkmated. South Africa should lead the charge and if the Zimbabwe's military hesitates, to forcibly remove them from office pronto. European Union and all those anti- Mugabe foreign countries should either apply equal denunciation to the coup or completely butt out of an African internal affair matter. ICHEOKU says Africans should reject military interventions in Africa politics; say no to the Zimbabwe's military. Restore President Robert Mugabe to office, immediately and unconditionally.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


It is only a matter of time before the chicken comes home to roost for the agents of religious deceit. Those who cocooned themselves in the garb of evangelism, pretending to win souls when in fact they are winning naira, dollars and pound sterling for their pockets and families. It is only a matter of time before their true colors are seen by the discerning. By their fruits we shall and will know them.
They are ruthless and vicious entrepreneurs masking as men and women of piety. They are mean, cruel, cold and hungry wolves prowling the nooks and crannies of our society preying on the weak, the poor, the vulnerable and the unwary. Pretending to be men and women of God Almighty, their lack of compassion, odious deceit, greed, exploitation and lack of kindness rival that of the devil. To discern and decipher any modicum of godliness in them is a yeoman's titanic task.
Yes, granted that most Christian and Muslim leaders, yes most, because we must not paint all with the same brush, are ferocious leeches fleecing the life out of our people, the Pentecostals represent the worst of these licentious locusts ravaging our polity. They are selfish, self centered, obnoxiously acquisitive egomaniacal predators. They take all and everything but give nothing in return.
I started off at the Anglican Primary School, Òkè -Imobì, Ìwàrà, in Osun State and finished up at St. Michael Cherubim and Seraphim Primary School, Òkè-Sênì, in the very heart of Ibadan, Oyo State. My secondary education was at Cherubim and Seraphim High School, Ilesa. I am more than enormously proud of these Schools because they laid the foundation of what I have been able, by God's grace, to become today.
There were and still are several primary and secondary schools owned by the Cherubim and Seraphim, Catholics, Methodist, Anglican, Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, African Church and many Christian Churches and organizations. Ditto for many of the Muslim missions. Those Schools were within reach for and of many. They laid good life foundation for millions of children who passed through them.
Despite one's suspicion of Christianity and Islam as foreign faiths with imperialistic socio - religious and politico - economic motives, these early missions and their indigenous genre that came later on, all contributed several positives to the polity. They built not just affordable schools, they built hospitals all over. They did their best in giving back to the society in many ways.
Then came the egregiously greedy goons of Pentecostalism. Impelled and propelled by noxious materialism, they preached dubious prosperity meant to improve the lives of the anchors and impoverish the "sheep", obviously so called because of their docility and vulnerabilities. They ridiculed and mocked the moderately ascetic living style of the leaders of the Orthodox Churches. 
They glorified shameless flamboyancy with translucent horrifying hollowness and serendipitous shallowness. They misled and enticed their unwary victims called "followers" with glittering outwards that are vacuous at the core. Ostentation was glamorized in the midst of want, poverty and squalor. They exuded and reveled in reeking arrogance becoming unfeeling, unperturbed, unconcerned, unloving and uncaring except where money is concerned.
Their aridity in and of spirituality turned them into baptized agents of misery and gnashing of teeth for our people. They turned the Bible upside down as they engage in self serving selective quoting of the Book. The Pentecostals are the proofs of what the Bible warns against about the dexterous ability of the Satan to quote the Bible copiously in justification of its evil deeds.
These so called Pentecostals are enemies of our Nation. They are against our culture and traditions. They are against our values of accommodation, compassion, tolerance and  sensible civility in Yoruba land in particular. They preach to destroy the essence of our Yorubaness by attacking important elements of our culture and tradition.
In addition they enslave the minds of our people fostering odious docility, engendering political passivity, ineptitude and ineptness; inebriating our people with dangerous and debilitating indifference to moral, social, economic and political degeneration in the larger milieu. They encourage a genre of individualism than the vampire crude Capitalism could ever dream of and repeatedly axe our communality.
They are active antagonists if not committed, persevering enemies of our Yoruba heritage. They promote parlous life ideas that are of no value to their "sheep". Everything Yoruba nay African is denigrated and demonized with unrestrained and often placed enthusiasm. They glamorized fake living as they encourage their "sheep" to mimic fake and banal tenets of Westernism. From figurative "sheep", they turned their followers to real "sheep" of the worst form, cultureless, directionless with amoebic and formless identity bereft of any uniqueness. 
They are mostly, intellectually incapacitated in their understanding of our essence, uniqueness and richness as a race with checkered past and great future. They demonize what they do not understand. They debauched in enthused ignorance. They are intellectually lazy and never bothered to study our ways of life, our faiths, our cultural practices before they condemn and demonize. They relish in fake righteousness and severely questionable superior moral authority.
These Pentecostals' genre of exploitation is subtle but seething in its lethality. Like a sneaky but dangerous serpent, its victims are never prepared for the suddenness of its poisonous prowl. Before they realized that they have been dispossessed of their hard earned money, more often than not, it was too late. But the victims are quick to self-console, rationalizing their misfortunes that they did it for God. Yet God spends no money and the Bible insists that salvation is free.
Yes, it is true that you could find it in the Bible that "money is the wheel of evangelism", but the Bible did not say as these Pentecostals do, that you should coarse, intimidate, blackmail, curse, threaten, cajole, dupe, trick, deceive and burden the poor, hungry, vulnerable "sheep" to get the money. All the evangelists in the Bible had jobs and never received tithes to help themselves, their families and their evangelism.
The Pentecostals' preachment of prosperity places the plan to prune the painful plight of their tithe paying "sheep" on permanent pause. Hence, they did not think of founding schools and hospitals like the Orthodox Churches. And occasionally, when they are staggered from the slumber of their grueling greed to found Schools, they reach further down into the decrepit dungeon of luciferous love of lucre, asking for fees out of this world beyond the reach of their long suffering members. Ooooh, my apologies, I meant their long suffering "sheep."
Then their sentries would saunter unto the public fora rationalizing the repugnant ruse, ranting relentlessly, "good education is expensive," "quality education costs money." Yet all these General Overseers, Oludasiles/Founders of these new wave Churches in the garb of Pentecostals were beneficiaries of the benevolence of others in their youth to get education. They're actively removing from others, the ladder of opportunity with which they climbed.
Pentecostals, confident cowards who could and would never see any evil in tyranny. They are so gutless they could not even stand for themselves or any of their own. Their pastors are murdered like strayed goats and they could not wimp. Their members are executed during services on Sundays and they remain deafeningly silent. Probity, integrity, social justice, equity and equality of all is not their forte. They couldn't stand for anything but fall and crumble for anything like a house of cards. 

These Pentecostals, all they care about is money, money, money and money. Even those miserable "sheep" euphemized as "members" or "followers" could never count on them at anytime for anything. They are potent enemies within our society. They are poisonous to our social milieu. They are parasitic conscienceless leeches on our economy. They are enablers of politics of charlatanism. They are shining purveyors of religious shenanigans. They are enemies within.

Monday, November 13, 2017


ICHEOKU says may the good Lord give them rest and to their bereaved families, the fortitude to bear the loss. SAD. 

Sunday, November 12, 2017


"It's been a year since the election and the Clinton people just haven't looked in the mirror over the course of this year. They've been blaming the Russians and everybody else, blaming Sen. Sanders. They've got to look in the mirror and say how could we, as a Clinton campaign, lose to a seemingly unelectable man. They're blaming everybody in sight but themselves. 

Find me 10 people in Wisconsin that voted for Donald Trump or for Hillary Clinton because of the Russians. I just don't think you'll find them. It was the e-mail controversy. It was the Clinton Foundation controversies; it was the speeches to Goldman Sachs controversies. It was the ethical issues; it was the arrogance. I just don't think it was the Russians. 

Three hearty cheers for Donna Brazile. I like a truth teller and, yes, absolutely. There were only four of us that dared to challenge Hillary Clinton for the nomination, and we always thought that the fix was in with the DNC. I know I felt that way through the whole course of it and then even getting into some of the mainstream media." - Lincoln Chafee, Democrat, former governor and Congressman from Rhode Island. 

ICHEOKU says another wise lone voice amidst the cacophony shrouding the Hillary Clinton's occult following. Yes, Lincoln Chafee knows what he is talking about, Hillary Clinton was rejected by the American people and it was not the Russians that made them do so. Salute to his courage for speaking up when so many are deathly afraid to go up at the Clintons or call them for who they are. 

Saturday, November 11, 2017


ICHEOKU says after nearly forty years in public office and about eight elections he participated in during so many decades, nothing was heard, not even a whiff. So for this allegation to come out now is nothing short of a hatchet job, orchestrated by the NEVER MOORE crowd and their Swamp establishment sponsors who do not want a straight shooting purist in the United States of American Senate. 

But drain the swamp is a task that must be done and Judge Roy Moore will help see the effort through. Vote Moore for the Senate. He will represent Alabama creditably well in the Washington DC. Show them pepper Judge and please DO NOT backdown or cave in to the latest attempt to blackmail you out of running. Trump did not backdown and so should you. Salute


ICHEOKU says on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, peace was restored to the world, thanks to Veterans who sacrificed unquantifiable to purchase the enduring freedom. 

We therefore, on every anniversary of that historic event, remember their heroics and celebrate them for their bravery and selflessness. For their service, we are thankful; and for their sacrifice, we are grateful.  Happy Veterans Day America and to all the Veterans throughout the world. A grateful ICHEOKU joins millions of other similarly appreciative world in honoring your priceless answer to duty when duty called. Thank you.


ICHEOKU says who still remembered what happened to them nearly forty odd years ago, particularly a 14 year old child. The latest accusation and allegations against Justice Roy Moore by some American women, a specie who are very notorious for often making up stories about past experiences, particularly one that occurred many decades ago, is rather suspect to say the least. Why did they not come out with the story when it happened or even much earlier before this time and so close to the Senate election in Alabama. 

For a man who has been in the public space for so long and has contested several elections in the past without any whiff of such improprieties, makes the allegations only plausible with the suspension of disbelief. Justice Roy Moore contested eight different  elections in Alabama over the many decades of his participation in public service, leading up to his clinching the nomination to contest for the Alabama Senate seat which was  vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and which saw a brutal primaries which he also won. None of these sexual accusations came up during the primaries or in any of the other previous elections which he was involved in; so why now? The only answer that makes any plausible sense is that this is the last line joker of the NEVER MOORE motley Swamp crew to try and derail his destined Senate train to Washington DC; in their last ditch effort to make their wish come through not to see such a purist join them in their swampy Washington Senate chamber. 

What happened to the rule of law that an accused is presumed innocent until proved guilty; but with the Roy Moore accusation everybody is mouthing hysterically off that he should immediately withdraw from the race and there is no conclusive reasonable basis to substantiate the allegation except the she said and he said ongoing brickbat. President Donald John Trump was nearly similarly railroaded out of the presidential election by similar slew of sexual molestation allegation of women of America, over fifteen of whom lined up then to 'say me too.' Where are these lecherous daughters of Eve today who leveled false allegations against the president and where have they all crawled into since the last election, only that no one knows. They were all hired guns and they came, did a job which they were paid handsomely to do and disappeared into the thin air; admitted they failed woefully to achieve their principal objective to force Donald John Trump to withdraw from the last election. ICHEOKU says to Roy Moore to take a page from then candidate Trump's fighting play book and firm his shoulders to do man-o-mano with these hatch jobbers. 

Imagine what would have happened to America had the then candidate and victim Donald John Trump not manned up to fight his traducers off alongside their lying witnesses. People who were leading false charges and manufacturing evidences and doing it with an executioner's ease. Therefore, ICHEOKU says Justice Roy Moore must treat the latest allegations as what they are; an attempt by his detractors to achieve through the backdoor what they could not achieve at the polls by frontally prosecuting their case against the Justice before the Alabama people who knows Justice Roy Moore better and have severally elected him into various offices in the past. It is simply too much of a happening and recurring decimal in America for women to line up and give false testimonies against a targeted male contenders of an office, who has a bulls-eye marked on their back. ICHEOKU is not here saying whether or not a sexual pass was made in 1979; but this is 2017 and why did whoever the supposed victim/s wait for this long before creeping up with the salacious details of what allegedly happened to them in the hands of then attorney Roy Moore. Why now and why in this particular election if not to purposely derail his coming to Washington DC.

Something does not smell right with the narrative and it is not strong enough a ground for Roy Moore to withdraw from the race for United States of American Senator of the great State of Alabama. These detractors and members of the Washington Swamp establishment must not be allowed to win and they will not win. Good enough Roy Moore has said that he is not going to withdraw, but will go full throttle with trying to secure the mandate of his Alabama people, who he plans to represent in the United States of American Senate. This is how real men fight, to the finish and against all odds. The cowboy hat wearing and horse riding Alabaman has proved so many times that he has a backbone of steel and must fight this election to its conclusive end. Hopefully the people of Alabama will see the sham that is the current allegations and treat same for what they are - garbage; and vote to elect Roy Moore and send him to Washington DC to help in the effort to drain the swamp. ICHEOKU heretofore, endorses Justice Roy Moore for Senate and wish him victory in the coming Alabama Senate election. God's speed Judge. 

Friday, November 10, 2017


ICHEOKU says the real test of a man is where he stands in times of great adversity. When the soul of every conscionable man is challenged and tested by the dictates of time, urging them to do something, where does he stand. This is the imperative of the now and this is the basis of looking at Pastor Enoch Adeboye through the microscope of moral authority. 

So much has been happening in Nigeria since the advent of the current government of President Muhammadu Buhari, particularly to the Christian communities in Nigeria, including the Redeemed Christian Church of God, which two members have been slaughtered by fanatical muslims zealots and which he pastors as the General Overseer. But this supposed man of God or rather god of men has maintained a deathly conspirator's silence, leading many Nigerians to ask, is it because one of his pastors is the Vice President? Thus his Vice President Osinbajo being part of the horror-filled Fulani Government of Nigeria, Enoch Adeboye is constrained and  hamstrung from condemning the government and/or leading the call for the government to do better and to stop killing fellow Nigerians. 

It should also not have mattered whether those being killed are Middle Beltans or Ndigbo or Niger Deltans and not his ethnic Yoruba people. At least every Nigerian share in the common humanity that constitute Nigeria and this should have motivated Enoch Adeboye, in addition to being a man of God who should condemn and is expected to condemn every form of evil wherever it rears its ugly head. 

But the man of God simply disappeared from the scene and was hardly heard from; not even when a pastor of his church was beheaded in Kano and another member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God was killed in Abuja. Hundreds of Christians in Southern Kaduna were slaughtered, but Enoch Adeboye was silent. Christians in Nimbo Nise Enugu State were slaughtered, but the man of God said nothing. Christians of Agatu community Benue State were murdered yet the GO kept his mouth shut. The slaughter happened in Taraba State but Enoch Adeboye was not impressed enough to utter a word. President Muhammadu Buhari has been running Nigeria like a private Fulani fiefdom, but the man of God, who is supposed to be fearless, continuously cowered down with his mouth sealed with duct tape silence. 

The impunity of the Fulani government of Nigeria led by President Muhammadu Buhari and aided by Vice President Osinbajo continued till this day, but the General Overseer did not find it sufficient enough reason to remind the president of his earlier assurances that he belonged to nobody. Two years has passed since President Muhammad Buhari's inauguration and for this two years has the General Overseer sealed his lips concerning the atrocious government of Fulani for Fulani and by Fulani being run by the same man who lied to Nigerians when he said he belonged to nobody, as it has since been proved that the Fulani ethnic group is his only loyalty and that he wears his Fulani hat and sees through Fulani lens while running a Fulani fealty called Nigeria.

Suddenly, an anti-tithe crusader, who is trying to educate the afraid and gullible Nigerians about wasting their money on these pastors in the name of tithe, happened on the stage and that forced Enoch Adeboye out of his hiding and hibernation. Really? He methodically  crawled out from whatever hole he was hiding in, in his undisclosed location, to condemn the crusader. This shows that Enoch Adeboye is in it for the lucre, period.  He is in it for the money and it is also safe to say that only money effectively touches and stirs Enoch Adeboye's consciousness and goad him into action. A nondescript lumberjack is threatening his money tree with a chainsaw of truth in hand, and Enoch Adeboye must decisively act fast to stop the bleeding. Yes, somebody was finally, bravely explaining to Nigerians that tithing is not necessarily of Jesus Christ as it was not approved by his teachings; and the GO, sensing that this guy is pouring sand in his garri, sprung into action like a lioness whose cub has been threatened or stolen. 

He jumped up to retort and condemn the anti-tithing guy as a mad man who has lost his mind. Just listen to Enoch Adeboye's statement in condemning the guy, wherein he did not counter the issue of tithing nor the glaring evidence adduced by the guy against it. Rather, he attacked the guy's person, in the manner of some one attacking a messenger instead of the message; for suggesting that tithe paying Christians should consider buying alcohol with their money and partying inside the church or any other agreed place of merriment alongside other congregants. The GO, queried: who drinks in a church and who goes to the church with drinks to party. The GO clearly avoided the issues raised concerning the fleecing of poor Nigerians of their money in the name of tithing. The GO  failed to address the appropriateness of the practice, especially regarding poor people of his church who can hardly afford their meals and children's school fees, but whose money Enoch Adeboye, heartlessly and continuously collects as tithes in exchange for a sham and fake promised miracle of abundance and riches. 

ICHEOKU says this his below par performance by General Overseer Enoch Adeboye reminds ICHEOKU of then President Barack Obama, soon following his first election, scolding poor Americans for spending their money gambling it away in Las Vegas in a hopeless expectation of a jackpot windfall. Las Vegas Commission on Tourism cried foul, pounced on Obama, accused him of threatening their livelihood; and aided by some casino moguls, the president was forced to beat a quick retreat, made a retraction in which he urged  Americans to continue enjoying themselves and carrying on with whatever activities that gives them joy and happiness, including of course gambling away their money in Las Vegas. It is called the power of the purse and it is powerful and many has been killed for endangering its continuous flow. This guy was the then President Barack Obama and Nigerians are the poor Americans gambling their money away in a casino called Redeemed Christian Church of God. The casino owner, feeling threatened by possible income depletion by the activities of this guy, which he did not find a laughing matter, has like the Empire, struck back. As far as Enoch Adeboye was concerned, this guy and his education of Nigerians were bad jokes gone too far and must be stopped before a man is forced to part ways with his money, The faucet must not be allowed to shut down; neither will the goose that lays his golden eggs be allowed to grow wiser and go into menopause immediately. 

ICHEOKU says this says a lot about the man Enoch Adeboye, that were he Igbo, may be some people would have excused his apparent love of money. This is a man who did not step up to the plate when two female members of his church, one a pastor, were murdered by Muslim Islamist fanatics. Here is a man who did not utter a word when terrorists Fulani Muslim nomads perpetrate rampant atrocities and mayhem across Christian South and North central Nigeria. This is a man who looks the other way as impoverished members of his church cannot feed their hungry children or pay their hospital bills or school fees. This is a man who cannot organize a Christian Financial Bond to compete with SKUKU or establish small scale industries to help absorb the excess unemployed manpower among his church members and Nigeria in general. 

This is a man of God who could look at the so many injustices and inequities being perpetrated by President Muhammad Buhari and keep a tight lip. He kept his cool and maintained sealed lips and for nearing two years now, until the anti-tithe crusader played the ball into his eighteen yards. The goalkeeper feeling threatened must do whatever it takes to protect his goalpost. The business man who is trading on scriptures must defend his business venture, his money maker, and he rose up to fight back. 

ICHEOKU says now that Enoch Adeboye has finally exposed himself for what he truly is, a pretentious man of God but lover of money. Any Nigerian still trusting and patronizing his Redeemed business enterprise, paying him tithe, should be left to their own device. Otherwise what else would it take for any sane person to be convinced about the true stand of this guy, who is more interested in keeping his jet flying than worry about sundry stuff. His sudden appearance to condemn this crusader and protect his means of livelihood and crass opulence, is the sum total of who he really is. It is all about the real Enoch Adeboye as opposed to the one who makes faces of piety on television. He is a business man dealing on scriptures and making out like a bandit, doing it. Simply put, it is doubtful if General Overseer Enoch Adeboye is really of God and from God. He is a fake pastor and does not truly believe in the good news of Jesus Christ, otherwise why hasn't he sold off everything and follow Jesus or direct the miracles of riches to his account numbers instead of through third parties tithes contributors. But hey, feel free to go to his church and give him your money at your own risk. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

YOU AND YOUR G.O. - an article by CHARLES OGBU

"Right here before our very own eyes, a Christian Pastor, Mrs Eunice Elisha, was butchered here in Kubwa, FCT, by a Muslim mob, simply for preaching her gospel along a street that also houses a Mosque. This woman was a Pastor with the RCCG. And she was not killed in a Sharia practicing state like Zamfara, Kano etc. She was dismembered right here in Nigeria's capital city of Abuja. As I type this, No one has been arrested for her death, one year after. No one! 

Pastor Enoch Adeboye is the owner of RCCG. The slain woman was his Pastor. Yet, "Daddy" Adeboye and the other Pastor-prenuers saw no evil and they heard no evil. Their Voices travelled for Omugwo. 

A Pastor's wife, Mrs Bridget Agbohime, was slaughtered in Kano by a Muslim mob for asking her Muslim neighbour not to do ablution in front of her shop. President Buhari didn't categorically condemn her murder. Instead, he admonished us to learn to respect other people's religion. Five of the Muslim guys who killed Mrs Bridget were apprehended and charged to court by the police only for the Sharia practicing govt of Kano state to officially withdraw the charges and declare that the killers had no case to answer. That was the end. Again, "Daddy" Adeboye and the other Pastor-prenuers saw no evil and they heard no evil. Their Voices again travelled for Omugwo. 

The people of Southern Kaduna are 95% Christians. Since Buhari came to power, the govt-sponsored fulani terrorists have been organising festival of death for them. Kaduna governor, Nasir El-Rufai, who himself is a Muslim fanatic, publicly admitted paying these fulani beasts cash 'compensation'. The army and the Police all headed by Muslims seem more comfortable aiding and abetting these bloodbath. Yet again, "Daddy" Adeboye and the other Pastor-prenuers saw no evil and they heard no evil. Their Voices travelled for Omugwo with the exception of Oyedepo who spoke just once and Apostle Suleiman who spoke number-less time against the killings. 

In all of this, Pastor Enoch Adeboye was comprehensively and emphatically SILENT. He has spoken just twice: The first time was when this rogue govt wanted to take away his post as the Daddy G.O through some reforms. Second time is now that a certain guy called Daddy freeze is hellbent on freezing his means of livelihood. Now, he is threatening divine curse against those who refuse to pay tithe. Adeboye never threatened divine curse against the killers of his own Pastor, late Eunice Elisha. Adeboye never threatened divine curse against the marauding herdsmen raining death on mostly Christian dominated areas. He has never threatened divine curse against these political terrorists masquerading as govt. 

None of the above is worthy of his harvest of curses. None! Except tithe which directly affect his pocket. Let this sink!!! Gandhi was right: "I like your Christ but I don't like your Christians" 

Call Charles Ogbu an atheist or anti-Christ if it makes you feel better but the fact is, most Nigerian Pastors are Buccaneers! Financial terrorists and moral criminals. But, I blame them not. It is our non-working system here I blame. Under a system that works for her people, most of these morally bankrupt Pay-As-You-Go men will certainly be out of business. They own schools built with your collective sweat, yet, your kids CANNOT attend because the fees are too high. They own jets, not one, not two but three. Three private jets! All bought with your collective sweat. Yet, you trek from Panya to Arondizuogu ON BARE FOOT AND EMPTY STOMACH to go fund their lavish lifestyle. 

If tithe is a religious obligation, who are these Pastors paying their own tithe to???? If you are not mad at the religious roguery of these religious Jackals and Hyenas, trust me, you were probably born mad. Some Nigerian Pastors: Men full of God but devoid of Good! Shame!!!"

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


ICHEOKU says is so far impressed with the new Crown Prince Mohammed Ibn Salman of Saudi Arabia in the quiet revolution he is currently carrying out in the Kingdom of Saudi and prays that he continues in that tract without ceasing, let or hindrance. Transforming the Kingdom will definitely be a good right step in the right direction in the effort for both Western and Arabian civilizations as well as the greater Middle East, to finally have a meeting of the mind as it looks forward to a world with less conflicts, especially one arising from religion. 

Provided there is an acceptable framework within which the two can co-exist peacefully, the world will know greater peace with a reformed Saudi Arabia, as it refocuses its sights on other more pressing needs of mankind, rather than remain mired down in the context of superiority of faith and religions. 

The Crown Prince actions going forward will surely translate this into a reality, because once all the fundamentalism of Islam is done away with through an effective reformation, it will become much easier for people of different faiths to relate to each other and also be able to sit down as brothers and break bread together; following which they can go on worshipping their respective God and/or Allah however they see fit, fully aware that there are always several roads to a destination. 

ICHEOKU says thanks to the reformist Crown Prince, Saudi Arabia women can now drive cars without the need to have appointed drivers driving them around. The prince have also indicated his interest to have the extremist fundamental Wahhabism reformed into moderate Islam, in line with 21st century dictates and practises of an ever changing and evolving world where some ancient religious practises are no longer germane nor considered civilized. This will be an effective tool in his reform agenda and will be handsomely rewarded by an eager world waiting to flood the Kingdom with millions of tourists, who hitherto stay away from the Kingdom, afraid and cautious of running afoul of draconian Islamic laws and rules. Once the extreme observances are lifted or done away with, people will flock to the Kingdom to enjoy the sights and sounds as well as the culinary delicacies of the Arabian desert. 

The most far reaching step thus far is the current clampdown on royals of the Kingdom,  who have appropriated the Kingdom and made it their private fiefdom and to the exclusion of majority of the Saudi Arabian people. Once these previously untouchables are realigned with society and made to understand that they are also citizens of Saudi Arabia and not Saudi Arabia unto themselves, things will definitely begin to take a turn for the better; as a fully mobilized citizens of any country, including Saudi Arabia, can make miracles happen once they feel they are part of the society and have equal stake in it. Corruption is rampant in societies where a few consider themselves above the law of the land and can do whatever they like including engaging in business practises that fall short of expectation of the ordinary citizens. 

The Crown Prince also plans to reform the public sector and diversify the country's economy away from oil and gas, which will see increased investment in tourism. As long as the Crown Prince means well and is altruistic in his drive to reform the Kingdom, the journey which he has embarked upon is a worthy one.  ICHEOKU wishes him all the best, regardless of some commentaries which see it as a power grab odyssey to no where; a consolidation of power which the Kingdom has not seen before. It also does not matter whether the Crown Prince has successfully staged a coup de grace against the old order as some pundits claim. What is most important is that Saudi Arabia is transforming into a 21st century country and not stuck on stupid; and on very ancient religiosity which can only keep the Kingdom in the cold and out of modernity as far as integration into the world through tourism and other cultural exchanges are concerned. 

With the consolidations of the security branches now made, Crown Prince Mohammed, as new commander in chief, now effectively controls all the three branches of Saudi Arabia's security apparatus - the Ministry of Defense which is in charge of armed forces, the Ministry of the Interior which is in charge of domestic national security and The National Guard which oversees the protection of the Saudi royal family, as well as important religious, oil, and gas sites. This will help the Crown Prince make faster decisions as it effects the running of the Kingdom, as opposed to the former unwieldy arrangement which often triggers bickering leading to their inability to take timely decisions. 

ICHEOKU says this is yet another havoc done by the Crown Prince to the old order, put in place by Saudi Arabia's founder Ibn Saud several decades ago. It saw the separate branches of the royal family running the three branches of security, exerting influence and curbs any personal power grab within the Kingdom. It also  forestalls infighting among the princes and preserves family unity.  But with power over security now consolidated in one person, as is usually done in most countries, the Crown Prince can now run the Kingdom as a society of one and under the command of one; a structure. ICHEOKU hopes the current reform will help his Vision 2030 succeed; as he tries to successfully pull Saudi Arabia over to the current 21st century. ICHEOKU says kudos to Crown Prince Mohammed Ibn Salman and may he remain steadfast in his drive to reform Saudi Arabia. God's speed.

Monday, November 6, 2017


ICHEOKU says racism is still a fact of life in America and it comes in different shades and colors; including innuendos and pretentiousness, as well as "I like your accent" or "Can I help you find something", the shopper's I know you are here racist question. But Jan Shedd of Dallas Texas has taken her racism to a completely new low in the body shaming of WFAA-TV Channel 8's newly hired traffic anchor lady, Demetria Obilor. 

In her now deleted post, the racist white woman Jan Shedd wrote: 
"Has anyone seen Channel 8’s new morning traffic reporter? Her name is Demetria Obilor & she’s a size 16/18 woman in a size six dress and she looks ridiculous . . . I understand that when I watch Channel 8 I’m going to get biased reporting and political correctness, but clearly they have taken complete leave of their senses. I’m not going to watch Channel 8 anymore." 

ICHEOKU says what has "biased reporting and political correctness" got to do with traffic information which Demetria was hired to present on television? Jan Shedd went on to say that Demetria "looks ridiculous" and you wonder with which jaundiced lens did she view or look at the beautiful and curvy Demetria to arrive at her ridiculous assessment. To make matters worse, she went on to threaten a boycott of the television station for hiring a black woman to present a show in their white town. 

Anyone who is black and colored in America, knows what color does to careers and that white folks do not like to see colored people on their television and such other places as they feel they are somewhat connected or linked to. A cousin of mine once lost his dish washing job in Connecticut simply because he violated a standing rule never to be seen by diners when he came out to pick plates to wash. As ridiculous as it may seem, many of the white people eating their dinner dropped their cutleries in shock that a black man touched the food they are eating, True to type, the restaurant owner called my cousin into his office and summarily fired him.  Even some professional services such as law and medicine will see you being disparaged by some white clients who do not trust that you are intelligence enough to handle their business and they will make a fuzz about it, leading to separation from work places. 

ICHEOKU once met this black surgeon who narrated his own ordeal as we were discussing race challenges in work places concerning this white female patient who he was about operated on; but who insisted that he does not touch him. Unbeknownst to her, the white surgeon who she preferred was tutored by the black surgeon that she does not want to touch her. Even in some jobs as hotel doorman which you will expect to be readily available for folks; some high end hotels will only allow black folks to work the night shift but definitely not morning and afternoon shift when their high valued guest will be much around. Yes, despite their pretentiousness, their hatred for colored people is skin deep and it runs through the entire gamut of white skinned people; including those in mixed marital relationship who do not miss any given opportunity to remind you who you are and where your place is; just don't make them mad. 

Unfortunately, Jan Shedd and her hating group will eventually win as television stations survive on viewership and ratings. Advertisers will bring their products, targeting the large viewership and ratings simultaneously go up depending on how many people tune in to listen and view what they have to present. So once the ratings and viewership begins to go south, this television station will be forced to fire Demetria Obilor and will pay her whatever her lawyers negotiate as fair and reasonable separation package. The fact of the matter is that these racist have groups and associations and they will go underground  to continue to wage this fight against a black woman who is presenting a show on their white television and their reach is extensive and their rage unforgiving. 

So Demetria Obilor might enjoy whatever immediate fame and momentary applaud she is getting now, but she should consider her days at WFAA-TV (Channel 8) Dallas numbered, because the ratings and viewership will drop and she will be the expendable sacrificial lamb. It is the way of racist America and they will always have their way, albeit surreptitiously. ICHEOKU knows this professor who was forced out of her teaching gig because the majority white students always walk out of her class and the school denied her tenure and instead paid her separation package to leave following a discrimination complaint her lawyers filed.  The story goes on without ending and so Demetria will not be the first neither will she be the last to face this overt racism, but hopefully, she will be alright. 

Regrettably, it is not whether or not you know your job or have the necessary qualification for the job. No, it is always other extra curriculum nonsensical that has nothing to do with your job performance that will eventually force you out of a job. Even when one of them likes you enough to want to fight for you, at the end of the day, the pressure will be so much and so concentrated against him or her that will force their resistance to yield and cave in. 

As far as Jan Shedd is concerned, it is irrelevant whether or not Demetria Obilor is actually good at what she does - traffic reporting; it is not important, because that was not her primary motivating factor. Demetria's skin color as well as hair type is the problem and she has to be forced out because her sight on their television is unsightly; hence all the insinuations including the subliminal threat that "I'm not going to watch Channel 8 anymore." As far as Jan Shedd is concerned, Demetria Obilor does not look the part: her last name sounds funny; she has thickness around her bones; her hair is negro-like and yes, the baby got back, an African woman's (yash) - a bum-bum, which is a complete no, no, for some of these skeletal white bimbos. 

ICHEOKU says watching television in America makes you doubly convinced on the lack of sensitivity of the programmers, who only cater to the needs of their white television audience for the most part.  Sometimes, when you have the opportunity to confront them on the apparent racial insensitivity, they will tell you that the market determines who they present on television as they do not want to lose their television audience and advertisers are always on their back too. Then add Hollywood movie rolls and their casting and a complete routing is glaring. It is sad, but the reality on the ground is that America has not moved in reality away from its racist past; admitted some progress is being made but it is more of show than actuality, especially in areas of complete assimilation of the people instead of each living in their own neighborhoods and doing their own things. But hey, shout out to Demetria Obilor and power to the black woman holding traffic forte at Dallas WFAA Channel 8 and she is a Nigerian American.   


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