Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Sunday, November 5, 2017


"Today this base serves as a critical center for coordination, for American and Japanese commanders to plan their missions. For almost 60 years the military alliance, we see on this base, has endured a corner stone of sovereignty, security and prosperity for our nations, this region, and, indeed, the entire world. Today we pay tribute to that legacy - a legacy you protect and grow each and every day. We seek peace and stability for the nations of the world, including those right here in this region. 

We dominate the sky. We dominate the sea. We dominate the land and space; not just because America has the best equipment, but because it has the best people. Each of you embodies the warrior creed. Your devotion, prowess and expertise make you the most fierce and fighting force in the history of our world. No one, no dictator, no regime, and no nation should underestimate ever American resolve. Every once in a while in the past they underestimated us. It was not pleasant for them. Was it? It was not pleasant. We will never yield. Never waiver, and never falter in defense of our people, our freedom and our great American flag. 

As long as I am president, servicemen and women who defend our nation will have the equipment, the resources and the funding they need to secure our homeland, to respond to our enemies quickly and decisively, and when it’s necessary to fight, to overpower and to always, always, always win. This is the heritage of the American armed forces, the greatest force for peace and justice the world has ever known. 

The U.S. military comprises of brave warriors who are the last bulwark against threats to the dreams of people in America, Japan and across the world. They are the greatest hope for people who desire to live in freedom and harmony, and they are the greatest threat to tyrants and dictators who seek to prey on the innocent."

ICHEOKU says finally America has a president they rightly deserve, proudly carrying American message of peace through strength to the entire world. President Donald John Trump is God's gift to America and the world and he is strongly leading from the front. Good man and good president.  

Friday, November 3, 2017


ICHEOKU says what exactly happened to the big boobs television show host of New York City, Wendy Williams. who saw a fearful sight and staggered backwards before collapsing in trepidation? Did she have an encounter with goblins from the outside world? What manner of ghostly apparition made her so frightful that she wore that expression on her face, backing away and gesticulating as it to say back off me before being finally overwhelmed and then swooned. 

ICHEOKU says does not know the answer nor have any insider knowledge, but whatever it was that forced her into that expression on her face was something ICHEOKU does not want to encounter. Therefore all those "being overheated" excuses are and remains what they are - dumb and lame attempt at explaining away an inexplicable experience because it is not true. Just look at that expression on her face and be the judge as to what could have happened to her because that is not how an overheated person poses, before passing out. She was not sweaty, neither was she gasping for air - two characteristics of a person about to faint. 

But whatever it was that visited her, was so terrifying that Wendy's jaws dropped, her eyes got wider and she was backing off until she could not withstand the fright any more and fainted. What a nightmare on a live television set, instead of Elm's Street; during the daytime and while wide awake. This is a woman who does not like Halloween and said so herself: "This is not my holiday, I am doing this under duress. All kinds of freaks and weirdos walking around. There's nothing worse than adults in costumes." What an unfortunate irony that she was forced by ethereal beings to live her fear of Halloween through a real Halloween experience and on a Halloween day. 

ICHEOKU was it was a case of real life imitating art as she nearly became an Osment of Sixth Sense, screaming "I see dead people"; only that those "dead people" struck her dumb and out before she could relay to the watching world what she was seeing in her encounter with visitors from the other side. She could not utter a word, admitted from her gesticulations that she so much wanted to communicate her experiences as they were unfolding. It appears that she wanted to either tell her out of this world visitors to go away or let the audience know the ghosts of the people who visited her. What a Halloween came alive and on Live television as Wendy Williams swooned while hosting her 'The Wendy William Show.' 

ICHEOKU says agrees with Wendy Williams only to the extent that it was not a stunt; but strongly disagrees with her that she merely "overheated." It was definitely something more than her feeble explanation of fainting; a matter made worse because of the question she asked upon regaining herself:"Was I passed out for that long?' This shows that the thud which she got when she froze out in fear and fell down indeed actually jolted her and possibly impacted her brains. Provided it has nothing to do with possible brain aneurysm or seizure, the world might never find out what actually happened to Wendy Williams unless she braves it to tell the world what she indeed actually saw that completely overwhelmed her and made her lose control of her self and presence of the mind. ICHEOKU wishes WW best of luck.

Thursday, November 2, 2017


ICHEOKU says again the spur of the moment hysteric reaction to what the truck terrorist did in New York City is taking over America; forcing Americans to take their eyes off the ball and instead looking at a rather innocent immigration program, which has nothing to do with a criminal act carried out by a deranged fanatical and maniacal Islamist terrorist. To date, the DV lottery program has admitted close to 1.35 million people into the United States of America since its inception in 1990. 

None of these emigres has ever been involved in any act of terrorism in the last 27 years life of the program; except for the truck terrorist who struck in New York City yesterday. So, why blame a program this good and this beneficial to millions of former citizens of other parts of the world as well as to America, for the irascible act of just one lunatic. A program which has successfully admitted close to 1,350,000 (one million, three hundred and fifty thousand) beneficiaries into the United States of America and only one stray dog is now implicated. It is on record that many of these beneficiaries has done well for themselves as well as their families and also contributed and still contributing to the United States of America and has enriched and still enriching America is so many different ways. Some of them are lawyers, doctors, professors, engineers, police and firefighter, janitors, truck drivers, factory hands, service men and women etc; while some too have thrived in various other walks of life including businesses, and probably politics. 

Therefore it does not make sense and neither is it a rational thinking to now want to sacrifice this laudable program simply because one person out of the one million three hundred and fifty thousand admittances went astray. It is an overkill reaction and it is not a thought through cause and effect action. Reforming the program, if there are areas needing reformation, is a preferred fix; but to simply jettison the whole program because of the action of just one person, out of the over one million persons, does not make any sense at all. Such overkill is akin to throwing the baby out with the bathwater; and it defeats every sense of logical reaction and who we are as a welcoming people of America. Statistically speaking, it does not even register as a blip, because 1 out of 1,350,000 is rather non existent in statistical sampling. Even the proverbial taking a sledge hammer to a housefly does not even arise in this case because the bad actor is simply too microscopic and insignificant to the scheme of things in the Diversity Visa Lottery Program to register or become the reason for its abolition. 

ICHEOKU says American political leaders and security agencies should instead concentrate their energies towards solving the mindset which fuels such hatred that manifests in such dastardly actions. Islamist truck terrorist Sayfullo Saipov has been living in the United States of America for over seven years. The psychologist mass shooter of Fort Hood is a PhD and has been in America practically all his life to be serving in the military.  The Orlando Florida Pulse Nightclub mass murderer was even born in America and the San Bernardino terrorists duo lived in America long enough and before they turned their guns unto their co-workers. All these terrorists share one thing in common - they are all Muslim fanatics. It is instructive too that aside of the latest New York Islamist truck terrorist, that none of the other Islamist terrorists mentioned here came into America through the Diversity Visa Lottery program. Then ask yourself, what other thing else connected to this other terrorists has to be yanked away or abolished simply because they struck America? 

This is a case where one rotten apple must not be allowed to spoil the chances of the rest of the apples from being consumed as ordained. The solution is not to scrap the whole basket of apple or throw the basket or harvester of the apples away. The solution is to isolate and dispose the bad apple but allow the others the chance of serving their purpose. What Sayfullo Saipov did is reprehensible; but it was him and not the Diversity Visa Lottery program that did it. The DV Lottery also did not make him to do it and therefore the DV should not be punished for his act. It is akin to punishing gun manufacturers for making a gun which was used by a deranged gunman to murder some people. Such rash action should be discouraged because the DV Lottery has contributed to America in so many great ways and should continue to be sustained. Instead the qualifying credentials should be reviewed upwards towards isolating and weeding out potential Sayfullo Saipov like people and prevent them from coming to America. ICHEOKU says please America, let the Diversity Visa Lottery Program be; the truck murderer is an isolated case and does not represent the over one million plus people who have benefitted from the program. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


ICHEOKU says eight people were killed and eleven others wounded when Uzbek born Islamist terrorist and a Green Card holder resident of the United States of America, Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, deliberately plowed a rented truck into pedestrians and bicyclists on a bike path along Hudson River, Lower Manhattan New York City. What Europe and Britain has been dealing with across the Atlantic Ocean has finally caught up with Americans and now, we have to walk the streets fearing that another one of his kind might be pursuing us in a rented truck, car or even machete. 

How to guard against such lunacy nobody really knows and it was the same method the Charlottesville mad man used, during the last summer General Lee statue protest, to kill one innocent lady. Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov is a seven year old resident of the United States of America and came here legally; having won a Visa Green Card Lottery from his home country Uzbekistan to migrate to America. He did not enter America illegally, so a border wall or extreme vetting could not have prevented this attack. He has been in America for long enough, seven years, and should have become assimilated and done away with his old fanatical proclivities; but he did not. He used a rented truck which he obtained legally and except for his long beards, there is no way anyone would have raised eyebrows about a Middle Eastern looking American resident who just rented a truck and paid for it, after tendering necessary required identification cards and possibly a credit card. It is definitely a new dimension to this global Islamist terrorism.

Terrorism is a scourge of society and increasingly becoming very difficult to police because it is no longer beard wearing Middle Eastern looking men that are terrorists. The Las Vegas mass murderer did not wear beards nor looked Middle Eastern; he was a white man to the core and in every aspect, including being very rich. The Charlottesville terrorist too is not Middle Eastern looking nor did he wear any facial hair; he too is a 100% white male who just had demons urging him to do bad thing. Before them was Timothy McVeigh and a host of other domestic terrorists who did not fit the profile of THE TERRORIST; and this is the challenge facing law enforcement agencies in tracking these bad guys and proactively nipping their nefarious plan in the bud. 

It is rather unfortunate that every now and then, people are killed and others would loss their loved ones just because one fanatic lunatic decided to do something as drastic as mow down innocent tourists who were just minding their own business. May be it is about time a new approach to fighting terrorism is devised, including employing  psychological campaign to try and dissuade these would be bad actors from carrying out their bad intention. Some of their imams have to step up their game; fully aware that Americans interpret these attackers as Muslim actors and any time vengeance is exerted, it is targeted at any Muslim, regardless of sect of individual idiosyncrasy. Muslims should see these terrorists as giving their religion a bad name and try to take there religion back. 

As with everything touching and affecting New York City, there is always some international dimension to it. The Islamist terrorist attacks on 9/11 at the World Trade Center affected virtually every country in the world as each lost at least one of her citizen in the attack. This 10/31 truck attack also has international implication as five visiting Argentines were killed, with the sixth hospitalized. ICHEOKU says if only these terrorists know that America is a mix pot of different peoples from all over the world, may be they should be more circumspect and avoid attacking America, as they may also kill their own country men and women in the process. It is indeed regrettable that this problem is seemingly looking intractable and learning to accept it as a new normal is really quite difficult if not an unacceptable option. 

ICHEOKU encourages law enforcement officials to continue trying their best to keep the world which call America home, safe and secure in the land of the free and home of the brave. We shall never cower and we shall never allow fear to paralyze us; we are Americans and we live our lives heads up and chest out and no amount of terrorists attacks will change what is. Lastly, political correctness should be banished in the ongoing effort to contain and defeat these Islamist terrorists. It was very unfortunate that New York City Police Commissioner James O'Neil was initially reluctant and actually refused to initially name the terrorist. ENOUGH of these 'lets not make them mad' niceties, because we are mad and they too should be madder than they already are. If a man cannot feel free and safe in his home, what then is the use of having a home; your bastion and your castle. May the souls of those killed rest and may ACLU and all those human rights weasels not find their voice or feet trying to defend this lout.  


ICHEOKU says as promised, gave Laura Ingraham another chance at watching her new show The Ingraham Angle. Yes, it is with delight that ICHEOKU reports that Day 2 was much better and saw a lot of improvement from its debut. She is lit and her presentation was much livelier and grasping than yesterday's. ICHEOKU will be watching and observing and hopes that it will make ICHEOKU a firm believer. Kudos to Laura.

Monday, October 30, 2017


ICHEOKU says waited with great excitement and expectation for the launch of 'The Ingraham Angle' show on October 30th, 2017. Regrettably, the expectation was not met and the excitement went puff. Simply put Laura Ingraham did not deliver on her new show 'The Ingraham Angle' and baring any drastic improvement within the next few shows, the program will be nixed; killed and yanked away from FoxNews television. 

ICHEOKU is a fan of the beautiful and intelligent lady; and had written about her new show, hoping that she will effectively replace and fill the void of Megan Kelly as well as bring her own angle to the issues of the day.  But unfortunately, Laura Ingraham is no Megan Kelly and she flunked her debut. 'The Ingraham Angle' failed to get airborne with the bang and fireworks which people had expected; thinking that were her periodic sub and fill in for other hosts on FoxNews any judgment, that now that she finally got her own show, that she will bring the full weight of her experience, both on radio and television, as well as her highly learned analytical and persuasive skills to bear on the show and keep the audience captive. But she failed. She lacked zest; she lacked fieriness; she lacked fireworks and she lacked drama. In every sense of it, she was mediocre at best for a new show that just launched. 

The show failed to magnetize; it failed to charm; it failed to captivate and it failed to make repeat viewers of those who labored through its one hour debut. It was dull; it was drab; it was generic and it was matronly; and it has nothing to offer that is different and distinct from any other show either on FoxNews or any other competing Cable Network. 

ICHEOKU as a fan of Laura Ingraham will tune in again for just one more time, hoping that Laura Ingraham will give ICHEOKU reason to become a believer; otherwise it is done; it is over and gone with the wind of lack luster , The Ingraham Angle show. Possibly she was tired as there was no fire in her eyes or mouth or even belly; so what is the point staying tuned. Laura Ingraham did not give ICHEOKU reason to tune in the next time or to wait with giddy for the next time the show will air. There was something about the debut that did not set memorable fireworks that would ensnare viewership and loyal followership. This is tragic for a new show which normally should open with a bang, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats wondering why time cannot collapse immediately to the next episode. 

The inept debut might take down the show, drown it, ever before it can take flight; except Laura Ingraham and her producers wow the viewing audience on their next airing. The debut left ICHEOKU and millions of other viewers who tuned in to welcome the eventual Megan Kelly's replacement, wondering what is the different; where is the edge; why should anyone watch the show the next time and why should anyone allot it one hour in preference to hundreds of other shows clamoring for someone's eyeballs. Where is the cutting edge of societal or rather television shows evolution. 

Simply put, Laura Ingraham did not or failed to live up to the billing leading up to the debut of her new show, The Ingraham Angle.  The logo is somewhat catchy; but the blue dress and blue background were simply a no no. The dress reminded one of Monica Lewinsky and the background, especially, was rather too strong for a show hosted by a female; which should be softer to the eyes, regardless of what the crazy wild eyed feminists females of this world are agitating.  ICHEOKU wants to stay tuned in and will like to tune in the next time but Laura must make him do so. Therefore, Laura Ingraham must start firing off the salvos on all cylinders and do it immediately before the percolated viewership dissipates and melts away. One other thing, Chief of Staff John Kelly was not a good choice guest for a new show. He is too reserved and buttoned up to go there; and the audience were looking for that 'it' factor. Overall, will not grade the show; only to say that if the needle does not move on the next show, it will be it for ICHEOKU - Sayonara to The Ingraham Angle!


ICHEOKU says the long knives are coming out and only a person with an AK47 will have an edge in the current political saga convoluting the Democratic Party, since their loss of the last presidential election. 

Ordinarily, this book of Hacks would have been a good window into the occultism that has become the Democratic Party, but coming from a woman who herself is an insider HACK in chief and who stole debate questions from Fake News CNN and handed them over to Queen Crooked I Love Money Too Much Hillary Clinton, to enable her gain an undue advantage over the silver haired frail grandpa Bernie Sanders, makes it a highly lethargic, loathsome read. 

But hey, since it takes a dog to know one of its kind, Donna Brazile's latest book Hacks might be what Americans need to read in order to understand What really Happened; despite a book of similar title by the crooked woman, Queen Crooked Hilary Clinton, which rehashed her own peculiar facts, lies and fantasies. ICHEOKU will definitely read Hacks, but will not pay a dime for it; hope you too.

Sunday, October 29, 2017


ICHEOKU says Catalonian parliament has formerly declared the Northeastern region, formerly of Spain, an independent nation, freed from Spain. It was a natural reaction to Madrid's attempt to stifle them and as always subjugate them. But Catalans overwhelmingly voted in a referendum to seek an independent homeland which their parliament assented to with a formal declaration of independence. 

ICHEOKU says congratulations to the newest country in the world, admitted necessary recognitions have not yet come their way from the nations of the world including the United Nations recognizing them. How everything will eventually work out nobody knows nor can predict; but ICHEOKU says there is no meaningful way of putting the gene back in the bottle short of a full scale devastating war by Madrid to try and reclaim that Barcelona region. The only question is whether Europe can afford to have a war start and rage on in the continent. Russia has not said a thing yet and neither has China. But the poser is if Kosovo and South Sudan could, why not Catalonia? Your guess is as good as mine. We shall see. 

The overarching factor is the lack of the stomach by Europe to accept another war breaking out in their continent and this will be a sure factor in deciding the final outcome of this declaration and Spain's opposition to it. The good news for Catalonians is that the United States of America and the world have so many other more pressing issues they are saddled with right now and will not want to take on additional crisis resulting from Spain's possible plan to forcefully put down the insurrection and breakaway of Catalans. In the final analysis, Catalonia will become and will be allowed to pursue their destiny, different and separate from Spain and there is nothing Madrid can do about it. ICHEOKU says with the authority of Kosovo and South Sudan, Catalonia should equally be allowed their independence; likewise other separatist groups like the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra, Palestine etc. 

Man was born free and democracy allows man to have a say on how they go about their daily pursuit including having an independent existence. Therefore, no other man should be allowed to constrain another man's desired independent existence. Staying together in any relationship, be it marriage or political entity, is not by force or cohesion; so any dissatisfied member of a polity or association should be allowed to take leave of such union in pursuit of their God given chance at happiness. Catalonians followed the peaceful trail and therefore should be allowed their independence existence, without force or intimidation or any attempt made to otherwise cause turmoil in Europe trying to rein them back into Spain. ICHEOKU says congratulations to the newest nation Catalan and reechoes the words of beautiful Catalans chants that "Catalonia triumphant shall again be rich and bountiful. Drive away these people who are so conceited and so arrogant. Just as we cut golden ears of wheat, when the time comes, we cut off chains." Fortunately, the time came and they did. Free at last, free at last; at last Catalans are free of Spanish shackles. Hurray Catalonians. 

Saturday, October 28, 2017


ICHEOKU says the only reason former President Barack Hussein Obama was rather too lackadaisical and overtly relaxed and somewhat carefree with law enforcement during the dying days of his administration is his belief that he was capable of electing Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton into the presidency. 

He relaxed, hoping and believing that she will cover any loose ends when she becomes president; at least she will owe him that much as a quid pro quo for his putting her into office. But unfortunately, American people read through the two partners in shadiness and voted to elect their arch nemesis President Donald John Trump and now they are panicking that their past infra digs will come to haunt them down into a disgraceful downfall. 


ICHEOKU says still wondering WHAT HAPPENED and the reason 33,000 emails were deleted and bleach washed? Surely but gradually the secrets are beginning to effervesce to the top and hopefully very soon, American people will be able to reaffirm their suspicion that those shouting themselves hoax with a "Russian did it Collusion" might indeed be the ones who in fact, actually colluded with the Russians. 

The fog of lies which has been covering WHAT HAPPENED is finally beginning to lift off to reveal WHAT actually HAPPENED. This will enable American people the opportunity to confirm their fears of WHAT indeed HAPPENED and it is that Hillary Clinton's unending lies and her deliberate act to mislead and confuse the American people about WHAT HAPPENED was actually WHAT HAPPENED. Thanks to a book similarly titled and ironically written by the same supposedly smooth operator, who has been lying about WHAT HAPPENED, it is increasingly crystallizing that Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton purposely orchestrated the "Russian Stole the Election Collusion" loony tune and deliberately misled and lied to the American people, in continuation of her fabled RESIST post election loss campaign. It was a scheme she concocted to throw America people off the grid and keep them distracted from demanding investigation into her trove of misdeeds, including massive corruption, arising from her tenure as Secretary of State. 

It has been revealed that Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Congress did in fact pay for the manufactured Fusion GPS Russian Dossier on Trump and you wonder what other thing else they both procured during the election and pretending innocent of. The same Crooked crook also signed off on American Uranium to the Russians for which she was generously handsomely rewarded with a whopping $145 million in kickbacks, which were funneled through her crime family's Clinton Global Initiative foundation. This conclusively and without more explains why the 33,000 emails were deleted and bleach washed, to cover her trails; suggesting that they in fact did contain the smoking-gun evidence of all her dirty deeds, done during the Uranium One deal as well as in generating the fake Russian Dossier. 

So much for the Russian Reset button which the Crooked Hillary hit at the onset of her Secretary of State gig; symbolical of a new direction with the Russians. Now, American people know the outcome of that reset button and what was in fact actually reset. All the missing puzzle of a rancorous presidential campaign which she waged and wanted to win at all cost, are beginning to fall in their places; only that she did not put in the work and effort necessarily required to pull such off. It is also arguable that she has almost lost her mind and has refused to wake up from the horrible nightmare that was her losing the presidential election particularly to a newbie political novitiate, a Johnie just come, President Donald John Trump. Since last November 10, 2016 or thereabout, she has been going around throating a Russian did it parody; but unbeknownst to Americans, she actually caused to be generated and paid for the falsehood which she was shamelessly spreading. This is another affirmation that her  'Crooked Hillary' moniker was appositely, rightly earned. 

ICHEOKU says now that the light has been shone on the Russian Collusion and it was not President Donald John Trump but Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton that was caught pants down colluding with the Russians; what becomes of all the year long hollering and pointing accusing finger at the president. Her family's Clinton Global Initiative foundation was paid $145 million in kickbacks by the Russians before the Uranium One deal was signed off by her. Her husband Bill Clinton was paid also $500,000 for a twenty minutes speech in Moscow where he also met Vladimir Putinya, prelude to the his wife signing off on the Uranium One deal. ICHEOKU says who ever arms his enemy with weapons to kill him and what is the beneficial use to the United States of America in selling or rather giving up control of 20% of its Uranium to its arch geopolitical rival Russia. The only country capable of mounting an effective challenge to the United States and an American Secretary of States signed off on such nuclear bomb making Uranium to the Russians? It is both incredible and incredulous and it smells of a pay to play, quid pro quo, Reset-button induced deal. This woman sold America short and away to the Russians just because of money and such act is somewhat treasonable. 

Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton is a known collusion specialist who severally has colluded in the past with both the Russians, other people, principalities and entities. It is on record that Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton colluded with the then Debbie Wassermann's led Democratic National Congress to rig Bernie Sanders out of the presidential primaries. She also colluded with the then CNN's contributor Donna Brazile to steal debate questions ahead of time. Hillary Clinton colluded with the also crooked media to spout a narrative from hell and also avoided tough scrutiny during the last campaign and her media acolytes covered for her. Hillary Clinton also colluded with the fired FBI former director James Comy not to be prosecuted or be properly investigated for her multifarious crimes including money laundering and criminal corrupt practices. 

She also colluded with some people to cover her inaction and failure to preemptively and proactively act to forestall the Benghazi terrorist attack that killed ambassador Stephens and four other embassy staffers. She also colluded with some people in deleting 33,000 emails and took a step further to bleach wash them. She also colluded with the Obama Justice department through her husband Bill Clinton who met Lauretta Lynch at an airport in Arizona. She also colluded with Barack Obama to murder Libyan leader and King of Africa Moummar Gaddafi. Earlier in her life in Arkansas, she colluded with Webster Hubbel to give birth to daughter Chelsea Clinton. What a crooked woman with a storied record of collusion; a crooked character flaw which sees her going from one inexplicable misbehavior to another and deserves of no place else than a dark dank prison cell. 

ICHEOKU says worse of all, she tried to cover all these sordid transactions and acts of criminality, which were evidenced in those 33,000 emails, by deleting them and bleach washing them in order to completely erase any traceable evidence of them. But she will soon be forced to explain why $145 million was paid to the Clinton Global Initiative foundation by the Russians before the Uranium One deal and what beneficial use was it really to America of signing off 20% of its Uranium over to Russia? 

ICHEOKU is emphatic that most, if not all the 33,000 deleted and bleach washed emails were transactional communications generated during the course of negotiating these criminal enterprises, the reason she went out of her way to completely and without a trace destroy the evidence. She knew that what she was doing was wrong and that it was criminal conduct but she did it anyway, knowing fully well that then President Barack Obama would not mind and that as an incoming "president" she will be in a position to effectively hide them once she is sworn in. It was a reckless gamble which has now backfired and which has the capacity to take her down and out and  possibly to prison. Alternatively, at least it will permanently retire her from the Democratic Party politics and out of the public eyes for good; a place where she has been an unsightly fixture for over 50 years now. ICHEOKU says away with the Clintons; hold Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton accountable for her anti America criminal activities and NOW.

Friday, October 27, 2017


Hillary Clinton’s campaign didn’t just pay for the Kremlin-aided smear job on Donald Trump before the election; she continued to use the dirt after the election to frame her humiliating loss as a Russian conspiracy to steal the election. 

Bitter to the core, she and her campaign aides hatched a scheme, just 24 hours after conceding the race, to spoon-feed the dirty rumors to an eager liberal media and manufacture the narrative that Russia secretly colluded with her neophyte foe to sabotage her coronation. But it was Hillary who was trying to kneecap Trump, even after he licked her, fair and square, in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and other blue states. 

Exhibit A is the book “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign,” by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes. In light of this week’s revelation that Hillary’s campaign funded the dirty anti-Trump “Steele” dossier, the book takes on a new significance. It reveals: 

“Within 24 hours of her concession speech, [campaign chair John Podesta and manager Robby Mook] assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.” 

The plan, according to the book, was to push journalists to cover how “Russian hacking was the major unreported story of the campaign,” and it succeeded to a fare-thee-well. After the election, coverage of the Russian “collusion” story was relentless, and it helped pressure investigations and hearings on Capitol Hill and even the naming of a special counsel, which in turn has triggered virtually nonstop coverage. 

A new Media Research Center study finds that, since the inauguration, major TV news networks have devoted an astonishing 1,000 minutes out of a total 5,015 minutes of Trump administration coverage discussing speculation the Trump campaign may have colluded with Moscow in hacking Clinton campaign e-mails, “which means the Russia story alone has comprised almost one-fifth of all Trump news this year.” In contrast, they so far have devoted just 20 seconds to the more substantive scandal of Hillary and her husband possibly trading US uranium rights for Russian cash. 

MRC analysts also found that more than a third of the networks’ Russia “scandal” coverage was based on anonymous sources who worked in the Obama administration, including Hillary’s State Department. 

Though some of that coverage has proved erroneous, leading to retracted stories and fired reporters, the damage is done. Trump’s approval ratings have suffered, and the Russia investigation has distracted the administration. Which was also part of Hillary’s plan. In March, former Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri summed up the post-election strategy in a Washington Post column comparing “Russiagate” to Watergate and encouraging the press and other Democrats to “turn the Russia story against Trump.” 

“If we make plain that what Russia has done is nothing less than an attack on our republic, the public will be with us. And the more we talk about it, the more they’ll be with us,” she advised. “Polls show that voters are now concerned about the Russia story and overwhelmingly support an independent investigation.” 

In short, Hillary couldn’t beat Trump with the political dirt she secretly purchased during the campaign, so she tried to cripple his presidency with help from an overwhelmingly anti-Trump media. Framing Trump as some sort of modern-day KGB plant was an easy sell, since the pro-Democrat media were also searching for a scapegoat to rationalize the crushing defeat of their shared liberal agenda at the polls. 

The irony is, it may have in fact been Hillary who came closer to colluding with the Russians in smearing Trump as a Russian traitor than anything Trump did in trying to beat Hillary. The information in the dossier she bought for millions came from Russian intelligence sources, and her lawyers brokered the deal with a Kremlin-tied lobbyist. When it failed to stop Trump, the Russia paymaster turned into the Russia spinmeister. 

Now we really know “What Happened.”

Thursday, October 26, 2017



ICHEOKU says finally the circle is about being completed and American people and the world at large will come to know who in fact did the collusion. Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Congress paid Fusion GPS to produce the fake Russian dossier which former CIA chief James Clapper said was the basis for the Trump investigation, Yet, the investigation is still ongoing, despite the now established fact that the basis of it was a manufactured phony. But hey, we shall see.


ICHEOKU says still wondering WHAT HAPPENED and the reason 33,000 emails were deleted and bleach washed? Hopefully American people will soon confirm their suspicion that those shouting themselves hoax with Russian Collusion might indeed be the ones who actually colluded with the Russians. So much for the Russian Reset button. Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton, simply too crooked.


ICHEOKU says the former president is increasingly looking like Don Corleone of The Godfather fame; what aging can do to a man who was a former navy pilot and used to jumping off airplanes. But now he barely walks, confined in a wheelchair, while living out whatever is left his last days at 93 years old. The former president was accused of sexual indecency of groping a females' butt and making indecent, dirty-rotten lurid jokes about and to the lady's hearing. 

Heather Lind, actress, said that the former president grabbed her arse four years ago when she in company of others went to visit with the former president while promoting their AMC TV show, “Turn: Washington’s Spies." According to her, the president instead of shaking her hands like others, grabbed her from behind while sitting on his wheel chair during a photo-op. Continuing, she said the president's wife and former First Lady Barbara Bush watched as her husband laid his hands on her buttocks and severally. She said Barbara "rolled her eyes as if to say 'not again;' and that the president's security detail also told her that she shouldn't have stood next to the president during the photo shoot. This suggests that the president has been grabbing women from the behind and that every person around the former president knows about it or at least is aware of his proclivity to grab women's behind. Otherwise why admonish that the lady should not have stood next to him and nobody warned her of that special misbehavior prior to the photo op. 

In her post, Heather Lind wrote: "I was disturbed today by a photo I saw of President Barack Obama shaking hands with George H. W. Bush in a gathering of ex-presidents organizing aid to states and territories damaged by recent hurricanes. I found it disturbing because I recognize the respect ex-presidents are given for having served and I feel pride and reverence toward many of the men in the photo. But when I got the chance to meet George H. W. Bush four years ago to promote a historical television show I was working on, he sexually assaulted me while I was posing for a similar photo. He didn't shake my hand. He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side. He told me a dirty joke. And then, all the while being photographed, touched me again." 

ICHEOKU says so what exactly are the Bush family hiding and covering about the Senior Bush and patriarch of the family. If this perversion has been going on for some time now, why did they not take measures to ensure that no visiting woman is so victimized or allowed so near the president that his hands might wander off unto her buttocks. Even 'Barbara's eye roll as if to say not again' is also indicative that this propensity has existed for quite some time now and that the wife is fully aware of it and possibly embarrassed about it; but that the family has covered it up. Possibly they think that they had succeeded or are too embarrassed to own it up. 

In the Bush family's apology or rather feeble attempt to spin the story, they said:President Bush would never — under any circumstance — intentionally cause anyone distress, and he most sincerely apologizes if his attempt at humor offended Ms. Lind. At age 93, President Bush has been confined to a wheelchair for roughly five years, so his arm falls on the lower waist of people with whom he takes pictures. To try to put people at ease, the president routinely tells the same joke — and on occasion, he has patted women’s rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner. Some have seen it as innocent; others clearly view it as inappropriate. To anyone he has offended, President Bush apologizes most sincerely.”

ICHEOKU finds as unacceptable this non apology, apology; that the president "has in the past, patted women's rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner." Query: what a bunkum absurdity that an unwanted assault was so cavalierly explained away as "intended to be a good-natured manner." What school of manners teaches that grabbing a woman, who is not your partner's ass, is anything good mannered. Even the fact that they said "women's rears, plural, shows that it is an ongoing pattern of misbehavior of the former president which they have shielded from the American public; especially victims of his assault who had visited him without being forewarned to keep their distances from him, especially their rear ends. This knowledge supplies everything Ms Lind needs to file an action against the former president or even lodge a complaint to the prosecutor's office if she wants to go that route, because the sexual advances were unwanted and without her consent. 

 Query: if the president's arms suddenly "falls on the lower waist of people with whom he takes pictures", why does his falling arms always only find women's butts? How many men's butt has the president's falling arms grabbed in the past? ICHEOKU says an explanation has never been so coy and intended to rub in the insult more as this inept falling of hands explanation.  Why can't his hands be securely placed on the president's laps to avoid and prevent them from wandering unto the butt of "people with whom he takes pictures? Why does the president's falling hands not find the front of these victims; but instead continually finds their rear end. Why does the president's "falling hands" rest on their butts instead of continuing on its free falling until it falls to the grounds? 

There is a lot of unanswered questions which the Bush family and their minders are not answering. A pattern exists here which never surfaced until now. Is it possible that the Bush family has a "falling hands" syndrome and that it also afflicts other members of the family. Recall the unsolicited and nearly embarrassing massage and neck rub which the son, GW Bush, gave to Germany's Angela Merkel. That the German Chancellor was taken unawares and felt quite uncomfortable with such an unsolicited gesture and violation of her person could be deduced from her facial expression as captured on video. 

Sexual assault is sexual assault regardless of the status of the perpetrator and in this case a former president of the United States of America. The victim perceived it as such and that's the only controlling authority, regardless of 'the good-natured manner' of its perpetrator. Any unbiased third party and/or those who witnessed it will and also agrees that what happened to Heather Lind was a sexual assault. Therefore the present attempt to simply explain it away as a "good-natured manner" gesture is an unacceptable total bull-crap baloney. 

Just listen to the victim explain her ordeal being groped by the former president, using a hashtag "#metoo", which women have used to share their experiences with sexual harassment and assault and you will agree that she felt completely violated: “My fellow cast-mates and producers helped me that day and continue to support me. I am grateful for the bravery of other women who have spoken up and written about their experiences.” And somewhat backing her story up, another actress, Jordan Grolnick has narrated her own ordeal of being similarly sexually molested by the same former president GH Bush during an also photo-op encounter. According to her narrative, the former president "reached his right hand around to my behind, and as we smiled for the photo he asked the group, ‘Do you want to know who my favorite magician is? As I felt his hand dig into my flesh, he said, ‘David Cop-a-Feel!" 

ICHEOKU says the sexual assault committed by former President George Hubbert Bush against actress Heather Lind speaks for itself and it spoke volume. Any unwanted touching of a person is an assault and when the touching appertains to any sexual region, it aggregates to sexual assault. Moreso, the victim's state of mind concerning what he or she felt happened is the only factor of consequence and not the perpetrator's intention, regardless of "how good-mannered" it might be. Therefore, spinning the Heather Lind's horrifying experience in the hands of former President George Hubbert Bush, any other way, is unacceptable. It is also an insult to the injury of the victim, who deserved nothing but a full throated apology from the former president and could also sue him for damages, if she wants. yes, sexual assault is real and what the proverbial "big men" get away with would be sufficient to put away lesser mortals and for a long time. Anyway, to Hollywood pervert in chief Harvey Weinstein, the former President George Hubbert Bush should at least send a consolatory shout out, 'ME TOO!'

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


ICHEOKU says definitely not tough enough to represent the people of the great State of Arizona, known for their resilience and for being as tough as it gets. Yes, the people of Arizona deserves better; they deserve a strong Senator, someone with some backbone, someone who truly reflects them and their values. They deserve a senator who will reflect their love for President Donald John Trump and help him deliver on his promises to them and the greater American people; and also be a strong champion for Project Make America Great Again. 

Senator Jeff Flakes is not a right fit and his decision to chicken out of the Republican Party's primaries is a good one and his retirement, a welcome relief. He should have known that going up against the people's President Donald John Trump, a renown prized bull fighter in a grudge cage match, is an effort in futility. Regrettably, he chewed more than he can chew and swallow when he took on the president, who is greatly loved and adored by Arizona people; and saw his favorable rating take a nosedive and so much so that his primary challenger opponent opened up a double lead against him. 

Finally realizing his folly and already too late, all the Senator could do is throw in the towel and surrender his senate seat. The Senator rather than face an assured humiliating primaries challenge defeat, announced that he will no longer stand for reelection next year and will retire from the office. Just a little pressure and he melted away like the snowflake he is. ICHEOKU says definitely an easier way out as another one bites the dust in their defiance of the president. Jeff Flake is now a statistic as he joins Tennessee's Senator Bob Corker as one of those who sparred with President Donald John Trump and was forced into an unplanned early retirement.

A hard lesson for all those pretenders who think that they have what it takes to defy the president. How dare them go up against the leader of Team MAGA who was elected to fix what is broken in America. They would have given the president all the support he needs to mission accomplish his election promises and would have all been supported for reelection. This is the fate which awaits all of the Never Trumpers Republicans, especially those facing reelection next year, as they all will be primaried out of Congress. What a hard lesson to learn as harder they come the harder they fall, tumbled down from the rocks down the bottom of the cliff, shattered in pieces. There is definitely something in a name as the flaky Senator Jeff Flake flakes out of the Senate, having no liver nor will to fight and win a challenged primary election before his reelection. Like all cowards, he died out of fear and ever before the first shots were fired. Team MAGA is loving it. Good riddance. Adieu Jeff. So long. Adios Amigo. 

Monday, October 23, 2017


ICHEOKU says he will not be the first and neither will he be the last to ever dream dreams and big ones too. He has dreamt before and he rightly reserves the right to so dream now, after all this is America, the land of dreamers. The billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks and host of Shark Tank is dreaming again. This time, about the American presidency which he thinks he is good enough for and wants to give it a shot. 

ICHEOKU says with due respect to a man who has accomplished much in his short life, this is definitely one dream that will be both too tall and too big for Mark Cuban to wake up to its realization. A trial will convince him; as he will soon find out, that being a billionaire is not just all it takes to be president. There are a lot of other moving parts and bolts and nuts that need to be harmonized together to mission accomplishes the objective. The billionaire who was mouthing off against then candidate Donald John Trump last year and taunting him that he is merely dreaming and can never be president is now trying to do what? Wonderment of wonders as wonders shall never end; admitted the victory of President Donald John Trump must have been a great inspiration or rather shot in the arm of his new dream. It is like his new mantra is "what a billionaire Donald John Trump can do, billionaire Mark Cuban can also do or at least try." 

It is not without gainsaying that the feat achieved by President Donald John Trump last fall has now become an inspiration to many, including this guy of Dallas Maverick, who swore that it will be over his dead body will Donald John Trump become president. ICHEOKU wonders why he has not yet died since last November 9th, 2016 or rather following the January 20, 2017 inauguration of President Donald John Trump. But ICHEOKU understands the sentiments he tried to express while supporting his candidate, the very deplorable Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton. As her cheerleader in chief, he had to say and do what he said and did including disparaging her opponent, by calling then candidate Donald John Trump, names. Like with everything in life, what goes around comes around and all that he threw at Donald John Trump will be thrown right back at him, provided he doesn't chicken out and will steam ahead with his dream for the presidency of the United States of America. 

Mark Cuban threw himself into national prominence with his acquisition of the Dallas Maverick and his constant run-ins with National Basketball Association; yelling from the sidelines, sitting on the ground and cursing out officials, until repeated fines forced him into a better and much improved behavior. At one time he became the bad boy owner of a National Basketball team and other owners were not flattered by his below par behavior which they claimed was beneath and unbefitting of an owner. He has since been forced to clear up his acts and today, he looks somewhat a much more serious personality than the Mark Cuban of early days. Now, after his Mavericks and a successful television show Shark Tank, and dabbling into other causes including supporting Hillary Clinton or rather being against Donald John Trump, he thinks he too can be president. ICHEOKU wishes him good luck. 

However, Mark Cuban will not run and if he runs will not be elected and if elected will not be allowed to serve. First of, he is Jewish and America is not ready just yet to hand over the White House too to the Jews. Al Gore suffered a cataclysmic loss in his presidential election bid because he picked Jewish Senator Joe Lieberman as his running mate, a lesson he found out the hard way. It is on record that Mark Cuban's original family's name is Chabenisky and that his paternal grandfather changed their family name from Chabenisky to "Cuban" after they emigrated from Russia to shed his Jewish identity. His maternal grandparents were also Jewish; and they too emigrated from Romania. So, as for the requisite pedigree necessarily required of an American president and which will appeal to the mainstream American voters, Mark Cuban does not have one. His Jewishness will work against him and anything he stands for in his campaign for the White House. The Jews control the finance, Hollywood, law and media; but the political landscape is still out of reach and will remain a tall order; at least within the nearest future. 

Further, Mark Cuban is also too rascally for the presidency and American people will find it difficult erasing their memory of him, shouting and screaming from the sidelines and such other unruly behaviors which he displayed over the years. Therefore it will be extremely very difficult for Mark "Chabenisky" Cuban to now morph into this wholesome personality fit for the office of the presidency of the United States of America. It will not happen and he will not be president; not as long as America is still as demographically spread. Jews rub Americans wrongly and they will not allow a Jew into the White House and Mark Cuban is a Jew, regardless of his last name's change from Chabenisky to Cuban. He has been talking and acting like a person exploring a run for the presidency, but he has said so much over the many years, some of which will come back to hunt him, should he decides to throw his hat in the ring. 

He talks a lot too, just hear him: “The media needs to learn that Trump is like any CEO—he will deflect and misdirect. It’s time to start talking to the people who go to work every day and find out what is going on in their lives. Trump has a CEO mentality, and CEOs don’t have the same mandate to be honest that traditional public servants do.” ICHEOKU says except that Mark Cuban himself is a CEO too and also "deflects and misdirects", since every CEO according to him, does that. Funny too, he is still holding on to the Russian did it nonsense and hoping against hope that a rabbit will eventually be pulled out of the hat of the investigation. ICHEOKU says rhetoric's don't a thing solve, especially in politics; but lets see how 2020 shapes out to be. f the Democrats allows him to run on their platform, and against President Donald John Trump, he will be surely be defeated and handsomely too. If he challenges President Donald John Trump renomination on the ticket of the Republican Party, he will be roundly humbled as well. But that said and done, ICHEOKU can't wait. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe won a commanding majority for his party in parliamentary elections. His Liberal Democratic Party captured two-thirds of the seats in the lower house of Parliament, Diet, in Sunday's election giving the Prime Minister a large leverage to deal with the North Korean provocations

ICHEOKU says congratulations Schinzo and may your Abenomics now be translated to Abemilitarism as he readies the Japanese military to confront their existential threat, North Korea. Goodluck Abe.