Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Friday, May 19, 2017


ICHEOKU says a broken hearted man who saw his baby FoxNews yanked out from underneath him by lecherous ever scheming women and their accomplices; he slipped and fell and ruptured an artery in his brain, leading to brain hemorrhage from which he did not recover. Roger Ailes who founded FoxNews and took it to the pedestal it is occupying today and until recently its Chairman and CEO died at his Florida home; he was 77 years old. ICHEOKU says a steely steady voice for conservative values who is hated by the far left liberal anarchists; he would be greatly missed by conservatives as a fearless voice and  advocate extraordinaire of conservative values. 

In his tribute to Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly who used to work for him at FoxNews before himself was similarly fired has to this to say about his departed former boss: “The list of legendary Americans whom Roger helped is long and impressive. From Ronald Reagan to George Bush, the elder, to Rush Limbaugh, Ailes gave them all blunt advice that led them to success. And it was that bluntness that made his life difficult, as enemies accumulated — some armed with a brutal hatred. When stuff hit the fan… Roger had my back. Roger Ailes experienced that hatred and it killed him. That is the truth. But he would not want to be remembered that way. He did both good and bad in his life and in that, he has something in common with every human being." 

ICHEOKU says he had a wonderful run on life and left an indelible mark on the sands of time and the product he created, FoxNews, endures. Overall, his a very productive life was well lived and he fed a lot of people through meaningful jobs. May his soul now rest, freed from sexual allegations and innuendos from some daughters of Eve and you wonder who used them to take the man down and out of a news network he tireless built and groomed and nurtured to the citadel it is today. But hey, life happens; and the history of television and news in America can never be written without reserving a prominent place for Roger Ailes. Yes, he came, he saw and he conquered on the stage and he empowered voice of conservatism in America and gave them their rightful place in the society. Yes, he made conservatism great again. Adieu Roger.

Monday, May 15, 2017


ICHEOKU says yes you heard it right, Miss USA 2017 said that not everyone deserves to have health coverage and that if you want one, go get a job. She emphatically stated that having medical coverage is not a right but a mere privilege which comes with having a job. 25 year old Kara McCullough, former Miss South Carolina State University 2012 and also Miss District of Columbia 2016 won Miss USA 2017 amongst 51 other contestants; and will represent the United States of America in Miss Universe Contest 2017. 

In a question and answer session on Healthcare: is it a right or privilege, the beauty queen answered "I’m definitely going to say it’s a privilege. As a government employee, I'm granted health care and I see firsthand that for one to have health care, you need to have jobs. We need to continue to cultivate this environment that we’re given the opportunity to have health care as well as jobs to all American citizens worldwide.” Miss USA 2017 also redefined feminism to mean "Equalism"; saying “So as a woman scientist in the government, I’d like to lately transpose the word feminism to equalism. I don’t really want to consider myself—try not to consider myself like this die-hard, you know, like, ‘Oh, I don’t really care about men.’ But one thing I’m gonna say, though, is women, we are just as equal as men when it comes to opportunity in the workplace.” Miss USA 2017 has a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. ICHEOKU says congratulations to Kara. 

Sunday, May 14, 2017


ICHEOKU says President Emmanuel Macron, 39, the youngest president of France since Bonaparte Napoleon, 40, who was sworn in today May 14, 2017 as the eighth president of the Fifth French Republic, as established in 1958. President Macron said he is neither right-winged nor left-winged, but will strive to give the French people back their self-confidence. He also pledged to protect 'the French men and women who feel forgotten by the vast movement of the world' and also to free up France's economy. The President assured that the "power of France is not declining and that the French hold in their hands all the strengths of a power of the 21st century. In his own words, the president said: “We will take all our responsibilities to provide, every time it’s needed, a relevant response to big contemporary crises. We will need a more efficient, democratic and political Europe, because it is the instrument of our power and sovereignty." 

ICHEOKU says provided the new president has the resolve and resources to mission accomplish on his pledges, particularly reinventing the French and giving them back their self confidence; and also push for a more politically fused Europe instead of the current disjointed aberration called EU, then he would have validated the confidence of the millions of French men and women reposed on him; people who invested their trust in him, despite his youth and weird marital story, by electing him president. ICHEOKU says for purposes of full disclosure, supported Mademoiselle Marine Le Pen; but accepts the decision of the French people on who should be their president. Therefore, ICHEOKU wishes President Emmanuel Macron a successful presidency and prays that France reaps the harvest of their cultivated president. Viva France. 

Saturday, May 13, 2017


ICHEOKU says now that the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James Comey, has been relieved of his duties and is no longer in charge of the bureau; and the principal reason for his removal was his conduct during the last election, particularly his inexplicable exoneration of Hillary Clinton from the email-gate scandal, a need has arisen to revisit that unsure chapter of American prosecutorial justice. 

To this end therefore, the FBI needs to reopen the files therein to  see if there was somewhat a cover-up and why the former director recommended that "no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute" a case which he made a glaring argument for its prosecution. How anyone would reach that conclusion of no prosecution after the lengthy argument he presented for a prosecution leaves a lot to be admired of a justice system that is supposedly impartial and blind. In his own exact words, then director James Comey said: "Although there is evidence of potential violations regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." 

ICHEOKU says this is the fork on the road in this convoluted matter, the director having admitted that there is evidence of violations, yet went forth to make a counter recommendation that no reasonable prosecutor would bring the case. ICHEOKU says how about letting an unreasonable prosecutor to bring the case and let the jury of her peers determine whether or not what she did was a crime and/or arises to the level of culpable criminal misbehavior. 

Therefore, ICHEOKU says this matter needs to be revisited; not necessarily to find Hillary Clinton guilty or not guilty, but that the law be followed to its last letters logical conclusions without the overt favoritism being showed to her. This and only this would satisfy the many people who are aghast that Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for her obvious mishandling of classified information. Many other people have been prosecuted for less, so why not her? It is both fair and in the interest of justice that the case be revisited and conclusively get to the bottom of the matter. President Donald John Trump will therefore be doing the law a great service if he orders a reinvestigation of the Hillary Clinton's email-gate scandal and let the tree fall wherever they may. 

Friday, May 12, 2017


ICHEOKU says a mass movement protest forced out former President Park Geun-hye who has since been arrested and is now facing prosecution for corruption. In her stead a new president has been elected to lead South Korea through this turbulent times; a time of serious face off with their brothers in North Korea, whose nuclear threat has got the whole world once again wary and angst and seriously paying attention to the little humanoid in Pyongyang, Kim Jung Un. 

President Moon Jae-in, 64, a lawyer and himself technically a North Korean born of North Korean parents, who migrated from the North Korea to South Korea following the Korea war was elected with 41% votes. What a dream come through, a South Korean dream, that is. Like the American dream, it would appear that South Korea also has dreamers as well as the rise from grass to grace of President Moon Jae-in now proves. ICHEOKU says if ever there was a time to seriously advance peace between the two Koreans, now is the time. With a North Korean South Korean born President Moon Jae-in of South Korea occupying  the South Korean government's Blue House, it will be much easier to facilitate any process between the Koreans. Possibly the newly elected president has telegraphed his intention to pursue a unification of the two brother Koreans when he said "Today is the day to open a door for a new Republic of Korea. Icheoku says there is nothing wrong with pursuing a unification policy between the two brothers and like West and East Germany did, it is about time the two Koreans are united. It will save a lot of rhetoric as well as remove the over half a century tension of the Korean peninsular.  

ICHEOKU is glad the new president said that dialoguing with the North is possible and as far as ICHEOKU is concerned they should go as far as uniting the two brother Korea. In his remarks, the newly elected and sworn in president said that he will be a president for all the people. That he would work with political rivals to create a country where “justice rules and common sense prevails." Stating further, I will quickly move to solve the crisis in national security. I am willing to go anywhere for the peace of the Korean Peninsula — if needed, I will fly immediately to Washington. I will go to Beijing and I will go to Tokyo. If the conditions shape up, I will go to Pyongyang." ICHEOKU says has nothing more to add to such an incontrovertible truth, except to say congratulations to the new president. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


ICHEOKU says in his usual characteristics trademark, the man who somewhat invented the words "You're Fired", has again read the riot act to another top government official and told the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James Comes, "You're fired! With those words, the former director who was looking forward to spending out the next six years remainder of his ten year term as director of the FBI, has been thrown to the wolves of the jobless market, admitted he will land a good job somewhere else either consulting or working full time in security or law. 

Recall that the no nonsense President Donald John Trump, who leaves no one in doubt about who is in charge and runs the show, similarly fired his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and former acting Attorney General Sandra Yates and now the director of the FBI.  While ICHEOKU sees nothing wrong in the president exercising his powers to hire and fire any federal government official, says what even took him this long as it would have come much sooner, what the former director did during the last election, interjecting himself in the campaign, considered. 

ICHEOKU says to those who are questioning why now, why not now or is there a specifically earmarked time to fire a disgruntled errant employee. Those snowflakes and cooled drinkers as well as their feminists agitators who are now shouting blue murder over the fire, if it may sooth their ego, should remember that former President Bill Clinton also similarly fired a sitting FBI director William Sessions in 1993. James Comes was fired without notice and with immediate effect while he was traveling to far away Los Angeles on the FBI's business and got the news just like every other American did, through the media. It shows that the divorce was not amicable otherwise they would have accorded th=him the respect of at least returning back to Washington or asked him to tender his resignation or even discussed it prior. 

Recall that Queen Hillary Clinton has accused the former director of being complicit in her loss of the last election and would see this as a good riddance. Also Harry Reid had previously called for the former FBI director to resign his office and Charles Schumer also had said that that he has lost confidence in the director and that he should resign. So, now that their wish has come to pass, what else do they or any of their minions want to achieve by talking about timing of the firing? An action president who is full of surprises has just granted them their heart's desires and they should be happy about the firing of the former director, instead of continuing with their whining. 

The job of any investigating arm of the government is to seek out evidence of a crime or charge and then table same to the Attorney General, whose prerogative it is to then make the final determination on whether or not the furnished evidence is sufficient to prosecute the crime. But no, the former director decided otherwise, arrogated to himself the right thereunto; assuming both the duty of an investigator as well as that of his boss, the Attorney General. How any investigator could arrive at a conclusion that evidence of a crime presented itself and by the same token went ahead to advise or rather recommend non prosecution of the said crime, baffled many observers during the last election cycle. 

How could any rational investigator have concluded as the former director did, concerning the investigation of Hillary Clinton but turned around to recommend that no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute the case, which evidence exists to so prosecute. The reason investigators gather evidence is for prosecutors to use it to establish a charge at trial. So how does any sane person explain that an investigation unearthed some evidence with which a charge could be prosecuted, yet recommended that no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute the charge, leading to the shouts of cover-up. 

ICHEOKU had written an article previously condemning the inserting of self by the former director into the matter of Hillary Clinton and somewhat shielded her from prosecution. By usurping the former Attorney General Loretta Lynch office, whose duty it is to make the final determination, by personally announcing a determination which was not his place to make, the former director indeed crossed the line. ICHEOKU says but unbeknownst to James Comey, any "unreasonable" prosecutor would have prosecuted and secured conviction of Hillary Clinton based on the unearthed evidence; except that James Comey preempted that opportunity and foreclosed the possibility from ever seeing the light of the day. It is also instructive that the Attorney General had recused herself from the investigation but added that whatever the FBI recommends, she would be bound by; and the FBI recommend non prosecution and Hillary Clinton walked away from what many saw as murder which no other lesser mortal would nor should have survived. 

ICHEOKU says making that judgment call on not prosecuting Hillary Clinton for her email-gate scandal was the lowest of the low points on the former FBI director's career and hopefully he has learnt his lesson.  Why he overstepped his boundaries and delivered an apparent slap on the face of the former Attorney General to whom he is supposed to report to, only James Comey knows. ICHEOKU says did James Comey deserve to be fired? Yes, admitted why not sooner. Hopefully with him now out of the way, may be the FBI can reopen the Hillary Clinton's emailgate investigation and let justice be finally served. 

Monday, May 8, 2017


ICHEOKU says French people have settled on a boy president over an accomplished Lady who would have delivered France from the clutches of Islamist extremists and the world including ICHEOKU will now sit back and watch how their decision will impact everything French. 

That ICHEOKU preferred Mademoiselle Marine Le Pen to Emmanuel Macron is without a doubt and we campaigned for her but have come short of our expectation as the French people decided and voted otherwise. 

Life will go on as usual and ICHEOKU hereby wishes the new president and his French people all the best. Congratulations Emmanuel Macron and may God guide your presidency to do what is best for France and the French people. To Marine Le Pen, take solace in that you gave it your best shot and if not today, may be someday in the future when the French people would have realized that what they voted for is not actually what would make France safe and great again. Vive France.

Saturday, May 6, 2017


RESTORE FRANCE STANDING IN THE WHITE HOUSE, VOTE LE PENICHEOKU says Francois Hollande messed up relations with America and Emmanuel Macron is Francois Hollande in a mask. The French people must avoid remaining in the dog house of President Donald John Trump and vote the candidate he can trust, Vote Mademoiselle Marine Le Pen and right the wrong of Francois Hollande's insulting intervention in America's presidential election.

Friday, May 5, 2017


ICHEOKU says the United States of America is still reeling from the last eight years of President Barack Obama fantastic world view and redistribution effort; and may never fully recover from the problems he created, with millions of needy dependents who think that someone owns them everything, big time. Millions, who each day and every time, troop out to the streets to protest, carrying placards; and who, like Oliver Twist, are always asking for some more. Millions, who always ask for some more bacon but who never pause to ponder how indeed the bacon usually gets to the breakfast table. As far as these group of people are concerned, they are entitled to a certain amount of striped bacon, regardless of who raised the pigs, who slaughtered same and who processed it into those juicy bacon stripes. They only see the end product and it looks yummy, hence they are entitled to a portion thereof and must as a necessity get their hands on it. 

This is the same exact mistake some French people are about to make with flocking to the boy who wants to be president, simply because all the goodies he is promising sounds so good to a needy ear. ICHEOKU says not too fast French people, because somebody has to raise those pigs from where those bacons stripes will be processed and these needy dependents should instead be taken to the farm and taught how the bacon makes it to the breakfast table. May be after their experience, they will be more tamed not to ask for too much free bacon or at least show appreciation for the hands of men and women that make their life livable. Promising heaven on earth is not the answer; neither is it the sea route to India in solving France's multifaceted problems. It will require a true nationalist patriotic person who can do the needful, irrespective of temporary hurt feelings, and get the French to take her medicine and get well. 

Mademoiselle Marine Le Pen has shown that she has what it takes to get the job done; she has the necessary backbone and she will have a listening ear in America's White House as President Donald John Trump loves her and will help her succeed. This is not the time for other sentimental and emotive considerations; this is time to vote pragmatically, strategically and smartly, in order to help reposition France among the top tier comity of nations. President Donald Trump has been in office for over one hundred days, yet has not invited Francois Hollande to the White House when every other president and leader of stature has paid him a visit. German Angela Merkel has been to the White House. British Theresa May same. Japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abe too. Chinese Xin Peng also. Australian Prime Minister too. Israel Prime Minister also. Palestine President too. 

So where is the French president or is this not demeaning to the French that they no longer factor into America's prime consideration? Does it not worry the French that in America's White House now is a president who does not like Francois Hollande due to his meddling in the last American presidential election and calling President Donald John Trump names while advocating and campaigning for Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton? Voting for Francois Hollande's third term via his candidate Emmanuel Macron will be a middle finger to President Donald John Trump and PDJT does not forget nor forgive easily and he will remember. The French people must therefore let this truism guide them as they go to the polls on Sunday, knowing that how they vote will affect their relationship with the current president of the United States of America and vote to once again regain and occupy their premier position in America's White House. 

Emmanuel Macron is not the answer and not what France needs at this time. He is part of the old order and an appendage of Francois Hollande who President Donald John Trump will treat as an offshoot of the detestable Francois Hollande and it will not bode well for France. Emmanuel Macron will be a Barack Obama 2.0 if elected and such men with such fantastic ideas of an Utopian world where everybody gets what they desire without necessary accompanying work is not what France needs, especially not at this time of great fear and insecurity in the land. Obama tried to remake America in his own image but failed; so why give Emmanuel Macron a similar opportunity to de-french France and turn it into an all comers gangland, where Islamist terrorists will continue to flourish and have their murderous ways with the French people. 

ICHEOKU hopes that those French people who are still living under the fake fantasy of a one-world order can wake back into reality soon enough and vote right before they forever say "au revoir" to everything French including French identity and culture as well as the Frenchy way of life. France needs a tested steady hand to start the rebuilding process and to rescue France and make France French again. The citizens of France as well as her teeming visitors and tourists alike want to have a safe France they can trust and feel safe and free inside again. Make France great again, restore its safety and security, Vote Mademoiselle Marine Le Pen. She is good for France and she will do good by and for France. Put simply, Le Pen is what the doctor ordered for an ailing France and only by taking her medication will make France become whole again. A vote for Le Pen is a vote to make France loved again by the White House. Vive France. Vote Le Pen. 

Thursday, May 4, 2017


LE PEN IS THE ANSWER TO FRENCH PROBLEMSICHEOKU says serious times calls for a serious minded problem solver who will secure the ears of the Trump's White House. The French people cannot afford to miss this great opportunity to have a president with unlimited access to President Donald John Trump. Vive France. Vote Mademoiselle Marine Le Pen and help restore a secured France

Wednesday, May 3, 2017



ICHEOKU says YES SHE CAN, lets elect her president; and alongside other women of Europe and Britain, Angela Merkel and Theresa May, continue to empower the female gender. So show Marine Le Pen some love, VOTE for her. ICHEOKU approves of this message.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


ICHEOKU says she got the gravitas and she has the personality to use charm offensive to rebuild France and quickly too. Away with Islamist terrorism and help make France safe again, VOTE MARINE LE PEN for president.

Monday, May 1, 2017


ICHEOKU says to date the French president Francois Hollande is the only leader of the free world who has not yet been invited or received by the Trump's White House, one hundred days following the inauguration of President Donald John Trump. It does not bode well for France as their position on the top of the totem pole is gradually but steadily eroding, especially after the midnight scooter riding and paramour sniffing Hollande somewhat dabbled into the last United States presidential election by openly canvassing for the election of Hillary Clinton and the rejection of Donald Trump. Like with many of his type, the anti Trump, Never Trump people of this world, he was forced to eat his vomit which possibly explains his not being well disposed to meet with Trump. ICHEOKU understands and so likely does President Donald John Trump and we will gladly and patiently wait until the red carpet can be spread out for Mademoiselle Presidente`Marine Le Pen. 

It is a truism and fact of consequence that Americans do not like outsiders interfering in their election. It is also arguable that President Donald John Trump has not particularly forgiven President Francois Hollande for trying to derail his election and by extension, the whole France for that attempt by their president to sabotage his election. ICHEOKU says the French people has a great opportunity at rapprochement and in order to restore their claim to their rightful place among the comity of nations, especially those in President Trump's America good book. President Donald John Trump has not left anybody in doubt about who he would rather to see win the French election and ushered into Champs Elysee Palace. That preferred candidate is Mademoiselle Marine Le Pen. ICHEOKU says therefore, the choice is now strictly the French to either make this amend or continue to have their place eroded. President Donald John Trump is a practical person who does not suffer fools lightly and will not hesitate to visit the iniquities of Hollande on any French president who is not Marine Le Pen. Viva France. Vote Marine Le Pen.

Sunday, April 30, 2017


ICHEOKU says there is a female leader in Germany, another one in Britain; so lets get the French one. That way the three major countries across the pond would be on the same gendered leadership platform. Lets empower another woman, elect Mademoiselle Marine Le Pen president of France. She is exactly what the doctor ordered for a France in dire straits and in need of quick recovery from extreme Islamists terrorism. ICHEOKU says make France great again, Vote Le Pen. Help the French recover their homeland, Vote Le Pen. I am ICHEOKU and I approve of this message.

Saturday, April 29, 2017


ICHEOKU says there is simply no comparison as the difference is clear and the choice so obvious. In this election, who will lead France and give France the leadership it deserves is not controvertible. Mademoiselle Marine Le Pen is the one and only her can indeed free France from the ravaging Islamist extremism. 

Make France free again and help to ensure leisurely living for locals, tourists and visitors alike, elect the only candidate who is prepared to lead from the front and on day one. VOTE to elect Mademoiselle Marine Le Pen for president and watch France bounce back again to live and into a country which is finally rid of the pestilence Islamist terrorists. She is a nationalist and patriot whose love for France and the French people is beyond any second guessing and together with motivated French people will make France great again. I am ICHEOKU and I approve this message and urge you to consider the many things at stake and cast your vote to save France from a determined foe of Islamist terrorists. 

Friday, April 28, 2017


ICHEOKU says she is ready to lead and ready to provide France with the leadership it deserves. VOTE LE PEN for president. ICHEOKU says the French must vote to take their country back as nobody can love France more than the French people and they must not stand aloof in pity party while their country is forever lost to Islamist terrorism. People want to feel safe and be safe again in France, walking the palisades of France without hysteria or apprehensive that they can be blown up any moment. Only one candidate can effectively take the fight to those urchins who are fermenting this maddening mayhem. Mademoiselle Marine Le Pen is the one and she will restore France to its old glory and help make France great again. VOTE LE PEN for president and lets have a Madame President Le Pen in Champs Elysee Palace. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017


ICHEOKU says time to take this down now that the president has allowed the courts to grant the accused bail and set him free on bail. 

Icheoku says regrettably his Vice President Osibanjo, a lawyer and Senior Advocate of Nigeria, is fidgeting around, while the president is wrecking havoc to Nigeria's hard fought democracy. Icheoku says by flagrantly disobeying court's orders, the president is doing grave damage to the very foundation on which every democracy is based. Osibanjo, Icheoku says defend your honor as a servant of the law and tell your boss that he has no choice in the matter of releasing detainees who have been granted bail.