Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Sunday, February 5, 2017


Icheoku says were this Russia or Italy, it would, most definitely have been a fix, what went down in Super Bowl LI Houston 2017. It is simply incredible that the New England Patriot could come back from their near dead position to pull off what would be considered the most surprising victory in Super Bowl history, coming from a 28:3 deficit in third quarter to clinch the championship trophy 34 to 28 following an instant death overtime play. 

Tom Brady was spectacular as he marshaled his boys to the franchise's fifth Super Bowl victory; the first by any quarterback in NFL history. Icheoku says inexperience and cockiness probably doomed the Atlanta Falcons whose first three unreplied touch downs apparently got into their heads and they forgot that a game is not over until it is indeed over. They became too relaxed and in their celebration before the final whistle, the indefatigable New England Patriots cashed in, charged as wounded lions and overwhelmed the Falcons. 

Icheoku, although rooted for the underdog Atlanta Falcons, but was satisfied by the outcome; moreso as it was a big face-saving victory for the president, President Donald John Trump, who has predicted that the Patriots would win and they won. Imagine what the left wing and their media whores would have done to the president, mocking him for a failed prediction and possibly blaming the president for the hard-luck of the Patriots had they lost. It is another lesson that fighting till the end is the way and manner of champions and indeed the New England Patriots have proved that they earned their storied preeminent position in National Football League. 

ICHEOKU says congratulations to Tom Brady and his boys, their wonderful coach Bill Belichick and of course the owner of the franchise Bob Kraft. What a game it was.  Overall, it was a well staged and well played Super Bowl championship and the weather cooperated as well. 

Friday, February 3, 2017


Icheoku says in 1989 Romanian people rose up against their leader Nicholae Ceausescu and killed him alongside his wife Elena Ceausescu for corruption among a litany of other crimes of his despotism. Twenty eight long years later, the government in Bucharest have legitimized corruption and you wonder what lesson did they learn from the fate which befell Ceausescu. Query, should the Ceausescus have been killed for corruption if the result is for his subsequent successors in office to turn around and become as corrupt as he was, if not more. 

To add insult to injury, the corrupt Romanian politicians have now legalized corruption and said it is okay to demand and accept or take bribes, provided you do it in parchments or tranches but not in one fell swoop. According to their warped narrative, accepting any amount in corrupt proceeds must not exceed $40,000 at once; thus technically making it okay to accept $1 million provided it is spread out in 250 installments. ICHEOKU says it defies every rhyme and reason that any country would adopt corruption as an official  policy of state, regardless of how permeated corruption may have become in the Romanian society. At least the government would have continued with its lip service approach to fighting corruption, but to go out of its way to so brazenly embrace corruption telegraphs a very wrong message and it is condemnable and ICHEOKU hereby condemns it as unbecoming of any civilized society. 

A country where minimum wage is among the least in the world; where people are still finding it difficult to make ends meet and poverty is still one of the highest in continental Europe, but its political class finds it classy to glorify such a criminal misbehavior of official corruption, making the misconduct of bribery no longer illegal. What a mind boggling blow to the effort to bring the country up to date and in conformity with civilized behavior and tame its corruption. It is unbelievable that in a country where 1,170 cases were prosecuted and damages worth $1.07 recovered just within only three years, its politicians are giving impetus to this malady. ICHEOKU agrees with Romania President Klaus Iohannis that the adoption of the pro-corruption measure is a mourning for the rule of law, which has received a grave blow from the enemies of justice. ICHEOKU agrees too that such open adoption of corruption would greatly encourage the abusive behavior of public workers, dishonesty, and immorality within the Romanian society. What a people who in short owes the Ceausescu apology.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Icheoku says the Islamic Republic of Iran has been served notice that its meddlesomeness will no longer be tolerated, and not by the new administration in Washington DC. In a very terse statement, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn said "As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice." Icheoku says it is now left for Iran to weigh its options accordingly and decide what to do with and how to respond or react to the notice. But a wise Iran will know that President Donald John Trump means what he says and says what he means and that he has little to no love for Iran and therefore be smart enough not to give him reason to destroy them. 

It is the same Iran which took American sailors hostage last January 2016 and paraded them on television just to humiliate them; and refused to release them until they forced an apology from the United States government. It is the same Iran which in 1980 took Americans hostage in their embassy in Tehran and for a lengthy period of time. It is the same Iran that is sponsoring Hezbollah militancy in Lebanon and all its terrorists activities throughout the Middle East and Israel. It is the same Iran that has been meddling in Iraq, Syria and the entire Middle East as well as the Arab world and for such a very long time too. It is the same Iran that is fighting a proxy war in Yemen through the Houthi militia and also sponsored a failed insurrection in Bahrain. It is the same Iran which has been menacingly approaching United States naval assets in the Persian Gulf trying to provoke an incident and confrontation. It is the same Iran which signed an agreement to be of good behavior and was handsomely rewarded with $150 billion; but is now testing missiles in addition to other provocative misbehavior. 

According to NSA Flynn, instead of Iran being thankful to the United States for the agreement Iran is now feeling emboldenedIcheoku says Iran will be making a grave mistake if it fails to advise itself properly that American people feel that enough is enough; and that the Trump's administration will not put up with its continuing misbehavior or sit down idly and not act on their provocations. Iran is increasingly becoming a continuing nuisance which needs to be abated and surely, they might very soon get their wish. Luckily enough, the Trump administration has now put Iran on notice that it will not stand its unending needling and poking, not anymore. The Trump administration, following the latest Iranian missile test and an attack on a Saudi Arabia warship by Iranian backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, has telegraphed Tehran that they must stop further acts of intransigence or reap the whirlwind. Icheoku agrees that the time has come to confront Iran's destabilizing behavior across the Middle East, a situation which was exacerbated by Obama's weak and ineffective administration's failure to respond adequately to Tehran’s malign actions – including weapons transfers, support for terrorism, and other violations of international norms. 

Icheoku says the mullahs in Tehran must advise themselves properly that the tension between their country and the United States of America which has been simmering since 1979 is about boiling over and their country will be at the receiving end of what the United States military will be prepared to dish out. If it they miscalculate and hostilities erupts, the Iraqi operation shock and awe will pale in comparison to fighting a war which was declared since 1979 and only waiting for an appointed time. A situation which is not helped by the no love lost relationship existing between the two countries and the current American President Donald John Trump does not leave anyone in doubt about his coldness towards Iran and said as much during his campaign and have also acted on it with the 7-nation prohibition of entry into the United States. Those mullahs must take into cognizance the large number of options available to the United States government should it decide to take appropriate action to stop or deter the continuing Iranian provocations. 

ICHEOKU disagrees with the views expressed by Ali Vaez that war with Iran will make the Afghan and Iraqi conflicts look like a walk in the park because at the end of the day, Iran will be the one left with a bleeding nose and a badly bruised battered bloodied body. Iran waged an eight year long war with Iraq which they could not win and fighting America will not be any easier undertaking either. At worst they will resort to terrorism but will bear the brunt of any resulting conflict and it is going to be a very costly mistake on their part to throw their hat in the ring to go forth. That Iranian neighbors including Pakistan and Saudi Arabia would like to see the wings of Iran clipped and would readily support any military action against their arch enemy and a rising force in the Middle East is without a doubt. It is heartening to hear Saudi Arabia's government's full rejection of the suspicious activities and interventions by the Iranian regime and its agents. 

It is now up to the regime in Tehran to decide what it will do; what it decides to do or how it chooses to react or respond is entirely up to them. The aces are with America and a wise Tehran would just hunker down, fully aware that President Donald John Trump will not mind looking the other way while Israel executes its plan of action against Iran; or better still impose the full weight of the United States on them, economically and militarily as well as diplomatically. President Trump could also order the navy to confront Iran in the Persian Gulf and let the tree fall where they may. Either way and whatever happens going forward, Iran must know that heeding this notice is their best outcome because unlike Barack Obama, Donald Trump does not backdown and will strike with a brutal force should push come to shove. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2017


I like to work. I hate vacations, it is boring. I like this job. There is a lot of work to be done. It provides me opportunity to work as hard as I like to work. I will get the job done. - President Donald John Trump speaking on his experience thus far since being sworn in as president and commander in chief of the United States of America. Icheoku says a right hire for the job as there are so many things that need to be done and PDJT will get them done.


Icheoku says he is a great proponent of "originalism and textualism" as guiding philosophy in interpreting the constitution. Judge Neil McGill Gorsuch, 49 years old, of the United States Court of Appeal, 10th Circuit, Denver Colorado, is the president's nominee to fill the vacancy created by the death of Justice Antonio Scalia, as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. 

President Donald John Trump, while introducing the judge, said he made his decision in keeping to his campaign promise to appoint a right fit for late Justice Antonio Scalia and no other person fits that mold better than Judge Neil Gorsuch. Continuing the president said, "Judge Gorsuch has a superb intellect, an unparalleled legal education, and a commitment to interpreting the Constitution according to its text. He will make an incredible Justice as soon as the Senate confirms him." 

Icheoku agrees that a judge with such impeccable credentials will be of a great asset as an addition to the Supreme Court. As to his judicial philosophy, Judge Neil Gorsuch often aligns himself to Justice Scalia and once quoted Scalia thus: "Judges should strive, if humanly and so imperfectly, to apply the law as it is, focusing backward, not forward, and looking to text, structure, and history to decide what a reasonable reader at the time of the events in question would have understood the law to be. If you're going to be a good and faithful judge, you have to resign yourself to the fact that you're not always going to like the conclusions you reach. If you like them all the time, you're probably doing something wrong." 

Icheoku says Judge Gorsuch sounds every inch the kind of a judge American people would rather see in their Supreme Court, a strict constructionist and not a political judicial activist; and therefore supports his nomination and urge the Senate to confirm him without delay.  It Is definitely another check on President Donald John Trump's promised to do list and in keeping faith with the American people, keeping this campaign promises. 

FYI: Originalism as the law was originally written and understood; and textualism interpreting the law on its face value, rather than its necessary implication or faction in foreseeable consequence of its implementation. Put in another way, interpreting the law the straw, layman's plain manner.

Saturday, January 28, 2017


ICHEOKU says British Prime Minister Theresa May was on call to Washington DC to visit with the newly elected president of the United States of America President Donald John Trump. They had discussions on global issues particularly things affecting both countries and held a press conference thereafter where both leaders took some questions. Icheoku says was quite impressed with the performance of a president who is merely one week in office. It is deja vu the eighties with President Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher holding sway in both countries respectively; so you can call Trump meet May a Reagan met Thatcher 2.0 It is a new day in America and when America clears its throat, the world pays attention and in this new president the heavens and America find a leader they can trust. 

Friday, January 27, 2017


Icheoku says and the liberal media is cutting him slacks, a child of just 11 tears using profanity on national television and it is somewhat acceptable and he was waved a pass? Were he a black or any other minority kid, would the treatment and pampered gloves have been the same? Here he was on national television, setting fire to a dumpster and when he was confronted volunteered that he did it to say "Screw our president." 

Then you wonder how an eleven year old strayed so far away from his parents and how he got the lighter to set the fire and then conveniently there was a camera crew interviewing him and of course the bomb "Screw our president." Meanwhile neither of his parents were held out on account of the faux passe; rather a friendly liberal media is praising him for being bold and unafraid. That he said what he said on national television is not a problem or rather is an understandable problem. Then compare it to the media bashing and trashing, any black or other minority kid would have received for being wayward and for his parents not raising him well steeped in acceptable etiquette, decorum and manners. But hey, it is America and some people perpetually ride the white privileged train of can do no wrong. Connor Carey is a son of Nicole Jaracz, former girlfriend of comedian Drew Carey, whose step son he is too.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Icheoku says China has no choice in the matter of the South China Sea and must be careful not to attract the wrath and full weight of the United States of America menacing military as it might not survive as a sovereign country post confrontation. The only choice really available for China is to either back-down or be destroyed; and at least effective, be diminished. The fact remains that China cannot win an all out shooting war with the mighty military of the United States of America. So the best option is for China to step down from their high horse, pull back from the current posturing and seek a soft landing. Only a more peaceful way out resolution of the tension with the United States of America will save the day and save them from an assured defeat and possibly an all round consequential spherical destruction. 

Any astute observer will know that the current government of the United States of America is not going to take nor accept any bull-crap from any country, not any more. The days of countries like China running circles around America is over, especially not under the current president of America as well as the very patriotic men running affairs of the country. When the caliber of men and women heading the various departments including defense, homeland security, central intelligence agency as well as their boss in the White House is considered, it is without a doubt that they mean business, that the time for bullshitting with America is firmly over and these no nonsense men are ready and willing to back their words with fiery action if push comes to shove. The days of knee jerk diplomacy is certainly over, gone with what was before January 20th, 2017. Any one country which thinks that it will continue to grow and achieve economic greatness on the back of peace secured by America's treasure and blood should know that they have another thing coming. China cannot and will not be allowed to continue to menacingly starred down on its neighbors and time to call their arrant bluff is now. Enough is enough and if China wants war, let China be given war. 

China should know that losing is not and will not be an option for America and once started, America will not stop until Beijing falls or at least the Chinese government is made to pay a hefty price for their intransigence with everything brought on the table for necessary divvying up.  From losing Tibet to foreclosing their claims to Taiwan and allowing any other such units of China that might want to federate or even declare their independence o have their way. America is wrought and forged in wars and America has been fighting wars ever since its coming into existence and being battle tested, will not cower before a China which has not fought wars is so many decades and the only time they tried, Japan overran it and occupied it for such a long time. Icheoku says what Japan did to China will be a child play if they ever miscalculate and give America reason to really smack them down. That China has grown exponentially, economically, over the many years is because America allowed them and the same way their economic growth was powered by America will be the same way they will be brought down to their knees by America should their current braggadocios rhetoric morph into a shooting war. 

It is without a doubt that whatever weapons China has was replicated from stolen technologies of America and there is no way possible a copycat will be as good as or outperform the original. America is top notch in weaponry, weapons systems and payload delivery and have been practicing target-shooting over the past fifteen years, none stop in so many hot-spots including Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and Syria. That so many sophisticated weapons which have not yet been used or tested before are awaiting for a battle field to actually put them into use and see how destructive they could be is also a fact; as well as those many others which have been improved upon since they were first tested in various battle theaters. Logistics will also not be a problem for America as America has close allies in Japan, Philippines, Vietnam and even South Korea, all countries which see the threatening China as emblematic and needs to be stopped and pray that America will help them stop the current intimidation around and over the South China Sea. 

Icheoku says may be America should even take the war of words a step further by renaming the South China Sea to Asian Sea and see how the name change catches fire. So with all these solid grounds including the territory of Guam, Hawaii as well as floating acreages of fleets of aircraft carriers, it is going to be an interesting war to fight and China must not be given any importance more than they deserve but forced to back down or there will be war. That America will swarm China and readily deploy maximum weapons without thinking too much over is a fact. Whatever war that breaks out will be approached as a war for superiority and whatever takes China to its knees fastest will be a good option and a fair tactical approach. The days of million man army or numerical strength military is since long gone. Now only bombs and computers will so easily lay to waste any battalion of fatigue wearing men so assembled and gathered anywhere. Allies of America in the Asian Pacific and NATO, failing which Britain and Israel, are likely to get involved and will readily throw their hats into the ring to help tame the red dragon and do it now. 

It is going to be a really bloody war and possibly a very effective way to finally population-control China. A war once started can only end on the terms of the victor and America will not live and see China triumph, no matter what it cost both in blood and treasure. Simply put, losing is not an option and will not be for the United States of America and China must be aware of this resolute principle and have a rethink its contemplated seizure of the South China Sea. Any war with China can only end with one assured outcome, a defeat of China with far reaching consequences; including withering down its geographical size, curtailing its growing power and influence, depriving it of its riches as well as a change of its system of government. It was done in Germany and it also was done in Japan following the wars and today both countries are better for it, governed in a more civilized manner. May be China needs to take a dose of the medicine to enable it become a better and more easily manageable country that stops its current acts of aggression against its neighbors by trying to appropriate to itself alone, a common international water ways that belongs to all. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017



"When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things — Comey, Russia — you blame yourself. So what did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that." - Senator Charles Schumer, Senior Senator from the State of New York and Democratic Minority Leader in the Senate. 

ICHEOKU says the statement spoke volume and it spoke for itself. Finally it seems the Democrats have finally turned the corner and are now ready to face up to their abysmal performance in the last presidential election by acknowledging that the American people indeed choose Trump over their Hillary Clinton. Thankfully, they will also now rest their "Russians Did It" cockamamie and find a message they can present to the people and for the good of the country. Time to move the process forward is now, as American people did not buy into the crap of a Russian collusion which Democrats tried unsuccessfully to sell to them. Thank you Schumer for at least courageously speaking up.


"Dear Mr Jo-Wilfried Tsonga,

I wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you for helping me out on court during your round 2 match. I'm not sure if you remember me but I was the ball girl you escorted off court. 

I would also like to take the opportunity to apologize for the times when you asked for the ball but I did not service it to you or acknowledge you. 

I had picked up a virus which I was unaware of and it caused me to become dizzy and lightheaded. This also affected my vision and hearing. 

apologize for not being able to perform my duties as a ball kid to the high standards that are expected. 

Thank you so much for the kindness that you showed me. I really appreciate that you were able to see that I needed some help and were kind enough to escort me off court. 

All the best,
Giuliana, AO Ballkid no. 180."

ICHEOKU says don't we all wish to once in a while be a recipient of such a hearty gratitude, whether in the form of a letter or otherwise; especially when it comes from the least expected quarters. The only problem is that so many of us do not work hard enough to earn such a lovely appreciation of us, for the little things we do or did which meant a lot to someone else; begging the question why has humanity left the human race? Sometimes too, we are rather too busy or not interested or not concerned enough to pay attention; or we just overlook it or look through people who indeed could use our help, regardless. 

It goes both ways too because so many people who have benefited more than Giuliana took it for granted and walked away, leaving so many benefactors wondering if they owed the beneficiary the kindness and then becoming wary of doing same again. So, let us all learn to be a Giuliana as well as a Tsonga respectively today and do the much we can for one another and also show our gratitude for receiving such kindness. That way our world would be greatly improved and made a more livable place where kindness and gratitude reign supreme. The moral of this story is that a kindness showed today could be so handsomely rewarded tomorrow and Icheoku appreciates both Giuliana and Tsonga very much. 

Monday, January 23, 2017


Icheoku says once again Tom Brady will lead his New England Patriots another go for a football championship trophy at Super Bowl LI in NRG Stadium Houston Texas against Matt Ryan led Atlanta Falcons. Both teams defeated Pittsburgh Steelers 36 - 17 and Green Bay Packers 44 - 21 respectively. The Super Bowl will be played on Sunday February 5th, 2017 beginning at 6.30 pm Eastern Standard Time. Icheoku says may the better side side win; admitted the odds are greatly in favor of the New England Patriots but an upset is always a good thing in sports. All the best to both teams.

Sunday, January 22, 2017


Icheoku says simply unbelievable. What a storied accomplishment and together we shall cheer him up as he Make America Great Again.


Icheoku says the experiment which began in 1952 when Pa Josiah Akindayomi started his congregation and which today has blossomed into a global gathering of faithfuls numbering in their millions, risks a cataclysmic meltdown if care is not taken. The bold and brave step made by the current leader of the church Pastor Enoch Adebayo would have been a silver bullet to prevent against this coming apocalypse; but certain powers have since intervened to make him call off his retirement and is back in a rather staggered arrangement which remains consulting at best. 

Icheoku says this failure or inability of Pastor Enoch Adebayo to stick with, follow through  and proceed with his separation from the management of the congregation will later come back to hunt and bite the whole group. This period would have been used by Adeboye to seamlessly and methodically transfer powers to his successor and supervise and mentor the fresh hand as he learns the tricks of the trade; especially of running such a mega conglomerate as the RCCG is. But regrettably it is an opportunity now missed and the Redeemers will some day regret their inability to follow through with this now botched  smooth transfer of power; and it will hurt them so badly they would wish this opportunity was never missed. Icheoku says the Redeemers would have bravely completed what they began and allowed the tired old man who has paid his dues, growing the congregation from the few membership of the past into the exponential membership of today, to quietly relief himself of the grueling task of running such a multinational organization. 

The Redeemers would have followed through with the transition now and completed it before it catches them unprepared; because regardless of their love for their Overseer and their believe that only him can do the job, someday, their daddy Enoch Adebayo, as with every other mortal and living thing, will also take his graceful bow from this world. Thereafter, requiring someone else to step into his very big shoes and try to advance the ball of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. Icheoku prays his exit is not sudden and unprepared, because the turmoil that will befall the congregation is better imagined than faced. It have severally happened before to other congregations and there is no guarantee that the RCCG will be immune from self convulsive quake. There is also no suggestion that necessary safeguards are in place to forestall such a civil war erupting inside a Redeemed Christian Church of God without Pastor Enoch Adebayo, who has become the face and breath of the organization. Enoch Adebayo is larger than life and Enoch Adebayo is the air in the lungs of RCCG, without which, the gathering would not probably be around today and at best not be the behemoth it has since become. 

Icheoku says it is often difficult for people not to be drawn to a figure of strength and power and influence which explains the messianic presence of Enoch Adebayo among his congregants. But with a gathering in the magnitude of RCCG, with such a multitude of people numbering in the millions, it will be difficult to find someone to perfectly fit the role of Enoch Adebayo. This however should not render the people totally impotent, hopeless or despondent; and therefore about time the preparation for a day without Adebayo begins. it is time for the organization to start looking at a future with Enoch Adebayo as he is no longer a spring chicken and is facing the inevitable fate of every human being nearing the end. So who will hold the forte post Adebayo should be paramount in the stakeholders thinking calculus; rather than their continuous occultic-like centralized following of their GO Enoch Adeboye. The only thing the current queasiness and indecisiveness will foster is a traumatized flock that will likely splinter and scatter as soon as Enoch Adebayo that provides the glue that holds them together is no longer around. 

Therefore the current tug of war over the appointments of successors he announced should not be encouraged; rather the organization should rally around their newly appointed leader and help nurture him into a future Enoch Adebayo that will help their congregation to continue its growth. Icheoku bemoans the fate of a RCCG without Adebayo or a clearly identifiable Abebayo anointed one who will use the remainder of Adebayo's life to consolidate his hold and leadership in such a way that upon the end, the gap will not be such as would swallow the entire church into a giant sinkhole. Immanuel Church of Jesus of Oyingbo suffered such fate following the demise of their founder and pastor Olufunmilayo Immanuel Odumosu. Admitted that the RCCG survived the demise of their founder Reverend Josiah Olufemo Akindayomi, largely because someone as gifted as Enoch Adebayo was available to pilot the affairs of the church. Also Adebayo has stayed at the helm of affairs for too long that he has morphed into the RCCG personified; hence his congregants as well as outside observers now find it difficult to distinguish or separate the two entities. 

Icheoku says no matter the subterfuge, no matter the presence and no matter whatever law may exist requiring a handover by Adebayo, it does not matter. What is imperative is that a smooth transition takes place right now and not wait until the eventual demise of Enoch Adebayo, no matter how long it takes in coming. It is shameful that Financial Regulations Council of Nigeria is now being blamed for the announced but later aborted departure of Pastor Enoch Adejare Adebayo from the RCCG. The best practice would be to allow the appointed Pastor Joseph Obayemi to step in and start learning the ropes now that Pa Enoch Adebayo is still around to give him proper orientation while he still can and guide him through this early stages of filling his shoes. Icheoku says the subsequent effort to designate Enoch Adeboye as the General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God Worldwide but not that of Nigeria, its corporate worldwide headquarters, does not make any sense whatsoever. Icheoku says let the old man go quietly into his retirement and enjoy a well deserved restful life whatever is left if it, preparatory to eventually meeting his maker. He has done enough to deserve his well earned retirement, having served the church since 1973, becoming its General Overseer in 1981 and has grown the church into a global presence. Please RCCG, let Adebayo retire in peace and NOW.

Saturday, January 21, 2017


Icheoku says in just a few hours, the man who rode into the presidency of the United States on the back of a well crafted mantra and war cry, Make America Great Again, will officially be given the platform to put his words into action. Like they say, back it up - put his money where his mouth is. Icheoku is a firm believer in PE DJT and does not entertain any doubt that he will mission-accomplish on his pledge to Make America Great Again. Icheoku says congratulations President-Elect Donald John Trump and God's speed to you.


Icheoku says the President took the First Lady to the ball, the inauguration ball, that is; and they both looked a million dollar each. Icheoku says congratulations President Donald and First Lady Melanie Trump on your successful inauguration. Salute.


Icheoku says it was with high octane breath that many Americans waited for this day to come and go without any major incident or development. Luckily the On High who midwifed the presidency of Donald John Trump never wavered as He successfully chaperoned him into the White House with a successful swearing in followed by a colorful parade as well as numerous inauguration balls. 

Icheoku was anxious that the numerous interested parties who did not want him elected president of the United States of America and who have been tackling him ever since he pulled off one of the biggest miracle in political engineering would attempt the most horrible just to stop him from being sworn in. So when Icheoku saw him stepping out of the rotunda unto the rostrum, it was thank you Lord for this day come through. Icheoku then briefly thought about the Ides of March but waved it off as America's security forces are time tested and will be equal to the task of keeping the newly elected president safe.  Then following Vice President Mike Pence's swearing in by Justice Clarence Thomas, came President Donald John Trump's "So help me God" moment, following the administration of oath of office by Chief Justice John Roberts and it was alleluia Jehovah, thank you for this day. 

Then came his powerful speech telling the freeloading world in no unmistakable terms that they are served. As the man of the people he is, he emphasized that his word remains his bond and that his contract with the American people remains unbreakable and that it is America First policy of hire Americans buy American. He also reiterated that he will resolutely pursue these objectives as his presidential policy which will be anchored on the American people and no one else. Icheoku says its about time; as  "a me first" have always been the cardinal rule of survival. The president was very presidential in every material particular and he once again rekindled great optimism and real audacity back into the American people. From every indication, President Donald John Trump will lead from a position of strength and he has the muscle of American people to back him up. Icheoku says congratulations President Donald John Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and now go Make America Great Again.

Friday, January 20, 2017


Icheoku says congratulations to the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald John Trump. American people are happy and your message of Make America Great Again resonated with them and they responded accordingly. May God now help and protect you as you proceed to help Make America Great Again. Congratulations on a well deserved victory and may your presidency bring the best in Americans and by extension a world that is yawning for America leadership again. God's speed.