Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Icheoku says Nigerians have never been told a bigger fat white lie or rather Fulani lie as the promised pegging of price of premium motor spirit aka fuel (gasoline) to 85 Naira, following the forthcoming fuel subsidy removal. Subsidy presupposes the  paying part of a price or taking the edge off something in order to make it much easily affordable by the intended beneficiaries. So if subsidy is removed and this formerly prepaid portion is reinstated, requiring payment in full of purchase price, how then can this new price still be lower than what obtained when subsidy existed? Icheoku says if fuel could not be purchased at N85 with fuel subsidy in place, what kind of mathematical magic is the government planning to bring to bear, to simultaneously remove the subsidy and still peg the price to N85? 

Icheoku does not know about you but this math does not add up; except of course, Nigerians are being asked to just believe and the miracle will just work itself out? Only in the dreamland of Gulliver's Travelers' Island of Lilliputians would this pan out and pan out as promised - simplistic fantasy. This feat, if achieved, will make Nigeria the cheapest place on planet earth to purchase gasoline; and not even in Saudi Arabia, the oil well of the world, would gasoline then be retailed so low. Venezuela, another country whose citizens enjoy heavily subsidized gasoline, will be jealous with envy. So can someone in the know, who has a clue on how the government plans to achieve this, please shine more light on this abracadabra proposition, to enable Nigerians have a clearer understanding of what they are expecting in the new year when the subsidy finally goes south. 

A cursory check of gasoline (fuel) prices around the world, using data from Bloomberg Business Report analysis 2013, shows Nigeria ranked 55 out of 63 countries of the world where gasoline prices were cheapest in a survey. It is interesting to note that then gasoline was retailing in Nigeria at $2.34 per gallon on the average. So at plus minus N200 to a dollar, and at four liters (3.78541) to a gallon, it showed that gasoline then retailed at N468 per gallon or N117 per liter. At the same period the study was conducted, the most expensive gasoline country in the world was Turkey at $9.89 per a gallon; Norway $9.63; Italy $8.87; France $8.38; Hong Kong $8.15; UK $8.06; Ireland $8.05; Germany 7.96; Israel $7.67; Japan $6.70; Brazil $5.40; South Africa $5.06; India $5.00; China $4.74; US 4.56; Russia $3.47;  Nigeria $2.34; Iran $2.15; UAE $1.77; Egypt $1.14; Saudi Arabia $0.45cents and Venezuela $0.06cents. 

This was with subsidy still in place and now suddenly the Nigerian government of President Muhammadu Buhari, who equally doubles as the country's petroleum minister, is flying a kite that with fuel subsidy removed, the price of gasoline will still be as low as N85 per liter? So query if it was N117 per a liter when subsidy was in place, how could it possibly be brought down to N85 per liter when subsidy is removed? Icheoku is trying to do the math but regrettably so far, it does not seem to add up. A matter made worse with the plummeting world oil price currently hovering below forty dollars; which President Muhammadu Buhari during his campaign stomp speeches promised to stabilize back to its glorious days of optimum high prices? But unfortunately it has also turned out to be another dummy among the many of his unfulfilled campaign promises which he sold to Nigerians. 

For the purposes of this oped, we will peg global oil price at $40 dollars per barrel (42 gallons of crude oil). Now an optimally functioning refinery, with modern catalytic converter/breaker, can abstract 12 gallons of diesel fuel and 19 gallons of gasoline (PMS) and other byproducts such as bitumen, kerosene, 4 gallons of aviation fuel etc from just one barrel of crude oil. So at N340 per gallon, plus or minus N280 for diesel fuel, etc how profitable would operating a refinery in Nigeria be? If the government plans to import the refined products, who will bear the extra cost incurred in order to sell at N340 per gallon (N85 per liter  multiply by four).  Running and operating a refinery is cost intensive including overhead cost (salaries, allowances and benefits of staff both local and expatriate), cost of crude oil,  cost of power or its generation, cost of transportation of both crude and refined products, logistics, turnkey and turnaround maintenance; and of course necessary addictive to refining out the derivatives. 

So assuming a barrel of crude oil is purchased at $40 and to get it refined and take the product to the pump, another $25 was added, thus bringing the total cost to $65. At N250 per dollar that will be N16,250, just to get one barrel of crude oil to the Nigerian customers at the pump. Now retailing at N340 per a gallon, that will be N6,460 from 19 gallons of refined out gasoline (PMS, fuel); at N320 for diesel fuel, that will be N3840 from 12 gallons of refined out diesel fuel; give and take N100 for aviation or jet fuel bringing in another N1,600 from 4 gallons of it; then add bitumen and lubricants or heavy oil plus minus N1,000. So based on this estimates, a total of N12,900 is realizable from one barrel of crude oil which was brought to Nigerian consumers at a cost of N16,250? Query, from where does the government plan to amortize the differential of N3,350? Who pays for the deficit and how does it get written off? This is what the subsidy supposedly cushions and now what?

Icheoku is not a board certified oil industry expert nor a statistician, but using commonly available data, it is very easy to arrive at an empirical deduction that the promised N85 per a liter of gasoline will not see the light of the day. It is neither  feasible nor attainable; and will, like virtually all his other campaign promises, most likely see its sunset before its sun ever rises. It is virtually a mathematical impossibility but for which Icheoku will gladly apologize and rejoice alongside many other Nigerians, in the event it pans out. But hey, Icheoku can't wait for the magic-wand of the lean and mean Cassius of Daura to make gasoline readily available and much easily affordable by many Nigerians. But given that he has severally disappointed on so many other promises, excitedly looking forward to this one coming to fruition would be a sure way of inviting a heart-attack in the new year. So until then, Icheoku says to Nigerians to gird your loins as the climbing will be arduous and tortuous; and this is but the beginning of that onerous journey. But Nigerians were warned except that they did not heed the warning, so Sai Buhari; Sai four more years in 2019.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Icheoku says on July 3, 2011, Mallam Nasir el-Rufai was arrested at Nnamdi Azikwe airport Abuja, returning from London where he had delivered a speech about  alleged fraud of the then President Goodluck Jonathan's government. Less than twenty four hours following his arrest, then CPC presidential candidate and now President Muhammadu Buhari issued a fierce warning to the president and demanded the immediate release of el-Rufai. The squirm and ever fidgeting Jonathan trembled and buckled under the weight of Buhari's threat and quiveringly, immediately released the mallam. According to the SSS, el-Rufai's act constituted a threat to national security and disturbance of public peace and inciting disorder and subverting the government. The SSS said "Nigeria belongs to all of us and no one should take laws into their hands as no one is above the law." 

But Buhari thundered that in a democracy issues must be resolved through the courts and not through the arbitrariness of just one man. That the main reason for el-Rufai's arrest was his disclosure that the government allocated N208 billion in the 2011 budget just to the office of the NSA alone. That free speech is a constitutional right and implies the obligation by the state to defend even those whose views are not congruent with it or the powers that be. In a statement signed by his spokesman, Yinka Odumakin, Muhammadu Buhari said "He condemns this brazen act of intimidation, harassment and flagrant violation of citizens right to free speech in a democratic atmosphere." Even Femi Fani Kayode quipped in that "those that speak out are not the ones to be worried about; that the president should stop "this display of shameless paranoia; that the president cannot silence dissent and opposition by brazen display of brute force and intimidation because when he do that, he only makes it grow; and finally that if it is el-Rufai today, who will it be tomorrow?'

This was a few short three years ago in 2011 and now in 2015, the two have traded positions, Muhammadu Buhari is now the president and Goodluck Jonathan is now a citizen. President Muhammad Buhari is the one now intimidating, harassing and flagrantly violating a citizen's right to free speech and in a supposedly democratic atmosphere.  Meanwhile Goodluck Jonathan is no where to be seen   now reminding President Muhammadu Buhari of his statement and position then, in the matter of Nnamdi Kanu? Icheoku says what is the problem here Jonathan of Otuoke, is it that you cannot man up and demand that President Muhammadu Buhari does not abuse a citizen's right to free speech in the matter of Nnamdi Kanu as he demanded of you in the then matter of el-Rufai? If Jonathan could sheepishly cave in to the threat of Muhammadu Buhari and released a man his SSS accused of inciting public unrest, why could Jonathan not demand that President Muhammadu Buhari equally cave in now and release a man whom the court granted unconditional bail?  

Conclusion, former President Goodluck Jonathan of Otuoke is a pinhead weakling who is timidly too afraid to be gutsy. Icheoku says he lost his presidency because of fear and now is on the edge of also losing his freedom because of fear. So Jonathan of Otuoke, Icheoku asks, when are you going to start being assertive in Nigeria and in the affairs of Nigeria? When are you going to start acting as a leader whom so many people look unto? When are you going to speak up and speak out in the matter of Nnamdi Kanu, who is being illegally detained by President Muhammadu Buhari in a democratic atmosphere? If Muhammadu Buhari could demand of you and secure the release of el-Rufai from you, why can't you do the same and demand and secure the release of Nnamdi Kanu from him too? Nigeria is supposedly in a democratic government and a president is refusing to obey courts' orders and release a person being illegally detained and Jonathan of Otuoke is quaking and shivering in a corner, maintaining deathly silence? What a huge joke, little wonder he was so easily swept out of the presidency and out of Aso Rock without ever breaking a sweat. 

Monday, December 28, 2015


I write with a heavy heart, on this Christmas day, as a result of what is going on under your leadership regarding the Biafra agitation and the leader of the IPOB (Indigenous people of Biafra), Mr. Nnamdi Kanu. Let me first say that I, as an Igbo person, supported your election and campaign passionately for it on social media, but I am now on neutral grounds, because of the way you are handling the cry for Biafra though I will always support any good strides you are making for the people of Nigeria.

1. Some of the reasons I supported you are: 1. Your wife said during a pre-election interview that you promised to lead by listening to the concerns of the people and doing what the people want. 
2. As a former soldier in the United States Army, I knew that the discipline you have as a retired general of Nigeria Army is what is needed to clean up the corruption that has long retarded the progress of Nigeria.
However, during your interview in the USA, I believe at the State Department  after your election you were asked a question about how you would handle the Niger Delta on amnesty and women issues, your answer was that and I quote, "constituents that gave me 97 percent votes cannot, in all honesty, be treated equally with constituents that gave me 5 percent." Both videos of your wife promise of your leadership and your admission of prejudicial treatment of people who did not vote for you is there on Youtube for anyone and the whole world to see.
Mr. President, the problem with this whole situation is that with the way you are currently treating the IPOB matter means that your wife has lied about you wanting to lead by listening and leading according to the needs of the people. Moreover, I, as your initial supporter, was very bewildered and embarrassed when I saw that video where you admitted that you would lead by preferential treatment of those who voted you into office. Those who voted you into office are majorly from your region, the north, as well as the Southwestern region.
Igbos were the ones that only gave you 5 percent vote because they did not trust that you would lead with integrity. And guess what you are doing now! You are proving them right. You are showing that their fears were valid. Mr. President, leadership requires that you must be fair to all and sundry no matter how you feel about them. You cannot lead with a vindictive spirit to get back at those who didn't want you to win. 
Just look at President Barak Obama for example. Barack Obama has and still suffer from a severe opposition of a great number of Americans who don't like him, but guess what, he still leads everyone with equal and fair treatment.
A leader that is temperamental enough to vilify a group of people because they did not vote for him is not yet a leader. A seasoned leader overcomes all negative emotions that tempts him to mistreat any section of people under his leadership. Otherwise, it is a dictatorship and not democracy. Also, remember that many Igbos and Yorubas, who did not want you to become the President, accused you of being a dictator, and I have to say that you are proving them right for holding Nnamdi Kanu hostage.
I must mention that I am not for or against Biafra. I am for peace and fairness for all. If it were within my power, I would lead my people, the Igbos, to focus on what they are good at and leave Politics to those who want it so bad. On the other hand, I have seen that my people are very unhappy in Nigeria and feel grossly marginalized. And since they have been bold enough to start a protest, they need to be heard and not ignored or shoved aside. They are human beings with feelings, values, and aspirations no matter how inconsequential anyone might see them.
So in that case, I support that there should be a referendum and due process to make a country of their own. Now there is a possibility that we may not get all the required vote to amend the Nigeria constitution; but in that case, we would have seen that due process was given and anyone that fights it would be called a trouble maker. Right now, the trouble maker is the leader that have imprisoned the leader of a group that wants to move on to a better world for themselves. YOU are the trouble maker, Mr. President! You can stop all this by releasing him and demanding for him to go through the right process.
I have written partially on this in the past and to your attention as well hoping that your social media crew would bring it to your attention, but I have not seen any meaningful or positive action taken towards this case. Some people have advised me that if the Igbos really want to secede, they would not have to go through you and others have educated me as well that all that is needed is for the IPOB to forward a motion for Referendum through the Nigeria National Assembly.
You might wonder why then am I writing to you if we knew what steps to take. I am writing to you because you are the President of a country in turmoil who has the power to quell the disaster that is brewing under you. The solution to put a stop to the agitation for Biafra is in your hands. All you have to do is take a leadership step by releasing Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and advising him and the group to begin the process of Referendum. If the motion holds, good, if the motion fails, then you have done your job as the President.
May I please remind you that the British, the Russians and the UN have wisely made suggestions for the immediate release of Nnamdi Kanu and for Nigeria to allow a Referendum to go through, but with all due respect, it all seems to have fallen on deaf ears. The only response I have seen from your office is a statement that NO GROUP WILL BE ALLOWED TO TEAR NIGERIA APART. Mr. President that is not a responsible statement in the midst of what is going on.
Nigeria has never really been one. There is a deeply ingrained spirit of tribalism in Nigeria that has infected the political and economic fabrics of the nation of which is one of the biggest reasons driving the Biafra agitation. Igbos feel totally marginalized and rightfully so. This situation is like a bad marriage where one partner is very unhappy and keeps wanting out of the relationship, and the other partner refuses to corporate because the relationship benefits them more.
Your energy will be better served fighting BokoHaram rather than fighting IPOB agitation that has a simple solution. And I must say that how you are handling this situation makes it look like all of a sudden Mr. Kanu has become more dangerous than BokoHaram that is still killing people actively in Nigeria when Mr. Kanu has not killed one person. When people protest for a cause, it is the responsibility of the leaders to address the issues surrounding that cause, not imprison the individuals. The cry for Biafra did not start today. It has been going on for ages that also led to the massacre of over one million Igbos around 1967. I am not a good student of history, so I will not pretend to go into it. But I am sure you know what I am talking about. 
I implore you to please listen to right conscience and make the judgment that will bring positive resolution to this case and prevent lives from being wasted over a civil war. You have the power to do this by the simple step I have mentioned above. Once again, let me say it again. Release Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and instruct him and his group to go through the right channel through Nigeria National Assembly to put forward the motion for a referendum. Though you are old, you still have a young family that will live on after you. What legacy do you want to leave?

Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Captain Ij Onuigbo, US Army (rtd)

Sunday, December 27, 2015


"A court is the guardian of justice, the cornerstone of a democratic system based on the rule of law. If the state  does not abide by court orders, the democratic edifice will crumble stone-by-stone until it collapses and chaos ensues." - Judge Dunstan Mlambo of Guateng Division High Court of South Africa  criticizing President Zuma's government for letting Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir leave South Africa in June despite an outstanding International Criminal Court warrant of arrest for him. Icheoku says like Zuma like President Muhammadu Buhari; obey court's order - release Nnamdi Kanu.


Icheoku says if they won't and don't do it while traveling abroad in other peoples countries, why do it in their Nigeria? Why do Nigerians conduct themselves properly while visiting other peoples' countries but on touching down at Muritala Mohammed airport or any other such points of entry in Nigeria turn into such beastly primitives? Why do Nigerians do this to themselves and only while in their country; rubbishing  themselves and their country's image as a lawless people who are inhabiting a lawless place, where anything goes? Why revert to these animal instincts once in Nigeria or is there something wrongly wired in their DNA or Nigeria's society's body-fabric which frowns against orderliness and/or being law-abiding? 

A matter now amplified with President Muhammadu Buhari disrespectfully disobeying valid orders of courts to set Nnamdi Kanu free? If these Nigerians are following the example of the likes of their President Muhammadu Buhari in not obeying rules of law and that of human orderly co-existence, what does this say about the stereotyping of Africa being a jungle? Is there no solution to this malady or is it a case of if you cannot beat them, join them? Sometimes when you ask some returned former Diaspora Nigerians why they are behaving like those they rejoined back home and not positively impacting them with what rubbed off on them from their long sojourn overseas, their usual response is that the damage is so grave that they will not make any impact whatsoever, so why bother trying to risk being branded oyibo. 

But how long will things remain this way or do these people drive joy in being and remaining the way they are? The other day it was Oba Akiolu of Lagos who was photographed on the streets of London, while walking back to his hotel room, clutching his dinner bag, a dinner he went to the diner to buy by himself. He was wearing a nondescript caftan; but in Lagos he goes about in a retinue of hangers-on and feels so much important and omnipotent as to threaten drowning some people in the lagoon without any consequence? Many of these supposed Nigeria "big men", top-heavy politicians and supposed leaders of the people, while overseas on visits, dutifully and fearfully conform to every rule of law and orderliness. But on arriving back to Nigeria changes into the lawless scoundrels they present themselves as, leading to the question, why do they do it? 

Their compliance with rules and laws abroad shows that they have the capacity to do nice and abide by rules and laws in Nigeria, but deliberately choose not to.  So what is the problem and what is Nigerians' general problem of always running their country aground? Why do they happily revert to this abhorable behavior when in Nigeria but put up their best behavior overseas. Seriously speaking and in as much as Icheoku does not care a hoot about the man from Daura, but at least his legacy WAI worked. Nigerians should therefore seriously consider reintroducing WAI to help curb the excess indiscipline in the society. So let War Against Indiscipline be reintroduced in Nigeria to help cure the cancer of indiscipline and foist a functioning society where rules and laws as well as orderliness can endure. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015


Icheoku says the dumb Nigerians who ignored all the warnings, including a steeped history of violations of the laws of the country and still voted the lean and mean Cassius of Daura into office, are now gnashing their teeth, bemoaning a fate which they literally brought upon themselves. True to type, the despot is at it again; he has again thrown the rule of the laws to the dogs and has been acting as if he owns Nigeria or that Nigeria belongs to him; and that the only laws that matter is that which he wills. Nigerians watched as he appointed only his Northern Hausa/Fulani mallams to all the top positions in Nigeria in total disregard to Federal Character requirement; and now it is time for him to once again rubbish the laws in his usual manner; the same law that made his presidency possible.

Icheoku says but for the law that made elections possible, could there have been any election on March 29, 2015 ushering President Muhammadu Buhari into Aso Rock? But for the laws, during the many times he previously lost elections, could he have gone to the court seeking redress for his claim of election rigging? But for the laws, what would President Muhammadu Buhari be alleging that Nnamdi Kalu broke and in violation of which, he is holding him in detention and now illegally and in violation of valid orders of courts? But regrettably, the usually loud Nigerians have suddenly gone numb and quivering in a corner, as this megalomaniac law-breaker once again sets forth to continue from where he stopped in 1985. Icheoku says not this time President Muhammadu Buhari as Nigerians will resist any attempt by you to once again turn Nigeria into a gulag; illegally arresting and detaining people as well as ignoring valid orders of court to release such detainees. 

The mind boggling thing about the whole situation is that pretentious individuals who like to be seen as defenders of human rights are looking the other way while Nnamdi Kanu continues to be illegally detained by President Muhammadu Buhari. The Nigerian Bar Association is also keeping mum and you wonder what use is it anyway when it cannot demand of the government to obey valid court orders? Icheoku wonders what it will take to wake up Nigerians for them to start defending their hard won right to be free in their own country. The issue now is no longer about Nnamdi Kanu or his innocence or lack thereof of whatever trumped up charges. No, the fork on the road now is that President Muhammadu Buhari has gone rogue and reneged on his promise to be a law abiding "converted democrat." A vagrant scofflaw who does not give a damn about the laws of the land and who is ignorant of the epochal position of the courts as interpreters of the laws, with sole authority to determine anyone's guilt or lack thereof. 

Many have opined that President Muhammadu Buhari is doing as he pleases because he has nothing to lose since he will not be again asking Nigerians for their votes in 2019. But first, Nigerians will have to survive until 2019, hence they cannot play possum while this man runs away with violating the laws and victimizing everyone before then. Icheoku queries who is even sure that the man will keep his promise not to run in 2019 since he previously reneged on a similar "I will not-run again" promise before. A man who claimed he is not corrupt only for Dasuki-gate scandal to reveal that he collected N850 million of the largess through his personal assistant? Icheoku is urging Nigerians to start now to demand of this man to understand that he is now under a democracy and must therefore submit himself to rules governing democratic governance; instead of continuously thinking that suddenly a time travel has put Nigeria back in 1985. 

Icheoku says it may be Nnamdi Kanu today, but who knows who it will be tomorrow? Who knows the next person President Muhammadu Buhari might decide to lock up and throw away the keys regardless of offense or courts pronouncements?  Possibly he is testing the waters to see how Nigerians would react or try to resist his attempt to rewind his 1983-85 draconic vice-hold on Nigeria. Icheoku asks are Nigerians ready to go back in chains and for this new slavery?  A matter made worse because the Ota deity, Baba Iyabo, Olusegun Obasanjo, has not yet fired off one of his  satanic verses to President Muhammadu Buhari; and you wonder whether his infractions so far are not egregious enough to warrant such an epistle from Ota? The other near senile Wole Soyinka, who disappointed so many Nigerians when he switched from his "why Buhari cannot be president" to "why Buhari was the best thing to happen to Nigeria", has equally remained transfixed while this man is wrecking the gains of the past sixteen years of Nigeria's successfully holding alight democracy. 

Anyway, Icheoku and other law-loving interested parties will continue to holler about this gradual descent into lawlessness by a man who is unashamedly anti-law; and who thinks that every knee in Nigeria should bow before him. It is equally very shameful that Nigerian Bar Association has not risen in fierce defense of the rule of law and the need for this Buhari government to submit itself to the laws of the country. Then add some other useless fellows, including one supposed former chairman of a Bar Association in Lagos, who likes to believe that he learnt how to use the left hand in a very old age and who has been parading himself as a human rights advocate; yet he has not uttered a word about the crass infringement of a citizen's right to due process by demanding that the government respect a judiciary pronouncement and release a man who was duly granted bail and unconditionally too. What kind of insipid fellows these provisional human rights advocates are that sway in their activism depending on what time of the day it is? Very shameful.

It is indeed pitiful that this is again happening in 2015 Nigeria and with so much conspiratorial silence of nearly everyone. How pathetic a people are Nigerians, especially those of them, whose only bona fides claims to being lawyers are their wig and gown. Icheoku queries which lawyer would idly sit by and watch, while the very thing that he professes to be a defender of and which he uses as a vehicle, is being challenged in this manner. A court of competent jurisdiction sat over a matter which was brought before it by the government. It gave an order but the same aggressive party that initiated the action before the court refused and would not honor the pronouncement of the court. Icheoku says that Nigerian lawyers are not throwing fits of fury, demanding compliance of government and threatening strike to pressure the government is unfathomable. It is indeed mind numbing as this is no longer about Nnamdi Kanu; but about the laws of Nigeria which is once again being trampled upon by a despot who has refused to shed his cloak of dictatorship. President Muhammadu Buhari, Icheoku says, respect the rule of law and comply to an order of court and let Nnamdi Kanu go. Enough of your creeping dictatorship; 1983 is so yesterday and this is almost 2016.

Friday, December 25, 2015



Icheoku says to all God-fearing human beings of this planet earth, merry christmas to you. And to all those hell-destined Somalians, Bruneians and all such other anti-Christ Islamists of this world, Icheoku says why are you this perverted? Why are you banning and prohibiting your people from freely worshipping as they see fit? Why did you kill Christmas? But know you all anti-Christians that a Donald is coming to sit on judgment against you, his name is Donald Trump and you will get trumped IJN.


Icheoku says Nigerians are full of funny louts, people who flip like flagellum, depending on which direction the wind is blowing. Suddenly some of these people are mouthing off that the army should be prosecuted for doing a job which they were assigned to do, protect the security of the country from both internal and external attacks. 

Regardless, where was Femi Falana when Olusegun Obasanjo sent the army to lay waste Odi and Zaki Ibiam? What was his reaction then and why did he not similarly call for the army to be prosecuted for carrying out its professional duties as commanded by their commander in chief? Before Odi and Zaki Ibiam were Zango Kataf and Kalakuta Republic; yet Falana did not call for the army to be prosecuted then? Icheoku queries if the army that ravaged Fela's Kalakuta Republic then did not have an identity, how possible is it then that the same unknown soldiers now have prosecutable personality? 

How does Femi Falana plan to identify the very army that went to Zaria to face-down some errant law breakers, who were barricading the street and refusing the army chief passage? A matter made worse because those miscreants were just there, primarily to cause trouble and not because they were protesting against some matter they have grudges about or were trying to draw attention to some issues bedeviling them. Icheoku can only conclude that it is only the Yoruba 'kparakpo' thing, where no Yoruba does any wrong but every other person in Nigeria errs, that founds Femi Falana's recent call to prosecute the army. 

If Olusegun Obasanjo could order the army into action, why not Dr President Muhammadu Buhari or a person acting under or with his authority? The simple explanation is that the Yoruba people are just too contrived and pitiful; and being so self centered, they take positions on issues depending on how they are impacted and/or affected by it. Apparently, like Sanusi Lamido Sanusi once said, they are the biggest problem with Nigeria as their treachery and selfishness seriously work against Nigeria true unity. 

The good news however is that President Muhammadu Buhari has become tone-deaf to everything and anything going on around him, including whatever is being said by anyone. As a result, he does not hear nor listen to anything anymore and will most likely not hear the unfounded call by Femi Falana to prosecute the army. Otherwise Icheoku would have counseled to ignore it because unknown soldiers cannot be held accountable for their actions. They merely carried out orders; they are ghosts and ghosts do not exist and therefore cannot be sanctioned.

Thursday, December 24, 2015


Icheoku says they don't come a dime a dozen, such men and women that change the world. William Shakespeare was right that some people are born great, some have greatness entrusted to them, while some others achieve greatness.  Yes, Nnamdi Kanu falls in the category of great men contemplated here as he has achieved greatness.  His name has been written in indelible gold ink as the man of great courage who stood up to say enough of marginalization and enough of tribalism and in any other event, to 'let my people go'. Icheoku says highly commendable and indeed very admirable and imitable too. 

Luckily, several months in detention and continuing, he is still standing very tall and unfazed; his spirit not broken and the people are still solidly behind him and cheering him on. Icheoku says not since the advent of the late Odumegwu Ojukwu and the Great Nnamdi Azikwe on the stage of  Igboland, has any Igbo person commanded such organic follower-ship by true blooded Igbo people as Nnamdi Kanu. A followership to die for; a follower-ship worth dying for and a follower-ship for which so many people have laid down their lives already and which follower-ship many more people are still prepared to follow suit, if need be. The follower-ship was not purchased, staged, contrived nor contracted; but purely an undiluted outpouring of love, for a brave and courageous son of Igboland, coming straight  from the heart. 

Like Jesus Christ said, do not be afraid of those who can only torture or kill the body. The Great Nnamdi Kanu understands this and this is part of what founds his courage and the abiding spirit to soldier on and he is soldiering on.  Icheoku says victory is assured and so within sight, it sizzles. Following his re-indictment, Nnamdi Kanu did exactly what Icheoku expected, allege the probability of not getting a fair trial and force the judge to recuse himself, which he did. Icheoku also expects that whichever judge that is finally assigned the case or who agrees to take the case would punt the case back to the government, demanding to know why an earlier order of a brother judge was not obeyed by the government. Thereafter, as a reprisal, the judge should then just dismiss the entire case for lack of prosecutorial merit. 

This is the only way President Muhammadu Buhari will be forced to shed his despotic cloak which he now wears under a civilian babaringa. By so doing, the court will finally baptize President Muhammadu Buhari into a full functioning democrat; and pull him away from his current "converted democrat" status. How can a reasonable, responsible and law abiding government, under a democratic dispensation, disobey a court's order; and in turn, shamelessly go before the same court (same jurisdiction as the court of unconditional bail) to ask for an order for itself, in respect of the same cause and matter. Icheoku says shameless and utter nonsensical; and total disregard for the rule of law. What a havoc wrecked to the independence of the judiciary and challenge to the co-equality of that third arm of the government to the executive. 

Anyway, the whole world is watching and paying very close attention to the travesty that is unfolding in Nigeria under the supposedly "converted democrat" who has no respect for the tenets of democracy, principal of which is adherence to the rule of law. Like Bishop Kukah rightly posited and which Icheoku adopts here, President Muhammadu Buhari should know that 2015 is not analogous to 1983; that Nigerians "are now in a democracy where dialogue, diplomacy and patience are the hallmarks of good leadership." According to the still truth-speaking bishop, “My position on Kanu is straightforward. I am not in any way saying that he is innocent but in order to avoid upheavals and tension, the government should settle through engagement. One of the parties has to trade something for something else. We are not in a military regime. Dialogue is the solution.”

Icheoku says be-eni; the whole truth and nothing but the truth. BUT would President Muhammadu Buhari listen or become deaf like the pharaohs of old Egypt until it is too late. Only time will tell. Thankfully team Nnamdi Kanu achieved somewhat a victory by successfully moving the Justice Ahmed Mohammed's court to recuse himself from hearing the case. The charge reading "unlawful society" is rather ridiculous as the government is branding indigenous people a society; forgetting that societies are formed as opposed to a people that is and has been in existence from time immemorial. Further, if the detained concealed goods in a container as is being alleged, was it not the duty of Customs and Excise to find such and impound them if need be? As for possession of firearms allegation, Icheoku wants to know who gave those murderous Fulani cattle rearers greater right to bear arms, far and above that of Nnamdi Kanu, assuming indeed he was found in possession of firearms? 

Icheoku condemns the government's action in refusing to obey a valid order of unconditional bail of the activist which was granted by a court of competent jurisdiction. Icheoku also says the government acted illegally by continuing to hold the activist post bail and as a result has lost every moral authority to now seek redress from the same court it flaunted its order. Icheoku says Nnamdi Kanu's defense team should in addition to whatever other remedy being sought, seek the indictment of the Department of State Security Services for contempt of court for their failure or rather refusal to abide by respective court's ruling on bail including one for Nnamdi Kanu's unconditional release. Whatever case the government might have cannot go on until they obey  subsisting court orders and thereafter, they can rearrest and re-indict the activist if they so desire.

In his powerful submission for recusal of judge, Nnamdi Kanu said "Based on information available to me, I cannot get a fair trial before this court. I will not sacrifice the due process of law founded upon the principle of natural justice on the altar of speedy release from detention. In other words, I will rather remain in detention than subject myself to a trial that I know amounts to perversion of justice. There have been several court rulings delivered by competent courts of jurisdictions which the DSS never respected.” Icheoku says very true and correct; as those seeking equity must first do equity. God bless Nnamdi Kanu and God's speed to the fruition of his cause IJN.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Icheoku says it is about time the Wesy wake up and smell the coffee that is Islamic countries attempt to islamize the entire world. They will not let us build churches in their countries, will not let our women dress as they choose, will not let us drink alcohols, will not let us open night clubs and dance and party as we like, will not let us go topless in the beaches, will not let us even have sex; yet they want us to accommodate their values and cultures including their women dress up in terrorizing veil and burquahs. Now they have banned christmas and you tell me this is not the sign of things to come down the pike. 

In Northern Nigeria, they have sharia law and their Boko Haram military wing has been trying to spread islam throughout the country. In Saudi Arabia, there is not even a single church or worship center and they are cutting off peoples head for as  little as drinking or even writing an opinion. In Iran, we know how the country turned into an ISLAMIC republic, which the tiny African country of Guinea just recently became too. They are killing us; they are violating our values and our way of life, forcing their cultures everywhere that you begin to wonder if they liked their culture so much, why did they leave their nooks of the world to venture to the West. 

Icheoku says enough of all these political-Islam correctness. It is about time the West demands reciprocity from the Islamic world and if they don't agree, then lets ban their ways and culture from spreading in the West. Any of them that don't like it should go back to wherever they came from, failing which, they should be put in prison or forcibly deported. All these foul cry about anti-islam and associated hogwash is just what it is - crocodile tears that means nothing; and nothing short of brash reaction will halt their determined march to force their brand of worship on everyone. Now Christmas is gone, banned in both Brunei and Somalia Islamic countries and you wonder what is next. 

Icheoku says Donald Trump is right; Donald Trump is the answer to the question of Islamic spread and threat to overrun the world and Donald Trump is the right man to lead America and the West at this very trying times. Icheoku is emphatic that no other person in both Democratic and Republican Parties is better suited and more qualified at this fork on the road with threatening Islamic spread, to be president of America, and in a falling-apart world than a man who fears none of those pin-heads Muslims and who is prepared to align forces to defeat Islamic terrorism and Islam itself, if it gets to that. 

Enough of these pandering and cajoling of these muslims. We really do not need them to remain who we are, not anymore as 2015 is not 1970. They can go drink their oil as we now have our own and other non Muslim countries'  supply sources; and at worst, we can nuke them and still have the oil secured down the ground. What manner of rubbish is this anyway that people can no longer have rest and live in peace just because of these mallams who have no worth for human life and who think that they can have their way by terrorizing everybody. ISIS or ISIL have killed off nearly all christians in their part of the world; Saudi Arabia treats christianity as a taboo which is punished by death, meted out with chopping off the head of apostates. First it was Brunei and now Somalia too, has banned Christmas?

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


THE recent insistence by Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu that President Muhamadu Buhari must remove fuel subsidy come January 2016 is quite unfortunate in many respects, it is another misadventure of National Leader of APC and his party.    It smacks of lack of sense of history, betrayal of the common people and utter disservice to the memory of Late Professor Bala Usman the 10th anniversary of whose death Senator Tinubu chose to make such flagrant insensitive postulation. 
To begin with, there is a lot of question mark on the choice of a Tinubu for such assignment as doing justice to the legacies of Comrade Bala Usman. One need not be too grounded in the political history of Nigeria to recognize that there was a clear-cut difference between the revolutionary, socialist ideas of Bala Usman and Tinubu’s fair weather eclectic, pseudo-capitalist principles which unavoidably pander to the needs of neo-liberalism. 
Bala Usman was a teacher of the youth, students, peasants and the working class. He stood for fundamental social transformation in favour of the downtrodden as against the greed and graft, which form the bedrock of Nigeria’s neocolonial ruling class ideology. Throughout the 80s and until he passed on, Bala Usman was a vehement anti-fuel subsidy removal agitator and organizer. He was very clear in his enunciation that Nigeria, as an oil producing country could not sell petroleum products to Nigerians at the so-called global market price. His political economic analyses to substantiate this, delivered at various lectures, conferences and seminars, spanning decades are there in the archives for anyone who cares to see. 
It is therefore rather preposterous to make such anti-people proclamation of undying love for fuel subsidy on Bala Usman’s anniversary. If at all Senator Tinubu never had encounter with Bala Usman or his mountains of intellectual production, thoroughness demands that when asked to speak on such occasion he should have really done his homework, and as questions. After all, there is no harm is asking when a man finds himself in a new terrain where the road signs are strange to him. 
But then it would appear that Senator Tinubu was on another of several missions to hoodwink the masses, using a platform that he has no moral claim to but only politically found expedient in his mission to fulfill the by now too familiar stock-in-trade of his party. Doublespeak, backstabbing and swindling of the masses by way of answering “Progressive” and flying the “Change” kite while being at the beck and call of international capital and local compador bourgeoisie is the name of the new strange political game in town, and Jagaba ‘n Borgu seems not to be prepared to be outdone by any contender, being the de facto leader of the change motley.   
Not content with chaperoning the mass of the people into the One-Chance change bus, Senator Bola Tinubu persistently goads on the government of President Muhamadu Buhari to continue to shortchange the working class and the rest of the masses by any means and at all times. The leader of APC, whose then Action Congress Of Nigeria (ACN) took the former President Goodluck Jonathan’s government to the cleaners and openly supported protest against fuel subsidy removal in January 2012, should realize that Nigerians are watching and already asking questions.   
What his party promised was not retrenchment, downward review of minimum wage, tightening of belt, half-hearted and selective anti-corruption crusade and a weak currency. Change meant in the people’s perspective security, job opportunities, living wages and general economic prosperity. What Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu proposed on the platform of one of the foremost leaders of the Talakawas is a recipe for economic epilepsy and political eruptions.    
The arguments put forward to back such dastardly assault on the interest of the working people are as puerile as they are malicious. Although nothing better could have come from an oil magnate and exploiter of labour, it would have been expected that more convincing demagoguery was wrought. The arguments are pedestrian, lack depth and too routine to convince anyone in this digital age.   
For instance, it sounds rather lame an argument to say money saved from subsidy will be used for infrastructural development, or to present the appearance that subsidy is an unusual phenomenon. The fact remains that governments all over the world subsidise one thing or the other. In Nigeria it is only fuel government claims to subsidise.    
Of course, in the real sense, what it translates to and why it is being opposed is that subsidy removal is a euphemism for increased fuel price in the Nigerian political economy. So what Senator Tinubu tacitly proposed is that the poor masses must be made to pay more for fuel from their already lean pockets in order to fatten the pockets of capitalists like himself and his friends. That is the simple meaning of good business climate to them.   
Sincerely, the government of President Buhari needs to be told to stop running from pillar to post and leaving the country afloat like a rudderless boat in the middle of a stormy sea. The solution to the present socio-economic quagmire is already there in black and white. The government needs to swallow its pride and revisit the 2014 National Conference report, in which most of the issues that confront him today (economic, political and even security) are clearly analyzed and solutions proffered.     
The more the government shies away from this the more things will continue to fall apart. The government needs to diversify the economy, restructure the country, devolve power and operate proper fiscal federalism, while domesticating and making justiciable all international conventions of human and people’s rights to which Nigeria is signatory. That is the only way the government can make real and permanent change.       
On the part of the people, the real nationalists, progressives, democrats and humanists need to close ranks irrespective of political party and other difference, to forge a common platform against the neoliberal assault being championed by the likes of Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu. A people united can never be defeated.

Monday, December 21, 2015


Icheoku says the only reason certain things, actions of some individuals and groups, as well as  state actors themselves, are getting away with the things they do in Nigeria is that Nigerians, as a people, are not united and do not stand united against them. Nigerians  protest individually, usually from their tribal or regional perspective, and depending on whose ox was gored and stand hands akimbo when others' ox is involved. Once the act does not touch or concern their ethnicity or tribes men and women, they treat it as not their business, hence don't usually get involved in it or in trying to resolve it. 

This is the reason the oppressors and the henchmen and women of Nigeria get away with whatever atrocities they commit; because in the tripod based Nigeria, it is always easy for the oppressor to double-team with the unaffected against the affected.This is the problem afflicting Nigeria and until Nigerians begin to see a person's or group's or ra egion's problem as their collective problem, Nigeria can never move in the direction of attaining nationhood. Icheoku says the day Nigerians will start seeing each other as brothers and sisters who share in the same common destiny of the Nigerian state, that day will their dream of nationhood be attained and achieved. That day of euphoria is when things will generally get better for everyone, including the unaffected, the affected and the oppressor. 

Icheoku says take for example the current marginalization of Southeast Ndigbo in Nigeria affairs which the Yoruba Southwest does not care about. In their thinking, it is purely Ndigbo problem which Ndigbo themselves should sought out with President Muhammadu Buhari, if they feel so marginalized; despite the fact that the issue is glaringly starring everyone on the face. Take also the issue of Boko Haram which is ravaging the Northeast but which every other group and people in Nigeria who are not in the affected region see as the North's problem. According to these non affected people, it is "dem, dem wahallah" so let them deal with it as they see fit. Further take the constant killing and pillaging that has refused to abate in the Middle Belt, where Fulani cattle rearers and local inhabitants farmers are constantly at war with each other, fighting, maiming, killing, burning and looting each other. Other none affected Nigerians see it as the problem of the Middle Belt, hence it is theirs to solve if they so desire. 

Continuing, take the problem of nomadic cattle rearers in Southern Nigeria, which was highlighted with their recent abduction of a Yoruba High Chief Olu Falaye. As far as other Nigerians were concerned, it is a purely a Yoruba problem which only the Yorubas have to confront if they want it solved. Ditto the kidnappings and killings by the same wandering nomads of peoples of the Southeast and South-south region. Furthermore, very lately, Southeast and South-south region, formerly of Biafra, have rekindled their agitation for an independent state of Biafra. Many protesters have been killed by security agents; many have been detained and even their leader has been in detention for quite some time now. The government of President Muhammadu Buhari has so far refused to honor a perfected bail which was granted by a legitimate court of the land; which bail was further affirmed by a Higher court which ordered the unconditionally release of the accused. The government has refused to honor these rulings, the guy is still being held, albeit illegally; but as far as other Nigerians are concerned, it is Biafran people's problem and they should solve it if they so desire. 

Icheoku queries when has the breach of the constitution of Nigeria to a fair and speedy hearing, which a bail facilitates become a regional problem? What is the use of law if it is not broadly, fairly applied throughout the spectrum of the people that are under it? It is akin to an Igbo proverb wherein the chicken was laughing at the guinea fowl which is being deep-fried, not knowing that its turn will come in a few days later. Life lessons is not usually about the dead as the dead has died and moved on; no, it is always about the living, who has refused to or did not learn a thing from the dead. Today it is Nnamdi Kanu and the Biafrans whose rights to fair and speedy hearing as well as life, is being trampled upon with flagrant disregard to two duly constituted courts' orders and unlawful killings; tomorrow, it might become Otumba Adams and the Oduduwas or the AREWA or Niger Deltans. 

What goes around, comes around; but regrettably in the usual partisan Nigerian fashion, even the supposed human rights lawyers in Nigeria are keeping mum while the constitution is being violated and in a democratic dispensation. Icheoku has not seen any of the Nigerian pretenders of defenders of human rights and the constitution raise their voice to condemn President Muhammadu Buhari's government for disobeying two valid subsisting courts orders. Not even the Nigerian Bar Association or other various States or Cities Bar Associations officials have voiced against this and you wonder why their selective advocacy and campaigns on human rights and abuse of the constitution. The funny thing is that these Nigerians will not miss any given opportunity to identify themselves as human rights lawyers and you wonder what shameful face they presently still parade themselves in, with a man who was ordered released from jail still being detained in utter violence to the letters of the constitution and the authority of the judiciary, which two institutions they were sworn to uphold and defense zealously.  

What face would these people use to stand in front of cameras or interviews to identify themselves as former chairmen of this and that Bar Associations or Human Rights campaigners or advocates when they have not said anything about the vagrant refusal of President Muhammadu Buhari to respect two valid orders of court. Icheoku is emphatic that a law abiding president or government must first comply with subsisting valid orders of courts and could summarily rearrest the accused if they want to. But to so completely disregard the two orders of courts as if the courts don't matter anymore or that the executive is superior to the judiciary, in a three tier government of co-equals, is rather benumbing and mind bugging. A matter made worse by the graveyard conspiratorial silence which the lawyers of Nigeria and their associations have maintained all this while. Icheoku here once again call on President Muhammadu Buhari to honor his uttered word that he is now a "converted democrat"  and respect the law of the land hich every democrat is mandated to respect.

Icheoku says all these nonsensical madness in Nigeria will go away and simply disappear the day Nigerians start seeing each other as one; asking questions and demanding answers as one; seeing each other's problem as their own problem; and collectively acting as one towards finding solutions to their problems. That is the day Nigerians will truly heal and their country will indeed morph into a nation with Nigerians singing hallelujah that finally at last, they have a country which has finally transformed into a nation. 

But regrettably, like many other things Nigeria, this wishful thinking is simply utopia as Nigerians agree among themselves that they are not one people, nor even a country talkless of a nation. Nigerians don't see themselves as one, neither do they see each others problem as a communal problem needing and requiring a communal joining of hands to fashion out a solution. As a result the massacre of Middle Belt people by the Fulani nomads will continue; the vagrancy of those nomadic Fulani cattle rearers in the South will persist; Ndigbo will continue to agonize their marginalization in Nigeria until something happens either to redress this situation or grant them their independent existence as a nation or a truly federating unit of Nigeria; Boko Haram and other Islamic militants will continue to run amok in Northern Nigeria and of course the Yorubas will continue to suffer whatever peculiar problem that is common to them. 

At the end of the day, everybody gets shafted and a big conundrum will be left for everyone to stew in. They will continuously shout at each other, pointing accusing fingers at one another, fighting, crawling, scratching, maiming and killing one another for what a simple unity could have solved more peacefully. It is a very unfortunate situation indeed but the reality on the ground, which is bedeviling Nigerians, that after 55 years of attaining their independence, true nationhood has eluded the country. Nigerians, Icheoku calls on everyone to please wake up and smell the coffee that there is a need for a true united Nigeria. Further, a true unity, far and beyond the sloganeering unity which is served only when convenient, will indeed take care of all these separatists agitations in the land. Let every Nigerian be the change which everyone desires to see in Nigeria; and peradventure help move the country forward and into doing greater things. The country has crawled around for too long and it is about time it started running; only if the country can become united. But what a shame!

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Icheoku says like Moses, Ojukwu lead Biafrans out of Nigeria but stopped short of the promised land, that is Biafra actually alive and thriving. This is the prophetic text Nnamdi Kanu has come to fulfill; who like Joshua, will actually lead the people of Biafra right into Biafra. 

Icheoku can't wait as we pray for the Almighty protection and fortitude to enable this true son of Biafra to mission accomplish his objective. Icheoku calls on all true blooded Biafrans to support the effort and for those bastardy Biafrans, who are Biafrans in name only and when convenient, please butt out of the way with your cynicism and backbiting as the assured is near and nearer than you can imagine and/or believe. SAI NNAMDI KANU; SAI BIAFRA.

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Icheoku says it is good for a man to take a stand of conviction and stand resolute on it, regardless of how unpopular others might see his action. It becomes even better when it is a conviction founded on truism, but which others are too afraid to venture out on. This three men have been profound on speaking out their minds as it relates to the state of affairs in Nigeria, irrespective of who the godfather concerned is. 
For being courageous and bravely standing in front of a moving train that is Nigeria under the weight of corruption and injustice, Icheoku says Ekiti State Governor Ayodele Fayose, 
former Aviation Minister Fani OluKayode and Indigenous Peoples of Biafra leader Nnamdi Kanu have earned our persons of the year 2015 recognition. They have etched their names in the sands of time and history will say them well. Congratulations F.K. and K.

Friday, December 18, 2015


Icheoku says two court orders, yet to comply; and you wonder whether the lean and mean Cassius of Daura thinks it is deja vu 1983 and his despotic indefinite detention of persons without trial all over again? Leader of IPOB and Biafran man of the moment, Nnamdi Kanu, who is being illegally detained by the President Muhammad Buhari's government of Nigeria has successfully secured bail from two courts of competent jurisdiction but the government has refused to comply as ordered by releasing him. Icheoku says this is a government of a man who lied to the whole world that he is now "a converted democrat", yet won't comply and adhere to the rule of law. 

Query, what manner of a democrat will twice refuse to comply to a valid subsisting ruling and order of two courts, which granted bail and upheld same; and which bail condition have severally since been perfected and still pretends to be a converted democrat? Icheoku says this type of conversion is not heart-deep and sooner Nigerians realized that they made an egregious mistake in electing this despot and gear up for the fight ahead for their freedom, the better. President Muhammadu Buhari, Icheoku says, obey valid orders of court, comply with courts'  orders and release Nnamdi Kanu from the continued illegal detention forthwith and immediately. WAI BIAFRA, SAI KANU.