Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


ICHEOKU says in choosing the next Nigeria's president, preparedness for the office should be key and in fact the only single most important requirement of anyone running for the office. It should be made paramount and it should be made a  mandatory prerequisite. Any candidate seeking the office must display his or her readiness to hit the ground running from Day 1 Readiness for the office and the ability to hit the ground running following swearing in ceremony, should be the only crucial, most important requirement of any candidate seeking the office. Every other consideration should be an addition, but should never be allowed to cluster and/or trump this foundational requirement.

Lack of this imperative is the bane of the Nigeria society; as lack of preparedness for the office has been the Achilles heel of all the emergent or rather imposed past presidents of Nigeria. Presidents who were literary, randomly handpicked and imposed on the country by powers that be and who did not prepare for the office; nor had no clear vision on how they wanted to drive the ball of the county and where they indeed wanted to take the country to. As a result, they fumble their presidency and fail to motivate the diverse polity that make up Nigeria into doing great things and achieving greatness for the country's overall wellness. Like a deer under the glare of a high beam, these accidental presidents end up staggering along through their presidency, with a lot of fits and starts, hits and misses, as they trudge on and make it up as they went. This caused Nigeria to stagnate, lost in the woods of nationhood confusion and mired in economic malaise. Lacking vision and with no clear blue print on how to direct the affairs of the country, it becomes one faulty step after another, and you wonder why anyone still feigns ignorance about the root-cause of the backward movement of the country.

What Nigeria needs going forward in 2019 is to correct this anomaly by choosing and electing a president who has a vision and who has an idea of the direction where he wants to take the country to. Time for a confused president is over and only a person who has demonstrated a clear directional purpose should be privileged with election into the office. In 2019, Nigerians need to elect a president who is smart, bold and somewhat brash; someone who has a world exposure and who is reasonably educated to appreciate both macro and micro economic analysis; as well as some other jargons and legalese associated with both local and international relationships. Nigeria needs a person who has a killer instinct and who has desirable judgment calls, including the innate ability to spot talents and judiciously use them in governing of the country. 

Thus far, it has been established beyond any reasonable doubt that a PhD and/or a Generalship of the Army is not necessary an indicator of fine presidency as the failed Goodluck Jonathan and the now abysmally failed Muhammadu Buhari have shown. As a result, Nigerians do not need to pigeonhole their search for the next president on people with this two distinct backgrounds. They need to pivot and broaden their horizon to other areas as they search for who to bestow the honor of their next president come 2019. Having tried a PhD president who turned out to be mediocre, timid, unexposed and clueless; and one who lacked in every leadership test including the ability to inspire the people, the argument of a PhD president is thus defeated. Nigeria is also currently trying an illiterate Army General, who has proved himself to be grossly incompetent and the worst thing to ever happen to Nigeria since the counter-coup of 1966 which sent Nigeria barreling down and into its current ditch of perdition. 

While the flopped PHD presidential experiment shows that studious students, who usually take it all the way up to earn their PhD, do not necessarily make good leaders; the woeful despotic General presidential experiment is also showing that certain promotions across the Nigerian security apparatus were not based on merit nor were they rightly earned. Therefore having conclusively established that parading a PHD in one's resume or rising to the top of the Nigeria Army is not evidence of presidential leadership, neither of this two professional achievements should be the imperative in choosing and electing who becomes the next Nigeria's president in 2019. 

Nigeria needs someone who has a proven leadership ability and one who has actually accomplished something provable in life; which essentially establishes his or her bona fides as an achiever and a leader. A leader who will drive the ball of the country and who will point to the direction where he or she wants the motivated polity to go and motivate them to go there. A leader who shall be a shepard to the Nigerian flock and who like an NFL Quarterback will marshall out and motivate his team to touchdowns. A social recluse who was holed inside a library during his university days, who never socialized, nor mixed and mingled; who did not belong to any students' associations, talkless of leading them, cannot suddenly be foist to a leadership position and expected to do well. He lacks the basic fundamentals, does not know how and was not prepared for the sudden challenge. Ditto, an uneducated soldier, who merely rode the ladder of cronyism to the top, who knows only how to bark orders, but deficient in the art of schmoozing, which is a necessary requirement to carrying people along in a democracy and motivating them to doing great things for the country. 

Former President Goodluck Jonathan has a PhD but was definitely not a leader. He proved himself a very incompetent president, who was neither respected nor feared; and was not loved either. Any leadership deprived of either respect or fear is moribund and dead on arrival and cannot take flight; the reason his presidency was lackluster and to a great extent a bungled opportunity to shine and showcase education as an indispensable imperative to governance. He did not and failed to represent persons from the high ivory towers and no Nigerian would ever be sold a presidential candidate solely on his PhD. President Muhammadu Buhari on the other hand, although he is not loved, but he is still a leader; he is at least feared and he leaves no one in doubt about who is indeed in charge of affairs in the country. This is the reason he gets away with so many unimaginable things including his lopsided appointments, which would have been considered sacrilegious with other past presidents. But unfortunately, he lacks education and exposure, the reason for the crass mediocrity which has since become his presidency. 

ICHEOKU is emphatic that presidential leadership requires broader abilities beyond just memorizing written texts and writing and defending a dissertation. Such honed-in academia like Jonathan Goodluck are best suited for the classrooms, laboratories, research centers, think-thanks groups; and other such places where the transfer and acquisition of knowledge is the foundational focus. They also could make good departmental heads of certain government agencies when assigned to manage a micro area where their specialization is fundamentally essential. ICHEOKU is convinced that Goodluck Jonathan would have performed brilliantly well if he was heading an animal science laboratory or a zoological sciences center or even a geneticist science center dealing with animals more than he did in the presidency. He was not fit for purpose and the result showed as he timidly went about, messing up his presidential opportunity.  Being the president of Nigeria was definitely outside Goodluck Jonathan's comfort zone and it left him confused and fidgety and it affected everything he did during his time in Aso Rock. This is an avoidable mistake which must be avoided at all cost come 2019. 

ICHEOKU is not by this suggesting in anyway that having a president who has a PhD is wrong; but that having a PhD must not be the only qualification for choosing a president. Having a PhD by itself without more is not and should not be sufficient to make one eminently qualified for the office of president. Jonathan Goodluck is a PhD but he was not a leader. He was meek and compassionate but lacked the verve to be great. He pandered and kowtowed to every dick, tom and harry in Nigeria, without being firmly in charge of his presidency and he was not decisive. He preached that no blood of a Nigerian is worth shedding for his office, but forgot the incredibly difficult and obstinate society which he was called upon to lead. He forgot the peculiarity of the Nigerian society, a people who only listens when pressured or when their skin is completely lacerated and bleeding. Yes, ICHEOKU says that Goodluck Jonathan should have been a little tougher, firmer and more decisive; but he was not and that was what took him down and out of power and subsequently stretched him out of Aso Rock. 

So as Nigerians ready and politicians jockey for position in the forthcoming 2019 presidential election, it is important to revisit the process which springs up Nigeria's presidents. Why do they not usually succeed in office and how can amends be made to affect a change in the outcome. How can Nigerians defeat the jinx of bad presidents and elect a president who will in fact succeed and do great things for the country. Why are these presidents not always well prepared or well enough for the office; and ready for its challenges, both foreseeable and unforeseeable ones? Why do they not have the mental fortitude to do the job required of the office and rise up to be the best president they can be. What relevant backgrounds and experiences are they armed with and bringing to bear on their new presidential gig. What have they accomplished in their lives previously which relevant experiences they are bringing along with them to the new office; and what is their level of interactions with people of diverse backgrounds which political governance is all about. 

But unfortunately, Nigerians never have the opportunity to find out some of these fundamentals of a successful president. A process which debates and press conferences are made for, but which opportunities are always denied them because candidates refuse to debate or grant press interviews. In Nigeria, candidates for office often stonewall and out rightly refuse to engage in debates or grant press conferences, afraid of unraveling before millions of Nigerians who would tune in and be watching. They know that they are grossly incompetent and unprepared for the office, and afraid of letting the mask of Zorro fall off too early, would refuse to engage in debates or give press conferences, to answer some insightful questions about the office and their preparedness for it. 

Obasanjo did not debate or rather refused to debate. Umaru Yar'Adua did not debate or rather refused to debate. Jonathan did not debate or rather refused to debate. President Muhammadu Buhari did not debate or rather also refused to debate. So Nigerians always end up being forced to pull the trigger for a candidate based on other mundane considerations and not because they determined them to be most qualified for the office from conducted debates and interviews. Without having such necessary insight into the person's ability, qualification and competence for the office, which debates usually make possible, a joker who pulled other parochial strings for support usually ends up becoming president; and the endless vicious circle continues till today. 

This makes the Nigerian presidency the only job in the world where someone is hired for a job without first going through the interview process and without establishing their suitability and qualification for the job. The process of hiring Nigeria's presidents is grossly faulty and it cascades into the mediocrity of each successive president; who lack in performance and cannot inspire anyone into doing greater things in order to help make Nigeria great. Olusegun Obasanjo was a failure, although he excelled when compared to other subsequent presidents following after him. Yar'Adua failed as well; ditto did Jonathan and of course the nightmare in Elms Street that is the Dracula of Daura, President Muhammadu Buhari. 

They were not products of the democratic process, but were literary imposed on Nigerians by some powers that be, hence their failure to launch and amaze. Had Nigerians produced them by making them to pass through the crucible of electioneering process, may be they would have, with hindsight of how they got there, girded up to do the job for which they were elected and passed through fire to get there. But it is not always the case, hence they are usually beholden to the powers that sprung them on Nigerians and periodically  cut fat checks to them in order to stay in power and could care less whether or not they are governing well. This imbecility must end and it must end in 2019 if Nigerians dream of ever having a government they can trust and believe in to do good for them and which the can be truly proud of as their elected government. 

ICHEOKU says the road to get there is simple, if only Nigerians are ready to do the heavy lifting required in choosing the right candidate for the job. Unfortunately, it is very doubtful if Nigerians are there yet as a lot of parochial tendencies usually festoon the road to electing a good president and thus suffocate that possibility. Anyway, this write up is about the future and not in any way a ruefulness about the past; but only how Nigerians can at least try to get it right come 2019.

First step is the need to find a candidate who is well qualified for the job. Nigerians have tried a PhD who ran a government of mediocrity which showed that a storied education is not a necessary sine qua non to being an effective president. ICHEOKU says this because President Goodluck Jonathan with his PhD in Animal Science/Zoology was a failed president which showed that a storied academic credentials along does not cut it. Goodluck Jonathan never had a grasp of his presidency while it lasted. He was timid, he was clueless and he did not really appreciate the seriousness of the office nor how to effectively wield powers of the office. He attended weddings and he knelt down before human beings when he is supposed to be the fealty above who there is no other Nigerian. He disrespected the office and he lost his respect among Nigerians. Any president who is neither feared nor respected cannot function and Jonathan was neither, hence the unraveling of his presidency. He was too readily available and this defeated the near  solemness of the office. He lacks charisma and charm and did not inspire nor motivate anyone. 

These shortcomings must be avoided in the next candidate for president, as Nigerians only need someone with a sound education, who is audacious, bold, well traveled and well exposed to the world; someone who is a good mixer and who interacts very well with people because timidity is a big deficit in running the affairs of any country which requires intermittent mixing and mingling with other world leaders. The person must be a goal getter and near maniacally, possessively driven. The person must have very little distraction and unlike the heavily distracted Abubakar Atiku with his four wives and many concubines, must make do with a single wife, if any. The person must learn to make eye contact and have the ability to eyeball wall leaders, unlike the coward of Otuoke who fidgets and looks the other way whenever in the midst of foreign leaders. President Olusegun Obasanjo excelled in many of these departments; but he was a parochial leader who was both tribal and pigeonholed and also very vindictive; otherwise he was the best among the rest. 

These qualities must be determined by compelling the candidates to go through real interviews for the job. They must agree to debates and actually debate several times, at least do three debates. The candidates must agree to holding press conferences and at least hold two of them where questions must not be presented ahead of time but freely chosen for them to answer on national television with audience watching them live as well. The candidates must be made to give a clear road map blueprint answer to whatever solution they are preferring for any Nigerian problem. They must not be allowed to parry questions or give the usual one liner generic answer such as "I will fight corruption; I will create jobs and insecurity will become a thing of the past or my government will provide power to Nigeria etc. 

If the candidate says I will, he or she must go forth and explain how the "I will", will come to fruition. He must explain to Nigerians' conviction, his rudimentary understanding of how things get done; how to mission accomplish set objectives. If he says will reduce unemployment, he must tell Nigerians how he plans to create jobs that will accomplish the promised. If he says he will end corruption, he must also disclose the judicial reforms he plans to embark on that will help solve the corruption problem. Therefore, no interview (debates), no hire (vote) for the presidency come 2019.

Were ICHEOKU to suggests a candidate for Nigeria's presidency come 2019, will strongly recommend the banker, Tony Elumelu, for consideration. He successfully turned around and repositioned the nearly moribund United Bank of Africa into a consortium and could do so with a comatose Nigeria. He will be much better at figuring out Nigeria's problems and finding solutions to them; unlike those two failed presidents who could hardly mix and mingle, or interact with people from other climes and backgrounds to extract what they could offer to reposition things. Such attempt often left them confused and out of their comfort zone. This is the reason a businessman or banker or lawyer always make a better president or leader, because in their normal course of doing business, they interact with people from various backgrounds and they are a good people's reader to spot the diamonds amongst them who will bring something rewarding to governance. They are also good public relations personalities and they have a killer  instinct to spot talents. They are good mixers and they are courageous people too who are not afraid to say what they are thinking and break what needs to be broken in order to move the process forward.


ICHEOKU says it was a synergy between science and divinity, admitted the two hardly intersects each other or ever worked in tandem, being polar opposites. But the circumstances of the twelve soccer playing boys of Thailand and their coach, who went missing inside a cave, cannot be so easily explained away and in any other way, other than to say it was the hand of God working alongside together with science that made the successful rescue possible. 

Those young boys showed extraordinary courage under such a daunting, incredible pressure of being in an inhospitable condition, trapped three miles deep inside an unforgiving cavernous cave, that was nearly flooded to the brim and for such a long time of 19 days. Yet, they managed to find a corner that was secured and high enough, above the water and couched there until discovered. Their discovery was equally by sheer dint of hard work plus associated mother luck; otherwise how anyone would have located them under such dark, putrid air, with associated flood water and murkiness, is beyond reason. But they were found, thanks to committed cave experts and divers who successfully mapped and navigated the flooded cave and rescued the twelve boys and their coach. They were all alive and relatively in good health, after close to nineteen days of being in a subterranean, zero visibility and humid environment,  perched atop a rock shelf. It was a case of miracle and science worked wonders; as miracle kept them alive while science rescued them.

Previously united in their soccer playing hobby, the boys are now further bonded by their shared hallowing experience inside a cave, an adventure which went awry and turned out not as they originally had planned and anticipated. But the good news is that they are alive and well and were successfully brought out of their watery entrapment and will someday relive their ordeal when they will be asked to partake in one way or the other in putting together a block buster movie about them. ICHEOKU says to God be the praise and glory; and also kudos to the over 90 experts who flew in from the world over to render whatever assistance they could give to the Thai Navy Seal and officials who led the effort and successfully coordinated and supervised the effort to its conclusion. 

ICHEOKU says Thailand once again was shown much love, which is reflective of an appreciative world who come to Thailand on vacation and leave with good experience. It was an example of a world working together for a common purpose and it turned out well. ICHEOKU is completely satisfied and full of gratitude that everything turned out well. All the best, lucky 13. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


ICHEOKU says he is coming with a clear-eyed view of what the United States of America constitution provides. ICHEOKU says the right pick.


ICHEOKU says President Donald John Trump has decided on one of the candidates for the vacated seat of retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy of the Supreme Court. He is Judge Brett Kavanaugh of Federal Court of Appeal Washington DC 3rd Circuit. A devout Catholic, devoted father of two young girls and a husband; and of course a son, the only child of his parents. He comes from the Bush Family's wing of the Republican Party and they resoundingly approves of his pick. 

ICHEOKU says it once again shows the largeness of heart and magnanimity of President Donald John Trump, whose immense capacity to rise above petty reprisals and not judging one guilty by association, has once again been made manifest with this pick. The president described Judge Kavanaugh as one of the finest and sharpest legal minds in our time; a jurist who would set aside his political views and apply the Constitution as written. ICHEOKU says is very hopeful that he will hold the forte for conservatism following his assured confirmation. Congratulations to the nominee and congratulations to the president who nominated him. Here now is the beautiful nominee's remarks:- 

"Mr. President, thank you.  Throughout this process, I’ve witnessed firsthand your appreciation for the vital role of the American judiciary. No President has ever consulted more widely, or talked with more people from more backgrounds, to seek input about a Supreme Court nomination. Mr. President, I am grateful to you and I am humbled by your confidence in me. Thank you. Thirty years ago, President Reagan nominated Anthony Kennedy to the Supreme Court. The framers established that the Constitution is designed to secure the blessings of liberty.  Justice Kennedy devoted his career to securing liberty. I am deeply honored to be nominated to fill his seat on the Supreme Court. My mom and dad are here. I am their only child. When people ask what it’s like to be an only child, I say, “It depends on who your parents are.” I was lucky. My mom was a teacher. 

In the 1960s and 70s she taught history at two largely African American public high schools in Washington, D.C.—McKinley Tech and H.D. Woodson.  Her example taught me the importance of equality for all Americans. My mom was a trailblazer. When I was 10, she went to law school and became a prosecutor.  My introduction to law came at our dinner table when she practiced her closing arguments.  Her trademark line was: “Use you common sense.  What rings true?  What rings false?”  That’s good advice a juror, and for a son. One of the few women prosecutors at that time, she overcame barriers and became a trial judge.  The President introduced me tonight as Judge Kavanaugh.  But to me that title will always belong to my mom. My dad went to law school at night while working full time. He has an unparalleled work ethic and has passed down to me his passion for playing and watching sports. I love him dearly. 

The motto of my Jesuit high school was “Men for others.” I’ve tried to live that creed. I’ve spent my career in public service, from the executive branch and the White House to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.  I’ve served with 17 other judges, each of them a colleague and a friend. My judicial philosophy is straightforward. A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law. A judge must interpret statutes as written.  And a judge must interpret the Constitution as written, informed by history and tradition and precedent. For the past 11 years, I’ve taught hundreds of students, primarily at Harvard Law School. I teach that the Constitution’s separation of powers protects individual liberty, and I remain grateful to the dean who hired me, Justice Elena Kagan. As a judge, I hire four law clerks each year. I look for the best. My law clerks come from diverse backgrounds and points of view. 

I am proud that a majority of my law clerks have been women. I am part of the vibrant Catholic community in the D.C. area. The members of that community disagree about many things, but we are united by a commitment to serve. Father John Enzler is here.  Forty years ago, I was an altar boy for Father John. These days, I help him serve meals to the homeless at Catholic Charities. I have two spirited daughters—Margaret and Liza. Margaret loves sports, and she loves to read.  Liza loves sports, and she loves to talk. I have tried to create bonds with my daughters like my dad created with me. For the past seven years, I have coached my daughter’s basketball teams. The girls on the team call me “Coach K.” I am proud of our Blessed Sacrament team that just won the city championship. My daughters and I also go to lots of games. Our favorite memory was going to the historic Notre Dame-Yukon women’s basketball game at this year’s Final Four. 

Unforgettable. My wife Ashley is a West Texan. A graduate of Abilene Cooper Public High School and the University of Texas. She is now the town manager of our community. We met in 2001 when we both worked in the White House. Our first date was on September 10, 2001. The next morning, I was a few steps behind her as the Secret Service shouted at all of us to sprint out the front gates of the White House because there was an inbound plane. In the difficult weeks that followed, Ashley was a source of strength for President Bush and for everyone in this building.  Through bad days and so many better days since then, she’s been a great wife and inspiring mom. I thank God every day for my family. Tomorrow, I begin meeting with members of the Senate, which plays an essential role in this process. I will tell each senator that I revere the Constitution. I believe that an independent judiciary is the crown jewel of our constitutional republic. If confirmed by the Senate, I will keep an open mind in every case, and I will always strive to preserve the Constitution of the United States and the American Rule of Law. Thank you, Mr. President." 

Monday, July 9, 2018


ICHEOKU says what a way to gain notoriety so fast by desecrating Lady Liberty just to make a political statement. A political statement which she never felt was needed and never deemed it necessary to make in her native Congo from where she flee and was given refuge in America. To reciprocate  this gesture, she decided to take Lady Liberty hostage and on a day when Americans celebrated their freedom, their Independence Day. 

The Statue of Liberty is a destination of choice for millions, both foreign and domestic, who throng there to be inspired by the welcoming spirit of America, which she represents. People particularly go there on special days including on July 4th Independence Day, but many of these people were deprived the opportunity to fulfill their long awaited dream to visit with Lady Liberty, the beckon of hope to the world, by the action of this nappy haired crackhead-looking ungrateful strangler. 

Therese Okoumou, 44, a naturalized United States of America citizen from the Democratic Republic of Congo scaled the pedestal of Lady Liberty and staged a three hour protest, which according to her was against President Donald John Trump's zero tolerance policy on illegal immigrationShe was arrested and charged with misdemeanor trespassing and disorderly conduct and faces up to six months in jail on each charge, if convicted. She wore a T-shirt on which was written "White Supremacy is Terrorism" and said that she went as high as she could go and that children do not belong in cages. In her own exact words, she said, "When they go low, we go high and I went as high as I could. No children belong in a cage." 

ICHEOKU says the only thing is that she forgot about her sanctimonious indignation at the Immigration Law enforcement when then President Barack Obama similarly separated children from their families and equally put them in cages. ICHEOKU says her action and her choice location was to say the least reckless and thoughtless; and hopefully she will do some time and also pay hefty fines for disrupting visitors at Lady Liberty and for putting her rescuers and herself in danger of both fall and drowning in the East River. What a pitiful person, admitted that her 15 seconds of fame turned into a three hours of notoriety and disruption of visits to Lady Liberty. What a shame. 

Saturday, July 7, 2018


I remember that day in Creston well. It was an Avalanche Foundation event to support avalanche safety. I had a good day that day. I don’t remember any negative interactions that day at all.” - Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister. 

ICHEOKU says really? Of course he "had a good day that day", but at another woman's expense; and he "didn't remember any negative interactions that day at all", because as far as he was concerned he was having fun but did not care a hoot whether his victim considered such a violation of her person funny as well. And yes, this is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau mounting a very pathetic weak defense to the allegation of groping a woman and you wonder what else is he hiding, including the rumored possibility that he is also gay and at least goes both ways as a bisexual. 

The fact of the matter is that the victim considered his action so unwelcome that she reported it to her boss and wrote about it, suggesting that but for Justin Trudeau's high profile family name, being afraid of retribution, did not pursue the incident. This is the imperative test here and not the state of mind of the Prime Minister or how he felt. 

ICHEOKU says according to the story, the now Prime Minister of Canada in 2000, when he was somewhat a 28 year old aspiring hippie, groped a reporter with Advance Newspaper, while they were both attending a summer festival, the Kokanee Summit Music Festival in Creston, British Columbia

In his pique eliciting defense, the baby face Canadian Prime Minister said that he would never have groped the reporter if he knew that she was a reporter for a national newspaper; leaving many askance and wondering if it was then okay to grope reporters who only write for local newspapers? In his own words, Justin Trudeau said: "I'm sorry, if I had known you were reporting for a national paper I never would have been so forward." A matter collaborated by the reporter's boss who said, "I certainly believe that it happened, this reporter was of a high character in my opinion and was professional in the way she conducted herself and there's no question in my mind that what was alluded to, written about in that editorial, did happen." 

However, Justin Trudeau denied that happened the way it was narrated, saying I don't think so. I've been very, very careful all my life to be thoughtful, to be respectful of people's space and people's headspace as well." Continuing, he added that there is no context in which someone doesn't have responsibility for things they've done in the past. To which ICHEOKU says Justin Trudeau should now take responsibility for what he did in the past, in 2000 at the Kokanee Summit Music Festival in Creston, British Columbia and resign the office for lying about the encounter; thus misleading the Canadian people. Needless to add that the fine face Prime Minister is currently under investigation for  allegations of sexual harassment by one of his ministers. 

ICHEOKU says it bothers on pattern of behavior and if he did it before he could do it again and is most likely guilty of the committing the latest allegation by one of his ministers. ICHEOKU says that another woman must not have to go through the torture which the reporter went through and therefore must be held to account for his pervasive proclivity to commit sexual offenses including unwanted sexual advances and groping of defenseless women. 

ICHEOKU says when will this holier than thou, "Canada cannot be pushed around", sissy, girlie man Prime Minister of Canada resign his office in disgrace. He sexually molested a female reporter, assuming that was his first time of doing it and now another one of his ministers has accused him of sexual harassment. He was the son of a Prime Minister and was considered then to be above the law; but in this Me-Too era, nobody, including the now Canadian Prime Minister should be let off the hook for unwanted sexual advances on innocent, defenseless women. The reporter expressed that much, which made it impossible for her to seek redress then; saying that she was afraid of the notoriety of the Trudeau Family and their reach and influence in Canada. ICHEOKU says today's Me-Too movement has overcame this barrier and hopefully they will come to this reporter's aid and assist her go full metal jacket frontal against the prime minister.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


ICHEOKU says nothing spells America more appropriately than freedom.  It is this day in 1776 that our forebears made it possible, fighting off their colonial British overlords to free themselves from all manner of dictatorship, foreign or domestic. In their declaration of independence were written these solemn words: - 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 

On this principles, which still hold true till this day, America became simply exceptional and like McDonald's, all freedom loving peoples of this world are loving it. ICHEOKU says congratulations America and happy birthday. It is America's 243nd birthday aka Independence Day; so lets celebrate America, Hooray!

Monday, July 2, 2018


ICHEOKU says he is a pro Trump who has promised to pursue a cordial relationship with Washington DC; a former mayor of Mexico City and a known unapologetic leftist. He was on his third attempt for the presidency and he won bigly; in a near land-slide. Lopez Obrador, 64 years old, ran under the platform of his relatively new National Regeneration Movement aka Morena, defeating the candidate of the incumbent party and convincingly at 53 percent. 

His campaign promises include to bring organized crime to heel – with an approach of “hugs not bullets” by addressing the root cause of crime and violence, poverty. He also supports NAFTA and will work with President Donald John Trump to resolve whatever differences that is holding the renegotiated NAFTA. However, he said that he will defend Mexican migrants in the United States of America and that Mexico will not be policing Central American migrants trying to reach the United States of America through Mexico. 

ICHEOKU says we shall see how everything works out for Mexico with his election; and hopes that Mexico will witness a much more improved society under his presidency. Congratulations President elect Lopez Obrador.

Friday, June 29, 2018


"We're two years into this investigation, we're a year and a half into the presidency. We're over a year into the special counsel. You have a counterintelligence investigation that's become public. You have a criminal investigation that's become political. You have more bias than I have ever seen manifest in a law enforcement officer in the 20 years I used to do it for a living. And four other DOJ employees who had manifest animus towards the person they were supposed to be neutrally and detachedly investigating. 

Russia attacked this country, they should be the target. But Russia isn't being hurt by this investigation right now, we are. This country is being hurt by it. We are being divided. We've seen the bias. We need to see the evidenceIf you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury. If you have evidence that this president acted inappropriately, present it to the American people. There's an old saying: "Justice delayed is justice denied." I think right now that all of us are being denied. Whatever you got, finish it the hell up; because this country is being torn apart." - Trey Gowdy, a Republican Congressman from South Carolina  admonishing Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General over the never ending Justice Department investigation of the president, 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


ICHEOKU says no people walking the face of this earth are as gullible and easily led by the nose as Nigerians. A man who campaigned on securing the lives and properties of Nigerians, has been constantly making excuses for his Fulani people, who are terrorizing Nigerians, indiscriminately killing and maiming them and also destroying their properties and farmland worth billions of Naira, yet Nigerians are still listening to his bunkum hogwash of excuses, without taking to the streets to force his ouster from office. 

Their passivity and inaction and docility, put in other words, are both incredible and incredulous. Simply put, President Muhammadu Buhari by his words, actions and deeds, as well as his body language, is to say the least, aiding and abetting the continuing Fulani herdsmen's mayhem and terrorizing of Nigerians. Otherwise how else does anyone explain or begin to fathom the unwillingness of the government to take decisive action against the Fulani menace to bring an end to the cycle of blood letting that have gone on for too long and which has become the signature of those Fulani urchins who take joy in spilling blood of Nigerians. 

President Muhammadu Buhari has made so much excuses for these his murderous Fulani kinsmen, ranging from that Fulani people do not carry weapons including AK47; to that those Fulani killers are not Nigerian Fulani; to that they are not Fulani all together but Moummar Gaddafi trained Janjaweed anarchists from Libya; to pleading that Nigerians should please accept and learn to live with them as their brothers. Meanwhile the government has consistently displayed a lack of willingness to take on these Fulani murderers, a people who are causing havoc and wrecking mayhem on the country and an elected Nigerian government refuses to decisively deal with the situation to restore normalcy and save the Nigerian peoples lives and guarantee their safety from all enemies foreign and domestic, as sworn under oath of office. 

To further confound onlookers, the president has refused to take any action to make his security services chiefs sit up or make way; or otherwise fire them for their gross incompetence, which has been in display for nearly three years now and to everybody's chagrin. These men have not been able to find an answer to the Fulani terrorism question and you wonder what they probably have on the president that has so far intimidated the president out of taking action against them. How can a person be appointed to a job and three years following the appointment, the person is still at a loss on how to go about, effectively doing that job. Nigerians are equally aware that practically none of the security agencies chiefs is well qualified for the job they were appointed to do, appointments that were merely based on nepotism and cronyism. The police chief, for example, was an ordinary Commissioner of Police when President Buhari went so low to elevate him to head the Nigerian police and his incompetency never dimmed ever since. 

ICHEOKU says does not know if it is a case of these chiefs not having an answer or that they are under a strict tacit instruction to stand down and being so constrained, played along with the Fulani agenda to conquer and dominate Nigerians. Otherwise, how could these rag tag Fulani nomads be able to carry out such bloody attacks and go Scott free and in defiance of Nigeria security services efforts to root them out. A normal president would have since fired those security chiefs and replaced them with new ones who can apply fresh pair of eyes at the presently intractable problem, with a view to finding a permanent resolution thereof, but not this Fulani President Muhammadu Buhari of Fulani Nigeria. 

This is the same president who once destroyed Maitatisine terrorists and also gave the Chadian invaders a bloody nose in Northeastern Bornu State. So, what changed now and why is the Fulani madness proving too difficult or impossible for him to tackle. The simple most plausible explanation is that the Fulani is involved in the present reign of terror; and are the ones actually carrying out the terrorist attacks in Nigeria, targeted against Christians.  Coincidentally, another Fulani is in Aso Rock, who shields and protects them and customarily, Fulani people do not shed each other's blood. Therefore, it is most likely the complicity of the President and Commander In Chief, President Muhammad Buhari, rather than the incompetence of the Nigeria Security Forces that has kept the Fulani bloodletting flowing and for such a long time; and continuing till today. 

Unfortunately, Nigerians have become their own willing victims, accomplices to their own demise, who would rather have their throats slit wide open begging for mercy, than to man up and fight back to defend themselves from an existential threat called the Fulani marauders.  What is going on now demands measure for measure; fighting fire with fire; one native dead and one Fulani laying down dead beside him. That is the only language madness understands as there is no other rational way to interpret what is going on in Nigeria and with President Muhammadu Buhari approval. The period of complacency should be over for Nigerians and so also should any negotiation be taken off from any table, concerning these Fulani terrorists. 

Nobody reasons with animals, which they are, and so, no amount of dialogue will ever get a good outcome from forest urchins whose motive is sinister and whose mission is to subdue the whole Nigeria.  They do not come in peace nor is their purpose to graze their cows. They want to destroy, maim and kill Nigerians who are different from them and who worship differently and of course, take over and occupy their land. These animals were offered the forest reserve in Kano State, which can easily house and feed at least ten million cows, but they rejected it; showing that grazing their cows is not their primary objective for pillaging peoples ancestral lands and killing them if they happened to Abe on their way. 

These Fulani murderers definitely have an accomplice in President Muhammadu Buhari, who in body language, utterances and actions, has demonstrated an unparalleled favoritism to these Fulani murderers. President Muhammadu Buhari is in bed with these Fulani terrorists and approves of their ongoing killings in Nigeria, albeit tacitly and by necessary implication. None of these killers are ever apprehended or arrested; and when arrested, are never prosecuted; and when prosecuted, are never found guilty; and when found guilty, are summarily pardoned and released by the same Fulani President Muhammadu Buhari. 

These killers are in fact not ordinary cattle men. They are well trained killers some of who are members of the Nigerian Security Forces, of Fulani extraction, doing an assigned duty for the Fulani nation. They also have the help of their foreign Fulani militia, who infiltrated Nigeria from neighboring Fulani country Niger, Chad and Libya. These are the mixed bags who have morphed into these killers, and who waylay their victims in the dead of the night to slaughter them with a maniacal efficiency and later change into official uniforms during the day. 

ICHEOKU says has just read the recent media bulletin which was issued by the Fulani Association of Nigeria where they tried to justify such a hideous criminal act and boastfully stated that “their Fulani Specialized Forces (SFS)” carried out the operation. They also asserted that they are not remorseful nor apologetic for their actions and that they will do it again in a heartbeat and will continue to do so until they takeover the whole country, which according to their warped logic, is their Allah ordained inheritance. Continuing, their argued that about 300 of their cows were rustled by the locals and they took revenge on the people; and you wonder how conceivable it is in this 21st century that some people who call themselves human beings, would kill people just because their cows were stolen. That the value of human lives have so depreciated in Nigeria that it is now worth less than cows makes the ears that hear it tingle in shock. What an abominable absurdity. 

But the level of timidity and cowardice continuously being displayed by these victims respectively is In fact a cause for concern. Otherwise what influence of hallucinatory substances does one has to be under, to just lay down there and take it, without ever fighting back or putting up credible resistance against these merchants of gruesome death. Why can’t these victims at least elect to die fighting, instead of tremblingly meeting a certain death in the hands of these killer Fulani terrorists. Why can’t these victims' sons and daughters, who are serving in Nigeria security forces, go rogue and avenge these deaths. 

ICHEOKU is just tired of this never ending circle of brazen violence of goriness and these are Nigerians who are being killed inside their own country, with a government they elected in place, but which has refused to protect them from these Fulani killers. Simply put, ICHEOKU is SAD as a hell-bound pervert soon to meet Satan that Nigerians have tolerated this State sponsored terrorism for this long and without a push back or even engineer a total anachronistic all systems wide meltdown of the country. A Nigeria that will accommodate a killer president and allow him to continue to terrorize the whole country, except his Fulani core States of Sokoto, Kano, Katsina, Bauchi and Kebbi States, is not worth being called a decent civilized society of human beings. Why are those terrorists not attacking Fulani enclaves?

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


ICHEOKU says admitted that political flip flopping is a common place, readily occurring happenstance amongst politicians while politicking. But Mitt Romney definitely took it to an entirely new low with his too many to enumerate here basketful of double speaks. He must therefore be made to understand that he cannot lie nor cunning his way into the Senate. He is an opportunist who is always grandstanding and positioning himself for an easy kill. 

He was the governor of the liberal State of Massachusetts and later ran for president but failed woefully. He then relocated to Utah, calculating that with a large Mormon presence there, he could easily manipulate himself back into power from there, hence he is dashing for the seat being vacated by Orin Hatch. He does not love Utah people and could care less about them if not that he now covets their Senate seat and votes. Mitt Romney is dangerous; Mitt Romney cannot be trusted and therefore Mitt Romney must be stopped. Mitt Romney must be denied the Senate seat which rightly belongs to a bona fide Utah citizen and not a Massachusetts business man who is desperate for another power grab. 

Every American watched as he vacillated and punted on nearly every issue and even when he was captured on video, he still wide-eyedly denied that he ever said it and lied about it. These were positions he had taken in the past which when they are no longer popular or he was challenged on them, he denied he ever said them and went on to lie that he never said what he was captured on video and voice saying. 

What manner of a person is someone who will say one thing today and the next day either deny he said it or punts on it. It smacks of a lilly livered individual who cannot be counted on at a time when it mattered most; he is in it just for himself and to see whether he can ride his tissues of lies to power and should be stopped. America watched him prevaricate on Obamacare; global warming; economic policies and he also viciously attacked the then presidential candidate Donald John Trump, accusing him of all manners of ills, including categorically asserting that the president's economic formula will lead to recession. American people now know better and whose economic policies have seen America roaring back to life. 

Mitt Romney's judgment is also very poor including his tying his dog on the roof of his car, while going on vacation and mischaracterized a man he hitherto sought his endorsement as phony and fraudulent. Mitt Romney also disparaged American working people as 47 percenters and looks down and lowly on the working men and women of America. Lastly, Mitt Romney is not a member of Team MAGA and does not like American peoples President Donald John Trump and will not cooperate fully with him if elected to the Senate. 

Therefore, the people of the great State of Utah must engage their wisdom in their primaries election on Tuesday June 26, 2018 and vote to send a message to Mitt Romney that it is good to have character and core as well as courage, none of which he has. Also they must help the president govern by sending to Washington DC a man who is in lock step with the president and who is vested fully in the Make America Great Again agenda. Mitt Romney is none of these. The Mormons too must show to America that Mitt Romney's character or lack thereof, does not represent the entire Mormon stock and must join the rest of Utah people to reject his candidacy. Mitt Romney must not be rewarded for his lack of candor and penchant for not speaking truthfully and always speaking from both sides of his mouth. SAY NO TO MR PENGUIN; REJECT MITT ROMNEY.

Monday, June 25, 2018


ICHEOKU says it is simply inexcusable to kick someone out of a public restaurant simply because she has a job, speaking for the president and when she is not the legislature that made the law nor the policy wonk that formulated it. Sarah Huckabee Sanders was merely doing her job, explaining the responsibility of the government to enforce an existing law and for doing her job, this crazed out wild eyed feminist liberal owner of the Red Hen restaurant, Ms Stephanie Wilkinson, humiliated her by a refusal of service and throwing her out of the restaurant. 

Imagine if it was a homosexual gay or lesbian that was kicked out of a restaurant for being a sodomite. Imagine if it was a black person that was kicked out of a restaurant for being black by a black hating racist white supremacist? Imagine if it was a Trump supporting police officer that was dispatched to rescue this woman and refuses to aid her because of what she represents and decided to pay her back in her own hateful currency of treating people differently simply because they hold a different political view point. 

So why is there no outrage in America, especially among the liberal far left wing nut-jobs or is it now okay to reintroduce discrimination based on race, gender and political viewpoint. Some progress which has been made over the years is what this woman is trying to roll back with her senseless and inexplicable discriminatory behavior,  using her peculiar sensibilities to decide who to serve and who to discriminate against in her restaurant. A restaurant which operates on a public license and regulated under the law, enacted to make the entire public safe, who are eat there. The same restaurant is protected by the same Police department as well as defended from fire emergencies by the same public Fire department, both of which are publicly funded by taxes paid by everybody, regardless of their political viewpoints. 

ICHEOKU says no amount of personal morality warrants this dehumanizing, discriminatory treatment meted out to Sarah Sanders-Huckabee, as every person who serves the public is expected to also have the capacity to keep their viewpoints to themselves, while serving the public. Sarah Huckabee's dollar bills are not any different than the homosexual next door's or even the homosexuals who work in the Red Hen restaurant, particularly the scumbag who called Stephanie Wilkerson to come and evict Sarah Huckabee from the restaurant. ICHEOKU says actually, Sarah Huckabee might even have been lucky that she was not poisoned by the hateful restaurant chef or had her food spiked or spitted on. How these perverts will be this so hateful and at the same time complaining that their perverted sexual lifestyle is not accepted by all and should be accommodated by everyone is simply mind boggling. A very intolerant people who are hateful and hurtful, and who are prepared to force down the throat of others what themselves will not take. A very pathetic people, indeed. 

It is not acceptable for such conduct to be meted out to anyone in America, regardless of their sexual orientation, race, gender or political leaning. Therefore, the hurtful owner, Stephanie Wilkerson and her Red Hen restaurant must be made to pay a price for their despicable discriminatory behavior, otherwise her unthinking act will somewhat be validated. What if the Fire Department refused to fight a fire in her restaurant because the fire men and women are Trump's supporters and not happy with what she did to Sarah; or a dispatcher refuses to summon the police to her rescue because she is a Trump voter or even the police dispatched refuses to assist her or purposely delays and stalls his rushing to her rescue because he is also a member of Team MAGA. 

ICHEOKU says the least Team MAGA can do, unless Stephanie Wilkerson apologizes for her hurtful despicable behavior, is to stop enriching her with their money. Let everyone who believes in an America that is free from all manners of discrimination, send a strong message that is loud and clear to Stephanie Wilkinson, that no discrimination of any form or manner is acceptable nor should be tolerated in America. Let real Americans stand up against unfairness and begin the boycott of her restaurant today and  eat no more at The Red Hen restaurant at 11 East Washington Street, Lexington, Virginia 24450. Tel No 540 464 4401. FYI: You can also call her telephone to register your displeasure as well. What a hateful discriminating Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton supporter this Stephanie Wilkinson is; a despicable cur.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


ICHEOKU says it is true, the Deep State is real, alive and well and its tentacles spreads, stretches, straggles and straddles extensively, reaching into every imaginable crevices of our government and its functionaries. It once again showed its ugly face in the DOJ's Inspector General's much awaited and just released report, which made a case of clear bias, but went ahead  to state that there was no evidence of bias. It reminds ICHEOKU of the infamous James Comey's exoneration of Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton where he made out a strong case against the wicked Jezebel but then went on to say that no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute on those facts. 

It is indeed such an unparalleled obfuscation of facts, to on one hand establish a reasonable basis to prosecute a case and with the other hand, literary yank away the same established basis; leaving so many wondering whether the fix was in before the  smoke screen of pretended investigation ever sprang up. At the end, it is the reputation of the United States of America, its Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Justice, as well as the entire American Justice system that will take the hit from the fallout, as the rest of the world could very easily arrive at a conclusion that America might afterall not be the bastion of justice and rule of law which it portrays and might indeed be as corrupt as any other place else. 

How can there be a two tier justice for different echelons of people in the society - one for the Clintons and the other for the rest of the American people. How a woman, who destroyed such a large quantity of evidence, was adjudged as not having the necessary mens rea intent to obstruct the investigation, is simply mind boggling; especially when such a woman is a lawyer, once a First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State and is fully seized of the process and procedure governing investigation, law and justice. But James Comey determined her act not to be criminally liable because she had no intent to obstruct the investigation and you wonder how else could an intent be determined but for the facts of her conducts preceding the investigation, which is suggestive that the offender acted in such a way as to hide her activities from the prying eyes of the investigator. 

This is America where in hot pursuits, drug dealers for example try to eat or swallow evidence of their criminality and are busted. But a woman who similarly destroyed evidence of her criminality by deleting and bleach washing over 33,000 emails, destroying the hardware cell phones and computers and lap tops as well as iPads in the process is said to lack necessary intent. ICHEOKU says if she had no intent to cover up her crimes, why then did she destroy the evidence and in the irreversible manner she did by additionally bleach washing them. The only explanation is that she intended the contents never to be seen by any third party investigator, because they contain the missing smoking gun which would otherwise have put her away and for a very very long time.

As if that insult on our collective intelligence was not enough, here comes the long awaited IG's report, once again, challenging our ability to discern the truth. By telling Americans that several instances of discovered biases did not amount to evidence of bias is the most inordinate logic ever made. ICHEOKU says it is definitely the IG's version of James Comey's no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute, because there was no evidence of bias on clearly established cases of bias. Simply put, the variance between the road traveled and the destination arrived, is too wide to make any sense as it is both incredulous and incredible and it sucks. 

Which other evidence of bias was the Inspector General looking for when a particular top FBI officials numerous text messages showed that he was making every effort to stop a candidate, which he considered idiotic and imbecilic; and swore to stop him and that he will never become president. The logic does not necessarily add up and unless there are some other things which someone is not reading correctly, something is definitely wrong with the conclusion reached, in view of the road traveled to get there. 

An FBI with more than 37,000 agents and it was just only a handful, led by Peter Strzok, who were deemed fit and proper to investigate both the Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton's email scandal as well as the Russian Collusion witch-hunt. Something does not seem to add up here; it is evidence of something very fishy; otherwise why personalize both investigations when there are thousands of other also well qualified investigators that could have handled either one of the two investigations. 

ICHEOKU says the most plausible inference drawable from this is that it is apparently the same Deep State with its tentacles everywhere that is still at work here. They are working tirelessly to shield everyone of their own and using every willing tool to so do. Such is condemnable and should be condemned by every decent American whose sense of fairness and justice is still intact and not already corrupted or eroded. If it is President Donald John Trump today, who shall the bell toll for tomorrow? How could a report establish that some top FBI officials manifested cases and instances of bias against the then candidate Trump, which continued with later President Donald John Trump, and yet went forth to state that there was no evidence of their bias? What else constitutes bias if not their manifested acts, expressly showing their preference for one of the candidates. 

It is simply an inexplicable logic standing on its head and has no basis, both in law and in fact. It is a mirror image of the James Comey infamous exoneration of Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton which enumerated various offenses which she committed but went ahead to reach a weird conclusion that no reasonable prosecutor will bring a charge against her; and you wonder what pathway both guys traveled to reach such various strange conclusions. Regrettable.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Lisa Page: “Trump is not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”

Peter Strzok: “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.”

ICHEOKU says if this is not corruption of the worst type, what else so qualifies? So sad the length these guys went to truncate the will of the American people; yet they will turn around and accuse other countries of corruption and you wonder is it only when money exchanges hands that there is corruption. Pitifully SAD.


ICHEOKU says please join the rest of sane and rational peoples of the world to wish President Donald John Trump a happy 72nd birthday. At such an age, that the president still exhibits such energy and stamina is simply inexplicable, nor could it be explained in any other way other than that it is simply divine. Happy birthday POTUS and happy many more anniversaries. The boy is good and he rocks! Congratulations!