Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Friday, November 13, 2015


Icheoku says Islamist terror strikes Paris again, yet the president of France Francois Hollande is still in office? Is it not about time he resigned his office for his inability to secure France and also protect its citizens and residents? What is Mr Hollande still waiting for before throwing in the towel so that another French who could protect France and the French people, would move into Elysee Palace in his place. Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta just resigned his office following a "mere" nightclub incident which is not even terror-related; but here in Elysee Palace is still sitting a president under whose watch Paris and the French people have come under so many terrorists attacks since he took office? 

Icheoku says if Francios Hollande cannot discharge his primary duty of protecting France and the French people, doesn't honor demand of him that he surrenders the fiat of state and move away to make way for another more competent president to step in and secure France. Since May 6, 2012 when President Francois Hollande took office, there have been over nine Islamic terrorist strikes in France; culminating in today's mother of all terror attacks which has so far claimed over 150 lives with so many others severely wounded. On May 23, 2013 a solider was stabbed and wounded by an Islamic terrorist shouting Allah Arkbar; on December 20, 2014 an Islamic terrorist attack in a police office left three wounded; on December 21 2014, eleven pedestrians were left wounded when an Islamic terrorist ran them over with a vehicle. 

Continuing, on December 22, 2014, another ten people were wounded with one killed when yet another Islamic terrorist plunged into them with a vehicle; between January 7 - 9, 2015, twenty people were killed with twenty-two wounded when attacks on Charlie Hebdo and Hypercacher supermarket left Paris in a near hysteria. On February 3, 2015, three were wounded in a Jewish center following another Islamic terror attack; on April 19, 2015, one person was killed when an Islamist terrorist attacked inside a church; on June 26, 2015, one French man was  beheaded by an Islamic terrorist with two others wounded when his vehicle plowed into them. On August 21, 2015, four persons were wounded in a terrorist train attack. Then today, November 13, 2015, the grand-finale of all these terrorist attacks in France again  happened leaving over one hundred and sixty casualties as well as several more hundreds wounded. The attack was multi-directed including inside a music venue, sports stadium and a restaurant. 

Icheoku asks is there anywhere still safe from these Islamists murderous attacks under a President Francois Hollande's France?  Why should this president not consider stepping aside so that his office another could take who would restore safety and security to France and the French people? Icheoku extends our condolences to the French people over their now seemingly unending terrorist attacks as we hereby also call on President Francois Hollande to resign immediately. 

But is there any solution to all these global Islamists madness, one might ask? Although Spain was removed from these terrorists' bulls-eye following their forced withdrawal from any further military actions against Islamist terrorists anyway especially in the Middle East following the train bombing in Madrid.  But should this cowardly flee when faced with danger now become the only way to buy our peace and starve off these terrors? Should this now become the model for the guarantee of safety in the Western world. Should we all just turn the other way as these terrorists have their way in their Middle East without fear of reprisals in order for them to leave us alone in peace in the West? Except that someone has to keep these Islamist dogs caged or on their feet running from assured annihilation, because running away from them is not an option worth exercising because if we yield them one ground they will come for more. 

Their thrust challenge is a task the West must be willing to accept and ruthlessly crush. These urchins must be dealt the heavy hand and simply wiped off from the face of this earth in order to secure our peace and guarantee our way of life. If it means interdicting all the Muslims in France like America did with the Japanese during the second world war, so be it; may be it is an option worth considering. Icheoku says someone in their midst must have heard or seen something but failed to say something before this mayhem went down. If it means giving them an ultimatum to stop these senseless wastage of human lives or be shipped back to their Middle East enclave, so be it too. Icheoku says this constant spillage of blood in Europe must stop or be stopped however possible and regardless of how drastic the measure. It might be one situation that is an exception to the end justifying the means? 

What a tragedy of great proportion this is. Like with Charlie Hebdo, Icheoku says we are all now Parisians following this attack. This attack must not be allowed to cage us in or leave us whimpering or force us to stop living the life we know or are used to. This attack must be responded to drastically and if it means nuking them, lets get this problem taken care of once and of all. To hell with these Islamist terrorists. May be it is about time all Muslims are rounded up and executed or dispatched to eternal damnation in hell. But be that as it may, the buck of securing France stops on President Hollande's desk; a duty which he has so miserably failed in. Therefore his resignation should be in order at this time and Icheoku hereby calls on President Francois Hollande to resign forthwith. It has been severally shown that Mr Hollande lacks the capacity to protect France and the French people from harm and has no use remaining as the head of France.  

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Portfolios: How Buhari shocked some ministers
Icheoku says it took an elected President Muhammadu Buhari six long agonizing, suspenseful months to constitute his cabinet and finally form a government? Then ask yourself, what was he doing preparatory to his election as president if not assembling a crop of men and women, potential ministers, ready to go as soon as confirmed?  Icheoku asks was this how the president would have implemented his threatened paralleled government, had Jonathan of Otuoke not chickened out from mounting a serious stake at a second term and won his reelection? Anyway, Nigerians indulged him with their votes and elected him president and Icheoku is not prepared to re-litigate that disappointing election. Icheoku now makes a few comments about the inaugurated cabinet:-

Of all the appointed men and women, former Lagos State Governor Babtunde Fashola was given a portfolio that needs an action figure and sure, he is a perfect fit for the task at hand, particularly with regards to the power sector. Icheoku use to admire him very much as the then best performing governor in Nigeria until that ill-fated and ill-advised deportation of fellow Nigerians from a Nigerian territory Lagos. However, Fashola has since apologized for that misguided act and the matter should now rest; admitted he qualified his apology with trying to explain his unconstitutional conduct as a kind of getting rid of some public "nuisance?" Icheoku says except that those Igbo deportees are no worse a public nuisance than the Omo Oniles, Area Boys and Alaayees of Lagos; yet these miscreants were not similarly deported to somewhere that did not mind their presence or where "public nuisances" are tolerated or shipped off to?  

But be that as it may, Icheoku agrees that Fashola has the burning desire and a can do spirit to finally make Nigerians experience constant power supply in their country. If anyone can pull it off, Governor Fashola is that person and has no reason not to; especially not after repeatedly giving his views on how to get it done in the past and now has the opportunity to put his money where his mouth is. Fashola now has everything to prove to Nigerians and the man who assigned him the responsibility and he must not allow that their supreme trust to be in vain. Although the Power ministry has been an Achilles heel for the several ministers sent there over the many years to unchain the lack of power supply, but hopefully Fashola will defy the odds and get the job done and Icheoku strongly trusts that he will get it done. Further, the only other person who would have ensured that Nigerians got steady supply of power was Barth Nnaji, but unfortunately, Jonathan of Otuoke sacked him before his plans for Nigeria could incubate and for no reason other than flimsiness. But let the past now rest as Fashola is the man of the moment, presently assigned the task of solving the "Never Expect Power Always" of the power sector in Nigeria.

So with Fashola, Icheoku says if at the end of the day he could not or failed to or was sabotaged from ensuring steady supply of power in Nigeria, then it is finished as the job CANNOT ever be done. Hopefully he will have the courage and fortitude to take head-on the 'Generators Mafia', who took the power sector hostage and are continuing their sabotage of power supply effort in Nigeria in order to remain in business. Unlike his predecessor, the immediate past minister in charge of power, the incompetent Nebo, who instead of bravely doing what was needed to sanitize and turn the epileptic power supply situation around, was busily praying and invoking 'Holy Ghost Fire' upon his declared "witches and wizards in the power sector", Fashola will employ a different approach - the get it done approach. Unfortunately for Nebo, after several years of drooling around in the ministry, his prayers were apparently not heard, answered nor listened to, otherwise uninterrupted power would have become abundant. Today, a new man of action has been put in charge and Icheoku is hopeful that things will get done and done fast to bring Nigerians the succor they long desire and deserve. Icheoku says God's speed Fash. 

The other portfolio Icheoku will like to mention is the Interior Ministry now assigned to Kano State's Abdulrahman Dambazzau. With that assignment as well as the Zamfara State's Dan Ali for Defense and Kebbi State's Malami Abubakar for Justice,  President Muhammad Buhari has successfully cornered every security portfolio and agencies in the country and handed their control to Northerners. This is just for the records only as Icheoku is convinced that Dambazzau as former chief of army staff and security adviser is well qualified and has all it takes to get the job of  internally securing Nigeria done. Icheoku says congratulations to the new Interior Minister and hopefully he will expedite action on compensating the families of those applicants stampeded to death during a job interview under the former minister of Interior Abba Moro. A motor park tout whose only qualification for getting the job was that he muscled David Mark's election and as a pay back, David Mark forced the hands of Jonathan of Otuoke to compensate him with the portfolio.Speaking of a square peg in a round hole, that is.

Icheoku says President Muhammad Buhari scored a masterstroke, which will ultimately take the wind out of the sail of those Biafra agitators, with his appointment of the Foreign Affairs minister. By appointing Enugu State's Geoffrey Oyeama as Nigeria's Foreign Affairs Minister, the reason d`etre for the agitation for Biafra is somewhat nipped in the bud. Otherwise how can a group crying marginalization and threatening to pull out of Nigeria explain that one of their own is now the foreign affairs minister or rather the image or face of Nigeria to the world? How can a people complaining of being marginalized sustain this their argument when one of their own is now representing Nigeria as its foreign affairs minister? Short of this masterful coup de grace achieved with this particular appointment, Icheoku does not know much about the said appointee to comment any further; but wishes him a successful outing as Nigeria's face to the world. 

The other somewhat surprised and to an extent questionable assignment is that of a medical doctor Chris Ngige, who was sent to the Labour and Employment Ministry. Icheoku as well as many other Nigerians thought that, with his background in medicine, the Health Ministry was his for the giving and would have been a better fit for him? This point of view is enhanced by the  "round peg in a round hole" mantra of President Muhammadu Buhari; a problem which was however solved with the appointment of a medical doctor as the Health Minister. Icheoku prays that Ngige will bring his can do attitude as then performing governor of Anambra State before Olusegun Obasanjo signed off on his kidnapping and eventual impeachment, over to and turn around the Labor Ministry.

Last but not the least is the assignment of Transport Ministry to the Judas Iscariot of Southsouth Niger Delta region, Rotimi Amaechi. Hopefully, the man whom "Rivers States people know does not like money, hence does not take bribes", will commit every kobo allocated in the budget to finally and fully transform or rather effect provable "CHANGE" in transport development in Nigeria. Icheoku asks Rotimi Amaechi, is it worth it afterall sabotaging the presidency held by his region for a mere appointment as a Minister of Transport? A matter made more glaringly clear because Rotimi Amaechi will not be an Umaru Dikko type Transport Minister because President Muhammadu Buhari is not a pushover President Shehu Shagari. Icheoku asks Rotimi Amaechi, what is the worth of the Transport Ministry in terms of power, budgetary allocations and controls as to make it a fair trade-off for Aso Rock? If Rotimi Amaechi wanted to be only a Transport Minister, shouldn't he have discussed that option with Jonathan of Otuoke and have himself appointed therein instead of moving the earth and heaven he moved to sabotage Jonathan's reelection? Only time will tell whether Rotimi Amaechi will eventually find a noose and do what only naturally comes to traitors like him; a despicable person who for selfish reasons and inexplicable hatred of his own kind, ganged up against his brother with outsiders. If only this man is a disciple and/or if he is in doubt, he should revisit the Godfather and also watch Godfather III, particularly the admonition of Al Pacino Michael Corleone of his brother Fredo before having him whacked. 

As for the rest of other appointees, Icheoku either does not know them enough to pass a comment or does not care a hoot about them or their portfolios to oblige a comment. However, Icheoku prays they will all succeed in their various assignments and hopefully they will be able to prove themselves good fits for their respective positions.  They must endeavor not to give the president reason to regret the confidence he reposed on them by appointing them. Among these minsters, Icheoku has chosen Power, Works and Housing Minister Fashola and Interior Minister Abdulrahman Dambazzau as the two most likely to succeed ministers. Icheoku is convinced that both men will come out tops in this class of newly minted ministers when their their term ends and the results are called.

Icheoku also commends the choice of the new man at the helms of affairs at EFCC. The agency needs some vitality as the former guy Ibrahim Larmode has become too fat on the job to continue performing optimally. So a person with Ibrahim Magu's track record of past performance and resume will surely bring the mojo and bite back to the agency. What a parody that one Ibrahim moved out to make way for another Ibrahim to move in, leaving Nigerians wondering what is in a name and/or about the name Ibrahim? Now lets see if the President Muhammadu Buhari sputtering government will finally get some serious traction and eventually, lift off. Icheoku wishes all the best to the the presidents men and women as well as their boss, the president; and says may Nigeria thrive and prosper IJN.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


“Since we assumed office in May, I had been mindful of the need to ensure that the appointment of new ministers translate into a roundpegs in round holes 'while showing sensitivity to our diversity as a people' and our various positions as groups of stakeholders of our country." - President Muhammadu Buhari. 

Icheoku says except that it is too little too late on the issue of "showing sensitivity to our diversity as a people." Query:- at what stage did the president finally realize that Nigeria is a motley of divergent people who need to be fully and equally represented in his government? When did he have this epiphany, after he made lopsided appointments which drastically favored his Northern Hausa/Fulani region of the country at the ratio of about 21 appointments for the North and only 3 appointments for the South? 

Anyway, it is his presidency and he can do with it whatever and however he likes, including appointing only his Miyetti Allah people into various positions of authority and in full control of all the security agencies of the country. Icheoku asks if the stakes were to change and a southern is or becomes the president, will the North accept a similarly skewed appointments which drastically favors the south against them? Except that no one is listening as everyone in Nigeria seems to have drank the cool-aid that is a promised change and a supposedly incorruptible President Muhammadu Buhari. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Icheoku says he lived a towering life better imagined by so many others as Chancellor of Germany from 1974 to 1982. Helmut Schmidt, the chain-smoking leader of Germany passed on at a very ripe old age of 96years as Icheoku wonders if he silenced all those who claim that smoking causes lung cancer and early death? Icheoku says if dying at nearly one hundred years old is early death, many in this world would similarly wish their departure. Then factor in his unashamed and unabashed smoking which is generally of public knowledge and you ask yourself where was his lung cancer; except that Dana Reeves died at 40years old of lung cancer and never once smoked in her very short life. Now go figure how factual are some of these scientific postulations. Icheoku no longer smokes but reserves judgment on all those still puffing the blue white smoke as doing anything that increases one's life's pleasure is nothing to be ashamed of. Moreso everyone is going to die someday of something, so if they said smoking is going to kill you young, then pray you die as young as Helmut Schmidt. Icheoku says adieu to a great German.

Monday, November 9, 2015


Icheoku says less than forty eight hours after two black police officers shot and killed a six year old white boy, they were charged for murder. Unfortunately for them, they killed the wrong skin-color; otherwise why were the cases of all those blacks killed by white police officers not readily treated in the same way with dispatch? Why were those white officers involved in shooting and killing of all these black victims of police brutality not similarly charged with murder or at least charged with something instead of always discharging them as not guilty whenever charged at all. But now a life that matters was taken and the two niggers that dispatched it, must be summarily brought to justice. 

Icheoku says still wondering why 'Black Lives Matter' activism is gathering steam and the increased restiveness of blacks in America which rightly feels that they are being treated as if they don't matter. Icheoku says no life should be senselessly taken by police officers who are trained, equipped and paid to protect and serve. Every  life matters and what is good for the geese should equally be good for the gander. Therefore every police officer who needlessly kills anyone, regardless of the victim's skin color, should be made to face the law, period. But the continuous disregard of black lives as if they don't matter, leading to charges not being brought against their assailants white police officers, is the thing that roils many people with conscience in America.  

Hopefully this two black officers will receive a fair trial; but in Southern State of Louisiana, their being blacks and killed a white six year old boy will not help their case at all; and therefore their conviction is but a fait accompli to say the least. Norris Greenhouse Jr. and Derrick Stafford of Marksville  Louisiana PD are standing trial for the shooting death of six year old Jeremy Mardis who was killed when the the two officers among others fired into his father's SUV striking him severally in the head as well as chest. His father Chris Few survived but is in the hospital recovering from his police inflicted gunshot wounds. According to the police chief, the boy "didn't deserve to die just like that"; to which Icheoku responds exactly how those many black children killed by white cops "didn't deserve to die just like that', admitted no one ever deserves to "die just like that." May there be justice to both the killed and the killed and may this wanton police killing of Americans please stop.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


FIFA U-17 World Cup: Eaglets, Osimhen make history
Icheoku says congratulations to the Golden Eaglets of Nigeria for successfully defending their championship at the just concluded FIFA U-17 World Cup Chile 2015 Finals. A defending champion from the last edition and now double champions, back to back. It was a great feat worthy of commendation and Icheoku hereby renders same. Like the first Nigerian Aviation Minister Mbazulike Amechi, the boy is good; Icheoku says these Golden Eaglets are good, also better and simply the best. They rolled over so many countries including soccer powerhouses such as United States, Chile, Brazil and Mexico to reach the finals. 

They went to Chile 2015, they saw other nations teams and they conquered them all; lifting the championship trophy in a back to back episode. All the boys are individually good and collectively very good; resulting in the standing-O performance they rendered. They made believers out of the soccer-loving world who were both mesmerized and wowed by the level of their soccer artistry and the heart of lion which they displayed throughout the competition, facing down and routing every opponent, but for Croatia, accordingly. Expectedly, their effort was gloriously crowned with a well deserved and rightly earned championship trophy. Icheoku says congratulations to them, their coach and whoever is currently minding affairs at Nigeria Football Federation who ensured they had everything needed to make their campaign successful. They did not disappoint as they brought home the world cup. 

Icheoku laments that if only Nigeria could devise a way of sustaining a culture of continuity that will ensure that these boys could someday grow into an also World Cup winning Papa Eagles. But that is the $64,000 question, why these boys cannot grow together, alongside those other defeated countries juniorates, into a formidable world senior team that wins the main world cup championship. The answer could be found in the lack of continuity culture in Nigeria, backstabbing and backbiting; as well as the crass politicization of everything and anything in Nigeria which has drastically hindered the country's greatness. Icheoku says once the retrogressive quota system sets in, coupled with archaic and outdated federal character system of distribution, regardless of merit, then of course quality is compromised and the rest becomes history. Icheoku laments it is the bane of everything Nigeria otherwise there is no reason why these boys cannot and should not be kept together and nurtured into a senior winning team. Other countries do it, so why not Nigeria; except that there is no heart for such long term progressive agenda.

Without sounding overtly egotistic, Icheoku says the resounding victory of the Golden Eaglets is one example of the so many reasons why the rest of Nigerians do not want Biafra to withdraw from the union. There cannot be a viable, excelling Nigeria without Biafra and these other nationalities know it, admitted they are usually very coy in admitting this infallible truth. Icheoku makes bold to state that Nigeria will become none existent or in name only, the day Indigenous Peoples of Biafra are permitted their self governance as a sovereign nation. Just look at those Golden Eaglets and what they accomplished and how they were able to accomplish it.  Fortunately their management were not hounded by the burdens of quota and federal character and they delivered. Icheoku pleads with Nigeria to please always allow their best to represent them in whatever the country is engaged in or doing; that way, chances of getting somewhere someday will be greatly improved. 

Once again, Icheoku says congratulations to the Coach Emmanuel Amuneke and his Golden Eaglets for successfully defending their championship.  For bringing the trophy home to a political traumatized nation, still sitting in limbo for their equally dumbfounded government of President Muhammadu Buhari to wake up and start governing, they have given the citizens a reason to rejoice after a long time and additionally reason to hope again. Well done boys! 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015


Icheoku says who would know Dick Cheney better than the man who as made him his Defense Secretary and watched as the same man nominated himself as his son's vice presidential candidate and then led him into the worst catastrophic presidency America ever witnessed. But why did he wait only to just talk now when he was present and silently watched as the two men run rings around his son GW and him a very detestable president? Icheoku says the Bush patriarch should have spoken earlier and forced his soon to fire those two men; but to wait until now, after their damage have been done is to say the least disingenuous. Query if the senior Bush knew that both Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were anathema to his son's administration and that they were going to bring great disrepute to his presidency, why did he not intervene to have them both removed when it would have mattered most?  

Icheoku does not buy into this Monday night quarter-backing as the old George is not telling Americans what they did not already know. Reaffirming it now would not bring back those thousands of Americans war killed, who were sent to an unjustifiable war foisted by lies and innuendos. Icheoku says the current dust being stirred with this comment is but an attempt to cause controversy which is necessary to create curiosity which will force many people to read the book and in turn generate sales which will be good for the bottom-line. Whether Dick Cheney is an "iron-ass" or Donald Rumsfeld is "arrogant" is irrelevant, because the final decision rested with his son Gorge W Jr, who according to himself, is the decider-in-chief of America while his presidency lasted. To now turn around and blame Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld for the deficiencies of George W is simply buck passing and no one is buying it, not at this so late in the day with untold blood and treasure having already been lost in the unnecessary war of expedition and adventure that was Iraqi WMD invasion. 

Icheoku asks why would any good, caring father stand idly by and watch as two of his son's confidantes detrimentally hijack his presidency, wielding an unprecedented level of authority therein? Further if the Papa Bush was taken aback by the hawkish stance of Dick Cheney whom he knew and worked with, why did he not say or do something to alert his son or call Dick Cheney to order when it mattered most and when it would have made the most impact? Icheoku says how would this very Bush Snr look into the eyes of all those Americans bereaved, whose sons, daughters, fathers and mothers perished in the battle of Iraq? What will he say to all those American taxpayers whose treasure was sunk into the needless Iraqi war? Both losses were otherwise preventable and would have been prevented, if only Bush Senior had said something or did something to awaken the consciousness of his son and that of Americans when the 'kick ass' Dick Cheney and the 'arrogant' Donald Rumsfeld were running circles around his son, President GW. 

If George Herbert Walker Bush knew that his son "knuckled under to the real hard-charging guys who want to fight about everything and use force to get their way in the Middle East', at what point did he acquire this knowledge and what use did he put it to and was it when it would have mattered most? Icheoku says why choose to now disclose this fact of consequence which was capable of stopping going to the war and could have even stopped the war? Of what use is the information anyway? when it will not bring back all those thousands of lost lives as well as billions of dollars sank into the effort to date. If the elder Bush has "never been close to Rumsfeld, and there is lack of humility, lack of seeing what the other guy thinks, more kick ass and take names and take numbers guy,' why did Bush Senior not say something or do something when it would have been beneficial to Americans? Why did he allow the actions of just two men to damage the reputation of the United States of America under his son's watch? If Bush Senior do not like what Rumsfeld did which hurt his son, why did he not say something and do something when it would have mattered most and in order not for his son to be hurt? 

Icheoku says will neither buy nor read the biography, "Destiny and Power: The America Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush"; but suffice it to say that the elder Bush owes America a huge apology for seeing something and not saying something nor doing something about it. George Bush Senior is guilty of omission to prevent and forestall the costly wanton damage that was the war of Iraq. Until then, Icheoku says America and the world including Icheoku holds his son George W Bush, wholly and entirely, responsible for taking American into a needless war in Iraq.  Further, for the continuing havoc and mayhem which are arising from that misguided adventure into masochism, Bush senior is partly responsible for not preventing it when he could have easily so done and/or spoken publicly against the two men and their engineered war. Icheoku wonders if Dick Cheney would, in the manner he mouthed off Senate Patrick Leahey, similarly  tell the senior Bush to go f**k himself? As for Rumsfeld, he has pled the 5th and ain't saying nothing, too afraid to confront the old spy chief and his sleuth of loyal lieutenants. Icheoku says is this a great time or what, Americans?

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Icheoku says one thing President Muhammadu Buhari must be given credit for is that he has brought some gravitas back to the presidency. Now Nigerians and the whole world are no longer in doubt who the lord of the manor in Nigeria is. It is no longer business as usual or a situation where former President Jonathan Goodluck of Otuoke so debased the presidency that he went about publicly kneeling down before some Yoruba traditional chiefs as well as some religious leaders, begging for mercy. 

The pandering was simply too obvious; but should not be at the expense of the institution of the presidency of Nigeria which he held in trust for Nigerians who elected him president. Icheoku has nothing against any pious president observing his religious rites or displaying his faith but not to the extent of publicly kneeling down in such display of hopeless humility, that does not befit the presidency of any country. A situation where a president goes abut begging an ordinary citizen to please take a ministerial appointment is very untoward; talkless of the so many other undignified actions he took which brought great disrepute to the office and thus drastically watered down both his standing and authority as president. He became a joke of some sort that then ordinary citizen and now President Buhari gave him an ultimatum to release then detained and current Kaduna State Governor Mallam Nasir el Rufai or he will see pepper; and Jonathan timidly obliged his release. Now Icheoku has been waiting for the same Jonathan to demand the release or at least voice his condemnation of the continued detention of Biafran Nnamdi Kanu but to no avail. 

But be that as it may, Icheoku makes bold to say that were Jonathan still in charge today in Nigeria,  there is no way in hell Sambo Dasuki and/or Bukola Saraki would have been standing trial today for their disingenuous service to Nigeria. Imagine a sitting senate president and a former National Security Adviser charged and possibly facing conviction. Icheoku says regardless of the final outcome of both trials, what is imperative is that both men were charged not minding their storied pedigrees as well as positions being held and/or was held by them respectively. 

Fortunately for Nigerians, there is a new sheriff in town. A  sort of a King who does not know Joseph who has mounted the saddle and called for the rendering of account. Icheoku says kudos to President Muhammadu Buhari for courageously exercising the office of the presidency and leaving no one in doubt as to whose desk the buck stopped and ended. Now Nigerians know they have a president who truly sees himself as the first citizen above whom there is no other superior authority in Nigeria. Icheoku salutes the courage of  President Muhammadu Buhari and prays he continues to rankle these previously untouchables of Nigeria; people who consider themselves rather too big to face justice. Icheoku says way to go Mr President in rebuilding a ravaged country by imbibing in everyone the cultural decency of submitting oneself under the law. Icheoku says once it is established that everyone is equal under the law, life will become much easier for Nigerians as the rascality and impunity that drives those oppressors against the oppressed of Nigerians will become tamed and forever be consigned to the waste heap of distant past history.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Icheoku says the common refrain among many Iranians engaged in anti-America chants, "Death to America,' has been explained or rather clarified. According to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the slogan does not mean death to American people; rather it is aimed at American policies which is very antagonistic to the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Iranian people. In the leader's own words,  the “aim of the slogan is not death to American people. The slogan means death to U.S. policies and arrogance.” 

Icheoku says thankfully the recently reached Iranian Nuclear deal appears to be yielding some fruits, including this much needed clarification. What a good gesture this is, coming from the Iranian leader and regarding such a touchy issue. Icheoku agrees that some American policies definitely could use some rethinking and re-tweaking.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Icheoku says the man who helped Vice President Dick Cheney get his wish to invade Iraq by telling a concocted story of the existent of a non existent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and then head of Iraqi National Congress, Ahamd Chalabi, is dead. Chalabi was 71 years old and died of a massive heart attack. Chalabi will be remembered according to one commentator for 'telling the story America was predisposed to hear;' except that his promised red carpet reception, with roses and music, never materialized. Rather it turned out to be with IEDs and sniper bullets as well as lynching and setting bodies of contractors on fire, which left many Americans wondering whether they had been taken for a sucker. May his soul now rest.


Icheoku says should men cease and desist from approaching for dates and/or even asking her hand in marriage, Halle Berry, that is? How many times is indeed acceptable as reasonable for a daughter of Eve to say "I do" and then only to later forswear that same word by saying "I  am not doing any longer?" Elizabeth Taylor had her record of marrying so many husbands and repeatedly walking away from them. Jennifer Lopez followed suit and now the "Walking-away wife" title is apparently being bequeathed on Halle Berry; and you wonder whether some women are not indeed cut out for that institution? 

Icheoku has nothing against anyone walking out of any relationship including marital relationship, with or without cause; but a situation where a person have gone through the convoy belt three times begs the question whether it is about time she stopped and see the institution as not a perfect fit for her. Good enough marriage is not compulsory and no one should be married who does not want to. That one has the right to marry does not necessarily mean one has to do it; moreso one is not analogous to the other. It is called restraint and self-discipline which with Halle Berry, appear none existent. She appears to belong to that category of women with over-bloated sense of self-worth, who usually delude themselves that they can readily have their way with as many men as they desire. That regardless, many more men will still be lining up for their own chance at auditioning for a Halle Berry's man or husband, no matter how fleeting?  

Common sense also dictates that it behoves the intending spouse to, during dating and courtship, verify that she or he is making a good informed decision before jumping off into the waters of marriage. Like with any water, you have to swim in order to stay afloat and so is the institution of marriage where you have to work it in order to make it work. So query, does Halle Berry, usually go into these relationships without first thinking them through or thought it would be a rosy cake without the parties bringing their best to make it happen. Icheoku is not an insider nor pretend to be an expert but makes bold to say that henceforth it is either Halle Berry stops marrying or men are advised to stay away from the Hollywood goddess to avoid becoming just another "The best until it ends" victim of a woman who finds it too hard to do the heavy lifting required to keep marriage afloat or rather who does not see any reason to stay married or is too independent to play any role to anyone. 

Three times married and three times divorced (the third is still in the works, divorcing) and dated several men, Icheoku queries whether Halle Berry is possessed of some men-replent demon which is anti-relationship as well as anti-marriage? Why does she feel the need to be married when she is not ready to stay married? Why not just live a life of single-hood and forget about all these men who are only good enough while it lasts? Men described by one of her ex, David Justice, as being her "Knights in Shinning Armor until it ends?" Admitted she is seen as beautiful, but hey, there are so many other beautiful ladies out there for any man seriously seeking a home that will endure to marry. Or rather why do these sons of Adam willingly queue up just to shortly find out the real deal about their goddess and end up upside down in the land of a Halle Berry once was? 

Icheoku queries is this a case of a woman who cannot remain a wife or a willing wife who cannot seem to find a husband she desires and deserves? Whatever the case, with this third divorce in the works, Halle Berry is not showing good example to all the intending wives of this world nor is her attitude to marriage giving any hope to all the would-be husbands; people who will now be questioning themselves whether the whole shebang is worth the trouble afterall. 

Icheoku laments that Halle Berry definitely does not appear to be a good marriage role model as Oliver Martinez, Eric Bennet and David Justice will readily testify. Also the very long list of men who have allegedly passed through her including Heavy D, Kevin Costner, Michael Ealy, Wesley Snipes, Christopher Williams, Danny Wood, John Ronan, Eddy Murphy, Shemar Moore, Fred Durst and Steve Jones can only attest to one thing - that the river goddess finds men either not interesting enough to be worth keeping; or the men find her inadequate or lacking of wifey qualities. So men and prospective suitors, you have been warned and put on notice to look the other way when looking for a woman to call a wife as Halle Berry will give you the Halle Berry's treatment if you venture. What a testament that marriage is not meant for everyone and Icheoku agrees that this woman readily marries but hardly stays married. 

Monday, November 2, 2015


Icheoku says it would have been a case of 'whodunnit' except that the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq has claimed responsibility for the horrendous 'Lockerbie of Sinai Peninsular', leading one to question if the world are now witnessing a new escalation in the crisis in Syria and Iraq? 

Query, does ISIS have the capacity to bring down a plane from such a high altitude and if, what does this portend to the flying world, especially those flying within the skies over the territories presently under the control of the terrorist usurpers and land grabbers of the Middle East. How safe is now the airspace over this territory adversarial now known as Islamic State of Syria and Iraq. Icheoku says this development is surely a wake-up call for the world to rise up and address this burgeoning Islamic terrorism as a global, world-implicated tragedy; and not continue to ignore it as only a Middle East or Northeastern Nigeria regional problem?

Icheoku says possibly Vladimir Putin's Russia will soon find out that they bargained more than they can chew in their leader's decision to intervene to help Syria's Assad cling unto power. It might be deja vu the then Union of Soviet Socialists Republics' experience in Afghanistan and whether the Russian people will have the stomach for such heavy losses will be time sensitive and yet to be determined. Al Querida has called for a reenactment of the USSR and Afghanistan boondoggle in Syria and urged all its followers to replicate and re-engineer the USSR forced retreat from Afghanistan in Syria. 

Icheoku says no one knows whether Vladimir Putin's ego will readily cede such loss of face again by beating a retreat from Syria. But before that, the loss of 224 Russians including women and children to this senseless murderous madness of some urchins from the pit of hell should not be condoned but avenged by Russia, with the help of the entire world acting collectively. Russian airline Kogalymavia also known as Metrojet Flight 7K9268 crashed or was rather brought down by ISIS enroute St Petersburg from Egypt's resort town Sharm el-Shiekh. What a loss and what a world in turmoil with these raving lunatics called Muslim terrorists ISIS as well as those terrorizing Northeastern Nigeria, Boko Haram now holding the world hostage to their murderous ideology and capacity to inflict untoward pain and anguish.

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Icheoku says a church by definition is a building used for religious activities, particularly for worship services;  for the gathering of people or rather faithfuls  to profess their faith and carry out all such other related activities in furtherance and propagation of their faith. So it goes without saying that provided a form of worship is envisaged, it does not necessarily have to conform to a particular sect or acceptable religious order for a building to so qualify. Therefore having a Church of Lucifer or Satan is not necessarily a misnomer or an aberration since those adherents or faithfuls thereto believe in the celestial dominion and divinity of Lucifer over them, deserving of his worshipping. Just like different religious sects and orders including Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Paganism have their mosques, churches, temples and shrines, Satanism might as well and as of right, also have their own place of worship, regardless. 

This appears to be the logic behind the Satanic worshippers of America who are gradually spreading their religion and opening their churches throughout the United States of America. Icheoku has no opinion either for or against these Luciferians, but says freedom of religion is not limited to nor analogous to only to orthodoxy or conventional religion; but also covers and protects every religion and form of worship and it does not matter what the worshiper choose or decides to worship as their God symbol. 

So now you know that even Satan have his own admirers and you wonder what is it about Satan that these adherents admire? Then one recalls that Lucifer is a democrat who loves life and wanted democratic governance established in heaven; except that God said no and in order to forestall any further agitation or possibly a violent overthrow of governance, had him expelled from heaven and banished him on exile to earth. Just a little foray into forensic examination of some biblical and Christianity stories and account of the fall of man; admitted Icheoku might draw some flak from some fundamentalists zealots for venturing into some no-go area and usually not tolerated discussion subject matter of their Christianity. 

Anyway, just trying to fathom some reasoning behind the ideology of the Church of Lucifer.  Icheoku says it is in line with the reasoning of  those who argue that Judas Iscariot did not commit any crime, but only played his designated role in helping bring  about mankind's salvation. This school of thought argue that Judas Iscariot should be admired and adored but not loathed and vilified, because his act was part of the general divine plan because without his betrayal of Jesus, possibly Jesus would not have died in order to purchase mankind's salvation. But hey, it is just an mental exercise which is not meant to question anyone's belief or whatever account of salvation anyone holds dear and/or propagates.  So now, what is next and are we going to someday see a Church of Judas Iscariot established? Time is such a magician, so who knows!

Friday, October 30, 2015


Icheoku says provided the end game is the same; the ultimate objective the same; the realization of an independent state of Biafra, it should not matter the different roads traveled to get there. It should not matter that several actors are participating in the effort, each using whatever peculiar tools of cohesion available to push forward the agenda. It should not be a cause for concern that there are several frontal thrusts, from different people, directed at pushing forward the objective.  Every mention of Biafra, regardless of the source, successfully keeps the issue of Biafra alive and in the public domain. Therefore, accomplishing the objective or mission statement, is what is and should always remain paramount in the minds of these seemingly competing personalities and not necessarily by whom or whose effort it is being done. 

As with every political struggle throughout recorded history and continuing till date in several parts of the world, several actors are always involved in helping orchestrate an end result. It is like a soccer game or any other sports for that matter, where team members are saddled with just only one objective - to win the game. It therefore does not matter to them who the eventual match-maker, who scored the winning goal, is. The team is the winner as the collective efforts of each member made the winning possible. Each member of a team played a distinct role, which collectively together, ultimately culminated in the win. This should be the mantra, the guiding philosophy of every Biafran currently engaged in the struggle for Biafra emancipation from Nigeria. They should each see themselves as a team and not rivals; all of them just members of Team Biafra, acting in concert to realize their common objective, the independent state of Biafra. Such awareness of a common purpose would drastically reduce unnecessary competitiveness, which leads to envy and backstabbing, and thus make the task at hand much easier  to accomplish.

This analysis has become imperative because of the infighting currently brewing amongst the various Biafra activists groups, both in and outside Nigeria today. Icheoku says a situation where MASSOB was publicly denying Radio Biafra Nnamdi Kanu and similarly vilifying Biafra Zionist Movement, Indigenous Peoples of Biafra and other such Biafra pressure groups is neither healthy nor a good politics. Icheoku says MASSOB should have stayed out of the matter of Nnamdi Kanu's arrest instead of condemning or denying him. Better still they could have summed it up as evidence that the agitation for Biafra is a matter of great general importance to all the peoples of Biafra, hence the enthusiastic apostleship of everyone including Nnamdi Kanu. 

As at now, there is nothing at stake to warrant any infighting amongst these various Biafra groups, especially  when Biafra State has not been achieved, which will of course create various offices and perks that might interest many people. Therefore, those various groups of actors must keep their eyes on the ball and not be distracted by the presence of other interested activists, who are equally honed in the Project Biafra. As Jesus said, 'he who is not against us is probably for us' and so should these activists. Everyone of them is preaching the same gospel of an independent state of Biafra, admittedly in different tones, hence they should see themselves as comrades in the same struggle and not any perceived threat, enemy or competitor against each other. 

Icheoku says such onerous task as agitating for an independent state is not an assignment usually left just for one man. It is so huge and very demanding a challenge that it requires a multitude of actors, acting in concert, in a  multi-faceted fashion to be able to overwhelm the resistance. It is a practice very well known to many decorated war generals who are given to winning many battles. It was the same tactic brought down to bear against then British colonial masters and occupiers of Nigeria in Nigeria's struggle for independence. The Zikists, the Awolowos, the Sarduanas as well as the Maculays; these founding fathers of Nigeria did not act alone to achieve Nigeria's independence. 

They collectively acted to achieve Nigeria's independence from Britain and this should be the code of conduct for those Biafra agitators currently engaged in the struggle for Biafra.  They should see themselves as complimenting one another but not as competing against each other. At least, not now; and of course after the battle is won, any aspirant to any office will then seek the mandate of the people to enable him or her govern or preside over their affairs. Icheoku says these various Biafra activist groups should also be mindful that a house divided against itself is bound to fall; as their collective enemy might exploit the apparent cracks in their walls to sip in and sabotage their effort from within. 

Icheoku prefers and would rather a united one Nigeria continues to exist as an intact country, where every Nigerian will proudly call home; but a situation where some bona fides of the country are continuously being discriminated and marginalized against, does not bode well for such under one roof existence. It begs the question, if these people are Nigerians, why continue to carry out these segregated practices that otherwise suggests and depicts them as either inferior or not Nigerian enough? Icheoku says a united Nigeria cannot be purchased at the expense of only some people or on the backs of some people only. 

It cannot be just a convenient phrase or tool used only when it suits a certain agenda or purpose; and then to refuse to adhere to the tenets or show the same united front when it concerns matters they do not care about. Icheoku says if these internal colonialists are truly and indeed enamored in their professed unity, why are they not treating other components members of the Nigeria state with some dignity. Why are they not treating them as their co-equals and fellow stake holders of Nigeria state, instead of their ingrained arrogance of 'we are the rulers and you are the ruled'. 

Icheoku laments that unfortunately these apparent injustices have helped to keep Biafra on the spotlight, despite the over forty years since the last hostile fires were exchanged. Some Nigerians are constantly made to feel unwanted in their supposed country or that they don't belong therein and at best belong at a lower tier. This is happening despite the declared "no victor, no vanquished" at the end of the civil war. It is the desire to be treated with some dignity that fuels the present crave of  demanding to be treated fairly which manifests as a separatist agitation to be let go. Icheoku maintains that if only these other Nigerians would hearken to the cries to do equity, do the needful to accommodate and array the fears of those marginalized and oppressed peoples of Nigeria, all these agitations would simply melt away. 

Icheoku prays that these people do not linger on for too long before recognizing and treating these complaints as both genuine and legitimate; because forcing another shooting wars on the country barring an amicable balkanization might not be a too distant imposition, admitted not the best option. Icheoku is also at a loss whether these people are unknowingly playing into the hands of those foreign vultures who do not wish nor mean well for Nigeria; people who would readily come rushing to redraw the map of Nigeria at the first salvo. Therefore Icheoku encourages the various participants in this cause for equity and fairness for all Nigerians, to accept their unity in diversity and continue to march on as an army of one, with themselves individually, constituting the foot soldiers. 

Icheoku salutes the courage of all those activists currently engaged in bravely stepping out to make their demand for a more equitable Nigeria; or in the alternative, to let the people of Biafra peacefully step aside and out from Nigeria. Icheoku says to these activists, may you never falter nor tire and may the Gods of Igboland including Amadioha be your guide and protect you. May they facilitate the quick resolution of all the problems causing this agitation in order for a more united wholesome Nigeria to thrive; failing which, they should midwife the peaceful rising of the eastern sun if it becomes inevitable. 

Icheoku says either way, life will go on; but a united Nigeria is always to be preferred, provided it is a Nigeria that works for everyone, and not just a few privileged 'born to rule' Miyetti Allahs and some of their minions in the Southwest. 'Give me freedom or give me death' and 'those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable' are both time-tested quotes and Icheoku says to concur. Icheoku prays it does not ever reach to that point of no return, because it is not the best option and also the stakes are simply too high to gamble with that zero-some apocalyptic option.



Icheoku says a person who has been imprisoned for holding political or religious views that are not tolerated by their own government is a prisoner of conscience. The agitation for Biafra is not tolerated by the Nigeria government for which Nnamdi Kanu is currently being held by the Nigeria government and thus eminently qualifies him a prisoner of conscience. Icheoku says it is about time the Nigeria government let him go as the more they keep him the more he grows in stature. The good news for Nigeria government is that majority of the people constituting former Biafra are not warm to another secession and therefore they should treat Nnamdi Kanu as incapable of wrecking the boat of the state and set him free.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Icheoku says it appears the women of Malaysia have finally solved the ancient mystery surrounding marital relations. They have figured it out and peradventure discovered how to keep their man roped in, focused on them and stay out of needless adventures? Icheoku maintains that any woman who knows her onions could still be in charge of everything while a smitten husband would believe he is in charge. But the situation usually comes to a head when an obtrusive wife at every given opportunity, drives it down her husband's throat that she is the one calling all the shots. This often leads to war in paradise as the beleaguered husband scrambles to reassert himself while an already in-charge wife struggles to maintain her control. 

Anyway, to help finally rest this unnecessary tussle, the women of Malaysia have formed a club - the 'Obedient Wives Club' and you ask yourself, which husband still wants to fight when he feels that his wife is obeying all the rules? Their objective, "to teach their members and women in general how to cooperate with their husbands in order to keep their homes together and be happy. According to the club's Vice President Rohayah Mohamad, "wives must learn to be good lovers and listen to their husbands in order to prevent them from straying or misbehaving. The club urged wives to be "whores in bed" and listen to their husbands in order to curb social ills as well as domestic violence. Continuing she said, "a good wife is perceived to be prim and proper - you just take care of the children - but not much is emphasised on fulfilling the sexual needs of the husband. If he needs sex, obey him." Another member chimed in that "if the wife listens, then the husband feels good and is entertained and this builds closer relationship and greater love and no one strays."

Icheoku agrees that intimacy brings bonding and bonding brings greater love and affection. Icheoku says in as much as no one is advocating for a return to caveman days, there is really nothing wrong with spouses cultivating the habit of  listening to one another, instead of paying more attention to third parties while neglecting their partners. Loneliness in marriage is the surest way of singing a requiem for such union and reasonable spouses avoid this by giving each other priority attention over every other person including their own family members and friends. Icheoku says instead of "DI GBAKWA OKU", how about "Obedient Wives Club" Nigeria women; and in that way the fights over who wears the pants suit will not become an enduring occurrence and with it misery and eventual breakup and sometimes murder. Just sharing thoughts but feel free to decide as you please and thereafter live with whatever consequence your decision brings about.