Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


ICHEOKU says it may sound rather heartless that amidst all the disenchantment and disillusion in the country, that ICHEOKU has not bought into the Atiku messiah on a rescue mission cockamamie. It is not out of any willful indifference, but out of the need to hedge one's bet appropriately, in order not to get a terrifying shock to the system when the inevitable eventually happens. 

ICHEOKU is not flocking along and have actually refused to join the growing herd of Nigerians, who are wishfully, hoping that Atiku will win the coming election, because he will not. There is simply no way, Atiku will defeat Buhari, rigged election or not. Elections are won with a road map, but Abubakar Atiku has none; at least not any that is both feasible and viable. He is a dead ender and once again, will be left holding the plate, once the votes are counted and President Muhammadu Buhari is declared winner, because it is going to happen.

It is good to be hopeful, but it is foolhardy to be hopelessly hopeful, without a reasonable basis or a base on which the hope is anchored. ICHEOKU says getting out of the present state of miasma in Nigeria will take a lot more than an Atiku or that which the crooked and corrupt polygamist can offer and afford. Yes, ICHEOKU says, it is going to take either a military intervention through a coup de tat or Buhari, serving out his term or kicks the bucket, whichever one comes first. But anyone seriously hoping that Atiku will magically win an election against Buhari and that Buhari will willingly hand over to him, has another thing coming; in another parlance, such a person keeps unthinkingness for company. 

A state of affairs which to a large extent, was brought about by the same Nigerians who are now shouting "God forbid." They did it before and they are doing it once again; victims of a rash, rush to action, which they often live to regret. They mislead themselves in 2014/5 into believing that Buhari had a magic wand to the Boko Haram menace and that his military background rightly equips him for that mission as well as fight against corruption. But unfortunately, none panned out and now, an Atiku who merely stole himself to national prominence, is once again bamboozling the gullible that he is a job creating economic guru and Nigerians are once again flocking to him. Interesting.

But the truth be spoken, Abubakar Atiku is not the solution to Nigeria's problems, nor is he what Nigerians needs right now to help lift them out of the cesspit. Atiku is not only a bad news beaver; but Atiku will not and in short, will NEVER be allowed into Aso Rock, period. At best he will be another Moses denied entry into the promised land, admitted he could get close to the gates of Aso Rock to be within its reach, but he will never enter therein. ICHEOKU is emphatic that Abubakar Atiku is most probably just another MKO Abiola June 12th 2.0, loading; as Nigerians will be shocked at not only his defeat, but how easily he will be defeated, fair and square; all the Atikulated vuvuzelas' bee-noise, notwithstanding. 

If ICHEOKU could convince self on Atiku's credentials as being the right fit for the job or that he could win and also not steal Nigeria into bankruptcy, may be, ICHEOKU would have since reconsidered and taken the much easier road out, the more reconciliatory tone of do no harm. But conform, just because it is the easier thing to do, is not in ICHEOKU's character. ICHEOKU would rather remain the lone voice, trying to drum reason into Nigerians ears, than compromise on valued conviction of what is in the best interest of Nigerians.  ICHEOKU would also have since aligned self with all the excited giddiness in the land and join the chorus of the dazed and confused; and save self of all these explaining and anti Atiku rhetoric.  

Understandably, ICHEOKU is still comfortable with the challenge of trying to point the way forward for a Nigerian audience that is becoming increasingly restive and wishing that the Dracula of Daura simply disappeared. They want him out, gone and dispatched back to Daura since yesterday, to be reunited with his 150 gay cows, which have since become stagnated in growth and calves rearing, as well as milk producing. In their desperation, they are about to make a mortal mistake by replacing a Lucifer with a Satan and you ask yourself what changed. 

But the sentiments aside, crunch the numbers and you will see that, unfortunately, all the permutations and calculations supports a Buhari's reelection victory. ICHEOKU says President Muhammadu Buhari will do a second term, regardless of all the pains and suffering as well as discomfiture of the last four years. Simply put, Atiku is neither a match nor a competitor to Buhari, as he will be smoked out of the park because he has no viable route of travel into Aso Rock. ICHEOKU says to put it mildly, Atiku's none existent pathway to Aso Rock, is narrower than the eye of the needle and certainly more constrained that a manhole or that bush path that leads to the village stream. Put more bluntly, it will be easier for Kenneth Andy Okonkwo to win APC governorship in Enugu State than for Abubakar Atiku to smell the roses in Aso Rock, an impossibility.

ICHEOKU has been analyzing and dissecting the chances of both parties in the next coming presidential election 2019 and has come to the conclusion that it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for Abubakar Atiku to dislodge the incumbent President Muhammadu Buhari, from Aso Rock. The numbers are not just there, hence winning the presidency by the Crooked and Corrupt polygamist Abubakar Atiku is rather a tall pipe dream. 

Nigerians, for the most part, are still tribal and primitive in their thinking and political allegiances and alliances. Hence the North will still vote for the Northern candidate and Yoruba will always vote for their own Yoruba candidate; while Ndigbo will also vote for their own nwa onye Igbo. Therefore begging the question, who then resolves the polarity of votes, in order to give an edge to an eventual winner. The answer apparently, becomes whoever successfully convinces the other Nigerians that he will in addition to his own people, also has their best interest at heart. Then enter the 5Ws of who, why, where, when, and what, as the drivers of the campaign messaging,  both in whole and in part. Since the North has two of their sons contesting for the presidency, they will most definitely vote for the son, who they believe will protect the North's interest the most and here is where the cookie of one of the candidates will crumble while the more zealous candidate will skip on to victory. 

It is akin to what is happening in America, where real Americans, particularly the majority Caucasians, are increasingly feeling threatened by a rapidly changing demographics of America, and see in Trump, their only way of pushing back, in their attempt to reclaim their rightful place and possession. This have made them to rally around President Donald John Trump as their acknowledged saving grace Savior, who will shield and protect them from being swallowed up. The Fulani stork of the North will similarly flock to President Muhammad Buhari, who has repeatedly proven and displayed, in no unmistakable terms, that his allegiance is first to his Fulani stork, before the rest of Nigerians. 

So, in the eyes and estimations of the Fulani Nation, although they possible love both their two Fulani sons, Atiku and Buhari; and believe that either of them is good enough for the Fulani continuous hold unto power, but the controlling authority as to who they will break for, will be which of them will give the Fulani Nation a more leg up. Which of them, Atiku or Buhari, will go to the mats for the Fulani cause and damn the consequences. President Muhammadu Buhari has shown through his appointments, utterances and general body language, that nobody else matters to him or is Nigerian enough than his Fulani folks. Such brazen nepotism will endear him more to the Fulani Nation than Abubakar Atiku, who has not proven his total and complete bona fides Fulani bias. 

The conclusion, is that President Muhammad Buhari is the Fulani son, who is much closer to the Fulani aspiration to dominate and take possession of Nigeria, than the more easy going and wives-acquiring polygamist Abubakar Atiku, who, although is also fully vested in the Fulani agenda, but is not as strongly as the zealot, President Muhammadu Buhari.  

The core North, those Northerners who would have since been excised from Nigeria had Gideon Orkar not been too drunk to function; will feel more protected and their powers and influence, more secured and guaranteed, under a Buhari continuing presidency than under Atiku experiment, more so with his choice of an Igbo vice presidential candidate. This consideration will play a very critical role in any decision-making by the North to support or throw their weight behind either of the two Fulani presidential candidates; and it will help to swing their votes for Buhari. Even the Sokoto Caliphate, the Emirate of Kano and Bornu Kingdom as well as everything in between, must have by now weighted this assessment and arrived at this inevitable conclusion. 

So, regardless of how mad the South is against Buhari, in him has the North found a resilient Northern patriot, a fearless fighter, who will defend Northern interest and the North from the resentment of Southerners. In Buhari, their fate and continuing stranglehold of Nigeria is more securely anchored; and in him they trust and entrust their thriving, fully and frontally, as well as unapologetic. So in the battle for the Northern Fulani/Hausa votes, Abubakar Atiku will lose woefully to President Muhammadu Buhari everything factored in.  

Then you migrate your thoughts to the vassal States of the North, the hewers of woods and fetchers of water for the Fulani caliphate overlords; and you reach the same conclusion that they will remain the ever obedient, ever loyal, ever dutiful, ever faithful, un-emancipated feudal servants, who will definitely do what they are told and vote as commanded by the Caliphate. The marching orders will issue from the Sokoto Caliphate and those serviles, Northern minorities, will do exactly as instructed or rather ordered, no questions asked. So, in the minority North Middle Belt North-central region, Atiku will win some States as brownie points, may be one or two States, but will surely lose the rests to President Muhammadu Buhari. 

When the train rolls down South to the Yoruba Southwest, where they have already pitched the issue as a fight for a place in Aso Rock between their own son of the soil Yemi Osibanjo and the Omo Ibo, that Igbo person Peter Obi, how they will vote is as clear as a starry night sky. So, the odds does not look good for Atiku but greatly favors Buhari and it does not matter if they like him; all their consideration will be not to lose their place in Aso Rock to Ndigbo. Yoruba people are like American Democrats, their own is always above reproach, much better and far ahead of others; hence he or she can do no wrong, pitched against the other nationals in Nigeria, especially their arch rivals, the Igbo people of the Southeast. 

The Yoruba people are very smart political jogglers; and being well pupil-ed by the man who introduced tribalism and dichotomy in Nigeria, their chief benefactor, Obafemi Awolowo. The Yoruba Nation knows how to play tribal politics and they play it so well it mesmerizes even the adept players. Therefore, in the battle for a seat in Aso Rock, between Yoruba and Ndigbo, which the forthcoming election has now been narrowed into, the Yoruba people will not vote against their interest. They will vote to retain their presence in Aso Rock and will vote for their own son Vice President Yemi Osibanjo and technically for President Muhammadu Buhari, who then wins the Yoruba Southwest, regardless. It is a vote of calculated risks and the Yoruba people are masters of the game of politics, to understand that it is all about interest and not emotions or emotive sentiments.

There is currently, a strong anti Igbo sentiments brewing in Nigeria, including in the Yoruba Southwest, especially in Lagos. They see in Peter Obi, a representation of what drives them nuts; and they are not having any of it and will not voluntarily increase their psychological trauma and phobia of the Igbo people. They see Ndigbo as land grabbing imperialists, who are out to take their land and make them minority land owners in their own place. Yoruba people will vote to reflect and register this angst and resentment of Ndigbo and they will vote for their son Yemi Osibanjo. For them, it does not matter what happens thereafter; regardless of any hardship which their votes might help rain down. Therefore in the battle for Yoruba Southwest, Buhari wins Atiku and with 3-0 victories now securely tucked in inside his kitty, Buhari will then march on to Southsouth and Southeast to state a claim to the votes there, as well. 

So in battle for the Southsouth and Southeast, Atiku would be fighting a handicap match against Buhari; and there, Buhari's power of incumbency will be maximally exerted to a certain tailored outcome. Buhari will not be gunning to win the Southsouth and Southeast as the objective there will be entirely different than in other regions. The game plan there will be to either substantially increase his votes tally or to keep the number of Atiku's votes very low and down. There are various ways to achieve this result, either a total and complete clamp down of the entire Southsouth and Southeast, under the subterfuge of high security threat of possible breakdown of law and order, or to brazenly rig the election and damn the consequence. 

Either way, the objective will be achieved - to keep Atiku's vote numbers down or increase his own votes in such a way that it will be very close to whatever Atiku might get. Then add it to the sweep of the Southwest, Northcentral, Northeast and Northwest and it is game over Atiku and hello second term. Alternately, Team Buhari can equally  so inflate Kano State's votes alone that it will cancel whatever total votes that may come out of the entire Southeast. Similar thing could also be done in Lagos to counter whatever votes that might come out of the entire Southsouth put together for Atiku. And without Lagos and Kano States, Atiku's chances of winning becomes more distant and extremely difficult, if not impossible.

It is politics and politics is a game of calculated deployments of your best assets, geared towards improving your odds of defeating your challenger/opponent. In the battle for  votes in 2019, the odds strongly favors Buhari and are oddly stacked up against Atiku. Like Murphy's Law, he who has the gold calls the shots. ICHEOKU is emphatic that a sitting President Muhammadu Buhari, who is not circumspect and has no compunction, and who is bent on clinging unto power and will do whatever it takes to retain power, will not be defeated or lose an election to a globally acknowledged face of corruption in Nigeria and polygamist extraordinaire, Abubakar Atiku. 

Unlike Goodluck Jonathan, who was gun-shy about using the awesome fearsome might of the Federal government and timid about deploying them, to an end definitive to mission accomplish a firm objective; President Muhammadu Buhari is a sadist, who derives joy in seeing other people suffer and will not hesitate to use what he has to get what he wants. He has repeatedly demonstrated this before and he never fails in any opportunity to drum this consequential fact into the eardrums of Nigerians, admitted so many of them are deaf and hard of hearing. Also, the coward of Otuoke was squeamish about shedding some blood, forgetting that democracy's tree is periodically watered by the blood of citizens and patriots. But Muhammdu Buhari, on the other hand, is a Dracula of Daura who loves the taste of the crimson liquid and cannot seem to ever have enough of it. So, ever thirsty for more and ever gaunt without a quaff of it, he will unconditionally unleash his dogs of war to win him the election. 

What is imperative is that INEC declares Buhari winner as he can sort out whatever eruptions and fallouts which might follow. He can weather whatever storm that might break out. So, Buhari will fiercely pursue the election, seeing Obasanjo's endorsement of Atiku as a gauntlet which he must accept and then ferociously prosecute the declared war for Aso Rock to a sweet victory. He is a General and he is not afraid of war; and he will see the defeat of Atiku and his gang of vultures waiting to feast on the carcass of Nigeria, as the mother of all wars which he must win. It is most likely going to be his last battle on earth and he will go all the way out, even if it means scorch earth, to get it done. Buhari will not allow himself to suffer a humiliating defeat and the mock of Obasanjo; and will do everything humanly possible to retain his Aso Rock bastion, even if bloodied. Therefore, ICHEOKU vehemently and adamantly reiterates that President Muhammdu Buhari will defeat Abubakar Atiku in the 2019 election and will retain Aso Rock for a second term.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


ICHEOKU says ever noticed the uncanny resemblance and similitude between the  disgraced former South African President Jacob Zuma and the soon to also be disgraced corrupt and crooked polygamist Abubakar Atiku of Nigeria. ICHEOKU has been laboring for sometime now, to drum into the ears of the Atikulated vuvuzelas, trying to warn them that the Atiku brand is not good; and that he is as dangerous as Onitsha bridge-head manufactured drugs. But the hardship under the Dracula of Daura has blinded their eyes and deafened their ears. 

So, possessed by their maniacal zeal to send Buhari back to his 150 cows, they are headstrong and adamant; and barreling through to a certain head-on collision with a moving train. They are so mad at Buhari that they could care less even if it is a Lucifer that will provide his replacement. But tire, ICHEOKU must not; in trying to drum it home, with the allusion to the former South African President Jacob Zuma, whose term in office did not augur well for South Africans, admitted he personally made out like a bandit, leaving many South Africans holding the plate of want, need, hunger, thirst and hopelessness. 

Atiku and Zuma are about the same age, 74 years old. Atiku and Zuma are both certificate-less illiterates. Atiku and Zuma are both undisciplined womanizing polygamists. Atiku and Zuma are obstinate , averse to advise, impervious to correction and resistant to wise counsel. Atiku and Zuma are about the same height, gait, physique and body type. Atiku and Zuma are both fathers to countless children, from both those women they married as well as many others from countless number of mistresses, many of who are incognito and paid top money to keep the affairs secret, as kept women. Atiku and Zuma are unapologetically two fantastically corrupt people. 

It is on record that Zuma once spent $20 million USD just to renovate his private country home when millions of South Africans are still living in shanty towns; and you wonder how much exactly was this home's original worth, before being renovated. Atiku's commandeering of NITEL, as well as so many other Nigerians' common asset, under the ruse of privatization, is also of public knowledge. The disaster recorded in South Africa under Jacob Zuma is what Nigerians are about to face in Nigeria, if Abubakar Atiku is not stopped. But it is not yet too late as the train can still be stopped before it departs, while it is still at the station. 

ICHEOKU says the similarities between Abubakar Atiku and Jacob Zuma are so much that the two might as well pass for two Siamese twins, born of the same mother, but who were separated at birth, one gifted to South Africa, while the other was retained in Adamawa State. If in doubt, lay their pictures side by side and see for yourself. Jacob Zuma did not succeed because he was unprepared, uneducated, too distracted by too many wives and too many concubines; and hardly takes advise nor listens to anyone. A picture perfect description of his half brother in Nigeria, Abubakar Atiku, who is trying to use the opportunity of a near total disillusionment of Nigerians against Buhari, to smuggle himself into Aso Rock. 

It is also on record that the late former President Nelson Mandela, understandably, never wanted Jacob Zuma to ever become president and publicly voiced his displeasure of him and his life of debauchery. A lifestyle which he shares with his half brother, the Nigerian Jacob Zuma, aka Abubakar Atiku. However, unlike the Ota Deity, who later licked up his vomit by going back to endorse a man he once swore that it will be over his dead body that he becomes president, Nelson Mandela was resolute until death. Mandela refused to withdraw his admonition nor forgave Zuma; and never recanted his chastisement, despite all the entreaties, championed by Jacob Zuma, who was desperately seeking the validation and forgiveness of the leader Mandibo. Eventually Mandela passed away and Zuma managed to sneak himself into Mahlamba Ndlopfu, Gauteng Pretoria. Abubakar Atiku is also trying to use the same ploy, admitted Obasanjo is still alive and supposedly has forgiven him. 

However, Nigerians are the ones who will be at the receiving end in the woodshed, shocked to their bone marrows of what will befall them, in the unfortunate event Atiku ever pulls if off. But ICHEOKU is not shaken, fully aware that it will be easier for Olusegun Obasanjo to do another term in Aso Rock than for Atiku to move in there as an elected president of Nigeria. But be that as it may, what you sow is what you reap and if you think Abubakar Atiku is going to wrought miracles or magically solve all the myriads of problems militating against Nigeria, then you need to have your head reexamined for logicality. 

At best, what happened in South Africa under Jacob Zuma will exactly be replicated in Nigeria, should Atiku ever clinches the presidency. First he is too lousy as a person and will be very weak in prosecuting corruption, because every attempt he makes to point at corrupt individuals, will have three of his fingers pointing right back at him. Every attempt he makes to find corruption using the mirror, will have the face of corruption staring back at him. Anyway, the current effort is no longer to wean you off your Atikulated hallucinogens; but, heeding the advise of Professor Wole Soyinka, that records be kept for posterity. Salute

Monday, October 22, 2018


JAMAL KHASHOGGI MURDER: ONE TOO MANY.ICHEOKU says his horrific murder must not go unanswered, Enough of the barbarism going on in Saudi Arabia which they have now exported to an embassy in Istanbul. It is either they conform to acceptable human behavior or have them banished them from any civilized associations and contacts. To hell with them and their bloody oil money. Just saw the dismembered remains of Jamal Khashoggi and it is shockingly hair raising and it is not yet even Halloween. Pitifully SAD.


ICHEOKU says the enclave of white robe wearing deviants have been indiscriminately killing people and for so long. But it seems that they have eventually killed one person too many and will now be held to account. Apparently the time to force them to drink their medicine has finally come and the world awaits to see how America, their chief protector,  will react. ICHEOKU says America must react strongly and firmly, otherwise what happened in Istanbul is capable of causing some undesirable consequences.

A Satanic, devilish and devious nation of dullards and unthinking fools, who could not even manage their acts well, but have become so brazen and audacious with fermenting murders everywhere that they have now taken it overseas. ICHEOKU says which country in the world would send 15 mediocre killers to go hunt down just one unarmed fat man, who is not even a sportsman, talkless of being a black belt martial arts practitioner. Why did they need that many killers, descending down on Istanbul with, such a large footprint, that there was no way in hell they would have successfully pulled their bloody act off without being caught. How did they think that they will be able to get away with it. 

But they are as stupid, reckless and careless, as they are bloated and fat on the waist lines, and you wonder why they thought they can kill themselves into clinging to their antiquated monarchy forever. Which clandestine operation in the world, be it by the CIA, the MOSSAD, the FSP or the MI5, except where the target is inside a secured military location or fort, would 15 "men" be sent for such an operation. But inside their own secured embassy, with their own personnel and security staff, they sent 15 stupid and untrained bums, to go take down an unarmed journalist Jamal Khashoggi. A man who is not even athletic and could have been so easily taken down with only one well placed karate chop on the neck. But instead, the Saudis sent 15 jackasses to go hack him to death and partake in the macabre bloody orgy, right inside their own embassy. 

ICHEOKU is still trying to recover from the shock of their belated admission, after weeks of shameless denials and claiming that Jamal had left the embassy, that they murdered an innocent man inside their embassy in Istanbul. But what ICHEOKU has not been able to understand or have failed or refused to understand is why that so many people were needed to get the job done, regardless of the nature. Just one man who has already been trapped right inside their snare, and in their own embassy. All they would have done, if they must, was inject him with some numbing drug and ferry him back to Riyadh and then deal with him there. Or alternatively, inject him with a body and mind wasting drug and turn him loose for him to die elsewhere. But they were possessed and they were hungry to please their masters in Riyadh and they went crazy, chopping their quarry to pieces. 

What the Saudis did in Istanbul is not only disgustingly horrible, but attests to their crass incompetence, unmitigated wickedness and height of barbarism. They drive sadistic joy in torturing and slaughtering and dismembering human beings. Meanwhile their useless armed forces cannot even defeat a tiny Yemen, in a war of attrition that have lasted far too long and should be stopped forthwith; and despite their being far better equipped than the impoverished country of Yemen. 

Saudi Arabia have gotten away with so much blood letting, including those killed by Saudi citizens. Stories abound of their Philippines domestic servants, black migrants and other Bangladeshi and Indian migrant construction workers, who their employers regularly murder without consequences, including those they skin alive and throw into the forest to die a painful slow death, rather than paying them their rightly earned wages. 

Their close alliance to America is actually the problem here and they are sullying America's name and place in the world, as a fairly balanced moral authority. But they have gone too far with this murder in Istanbul, that they should be henceforth seen and treated as an abhorable, evil commune of fat sadists that should be excommunicated and have no further thing to do with civilized humanity. They should be avoided like leprosy and conferred with a full pariah status. 

These Saudi Arabians are not humans beings. They are wild animals, worse than jackals, hyenas and wild dogs; and America must do something to register its disgust about what they did in Istanbul and have been doing internally and for so long. It is either America acts firmly, including forgoing the bloody oil money, and rise up to the challenge or America will forever lose their standing in the world stage as a moderator of acceptable decent behavior, an upright moral compass of the world. ICHEOKU therefore aligns self with Russian's Vladimir Putin's statement that sanctioning Russia for the Salisbury nerve gas attack and looking the other way in the matter of the barbaric torture and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi by the Saudis is the height of selective righteous indignation. 

It is not fair nor justifiable and it must not be allowed to go unpunished. Enough of the barbaric primitivity of Riyadh; time to force them to change their evil ways has come and an opportunity to so do presented itself in Jamal Khashoggi's brutal murder. 9/11 happened and nothing was done to register America's displeasure and now this? Imagine how many people who have their heads hacked off in Riyadh every Friday, some of them innocent women, for merely not doing what their husbands commanded. There is no way these animals should be allowed to participate in affairs of human beings because they are not humans beings. Simply a very hard sell and they expect real human beings to still respect any Saudi Arabian animal, anywhere, tomorrow. 

At worse, let the world boycott their oil, shun them or better still just level the gaddam God forsaken place with a neutron bomb and solve all the nonsense Islamic terrorism which they groom and sponsor from their bloody place. It was horrendous looking at the dismembered body of Jamal Khashoggi in black garbage bags, just like a cow in a slaughter house. 

Worse still, a staff of that embassy in Istanbul tipped off Riyadh about the impending visit of Jamal Khashoggi to the embassy and they sent 15 bloody buffoons to go and waylay him as he arrived to keep a date with an appointment, not knowing that the appointment was with a horrific, torturous death. ICHEOKU hereby forswears every Saudi Arabia and will never see them as human beings again; and it does not matter the situation or condition and their bloody money could as well burn to hell. All of them might as well be headed to hell for all ICHEOKU cares and for crying out loud. What manner of demented people are these Saudis that would commit such a heinous, beastly act. Also, they don't give a damn nor care a hoot about human lives. Away with them. Enough of their barbarism and goriness.

Friday, October 19, 2018


ICHEOKU says it was indeed a sightly sight to behold, seeing the leader of IPOB, who was rumored to have been since killed and whose whereabout hitherto, was unknown, make a cameo appearance. ICHEOKU does not care either way what manner of restrictions he is currently placed in; the fact of his being alive is paramount and in short, the only controlling authority that matters. ICHEOKU says definitely a good welcome development. May God protect the leader and keep him safe and sound IJN.


ICHEOKU says have always known that short of a brazen audacity and stupidity by rank amateurs, that the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi was accidental, to say the least. Otherwise why couldn't 15 security agents over power him, bundle him up and abduct him; and return him back to Riyadh and then do with him however they may please, right inside their own territory. Why cause such an international incident that would embarrass and put America in a bad light, being a friend and ally. 

It does not make sense, never made sense and it does not portray a thinking nation with smart and intelligent security professionals. It was a bungled and botched job, which has left an indelible stain on those white robes which those mullahs wear over there. It is unthinkably sad to have a human being slaughtered like a ram in this 21st century, when people are talking about humane treatment of human beings. But crying all the rivers in the world will not Jamal Khashoggi bring back nor made whole again. So, the world, including America, must begin to find any possible way to move past the dastardly act and also find a way to punish and sanction Saudi Arabia for what they did and albeit force them into a better behavior, because they are all killers in that Kingdom, despite all the pretentiousness, sanctimony, opulence, gold, ornaments and white robes. Like a painted sepulcher, they stink right through and into their bone mallows. What a bloody murderers they are.

ICHEOKU will therefore proceed to accept their latest explanation that the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside their embassy in Instabul Turkey was not a direct intentional act, but an intended abduction went awry; a result of something going terribly wrong with whatever they had planned, an action went awry. 

However, this does not completely absolve the Kingdom of Saud, because the buck stopped on their royal household desk in Riyadh. They must therefore be made to pay a hefty fine and in the alternative, forced to become a morally better and more civilized better human beings, who begins to have respect for human life and who henceforth recognizes the sanctity of the human life. What a barbaric people who are still stuck in the past century, people who still slaughter fellow human beings like a ram. Not good. 

ICHEOKU says the bloodletting and goriness in Saudi Arabia is simply too disgusting and needs to stop; otherwise the world should banish them and their dirty bloody oil and blood money, and completely excise them from the rest of the world and civilized associations. It is now undeniably true that these robe wearing, fat-waist, primitive people lack credibility and morality. It is indeed a very sad development that they had to be forced to finally admit their criminality, despite weeks of repeated bold faced denial and manufactured alternative universe stories for the gods. Adieu Jamal.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


ICHEOKU says if it is proven that the government in Riyadh had anything to do with the disappearance of the Saudi Arabia born journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, there will be a huge price to pay. No despotic government should be allowed to bank on their friendship with Washington DC to wreck havoc on its people, especially those ones already on self exile for fear of their lives and not within their own countries' territorial space. 

Stories abound of so many countries which throw their citizens to wild dogs to be devoured alive and nothing happened; simply because it was their internal affairs matter and there is no need to disturb the groove just because their government decided to solve their problem their own way and in a manner they know best how to. This indifference is more pronounced where the perpetrating country is a rich country with vast and extensive investments in Western economies and fear of their pulling their money out, compels the beneficiary Western countries to look the other way and not to attract the ire of such despotic countries. Saudi Arabia is one such country and they have milked it for such a long time. 

Saudi Arabia has been going rogue on international laws and respect for human rights of their citizens; and getting away with so many of such murders and for such a very long time, that it has somewhat become normal, tolerable and acceptable. This has empowered them somewhat to continuously deploy such a reign of terror  on their citizens, in order to maintain their servile obedience and peradventure, continue to survive as an absolute monarchical government. 

But this particular murder, the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, is a murder gone too far. If and when they are eventually found culpable, they should be made to pay a hefty price, including cutting off of diplomatic relationship, if that is what it will take to make them a better government, that is compliant with respect for the human rights and the protection of her citizens. They cannot continue their systematic elimination of those of their citizens who they consider existential threat to their despotic well being, without consequences. 

The world was happy to welcome the initial baby steps reforms by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman; and were happy when he allowed women to drive and encouraged them to work in Saudi Arabia. There were other commendable sundry reforms which he engineered since coming to power. But all these lofty ideals must not be a license for unchecked despotism. Indiscriminate arrest and imprisonment of critics, arbitrary executions, torturing and murdering, and now dismembering of critics by the government, is a bridge too far and which they must not be allowed to get away with. 

Even Kim Jong Un does not dismember North Korean citizens, admitted he had fed his uncle alive to a pack of starving wild dogs. Saudi Arabia went too far and in such a brazen, idiotic, petulant manner, which has now forced Washington DC into a corner, and which demands only a commensurate severe response. There is simply no way of getting around it or sugar-coating the egregiousness of what took place in Turkey; even at the pain of losing their investments in the United States of America. 

How could they go this rogue and on a foreign territory and be this mean and very brutish, to torture, murder and then dismember a journalist inside their embassy in Turkey, for simply writing mere stories and reporting news. His crime did not fit the punishment; and he was not even charged, tried and convicted. Such intolerant, despotic arbitrariness, must not be tolerated and they must be made to pay a King's ransom, short of severing every diplomatic ties with the Kingdom of Saud. If they could be this audacious in a foreign country, imagine what goes on inside their Kingdom where they maintain maximum dictatorship; and you wonder what animals these white robe wearing humanoids are that could carry out such a brazen, barbaric, human rights violations of her citizen, torturing, murdering and dismembering him. 

Why murder a critical journalist on a foreign soil. Why not just kidnap him, take him back to Saudi Arabia, try him for whatever offense he might have committed, convict him and then lock him up for good. Why do such a pedestrian, unprofessional job of killing him inside their embassy, knowing fully well that there will be traces, questions and that there will be no other possible way to explain his disappearance short of producing him. That he was seen and witnessed entering the consulate and was expected to also be seen coming out of it. That when he did not step out as he had stepped in, that his journey ended right inside the consulate. A very poor, untrained and inept executioners, did a poor dirty number on a journalist and they cannot escape the consequences. So, the question is what degree of punishment will be meted out to Saudi Arabia, rather than their proving their innocence short of producing the journalist. 

ICHEOKU heretofore calls on every world governments, including Washington DC, to register their united displeasure at Saudi Arabia, by immediately severing all diplomatic and economic contacts with Riyadh.  The measure could be for just a few months, as a warning that such dastardly act is not tolerable, cannot be tolerated and will not be tolerated in the future. 

They were not even smart in going about it, because were they, they would have taken a page from Kremlin and have hired assassins gun down the journalist in the middle of the road, while going to the embassy, if they must kill him. But to have him come into the embassy and whack and dismember him there, is the height of gross ineptitude, none professionalism and an unthinking barbarism. What happened to the mantra of "without a trace?" Why pull off such job when you know that it can be traced to you? Carrying out a State sponsored terror on an innocent citizen, whose only weapon is his key pad, is not a good testimonial for any government, particularly one which is considered a friend of the United States of America. 

The Saudi Arabian government killed Jamal Khashoggi, but they did not succeed in actually killing him, as millions world wide have now come to know the journalist, whom only a very few knew prior. They tried to silence him by killing him, but have now thrown millions of candle light searchlight on their Kingdom and how despotic their government is. A government that tortures, kills and dismembers journalists is not human and does not belong in the comity of civilized Nations, such that the United Nations Organization should consider taking action against them as well. In short they burnt their fingers and hands, as well as their feet and legs in carrying out this hit on Mr Khashoggi. The action was both pathetic and imbecilic in execution, and smacks of job by rank amateurs. 

How can you reform a government when you are killing those who are pointing you to the direction of the areas where the reforms are needed. Your critics are often your best friends, for a reason that you learn from them by not continuing in your trajectory of errors. The government in Riyadh went too far and must be punished for carrying out such barbaric act, torturing, murdering and dismembering a journalist on a foreign soil.

ICHEOKU says it is rather too patronizing for the government in Riyadh to so simplistically dismiss the accusation that it has a hand in the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, as lies and baseless allegation; otherwise where is Jamal. If the accusations are false, then they should produce Jamal Khashoggi or explain how a person who walked into their embassy in Turkey, magically disappeared without a trace and did not walk back out. 

Recall that the Saudi Arabia born journalist and a Washington Post contributor, Jamal Khashoggi, vanished on October 2, 2018 after entering the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul to obtain documents for his upcoming marriage to his Turkish bride. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has also said that Turkey is in possession of a video which showed how Jamal Khashoggi was "interrogated, tortured and then murdered" inside the consulate before his body was dismembered. Not good.

ICHEOKU says Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is forever tainted and forever damaged for orchestrating this heinous murder of a journalist; except of course, some conservative rogue elements in his government, who does not like his reformist agenda, decided to pull a fast one on him, in order to make him a pariah in the Western world. ICHEOKU says anything short of this far fetched theory, that it was a rogue elements of his government that carried out the torture, murder and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi, without permission or authorization from the highest echelon of the government, will forever cast a beastly shadow on the young Crown Prince and his reputation is forever damaged and irreparably too. Not good. Put in another way, the guy is a beast who authorized this barbarism and he should be avoided as a heartless, blood sucking, goombah. He does not belong in a civilized society. Pitiful Dracula of Riyadh. SAD.

Friday, October 12, 2018


ICHEOKU says facing an impending revocation of her security clearance, precursor to her eventual possible arrest for her criminal behavior of destroying subpoenaed evidence, the Jezebel of our time and American presidential politics reject, Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton, in order to save face, has asked that her security clearance be revoked and her wish has since been granted her. 

Query, who asks for such revocation of such very prestigious privilege, except someone who knows that its revocation is inevitably, very imminent. Poor Hillary - first she lost her second presidential bid and now this golden security clearance. Please remember her in your prayers that she does not become so disheveled as to become headed to the deep end or the cliff's edge. Can the stars be so aligned against someone in this manner? SAD.

Thursday, October 11, 2018


ICHEOKU says when, following Hurricane Katrina devastation of New Orleans, Kanye West ripped into then President George Walker Bush, for not caring for black people to rescue them, nobody castigated him from the far left as being an Uncle Tom. When the same Kanye West rushed the stage and yanked the microphone out of Taylor Swift's hands and berated the organizers of the award for not favoring Beyonce because she is black, nobody on the left attacked him for being a tool in the hands of the White oppressors of America. 

But suddenly, seeing the good work which President Donald John Trump is doing, especially those things that are helping black American communities, including the ongoing prison reform and jobs availability, the rapper previously known as Kanye West and now Ye, has developed an admiration for the president. He went to visit the president at the White House and made statements which are favorably disposed to the president, but the lunatic left wingers will not have any of it. Now they are calling him all manners of names, accusing him of being mentally unstable and that he has completely lost his mind. ICHEOKU says what's wrong with these people? #MAGA. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


ICHEOKU says as the American ambassador to the United Nations Organization, Governor Nikki Haley, resigns her appointment, President Donald John Trump told her, "Nikki, I just wanted to tell you that we will miss you.” 

ICHEOKU says whether she was fired, pushed or otherwise voluntarily made the decision, Nikki is now gone from the United Nations, effective end of the year 2018; and the Russians will definitely now take a breath, Nikki, having been a torn in their fresh. 

ICHEOKU says all the best Nikki and may your future political light never dims. She was a good ambassador and a tough one for that matter too. America has not heard the last from her and will certainly hear more of and from her. So long Nikki.

Monday, October 8, 2018


KAVANAUGH LAUGHS LAST IN VICTORY.ICHEOKU says in victory, that is. May evil never be allowed to ever trump over good, no matter the size or shape or form in which it came or presented itself.  Justice Brett Michael Kavananugh is loved by many and it helped him plow through the noisy mob that America witnessed throughout his confirmation process. 

Eventually victory was his and today he is sworn in and sits at the apex court as an associate Justice of the SCOTUS. May his tenure as associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America be fruitfully remembered as one rich in jurisprudence and constitutionalism IJN.

Sunday, October 7, 2018


“For the sake of our freedom, and for the sake of our children, we are going to work, we are going to fight, and we are going to win, win, win. We will not bend. We will not break. We will never give in. We will never give up. We will never back down. We will never surrender. We will always fight on to victory.” - President Donald John Trump.


ICHEOKU says Judge Brett Michael Kavanaugh was finally sworn in Saturday evening as the 114th Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Chief Justice John Roberts administered the Constitutional Oath, while retired Justice Anthony M Kennedy administered the Judicial Oath; both held in the Justices' Conference Room of the Supreme Court. The 53-year-old judge, was confirmed earlier in the day by a 50-48 votes in the Senate, perfectly split along the line of the divided political leanings in Nigeria. 

ICHEOKU strongly agrees with President Donald John Trump that real America people are proudly honored that Judge Kavanaugh was able to withstand the horrible, horrible attacks by the Democrats. It was a horrible attack which nobody should have to go through. But the beautiful thing is, he is now in. He's going to be there for a long time. And he's just an outstanding intellect, outstanding scholar, a brilliant lawyer, brilliant at everything he's ever done. So we're very happy. It was a great vote, a very historic vote." 

ICHEOKU says completely satisfied and aligned to the president's assessment. Congratulations is Justice Brett Michael Kavanaugh and may your admission into the citadel of Justice in the land meet you with a good judicial fortune, as you continue to apply the law of the land in every matter before you, and without let or hindrance or any other undue external influence. Congratulations. 


ICHEOKU says without any of these fellas, Judge Brett Kavanaugh would not have become a Justice of the Supreme Court Of The United States today. The Judge was exceptionally brilliant and equated himself very well at the hearing; and his defense of Dr Ford’s allegation was spectacularly convincing. 

Then enter President Donald John Trump for nominating him and standing solidly behind him all the way. And of course, Senator Lindsey Graham’s shot in the arm to the process with that fiery remarks which revitalized a nearly fatally wounded candidacy, which was wobbling from a serious criminal allegation of sexual molestations. That his admonition was eloquently well delivered, both in pitch, tone and demeanor. 

Then welcome the lioness heroine of the entire confirmation process, whose erudite speech was the icing on the cake that made Judge Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court elevation a fait accompli. Boy, was the great Senator from the great State of Maine was indeed what courage really looks like. Senator Susan Collins is it; the real deal madam of the Senate. She owned it and she has indelibly left her name on gold etchings in the marble and for eternity. 

But unbeknownst to the entire watching world, was the man who usually speaks little but carries the big stick. He is a man of only a few words, but a doer of immeasurable accomplishments. He is the puppet master, who actually is the grand wizard that chaperoned the confirmation to fruition. He is called the turtle for his strangely similar neck to a turtle. He is the Republican Senate majority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell, the great Senator from the great State of Kentucky. ICHEOKU says he gets the biggest bravo for all his behind the scene political wizardly that saw the process successfully completed, with Judge Kavanaugh sworn in. 

ICHEOKU says these are the heroes and a heroine who made this possible and real Americans are appreciative and grateful. ICHEOKU wishes Justice B.M. Kavanaugh a beautiful tenure at the Supreme Court of the United States of America. 


ICHEOKU says thankfully Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has been sworn in as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America. But had any of these fellas had their way, the Judge will be hold up in an undisclosed location, sulking and lamenting about a dream denied. But God is an American and owns this country, hence he raised his angels and ordered them to go take charge and today the rest is now history. 

ICHEOKU says may it not ever be well with all the pitch fork bearing traducers, who threw to the dogs all their legal training and practicing taught them, just to lynch an innocent man because he is an upright person. Anyway, their evil conspiratorial plot has been defeated and Judge Kavanaugh is now an Associate Justice of the SCOTUS. ICHEOKU prays that all they heaped on an innocent man, including all the false charges and testimonies, be multiplied for them IJN. 

Senate minority leader Charles Ellis Schumer swore from the onset that he would do everything within his power to defeat the nominee and prevent his ever being sworn in as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Boy, did he try with his army of lunatics and they cane so close to achieving their devilish objective. Now, he must be reliving the agonies of November 8, 2018, all over again. What a torture. 

Then came Senator Spartacus Cory Booker of Newark New Jersey. His grandstanding and bombastic threat to release an otherwise classified information about Judge Kavanaugh went up in smoke, as it was found to be merely hot air. He too should be hiding his face in shame now, wondering why he foreclosed on his chances of ever advancing in American nationwide politics with such a macabre display of rascality in the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing room. 

ICHEOKU says then came the leaking Dianne Feinstein who received a letter from Dr Ford and hid it from her colleagues for three months, only to leak it to the media, despite Dr Ford’s plea and request that it be kept confidential. Pitiful leaky dirty Dianna and at 85 years old, she is simply too old to remain in the Senate. Shame on her. 

Then we have the nut job Aloha Senator from Hawaii, Maxie Hiroro, who told American men to SHUT THE FUCK UP. ICHEOKU says if this woman is not the worst thing to happen to womanhood, then nothing else; not even the Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton was ever this uncouth. ICHEOKU pities her husband, if she has one. Imagine the hell that guy must be living in and going through, married to such a street queer. 

Then came all the Democratic Party members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who are lawyers, but who wanted to sacrifice the rule of law of audi alterem patem on the alter of politics. A guy was accused of one of the most heinous and hideous crimes ever imaginable, sexual molestation; yet without evidence, any nor sufficient, they wanted to convict and execute him by denying him a well merited and rightly earned elevation to the Supreme Court.