Sunday, May 31, 2015
Icheoku says as expected the honchos who are benefitting from the sleaze that is FIFA once again voted to retain their benefactor in chief, Sepp Blatter, who once again won the just concluded election continuing as chairman of that world governing soccer body. No one expected that the Jordanian challenge stood any meaningful chance at toppling the machine that is Sepp Blatter and his boys at FIFA but Icheoku had thought the developing arrest for corruption of some FIFA executives would have provided some wind to the sail of the challenger; but it never happened. While congratulating the winner as courtesy demands, Icheoku says that the embattled chairman can still find some place in his mind to abdicate and make way for a thorough cleansing of the stable and if he chooses not, the corporate world whose financial muscle backs the multi billion organization can force the issue by withholding their purse.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Icheoku says Nigeria defiled all odds and permutations of the world, especially those Western countries who do not mean well for Nigeria and successfully transferred power from one president to another. Icheoku says congratulations to Nigerians, their erstwhile President Goodluck Jonathan and the new man on the block at Aso Rock, President Muhammadu Buhari. Icheoku says every Nigerian should congratulate him or her self for this milestone as against all odds, they proved the naysayers wrong and did not go the way of uncivilized, failed states. Way to go Nigerians and may the good example set and sacrifice made by the now gone President Jonathan never be lost in all subsequent occupiers of that exalted seat at Aso Rock; starting with the its first beneficiary and now new President Muhammadu Buhari, when eventually his term comes to an end.
Icheoku listened to the inaugural address delivered by President Muhammadu Buhari and read it all over again to make sure that a full grasp of it was first got before writing this piece. It was a well crafted speech with specs of his Washington DC minders and benefactors, cleverly sprinkled and infused in it; such as "share in increased prosperity/productivity?" Icheoku also noticed the reference to "Medicare", an American social medical program to its indigents and elderly; except that Nigeria has no such medical services in the country. However it is an acceptable practice all over the world of letters, for speech writers and speech givers to periodically assimilate good contents from elsewhere and as a result, Icheoku will not devote much time on this observed foray into Obamanism in the speech delivered by President MB.
Overall the speech was well written and delivered; and its contents and aspirations, upwardly optimistic too. But that's where the fork on the road really forks off because talk is cheap, especially such lofty sugar-candy mountain type-talk. Icheoku says the world similarly witnessed such patronizing speech with America's President Barack Obama during his hay days, whose advent in the American political stage as the highest political office holder in the land has not productively, economically and socially, transformed or benefited black people of America; who instead, have for most part now, ended up as the new endangered species of that once new world. Such lofty speeches are usually what they are - hot air baloney, tailored for a feel-good effect; but which in actuality and reality, never usually equalizes the paper and ink they were written in and on, at the end of the day. They are usually good as sound bites but putting them on the reality convoy-belt of actually midwifing them to fruition, is the heavy-lifting arduous task, which never leaves their drawing table.
The president spoke, among other things, his determination to fight impunity headlong in Nigeria. Icheoku will now throw some light on this question and speaking of impunities in Nigeria, there cannot be any greater impunity in the country than the born to rule mentality of Miyetti Allah Northern Nigerians. A people who believe in their inalienable right to perpetually stride over the power structure in Nigeria without yield or compromise. A people who are convinced that their position is always right and that other's are always wrong and that it is always going to be either their way or the highway? That it is either they are in power and dictating to every other Nigerian always or the blood of baboons and dogs will soak the land? This is one grave impunity threatening the continued existence of Nigeria which President Muhammadu Buhari should try and tackle for the long term survivability of Nigeria. By reason thereof, Icheoku was expecting to hear and would have loved to hear the new President Muhammadu Buhari clarify and affirm that he would have himself accepted the result of the presidential election in good faith, had he lost; without plunging the country into an irrecoverable political armageddon, regardless of his pre-election signed peace initiative?
The president spoke, among other things, his determination to fight impunity headlong in Nigeria. Icheoku will now throw some light on this question and speaking of impunities in Nigeria, there cannot be any greater impunity in the country than the born to rule mentality of Miyetti Allah Northern Nigerians. A people who believe in their inalienable right to perpetually stride over the power structure in Nigeria without yield or compromise. A people who are convinced that their position is always right and that other's are always wrong and that it is always going to be either their way or the highway? That it is either they are in power and dictating to every other Nigerian always or the blood of baboons and dogs will soak the land? This is one grave impunity threatening the continued existence of Nigeria which President Muhammadu Buhari should try and tackle for the long term survivability of Nigeria. By reason thereof, Icheoku was expecting to hear and would have loved to hear the new President Muhammadu Buhari clarify and affirm that he would have himself accepted the result of the presidential election in good faith, had he lost; without plunging the country into an irrecoverable political armageddon, regardless of his pre-election signed peace initiative?
Icheoku says how about the other grave impunity of Northern Nigerians debit dads, who are by necessary implication, helping with funneling thousands of street fighters to Boko Haram; by reason of their uncared for children whom they bring to this world without taking care of them, now finding solace in whatever Boko Haram has to offer to them amidst their abject hopelessness? Icheoku says these debit-dads create the sociological problem of almajiris by recklessly impregnating under-age teenage girls who they take as wives and without adequately caring for them and their resulting children. As a result of this absent father syndrome, these children end up as streets urchins and social miscreants wherein Boko Haram finds an endless stream and supply of fighters and mischief makers with whom they terrorize Nigerians? Icheoku says how about that, Mr President Muhammadu Buhari, as a very needful impunity which is plaguing Nigeria and deserving your government's readily attention, among other things?
Icheoku is emphatic that the problem of almajiris which breeds fighters for Boko Haram is the worst form of corruption as it attacks the very social fabric of the Nigerian society, wearing its productivity ratio drastically thinned down. The problem of these jobless and homeless youths of Northern Nigeria, a riveting social menace of the Nigerian society, must be frontally addressed by President Muhammadu Buhari, if indeed he means well and wants to wholesomely fix those things that are broken in Nigeria. Sometimes when Icheoku sees the pile of bodies of Boko Haram fighters killed, Icheoku wonders which families lost these so many people; don't they feel the pains of such loss and what are they doing about preventing it? Are they indeed doing something proactively to safeguard any future occurrences by corralling their non initiate children out of Boko Haram and out of terrorism?
Finally whether or not President MB delivers on all his campaign promises as he further re-pledged during his inaugural address, Icheoku does and will not care nor will be bothered. Icheoku knows that politicians are usually filled with garbs and often heavy on hot air and very little on performance; and without a commensurate will or resources to effectively transform their words into actionable developments on the ground. Icheoku therefore urges Nigerians to curb their enthusiasm as their great expectation will soon default to the usual despondency and forlorn dreams that were not fulfilled. This will not be lack of trying or the absence of intention to see them through, no; but a lot of unforeseen things that often aggregate together to conspire to let out the steam and take the wind out of the sail. Icheoku says even if President MB has the best intentions, scant resources, volatile world oil market, internal sabotage as well as foreign conspirators' machinations will likely put spanner in his wheels.
Therefore as Nigerians tame their expectations as they should reasonably do and are expected to do under the circumstance; they should focus more on the sincerity of purpose of the president to run an all inclusive Nigerian government, for Nigerians and by Nigerians. Provided he is steadfast in working as a Nigerian president, for all Nigerians, regardless of region, tribe or religion, then President Muhammadu Buhari would have earned Icheoku's admiration as well as every other Nigerian. The president must therefore work for the unity of one united Nigeria and not one mortgaged to only the Hausa/Fulani core North or some special interests groups or blocs, including foreign meddlesome interlopers, who do not mean well for Nigeria nor would like to see Nigeria attain its true natural status in the world. These people are already gnashing their teeth that their prophesy from hell that Nigeria will be disintegrated in 2015, which they assiduously worked to see come to fruition, did not pan out or materialize as they projected, and now they would find other ways and means to continue to further subvert Nigeria. Icheoku is not being a Hezekiah, the prophet of doom; but as a student of world geo-political calculations and permutations, knows that the jury is still out about the future of Nigeria and its march to greatness and therefore, states that it is not yet uhuru for Nigeria, President MB being in charge now, notwithstanding.
Icheoku emphasizes that once President MB governs like a president of Nigeria and not president of Northern Nigeria only and not allow the feudalistic cabal or a member thereinto to hijack his government, like President Shehu Shagari allowed Umaru Dikko, then Nigerians would have reason to hope again. So on this note, Icheoku welcomes the new president of Nigeria and wishes him all the best. Lets keep the faith and help the new government stay focused in a narrow straight line of accomplishments, without any frolic or veering off the course. Icheoku prays that the Nigerian media including the social media will not visit on the new president the nightmare they dumped unto the now former President Goodluck Jonathan; and not needlessly so rattle him that he loses his focus and instead of governing, just spends his presidency fighting to hang in there, to survive, by treading waters until an opportunity to bail out equally presents itself. Icheoku says former President Goodluck Jonathan was a victim of the anti subsidy-removal protests which nearly torpedoed his government and he never truly recovered from the shock until he finally took a bow out of Aso Rock and out of power. May President Muhammadu Buhari not share a similar fate nor any other convulsing shocks to his government that will deviate his focus.
Anyway, thanks to a man who is very squeamish President Goodluck Jonathan, President Muhammadu Buhari has now been sworn in as the new president of Nigeria. However the now gone President Jonathan did Nigeria one heck of a good by what he did, yielding power, a very good precedent he has meritoriously now set in place. Icheoku says one good thing about setting precedents is that if respectably followed by subsequent beneficiaries, it helps greatly in creating and ingraining functionality and foundational growth in any given political entity, leading to a more well stabilized and lasting polity. It now behoves on President Muhammadu Buhari to dutifully, as expected, similarly pass on the torch or baton, whenever his time comes, to the next guy without any let or hesitance.
Hopefully too the dog eat dog disposition of Northern Nigerians Hausa/Fulanis that saw then Muhammadu Buhari overthrowing President Shehu Shagari, Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida overthrowing Muhammadu Buhari and Babangida killing Mamman Vasta etc for attempted overthrow of his government, will not lead to a Northern coup against Muhammadu Buhari or even a Sokoto State officer overthrowing President Muhammadu Buhari to avenge President Shehu Shagari's experience in the hands of the same Muhammadu Buhari. On this final note, Icheoku now pours libation for the new President Muhammadu Buhari as follows:- May his presidency be without anyone making the country ungovernable for him. May he have the clarity of mind and oneness of purpose to now begin to wrought all the promised miracles he made to the Nigerian electorates during his presidential campaign, in anticipation and expectation of their fulfillment, they massively gave him the mandate. Icheoku says congratulations to President MB of Nigeria, admitted that the funereally pall now cast over the country with the change of batons at Aso Rock will take sometime to dissipate, if any time soon.
Friday, May 29, 2015
"I would like to thank President Goodluck Jonathan for his display of statesmanship in setting a precedent for us all that has now made our people proud to be Nigerians wherever they are. With the support and cooperation he has given to the transition process, he has made it possible for us to show the world that despite the perceived tension in the land, we can be a united people capable of doing what is right for our nation. Together we cooperated to surprise the world that had come to expect only the worst from Nigeria. I hope this act of graciously accepting defeat by the outgoing President will become the standard of political conduct in the country." - President Muhammadu Buhari.
Icheoku says well said and dutifully too. What a great magnanimity of the President to once again publicly acknowledge and for the umpteenth time too, the very pivotal role played by former President Goodluck Jonathan in bringing about a new politically refocused Nigeria. Icheoku maintains that were the former president not a God-fearing man, who does not want to spill needlessly the blood of Nigerians just to stay put in power, not only would there not have been a new President Muhammadu Buhari sworn in today, but possibly there would not be a Nigeria still existing as one country and at best a Nigeria in cataclysmic turmoil. Icheoku appreciates the new president for recognizing this fact of immerse consequence and hopefully, he too will reciprocate same when his time also comes for such a display of statesmanship. Congratulations President Muhammadu Buhari and congratulations to the now former President Goodluck Jonathan.
Thursday, May 28, 2015

The seemingly worst case of all is the current CONCACAF President Jeffrey Webb who literally sat over in judgment and ouster of his predecessor in office Jack Warner for corruption; but who himself fell to the temptation and got hooked up to the sucre of corruption that abounds in FIFA, receiving among other bribes, a private swimming pool built for him in his home. Icheoku says may be the lesson of what sprang him up as chairman of CONCACAF became lost on him or the millions of dollars of easy bribe money was too tempting to just turn down and say no?
Icheoku says such a bold move by the American Justice Department is a welcome development as it will help reposition FIFA by getting rid of its seedy officials who have brought disdain and disrepute to the world cup organizing body. But to do this effectively, the entire FIFA's current governing body have to go, starting with its president Sepp Blatter. Like President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria was booted out of office principally for his dereliction of duty in fighting corruption, FIFA's president Sepp Blatter must similarly be shoved out of the organization. A man who has been presiding over the putrid sewer of corruption and for seventeen long years now, although who has not been personally named or indicted just yet, cannot plead ignorance of what was going on right under his nose. Icheoku says it is either he knows or pretended not to know, choosing to look the other side while his underlings mightily helped themselves with bribery and upon one strict condition that they continually "elected" him president of the organization. Icheoku says it cannot be any other way, otherwise why has Sepp Blatter remained the president of the organization for such a very long time? Also why does FIFA not have a term limit for its elected officials or does it not know that such longevity in office usually breeds complacency and laxity which in turn creates room for such infestation of corruption?
Icheoku says as the headman of FIFA, the buck stops at Sepp Blatter's desk and therefore he must muster every courage and whatever honor still left in him and fall on his sword - perform the harakiri. FIFA President Sepp Blatter should and must resign; his office, let another take and clean up the Augean stable which a very corrupt FIFA has become under Sepp Blatter. A no nonsense reformer is needed at this time at FIFA to help bring about the much needed change from the business as usual culture that Blatter foist at the soccer organizing body and make it wholesome again. Also any country found to have compromised FIFA by facilitating this decadence should also be sanctioned.
While Icheoku commends the effort of the Justice department thus far, we call for a very far-reaching investigation to unearth every person, official and country connected to this sleaze and punish them maximally, make an example of them and in order to avoid future repeat occurrence. What a shame that a body charged with organizing the most favorite sport in the world, descended into the sewer, tempted and fell to corrupting influences and now left everyone questioning their faith in FIFA managing this lovable pastime. It is pitiful and indeed very pitiful; which possibly explains why officials of FIFA seem to enjoy near life term tenure serving in the organization. African Confederation of African Football President Issa Hayatou for example has been the boss of that regional body for nearly three decades since 1988 and executive member of FIFA since 1990 and you wonder why no other person can have a shot at it. But hey, with these arrests, the world now knows what amount of wheeling and dealing that kept these administrators so entrenched and their offices impregnable by the so called outsiders. Sep Blatter should resign or be forced out by being voted out of office; as no meaningful reform can take place in that Federation of International Football Association with the same man who created and enabled the corruption environment and who presided over the corruption regime, still manning the tiller.
Icheoku says as the headman of FIFA, the buck stops at Sepp Blatter's desk and therefore he must muster every courage and whatever honor still left in him and fall on his sword - perform the harakiri. FIFA President Sepp Blatter should and must resign; his office, let another take and clean up the Augean stable which a very corrupt FIFA has become under Sepp Blatter. A no nonsense reformer is needed at this time at FIFA to help bring about the much needed change from the business as usual culture that Blatter foist at the soccer organizing body and make it wholesome again. Also any country found to have compromised FIFA by facilitating this decadence should also be sanctioned.
While Icheoku commends the effort of the Justice department thus far, we call for a very far-reaching investigation to unearth every person, official and country connected to this sleaze and punish them maximally, make an example of them and in order to avoid future repeat occurrence. What a shame that a body charged with organizing the most favorite sport in the world, descended into the sewer, tempted and fell to corrupting influences and now left everyone questioning their faith in FIFA managing this lovable pastime. It is pitiful and indeed very pitiful; which possibly explains why officials of FIFA seem to enjoy near life term tenure serving in the organization. African Confederation of African Football President Issa Hayatou for example has been the boss of that regional body for nearly three decades since 1988 and executive member of FIFA since 1990 and you wonder why no other person can have a shot at it. But hey, with these arrests, the world now knows what amount of wheeling and dealing that kept these administrators so entrenched and their offices impregnable by the so called outsiders. Sep Blatter should resign or be forced out by being voted out of office; as no meaningful reform can take place in that Federation of International Football Association with the same man who created and enabled the corruption environment and who presided over the corruption regime, still manning the tiller.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Icheoku however places his bet that the King James led Cavaliers will snake through to win the championship, thus bringing a life fulfilled to both LeBron James, the Cavalier owner Dan Gilbert, their fans and the city of Cleveland as whole. However if Curry manages to pull it off, then it will be a multiple happiness as Oakland gets a championship after over four decades of being in the barren wilderness; moreso it will be Icheoku's own Bay Area of Northern California that will be celebrating. But whatever happens and whichever club wins, it is going to be an outstanding 2015 NBA finals championship, regardless; as both sides parade stellar players. Icheoku can't wait to be thrilled and so, to Cleveland Cavaliers and Oakland Warriors, Icheoku says all the best and may the better side triumph.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Icheoku says but for America's intervention, possibly Muhammadu Buhari would not be swearing in as Nigeria's next president on Friday May 29, 2015. But the Americans threw out every diplomatic caution to the wind and stepped right into the fray of an otherwise purely internal affairs of Nigeria. They stood steadfast behind their anointed candidate Muhammadu Buhari, ratcheted the tempo, harassed and intimidated the soon to be ex president, using all manners of threat and other NGOs including their sponsored 'Bring Back Our Girls' as well as their international media, until Jonathan could no longer take the heat and decided to step out of the kitchen. Needless to add that President Obama's political adviser David Axelrod provided consultancy services to the APC in addition. The Americans crafted a desired outcome and worked so hard to achieve it and it came to fruition. As a result, today President Jonathan has been forced out of Aso Rock and in his place their preferred candidate Muhammadu Buhari will be sworn within the next few days as the next president of Nigeria. So how did this ever happen, Icheoku may ask?
Icheoku says never in the history of elections in Nigeria or anywhere else in Africa or any other place else has Western countries inserted itself frontally into influencing a particular predetermined outcome. They became so obsessed with achieving their objective that they forgot they were meddling in another country's internal affairs. Their crass partisanship and bias became such that the United States of America Ambassador to Nigeria was physically present at the final result collation center in Abuja, giving press briefings and making veiled threats. Icheoku asks would America similarly tolerate this and accept such a foreign meddling in their own elections? Recall the debacle that was Gore V. Bush 2000 wherein George W. Bush's 500 votes margin over then Vice President Al Gore, secured from his then brother Jeb Bush controlled Florida, decided the election. America told a curious world to back off and shut the fuck up as it is a purely internal affairs of the United States to decide who governs them and how? Moreso the same America's Democratic party of the current President Barack Obama, who are at permanent state of war with the Republicans over the later's insistence that voters should at least have a state issued identification card to be eligible to vote, while the Democrats insists that such requirement will be an abridgment of right to vote; yet the White House wanted and encouraged INEC to suppress Nigeria's own voters turnout by insisting on the use of the PVC and fingerprinting of would be voters? A double standard or what?
So in Nigeria, it is okay for the same United States of America which will not tolerate any foreign country having a say in their election, to not only meddle but to directly intervene and influence the Nigeria's presidential election. Icheoku says what a country of many intrigues America really is, where different things apply to different people differently? A country that preaches one thing and does the other? A country that sees nothing wrong in Saudi Arabia regularly beheading people, including gay people and drastically suppressing women's rights, yet will readily jump into the fray of other countries for merely baning gay marriages? So aided by their internal collaborators, led by Ahmed Bola Tinubu and Olusegun Obasanjo, the United States continually fired threatening salvos of messages and ominous warnings that unless President Jonathan goes, Nigeria will see trouble. From Vice President Joe Biden who made series of calls to Aso Rock to Secretary of State who personally visited to deliver a message of loss of confidence of the White House on President Jonathan, with repeated statements through the American ambassador in Nigeria who literally became partisan and joined forces with the opposition to ratchet the tempo to get President Jonathan out. It was a sort of political lynching and regrettably, they succeeded and now their preferred candidate, President-elect Muhammadu Buhari is gearing to be sworn in as the next president of Nigeria.
Icheoku says the injustice that forced President Jonathan out of office has never been witnessed anywhere in the world and only God will avenge it at the appropriate time. The piling up was extraordinary and the rabid intensity such that only a resilient and cool-headed Jonathan could have weathered it and survived as long as he did. But like every mortal, there is always a breaking point at which resistance becomes futile and he cracked and threw up his hands in surrender. The president could not take the pressure any more and decided to throw in the towel. He yielded the seat of power to them as a bargain for peace and order in Nigeria and in order for them to let him live. Icheoku says giving up power by President Jonathan was the safest option in the circumstance as the same blood hounds would have literally extinguished the president's life if it came to that rather than have him continue to run affairs in Nigeria. It was an international conspiracy fueled by geo-politics, money and commerce as well as spheres of influence. Regrettably the peoples and countries that were involved are always eager and ever prepared to go to any length to maintain their vice hold on their regions of influence; including snuffing out life of anything that comes in-between them and these things or which threatens its influence and economic interests.
Icheoku asks but did President Jonathan see this grand conspiracy brewing or did he merely underestimate them and their vicious capacity to visit calamity to his second term ambition? Did the president instead of fighting back, make a smart calculation that the array of amassed forces against him can only force the issue one way, if he continues to resist, and decided on an option that will at least keep him alive? Did the president peremptorily get out of the way of the moving locomotive train by conceding the election? Many of the answers to some of these questions will however have to wait until the president eventually writes his memoir? But until then, Icheoku can only second-guess the intricate conspiracies that saw President Jonathan out of power and out of Aso Rock. It must have been a heart shattering experience to watch as those returns were called in only to realize that his foot soldiers and lieutenants failed or did not deliver their precincts as expected. So stranded, the president threw in the towel with a hasty congratulatory call that went out to the incoming president. Now as he prepares for a possibly lonely life in Otuoke, the president will find some wisdom in what Obasanjo once told him that all those people flocking around him are not his friends, but are flies which are attracted to the honey of his office. Icheoku concludes that a strong president would have achieved a different outcome by resisting this obvious foreign intervention in Nigeria's domestic election. In addition to other measures taken to checkmate it, he would have threatened to expel and indeed expelled any country's ambassador who dared intervene in Nigeria's domestic affairs matter. But unfortunately, not Jonathan of Otuoke, who was heavily compromised by people supposedly working for him and checkmated by very powerful forces massed against him. What a lesson for history books on how not to be a Mr Nice Guy president of Nigeria.
Icheoku says never in the history of elections in Nigeria or anywhere else in Africa or any other place else has Western countries inserted itself frontally into influencing a particular predetermined outcome. They became so obsessed with achieving their objective that they forgot they were meddling in another country's internal affairs. Their crass partisanship and bias became such that the United States of America Ambassador to Nigeria was physically present at the final result collation center in Abuja, giving press briefings and making veiled threats. Icheoku asks would America similarly tolerate this and accept such a foreign meddling in their own elections? Recall the debacle that was Gore V. Bush 2000 wherein George W. Bush's 500 votes margin over then Vice President Al Gore, secured from his then brother Jeb Bush controlled Florida, decided the election. America told a curious world to back off and shut the fuck up as it is a purely internal affairs of the United States to decide who governs them and how? Moreso the same America's Democratic party of the current President Barack Obama, who are at permanent state of war with the Republicans over the later's insistence that voters should at least have a state issued identification card to be eligible to vote, while the Democrats insists that such requirement will be an abridgment of right to vote; yet the White House wanted and encouraged INEC to suppress Nigeria's own voters turnout by insisting on the use of the PVC and fingerprinting of would be voters? A double standard or what?
So in Nigeria, it is okay for the same United States of America which will not tolerate any foreign country having a say in their election, to not only meddle but to directly intervene and influence the Nigeria's presidential election. Icheoku says what a country of many intrigues America really is, where different things apply to different people differently? A country that preaches one thing and does the other? A country that sees nothing wrong in Saudi Arabia regularly beheading people, including gay people and drastically suppressing women's rights, yet will readily jump into the fray of other countries for merely baning gay marriages? So aided by their internal collaborators, led by Ahmed Bola Tinubu and Olusegun Obasanjo, the United States continually fired threatening salvos of messages and ominous warnings that unless President Jonathan goes, Nigeria will see trouble. From Vice President Joe Biden who made series of calls to Aso Rock to Secretary of State who personally visited to deliver a message of loss of confidence of the White House on President Jonathan, with repeated statements through the American ambassador in Nigeria who literally became partisan and joined forces with the opposition to ratchet the tempo to get President Jonathan out. It was a sort of political lynching and regrettably, they succeeded and now their preferred candidate, President-elect Muhammadu Buhari is gearing to be sworn in as the next president of Nigeria.
Icheoku says the injustice that forced President Jonathan out of office has never been witnessed anywhere in the world and only God will avenge it at the appropriate time. The piling up was extraordinary and the rabid intensity such that only a resilient and cool-headed Jonathan could have weathered it and survived as long as he did. But like every mortal, there is always a breaking point at which resistance becomes futile and he cracked and threw up his hands in surrender. The president could not take the pressure any more and decided to throw in the towel. He yielded the seat of power to them as a bargain for peace and order in Nigeria and in order for them to let him live. Icheoku says giving up power by President Jonathan was the safest option in the circumstance as the same blood hounds would have literally extinguished the president's life if it came to that rather than have him continue to run affairs in Nigeria. It was an international conspiracy fueled by geo-politics, money and commerce as well as spheres of influence. Regrettably the peoples and countries that were involved are always eager and ever prepared to go to any length to maintain their vice hold on their regions of influence; including snuffing out life of anything that comes in-between them and these things or which threatens its influence and economic interests.
Icheoku asks but did President Jonathan see this grand conspiracy brewing or did he merely underestimate them and their vicious capacity to visit calamity to his second term ambition? Did the president instead of fighting back, make a smart calculation that the array of amassed forces against him can only force the issue one way, if he continues to resist, and decided on an option that will at least keep him alive? Did the president peremptorily get out of the way of the moving locomotive train by conceding the election? Many of the answers to some of these questions will however have to wait until the president eventually writes his memoir? But until then, Icheoku can only second-guess the intricate conspiracies that saw President Jonathan out of power and out of Aso Rock. It must have been a heart shattering experience to watch as those returns were called in only to realize that his foot soldiers and lieutenants failed or did not deliver their precincts as expected. So stranded, the president threw in the towel with a hasty congratulatory call that went out to the incoming president. Now as he prepares for a possibly lonely life in Otuoke, the president will find some wisdom in what Obasanjo once told him that all those people flocking around him are not his friends, but are flies which are attracted to the honey of his office. Icheoku concludes that a strong president would have achieved a different outcome by resisting this obvious foreign intervention in Nigeria's domestic election. In addition to other measures taken to checkmate it, he would have threatened to expel and indeed expelled any country's ambassador who dared intervene in Nigeria's domestic affairs matter. But unfortunately, not Jonathan of Otuoke, who was heavily compromised by people supposedly working for him and checkmated by very powerful forces massed against him. What a lesson for history books on how not to be a Mr Nice Guy president of Nigeria.
Monday, May 25, 2015

Icheoku says it certainly is a cause for concern when a man, who for all intent and purpose, now qualifies for a Judas Iscariot of our time, would readily betray one of his own brother, successfully driving him out of power, only to settle for a beggar status around power corridor? A man whose conspiracy caused his entire South-south Niger Delta region hold unto power to completely unravel, now leaving them out of power and merely holding a beggarly power plate. Icheoku does not know about you but says that Rotimi Amaechi is in addition, a Brutus of our times as his betrayal of President Jonathan is akin to the Brutus stab which Caesar felt most, because it came from the least expected quarters - a trusted insider, the unknown enemy within. In a six region power arrangement which Nigeria operates, why a member of a region with hold on power would conspire with persons from other regions with the sole purpose of wrestling power out of his region, is indeed very mind boggling. But Rotimi Amaechi exactly did this and only Rotimi Amaechi can explain the wisdom of his action as Icheoku is at sea on why any sane person would prefer to settle for less when he already had the more by proxy.
Icheoku perfectly understands that politics is a game of the long knives as every player is in it is there for what he or she can get therefrom. But when an unthinking man throws his hat into the arena and ended up being shortchanged and used as merely a tool to wrestle power out of his brother's hand, as it is increasingly looking like, then one must question the political maturity and sagacity of such a man. Icheoku is not a fan of President Jonathan, admitted we strongly carried his waters during the last election because of our disdain and strong resentment of Muhammadu Buhari presidency because of those three Nigerians he murdered; but let truth be spoken, would any reason ever be enough or suffice for the betrayal of the president by Rotimi Amaechi? As a correlative, would the people of the South-south Niger Delta ever bring themselves around to forgive or forget this their rascally son, who conspired with other people from other zones to forcibly yank their mouth from their suckle on power? Icheoku does not know about anyone who would pardon such treachery, but says Rotimi Amaechi should indeed be ashamed for the role he played in the defeat of President Goodluck Jonathan in the last election. What a human excrement this man is by reason of the trade he brokered - trading a position of master to now a mere servant for his region and someone please tell Icheoku Rotimi Amaechi is indeed truly happy for bringing about this outcome?
Sometimes Icheoku gets goose pimples thinking about this Rotimi Amaechi's utmost betrayal of President Jonathan and wonders, with men or people like him still walking the face of this earth, what hope has humanity of ever getting anywhere? Icheoku says regardless of whatever compensation the incoming Muhammadu Buhari's government might throw his way for the hatchet-job he did on Jonathan, will it or anything for that matter ever be worthy of the heinous crime he committed, ousting his own South-south Niger Delta region from power? It is nothing short of a slave mentality for Rotimi Amaechi to prefer someone else as president rather than his own brother irrespective of any disagreement that led up to this. So what if a cash-strapped Jonathan refused or did not pay money owned to Rivers State? So what if Dame Patience made Rotimi Amaechi mad? So what if Rotimi Amaechi was livid and wanted the head of John or Jonathan the Baptist on a platter? Is anything hurting enough to make the horrible trade he made, preferring a Fulani president to his own regional blood's president? So what will happen in the very likely event Rotimi Amaechi has serious disagreement with Muhammadu Buhari; who will he run to or gang up to in similar manner yank the presidency from Buhari? Icheoku maintains that any responsible person does not stir the hornet nest in his neighborhood for fear of being victimized by their sting; but Rotimi Amaechi just did that and today is a loathsome pariah of the entire South-south Niger Delta region. Hopefully he will realize his folly soon enough, make contrition and beg for forgiveness; following which he will find a rope and go behind his house to do what every Judas Iscariot does when the heavy heart of what they did becomes unbearable. Icheoku says this Rotimi Amaechi is one huge unthinking buffoon to have conspired to yank the presidency from the South-south Niger Delta and pawn it over to the Northwest Hausa/Fulani. A Judas Iscariot of our time - pitiful and indeed very pitiful he is.
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Gay-dom is marching on and is gradually proving unstoppable. Now they have added Ireland to the list of their so far captured countries and have set their eyes on other countries that have not yet been overrun. Their machine of spread was such that even the Catholic Church in Ireland was so overwhelmed that they decided to look the other way, petrified and trembling, while the gay armada rolled through their country and into history books as Ireland now becomes a gay-marriage friendly country. With all the votes now counted, the pro-gay votes won by over 63% to officially make Ireland a place where gays, lesbians, transgenders and bisexuals can now freely pry their same-sex and other sexes trade.
Icheoku says for such a predominately Catholic country to now no longer see anything wrong or immoral with sodomy shows that Christianity itself has spiraled out of its axis and is now hustling in a free fall into perdition. Otherwise how does anyone in Ireland explain the sudden somersault from the long held Christian believe that sodomy is both wrong, immoral and against God's laws which strictly forbade it as an abomination? But no, they caved in to a well-funded, well-oiled and well-orchestrated machine of gay activism on a roll through patron Saint Patrick's own country. A group that desires to have all nations on earth fall under their jackboot of activism and force upon the world a lifestyle shared by only less than 3% of the world's population? But hey, Ireland has spoken and Ireland is now a gay marriage country, so to Ireland all the LGBTs of the world, especially those from countries that have not yet legalized gaydom, are now headed to party like it is 1999. Congratulations LGBT on your victory in Ireland and Icheoku asks, what has become of this world and its original institution of marriage between man and woman as we know it?
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Icheoku asks what went down at London's 10 Downing Street that Nigeria's President-elect Muhammadu Buhari was left standing outside at the door, like an errand messenger boy, in breach of all known protocols? Icheoku believes that Muhammadu Buhari went there at the invitation of or with knowledge of officials of Prime Minister David Cameron, so they cannot plead that they were not aware of his presence and therefore should have treated him with much better decorum, befitting a man of his status and what he represents. Icheoku admonishes that for the British Prime Minister David Cameron's officials to stand Nigeria's President-elect Muhammadu Buhari outside 10 Downing Street, even for a trifle moment, is not a good show or display of camaraderie nor a nice diplomatic nicety between both countries. Icheoku therefore calls on Nigeria government to vehemently protest this treatment of the elected president by the British Prime Minister David Cameron office as it is both demeaning and unpalatable diplomatic letdown.
Icheoku asks why treat Muhammadu Buhari with such ignominy, abandoned at the door and waiting to be let into 10 Downing Street. It shows that those British people don't care about black people especially Africans; moreso, when they are Nigerians, the reason they treated its leader with such levity. Where was Prime Minister David Cameron's protocol officials and why did they not let Muhammadu Buhari in and even if the Prime Minister was not ready to see him just yet, despite being on a scheduled visit, kept him inside a waiting room or tea room pending when time permits for them to see. Icheoku had warned but Nigerians did not hear nor listen that the Western powers that forced President Jonathan out of Aso Rock did not do so out of love for Nigeria but in order to stop the developmental progress of the past years. Now look at the disrespect shown to the same man they championed his election and you wonder what did Muhammadu Buhari do to deserve this treatment.
When this people are visiting Nigeria, even if it is their ordinary Secretary of State or Foreign Secretary, the whole government of Nigeria will remain standing still to cater to their heart desires until they depart Nigeria; but they will not reciprocate such goodwill when Nigerian officials, including their president-elect visits them? It shows that this white people don't really care a hoot about black people, neither do they like them and would readily treat everything about them with willful indifference. Icheoku knows this first hand and would safely vouchsafe that possibly behind that 10 Downing Street door, they will be peeping at a standing Muhammadu Buhari and mouthing, 'this African ecstatic again, look at his outfit' and wondering whether he has only one of it? Anyway it is the cross Nigerians have to bear for the next four years, having elected a president who is now stood up and outside of 10 Downing Street London, waiting to be allowed in.
Icheoku asks why treat Muhammadu Buhari with such ignominy, abandoned at the door and waiting to be let into 10 Downing Street. It shows that those British people don't care about black people especially Africans; moreso, when they are Nigerians, the reason they treated its leader with such levity. Where was Prime Minister David Cameron's protocol officials and why did they not let Muhammadu Buhari in and even if the Prime Minister was not ready to see him just yet, despite being on a scheduled visit, kept him inside a waiting room or tea room pending when time permits for them to see. Icheoku had warned but Nigerians did not hear nor listen that the Western powers that forced President Jonathan out of Aso Rock did not do so out of love for Nigeria but in order to stop the developmental progress of the past years. Now look at the disrespect shown to the same man they championed his election and you wonder what did Muhammadu Buhari do to deserve this treatment.
When this people are visiting Nigeria, even if it is their ordinary Secretary of State or Foreign Secretary, the whole government of Nigeria will remain standing still to cater to their heart desires until they depart Nigeria; but they will not reciprocate such goodwill when Nigerian officials, including their president-elect visits them? It shows that this white people don't really care a hoot about black people, neither do they like them and would readily treat everything about them with willful indifference. Icheoku knows this first hand and would safely vouchsafe that possibly behind that 10 Downing Street door, they will be peeping at a standing Muhammadu Buhari and mouthing, 'this African ecstatic again, look at his outfit' and wondering whether he has only one of it? Anyway it is the cross Nigerians have to bear for the next four years, having elected a president who is now stood up and outside of 10 Downing Street London, waiting to be allowed in.
Friday, May 22, 2015



Thursday, May 21, 2015
Icheoku says one thing Nigeria's President-elect Muhammadu Buhari must avoid, with all seriousness and every dogged determination, is the meddlesome interloping of these white foreign "advisers" who suddenly now appear to love Nigeria more than Nigerians themselves and somehow more than even their own countries. So query, where have their love for Nigeria been all these years Nigeria needed practically every help and advise they can get on how to chart the way forward, including fighting the dreaded Boko Haram terrorists as well as the killer Ebola Virus Disease? They were a no show then and were privately praying and wishing that Nigeria should be cut down to size. Just recently, they have been emerging from their rat-holes, in all manners, shapes and forms, proffering one advise or the other on how to reposition Nigeria for its future growth.
Icheoku asks what changed or is it their same love for Muhammadu Buhari rather than Nigerians, that found them similarly not seeing anything bad of the former despotic dictator coming back to rule Nigeria? A matter made worse because of the crime of kidnapping of Umaru DIkko on British soil by the then junta Muhammadu Buhari's government but which the British government decided to look the other way with its prosecution? Anyway Muhammadu Buhari is now the president in the waiting and all his sins are washed away; so now back to the present matter under advisement - the recent advise by former United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Blair that the incoming government should remove oil subsidy in Nigeria.
Icheoku says these white people and their media do not mean well for black people whether in Africa or Diaspora or any where else. A case in point is the Boko Haram scourge which they continuously blame the Nigerian government and army for being lethargic tackling them, while maintaining a conspirator's silence on their governments' refusal to help or even sell arms to Nigeria to fight Boko Haram. Icheoku berates that anyone meaning well for the Nigeria's government in the waiting or Nigeria in general should stay off this very delicate issue that is oil subsidy removal which still enables ordinary Nigerians to afford gasoline and petroleum products in their oil producing country. If the government yields to Tony Blair's advise and takes away oil subsidy, how does Tony Blair expect the associated hardship to be cushioned, except that such advise is according to Tony Blair above his pay grade or in short Tony Blair is not telling or saying?
Icheoku is rather surprised beyond pale that anybody is still listening to whatever this very Tony Blair has to say or offer as an opinion? A Tony Blair, who failed woefully as a British Prime Minister; the same man who alongside then American President George W Bush sent the world into an unneeded war in the Middle East with their ill-motivated invasion of Iraq that has seen that region spiraling out of control ever since. A man who also failed in his post prime minister-ship assignment as special envoy to the Middle East and under whose mediocre oversight, the trouble between Israel and Palestine has gone from bad to awfully worse. Icheoku says it was under his forlorn watch and supervision of the Middle East, that the region which is formally known for its relative peace, has now become a volcanic hotbed of mass murders, kidnapping, killing, maiming, destruction of lives and properties and wherein so many failed or nearly failed and failing states are continuously springing out and with so many rogue operators holding sway.
Icheoku says a man who could not govern his Britain, nor had a good judgment invading Iraq and similarly failed in his Middle East assignment as a peace envoy is the least qualified person to be advising a Nigeria's newly elected president. Query, as then prime minister of United Kingdom, what did his government do to help alleviate the suffering of Nigerian masses or improve their life? How many debt reliefs did his government then and the British government up till now grant to Nigeria? Instead they are providing shelter in their banks and other financial institutions for loots of the state from Nigeria and are continuously wining and dining Nigeria's former corrupt leaders who looted the state dry? Why not as a start ban these former leaders from Britain and deny them entry and exit visas from every of Her Majesty's territories as a start? Icheoku asks what has Britain done to help Nigeria, its former colony, in the fight against Boko Haram, Ebola, unemployment, power supply and even rural development since all these years, including pre-independence and post-independence Nigeria.
As a then prime minister, did Tony Blair remove the British government's subsidy on health-care of British citizens, known as National Health Service, so that British citizens could start paying their fair share of the cost borne by their government for maintaining their health-care coverage? As a then prime minister, how much did Tony Blair's government give to help a developing Nigeria build up its capacity including refineries which would have since removed the need for the corruption-riddled fuel for crude oil buy-back program that breed all these subsidies? But now, the same failure who is masquerading as a leader, is propounding an atrocious panacea that will only consume the incoming government and you wonder if President-elect Muhammadu Buhari indeed actually has any friend in this Tony Blair.
What the West did not succeed in achieving through an expected and engineered bloody election in Nigeria, they are now trying to funnel through an explosive issue of oil subsidy removal, which they know will convulse and possibly torpedo the new government if implemented. Icheoku alerts that the West not desiring any good for Nigeria are laying further land-mines for Nigeria that will blow it to smithereens if not rebuffed. Icheoku is emphatic that the West's pretentious love for Nigeria is not genuine nor real but contrived, a poisoned chalice which they are hoping the incoming government will drink from and then turn around to supply the arms and ammunition that will be needed to take down Nigeria. Like Syria, like Iraq, they will like to cut down the progress a Nigeria suddenly awake to its responsibilities is trying all these sixteen years to situate. Icheoku maintains that these white people do not like black people and cannot honestly be happy to see Nigeria shake off its drag and will come in all guises to sabotage any effort in that direction.
At least, if Tony Blair has something to say to the incoming government regarding helping them to succeed, let him help the government recover all those stolen billions of dollars of Nigeria's money stashed in banks in London and other cities in the United Kingdom including their Cayman Island territory. If Tony Blair wants to help the incoming government succeed, let him help have Nigeria's creditors cancel Nigeria's debts or at least freeze the interest payable on them. If Tony Blair wants to help the incoming government succeed, let him help Nigeria solve its power problems. If Tony Blair wants to help the incoming government keep its election campaign promises, let him facilitate the British government sending trained experts to Nigeria to help in areas of agriculture, animal husbandry, fish raising as well as technology. If Tony Blair wants to help Nigeria succeed, let his British government help Nigeria develop its infrastructures including roads, rail-lines, airports, seaports as well as a disciplined functioning law enforcement.
Icheoku says some of these are what developed, advanced countries, which mean well for developing countries, offer in aids and assistance. But for a Tony Blair to call for the removal of the only thing which an average Joe and Jill of Nigeria still benefits from their government is sacrilege of the worst kind and should therefore be ignored as very ominous. It is a poisoned pill which if swallowed, will accelerate a cardiac arrest of the incoming government which no Nigerian wants to see happen. So much was promised by the incoming government to Nigerians, which led to their victory at the polls and such a great expectation should not be dashed by this kill-joy of an impetuous advise which will force the people of Nigeria back into despondency. Icheoku asks which country in the world does not subsidize her citizens in one way or the other, so why should Nigeria be an exception? So to hell with Tony Blair and his advise from Hades.
President-elect Buhari must therefore tell Tony Blair thanks but no, thanks. Icheoku says taking advantage of the election goodwill to inflict further pain on Nigerian people will not only be wrong but is also wicked and cruel and a breach of the confidence that led to the election victory. Africans are not known for such forked-tongue positioning, so Tony Blair must reserve that for his people of Britain. Icheoku says it was this same people who advised then Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida to introduce SAP and Nigerians are living witnesses of how well that "immediate pain for a long term interest of the country" worked out so well. Please President-elect Muhammadu Buhari, stay away from these foreign white-vultures who are only interested in starting wars and killing people so that their countries' military-industrial complexes can find ready market for their weapons racketeering.
As the outgoing president Goodluck Jonathan said, no Nigerian blood is worth shedding for any office in the land, so Buhari must say to these death-merchants that no Nigerian life is worth losing now to severe hardship which the removal of subsidy will bring just because of a bogus long term gain. Icheoku maintains that their prescription never works anywhere and they even rarely gives the same medicine to their own privileged people. Icheoku is emphatic that even the United States of America still subsidizes gasoline and other petroleum products in America for its people. Otherwise what then is the use for governments if they cannot help their citizens, especially those bottom-feeders who at the bottom of the food chain - the poor, hungry and penniless.
At least Tony Blair should first pledge to get his British government to help Nigeria develop its mass transit system and then Nigerians will have little need to travel in gasoline-combustible engines; thereafter, Nigerians can start listening to his advise to take away their oil subsidy. Just like in Britain where trains are everything and the people have little to no need for gasoline in order to get around. But Tony Blair will not go there; instead Tony Blair is trying to set a trap of a ball of fire that will lead to the implosion of the new government. Icheoku agrees with CNPP's Osita Okechukwu that "those who propounded the nebulous economic policies of the past which created huge inequality and pauperized Nigerians are at it again. Nigerians have suffered enough and do not need more impoverishment" But should they be allowed to succeed this time? Icheoku says an emphatic NO and this should be Buhari's approach to all these pretentious demagogues and vultures laying in wait to plunder and devour his government and by extension take Nigeria down with it. What a pin-head mongrel with his unsolicited evil advise of doom.
Icheoku asks what changed or is it their same love for Muhammadu Buhari rather than Nigerians, that found them similarly not seeing anything bad of the former despotic dictator coming back to rule Nigeria? A matter made worse because of the crime of kidnapping of Umaru DIkko on British soil by the then junta Muhammadu Buhari's government but which the British government decided to look the other way with its prosecution? Anyway Muhammadu Buhari is now the president in the waiting and all his sins are washed away; so now back to the present matter under advisement - the recent advise by former United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Blair that the incoming government should remove oil subsidy in Nigeria.
Icheoku says these white people and their media do not mean well for black people whether in Africa or Diaspora or any where else. A case in point is the Boko Haram scourge which they continuously blame the Nigerian government and army for being lethargic tackling them, while maintaining a conspirator's silence on their governments' refusal to help or even sell arms to Nigeria to fight Boko Haram. Icheoku berates that anyone meaning well for the Nigeria's government in the waiting or Nigeria in general should stay off this very delicate issue that is oil subsidy removal which still enables ordinary Nigerians to afford gasoline and petroleum products in their oil producing country. If the government yields to Tony Blair's advise and takes away oil subsidy, how does Tony Blair expect the associated hardship to be cushioned, except that such advise is according to Tony Blair above his pay grade or in short Tony Blair is not telling or saying?
Icheoku is rather surprised beyond pale that anybody is still listening to whatever this very Tony Blair has to say or offer as an opinion? A Tony Blair, who failed woefully as a British Prime Minister; the same man who alongside then American President George W Bush sent the world into an unneeded war in the Middle East with their ill-motivated invasion of Iraq that has seen that region spiraling out of control ever since. A man who also failed in his post prime minister-ship assignment as special envoy to the Middle East and under whose mediocre oversight, the trouble between Israel and Palestine has gone from bad to awfully worse. Icheoku says it was under his forlorn watch and supervision of the Middle East, that the region which is formally known for its relative peace, has now become a volcanic hotbed of mass murders, kidnapping, killing, maiming, destruction of lives and properties and wherein so many failed or nearly failed and failing states are continuously springing out and with so many rogue operators holding sway.
Icheoku says a man who could not govern his Britain, nor had a good judgment invading Iraq and similarly failed in his Middle East assignment as a peace envoy is the least qualified person to be advising a Nigeria's newly elected president. Query, as then prime minister of United Kingdom, what did his government do to help alleviate the suffering of Nigerian masses or improve their life? How many debt reliefs did his government then and the British government up till now grant to Nigeria? Instead they are providing shelter in their banks and other financial institutions for loots of the state from Nigeria and are continuously wining and dining Nigeria's former corrupt leaders who looted the state dry? Why not as a start ban these former leaders from Britain and deny them entry and exit visas from every of Her Majesty's territories as a start? Icheoku asks what has Britain done to help Nigeria, its former colony, in the fight against Boko Haram, Ebola, unemployment, power supply and even rural development since all these years, including pre-independence and post-independence Nigeria.
As a then prime minister, did Tony Blair remove the British government's subsidy on health-care of British citizens, known as National Health Service, so that British citizens could start paying their fair share of the cost borne by their government for maintaining their health-care coverage? As a then prime minister, how much did Tony Blair's government give to help a developing Nigeria build up its capacity including refineries which would have since removed the need for the corruption-riddled fuel for crude oil buy-back program that breed all these subsidies? But now, the same failure who is masquerading as a leader, is propounding an atrocious panacea that will only consume the incoming government and you wonder if President-elect Muhammadu Buhari indeed actually has any friend in this Tony Blair.
What the West did not succeed in achieving through an expected and engineered bloody election in Nigeria, they are now trying to funnel through an explosive issue of oil subsidy removal, which they know will convulse and possibly torpedo the new government if implemented. Icheoku alerts that the West not desiring any good for Nigeria are laying further land-mines for Nigeria that will blow it to smithereens if not rebuffed. Icheoku is emphatic that the West's pretentious love for Nigeria is not genuine nor real but contrived, a poisoned chalice which they are hoping the incoming government will drink from and then turn around to supply the arms and ammunition that will be needed to take down Nigeria. Like Syria, like Iraq, they will like to cut down the progress a Nigeria suddenly awake to its responsibilities is trying all these sixteen years to situate. Icheoku maintains that these white people do not like black people and cannot honestly be happy to see Nigeria shake off its drag and will come in all guises to sabotage any effort in that direction.
At least, if Tony Blair has something to say to the incoming government regarding helping them to succeed, let him help the government recover all those stolen billions of dollars of Nigeria's money stashed in banks in London and other cities in the United Kingdom including their Cayman Island territory. If Tony Blair wants to help the incoming government succeed, let him help have Nigeria's creditors cancel Nigeria's debts or at least freeze the interest payable on them. If Tony Blair wants to help the incoming government succeed, let him help Nigeria solve its power problems. If Tony Blair wants to help the incoming government keep its election campaign promises, let him facilitate the British government sending trained experts to Nigeria to help in areas of agriculture, animal husbandry, fish raising as well as technology. If Tony Blair wants to help Nigeria succeed, let his British government help Nigeria develop its infrastructures including roads, rail-lines, airports, seaports as well as a disciplined functioning law enforcement.
Icheoku says some of these are what developed, advanced countries, which mean well for developing countries, offer in aids and assistance. But for a Tony Blair to call for the removal of the only thing which an average Joe and Jill of Nigeria still benefits from their government is sacrilege of the worst kind and should therefore be ignored as very ominous. It is a poisoned pill which if swallowed, will accelerate a cardiac arrest of the incoming government which no Nigerian wants to see happen. So much was promised by the incoming government to Nigerians, which led to their victory at the polls and such a great expectation should not be dashed by this kill-joy of an impetuous advise which will force the people of Nigeria back into despondency. Icheoku asks which country in the world does not subsidize her citizens in one way or the other, so why should Nigeria be an exception? So to hell with Tony Blair and his advise from Hades.
President-elect Buhari must therefore tell Tony Blair thanks but no, thanks. Icheoku says taking advantage of the election goodwill to inflict further pain on Nigerian people will not only be wrong but is also wicked and cruel and a breach of the confidence that led to the election victory. Africans are not known for such forked-tongue positioning, so Tony Blair must reserve that for his people of Britain. Icheoku says it was this same people who advised then Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida to introduce SAP and Nigerians are living witnesses of how well that "immediate pain for a long term interest of the country" worked out so well. Please President-elect Muhammadu Buhari, stay away from these foreign white-vultures who are only interested in starting wars and killing people so that their countries' military-industrial complexes can find ready market for their weapons racketeering.
As the outgoing president Goodluck Jonathan said, no Nigerian blood is worth shedding for any office in the land, so Buhari must say to these death-merchants that no Nigerian life is worth losing now to severe hardship which the removal of subsidy will bring just because of a bogus long term gain. Icheoku maintains that their prescription never works anywhere and they even rarely gives the same medicine to their own privileged people. Icheoku is emphatic that even the United States of America still subsidizes gasoline and other petroleum products in America for its people. Otherwise what then is the use for governments if they cannot help their citizens, especially those bottom-feeders who at the bottom of the food chain - the poor, hungry and penniless.
At least Tony Blair should first pledge to get his British government to help Nigeria develop its mass transit system and then Nigerians will have little need to travel in gasoline-combustible engines; thereafter, Nigerians can start listening to his advise to take away their oil subsidy. Just like in Britain where trains are everything and the people have little to no need for gasoline in order to get around. But Tony Blair will not go there; instead Tony Blair is trying to set a trap of a ball of fire that will lead to the implosion of the new government. Icheoku agrees with CNPP's Osita Okechukwu that "those who propounded the nebulous economic policies of the past which created huge inequality and pauperized Nigerians are at it again. Nigerians have suffered enough and do not need more impoverishment" But should they be allowed to succeed this time? Icheoku says an emphatic NO and this should be Buhari's approach to all these pretentious demagogues and vultures laying in wait to plunder and devour his government and by extension take Nigeria down with it. What a pin-head mongrel with his unsolicited evil advise of doom.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
A catch-22 question sort of - damned if you do and damn if you don't. If she answered yes, then she will have some explaining to do to her master and if she answered no, then the overwhelming evidence of corruption that is Olusegun Obasanjo's stupendous wealth could not have in any other way be easily explained out. So what did Obiageli Ezekwesili do, she choose like every other scum-bag politician to prevaricate, giving contorted response which was not in anyway answering the direct question posed by the interviewer, but which was meant to throw the questioner off. The interviewer insisted, demanding that Oby answer the direct question and to stop parrying it. But a sturdy and stubborn Oby Ezekwesili will not budge and demanded from the interviewer to produce evidence of Olusegun Obasanjo's corruption. In answer, Icheoku says there is a common principle of law known as "res ipsa loquitor" that speaks volume about Obasanjo's unaccounted wealth - his Abeokuta Hilltop mansion, TransCorp, Ota Farms and Bells University just to mention a few. So could Oby Ezekwesili in the absence of any other evidence of Obasanjo's culpability, please explain to the world how Olusegun Obasanjo suddenly landed into the stupendous wealth he is currently possessed of?
Icheoku berates that this is the same woman who has been a pain in the neck on President Jonathan, adumbrating on corruption when she participated and served in one of the most corrupt governments in Nigeria. Anyway Icheoku blames the gutless and timid media team of President Jonathan, who to a great length, helped cost him his second term election as they sheepishly and lackadaisically reacted to allegations of corruption on the government by the opposition, instead of leading the charge and commanding the narrative on the subject. They stood hands akimbo, dazed and confused, while people like this ungodly lying bitch controlled the piling-up; including championing the protest about the staged kidnapping of some alleged Chibok school girls, heavily melting the grounds upon which President Jonathan stood for his reelection until it became too late to salvage or change the outcome.
Icheoku is emphatic that a media team that was worth its weight in gold, would not have lost the narrative or stood by and watched, while this woman and her acolytes made a mince meat of President Jonathan's records on corruption; when her own boss and alleged lover, and some people even claimed that the incestuous Olusegun Obasanjo equally fathered her, had several cupboards filled with putrefying corruption-skeletons. An Obasanjo who doubled as Petroleum Minister for eight years and who went from having zero money in 1999 to having trailer-loads of it now is not corrupt? Yet the likes of Reuben Abati stood like a deer in headlight, fidgeting and trembling in petrified fear, while Oby Ezekwesili and co went to town throwing up dust of corruption as if their own Obasanjo was a saint of so many decades ago or that his government never happened? Reuben Abati and co quacked, shuddered and shivered in fear, while this woman ran her very large mouth all over the place as an anti-corruption apostle, crusading against President Jonathan's supposed steeped corruption. But she conveniently maintained a blind eye or rather was not telling the world how Olusegun Obasajno came about his stupendous wealth, coming from the brink of bankruptcy and precipitous financial ruins a few short years ago. This is the woman Reuben Abati could not checkmate or go toe to toe with in a duel of words on corruption and today his boss paid dearly for this cowardly incompetence with the loss of his second term bid.
This woman calls herself a pastor but condones a very corrupt Olusegun Obasanjo and was covering for him, without minding how God would feel about His pastor publicly, lying unashamedly? Icheoku says were it in the days of brimstones from heaven, may be a huge boulder would have smashed her to pieces inside that interview arena for the shameless performance she put up. Possibly her supposed pastor-ship is not and cannot be of God but of the devil as God does not like liars and detests frauds. Icheoku laments that whichever man wakes up besides this woman every morning must be having uncontrollable bouts of nightmares and malaria. A woman who had the impetus to deride another man for corruption, when her own man and boss is corruption personified. In short Oby Ezekwesili is ugly inside out and needs to mend her evil ways of covering up strange things. As one Professor Ochonu put it, "Oby Ezekwesili's loud anti-corruption activism is "strangely amnesiac and hypocritical." Icheoku agrees and adds, what a farce and fraud of the worst kind this woman is; indeed she is very pitiful.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Icheoku says when the world thought that the Southeast Asian country of Indonesia is only world famous for executing drug dealers, the country also conducts the "two-finger" test for all its female applicants desiring to join their armed forces as well as the police. According to the country's army chief, General Moeldoko, the virginity test is to determine whether the women are morally upright enough and suited for the country's armed forces. According to him, the virginity test is a gauge of woman's morality and there is no other way to determine a woman's morality than inserting the two fingers to check if her hymen membrane is still in tact. Icheoku asks in this modern twenty first century world and what has a ripped hymen got to do with fighting wars?
Such applicants, as part of their preliminary enlistment qualification, are required to undertake a medical examination wherein they are required to strip naked and have their genitalia manually examined by a medical professional to certify that they are virgins. A "two-finger" test is carried out, inserting two fingers into their va-jay-jay, to check if their hymen are broken or in any other way ruptured. Icheoku says all in the name of women being allowed to serve their country and only women are subjected to this rude treatment. What will men not contrive in their attempt to further subjugate women and this is before ever giving them a fighting chance in to enlist to serve in their country's armed forces?
Query, who determines males' virginity in this case or are men not supposed to be also "morally upright" in order to join Indonesia's armed forces? What a discriminatory practice and then imagine the psychological trauma these women go through just to serve their country? It must be a very unnerving experience indeed. Then after this ordeal, when are these women supposed to experience intercourse or are they to remain virgins as long as they wear the uniform of Indonesia armed forces, one may ask? Icheoku says possibly those Indonesia army generals crafted this on purpose, in order to ensure that all the virgins of Indonesia enlisting in the armed forces would be theirs only for puncturing; - may be as another condition for rising through the ranks or what else does anyone want Icheoku to conclude? With stuff like this and having traveled widely and read a lot of literature about cultures, peoples and countries of the world, it is very safe to say that Nigeria is indeed quite a civilized and free country.
Such applicants, as part of their preliminary enlistment qualification, are required to undertake a medical examination wherein they are required to strip naked and have their genitalia manually examined by a medical professional to certify that they are virgins. A "two-finger" test is carried out, inserting two fingers into their va-jay-jay, to check if their hymen are broken or in any other way ruptured. Icheoku says all in the name of women being allowed to serve their country and only women are subjected to this rude treatment. What will men not contrive in their attempt to further subjugate women and this is before ever giving them a fighting chance in to enlist to serve in their country's armed forces?
Query, who determines males' virginity in this case or are men not supposed to be also "morally upright" in order to join Indonesia's armed forces? What a discriminatory practice and then imagine the psychological trauma these women go through just to serve their country? It must be a very unnerving experience indeed. Then after this ordeal, when are these women supposed to experience intercourse or are they to remain virgins as long as they wear the uniform of Indonesia armed forces, one may ask? Icheoku says possibly those Indonesia army generals crafted this on purpose, in order to ensure that all the virgins of Indonesia enlisting in the armed forces would be theirs only for puncturing; - may be as another condition for rising through the ranks or what else does anyone want Icheoku to conclude? With stuff like this and having traveled widely and read a lot of literature about cultures, peoples and countries of the world, it is very safe to say that Nigeria is indeed quite a civilized and free country.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Icheoku says the now fast becoming rape capital of the world, India, has yet another feather added to its unflattering cap, somewhat justifying its new appellation as a very high rape risk country. Indian rape victim, Aruna Shanbaug, a nurse, who was raped in a hospital where she worked, strangled and left to die; but managed to survive but remained in a vegetative state since 1973 in a Mumbai hospital has died.
Icheoku says what a life of torture this woman was forced to live being in a vegetative state for such a very long time? It is only in India would someone be left in comatose for such a long period of time; admitted that former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon got six years more lease on life hooked unto life support machine before being taken off it. However this Indian seems to have set a new world record for now the longest life support patient ever. Luckily it was in India and were it in any of the advanced Western countries, such would not have been allowed as it would have been prohibitively impossible to do as it would have cost billions of dollars to sustain such a four decades plus life support.
Icheoku says Indian men, when are you people going to learn to respect your women and stop raping them. Please do this for the memory of Aruna Shanbaug and remember that your mother is a woman and so also are your sisters; and ask yourself, how would you feel if they were victims. Enough of this heartless cowardly attacks on women, it is not cool nor hip. Real men do not rape women, only sissy girlie perverted men do. Please say no more rape of Indian women by Indian men and on Indian soil. It is pitifully shameful and a big stain on your identity and nation. Enough.
Icheoku says Indian men, when are you people going to learn to respect your women and stop raping them. Please do this for the memory of Aruna Shanbaug and remember that your mother is a woman and so also are your sisters; and ask yourself, how would you feel if they were victims. Enough of this heartless cowardly attacks on women, it is not cool nor hip. Real men do not rape women, only sissy girlie perverted men do. Please say no more rape of Indian women by Indian men and on Indian soil. It is pitifully shameful and a big stain on your identity and nation. Enough.
Icheoku says please move over Halle Berry and Angelina Jolie, as here comes this African young expectant mother, whose radiance and beauty is pure bliss and extraterrestrial. Just take a closer look at her, the skin, the smile, the flashing eyes, her pose and her pregnancy curvature and you will agree with those poets who correctly chimed that the beautiful ones are yet to be born. Her complimentary attire and jewelry, equally a nice ensemble. Somewhere in Africa, unknown, undisturbed and uncorrupted by the endless desires of this world and still happy; indeed she is very beautiful. Query, which man would not wish that she is carrying the fruit of his labor and that he is the reason she is this radiant.
FYI: someone inboxed Icheoku the picture and we decided to share such a beautiful work of creation with you or don't you think she is spectacularly radiant?
FYI: someone inboxed Icheoku the picture and we decided to share such a beautiful work of creation with you or don't you think she is spectacularly radiant?
Icheoku bemoans the cruel fate which is about to finally befall men with the invention of sperm on demand? As if men are not already being shortchanged enough, now they are going to be finally and permanently consigned into a heap of obsolete, non-essential commodity of human existence. When many women are already reluctantly tolerating men as mere sperm-donors, here comes a laboratory in France, to finally put men out of circulation and out of relevance.
A French company, Kallistem Laboratory in Lyon, announced that they have developed a "fully-functioning semen from scraps of genetic material.' Icheoku asks with this last vital need for men now on its way out, being blown away by the wind of science, what then will become the fate of men in this world. Baring any luck, it is finally finished for men as women can now do without husbands or even the proverbial sperm donors; or which woman will still need a man to worry about when she can go to a laboratory to have some sperm custom-designed with well specified features for her child? What a world without men this world is gradually turning into and give it up to those wild-eyed feminist females to scream from mountain tops, FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST, at last, FREE AT LAST.
FYI:- Spermatogenesis, the process through which the basic reproduction cells develop into mature sperm takes approximately seventy-two days.
A French company, Kallistem Laboratory in Lyon, announced that they have developed a "fully-functioning semen from scraps of genetic material.' Icheoku asks with this last vital need for men now on its way out, being blown away by the wind of science, what then will become the fate of men in this world. Baring any luck, it is finally finished for men as women can now do without husbands or even the proverbial sperm donors; or which woman will still need a man to worry about when she can go to a laboratory to have some sperm custom-designed with well specified features for her child? What a world without men this world is gradually turning into and give it up to those wild-eyed feminist females to scream from mountain tops, FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST, at last, FREE AT LAST.
FYI:- Spermatogenesis, the process through which the basic reproduction cells develop into mature sperm takes approximately seventy-two days.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Icheoku says the Texas State city that gave the world David Koresh and his fiery brand of christianity is once again in the news. Recall that 1993 siege on the Branch Davidian cult compound that ended with the Federal agents storming the compound, igniting a ball of fire that left eighty six people dead during Bill Clinton's presidency when Janet Reno as the Attorney General, ordered the raid. This time, gangs of bikers including Bandidos, Cossacks and Scimitars decided to shoot themselves into superiority and to claim the bragging right and ownership right over a drinking joint.
A little parking space disputation led to a fight which later snowballed into an all out firefight, at the end of which, nine members lay dead with many injured and wounded. Icheoku says it is Texas afterall and in Texas guns are everywhere and are freely randomly used too. Although no one messes with Texas, but it seems that an exception to the rule is being a Texan, because they understand the rule of engagement. What a bloody Sunday in Waco Texas this is.
A little parking space disputation led to a fight which later snowballed into an all out firefight, at the end of which, nine members lay dead with many injured and wounded. Icheoku says it is Texas afterall and in Texas guns are everywhere and are freely randomly used too. Although no one messes with Texas, but it seems that an exception to the rule is being a Texan, because they understand the rule of engagement. What a bloody Sunday in Waco Texas this is.
Icheoku does not know why women do this, but the marriage of Ms Lara Fortes of Cape Verdes to Nigeria's Edo State's Governor Adams Oshiomhole is yet another example of a very highly suspicious marriage of convenience and not one founded on love? Query, if Adams Oshiomhole is not a governor, would Ms Lara Fortes ever have taken a second look at him, talkless of agreeing to marry him? Icheoku asks when looking at Adams Oshiomhole does Ms Lara Fortes see a governor and its attendant pecks and comfort or does she indeed actually see Adams Oshiomhole her husband or rather just look through him?
Icheoku asks who in this case is the trophy spouse and would she have said yes to a marriage proposal from such not so photogenic, height-challenged man and who is old enough to be her daddy, were Admans Oshiomhole not fully loaded? Could this lady honestly and sincerely say she fell for Adams Oshiomhole's charms and is indeed truly in love with him and not that she targeted the pecks that comes with his office including becoming the first lady of Edo State. A closer look at the lady and her body language shows one laboring under the weight of her decision and one who is not comfortable settling for such man as a husband but who circumstances has otherwise conspired against. The hope now going forward is that they will find something about each other that will enable them to stay married and learn to like and love each other; but Icheoku will not be surprised if the union's boat hits the rock as soon as the governor's term ends, if not sooner.
On the other hand, is it not surprising that a sitting governor who should be leading by example, abandoned all the many marriageable ladies in his home state of Edo and traveled to Cape Verdes, a former Portuguese colony, to marry a Portuguese descendant? Icheoku wonders why the governor did not choose for a wife, a Bini girl or an Edo State girl or even a Nigerian girl, instead of a foreigner? What type of example was the governor showing with his choice of a wife and how will the ladies in his Edo State now view him going forward; - a governor who did not see anything good in his state's women and opted for a foreign Portuguese trophy wife? Anyway what is done is done and all everyone including Icheoku can do now is to wish the couple a happily married life; but emphasizes that Governor Adams Oshiomhole, as a sitting governor, did not choose right by marrying a foreign lady; especially when there are so many unmarried ladies in Edo State and Nigeria that would have held the forte very well. To the newly married couple of Edo State, Governor Adams Oshiomhole and Mrs Lara Fortes Oshiomhole, Icheoku says all the best.
Icheoku asks who in this case is the trophy spouse and would she have said yes to a marriage proposal from such not so photogenic, height-challenged man and who is old enough to be her daddy, were Admans Oshiomhole not fully loaded? Could this lady honestly and sincerely say she fell for Adams Oshiomhole's charms and is indeed truly in love with him and not that she targeted the pecks that comes with his office including becoming the first lady of Edo State. A closer look at the lady and her body language shows one laboring under the weight of her decision and one who is not comfortable settling for such man as a husband but who circumstances has otherwise conspired against. The hope now going forward is that they will find something about each other that will enable them to stay married and learn to like and love each other; but Icheoku will not be surprised if the union's boat hits the rock as soon as the governor's term ends, if not sooner.
On the other hand, is it not surprising that a sitting governor who should be leading by example, abandoned all the many marriageable ladies in his home state of Edo and traveled to Cape Verdes, a former Portuguese colony, to marry a Portuguese descendant? Icheoku wonders why the governor did not choose for a wife, a Bini girl or an Edo State girl or even a Nigerian girl, instead of a foreigner? What type of example was the governor showing with his choice of a wife and how will the ladies in his Edo State now view him going forward; - a governor who did not see anything good in his state's women and opted for a foreign Portuguese trophy wife? Anyway what is done is done and all everyone including Icheoku can do now is to wish the couple a happily married life; but emphasizes that Governor Adams Oshiomhole, as a sitting governor, did not choose right by marrying a foreign lady; especially when there are so many unmarried ladies in Edo State and Nigeria that would have held the forte very well. To the newly married couple of Edo State, Governor Adams Oshiomhole and Mrs Lara Fortes Oshiomhole, Icheoku says all the best.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Icheoku says except that an eye for an eye makes the world go blind; but then, how do you punish such a terrorist bomber, who planted explosives amidst marathon runners and their cheering fans, killing some and maiming so many others? Icheoku says sometimes the Judaic Mosaic laws makes sense and it seems to have made sense in this case. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who, alongside his late brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev, planted the explosives which ripped the finishing line of Boston Marathon in 2013, was handed the death penalty by the jury sitting in Boston. Icheoku says well deserved.
Surprisingly, the now death-row inmate Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleaded for his life to be spared and you wonder why? Icheoku says if he was man enough or rather cowardly-brave enough to wreck the havoc that was 2013 Boston Marathon bombing that killed three people, left seventy one people without one limb or the other and severally injured so many others, he should equally be brave enough to accept with equanimity, any punishment deemed appropriate or befitting the crime for which he was charged, convicted and now sentenced to die. Why this terrorist bomber cowardly chickened out and did not die in a shoot-out with authorities like his brother Tamerlan is beyond Icheoku's comprehension; otherwise all the tax payers' money, running into millions of dollars, spent in both his defense and prosecution, would not have been wasted trying to secure justice for a terrorist who did not give justice to his victims.
Icheoku says Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got exactly what he deserved; admitted no punishment adequately fit the crime in this case. However, we can only go as far as is allowed under our penal justice system; but were Icheoku to be allowed a free hand to go outside the ambits, would have recommended bombing him as well. May be, strap him with sticks of dynamites and TNT and sticking one right up into his you know where and blowing him to smithereens. It is a good case where the Hebrews got it right and Icheoku says the punishment of death was, in absence of any other choice, well suited for the crime and is very appropriate in the circumstance. Icheoku therefore agrees with the Federal prosecutor Steven Mellin that "The only sentence that will do justice in this case is a sentence of death" and it was rightly applied to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in this case.
It is equally noteworthy that what Dzhokhar Tsarnaev actually got is technically, a life imprisonment, without the possibility of parole or any early release. Icheoku asserts this because of the reluctance and near apathy of the Federal Government in carrying out death sentences and putting convicted offenders to death. It is on records that 'out of the eighty federal defendants sentenced to death since 1988, only three, including Timothy J. McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, have been executed thus far; while some sentences were vacated, some of the convicts died in prison while waiting to be executed.' Icheoku is emphatic that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is likely to fall into the later, dead in prison while awaiting execution. So with his relative young age of twenty five, he will have enough time to actually think about his actions of that Monday morning of April 15, 2013. Icheoku says may the sad memories of that day from hell now be filed away with the last known terrorist who wrought that dastardly act now going away and forever for good. What a sadistic terrorist this Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is, away with him and may the sentence be carried out soon enough.
Surprisingly, the now death-row inmate Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleaded for his life to be spared and you wonder why? Icheoku says if he was man enough or rather cowardly-brave enough to wreck the havoc that was 2013 Boston Marathon bombing that killed three people, left seventy one people without one limb or the other and severally injured so many others, he should equally be brave enough to accept with equanimity, any punishment deemed appropriate or befitting the crime for which he was charged, convicted and now sentenced to die. Why this terrorist bomber cowardly chickened out and did not die in a shoot-out with authorities like his brother Tamerlan is beyond Icheoku's comprehension; otherwise all the tax payers' money, running into millions of dollars, spent in both his defense and prosecution, would not have been wasted trying to secure justice for a terrorist who did not give justice to his victims.
Icheoku says Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got exactly what he deserved; admitted no punishment adequately fit the crime in this case. However, we can only go as far as is allowed under our penal justice system; but were Icheoku to be allowed a free hand to go outside the ambits, would have recommended bombing him as well. May be, strap him with sticks of dynamites and TNT and sticking one right up into his you know where and blowing him to smithereens. It is a good case where the Hebrews got it right and Icheoku says the punishment of death was, in absence of any other choice, well suited for the crime and is very appropriate in the circumstance. Icheoku therefore agrees with the Federal prosecutor Steven Mellin that "The only sentence that will do justice in this case is a sentence of death" and it was rightly applied to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in this case.
It is equally noteworthy that what Dzhokhar Tsarnaev actually got is technically, a life imprisonment, without the possibility of parole or any early release. Icheoku asserts this because of the reluctance and near apathy of the Federal Government in carrying out death sentences and putting convicted offenders to death. It is on records that 'out of the eighty federal defendants sentenced to death since 1988, only three, including Timothy J. McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, have been executed thus far; while some sentences were vacated, some of the convicts died in prison while waiting to be executed.' Icheoku is emphatic that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is likely to fall into the later, dead in prison while awaiting execution. So with his relative young age of twenty five, he will have enough time to actually think about his actions of that Monday morning of April 15, 2013. Icheoku says may the sad memories of that day from hell now be filed away with the last known terrorist who wrought that dastardly act now going away and forever for good. What a sadistic terrorist this Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is, away with him and may the sentence be carried out soon enough.
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