Tuesday, September 30, 2014
The real reason that opposites attract is that little tension can sometimes be a good thing in relationships.
Did you ever think that it was a cruel joke of nature that most of us find ourselves attracted to people very much unlike us? I mean, wouldn’t it be an awful lot simpler and a lot less messy if we tended to be drawn to those whose personalities are more like our own rather than those who seem like they are polar opposites of us. Especially given the inclination that seems to be present in most humans to see the way that we are as the “correct” way and to try to influence the other person to become more like we are, rather than vice versa.
It sure can make for some “interesting’ dialogues. But consider the possibility that those differences that can seem so problematic may actually be the very things that add spice and passion to your relationship, particularly its sexual aspects. We are drawn to others out of needs and desires that are unfulfilled in our lives, such as a desire to experience greater connection, security, love, support, and comfort. On the other hand some of those unfulfilled longings have to do with their polar opposites, such as adventure, freedom, risk, challenge, and intensity. While these needs and desires may appear to be mutually exclusive, they not only can co-exist with each other, but in the process, generate a “tension of the opposites” that produces the passion that sustains, deepens and enlivens relationships. In an age in which external cultural norms no longer sustain and enforce the continuation of long-term partnerships, the generating internal motivation, that which comes from within the relationship itself, is essential to its long-term growth and viability.
The incentive to support that motivation comes from the ability of both partners to continue to co-create compelling experiences on an ongoing basis. While security, safety, closeness, and comfort are certainly qualities that characterize all fulfilling relationships, without a balance of excitement, passion, adventure, risk, and yes, even a certain degree of separateness, security becomes boredom, dependability becomes indifference, intimacy becomes claustrophobia, and comfort becomes stagnation. The French view this paradox, not as a problem, but as something to celebrate. Rather than say “Oh merde” (look it up if you aren’t sure what this means) when this apparent contradiction shows up in a relationship, they say, “Viva la difference!” It’s “la difference” that makes relationships edgy, dynamic, exciting and a little scary. There is of course, a fine line between “a little scary" and frightening. And there is a fine balance between having enough danger in a relationship to make it stimulating and to keep it from dying from a lack of excitement.
As most of us know, those differences can and do show up in a lot of ways. Opposites, or perhaps more accurately, “complements” do attract. Introverts and extroverts, morning people and night people, impulsives and planners, steady plodders and adrenaline junkies, adventure-grabbers and security-seekers…there’s no denying the idea that something in us is drawn to people who counter some of our dominant inclinations with complementary tendencies. And while this can create some interesting challenges for most couples, these differences are actually the source of what is considered by many to be the source of the most important aspect of any successful relationship: chemistry. Chemistry refers to that undefinable quality that is the basis of the attraction that fuels the impulse to be drawn to another. While the first thing that we consciously become aware of in meeting someone is their physical appearance, what determines the degree to which we find them attractive is something that is much more than skin-deep.
It has to do with a feeling, an instinctive sense of the qualities and tendencies that may be all but invisible to the naked eye or to our conscious awareness, but are recognized by a kind of inner radar that identifies and responds to someone on a subconscious level. We're probably asking some version of the question: "Is my experience of myself more whole, more complete with this person?" When the answer is “yes” and the chemistry is strong, our relationship, particularly the sexual aspects of it is likely to be powerfully compelling, particularly in the early stages, when the fire of infatuation is sufficient to ignite our mutual passion without much effort on anyone’s part. This intensity will continue without any effort or concern on either partner’s part until the elements of mystery, excitement, risk, and adventure that drive the feelings of infatuation burn out or atrophy. When a relationship is imbalanced because of an excessive amount of danger or threat, feelings of anxiety inevitably arise and create instability. This diminishes the feelings of security that are also important to the sustaining and deepening of the relationship.
Similarly, an excessive attachment to security can diminish the excitement level and move the needle too far to the left on the security-adventure spectrum. Great relationships thrive on passion, particularly passionate lovemaking, and in trying too hard to avoid risk or novelty, we may inadvertently cool down the sexual heat by transforming our perception of our partner from a lover to a parent or a child. A commitment to continual harmony and peacefulness can be as threatening to the integrity of a successful relationship as an excessive amount of risk, discord or disharmony. Creating this balance involves the ability to hold the tension of the opposites, without going too far over to one side or the other, which by the way is unavoidable. Fortunately when the inevitable occurs, as it occasionally does, it is possible to put in course corrections that can re-stabilize things. Sometimes we have to risk going too far in order to find out how far we can go. And, there is no fixed or correct point at which we can find some permanent balance.
This is a dynamic process and the balance point between the two poles of security and adventure is constantly in flux, and influenced by the inner and outer realities of each partner and the needs of the relationship itself at any given moment. Sounds complicated? Not really. It’s actually pretty simple, but simple isn’t necessarily easy. Particularly when your operating system has been wired from (or perhaps before) birth to have certain tendencies and inclinations. Influencing the system is possible, but it does take a willingness on the part of both people to be willing to risk moving into their partner’s world and accommodating their needs and values without compromising their own. Again, easier said than done. Yet the more we practice being on either side of this process, the more capable we become of developing the kind of flexibility that passionate relationships require. And over time, the process of making the micro-adjustments that great relationships thrive on becomes effortless, natural, and even fun! There is, however for most of us, a learning curve that isn’t always fun, and can be,at least temporarily, unsettling. That seems to be the case for any new challenge that we step into. If we can overcome the initial resistance that is inherent in the process of making life changes, the long-term payoffs can be truly amazing and worth every moment of the process. But don’t take our word for it, find out for yourself!
Monday, September 29, 2014
•Accept: A reasonable percentage of the world’s problems would have been solved if people had learned to accept some things they cannot change and move on with the ones that are great. I read a very pathetic story in a magazine last year of a lady who was born well and healthy. She grew up to be a successful hair dresser, but spent all her time complaining about the looks of her backside until she fell into the hands of a customer who advised her to try an injection to enlarge it. This finally made her lose both legs and hands. How beautiful was she at the end? If I cannot remember anything she said; the word ‘regret’ rings loud in my ear as she used it time and over again. There is nothing wrong with taking care of this body but the desperation of changing into who you are not should be watched.
In relationships, people waste their time and energy over things they know might not change. People’s personalities could be very difficult to forcefully change once they have reached a certain age. If you hated a clumsy fellow but risked getting on with your spouse with the hope that he/she will change over time, you might be in for a big surprise. Accepting your spouse the way they are is a subtle way of saying ‘I respect who you are’.
•Attention: I’m yet to find one person who does not like to be given adequate attention. It’s easy for people to push this or associate it with immaturity but who cares? Craving the attention of your loved ones shows you value them and their presence in your life. On the other hand, if we give little or no attention to something or someone, we are indirectly telling the world ‘they do not matter to us’. Whatever you love takes your time; be it sports, games, job, recreation, socials, religion or mere private indulgence.
If your spouse finds you too busy for him/her; it will just be a matter of time before you lose them. Look at them when they are talking to you; listen with firm eye contact, laugh at their jokes, make gestures to support their topic, etc. Finding time to do things for each other in a time-demanding world that we are in will be highly priced by him/her. Make them feel important by offering to help fix breakfast or preparing to leave for work —they’ll remember that moment throughout the day and their love for you will increase. Give each other a reason to miss ‘you’.
•Admire: When you get from outsiders what is lacking at home, a gap would be created. The last time you heard “you look great today” came from a colleague or neighbour; you get back home expecting your spouse to be swept up by your clean looks but all you get is “why did you return so late”? You’ll be forced to wonder if they needed a pair of magnifying glasses to see what others see about you too, but poor you! What can you do than enter the house with a battered ego. Do you now see why some people end up with cold nights? It’s hard to get them dancing all over you when you did not make them happy earlier on; nice comments gladden the heart and set the candle burning. Some people do say “I don’t want him/her to feel too cool about his/her looks”. Whether you say it or not, trust me, even strangers would say it on your behalf so who is the loser?
•Allocate: You should not wait for the world to crumble on you before asking for help. Asking for help is not in any way a sign of weakness or incompetence. If you are constantly overwhelmed in a relationship, you will be looking for a way out sooner than anyone could ever imagine. Sharing your problems with each other and asking for support will make you feel the ‘power of two’—remember to ask nicely. This is not restricted to domestics alone but being ready to share financial burden as well as emotional pains gives you the strength to carry on.
•Apologize: We cannot ignore the fact that human beings will always be humans and this accentuates our fallible nature. So much emphasis is not laid on anyone always doing what is right, but when a person refuses to apologise when wrong, it could really hurt. Arrogance is closely linked with refusing to offer simple apologies. Learn to say ‘sorry’ and mean it from your heart. Apologies rendered just for the sake of it sometimes show in voice tones, body language, gestures; eye movement or lip twisting. Once the person you are apologising to picks it from any of these things that your apology may not be genuine after all; they become more angry and difficult to appease. Doing it in good time too shows you really wanted to apologise: not when you wait to be pushed or cajoled.
•Associate: Your ability to associate with the people your spouse hangs out with will go a long way to explain whether you are ready to share your life with them or not. It could be very disgusting to see a man/woman who says: “I don’t want to have anything to do with my spouse’s family members”. Why on earth would you attach yourself to someone who comes from where you don’t like? The more you associate with your partner’s people, the more you make them feel comfortable with you. It is good to know that associating with people does not mean giving yourself to them foolishly. Relate with them but have your boundaries; know what you cannot do for them and be careful not to cheat yourself in the process of trying to please others.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
When the white man came to Africa to preach and spread the gospel, he was altruistic, truthful and selfless. He rendered selfless service to humanity. He left the comfort of Europe and risked his life in a land seen then as a dark continent full of evil spirits and peopled by beings that were living on top of trees.
He came into a land that was infested with mosquitoes that was a death sentence to the white race as at the time. Yet, in the name and love of Christ, they came.
These missionaries were taken to what many saw as evil forest to settle, with the hope that they will die on their own.
Yet again, in the name of Jesus Christ, they conquered every challenge thrown their way. They taught us the truth, showed us the light and the way. In the process of time, they set up schools which many attended without paying anything or just a token.
So we became educated, learnt the art of preaching and teaching the word of life like them. In the process of time, many left the early believers behind as old school, those born before. They got born again, the fire of revival spread through the continent and Nigeria.
Many pastors were raised. General overseers were in their numbers. The church saw prosperity, the born again knew the way to wealth. The message changed from salvation to prosperity.
The name of the Lord soon became the key and access to wealth. Many became attracted to the church.
Many who believed as well as those who did not but wanted a piece of the pie that was in the church, trooped into the church. In their quest for material possession, splitter groups began to emerge as a result of disagreement on managing the tithes and offerings coming into the church.
The slogan became how much you can make by being a man of God. Instead of using the money realised from offerings to serve God and charitable cause, men of God started buying expensive cars, houses in highbrow areas and now jet planes.
Nigerians will remember that in the 1960s, 70s and early part of 80s, magicians were in every major street in Lagos, Benin, Aba, Enugu, Kaduna etc.
These magicians who were performing magical acts in these cities got inspired by the fact that there was money to be made in the name of the Lord. So they abandoned their magical acts and went into church-planting. Since the Nigerian state is lax in its laws governing charity organisations, it was easy for these men to creep into the house of the Lord.
In some of these mushroom houses called churches, as soon as you enter, the so-called man of God starts prophesying to you; your mother or sibling is the one behind your travails.
The gullible accept this; the next thing you hear is that the Lord wants you to sow a seed. Sometimes in thousands of naira. These fake men of God have forgotten that the Bible say, freely have you received and freely shall you give.
These men in Nigerian churches are crucifying the Lord Jesus the second time. In every ministry today, it is all about money.
What car am I driving as a pastor? What kind of house am I living in? What part of the city is the man of God living in? Many pastors today if transferred from the city to a rural area, will quit that ministry.
It is no longer service to the Lord, but self service. In-fact, the poor, the needy that the church is supposed to cater for are neglected. Men of God in search of wealth and fame dine and wine with politicians. They, as their political associates have become corrupt.
They bear arms for these politicians, run errands for them and some to the point of money laundering. They cannot serve as the conscience of the society anymore.
They cannot look at these evil politicians, like Elisha did to King Ahab and said: ‘You and your father’s house are the problem of Israel.’ Nigerian gospel ministers have lost it.
They have shut God Almighty out of the Church, locked Him outside, and are now worshipping money. If today you enter into any Nigerian church with serious money, no one will ask you what work you are doing to make money. No, it is the Lord that has blessed us.
How can a true man of God openly endorse divorce? How can a true man of God use the church’s money to build an empire for himself and his family at the expense of his poor congregation? How can a true man of God establish schools that his members’ children may never be able to attend?
How can a true man of God be competing in worldly possession with his members? How can a true man of God rape teenage girl in his church? How can a true man of God commit adultery with his members’ wives?
These acts instead of drawing men to Christ in actual fact bring shame to the gospel. It makes unbelievers unwilling to accept the true gospel. Instead of many of Nigeria’s pastors being the light of the world, they show darkness, cover the true light in preference for money.
No responsible man of God will disobey the laws of the land, but what do you have, Nigerian pastors openly disregard the law and even threaten citizens who point out their wrong doing.
No responsible believer in Jesus Christ is happy about the presence of such social evils as racial hatred, a spiraling crime rate, the liquor and drug traffic, slums and violence. He realises that such conditions as these have the potential to destroy his society and therefore ought to be checked. If the Nigerian church had shown enough love, perhaps some of the problems facing the nation today would not have occurred.
If the Nigerian church leaders were not working hands in glove with the political class, if they had consistently denounced corruption and punished members found to be involved in stealing, the moral decadence in the society today may have been checked.
Where is the power of the Spirit-inspired testimony in the Nigerian Pentecostal/charismatic and even evangelical churches? It is only the effectual working of God’s power in a human heart that will allow a man to go outside of himself to share the gospel boldly and testify of Jesus.
A man with social and political stigma cannot boldly share the gospel. When a man of God is spiritually healthy and vibrant, it brings light into the local church and city. Precious are those who are on fire for Jesus especially in times of gross darkness and moral decline as we are in now.
In a time of spiritual declension in Great Britain in the 1800s, Catherine Booth, wife of Salvation Army founder, William Booth, went about the churches “looking for burning words.” She recognised that doctrine alone is not enough. Logically sounding phrases and great swelling words are not enough. Oratory skills are not enough.
We must have the Word on fire and the power and move of the Holy Spirit.
Nigerian churches need to get out of the twilight zone of cessation theology and post-modernism and craze for wealth and learn what it means to be filled with the mighty Holy Spirit and press on into all the fullness of God.
Friday, September 26, 2014

Icheoku says the recently recorded victories by the Nigerian authorities in the fight against Ebola Virus Disease and the notorious Boko Haram dreaded terrorist organization is a testament of what is possible if only the country could make up its mind and decide to put its acts together. Icheoku says it is all about taking one's destiny in ones hands without endlessly waiting for the never coming help from yonder. Nigerians did it and could also do a lot more things but first they must convince themselves on their ability to do so and then put the strategy in place to have it done.
Icheoku is emphatic that were Nigeria still waiting for the Americans to come and save them from the scourge of Boko Haram, the scallywag, Abubakar Shekau, would still be running his foul mouth, disparaging everyone and bragging about his group's invincibility and murdering hundreds of defenseless North-easterners and destroying their properties in the process. So also would the awful Ebola Virus Disease still be wrecking havoc throughout the land and would have claimed a chunk of Nigerians were their fate trusted solely to the Americans. But peradventure, the Nigerian authorities did not wait for the American "miracle" workers to make up their mind whether to help or not, rather they strapped their loins and went to work. The result is that today the dread EVD was stopped dead on its tracks and so also was the ever taunting scoundrel Abubakar Shekau dispatched to rendezvous with his seventy virgins in Hades.
Icheoku says both successes recorded against the two nightmares show what is possible if a country is motivated, fired up and ready to go; and using a can-do, self-help to move the process forward. Icheoku says nothing is ever freely handed over or conferred to anyone, talk less of a country. If you want it, you must go and get it and doing things for oneself is the best known definition of independence and self pride. Like the Asian Tigers who took matters upon themselves to pull themselves up and are today a force to reckon with in the world, Nigerians and Africans need to start doing things for themselves and not unnecessarily wait for these white folks to come and bless them with their heart desires.
Icheoku maintains that Nigerians and Africans as a whole can do it if only they have the will to take the initial baby steps necessary for growing up. It will be faltering at first, but with time, the feet get firmer and soon strides becomes brisk walk and from there running. Nigerians and Africans must stop waiting for manna to fall from the American and European skies and learn how to resource from within their environment. Things might not be a par or up to standards or as good with advanced technological know-how countries initially, but with necessary perseverance, they will eventual get better.
Icheoku says the need for self help in doing things for oneself becomes imperative because no one can love you more than yourself. Moreso these white people don't like nor really care about Africans or the blackman in general; and could care less if Nigerians and Africans remained in stone age and for a long time to come. The solution is for Nigerians and Africans in general to learn the trait of a survivor and try and become one by doing things for themselves to survive. Biafrans improvised with "Okukwu bucket", ogbunigwe, refined petroleum products etc and would have gone very far now were their dream realized. Icheoku says Nigeria's taking care of business on the matter of Ebola and Boko Haram Shekau is a thing of great pride for the country; at least they did it without any outside or American help or intervention. This feat is worthy of being proud of, it is also worthy of celebration. Icheoku says congratulations to President Goodkuck Jonathan, his security team, especially the military, and of course the Ministry of Health for successful mission accomplished on both fronts.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Icheoku says except that Nigeria is peculiar country where anything goes, this man should have since been locked away or at worst politically disposed into irrelevancy for corruption. Here is a man wanted by the United States of America for corruption, but who has remained a fugitive from justice on the run, now saying that "He wants to lead a government that will rebuild the institutions of governance with zero tolerance for corruption and nepotism, where hard work and dedication are adequately rewarded?"
Icheoku says if only Atiku Abubakar will lead by example by accepting Baba Iyabo's challenge to visit America and enjoy their big house. But hey, the joker and obviously a proven failed president wanna-be, has begun yet again another arduous Mountain Everest climb without preparation nor appropriate gear. For Jonathan Goodluck, it seems that the gift of an Atiku challenge would be a gift that keeps on giving. Atiku Abubakar, Icheoku says should accept Olusegun Obasanjo's challenge and visit America today and prove himself worthy of Nigerians' sacred trust. Atiku should just put his money where his mouth is to prove that he seriously would like to fight corruption by showing a good example. Or may be he is just another Mr Pharisees. Icheoku says if Atiku has nothing to be afraid of, he should board the next Delta Flight to JFk and until then, Atiku remains only a blow-hot linguine candidate especially on the issue of corruption! -www.atikuvisitamerica.blogspot.com
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Icheoku has been reticent in writing a commentary on the deceased Dimgba Igwe, principally because we know little to nothing about him and also because we do not want to join the retinue of pallbearers that have been thronging the deceased home ever since. Icheoku did not want to become part of the spectacle that is these Nigeria's heavies, who have been doing acrobatic somersaults since the demise of the journalist, struggling for who will pay the most moving eulogy. Icheoku says where were these people when this "economically struggled" journalist was alive and what did they do to prove that what he stood for and wrote about impacted them rightly in the way they live their lives? Suddenly the guy is dead and now he is the best thing that ever happened in Nigeria since telephone became within reach of the poor; thanks to the Senate President and then Communication Minister David Mark who derided Nigerians for being too poor to have telephones?
It has been more than two weeks since that fateful morning when an errant motorist struck and killed the journalist in a hit and run accident, yet no arrest has been made. Icheoku says whether he was a victim of a deliberate hit man sent to do the ax-job because of some local politics in his home state of Abia or some business gone wrong; or because of what he possibly wrote or caused to be written; or somebody just took him out as a warning shot or to get at some bigger fish and/or in order to undermine a business, Nigerians are yet to find out from the investigators. But suffice it to say that the ever encumbered and cumbersome Nigerian Police Service is so stretched thin that determining what truly indeed happened on that wee hours of the morning resulting in his fatality might never happen? The Nigerian police is trying but they are always being asked to do too much and to perform investigative magic with little or no forensic tools to work with. Icheoku says the coincidence of the journalist jugging and the killer-vehicle confluencing at that particular point and at that wee hours of the morning is rather too surreal? But hey it is Nigeria, so give it up to the ever inventive hired hands who have more tools in their sack to do their job than Home Depot could muster.
Anyway, a check of the condolence register shows names of the who is who in Nigeria, the high and the mighty, especially politicians, who are now falling over each other to express their "heart-felt" sympathy for the deceased family. Needless to say that some of these politicians would have established emergency trauma centers during their heydays in power but didn't; some of them could have established ambulance services and functioning emergency dial numbers and rescue squads, but didn't; some of them could have established helicopter medics and medical evacuation teams but didn't; some of these politicians could have also made sure that well qualified medical professionals were always on duty to manage such traumatic circumstance but failed to so do.
Now they are pretending to love and care for the deceased more than his own family would in fact do? They are pretending that their love for Dimgba Igwe is more than the pope's love for the Catholic Church? Icheoku asks why would these crop of sympathizers seem to cry more than the bereaved? The answer seems to be politics, politics and politics. It is the silly season of politics and suddenly the death of the journalist has become a not to be missed photo-op to shed that proverbial crocodile tears and lament how Dimgba would be sorely missed? Tales by the moonlight by Gentleman Mike Ejeagha and his minstrels one would say?
Now they are pretending to love and care for the deceased more than his own family would in fact do? They are pretending that their love for Dimgba Igwe is more than the pope's love for the Catholic Church? Icheoku asks why would these crop of sympathizers seem to cry more than the bereaved? The answer seems to be politics, politics and politics. It is the silly season of politics and suddenly the death of the journalist has become a not to be missed photo-op to shed that proverbial crocodile tears and lament how Dimgba would be sorely missed? Tales by the moonlight by Gentleman Mike Ejeagha and his minstrels one would say?
Icheoku says of all the moving eulogies so far written about this journalist, Bola Tinubu's in-situ commentary and lamentation about the sad state of affairs in Nigeria caught Icheoku's attention more. According to Bola Tinubu, the majority shareholder of APC Plc and the man who calls all the shot in APC, Dimgba Igwe died a poor man because Nigeria disappointed him. Nigeria failed to honor their promise to keep their part of the social contract bargain which they ordinarily ought and should have had with Dimgba Igwe and his ilks in Nigeria Plc. Listen to Bola Tinubu speaking about Dimgba Igwe, "Here is a man’s house; simple. When you hear the name of Dimgba outside there, you will think he is wealthy. You will think he is living in affluence. On his part, you will see sign of someone still struggling economically in this environment. Is that the type of Nigeria we will continue to build with sentiments, emotions and wrong assumptions?" Icheoku says the thing that stood out is that this journalist despite all his best effort to make it honestly, still died "struggling economically?" Recall that but for the purchase of Reuben Abati's silence by Aso Rock, may be he too would still be struggling economically at the Guardian Newspapers?
Icheoku says Dimgba Igwe, a man who vice-chaired and is a founding director of Sun Publishing company Plc should not have died in a "sorry financial state?" Icheoku wonders whether Nigerian businessmen are indeed that heartless as to merely be cashing in on the very stiff job market to milk Nigerians without adequately compensating them for all their hard grinding work? Query:- how could a man so highly positioned in a profitable newspaper not be problem-free financially? Does it mean that the publisher Orji Uzor Kalu is not treating his employees and gooses that lay his golden eggs responsibly? If a man that rose to that level in an establishment which he helped found, was still under water financially, what type of man is the man who signs his paychecks? Is it possible that he purposefully put him where he was just to maintain a stranglehold on his life and ensure his perpetual servitude to the big boss and to continue mining his brains for less and without adequate compensation? If a vice chair was pauperized how about the little underlings doing the real heavy lifting in the publishing house?
As Icheoku disclosed earlier, we do not know this journalist nor do we pretend to know what he did in his life's career to elicit all these lethargic encomiums. However, Icheoku makes bold to state that it appears that he was not treated fairly by his employer who left him holding the bag despite helping turn Sun Publishing Plc very profitable and into a multi billion Naira publishing stable. Icheoku says Dmigba Igwe was also not treated well by Nigerian politicians especially those in charge of Lagos State, both past and present, who denied him the opportunity to fight for his life through the provision of a functioning health care system that works. Dimgba Igwe was also not treated well by Nigerians who ignored him while he toiled to foist a decent functioning society using his pen or rather keyboard and mouse only to now turn around and mourn his loss as irreparable? What morbid, vulture society Nigeria is that only sees the good in dead Nigerians ONLY. The dirge is always in the past tense "he or she was the best Nigeria ever produced or never had" and you wonder why not listen to Mike Ejegha and praise these Nigerians while they could still hear.
Lastly, the only hope Icheoku has is that his mourning spouse loved him enough while he was alive and was also able to kiss him goodnight the night preceding the tragic morning he departed from this sinful world. If they had an unresolved fight or quarrel, it is the bereaved who will now have to bear the pain since the departed has since moved on. Icheoku says may his soul now rest and may all these face-time seeking politicians allow the bereaved family to grief. One final note, Icheoku saw Orji Uzor Kalu make a promise to the family that they will "NEVER LACK" and that the Sun Group will take care of them financially and in any other possible manner. This is commendable, coming from a financier who most likely shortchanged Dimgba Igwe while he was alive and now using the opportunity of his condolence to make a remorseful amend for depriving their breadwinner? Our promise is that we will monitor the implementation of this promise and commend or condemn same accordingly as either may become applicable. Adieu Dimgba and now go wrestle on the other side.
Monday, September 22, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014
Once again all the doubters of the conspiracy theory surrounding the Ebola Virus Disease should now be assured that the journey has come full circle? Six months after the EVD has taken thousands of lives and a very big toll on the economy of the victim-countries, the American government has finally woken up and now ready to do something about it? Icheoku asks what took them this long?
America is known for rushing to the assistance of people in need within twenty-four notice - be it hurricane in the Phillippines or mudslide in Afghanistan or earthquake in some God forsaken part of the planet or even Evian Flu in Asia or Mesa Flu in Saudi Arabia; but Africa has been reeling under the scourge of Ebola for over six months now and suddenly, the mighty Yankees just remembered that some people in the jungle of Africa could use some help? Icheoku says it is all part of the agenda: - first Patrick Sawyer, an American, takes his deathly cargo to Nigeria on a mission? Then Western media, controlled by Americans, went to town crying fire in a crowded theater about the doomsday scenario that is ebola in Africa? From the blues came a vaccine out of San Diego, America, that could cure EVD, although a Spanish priest treated with the same vaccine died while the Americans survived? Several "infected" Nigerians equally survived and they never received this miracle-working American vaccine?
So after waiting in vain and nursing the disappointment that Patrick Sawyer's mission was not "accomplished", and seeing the Nigerian authorities declare triumphantly that the Ebola Virus Disease has been contained if not totally eradicated, they went back to the drawing board asking what happened with the plans to get something going in Africa's most populous country? The rest is now part of history.
Suddenly three thousand soldiers and few medical personnel are being sent to Africa to fight the EVD? Icheoku queries are these soldiers going to shoot or nuke ebola? Why soldiers instead of medical personnel? Icheoku asks why now? Why wait until after over two thousand Africans have been killed by this disease? Why now that Nigeria, to the surprise of the world, was able to manage and contain the EVD? Icheoku asks did plans to stir health crisis in African most populous country hit the brick wall and now another ploy disguised as aid must be put in the offing? Anyway, Icheoku urges the Nigerian authority not to accept this aid as they have no need for it any longer; moreso who knows the stuff hidden in the Trojan Horse aid package.
Ordinarily Icheoku is not usually a cynic, but paying closer attention to world's political economy and how certain objectives determine certain actions, it is increasingly becoming obvious that some things are just above certain pay grades. But one final advise to the Nigerian authorities, Icheoku urges them to be vigilant and watch closely before EVD would come back with a vengeance.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Icheoku says in the battle to free the Scots from their perpetual underdog position from England, fear won over pride. When it matter most to walk tall as an independent country among the comity of nations, the Scottish people chickened out. They scurried under the bed in trepidation, timidly accepting their fate that they are incapable of navigating the uncharted future of too many unknowns without big-brother England? Icheoku says the Scottish people were literally pulverized by fear of this and fear of that; and were convinced that they are too dumb to manage a future without England. A blitzkrieg marshaled by the NO campaigners with overreaching impetus from 10 Downing Street in the final hours of the campaign helped in no small way to seal the outcome.
Icheoku had no dog in the duel and acknowledged so earlier - that either way our palate for 18 year old Scotch would not be affected. Icheoku also said that in the event Scotland breaks away, provided Locness stays open for monster-hunt business and Dundee United still kicks the round leather, that Icheoku would as always still love Scotland. Now that the majority has spoken, maintaining that fear of the unknown is a safer bet to a brazen pursuit of pride in self governing, Icheoku cannot but congratulate the winners on their victory. To the losers, always remember that you are first Scottish and in protest just quaff down more of the golden liquid. Like in every contest, the YES campaigners successfully persuaded the undecided on the merits of remaining a united Kingdom entity. They also convinced these fence-sitters that the cost of mounting a sovereign Scottish blue flag is not a good trade-off for the doomsday scenario that freeing themselves from England would cascade on Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and throughout the land. They won and the other guys lost.
Icheoku says congratulations Scotland on your cowardice or lack of courage induced NO vote; at least you were given the opportunity at self governance but passed. Icheoku wishes that so many other self-governance seeking nations throughout the world, including the people of Biafra, could similarly be so opportune. What is fear if not an induced state of mind, after all the great United States of America was once a colony of Britain? Icheoku says may the monarchy reign over you never abates. Long live United Kingdom, Long live the Monarchy!
Icheoku had no dog in the duel and acknowledged so earlier - that either way our palate for 18 year old Scotch would not be affected. Icheoku also said that in the event Scotland breaks away, provided Locness stays open for monster-hunt business and Dundee United still kicks the round leather, that Icheoku would as always still love Scotland. Now that the majority has spoken, maintaining that fear of the unknown is a safer bet to a brazen pursuit of pride in self governing, Icheoku cannot but congratulate the winners on their victory. To the losers, always remember that you are first Scottish and in protest just quaff down more of the golden liquid. Like in every contest, the YES campaigners successfully persuaded the undecided on the merits of remaining a united Kingdom entity. They also convinced these fence-sitters that the cost of mounting a sovereign Scottish blue flag is not a good trade-off for the doomsday scenario that freeing themselves from England would cascade on Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and throughout the land. They won and the other guys lost.
Icheoku says congratulations Scotland on your cowardice or lack of courage induced NO vote; at least you were given the opportunity at self governance but passed. Icheoku wishes that so many other self-governance seeking nations throughout the world, including the people of Biafra, could similarly be so opportune. What is fear if not an induced state of mind, after all the great United States of America was once a colony of Britain? Icheoku says may the monarchy reign over you never abates. Long live United Kingdom, Long live the Monarchy!
Icheoku bemoans that the people of Southeastern Nigeria Igbo has been exhilarating celebrating the emergence and presidency of Goodluck Jonathan and beating their chest of his love for them? Icheoku says based on available statistical evidence and unless the universally accepted definition of love has morphed into something extraordinarily different, with this kind of love Jonathan has for Ndigbo, Ndigbo needs no enemy. Icheoku recalls that it was the late Nigerian democracy personified and the holder of June 12th presidential sacred mandate, Aare MKO Abiola, who famously said 'with a friend like IBB, no one needs an enemy." Icheoku says MKO was right then on IBB and in relationship to the proverbial Jonathan's love for Ndigbo, his admonition is sacrosanct and a statement of equal application to Jonathan on behalf of Ndigbo.
Icheoku has labored to understand this burning romantic love Ndigbo has for Jonathan and what the president did or is doing to deserve such infectious admiration but has successively come up empty. Icheoku went even further to see if it was because Jonathan has an Igbo sounding middle name "Ebele" that endears him so much to the Igbo nation only to be disappointed by learning that his Ebele was an abbreviated form of an Ijaw name Ebelesiemi? Icheoku tarried further, what about "Azikwe?' but again hit a brick wall as the "Azikwe" was not a registered name of his but merely a form of alias. His first name is Goodluck; his middle name is Ebelesieme and his last name is Jonathan. So query is Azikwe his baptismal or confirmation name except that Jonathan is not a Catholic for having a confirmation name purposes.
Now getting back to the main gist of this article - whether President Jonathan has proved his admiration and love for Ndigbo as to rightly earn all the encomiums and fanatical unalloyed and unconditional support Ndigbo has been and continues to bequeath him, Icheoku says the jury is still very much out. So what then is driving Ndigbo towards this Ijaw man whose Igboness has not been established and at best is only tepid, clever, calculated and cunning? Icheoku answers that the answer is fogged up and admitting of no sunlight or x-ray. Icheoku therefore sounds the alarum bell that Ndigbo should quickly either retract their support for this president or make him truly and sincerely earn their loving support with meaningful commitments to do better for Ndigbo next time, his second term.
Icheoku laments that never in the history of the ever-ailing Nigeria has a whole Igbo nation been so marginalized as is being witnessed under this supposed Igbo-lover's presidency? Icheoku makes bold to say and unequivocally too, that Ndigbo has never had it this bad in a Nigerian government, where they are completely left out holding the plate and sidelined entirely out of power. Icheoku asks does anybody know why the Igbo nation is in the dog-house of President Jonathan's government?
Imagine for the first time in Nigeria, no Igbo occupies any of the following arterial-vein offices and yet a man who has unceasing tingling in his legs each time Igbo is mentioned is occupying Aso Rock?
Imagine for the first time in Nigeria, no Igbo occupies any of the following arterial-vein offices and yet a man who has unceasing tingling in his legs each time Igbo is mentioned is occupying Aso Rock?
1. The Presidency of Nigeria - non Igbo
2. The Senate President - non Igbo
3. The Speaker of the House - non Igbo
4. The Chief Justice - non Igbo
5. The IG of police - non Igbo
6. The Chief of Defense Staff - non Igbo
7. The Chief of Army Staff - non Igbo
8. The Chief of Navy Staff - non Igbo
9. The ruling party PDP chairman - non Igbo
10. The chairman of Nigeria Ports Authority - non igbo
11. The chairman of Nigeria Railway Corporation - non Igbo
12. The Controller General of Customs - non Igbo
13. The Controller of Immigration - non Igbo
14. Minister of Defense - non Igbo
15. Minister of Interior - non Igbo
16. Minister of Police Affairs - non Igbo
17. Minister of Justice and Attorney General - non Igbo
18. Minister of Works - non Igbo
19. Minster of FCT - non Igbo
20. Minister of Foreign Affairs - non Igbo
21. Minister of Petroleum resources - non Igbo
22. Governor Central Bank of Nigeria - non Igbo
23. Ambassador to the United Kingdom - non Igbo
24. Ambassador to the United States - non Igbo
25. Group managing Director of NNPC - non Igbo
26. Chief of Staff - non Igbo
27. President of Court of Appeal - non Igbo
28. EFCC chairman - non igbo
29. Niger Delta Minister - non Igbo
30. Minister of Agriculture - non Igbo
Icheoku begs to stop at ONLY 30 of the "Fortune 500 offices in Nigeria" but it shows beyond all shadows of doubt that all the juicy ministries and security apparatus as well as the cash-cows of Nigeria PLC have in their driver's seats Nigerians other than Igbos; including people who did not even vote for Jonathan and people who are still continuously piling up on his administration without ceasing. Icheoku asks anyone who has a refutal to please furnish it or rebut; but if someone who loves a people would so marginalize the same people he loves and in this manner, please can someone tell Icheoku what a real hater would then do?
Icheoku says if only there would be a credible alternative come 2015, this particular Jonathan has not shown or in any meaningful and purposeful way manifested his love for Ndigbo thus far and therefore does not deserve Ndigbo's en-bloc loyal vote again. Needless to add that the promised second River Niger bridge is nearly stalled as it was not provided for in several budgets. The same Jonathan invited other tribes' "armies" including OPC and APC to the National Conference but left out Ndigbo's MASSOB? The same Jonathan went outside his usual practice of filing existing political vacancies, when he moved the then FRSC chief marshal over to Aviation, but failed or rather refused to replace that Igbo lot with another Igbo person? Now people do the math and tell Icheoku that Jonathan's fabled love for Ndigbo is genuine and not a drinking from a poisoned chalice showboating? Icheoku is emphatic that "this kind of love I never see am" and maintains that if love indeed now looks like this Jonathan's love for Ndigbo, then enmity should be erased out of the vocabulary; or better still let the two words be used interchangeably going forward. What fucking love are we talking about that this man has for Ndigbo yet he would not entrust them with sensitive or appoint them to mouth-watering positions!
Icheoku says if only there would be a credible alternative come 2015, this particular Jonathan has not shown or in any meaningful and purposeful way manifested his love for Ndigbo thus far and therefore does not deserve Ndigbo's en-bloc loyal vote again. Needless to add that the promised second River Niger bridge is nearly stalled as it was not provided for in several budgets. The same Jonathan invited other tribes' "armies" including OPC and APC to the National Conference but left out Ndigbo's MASSOB? The same Jonathan went outside his usual practice of filing existing political vacancies, when he moved the then FRSC chief marshal over to Aviation, but failed or rather refused to replace that Igbo lot with another Igbo person? Now people do the math and tell Icheoku that Jonathan's fabled love for Ndigbo is genuine and not a drinking from a poisoned chalice showboating? Icheoku is emphatic that "this kind of love I never see am" and maintains that if love indeed now looks like this Jonathan's love for Ndigbo, then enmity should be erased out of the vocabulary; or better still let the two words be used interchangeably going forward. What fucking love are we talking about that this man has for Ndigbo yet he would not entrust them with sensitive or appoint them to mouth-watering positions!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Who knows and Icheoku does not claim any special insider knowledge either; but the natural question for any person who wants to understand the driving force behind Scotland fervor for self determination is to ask who ever wants out of a blissful relationship?
The anti-Scotland independence primogenitors has been predicting doomsday scenario in the event the Scots summon the courage to do right by and for themselves by declaring their independence from England. Icheoku says to the people of Scotland that similar tales of woe and doom were heard when former British colonies sought and fought for their independence; but today all of these former colonies are surviving if not thriving despite the prophesies of nay sayers. All Icheoku has to say is that if Scottish people are convinced on the rightness of their course, they should proceed full throttle and ignore all those predictions that has no factual basis.
Small countries are surviving, talk less of a country that would have done so much on their own but for forcibly being made to play the underdog to the big brother England in the name of a union. Icheoku queries if Scotland is seen as equal why give them only one Minister in the cabinet? Icheoku says if Scotland is seen as equal why is everything located in London but not in Edinburgh? Icheoku queries if Scotland is seen as equal why are some of the key parastatals and/or government presence not located in Glasgow? Icheoku further posits if Scotland is perceived as equal partner in the Union, why is the Barclay's League not called the United Kingdom League with some formidable Scottish teams therein participating as one? Icheoku asks if Scotland is deemed as equal why are concentrate both the political and economic hobs of the Union in England? And to these whys are added even so many more other whys which Icheoku does not have the leisure of getting to in this piece.
Icheoku concludes that the Scottish people must have strong reasons why they want to opt out of the union of the United Kingdom controlled by the ever standoffish English people. If things were honky-dory as these apologists are now belatedly trying to make the world believe, why would the Scots be so fired up? Icheoku admonishes that no one should stand in their way now that their hour of freedom seems to have finally come and they are boldly grabbing it with both hands. Icheoku says best of luck to the people who gave the world Scotch Whiskey and hopefully their distilleries will still be pumping the good spirit long after they become a republic. It is also the nobel people of Scotland who the affable William Shakespeare wrote so much about including in his Macbeth, which featured Scottish castles very predominantly. Anyway, to the people of Scotland, Icheoku says best of luck with the YES and/or NO vote come Thursday September 18th 2014. Whichever way it goes, the world will survive and so would the new Scotland if they choose to walk away and take the blue in the Union Jack with them or otherwise still remain yoked in the union.
Monday, September 15, 2014

So, something is wrong. I am not condemning what people are doing but if it is just a clever ploy to continue to control and manage people and get rich, then one day the people would say 'to your tent oh Israel.'" - Pastor Tunde Bakare.
Icheoku says this pastor spoke for me and has possibly got a convert in Icheoku with his candid assessment of the 'casino royal' which all these churches have become in Nigeria today. Just know the truth and the truth will set you free.
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