Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Icheoku says finally the government of Kenya now has something to bargain with in the continuing strong-arming and pressuring by the West for Africans to accept homosexuality as a way of life and lifestyle? It is called trade or bargain or inducement and as far as Icheoku is concerned, it is a fair deal. The West will accept Africans' polygamy within their society and in return, Africans will accept West's gaydom and/or sodomy as a lifestyle in Africa? Why not if not; afterall each culture is peculiar and pertinent to the geographical civilization practising it and wishing to export it. So if Party West wants Party Africa to allow some alien and strange culture to be introduced in their midst, Party West MUST as a reciprocity, do the "needful" and also take home Party Africa's own peculiar culture? On this note therefore, Icheoku welcomes the signing into law by the government in Addis Ababa the ability of families to expand as they may deem fit.
Polygamy is a culture indigenous to Africa and our great ancestors practiced this multi-wives based marriage for eons in harmony and successfully until the white-man came and put a knife in a thriving culture, condemned it as "primitive" and subsequently strong-armed its dissuasion and near-disappearance. Icheoku says there is really nothing wrong in a man taking as many wives as he could cater for and such practice has some benefits to it, the sense of entitlement, jealousy and possessiveness of the female specie notwithstanding? In the good olden years, our forebears used such extra hands in the farms for agricultural purposes and as a way to announce their "arrival" as having made it - a measure of their wealth indicated in the many mouths one can feed or a statement as to what a great farmer he is. Presently, some argument could still be made other than agricultural in favor of polygamy and this includes to formally legalize what every Dick Tom and Harry in Africa knows that exists within the African society and even the wider world society - men having mistresses and sometimes children outside wedlock and/or their marriages.
icheoku asks why not formalize this arrangement such that instead of these men sneaking around to meet their mistresses, they can bring them home, introduce them to their wife number one and then manage the relationship in a more conducive atmosphere? Further, demography has proved that there are now more women than men in the world, except in China where female fetal abortions had decimated the female population in their one child policy which sees families preferring male offspring to continue to propagate the family's name, and these leftover women are as much entitled to men too. In some countries, incessant wars have also taken a huge toll on male population thus leaving so many women without eligible suitors; and among African Americans, statistics now shows that the male population is under attack by violent deaths through guns and incarceration such that black American females now have to do with playing "attachments" - husband sharing or stealing some bedtime with other women's men?
In Africa, the trend is the same leading to so many females not being able to find husbands. In India for example, there is such a dearth of marriageable males that eligible spinsters have to pay for such scarce commodity - they bribe men (pay men dowry) to marry them. icheoku says so instead of African females degenerating to such lows like in India, is it not better that men with means and who can support these extra women be allowed to take them into concubinage? Also, Africa is plagued by the HIV/AIDS epidemic and studies has shown that men are usually the vectors of this disease which they contract by sleeping around with sex workers and unfortunately bring it home to infect their innocent wives. So why not allow these men to bring some wholesome women home as wives instead and spread their love in a more safe way and thus help save their wives from this infection as well as other STDs?
Moreso, polygamy will help strengthen the marriage bonds as the women instead of always nagging and fighting their husbands will now turn their attention into winning their affection; they will now have to compete among themselves as to who will win their husbands' heart? Sex as always is often the precursor of many marital problems and a man well satisfied cannot be any happier; and anyone in doubt should tune into any Animal Channel or National Geography Channel or Discovery Channel to see how the Lions in Serengeti Park maintain order, ditto all the other animals. Stories abound also how some wives deprive their husbands sex just to get at them; so with many women around and at his beck and call, wives will instead of wearing tight jeans to bed, will start shopping at Victoria Secret for the sexiest lingerie to woe and seduce their husbands. Nagging will also become a thing of the past as the husband's threat of a "time out" from the bed or rendering marital services will always force such a mouthy wife to zip it? Competition is good and that is what sustains capitalism, so why not introduce it into marriages and watch marital bliss resurrect. icheoku asks which wife will have time to start a quarrel or fight or tongue-lashing when she is aware that her "running-mate" is just within a doorstep away?
Now the other side of the argument, like every right that commands an obligation, ONLY men who can afford it should be allowed to multiply their wives. icheoku says this right to marry multiple wives should include an obligation to satisfactorily provide for them, especially wife number one as well as her children. Even an additional requirement should be incorporated into such marriages of forcing such intending polygamous husband to first get an approval from the older wife before embarking on his journey of finding multiple headaches or required to ask his wife, in a right of first refusal type arrangement, to just bring her sister over as in sororal polygyny. Further, such wife facing an impending husband-sharing should be allowed to have a male playmates if she so desires; because her husband's added payload might be impacting his effective discharge of his marital obligation of conjugal services to her in which case the wife has a recourse to her playmate? It is called fairness and a little here and a little there is not asking for too much as this will be better than empowering the women to go for polyandry as obtains in the Himalayan regions of Tibet or among Bari culture in Venezuela, where a woman can marry two brothers or two male friends just to keep it inside the family or within the friendship? Finally, any wife unable to accommodate such multiple-wives husband should be allowed to divorce the husband with fringe-benefit including alimony and support.
Alternatively open marriage is advised where parties are at liberty to see other people privately; or they can become swingers where couples meet other couples just to burn off steam while exchanging each other's spouse; or polygyny where a husband can take other women BUT without marrying them formally?
Concluding, Icheoku agrees with Kenyan Lawyer Judy Thongori that many African laws including Marriage Acts are long overdue for overhauls. According to her, these laws were made by colonial masters before these countries gained independence and without essentially capturing the value systems indigenous to Africans or they were purposely ignored and left out in order to stifle them or deliberately deemed them obsolete and primitive just to wipe the African civilization slate clean. icheoku maintains that Western monogamy is alien to Africa and it does not matter what feminists females would want anyone to believe otherwise. Also in America, some sects of Mitt Romney's Mormon church or cult still practices polygamy, so why not Africans particularly Kenyans? Icheoku says whatever happens with the Kenyan trail-blazing novelty law legalizing polygamy, it seems that a structured polygamy might be what the doctor ordered and will also prove an interesting culture worthy of revitalising in Africa. It might also down the road, become so attractive that some people might be tempted to retire to Addis Ababa after their sojourn. Simply put, the polygamy law is revolutionary and it is meant to solve so many marital problems including scarcity of eligible husband-materials. Way to go Kenya's Uhuru Kenyatta.
Monday, April 28, 2014
America, America, my America, our America, BUT unfortunately, it is their America! A good country which would otherwise have been better and greater BUT FOR its racist tendencies. Icheoku says the mind-numbing thing about the unfolding scandal is as always the associated hullabaloo usually raised each time one of these racists White Americans is caught off guard and what they are thinking inside effervescences to the top. Yes it is true; and it is true also that many White Americans bottle up what Donald Sterling is being presently persecuted for voicing out; admitted inadvertently, since he did not know that his girlfriend was plotting to bring him down. (The villain and the Delilah, Ms. Stiviano showing her bangles, to his right pictured)
These white people hate people who do not look like them; they hate people they consider invaders of their space; they also hate the original owners of the land which they occupy and they even hate themselves for crying out loud. Therefore what is the big deal if the Los Angeles Clippers' owner Donald Sterling says he does not like black people? Icheoku says please show Icheoku that American White that truly and sincerely loves black people and then Icheoku would lead the procession to crucify Mr Sterling. It is not in their job places, it is not in their residential areas, it is not in their children's schools, it is not in their businesses and it is not in their own sphere. As far as their "love for black people" is concerned, provided you know your place and keep to yourself and your kind, we will tolerate your presence in our midst. However, BUT please do not touch our bimbos, do not take our jobs, do not move into our neighborhoods, do not drive expensive cars, do not come into Barney's and produce a credit card with some hefty credit worthiness inside it.
'Just stay outside the gate and hold the plate and keep guard over us and our children and protect our properties and then we shall "LOVE" you,' seem to be the mantra of their famed affection for others. In short do not even attend our galas, concerts, opera, symphony and all such gathering that is "whites only" appropriate? Icheoku says this is the real America for you which no one acknowledges because if it is not spoken of, it does not exists. In America, even law enforcement is skewed against certain colors and the judiciary that is supposedly blind sees skin pigmentation as well as the depth of your pocket; yet Mr Sterling committed a very "heinous atrocity" for which he should be "hanged" simply because he said what he allegedly said? Icheoku is not holding water for this Donald, remember the other Donald, the Trump, once canvassed for an increase in White-Europeans migration to America instead of "OTHERS;" but suffice it to say that Mr Sterling's kind is not in short supply in America. Icheoku says that practically every black person living in America, especially black males, have experienced this "we don't like you people" attitude at one point, place or time; and it comes everywhere and takes different shapes, forms and occasions.
From personal experience, this "we and them" divide runs deep in America and many a times these white people will put it to your face that they don't like you, regardless of the hurt. Icheoku once worked in a plant and one white co-worker menacingly said to my face that "I don't like you people and I hate you"; as a dutiful employee I took the matter to the supervisor who sarcastically dismissed the complaint saying that "I should not expect everyone to be liked by everyone?" Icheoku believes that were the parties involved to have been different, may be the supervisor would at least have investigated the incident. People have been called all manners of names; people have been fired from their jobs few months to their retirement to avoid pension? People have been asked to train their replacement or asked to work under a new hire?
So racism comes in different shapes and sizes and one does not have to say what Sterling said to be a racist. Sometime, one will enter a shop to buy something and suddenly a store clerk leaves whatever he or she is doing to approach you with "Can I help you find something?" and you wonder why specifically you in view of the many other shoppers milling around in the store? Sometimes you will be searching for an apartment to move into and on responding to an advertised vacancy advertisement, the rental office will "politely" tell you the unit has been rented "few seconds" ago only to turn around and rent out the same unit to a preferred color-skinned the minute you dejectedly left the complex? Back in the day, Icheoku temp(ed) in an office with this Eastern European girl who could barely speak English but the office confirmed her and let me go before the probationary period. I ran into her subsequently and she told me the sad truth that she learnt the office do not like black people. In today's America, white people are still paid more than black people regardless of same qualification and experience and you wonder why Sterling is being persecuted? Women also get less for equal work and qualification?
Just recently George Zimmerman murdered a young black teenager solely because "he strayed in a neighborhood he should not be in?" The other time in Los Angeles, a police whistle blower was cornered and smoked to death in a house fire because he wanted to break the code of silence about racism in the LAPD? Even when they mercifully sometimes employs you, you are daily subjected to treatments that cannot be explained any other way other than that you are different? You are supposed to be seen at their pleasure BUT never to be heard until specifically spoken to and asked? Opinions are least tolerated because you are not paid for your opinion but to do the work assigned? Even among the usually generally discriminated gay community, only the WHITE GAY is a good gay; and stories abound how black gay guys would come into a gay bar and be looked over and not served and this is happening in San Francisco - the proverbial "most liberal" city in America?
Blacks have been hog-tied to pick-up hitch and dragged through roads until completely dismembered, yes you heard icheoku right. Just few weeks ago, one white rancher said that blacks would have been better "still enslaved?" There is even an "offense" called DWB - driving while black, which practically forbids a black person from driving an expensive car as racist white police, like moths to the light, would so ticket you that you know what the deal is - driving a car outside your pay grade? You tune on television and all the faces therein reading teleprompters are all pale skinned and you wonder can't a back person read or don't they know how to read?
Anyway, it is the subterranean institutional racism that has replaced the noose-racism of the fifties and as long as no one voices it out, it is honky-dory. This is the transgression of Sterling and Icheoku maintains he did not do anything extraordinary or different from many other of his skin-type; a practice which is so seriously contaminating the American society that every other skin type including coconuts (brown skin and acting white or white inside) now discriminate against black people. Even some call-girls will sometimes refuse you service because "they don't do black people" and when you inquire why so, they will tell you because black people stinks and stains your p***y?
What marvels Icheoku most with the headline story is the pretence by all especially the American media that Sterling was outlandish in his comment? Like Jesus admonished, "he who is without sin should throw the first stone" and these guys are throwing stones on Mr Sterling in their sinful robes. Once again, Icheoku restates that Sterling did not do what every other person that is white has never thought about or is thinking about presently. The fact of the matter is that Americans should honestly start discussing race relations in America instead of letting it simmer underneath and beneath the surface. Instead of pillorying Sterling for what he said, may be it should provide us with the starting block and platform to seriously acknowledge this America's underbelly with a view to finding a meaningful solution to it instead of "shipping them all back to Africa" as was suggested not too long ago as a panacea. What Sterling said is awful, but which white person hasn't thought about it in America and despite Sterling "employing black people" just like Spike Lee pointed out, it was not out of love but business-driven; and just like during slavery where blacks work the plantations of these people, these black NBA players are just seen by Mr Donald Sterling as cash-cows that should be tolerated as long as their sinews can bring home the bacon.
But playing the devil's advocate, reading between the lines of the ranting of Sterling, it would appear it was a jealous lover irate that his sugar-girlfriend is "personally and privately" admiring another man? So it appears the tirade was about Magic Johnson and not necessarily black people, although it came out as thus because Sterling was too proud to admit his pain to his girlfriend that he is jealous of her flirtations with Magic Johnson? Instead of calling Magic by name he chose to use "black people" for cover thinking that his girlfriend will get the message. But instead she goaded him on and you now see the power of a woman scorned and who is geared to bring a man down heavy and tumbling. Here now is Donald Sterling saying he is jealous that his girlfriend is being seen as associating with Magic Johnson:- "It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to? I think the fact that you admire [Magic] -- I've known him well, and he should be admired," Sterling replies. "And I'm just saying that it's too bad you can't admire him privately. And during your ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE, your whole life, admire him -- bring him here, feed him, fuck him, I don't care. You can do anything. But don't put him on an Instagram for the world to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games. OK?" Icheoku says America, oh America, our America, BUT their America!
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Icheoku says when one thinks that the strange abnormality within the Nigerian community in the United States of America, which sees men killing their wives, is over, a story out of Houston Texas within Harris County, has it that another Nigerian man has ended his wife's life? An over-stressed Martin Ebegbodi (mugshot) decided to put an end to the "source" of his misery and shot and killed the woman who bore his children and whom she married in 2005, Isioma Ebegbodi nee Unokanjo (smiling and standing tall).
Icheoku says many a Nigerian married men in the United States at one time or another had thought about it and the fact that many Nigerian married women have lost it in their quest to enjoy their newly minted FREEDOM is not helping BUT fuels this scourge. However, there is this sure thing called WALKING AWAY and no matter the issues involved, investments made that was not recouped or other countless missed opportunities, a simple walking out the door would save a lot of headache.
So icheoku reiterates that no amount of a wife's indignities to a husband or insolence, insubordination, subjugation or conversion of husband into a glorified houseboy or even being made a Mr Mom is sufficient enough a provocation to take her life. If you can no longer take the dish from hell being dished out to you by your "wife", say enough and like Jack, walk on. The trade of a life behind bars or even the lethal injection is not a good bargain for ending the alleged calamity that supposedly befell you when you married that "your wife from hell." If you are afraid of being alone, remember that prison life is not a picnic and that it could spell LONELINESS with much bolder lines. It is not worth it. It is a pity and it is more pitiful that once again a Nigerian child or children who were not active participants to this malady have been rendered orphan(s) with dad killing mom and dad going away for a very very long long time. What a shame.
Friday, April 25, 2014

Icheoku says to say that the ongoing elections in India is the biggest mass mobilization of humans on planet earth is akin to admitting that the night is dark. It is simply obvious that getting 800 million voters out of the over 850 million registered voters to cast their ballots, in an election phased into nine and spanning six weeks is one such mammoth effort.
The Indian electoral commission it would seem have mastered the art of conducting elections so well that they do this with relative ease all things considered; spreading same through six weeks to efficiently use the much needed 10 million poll workers and security personnel needed to midwife such exercise and enabling them to concentrate their effort one phased election constituency or area at a time. These people man 930,000 polling stations and 2 million voting booths, using 3.6 million electronic voting machines and also ensure that not more than 1,500 Indians use one booth and that no voter have to go more than 1.2 miles to find his/her polling station. Then add the ballot boxes, ballot papers and indelible ink for thumb-inking and we are talking about a real exercise of monumental proportion.
Icheoku therefore queries if India could pull this feat off despite their peculiarities including a very geographically challenged environment, some so inhospitable that one such voter has to have his ballots air-dropped to him, why then cannot Jega of Nigerian Electoral Commission with less than 65 million voters, give Nigerians a hitch-free beautiful election? Your guess is as good as Icheoku's but suffice it to say it is indeed lamentable.
FYI:- other mind boggling facts about India.
It is interesting to note that in this country of 1.3 billion human-beings that women pay men to marry them. That once a girl reaches the age of 24 without being married, her case is as good as foreclosed. In India, women outnumber men and because of this pregnant mothers now abort female fetuses in order to avoid paying dowry on their daughter to the very scarce men. India is a land of such complexities and so much poverty that Icheoku wonders why some Nigerians go there to die in the name of medical tourism. A country that is inundated by its own 700 million people living in poverty and you wonder what they have left for others - foreigners? India has only 37000 millionaires and a few billionaires and unlike in America where we are talking about the 1% rich, in India's it is in the negative percentile. India, a country of predominantly Hindus has over 100 million Catholics as well as millions of other religions practitioners including Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhas, animists etc. India's most famous person is Mahatma Gandhi.
It is interesting to note that in this country of 1.3 billion human-beings that women pay men to marry them. That once a girl reaches the age of 24 without being married, her case is as good as foreclosed. In India, women outnumber men and because of this pregnant mothers now abort female fetuses in order to avoid paying dowry on their daughter to the very scarce men. India is a land of such complexities and so much poverty that Icheoku wonders why some Nigerians go there to die in the name of medical tourism. A country that is inundated by its own 700 million people living in poverty and you wonder what they have left for others - foreigners? India has only 37000 millionaires and a few billionaires and unlike in America where we are talking about the 1% rich, in India's it is in the negative percentile. India, a country of predominantly Hindus has over 100 million Catholics as well as millions of other religions practitioners including Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhas, animists etc. India's most famous person is Mahatma Gandhi.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Icheoku says the government in Ankara today apologised for its nation's atrocious Othman war which led to genocide of the people of Armenia several decades ago. Prime Minister Erdogan apologised for that infamy which preceded his headship of the Turkey State and on behalf of the Turkish people and government. Icheoku commends Prime Minister Erdogan's magnanimity and realisation that it is never too late to apologise for a wrong wrought against another, especially by a country which he currently represents.
By this token, Icheoku asks when would the Nigerian State apologise for its genocidal war against the peoples of Biafra, especially for the thousands of Asaba Igbo people that were massacred at Ogbe-Asaba? Innocent war-weary Igbos that were assembled under the guise of welcoming some then Nigerian Federal Government delegation(army chiefs) led by Muritala Mohammed, who then ordered their summarily execution. Icheoku says that millions of other Biafrans especially women and children equally lost their lives in circumstances that were otherwise preventable and avoidable under that wicked war of vendetta waged by Gowon. So, Icheoku queries, would President Jonathan Goodluck, who currently represents the Nigerian State, in a similar fashion as Turkish Erdogan, apologise to the people of Biafra for that vengeful, wanton massacre of the people of Biafra using the forced insurrection as an excuse. Icheoku says it will be one heck of a good act of reconciliation should the man from Bayelsa with current abode in Aso Rock, find the courage to so do on behalf of the Nigerian State. Turkey did it, why not Nigeria?
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Icheoku commends Muhammadu Buhari for standing up to be counted in the ongoing effort to find a common solution to neuter the virus that is Boko Haram in Nigeria. The army man was statesmanly in his address concerning the insecurity situation in the country and for this, Icheoku says the process of finally warming himself into the hearts and minds of Nigerians have begun. Hopefully the Katsina man will not derail or fo off message BUT will stay on course the current trajectory and continue to speak like a man whose heart is in one Nigeria and one who has tolerance for others who do not knock their foreheads to the ground in prayers. Well spoken Buhari. Now happy trails with the said Buhari statement below and then you decide:-
"Sinister terror and hatred have again reached from the shadows to steal the lives of innocent Nigerians. In Nyanya, 72 people were killed by a car bomb. Hundreds more were injured in the devastation. Their killings served no purpose except for those who exalt in evil. The bomb blast quickly came and went like the deadly thief it was; but we shall be left to endure the pain and loss from this terrible act for a long time to come.
What the nation lost is irreplaceable. The number 72 seems like just another grim tally among the death statistics that have become all too common. But what occurred is much more than that. We must really stop and take notice of where evil is attempting to drive us. The abduction of over one hundred schoolgirls is unacceptable, condemnable and saddens me greatly. We cannot allow these merchants of death to make us numb to the tragedy they manufacture. Those who were killed were not merely numbers on a page. They were human beings, made of flesh and blood body and soul like all the rest of us. They were someone’s father or mother, brother or sister. They had parents; they were someone’s children. They were husbands or wives, neighbouring friends and colleagues. They had dreams and hopes. They were loved and loved others in return.
Now, life has been taken away and those who cared for them must bear a grief, no person should be asked to carry. These people committed no wrong. Their only crime was to be ordinary working class people seeking to eke out a livelihood and tend for themselves and their families. For this, they were killed. They represent the backbone of the working people. Not many of them lived an easy life. Most of them worked hard and longed for modest wages. They lifted themselves up every morning to earn their daily bread. They faced the many social and economic challenges and obstacles our society poses, yet they worked not to destroy but to make this a better place by bettering the lives of their family and loved ones.
These people lived anonymously and died the same way. We do not yet know their names. But, in a fundamental sense, we know who they were. They were part of us. They shared the same aspirations we all do. We seek an improved fate for our children and hope to leave them a better life. We want to work and live in dignity and respect. We want a life of peace and harmony with our neighbours regardless of religion, ethnicity or background. We seek prosperity not poverty. We seek brotherly understanding, not strife. We seek peace, not bombs.
It was not just 72 people who were taken in this depraved assault. Each of us lost something that day. Yet, despite the loss and suffering, we must not cower in fear, and let the purveyors of death believe they have scored a victory over us. Those who committed this act have declared war on all that is decent and good. They have declared war not against the state or even the government. They have declared war on Nigeria and all Nigerians because this murder took men and women, old and young, Christian and Muslim alike. In trying to scare, frighten and divide us, the evildoers committed injury to their own cause. For they have shown us that we all suffer inhumanity in the same way.
No matter our religion or place of birth, we all bleed and are wounded the same way by injustice. Decency runs through the teachings of each religion and ethnic group that comprise the people of Nigeria. We may have our differences, but the vast majority of Nigerians stand united against the appalling violence committed in Nyanya and other places. These acts have no place in Nigeria. Those who commit them have no place in our country. The perpetrators may look like human beings. They may have limbs and faces, like the rest of us, but they are not like us. In killing innocent people, they have become inhuman. They live outside the scope of humanity. Their mother is carnage and their father is cruelty. They have declared war against the people of Nigeria. They have shown that they do not want to liberate the people. They want to kill them. Yet, with all the energy of their evil and ignorant hatred, they shall fail. The good people of Nigeria shall triumph.
Such a wicked mission shall not succeed. We have gone too far in our journey to nationhood and endured too much to allow these terrible acts to divert us. Not only have these agents of death killed innocent people, they also abducted over 100 young women from their school. Why abduct schoolgirls? Whatever they plan, they should be ready to face the wrath of Nigerian people. They should release these young girls unharmed. Anything else would be an abominable crime.
We all must take close heed at this moment and recognise the severity of what is upon us. A small minority seeks to bring the nation to its knees through terror. Thus, we must stand tall and united. We can ill afford to allow their crimes to go unpunished. I call on the government to improve and redefine its strategy in the light of this expanding menace. Clearly, its intelligence gathering needs to be improved so that it can break terrorist plots before they hatch. Moreover, it needs to enact greater social and economic reforms in the blighted areas of the nation to win the hearts and minds of the people. Give the youth a viable alternative and they will not be duped by the lure of extremist dogma. A major initiative with immediate and long-term strategies for mass employment should be introduced right away. Nigeria must and will overcome this scourge, but it cannot do so merely by wishful thinking. We need wise and decisive strategy.
As for me and my party, we deplore and condemn these and all such attacks. Those who commit them must know that the nation stands four-square against them. While we are engaged in tight political competition against the ruling party, we shall not play politics on this issue so vital to our national survival and wellbeing. We pledge ourselves to the unity and safety of this nation and shall do nothing to undermine national security. We seek no political advantage from this calamity and wish the present administration success in fighting it.
We stand ready to help in any meaningful and productive way to fight this battle against evil. We extend our hand and earnest offer of cooperation in this regard. Nigeria and Nigerians have suffered enough. Those who now lead the nation and those who would lead her must overlook political differences to find whatever ways we can cooperate to make this a safer, more secured nation for all.
Thank you and may God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria."
Friday, April 18, 2014
Icheoku says this is not how to be an opposition party as the APC has instead now turned itself into a resistant party trying to bring down the PDP government by all means possible. How dare the APC governors shun a parley meant to rob minds together about the scourge militating against the entire country or do they have another country to go to should Nigeria implode? A good and rational opposition would have honored the invitation by the president - first, as a respect to the office and secondly, to hear him out; thereafter they can stage a walkout or state their own position on the way forward. But to so blatantly ignore and snob the president over a matter as foundational as the security of the country calls for a punitive measure by the president against the APC governors. These APC governors should remind themselves that those states they are governing are still integral part of Nigeria and under the Nigerian state. They do not therefore have unfettered powers to do as they please with those states' security needs as well as that of Nigeria in general.
Icheoku says ignoring such very important security meeting to help find solution to the Boko Haram scourge is rather politics gone crazy too far and is condemnable. The APC should as consequent thereof, pay a price and it has to be very consequential to deter similar future reoccurrence. May be for a start-dose, the president should withhold their federal revenue allocation until further notice as well as curtail some of their privileges such as international travels and other sundry things as would make them realize their foolhardiness. Icheoku recalls that Baba Iyabo once withheld Lagos State federal revenue allocation over then Governor Tinubu's stubborn refusal not to revert to previous number of local government areas in Lagos State, although Yar'Adua later released same.
Opposition is good once sportsmanly; but when it goes too far as to suggest acute disdain and HATRED for the incumbent, then something is wrong and such should be condemned by all men and women of good judgment. There is watershed in politics and governing BUT unfortunately everything PDP as far as APC is concerned, is political. The meeting was not about Jonathan or the PDP but about a very urgent matter affecting the wellbeing of all Nigerians including those with membership of the APC, some of whom probably have fallen victim of the Boko Haram madness since it started. APC, Icheoku says, this is yet another ugly stain on your reputation as a party of rabble-rousers with no interest of Nigerians at heart; and this new tag was otherwise avoidable. Further it does not matter what their motive or protest-reason was; the fact of the matter is that they refused to honor an invitation to discuss ways to shore up the security needs of Nigerians and this by itself alone is sufficient to vitiate whatever grievances they might have that led to the boycott and therefore completely renders their boycott inexcusable. What a pity, what a black-eye; and it is indeed very regrettable the APC's decision not to attend such all important emergency meeting called for the security needs of all Nigerians.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Icheoku says the unceasing attacks on Nigeria is seemingly multidimensional as added to the internal strife of Boko Haram is the concerted effort of the White people to not see Nigeria succeed, rise and become great? Before the Boko Haram uprising, no good news ever came out of Nigeria via them and with the advent of Boko Haram, all news out Nigeria has become Boko Haram-ed. Watching a BBC reporter comment on the latest Nyanya Bus Stop bomb blast, Icheoku could but deduce the inert desire of some of these Western people to see Nigeria perpetually mired down in crisis such as the Boko Haram quagmire and thereby not have the opportunity to consolidate their gains and/or attain any glorious height. Hear him - 'despite the government's vaunted success over the Boko Haram crisis, the bomb blast inside Abuja Capital City of Nigeria shows that all is still not well with Nigeria as no one is safe both in Abuja and throughout Nigeria.'
Icheoku says there is a subliminal message in this reporting, telegraphing to their people and would-be investors worldwide, who are foaming in the mouth over the new GDP database fuelled business prospects, that they should avoid Nigeria or go there at their own risk to lives and/or limbs. Query:-is the Nigerian Information Ministry doing enough or anything to counteract or at least contain such geared utra-negative publicity being piled up against the country?
But conversely, Icheoku asks who are Jonathan's advisers? His NSA is a Northerner, his Defense Minister is a Northerner, his IGP of Police is a Northerner, his Internal Affairs Minister is a Northerner, his Chief of Defense Staff is a Northerner; his Attorney General is a Northerner, Boko Haram is a Northern establishment and their armed wing, and then it is the same Northerners who want him GONE? So it would appear that the same people who wants to see the back of Jonathan out of Aso Rock are the same people causing the Boko Haram mayhem and also are the same people HIRED to starve off the Boko Haram attacks? Now tell icheoku how SMART the arrangement is and why Boko Haram menace is ever going to peter to a stop under this arrangement? Just do the math and use your tongue to count your teeth and the puzzle of Boko Haram is solved, QED.
IGP Onovo who was doing a good methodical job, identifying and harmonising the police force, when he was removed because he could not "end kidnappings quickly enough" barely six months into his stewardship, yet IGP Abubakar has been there longer and insecurity has gone through the roof? The then NSA Patrick Aziza was removed shortly into his term because Boko Haram was still setting off periodic bombings, yet Dasuki has been there longer and Boko Haram has gotten more daring? Ihejirika was nearly vanquishing Boko Haram when Jonathan was blackmailed into removing him as those Northerners labelled it a Biafran war revenge due to his successful campaign, now what is going on under the new COAS? Then to add insult to injury, Jonathan handed away the defense Ministry to a man who allegedly created and nurtured Boko Haram as a counter-balance force to the then Niger Delta terrorists, needless to add that the Defense Minister and the NSA are in-laws and you ask whatever happened to frowning at cronyism? Who knows what these officials discuss in private when they speak in their dialectic Fulani regarding the sleepless in Aso Rock Jonathan?
The other day Boko Haram struck right inside SSS headquarters, today it was Nyanya Motor Park, who knows whether they have established a contact point inside Aso Rock waiting for the right coordinates and signal before unleashing their regime`of terror? Icheoku prays that the nightmarish scenario of Rwanda which led to the genocidal civil war from which Hutus and Tutus are yet to recover will not replicate itself in Nigeria when a sitting president was shot out in the air and the country went up in smoke. Icheoku prays that this Armageddon will not occur in Nigeria as it will be the last tinder in the keg of gunpowder which cataclysmic explosion is better left for the imagination than witnessed. Nigeria should pray that nothing happens to Jonathan and it does not matter what, how or where - it will simply be unacceptable and inexplicable. Just imagine when Don Corleone in The Godfather was extracting assurances from other Capones regarding the safety of Michael who was returning back to New York from security-exile in Sicily, that even if thunder should strike and kill Michael enroute, they will be held responsible. Icheoku says that President Jonathan is no longer an Ijaw or Bayelsa or Niger Delta/South South issue, he has since morphed from that into a bigger and much heavier issue and these Northerners must bear this in mind while making their calculations.
Please Nigerians, especially the security operatives as well as leaders of thoughts, understand that there is only a country belonging to you and its implosion will leave everyone countryless at least for a while, regardless of the subsequent resolution, if ever. Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somali and Rwanda are still reeling under fractured politics which no observer would wish on his or her enemy country, so why precipitate this on the motherland? Icheoku says if ever a time called for all hands to be on deck to solve the insecurity problem of Boko Haram in the country, now is the time. This Boko Haram madness ought and should and must be stopped and NOW. Enough of the madness, now is no longer the time to see it as "their problem"('dem, dem problem' as Kwankwaso would put it) or that it is Jonathan's problem. This attitude by Nigerians especially the APC and others must stop and all hands must be gathered at the common ground to save or rather salvage the only country which truly belongs to the blackman. May God save us all.
Icheoku says it is about time this 'PASTOR-minister' is sacked so that he can devote his time fully to preaching the gospel. That the epileptic electricity supply in the country has grown worse under his watch is not an exaggeration and instead of tackling the problem he is busy preaching? Upon his inauguration, he promised Nigerians that he was going to "sweep away the demons affecting the power industry" and today few years later instead of "sweeping the demons away" and giving Nigerians power as he promised, he has turned his sight on Boko Haram and seeing it in a pedestrian way as being a spiritual warfare? In his words then, he said "I still believe that witches are responsible for the problems in the power sector but I believe that God will give me the power to chase out the demons in the power sector.” Today, he is now seeing Boko Haram as being a "spiritual warfare" which according to him, "only those of them in the spirit understands or knows" while the rest of other earthly Nigerians see it as a religious insurgency, for crying out loud?
Icheoku laments the mindset of the men and women running the affairs of Nigeria, who instead of tinkering out solutions to the myriads of problems bedevilling the country, dismissively see it as ensuing from the realm? So, it is easy inference to make from their utterances that since these problems are either "DEMONIC" or SPIRITUAL", there is probably no earthly solution to them; hence their wait for divine intervention leading to the continued deterioration instead of improvement being witnessed in practically every sector of the economy particularly the power sector. Icheoku opined that enemies of Jonathan forced his hand in the firing of then Minister Nnaji who knew what he was doing or at least was trying to do in the power sector. At least he had the proverbial road-map to solving the energy problem in the country but was not allowed and these detractors, not wanting Jonathan to succeed or take credit for improved power supply forced him to fire a man for merely expressing an intent to participate in the deregulation of the power sector? All the government would have done was to reject Nnaji's application and let him continue with the good job he was doing. But to just fire him for mere attempt than commission of an actual or real offense shows more than is being disclosed. Since then, the few gains made by the erstwhile minister trying to reposition the energy sector has been lost and Nigerians now sees lesser lighted-nights than the people of North Korea.
In Nnaji's place is a man who is busy "seeing vision and prophesying" instead of articulating the way out of the woods of the comatose power sector. That all the orchestrated strikes and protests of the staff and workers of the Power sector during Nnaji's tenure have suddenly ceased and disappeared shows that Nnaji was targeted by the people profiteering from the decayed status-quo who engineered all those protests and events culminating in his firing. Anyway, it is what it is - Jonathan's government has failed to deliver power to Nigerians and is practically failing Nigerians in every other sector. But unfortunately, the APC is not providing Nigerians with any viable alternative; otherwise 2015 would have been a landslide victory for the opposition. Not in power, not in security, not in employment, not in country's image abroad, not in tackling corruption, not in anything to do with the improved life of the average Nigerian has the Jonathan government performed creditably well, YET he is desiring a second term and Icheoku asks BASED ON WHAT?
Monday, April 7, 2014
Icheoku says to many a Nigerian, the news coming out of the world's financial headquarters about their newly minted bragging right status as Africa's number one economy, must be very balmy indeed? However before you start spending that your life's savings hoping to make many more in a now new "buoyant economy", please pause and ponder what it is exactly that occurred. The gist of the matter is that Nigeria's productivity ratio (Gross Domestic Product) has now surpassed that of South Africa; BUT remember that no one ever said that the purchasing power or standard of living (Per Capita Income) of Nigerians ever saw the finish line before that of South Africans? This is very important since it is very possible for a country to produce more while the expectant income or return on labor does not percolate or trickle down the populace. Sometimes it is hijacked or cornered by the top 1% elites, living the general 99% populace holding the plate. That corruption, nepotism and cronyism help in maintaining this societal disequilibrium is also without a doubt.
Therefore for Nigeria to be truly atop of the pyramid or literally cross the poverty index in the strict sense of it, the policy makers must devise a more equitable way of distributing the country's resources in such a way that it percolates down to the masses or what redneck Americans call the "policy of redistribution of the Obama government." That way more purchasing power can be handed to the people who really do the purchasing because their needs are many and vast. These Joeys and Janes of Nigeria need literally everything but have no bargaining power because they are cashless or cash-strapped. This economic silver-bullet has been tested and proved to be very decisive:- a very rich man can buy a $600,000 Rolls Royce but thousands if not millions of ordinary (not so rich) men can each buy a $25,000 Prius and you do the math and see who impacted the economy more? Whose purchase kept more hands busy in the factory and it translates from there into more mortgages, more refinancing, more investments, more savings etc. Real economy is all about earning and purchasing (spending) powers, period. When the masses are financially empowered, it becomes a real boost to the economy and more people can buy more things while sellers and producers(importers) can now produce and sell more things. Conversely, the society's standards of living will improve resulting in overall health of the economy which translates to high Per Capita Income ratio.
Moreover, Nigeria's population far exceeds that of South Africa and with so much mouth to feed, it is going to take a lot of economic and social re-engineering to bring millions of Nigerians out of the poverty index hounding them. The street-level example is:- take a case of two families herein referred to as Family A and Family B. Assuming that Family A is making 100,000Naira monthly and is married with ten kids thus leaving twelve mouths mulching on the 100K. Then Family B is making a modest 65,000Naira a month and is married BUT instead has only two kids. So query:- whose standards of living is better at 10,000Naira per mouth and 15,000Naira per mouth respectively, despite Family A earning more than Family B? This is also the reason India is one of the poorest countries in the world with over 700 million of their 1.3billion humans living below poverty level. China has also come around and is beginning to address this problem by trying to empower its exponential population of 1.6 billion humans trying to arm them with purchasing power. This is what has kept Western countries' standards of living higher than most other geographies - low birthrate and planning and distribution.
Icheoku posits that the United Nations and other agencies are right when they say that Nigeria is a poor country, notwithstanding the 20,000 plus heavy hitters (Nigerian millionaires and people doing well ) therein, 138 of who own private jets and 26 who own private yachts. So ask yourself at about .025% of the 160,000,000 humans that call Nigeria home doing extremely well, what fate befell those remaining 99.075%? Statistics do not lie and if in doubt, check how many people you are directly responsible for or personally supporting in one way or another and then configure the rest. So what the latest GDP index recalculation did to Nigeria, if they will imbibe the message, is to encourage them to do more. It is just like cheering a marathoner on the sidelines to urge him/her to push the extra mile for the finish line.
Like one commentator chided, "possibly it is because the West wants something from Nigeria that they did the sudden recognition?" Icheoku says YES, the West wants new markets for their products and Capitalism runs on MONEY; so if there is money to be made from anywhere including Nigeria, why not. Finally, Nigerians must demand from their leaders to do more for and by them - translation, invest more in the goose that produce the golden eggs and let the gander not be too greedy BUT learn to share what belongs to all. Meanwhile Icheoku congratulates all those hands in the tiller that made this milestone possible; what a welcome relief from all these Boko Haram infested stories that Nigeria has become about. More grease to those elbows that engineered the feat. Congratulations.
Like one commentator chided, "possibly it is because the West wants something from Nigeria that they did the sudden recognition?" Icheoku says YES, the West wants new markets for their products and Capitalism runs on MONEY; so if there is money to be made from anywhere including Nigeria, why not. Finally, Nigerians must demand from their leaders to do more for and by them - translation, invest more in the goose that produce the golden eggs and let the gander not be too greedy BUT learn to share what belongs to all. Meanwhile Icheoku congratulates all those hands in the tiller that made this milestone possible; what a welcome relief from all these Boko Haram infested stories that Nigeria has become about. More grease to those elbows that engineered the feat. Congratulations.
Icheoku says femininity is sexy and even sexier if it is self-respecting and does not unnecessarily and incessantly clash with masculinity. God made X and Y chromosomes so that they can compliment each other BUT not to compete amongst themselves as to who controls what or inadvertently get too confrontational and combustive against each other. There is a role for each person and understanding this cardinal rule of engagement makes some marriages seem tailored in heaven; while so many others are living, hellish nightmares destined to you know where - perdition.
Icheoku understands that YES, women have rights, BUT it does not include trampling on the manhood of their male companions as this becomes a hostile takeover of manhood and no longer a relationship; which embodies the spirit of give and take and recognising that each has a distinctive role to play in a relationship. To those women who want to be treated as Queen, remember to first crown your husband the King of the house and watch him sizzle and dazzle you, her Queen. If you want to be treated as a princess, first make your husband a prince and watch him ride in shining armour in answer to all your needs. People want to feel wanted and the moment you discard your spouse, you have lost him or her.
To all those feminists out there, who have converted their husbands into glorified houseboys in the name of securing their "FREEDOM or EQUALITY", Icheoku asks, why did you get married in the first place or did you want to eat your cake and also keep it? Marriage is a bargain and like in every bargain, there is usually a trade-off bargained for. Remember it is easy to honor Rodney King's "why can't we all get along" in marriage or any relationship provided parties are mindful that all men out there see you through the lens of your husband and trying to please them is a vain effort if you cannot please your husband. Ditto all those "MUCHO MACHO" males out there who think that the only way to prove their manliness is through unbearable subjugation of their partners (wives). Apply the golden rule of reciprocal acceptance of what you met out and watch your relationship bloom like spring rose.
Anyway, just a penny for your thoughts BUT be rest assured that spouses always want to do better and will always do better for their spouse if they are always acknowledged, encouraged and respected as a loving spouse. All those other "sidekicks" who are distracting you, ask yourself where were there before you met your spouse? That out of the billions of humans out there, you two found yourself is magical already. Remember that you cannot find love in a spouse whom you have shown no love BUT hate; and neither can you expect a sad and angry spouse to give you joy and happiness. No one ever gives what he/she does not have, own or possess. If you want something, give something first and in return, you will get a bountiful. Start today to be the best spouse you can be and see your wish of a dream home come alive.
In conclusion, Icheoku wishes continuing happiness to all those happily married couples who are enjoying the warm comfort of each other and in the same vein admonishes all those whose households have turned into an unbearably, nightmarish living hell. Remember to make your exit as quickly as you can if such situation cannot be sanctified and get out fast before it is too late. Life is not a rehearsal and only the living can maintain a relationship because the moment you are pushed off the cliff, your bereaved spouse will possibly fall into the embrace of your best friend? But hey, what does Icheoku know about matrimonial harmony except that you know you got it if it makes you feel good. Salute!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
For all those anti-gun apologists who said "just take guns away from the people and the problem of mass shooting will be solved in America," Icheoku queries would America also take guns away from her soldiers? Guns do not shoot and kill people, people do and this is where the rubber meets the road in the gun debate argument pitching NRA against those pacifists who believe that Americans should lose their 2nd Amendment right just because some loonies among them decide periodically to turn the weapon of defense into a weapon of mayhem. Icheoku, a blue-dog democrat or rather a conservative democrat, believes in the right of the people to own whatever their id desires and is affordable by them including guns, but also that people should act responsibly and be answerable for their actions.
The problem of people shooting people in America is not new and will not end just because another lunatic shot some people in a Texas military base; it is a way of life and practically speaking, part of the cultural experiment that is America. People have guns, guns kill people and people are going to experiment by putting their guns to test to find out if they actually perform according to merchantability?
Fort Hood, the largest military installation in the United States, which witnessed a mass killing by a PhD holder military psychologist few years ago, has once again been shot up and four people are dead as a result. Query:-how does anybody prevent against this type of misbehavior in a military setting with a lot of weapons and heavy ammo?
Taking guns away from people or soldiers is not an option otherwise they will no longer be soldiers - armed and dangerous in defense of the people. Icheoku posits that the solution probably lies in addressing the mind-set that finds nothing wrong in dispatching unsuspecting innocent victims to their makers and without first seeking their consent? There is the issue of mental problem, there is also the issue of choleric anger and there is additionally the issue of human-life that has lost its meaning and has become so much devalued that animals (DOGS) are sometimes valued more than humans? So what does a society reeling under such upheaval do to prevent or rather address the problem? Icheoku says there is no single silver bullet to fire at the problem to make it go away BUT at least people should be geared to relearn their values including LOVING humans once again.
The American society is a society that for most part, has lost real grounds in love as it is supposed or meant to be. Families are no longer what families used to be and limited resources inhibit proactive measures to nip such acts in the bud, hence the prevalence of these deranged fellas, who have nothing and no one to fall back unto when fighting their demons which force them to act out in this way and leading to such inglorious ends. If icheoku tells you that every day is not a real challenge at living, trying to stay safe, then someone must be lying through the roof. It is stressful, it is intense and it is hair-raising as you never know when another murderous thug will train his scope on you and before you could even find time to plead for your life, it is all over and it does not matter the setting or where you are including sitting inside the church or preaching the gospel in the pulpit or as this latest incident proves, inside a fortified military base.
Violence especially by gun has become part of the life every person has to accept and live with in America and there is nothing anyone can do about it; not when the National Rifles Association wants to sell as many guns and ammos as they could manufacture and pad the bottom-line. But hey, risk of living commenced the moment your mother pushed you out of her womb and if you cannot deal with it, just find a way to crawl back inside; except that will be tantamount to a camel passing through the eye of a needle - IMPOSSIBLE. So in such a situation where your option is absolutely limited to just one direction, what do you do? You just soldier on until you cannot soldier on anymore. Our sympathies to the families of the Fort Hood killed as well as their killer, whose family equally lost someone and possibly someone who cried for help as s result of his mental ailment which went unanswered. Life is one huge JOKE and it is a fact - here today, gone tomorrow, if not earlier. The ephemerality of life, that is!
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