Thursday, July 7, 2016


Icheoku says Mahatma Gandhi once said that 'an eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind,' therefore, we as people must try to stay advised of this by not always carrying out revenge, no matter the provocation.  The killing of police officers in Dallas Texas is not the answer to the problem of police killing of innocent unarmed Americans, particularly black American males. 

Icheoku is emphatic that the Police is not the problem, rather bad cops are and unfortunately, like a rotten apple that spoils the rest, they are giving the entire men and women in blue uniform a very bad name and it hurts their overall image. In the words of Bon Jovi of giving love a bad name, these rogue cops are certainly giving the police a bad name. This is the problem facing the police and this is the problem they have to facedown and solve. 

Icheoku says the police need a lot of public relations work to do in order to improve its image and rebuild trust with the public it serves.  However this will not be possible until they do some serious retraining and reorientation of their entire police force, to help turn around some of these trigger-happy, anti-people cops among them; and help make them adopt a more civilized behavior required of police officers dealing with the general public. People tend not to trust people they don't feel at ease with and this permeates every society including the police society. 

It is unfortunate that 11 Dallas Police officers have been shot with 4 of them now confirmed dead; but how do we, as a people, move on with lessons learnt here, towards becoming a better people than we were yesterday. This is the million dollar question and hopefully this Dallas killings as well as the two black men murdered in Baton Rogue and Minnesota within the last few days will be a turning point for all Americans to come together and fight the scourge of our society that is increasingly becoming very divisive and antagonistic of each other. May the souls of the 4 Dallas police officers and also those two black Americans killed by police now rest. Adieu.

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