Friday, July 8, 2016


Icheoku says in the spirit of the latest political-drama, the conclusion of the investigation of the Crooked One over her email-gate scandal, a little performance have been put together to satirize it. It is a short play performed by four actors and actresses as well as a supporting actor that make up the troupe. Members of the cast are President Barack Obama; Hillary Clinton; Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI director James Comy and of course Bill Clinton.

ACT 1: SCENE 1 - (Hillary Clinton enters the stage speaking)

Hillary - I did not do anything wrong. I did not send any classified emails using personal server. I have turned in every email that is work related to the investigating authorities.' (Hillary exits and in comes President Obama)

ACT 2: SCENE 2. - (President Obama enters the stage speaking)

Obama - Hillary is the most qualified person to be president. I will do everything within my powers to stop Donald Trump from ever becoming president. Hillary couldn't have done anything wrong and if she did, she did not have the required necessary intent to find her guilty. I hereby endorse Hillary Clinton for president. (Obama exits and in enters Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton)

ACT 3: SCENE 3: - (Bill Clinton in a dialogue with Loretta Lynch)

Bill - Loretta I happened to be passing through when i learnt you will be this way and I decided to wait to say hello.

Loretta: - "Hello Mr President, that was nice of you, Thanks for doing this; it means a lot to me that My President could find the time to do me such a great honor.

Bill - 'Not to worry Loretta; the pleasure is entirely mine.

Loretta - Of course Mr President, the pleasure is shared equally by me. So, how can I help you or is it your wife's matter?

Bill - Yes, Loretta, but before we get there, have you seen my grand kids? They are simply marvelous (pulls out his phone camera and scrolls to his grand children's pictures) Yeah, here is grand child 1 and the other just arrived a few short weeks ago. Aren't they awesome?

Loretta - Mr President they are indeed absolutely beautiful. I too have grand children or don't you know about that. (Loretta pulls her own picture phone and shows Bill her own grand kids)

Bill - Loretta, they are absolutely the epitome of black is beautiful. They are adorable. Now do you play or like playing golf?

Loretta - No Mr President, golf is not my thing. I am too busy  to pay attention or learn; although I do still find time to attend my sorority meetings. 

Bill - Loretta, anyway, the main issue that made me risk it all to see you is the she thing. Hope things are under control.

Loretta - My President, you need not worry as we got the telegraphed signal and things are under control. 

Bill - Ok, thank you Madam Attorney General. My wife and I will remember this when we eventually make it back to the White House, if ever we make it. Thanks, I will be dashing out now. Later. (Kisses her on the cheek)

Loretta - Mr President , have a safe trip. Bye. (Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch exit stage and sound of their plane engines taking off are heard) Then reenter Loretta Lynch with a drawn face, annoyed that the press found out about her meeting with Bill.

Loretta - Yes, it is true, I met with former President Clinton for only 30 minutes. We talked about our grand children and golf. I will not do it again and I will follow whatever the FBI recommends. (Exits stage and in comes director James Comy) 

Comy - " the FBI have concluded their investigation of the email-gate scandal and despite the mountains evidence, the bureau have decided that Hillary Clinton should not be indicted. She did not have the "intent" required to commit the crimes, which she actually committed as I marshaled out here. However, no reasonable prosecutor will indict Hillary Clinton based on our findings. (Questions shouted across but the director will not answer as he leaves and in reenters Attorney General Lynch)

Loretta - Yes America, as I said the other day that whatever the FBI recommends I will abide by it. Now they have recommended that there will be no indictment of Hillary Clinton. I respectfully adopt their recommendation because I don't want to be seen as an unreasonable prosecutor and in honor of my former promise to so do.  Hillary Clinton will therefore not be indicted and the matter is hereby closed. 

(Loretta exits and Obama and Hillary reenter the stage holding hands and singing kumbaya, free at last, free at last; at last I can now concentrate on beating Trump. Obama assures her that he will be with her all the way and will try to win back African American voters for her. The play comes to an end, lights goes out followed by rounds of  applause. Feet shuffling and people talking in small voices). 

Icheoku says only those unthinking 'Super Predators' will buy into the photo-op camaraderie between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and vote for Obama's third term through Hillary Clinton. Icheoku says enough; as it is time to punt to a different direction. Go Trump; Vote Trump and help make America great again.

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