Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Icheoku says anyone still in doubt about who will be the next president of the United States of America should take a hard look at the recently released polls, especially those from the make or break states of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. It is obvious from the polls that Donald Trump did not suffer so much from his ruckus with the "Mexican" judge as well as other negatives of preceding weeks; thus formally handing him his accolade, the teflon moniker, that he is not deflatable, nor can he be damaged by pinheads establishment conspirators. 

The closeness of the polls shows that his ruckus with the Mexican judge did not do much damage in addition to all other negatives of the few weeks preceding. It all shows that Crooked Hillary is irredeemably damaged and as flawed as as the worst flawed candidate ever to run for office. The mood in the country is definitely to pivot from the preceding eight years of knee jerk policies of governing by deferring and American people are tired of indecisiveness and will not vote for an Obama's third term in office, no matter the subterfuge of a Hillary Clinton's presidency.  

Icheoku had always warned that if a grey-haired 75 year old hippie grandfather Bernie Sanders could give Crooked Hillary this much run for her millions and name recognition, that a more energetic energizer bunny Donald  Trump will take her to the cleaners and lay her bare to waste. So far, Donald Trump has been trudging in his campaign solo, without the necessary backing and support of the Republican Party muscle. If he could stand toe to toe, as man alone and this close in the polls with Crooked Hillary Clinton, imagine the tsunami it will become once the Republicans are fully behind his candidacy alongside their financers and backers. 

Icheoku does not know about you, but looking at the place Donald Trump's campaign currently stands, and despite the hiccups of the past weeks and the millions already burnt by Crooked Hillary with barrage of negative advertisements against him, November looks very good for a Donald Trump's presidency. Icheoku calls on the Republican Party not to bite the bait of Team Crooked Hillary Clinton, who knows that their only chance this fall is to divide and conquer the house of the Republican Party, trying to divide the party or foist them against their candidate. So provided the Republican Party comes home to their candidate, the mood in the country does not and will not accept another democrat in the White House; especially not after the last eight years of President Barack Hussein Obama. 

America wants to resume their rightful place in the world, providing unapologetic leadership of a world in dire need of American leadership. Donald Trump has the presence and personality to lead America and by extension the world in crisis. Donald Trump has created thousands of jobs and knows what he is talking about, when talking about the economy; unlike the Crooked Hillary, parroting written talking points and who has personally confessed her deficiency when she stated that she will parcel out American economy to her husband Bill Clinton to manage. Query, if as president you don't understand how the economy runs, what then is your job being president? Donald Trump will also be tougher on national security and will show ISIS hell as well as protect the homeland. 

Icheoku affirms that in every presidential election, national security and economy trumps every other consideration for a preferred president. So without further ado, Icheoku emphatically states that come November, Donald John Trump will trump Crooked Hillary Clinton and will win the presidency as the 45th President of the United States of America. Go Trump; Vote Trump and together help make America great again. Trump will also build that Great Wall of America and Mexico will pay for it. Trump will also give ISIS hell and our national security will be assured and unlike President Barack Obama, will not try to try to be professorial in explaining Muslim Islamic terrorism but will hunt them down and destroy them. 

Crooked Hillary has nothing new she is bringing to the table; only that she wants to break her proverbial marble or steel ceiling by becoming the first female president of America. Unfortunately, she is not the type of female Americans will elect their first because she will not get their backs, having since been purchased and waiting to be delivered to special interests as well as her Arab financiers and backers. No more free loading on the backs of American taxpayers and every benefit conferred will begin to attract some responsibility or payment in return. It is good policy and it is wise policy and America needs to recover from its bludgeoning debt. To the question about American future, Donald Trump is the answer. 

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