Friday, January 8, 2016


Icheoku says it is not for lack of trying that Americans have not seen a sensible and more responsible gun control laws, to help take away guns from demented loonies who should not have them in the first place and thus help reduce the needless and senseless recurring decimal that is mass murders in America. Nope, it is because the National Rifles Association says no and have taken Congress hostage and holding them in a stranglehold of do so at the peril of losing your congressional seat. Cowered and intimidated into a state of near paralysis, the Congress has remained aloof while Americans continue to lose their lives to gun violence.

So it would appear that in their deal with the devil in which they sold their souls for congressional seats, Congress has chosen to side with the NRA against the American people, who have continuously lost they lives as well as those of loved ones to gun violence in America. Once again, the president made his case to legislate out this wantonness in a White House briefing few days ago, which he followed up today with a CNN organized town-hall styled conversation which he had with the American people. The president once again restated the need to make good on the promise of keeping American people safe and secured from needless and avoidable or rather preventable gun violence. The president reiterated that his executive action on gun control is meant to take guns away from people who should have them; rather it was to prevent and bar those criminals who should not so do from obtaining guns. 

Icheoku agrees that 365 million guns in 65 million American homes/possession, with 30,000 gun-induced deaths just last year 2015 alone is one heck of a worrisome statistics to worry about what the hell is going on with Americans. Hopefully this latest initiative by President Barack Obama to use executive powers, where he can, to ameliorate reckless gun possession and ownership by people who should not have them, would succeed. Even if only one life is saved in doing so, it is still a welcome plus development.  

Watching the interview with Anderson Cooper, Icheoku cannot but wonder whether the minders of Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari similarly watched the session to understand why America is indeed the exceptional country it is. The host, an "ordinary" reporter, intermittently interrupting the president and holding his feet to the fire to answer asked questions. A president was put on the spot to explain his latest policy initiative, with repeated follow-up questions and literally made to sweat out answers to the questions. But the eyesore that was the referenced President Muhammadu Buhari's 'meet the press' gimmickry, a sullied caricature, was entirely different and drab with the no whoa moment. Even when President Muhammadu Buhari said what he said, which amounts to his ascendancy to despotism by trying to justify an unjustifiable and indefensible disobedience to valid courts orders, none of the interviewing journalists follow it up. 

Icheoku had expected any of the journalists to tell the  President Muhammadu Buhari that he has no choice in the matter and that Nigeria is now in a democratic dispensation where the rule of law reigns supreme. That once the  arbiter, the court, has made a pronouncement, it supersedes every other opinion including one based on the personal idiosyncrasies of a former despotic coup plotter; who flagrantly disobeys courts' orders simply because they did not suit his idea of vindictive justice. Icheoku says President Muhammadu Buhari does not believe that he owes Nigerians any responsibility whatsoever for putting him into office and therefore does not give a damn whether or not they are concerned about his acting unlawfully. Anyway, speak of a country of anything goes which found a cattle rearer, the best there is to be elected as their president. President Muhammadu Buhari, Icheoku says that you have no discretion in this matter, so you must obey court's orders and free Nnamdi Kanu and Sambo Dasuki immediately.

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