Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Icheoku says every decent Nigerian who means well for the country would and should respect the rule of law. They also would wish that everyone else in Nigeria including President Muhammadu Buhari, should similarly do so. Therefore the continuing detention of two Nigerian citizens whom various courts granted bail, but who President Muhammad Buhari continues to hold, albeit illegally, since both are post bail, is condemnable and should be condemned by every right thinking and fairly disposed Nigerian. 

Their continued incarceration is by extension the continued incarceration of every Nigerian, in the 'open prison' which  Wole Soyinka once succinctly described was Nigeria under Muhammadu Buhari's first coming; which regrettably is being rebuilt once again and continuing in this 2016. Icheoku says we are all Nnamdi Kanu and Sambo Dasuki in this matter as every one's life and liberty is at stake here. If it is Nnamdi Kanu and Sambo Dasuki today, who shall it be tomorrow? Once again, Icheoku calls on President Muhammadu Buhari to free this two Nigerians from detention and also to free Nigerians from his country-wide mass incarceration by obeying court orders. Nigerians say, Je Suis Nnamdi Kanu et Sambo Dasuki.

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