Monday, November 2, 2015


Icheoku says it would have been a case of 'whodunnit' except that the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq has claimed responsibility for the horrendous 'Lockerbie of Sinai Peninsular', leading one to question if the world are now witnessing a new escalation in the crisis in Syria and Iraq? 

Query, does ISIS have the capacity to bring down a plane from such a high altitude and if, what does this portend to the flying world, especially those flying within the skies over the territories presently under the control of the terrorist usurpers and land grabbers of the Middle East. How safe is now the airspace over this territory adversarial now known as Islamic State of Syria and Iraq. Icheoku says this development is surely a wake-up call for the world to rise up and address this burgeoning Islamic terrorism as a global, world-implicated tragedy; and not continue to ignore it as only a Middle East or Northeastern Nigeria regional problem?

Icheoku says possibly Vladimir Putin's Russia will soon find out that they bargained more than they can chew in their leader's decision to intervene to help Syria's Assad cling unto power. It might be deja vu the then Union of Soviet Socialists Republics' experience in Afghanistan and whether the Russian people will have the stomach for such heavy losses will be time sensitive and yet to be determined. Al Querida has called for a reenactment of the USSR and Afghanistan boondoggle in Syria and urged all its followers to replicate and re-engineer the USSR forced retreat from Afghanistan in Syria. 

Icheoku says no one knows whether Vladimir Putin's ego will readily cede such loss of face again by beating a retreat from Syria. But before that, the loss of 224 Russians including women and children to this senseless murderous madness of some urchins from the pit of hell should not be condoned but avenged by Russia, with the help of the entire world acting collectively. Russian airline Kogalymavia also known as Metrojet Flight 7K9268 crashed or was rather brought down by ISIS enroute St Petersburg from Egypt's resort town Sharm el-Shiekh. What a loss and what a world in turmoil with these raving lunatics called Muslim terrorists ISIS as well as those terrorizing Northeastern Nigeria, Boko Haram now holding the world hostage to their murderous ideology and capacity to inflict untoward pain and anguish.

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