Sunday, November 1, 2015


Icheoku says a church by definition is a building used for religious activities, particularly for worship services;  for the gathering of people or rather faithfuls  to profess their faith and carry out all such other related activities in furtherance and propagation of their faith. So it goes without saying that provided a form of worship is envisaged, it does not necessarily have to conform to a particular sect or acceptable religious order for a building to so qualify. Therefore having a Church of Lucifer or Satan is not necessarily a misnomer or an aberration since those adherents or faithfuls thereto believe in the celestial dominion and divinity of Lucifer over them, deserving of his worshipping. Just like different religious sects and orders including Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Paganism have their mosques, churches, temples and shrines, Satanism might as well and as of right, also have their own place of worship, regardless. 

This appears to be the logic behind the Satanic worshippers of America who are gradually spreading their religion and opening their churches throughout the United States of America. Icheoku has no opinion either for or against these Luciferians, but says freedom of religion is not limited to nor analogous to only to orthodoxy or conventional religion; but also covers and protects every religion and form of worship and it does not matter what the worshiper choose or decides to worship as their God symbol. 

So now you know that even Satan have his own admirers and you wonder what is it about Satan that these adherents admire? Then one recalls that Lucifer is a democrat who loves life and wanted democratic governance established in heaven; except that God said no and in order to forestall any further agitation or possibly a violent overthrow of governance, had him expelled from heaven and banished him on exile to earth. Just a little foray into forensic examination of some biblical and Christianity stories and account of the fall of man; admitted Icheoku might draw some flak from some fundamentalists zealots for venturing into some no-go area and usually not tolerated discussion subject matter of their Christianity. 

Anyway, just trying to fathom some reasoning behind the ideology of the Church of Lucifer.  Icheoku says it is in line with the reasoning of  those who argue that Judas Iscariot did not commit any crime, but only played his designated role in helping bring  about mankind's salvation. This school of thought argue that Judas Iscariot should be admired and adored but not loathed and vilified, because his act was part of the general divine plan because without his betrayal of Jesus, possibly Jesus would not have died in order to purchase mankind's salvation. But hey, it is just an mental exercise which is not meant to question anyone's belief or whatever account of salvation anyone holds dear and/or propagates.  So now, what is next and are we going to someday see a Church of Judas Iscariot established? Time is such a magician, so who knows!

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