Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Icheoku says should men cease and desist from approaching for dates and/or even asking her hand in marriage, Halle Berry, that is? How many times is indeed acceptable as reasonable for a daughter of Eve to say "I do" and then only to later forswear that same word by saying "I  am not doing any longer?" Elizabeth Taylor had her record of marrying so many husbands and repeatedly walking away from them. Jennifer Lopez followed suit and now the "Walking-away wife" title is apparently being bequeathed on Halle Berry; and you wonder whether some women are not indeed cut out for that institution? 

Icheoku has nothing against anyone walking out of any relationship including marital relationship, with or without cause; but a situation where a person have gone through the convoy belt three times begs the question whether it is about time she stopped and see the institution as not a perfect fit for her. Good enough marriage is not compulsory and no one should be married who does not want to. That one has the right to marry does not necessarily mean one has to do it; moreso one is not analogous to the other. It is called restraint and self-discipline which with Halle Berry, appear none existent. She appears to belong to that category of women with over-bloated sense of self-worth, who usually delude themselves that they can readily have their way with as many men as they desire. That regardless, many more men will still be lining up for their own chance at auditioning for a Halle Berry's man or husband, no matter how fleeting?  

Common sense also dictates that it behoves the intending spouse to, during dating and courtship, verify that she or he is making a good informed decision before jumping off into the waters of marriage. Like with any water, you have to swim in order to stay afloat and so is the institution of marriage where you have to work it in order to make it work. So query, does Halle Berry, usually go into these relationships without first thinking them through or thought it would be a rosy cake without the parties bringing their best to make it happen. Icheoku is not an insider nor pretend to be an expert but makes bold to say that henceforth it is either Halle Berry stops marrying or men are advised to stay away from the Hollywood goddess to avoid becoming just another "The best until it ends" victim of a woman who finds it too hard to do the heavy lifting required to keep marriage afloat or rather who does not see any reason to stay married or is too independent to play any role to anyone. 

Three times married and three times divorced (the third is still in the works, divorcing) and dated several men, Icheoku queries whether Halle Berry is possessed of some men-replent demon which is anti-relationship as well as anti-marriage? Why does she feel the need to be married when she is not ready to stay married? Why not just live a life of single-hood and forget about all these men who are only good enough while it lasts? Men described by one of her ex, David Justice, as being her "Knights in Shinning Armor until it ends?" Admitted she is seen as beautiful, but hey, there are so many other beautiful ladies out there for any man seriously seeking a home that will endure to marry. Or rather why do these sons of Adam willingly queue up just to shortly find out the real deal about their goddess and end up upside down in the land of a Halle Berry once was? 

Icheoku queries is this a case of a woman who cannot remain a wife or a willing wife who cannot seem to find a husband she desires and deserves? Whatever the case, with this third divorce in the works, Halle Berry is not showing good example to all the intending wives of this world nor is her attitude to marriage giving any hope to all the would-be husbands; people who will now be questioning themselves whether the whole shebang is worth the trouble afterall. 

Icheoku laments that Halle Berry definitely does not appear to be a good marriage role model as Oliver Martinez, Eric Bennet and David Justice will readily testify. Also the very long list of men who have allegedly passed through her including Heavy D, Kevin Costner, Michael Ealy, Wesley Snipes, Christopher Williams, Danny Wood, John Ronan, Eddy Murphy, Shemar Moore, Fred Durst and Steve Jones can only attest to one thing - that the river goddess finds men either not interesting enough to be worth keeping; or the men find her inadequate or lacking of wifey qualities. So men and prospective suitors, you have been warned and put on notice to look the other way when looking for a woman to call a wife as Halle Berry will give you the Halle Berry's treatment if you venture. What a testament that marriage is not meant for everyone and Icheoku agrees that this woman readily marries but hardly stays married. 

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