Friday, October 16, 2015


Icheoku says unfortunately a society where nobody likes to take responsibility for their actions are now looking for somebody to blame for the drug overdose of a 35 year old man, who is sane, was married and also fathered some children too. A man who voluntarily checked into a brothel and blew a whopping $75,000 in a tharee day sex orgy with prostitutes, binging on drugs, alcohol and other things offered on the menu, including herbal Viagra or Reload; he overdid himself and ended up comatose and someone is making excuses for his action? Icheoku says please give me a break that either Kobe Bryant or Khloe Kardashian or any other one else is the babysitter of Lamar Odom and should have stopped him from walking the plank if that was what he choose as a means of his exit. 

With this staggering and mind boggling disclosure, whether he even deserves pity and sympathy from the general public, especially those Americans who cannot afford food to eat, becomes questionable. An amount which could have easily helped pay off an indigent student's college loan or even help feed some homeless hungry Americans scattered everywhere in America or made into a charitable donation to some good causes.  Icheoku says imagine what $75,000 could do for you, particularly those down and out Americans who are instead living the American nightmare. But no, he would rather waste it on heightened immorality, cavorting with prostitutes and indulging in banned illegal substances simply because it was his money? It was his money and therefore he reserves the right to and can do whatever the heck he wants to with it including selfishly over-indulging himself to the point of now near death. Yet somebody is making excuses that it was someone's else fault and asking people to empathize with him? 

Icheoku says but for our common humanity, Lamar Odom does not deserves sympathy nor pity; but should in the same manner make his latest ordeal his personal and private matter too. Michael Jackson overdosed on drugs. Whitney Houston same; ditto her daughter with Bobby Brown, Kristina; and now Lamar Odom is nearing the exit aided by the same illegal substances. Icheoku queries when will enough be finally enough before we can stand up to these addicts and ask them to seek and get help? Why do we as Americans continually make excuses for these crackheads who think that they are on top of the world by being doped and inebriated? So many people have died as a result and you ask yourself what was Lamar Odom thinking or did he think that what killed others cannot and will not kill him, because he is a superman? What lessons did we all including a pre-comatose Lamar Odom learn from the tragedies of MJ, Whitney and Kristina? It appears nothing and the same demon that took these other people away forever is now trying to add Lamar Odom to its hit list and someone is saying what? 

Icheoku does not care a hoot about whatever personal troubles any one is going through that possibly forced their hands. We all have our issues, but how we solve them or get out of the bind is primarily a personal call. While some people choose the narrow straight path including getting help that gets result, others bullshit their way through them be numbing themselves with narcotics and barbiturates and sometimes they go over their limit resulting in Lamar Odom's like condition. So it goes without saying that Lamar Odom exercised an option here, he made a choice to get stratospherically high and then to engage in orgy with prostitutes as if sex was going out of stock. He did not make it out in one piece and is now life-challenged, clinging to his life by the thread and battling to save himself from a threatening death. 

So whose fault was it that Lamar Odom overdosed on substances but Lamar Odom's. Yet some people are trying to make excuses for a fully grown 35 year old adult male, who is expected to and should be solely and entirely responsible for his actions. No one made him do it nor was a .45 Magnum pointed to his skull and threatened to, UNLESS. Therefore let us all stop all these bulk-passing and blame game; and instead concentrate our energy in praying for a miraculous breakthrough with his gravely challenged situation. This is the much we can collectively do now under the circumstance, but anyone trying to point an accusing finger to where it does not belong, including Master P, is rather too patronizing. Such behavior should therefore be condemned by everyone as not useful, neither right nor proper. Icheoku says Lamar Odom is an adult and as such is fully responsible for his actions and conducts, including for whatever he voluntarily ingested or needled into his veins at the Love Ranch prostitutes cove in Carson City Nevada. What a strange lesson it is indeed that despite the warning of Whitney Houston that CRACK IS WHACK, Lamar Odom still choose to ignore it anyway and is now tethering on the brinks. What an avoidable tragedy that keeps on giving and which is claiming more and more victims including some of America's finest.

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