Thursday, October 15, 2015


Icheoku says the news out of Las Vegas Nevada that former NBA superstar Lamar Odom was found unconscious in a brothel is not heartwarming at all. If anything, it yet showcases the drug problems afflicting millions of Americans, majority of who are psychologically and emotionally lonely and looking to drug as an outlet companion. Unfortunately many of these cries for help usually go unanswered until it is too late to intervene and  successfully pull the victim off the ledge of the cliff, before the fatal jump. A case of struggling with one's demons, Icheoku would say; a drug demon which has held Lamar in a stranglehold of 'clean today dirty tomorrow' and for such a long time. Now it is finally threatening to take him out of this world and forever. 

Lamar Odom is in a fierce fight for his life, comatose and on life support; a result of alleged multi cocktails of drugs found in over-doze quantities in his system. Latest information has it that his organs are beginning to pack up and that he sustained brain damage, further decreasing and diminishing his chances of making it out alive and if, not whole. Icheoku wishes Lamar all the best in his effort to stay alive and hopefully if he makes it out alive and well, the scare will be more than enough to forever scare him away from those scary substances to which he could not completely break free of their addiction. What a way to abruptly bring one's life to a screeching halt - in a brothel cavorting with prostitutes and heavily doped to the point of death. But hey, he is an adult and only he can help himself shake off his monkey. What a life we live.

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