Monday, October 26, 2015


Icheoku says boy did William Shakespeare call it right that some people are born great, some people achieve greatness while some people have greatness entrusted to them. As with the newly chosen Ooni of Ife, the three variables seemed to have confluenced in him. He was born great as a prince; he achieved greatness by being accomplished in life and he now has greatness entrusted upon him by being made the Ooni of Ife. 

At merely 40 years of age, he will have a very, very long reign baring any unforeseen intervening circumstances. By his selection, the Ifes have proved themselves smarter than Nigerians, choosing a young vibrant man to lead them; unlike the infamous septuagenarian whom unthinking Nigerians settled for. Icheoku wishes the new Ooni of Ife, the 51st Ooni of Ife, Prince Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi of the Giesi Ruling House a happy,  peaceful and successful reign. Congratulations to Ife people for a peaceful transfer of power in their Kingdom and to the new Ooni for being the peoples first choice. May his reign be prosperous and remarkable. 

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