Monday, October 26, 2015


Icheoku says the blurring of lines between gender continues as Glamour Magazine names a person who is biologically a man their woman of the year. By this honor, it now appears that biological appendages is no longer the determinant factor of anyone's gender and has no effect whatsoever. A genderless society, driven by wild-eyed feminists insurgents who are hellbent on creating a gender-neutral society and one wonders how far is actually going too far with the attempt to blunt sexes. Is it possible that these anti-biology anarchists are trying to establish a world of Aphrodite, where irrespective of one's biology, it does not matter?  It reminds Icheoku of some people 's argument in the past that the difference between a clitoris and a penis is just a question  of length. 

It is rather very unfortunate that Glamour Magazine could not find any real woman throughout the world worthy of naming its woman of the year and has instead chosen a make-believe woman, a man, to bestow that honor. It is also very condescending, insulting and lowly for that magazine to make such a broad-brush statement against women that they are not women enough or not worthy enough for the honor? But whether transgender women are women or look like women or sound like women or behave like women is still a debatable proposition. 

Icheoku however disagrees with one commentator that 'Jenner might feel like he is a woman, wants to be a woman and living as a woman, but thoughts alone do not generate biology or reality." The controlling factor of anyone's sexuality should be the state of mind of such a person - if as in the case of Bruce Katilyn Jenner, he feels like a woman, so be it; admitted there is nothing as good as the real thing. Lastly, Icheoku says if it is ok for women of this world to accept a man as their woman of the year, oh well and dandy, it is also alright by and with Icheoku too.  Now welcome Bruce Katilyn Jenner, a man by biology and a woman by preference, the 2015 Glamour Magazine's Woman of the year. Congratulations Kat.

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