Sunday, October 25, 2015


Icheoku says what a woman of great courage, simply Amazonian. Icheoku doffs our hat to a very remarkably true embodiment of a strong woman defined. A woman who is infused with steely courage and one who understands what the term strength in women actually indeed means. Watching her interview on CBS 60 Minutes program,  Icheoku could not but gawk in awe at the amazing wonder the people of Myammar are blessed with, packaged in a petite pretty lady, named Aung San Suu Kyi. She was eloquent, she had grasp of the issues, she is resolved, she is modest and she is simply very beautiful. Icheoku longs for the day Nigeria could be blessed with such a rare breed, such highly resolved individual, who could help take Nigeria out of the hands of those marauders, whose vice-grip on the country has deprived it of much needed oxygen it requires to exhale.

Icheoku says this woman is a great testament to and true definition of what really being a strong woman is. As opposed to all those wild-eyed feminists whose idea of being a strong woman is the perpetuation of strange oddities and despicable misbehavior against their husbands. Crazed-out Jezebels who have converted their homes into hellish dungeons for their completely emasculated husbands to tremblingly whimper in; and who brashly parade themselves as strong women but unfortunately do not cut it for Icheoku as such. However, Icheoku has no sympathy for these castrated breed of husbands who because of food, support and sex have completely pawned over their manhood and now make do with merely being seen as Mr Mom or married to that woman? As Rush Limbaugh would say, if you acquiesce to your manhood being locked away in testicles lock-box, that's your problem. But serving as devil's advocate, Icheoku says whether these men who cannot fend or support themselves and their families, who cannot cook or feed themselves and who cannot find sex if they have to, are still men, strictly so called, is somehow debatable. This led one woman to once quip concerning her victimized husband, what use is a man anyway when everything is on me, regardless?

Icheoku says there is no rational man or husband who would not support every of his wife's reasonable aspiration and ambition; but majority of men, especially real men, usually take strong exception to being supplanted or substituted or overtly converted to a full Mr Mom. They simply will accommodate but will reject and refuse trading places with their wives completely. Like Aung San Suu Kyi rightly observed, these men see it as "not a sacrifice when you choose to do something" and will do it happily; but they will resist when it is compelled to the point of becoming nauseating. A matter made worse because some of these 'strong women' claimants, whose only claim to strength is in  lording it over their husbands, will turn around to tell how they dot on their father. They proclaim their father's role-model  stature but fail to understand that their own daughters would like to share in the single pleasure of similarly dotting on their own fathers, their estranged husbands. 

So query, would these women of lowly esteem be feeling this elated about and concerning their own fathers if their mothers were so mean, nasty and vagrant as to have alienated their fathers from them? The good news however is that what goes around, comes around; and fortunately their own sons will someday fall preys to other women somewhere. It naturally follows that if you treat another woman's son as garbage that another woman's daughter will treat your son as garbage someday; thus visiting your iniquities on your son accordingly. It is just the way of the world and it is steeped in unexplained and inexplicable mysteries. In this world, Karma is still very effectual and the same goes with those sons of Beelzebub from hell who maltreat their wives; as some other anarchists from the pit of hell will visit your daughters with so much unprintable nightmares. 

Icheoku agrees with Aung San Suu Kyi that 'you don't get something simply because you want it'; you have to work for it. A hard worker who works very, very hard and who sees challenges as opportunities to make some difference is an example of the type of a strong woman who any man would gladly wish to have as a wife. According to San Suu, some answers to certain life's problems are both simple and difficult and it is in establishing trust. By the same token, Icheoku remembers other strong women of great courage including those Aba Women Rioters of 1929, Winnie Mandela, Rosa Park, Mrs Ransome Kuti, Margaret Expo as well as the women of history who helped change certain  narratives. Icheoku wishes Aung San Suu Kyi all the best in the forthcoming election. What a world it would be if the United States of America has a president named Hillary Clinton the same time Myammar will have a president named Aung San Suuu Kyi; signaling the final take over of the world by the female species. Overall, a very good interview it was, of a very courageous woman who has a burning desire to help transform her country and citizens. 

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