Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Icheoku says now you know why this fanatic right wing Christian fundamentalist cannot and will never be elected president of a free United States of America where everyone including those who love and worship differently call home. Simply put, a Taliban American cannot be put in charge of our lives or seen to be representing our secular country by occupying our White House. Icheoku says a president of America, a country of laws, must not only respectfully uphold all valid laws of the land but must also be seen to encourage their general uphold. But when a habitual presidential candidate mounts the soapbox to support a violation of valid law of the land, then something apparently is wrong with the candidate which should automatically, permanently, disqualify him from ever seeking the highest office in the land and if he seeks it, must be rejected as too extreme for America. 

Mike Huckabee is just one candidate that has since lost a national appeal and have retracted to the confines of his fellow bigoted supposed "Christians of America", where he finds some solace and maintains his very subjective religious views which he considers supreme and superior to every laws of the country. Icheoku berates that if Mike Huckabee must be president of somewhere or anywhere, may be he should look forward to running in heaven and be prepared to be shown the way out just like Lucifer. Unfortunately, there is no more theology enclave left in the world where he can relocate to go preach whatever he wants including his support for flagrant violation of existing valid law of the land. Anyway, he is but a local champion who lacks national appeal nor broad traction and Icheoku is glad that his train derailed earlier in time as Americans understands fully the type of wild-eyed zealot this Huckabee is before it was too late, following his election into office. 

But thankfully America dodged the bullet and now even Sarah Palin stands a better and much more superior chance at getting elected United States of American president than this fat man of Arkansas. Just hear him supporting a woman whose fundamentalist views drove her into disobeying a valid law of the land and being contemptuous of a substantive court order. According to the fat man of Arkansas, "If you have to put someone in jail, I volunteer to go. Let me go. Lock me up if you think that's how freedom is best served. Because folks, I am willing to spend the next eight years in the White House leading in this country. But I want you to know I'm willing to spend the next eight years in jail, but I'm not willing to spend the next years in tyranny under people who think they can take our freedom and conscience away." 

Icheoku says he called a valid court order, issued by a duly appointed Federal Judge David Bunning, tyranny; yet he wants to become America's president? Anyway if only wishes were horses, beggars would catch a ride. So long Mike Huckabee and may your presidential aspiration now permanently rest and without any hope at a do over or of ever rebounding again.

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