Thursday, September 10, 2015


Icheoku says it is a fact of consequence that the Server-gate scandal has taken a drastic toll on the candidacy of Hillary Clinton and to the extent of somewhat irreparably damaging it. It is also an irrefutable fact that it was self inflicted, by a woman who is too cunning that she has outfoxed herself and is presently trapped inside the private server-gate that is likely to take her down the political  sinkhole forever. A matter she could have abated had she come out clean initially and leveled with the American people, admitted her mistake or rather oversight and then apologize for it. But no, she stonewalled and parried off questions until she became suspect before the American people as one hiding something and who is not clean enough for the office which she seeks. Her campaign took a heavy toll through the summer and now belatedly she went to a talk-show to say she made a mistake and that she is sorry. 

Icheoku says what took her so long and whether anyone is moved to change their perception of her as a lying presidential candidate wanna be is very doubtful. What a woman who self crashed and burnt an otherwise storied candidacy. Icheoku says except Hillary Clinton is the cat with nine lives and might eventually pull out her Hail-Mary redemption, her campaign is as good as dead on water. It is going to literally take the scrubbing of the minds and brains of analytical Americans for her campaign to rise again. Icheoku says lying sucks and people being lied to don't take it lightly because the lying party looks down upon them as being too dumb to know that they are being taken for a sucker. This is the present fork on the road to the White House for Hillary Clinton and only her can determine the road traveled going forward. She must retool and rejig her campaign and reform her contract with the American people to always tell the truth and always be truthful with them.

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