Friday, September 11, 2015


Icheoku says Donald Trump must distant his campaign from the erstwhile John McCain's vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as she has nothing to bring nor any utility to add to his now prosperous campaign. Like with Hillary Clinton, Americans know Sarah Palin and they have their minds made up about her. She is a lightweight political nitwit who brought no value added to the John McCain's presidential campaign and will not either to the Donald Trump's. 

Therefore Icheoku asks what then does Donald Trump hope to derive or benefit from associating with Sarah Palin; except if her being a potential "Energy Secretary" in the Trump's administration is somewhat beneficial to his campaign?  Icheoku says anyone calling or mistaking Sarah Palin as a political genius literally takes away the meaning of that word and does great disservice and injustice to real political operators  who rightly merited and deserved to be so called and identified. So Donald Trump, Icheoku says tear down any association or links to Sarah Palin and NOW; but if still in doubt, ask Senator John McCain, if in a do-over, whether he will again choose her as a running mate.

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