Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Icheoku says sometimes some lawyers just confuse people by complicating an otherwise simple straight matter. Just hear Kim Davis lawyer Matthew Starver speak about his client following her release from jail:- "She loves God, she loves people, she loves her work and she will not betray any of those three. She'll do her job good. She'll serve the people and she'll also be loyal to God; and she's not going to violate her conscience." 

Icheoku retorts as follows:- are gay people not people in the eyes and judgment of Kim Davis that she wants to deny them their human-right by barring them from getting married? If indeed she loves her work, then why not she do it? She just betrayed gay people by denying them their right to get married or didn't she? If she will do her job good, she better start issuing marriage certificate to everyone. If she will serve the people, why not also the people who are gay and loves differently? Icheoku says her conscience was already x-rayed and it stinks of bigotry and she has since proved too that she cannot love everybody equally as the good Lord Jesus did and still does. 

Icheoku asks how can these three apparent irreconcilable  be simultaneously achieved without one superseding the others and vice versa. Anyway, just another paid lawyer trying to earn his retainer and billed hours; and to do this, he has to play on semantics, the usual trademark splitting of hairs, meant to bamboozle the gullible. Icheoku says Kim Davis must not be allowed to use her very subjective conscience to negate a valid law of the land.

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