Monday, September 7, 2015


Icheoku says the fanatical far right wing christian woman of Kentucky, who, contrary to our Lord and Master Jesus injunction "thou shall not judge", have actively inserted herself into the gay marriage fray, as an arbiter and purveyor of what God wants, has no right nor business using her office to propagate hatred against God's people who happened to love differently. As a County clerk, she was elected to discharge the duties of the office including issuing marriage licenses to everyone who applies for it. She has no right, regardless of whatever subterfuge, to refuse a license to anyone who duly applies for one. Her job as an elected county clerk is to diligently discharge stipulated duties of her office; but not to subjectively and selectively choose what aspects of her official duties to perform. Therefore she violated her oath of office when she decided on her own, to cherry-pick her official duties by refusing to comply with an existing law of the land which provides for the issuance of marriage certificate to everyone. 

Icheoku says Kim Davis must not and should never be allowed to get away with her flagrant violation of an existing law of the land, which the highest court in the land, the United States Supreme Court, has since upheld as valid. Icheoku says had George Wallace been allowed to get away with his anti-civil rights disposition, black people in America would have still remained one third human beings with no right whatsoever. But his bigotry was forcibly shot down and the same George Wallace treatment should be applied to Kim Davis. United States of America must not stand for this clear case of discrimination against a minority group by an elected official who is refusing to discharge the duties of her office.  To do otherwise will be encouraging lawlessness and by extension an invitation to anarchy in the land. Imagine the Pandora box that will be opened if every official in America is allowed to only enforce or carry out those aspects of statutory duties that he or she agrees with? 

Imagine what will become the faith of millions of Americans were people with different biases allowed to discriminate against those people they see differently; because requiring them to do what they were elected to do will somehow cause them hurt-feeling or contravene their very subjective religious beliefs? How far is America prepared to go to accommodate the likes of Kim Davis of the land whose subjectivity is rather too petty and very irrational. Imagine the far-reaching consequences of such an accommodation , which have seen an air-hostess refusing to do her duties of serving passengers alcoholic beverage claiming her Islamic religion is against that? Query, if your Islamic religion is against that, what use are you therefore working in such an environment since your employer cannot be required to pay you for not doing the work you were hired to do? Not being a perfect fit for the employment, this air hostess should look for a job elsewhere that does not involve serving alcoholic beverages to paying customers?

By the same token, Kim Davis cannot be allowed to pick and choose who gets a government issued marriage license, whose agency she is in charge by reason of her designated office. If she cannot do her job for which reason she was elected and paid with taxpayers money, including those she is discriminating against, she should resign her office. No one is asking Kim Davis to do anything or become gay or be married to one, other than to do her job as a country clerk. She as a self-confessed person who has done so many vile things, possibly has done more bad things and caused more harm to people than loving gay people who simply want to get married. Icheoku is emphatic that her likes possibly constitute more than 75% of Ashley Madison clientele and they could care less that God particularly frowned against adultery. Even as a professed Christian, giving her the benefit of doubt, she should have been appraised of Jesus Christ admonishing to give Caesar, Caesar's. 

If we are to buy into this vile fanatic's warped mindset and accept her very anti-gay behavior, can we also standby as a KKK racist emergency room doctor similarly decline to treat a black accident victim claiming a racial bias against niggers as an excuse? Can a county clerk who is a Muslim be allowed to deny issuing building permit for a church because to do so will hurt his religious belief against infidels? Can a Jehovah Witness county clerk refuse the issuance of liquor license because alcoholic beverages is against his religious beliefs? Kim Davis has to be immediately stopped cold in her tracks because to do otherwise will open cans of worms from which an uncontrollable monster might crawl out. If she is allowed to have her way and use her official capacity as a weapon of mass destruction against a disparate group,  simply because of their sexual preferences, who knows what other belief, someone somewhere, might invoke to cause a denial of rights to other people. 

Icheoku maintains that Kim Davis has no constitutional or statutory guaranteed right not to do her duties that should be protected through an accommodation of her present misbehavior. Rather, the people whose right is being infringed upon and violated here, are those same-sex potential spouses who are being denied their right to marriage with the refusal of issuance of marriage certificate by this woman. Kim Davis freely ran, was elected  and sworn in to discharge and uphold the duties of the county clerk and without bias to anyone. So what changed, one may ask? Could she be allowed to similarly decline issuance of marriage certificates to a Jew, a Muslim or a Buddhist couple citing her hatred for their religion or that they are not worshipping her true God or in disagreement with  their mode of worship? Icheoku says one thing with precedent is that they have a long reach, hence setting a bad one must be avoided at all cost. 

Gay Americans have earned their right to marry in America as the Supreme Court recently affirmed; hence all the Kim Davis of America far-right wing fanatical Christians must not be allowed to impinge or deny them this recognized rights to marry whoever they love. It is the law of the land and the law must be enforced black lettered; and it must not be allowed to be distorted or disregarded by reason of biased and peculiar lens of one individual. Icheoku says Kim Davis cannot be allowed to take away another person's right in protestation or protection of her own very subjective religious belief. As an elected official, Kim Davis does is not at liberty to choose and pick what aspects of her official duties to carry out and which to deny. These duties are obligatory and not personal to her but are annexed to the office which she occupies and they preceded her arrival thereto. It is also instructive that she freely campaigned to be elected to the office, with her implied consent to accordingly discharge the duties of the office without any reservation and she swore an oath to uphold the office too. This wild-eyed fanatic must not be allowed to hold people in Kentucky, including those who believe differently, the unbelievers as well as the faithless of the society, hostage to her peculiar religious belief

Icheoku says whatever this thrice married and twice divorced woman beliefs are, they are her private affairs and she must keep it to herself. She must not be allowed to compel everyone into sharing it or buying into it or even using it as a weapon of blackmail against certain people. Rowan County Kentucky does not belong to her, neither should laws of the country in force in Kentucky as well as in Rowan County be subject to her biases. She is merely an official, elected to carry out the duties of her office without bias or discrimination and she should comply or surrender her fiat. Icheoku says Kim Davis committed impeachable offense and should therefore be impeached. She violated her oath of office to discharge her duties without bias against anyone and to uphold the office of County Clerk of Rowan County kentucky. She veered off her authorized powers by hijacking the office of the county clerk by refusing to authorize others to discharge given statutory duties. She defied the Supreme Court of United States of America affirmation that gay couples have constitutional right to marry. She should therefore resign or be impeached from office. She should also stand criminal prosecution for committing act capable of precipitating lawlessness, anarchy and mayhem. 

Kim Davis is an embodiment of all the things that is wrong with America, where some fixated individuals have refused to let the country move beyond its past. Fringed people  who are constantly subjecting everyone to their warped thinking and crazed-out, stale and unshifting ideologies. Icheoku says to help understand how weird some of these Christian fanatics are, imagine one Gary Potter of South Shore Church of God in Greenup County Kentucky, saying that "God loves everybody except homosexuals and murderers who are going to hell." Unfortunately he choose to forget that our Lord and Master Jesus said that he came for those who are sick and not those who are well.  He also developed selective amnesia as to the teaching of the prodigal son parable. But hey, those that fall victim to this warped teaching are the gullible of the society who are not privileged to have traversed the bible with some scholarly comprehension. Otherwise they would have known that these fanatics are judging others in utter disobedience of the Lord's injunction "thou shall not judge." 

Icheoku however agrees with Judge Bunning that 'personal opinions and biases are not relevant to today's developments in America.' Kim Davis therefore must  shove her infamous opinion in her you know where and do her duty for which she was elected and paid with taxpayers money, including those of people being discriminated against, professionally. It is also pertinent that Kim Davis never asked that same-sex people's tax money should never make it into her paycheck? An admitted sinner who has done "a lot of vile and wicked things"; who only recently converted to her now fanatical religion, just a few short years ago in 2011; but she would not give or extend to others their own free election as to when to "convert?"  This was an option she freely exercised and admittedly lived in sin throughout her years until 2011 when she decided to turn a new leaf? The same Jezebel now wants to forcibly "convert" those same-sex "sinners" through a blackmail of  withholding and denying them marriage licenses. Icheoku laments that Talibans live in Afghanistan and this is America for crying out loud. 

Icheoku says Kim Davis does not live in heaven nor in a theocracy either to apply her "divine" laws. This is the United States of America, a country of laws and as an elected official she is duty bound to comply with laws of the land as it appertains to her office. She has no discretionary choice in the matter and should either comply or resign her office forthwith. If she cannot carry out her duties or find its execution too cumbersome or against whatever subjective beliefs she might have, she should move away to make way for those who can to effectively occupy the office. Kim Davis should relinquish her hold unto the office of Rowan Country clerk and her seat, let another take, so decreed the same bible. She cannot be allowed to adversely lay claim to the office whilst refusing to perform the duties of the office. Every rational American is in agreement that she should do her job or do the needful through resignation. There is no room for triangulation or splitting of hairs in the matter.  It is either she is all in or she is all out the office; and if she cannot stand the heat in the kitchen, she should get the hell out. Icheoku says no serious law abiding citizen of any society would accommodate such travesty as Kim Davis' current disposition towards a law of the land. Therefore Icheoku hereby calls on Kim Davis to either do the job for which she was elected Rowan county clerk and paid to do; or resign the office immediately.

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