Friday, September 4, 2015


Icheoku says run Kanye run and lets take back America and remake it into our own image; and truly transform it into a more welcoming place for all, regardless of their skin color. Kanye please run and lets remake America into what it should and ought to be, a land flowing with milk and honey and for the benefit of all. Kanye, Icheoku says run so that we can take over America and give it a real breathing soul as opposed to the staleness which power-cringing white people have turned it to. We did it with sports, we took over and transformed it into multi-billion dollars, fun and adorable pastime for everyone. We did it with music which we took from the drab monotone classical music to lively percussion and rhythm with multi billion dollars in revenue. Yes we can and we have done it with style and fashion too.  We did it with lifestyle that practically the world over and America in particular are influenced by black people's fashion sense,  both mainstream and off stream. We equally made Nike the multi billion dollar multinational it is. So why not remake the White House and the presidency by infusing in them some lively chocolate soul for it to actually pop.

Such that instead of having a staid presidency, lets make bling bling fashionable in the White House. With Kanye West in the White House, Americans will know real freedom and what it is indeed like to be truly living in a free country as free men and women. Medical marijuana advocates as well as other recreational users will indeed have a friend they can trust in the White House and will use their herbs freely without fear of prosecution under a President Kanye West. Furthermore, American prison population will see a drastic cut down as many prisoners will walk free once Kanye West is sworn in as president. Icheoku says unlike President Bush who does not like black people, Yeezus likes everyone including white people which made him marry one of their bimbos; hence a color-blind President Kanye West will be good for everyone in America. Lastly, America can use a first lady with an awesome behind as she can always be sent to Moscow whenever President for life Vladimir Putin starts his saber rattling to calm him down. 

So America, how how about President Kanye and First Lady Kim West for America 2020. Icheoku says regardless of what any hater might want to think, provided Kanye West is serious with his said plan to run for the presidency in 2020, the possibility of him winning the White House is there. All he has to do is to pick Taylor Swift for vice president and Justin Bieber for Secretary of State and America will have a White House controlled by Hollywood stars. The three have the fan base and they will come out fully mobilized in their millions to vote them into office. As an icing on the cake, Team Kanye 2020 could co-opt Beyonce and Jay-z as potential appointees in his cabinet and it will be a landslide routing victory. America will thereafter have the opportunity to truly witness the first bling-bling real black president of America who is down with the struggle and how things are done, how wrongs of many years are righted including payment of long overdue reparation. Icheoku, despite some sarcasm, maintains that if Kanye West runs for president, he stands a real chance at  securing the White House and should indeed give it a shot. Why not? So run Kanye run. 

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