Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Icheoku says murderer Kelly Gissendaner did not show her murdered husband, Douglas Gissendaner, mercy and therefore should receive none and thankfully did not receive any.  Her execution tonight by the State of Georgia was a deservedly good riddance of a bad female rubbish who grossly stained her womanhood and made Jezebel look saintly. She could have divorced him; she could have had him thrown out of the house; but no, she choose to have him murdered and by the hand of another man with whom she was cheating and committing adultery while still pretending to love the man she said "I do, until death do us apart" to, in her marital oath of fidelity. Icheoku says such a piece of human excrement does not deserve to share nor partake of any descent society's existence and therefore was rightly dispatched to where she now belongs - the very pit of hell. 

She conspired with her lover who waylaid her husband right inside their home, forced him at knife point to drive himself and in his own car to his execution ground. A remote area, so distant from his home, where he was then frog marched into a wooded area (a forest, not Boko Haram's Sambisa), and stabbed severally until he died of his many knife wounds. He suffered untoward pain, pleaded in vain for his life to be spared but eventually suffered a slow painful death. He was killed, his life taken in the most brutal way, with his wife, the woman he had married and planned to spend his entire life with, signing off on it. This animal of a wife and woman, lied to authorities that her husband was missing when she fully partook in his murder and the attempt to cover it up, destroying evidence too. Her culpability was not in doubt as she voluntarily confessed of her role in her husband's murder. 

Icheoku says if any homicide ever deserves to be severely punished, this one squarely fits the tab and therefore Kelly Gissendaner was duly served her dish of death. Anyone expressing contrary view should please inform Icheoku and other stunned observers how else such a heinous crime should be punished? Not when this savage beast spent close to 17 years in death row at the expense of Georgia's tax payers while she never gave similar opportunity to her murdered husband. Icheoku is not an avid fan nor supporter of the death penalty; but sure the case of Kelly Gussendaner could not have deserved any less punishment. Such a death penalty will definitely send a message to all other would be killers that the killed also deserve and will get some justice; and in this case, justice was rightly served. 

Icheoku notes that even the pope's intervention could not persuade the State of Georgia not to carry out its lawful duty of seeking justice for the injured and murdered of their state. Recall that this will not be the first time the Holy Sea has unsuccessfully pled such a death row inmate's cause. Late Sani Abacha of Nigeria similarly ignored a papal plea when he went ahead anyway and executed activist and Biafra hater, Ken Saro Wiwa, for alleged treason. Icheoku says may be the Vatican could do themselves a whole lot of good and save face from all such embarrassments by just staying focused on their primary mission of evangelizing for Christ. They should be laser-focused in their mission of saving souls and avoid this periodic dabbling into political matters of states which often sees them always coming up short. Anyway, Kelly Gissendaner killed her husband and now the state of Georgia, on behalf of her dead husband, has killed her too; so both parties are now equally redressed. A good case where the death penalty was well served. 

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