Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Chris Brown with Rihanna in 2012

Icheoku says Australian officials were out of their minds when they decided to re-litigate a matter that has since become functus officio in the matter of Chris Brown and his altercation with erstwhile girlfriend Rihana. Chris did what he did and has paid a price for it and there should the matter rest and be left rested. But when overzealous Australian officials decided to dust it up again in order to have a manufactured reason to deny Chris Brown entry to their country, they certainly crossed the line and Icheoku calls them out on this. Who never made a mistake, which led to our Lord Master Jesus to admonish those who have not sinned to cast the first stone. 

Chris made a mistake, he faced punishment and castigation for it, including a criminal prosecution in the court of law and he has since atoned for it, including publicly apologizing for what he did. Riri has since accepted his apology and forgiven him, so what is the stake of those Aussies in dabbling into a purely domestic affairs to deny him an entry visa based on this. 

Icheoku says those Australians cannot tell the world that all domestic violent persons in their country including aboriginals as well as white settlers have all been banished from Australia or that all those Muslims bombing places there have been all removed from their country. With Chris Brown, nobody died and in as much as Icheoku is not condoning domestic violence of any kind, says it will amount to an overkill double jeopardy for those Aussies to still punish Chris Brown for a matter which has since been prosecuted and punished duly both by a court of competent jurisdiction and that of public opinion. 

Moreso why deny and deprive those millions of Australian fans that will be greatly entertained by his performance, the opportunity presented with the planned concert. Icheoku says anyone who does not want to attend the concert in protest, should be allowed to voluntarily boycott the concert; but the planned general blanket ban of the concert by the government is simply too broad and therefore should not be allowed to come to fruition. Icheoku therefore urges the officials in Canberra to rescind their planned decision to ban Chris Brown from performing in their country. It is too much punishment and those millions of Aussie fans should be allowed to get their dose of happiness because a happy people are a more productive and effective people. So let Chris Brown perform.

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