Tuesday, September 29, 2015


“Our nation is sharply divided and has been divided for so long. Our nation is divided along religious lines; our country is divided along tribal lines AND the word of God says in Mathew 12:25 that a kingdom divided against itself shall be left dissolute, it also says a city that is divided within itself can not stand. It does not matter whether that is a nation or a city." - Yemi Osinbajo, Vice President of Nigeria. 
Icheoku says then why not let the word of God come to pass? Why continue to sabotage God's word by preventing it from coming to fruition? Why become an obstacle to God's words by continuously, forcibly holding the disparate peoples of Nigeria together; peoples who are unwillingly yoked together in the humpty-dumpty that is Nigeria so called? As a Christian, shouldn't Yemi Osinbajo rather be the one fighting hard to have God's word in respect of a Nigeria divided be fulfilled and to the glory of his father who is in heaven? Anyway, it is usually a matter of time before God's word eventually finds fulfillment; and as with the case of Nigeria, before the inevitable happens.

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