Thursday, October 1, 2015


Icheoku says what a man can do, a woman can do better; except of course campaigning for the United States of America presidency where Hillary Clinton has just discovered that it takes more than a shrill voice or darting eyes to connect with the American public. It unequivocally affirms that there are certain limitations among the sexes and as with the Clintons, a remarkably differentiating factor, clearly hoisting the one with the magic touch above the other wanna be. Now that she has solicited the best political salesman in America, her husband and former two term president, Bill Clinton, to put some much needed blood transfusion into her nearly bled out highly anorexic campaign, lets hope America will see some bounce to the ounce. 

Icheoku has no beef with the Clintons; neither does Icheoku not want to live to see the first female president of America named Hillary Clinton; but her current campaign is a shadow of what a winning presidential campaign ought to and should be. Therefore it is welcome relief to see the drafting of President Bill Clinton into her campaign effort; indeed it is a highly laudable come to the rescue mission effort. Hopefully Hillary will let Bill be Bill and not get too jumpy when his charisma begins to eclipse her and allow Bill make her president. Icheoku has only recently called for Bill Clinton to come to the rescue of his wife's fit-starts lackluster campaign and Icheoku is glad that we correctly called it. 

Whatever happens going forward, the stars never lined any better for Hillary Clinton in her effort to become the first female president of America than the present attempt where she has no apparent formidable challenger within the Democratic Party; a matter made better by the lack of interest so far by Vice President Joe Biden to join the race.  Icheoku wishes the Hillary Clinton's campaign well and like one commentator said that voting for Hillary will be like buying one and getting one free in Bill Clinton; Icheoku looks forward to a Bill Clinton's joint hands on the rudder. Icheoku however insists that the American people deserves better and requires more from the intending first female president of their country. So Hillary Clinton must man-up or rather woman-up, come clean with the American people particularly concerning her Server-Gate scandal, with further assurances that no shoe is waiting again to drop off her other feet. 

Icheoku is still following and listening to her campaign; but as  a blue dog democrat, if Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination and picks his vice presidential candidate correctly, preferably a minority and particularly a blackman, may be Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton will need to do more to pull Icheoku out of the Trump wagon. But in any other event, Icheoku is leaning Democrats and with Bill by her side, Hillary will sure make a good president. 

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