Monday, September 14, 2015


Icheoku says does not think that Hillary Clinton has thus far proved and demonstrated within reasonable assessment that she has what it takes to lead a very complex society and leader of the free world that is the United States of America. Icheoku admonishes that Hillary Clinton's political and historical antecedents, her summer performance on her campaign trail, as well as her other performances in many previously held assignments and positions do not give anyone any storied confidence that she has what it takes to get the job done as the first Madam President of the United States of America. America's female president,  an idea which many Americans have been toying with for such a very long that they will be prepared to accommodate Hillary Clinton, but first, she must convince them that they have a trustworthy partner in her by passing the smell test. 

Hillary Clinton is not a just happened personality on the American political stage as majority of Americans watched her from her days as Arkansas First Lady to America's First Lady to United States of America junior Senator from New York and then to her last assignment as Secretary of States of the United States of America before teeing off to campaign for her present effort at securing the nomination of the Democratic Party as its presidential candidate. Icheoku says this very particular candidate is a person with provable and traceable record and they are not very flattering record indeed to say the least. 

Peradventure, America knows what Hillary Rodham Clinton is and she cannot repackage herself into what she is not. Like the time worn aphorism, reinventing the wheel in the matter of redefining Hillary Clinton is an absolute impossibility defined. Candidate Hillary Clinton and her minders have the very difficult task of convincing Americans that the Hillary Clinton who they know inside out and who they watched implode before their eyes is any different. They want America to believe that Hillary Clinton can now do things differently which she never did all these years of many opportunities and given assignments to prove her can-do abilities but all of which petered to nothing accomplished. Icheoku is not needlessly piling up on this woman, but channeling her husband, Bill Clinton's 'just the facts' retort, Icheoku avers that her records are her greatest nemesis; just the fact ma'am. 

So ask yourselves Americans what actually does Hillary Clinton plan to do differently, which she never did through her husband President Bill Clinton, when everyone knew how close she was to that government, an insider of all insiders? As a first lady, her effort at health-care reform was not a good resume to occupy her record of achievements?  The Hillary Clinton attempt at healthcare reform was botched and Americans knew who they still hold responsible for that seemingly daunting task which Obamacare shows was doable; but which could not be mission accomplished by Hillary Clinton. Yet she wants us to elect her president and you wonder if she could not pull off a health-care reform, is it Wall Street reform for example, that will be an easy cake walk yield? Then there were the White Water's Susan MacDougal scandal as well as the Vincent Foster mysterious death, both which partially implicated her political resume and which she might be minded to throw more lights on. Then came her tenure at the State Department and Libya's Benghazi mismanaged crisis that claimed the life of our ambassador comes rushing to mind. 

That this has since snowballed into the private Server-gate scandal which is thus far proving to be the worst migraine of her campaign life is a media favorite story  It is equally a fact of consequence that her misjudge of the gravity of the threat of Nigeria's Boko Haram crisis, dismissing it then as a mere protestation by the deprived and marginalized against their  oppressive haves. Yet she wants us to elect her president and you wonder with this type of judgment and perceptive acuity? Finally the quick sand threatening to swallow her campaign effort is her earlier stonewalling and defensiveness in the private server-gate scandal. From the 'I did not do anything wrong' or channeling former vice president Al Gore, 'there is no controlling legal authority for using private server,' to her latest attempt at mea culpa saying that she made a mistake and that she is sorry for that, all are a little too late as no one is convinced on her sincerity and true contrition. Many Americans are questioning whether it is not just a ploy to deflect the issue of the server gate, a gamble that would infer judgment probably see her campaign train back on tracks again. 

Icheoku recalls that in one of these her attempts at a do-over or rather make-over interviews, that she will 'try to be as transparent as possible' going forward. To this Icheoku says that she implied by that statement that she has not been transparent nor forthcoming and that she has been hiding things from the American people and could still be and therefore simply up to no good afterall. Icheoku says to Hillary Clinton, instead of trying to be transparent, why not just be transparent; and let American people be convinced by what they see as a newly transformed and transparent Hillary Clinton and not just one they are waiting to see morph into a more transparent person. May be Hillary Clinton under-appreciated the damage this statement did to her candidacy as no American trust someone who is hiding something to be their president and commander in chief of their armed forces,

Anyway, as Icheoku previously opined in one of our articles, Hillary is merely riding the surf board of her husband Bill Clinton  But for her husband Bill Clinton's goodwill and the love American people have for him, which they inadvertently are channeling to his wife,  Hillary Clinton would have remained just a nondescript Midwestern woman, just another woman like any other in America. She is drab, very mechanical to the point of being robotic, not exciting, not charming nor have the charm offensive, her smile appears plastic, she is not spontaneous and does not know how to work the crowd or even tell her story convincingly. Simply put, in her does the meaning that opposite attracts come to light, when compared to her husband Bill Clinton. This perception is rife, leading to many people wondering whether this is the reason she has not divorced and walked away from Bill Clinton; as she is trying to ride his popularity into the White House as the first woman president of America. 

Anyway, Icheoku has not finally foreclosed on Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy just yet; but says she and her team need to do more to reinvent both her candidacy and her campaign. No one is excited nor giddy in their support for her 2016 run for president. Icheoku alerts that barring a complete and total, very far-reaching make-over, America might not see the ever anticipated first female occupying their White House as president and commander in chief in someone named Hillary Clinton; at least not in 2016. Probably, Hillary Clinton might not be the one to be so honored as the first female president that America desires and deserves; nor can she be that leader America trusts to deliver the goods as their president. 2016 presidency is fast slipping through the wet hands of Hillary Clinton and may be it is about time she surrenders and submits to her husband and beg him to please help make her the next president; otherwise she might as well forget it as a dream which has almost completely evaporated. 

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