Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Icheoku says if only America had listened and heeded the wise counsel of General Colin Powell that "if you break it you own it'; possibly all these immigrant crisis enveloping Europe and which is threatening to spread to America would have been a none issue. Prelude to the Iraqi invasion by President George Walker Bush led 'coalition of the willing', General Colin Powel warned against the move, saying that removing Saddam Hussein from power will unravel so many age long ugly things in the Middle East. He was ignored as Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney railroaded President Bush into toppling and killing Saddam Hussein. Today, in the absence of a strong leader, Iraq is imploding; making condition favorable for ISIS to step in and occupy some of its territories. That some of these immigrants are coming from these ISIS controlled areas of Iraq is without doubt. 

Ditto the leader of Syria who is teetering on the brinks of being removed from office too by the same Europeans and they choirmaster America, always calling the tune while there Europeans simply chorus the refrain. So weakened, Bashir Assad could no longer maintain authority over the whole of his country's territory, leaving ISIS to step in and occupy some of them as well; and then constituting it into the Islamic State (Caliphate) of Syria and Iraq. Many of those immigrants invading Europe are coming through these ISIS controlled Syrian territories too. The late Libyan former leader Mummer Gaddafi once warned but no one listened nor heard that if he were ever removed from office, Europe will be swarmed by immigrants. A man under whose vice hold of Libya, immigrants were too afraid to venture close to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea talkless of boarding a dingy for onward sail to Europe. Europeans did not care about this warned premonition but instead went ahead with America's support to murder him anyways. 

Today majority of those immigrants invading Europe depart from the shores of Libya and Icheoku wonders whether King of Africa Moummar Gaddafi was also a prophet? Afghanistan is no different, admitted it is entirely of different implication because its invasion was prompted by the then country's leader, the Taliban, refusal to surrender fugitive Osama Bin Laden. Anyway the bottom line is that the West, Europe and America included, are partly to blame for the immigrant crisis in Europe because if they never disturbed the beehives, may be all these bees buzzing and stunning Europe would still be gathered together in their Mideast beehives. 

But now instead of wallowing in a Monday night quarterbacking, Icheoku says the world including America must move fast with finding solution to the immigrant crisis in Europe. As partly a responsible party thereto, they must make restitution by helping those stranded immigrants find meaning to life and reason to live again. Icheoku says these hapless and helpless immigrants had no hand in the shock dealt them. Their  first choice was to have been left alone and undisturbed in their various countries. Trekking to Europe in search of safety and security is but a second choice which circumstances and providence unleashed on them. Therefore Europe and America must see the need to absorb these refugees as duty not a favor they are doing to these immigrants. If Muommar Ghaddafi and Saddam Hussein were left alone, there would have been no immigrant crisis to worry about. Needless to add that Saddam Hussein's removal handed Iran victory over their expansionist tendencies towards and over their Western neighbors, including a no distant future bragging right as a nuclear power nation. 

These are facts, they happened and now these agent provocateurs in Europe and America must be prepared to deal with the warned fallout and then stoically see their absorbing and resettlement as a duty which they owe to those displaced persons. Good enough the skins of those Syrian, Iraqi and Afghanistan refugees is white-enough and will not constitute much problem for the Donald Trumps of the West, who would rather have a pure Caucasian only Western world. Although these immigrants' white is off-white, the Mediterranean white, but at least they are whiter than those "criminal" Mexicans crossing our Southern boarder as well as those charcoal African descendants who are summarily deported back to their Caribbean Island homes upon reaching land in Florida, while their Cuban counterparts are allowed to stay because their skin is lighter and as dark? 

Icheoku says may be the solution to all such future problems is for the West to butt out of the peoples problems and political issues and rather to mind its own business. The West will do itself great service if it ends its imperialistic policies that bequeath them the arrogant right to tell others how to live their lives. If diplomacy fails, apply sanctions and thereafter try to mitigate such bad situational leaders; but  the West must stop meddling and interfering in other countries purely internal affairs matters. But where the West continues with their quest to maintain a thumb on other peoples lives, disrupting and dislodging any government that says no to them, then that long would they expect such disastrous consequences as the overwhelming refugees seeking shelter and safety in their respective countries. 

In the final analysis therefore, the recent White House announcement that America will take in 10,000 refugees did not meet the expectation of Icheoku as well as so many people throughout the world. America as leader of the free world should be able to lead in everything including resettling these refugees. Ten thousands refugees is but a paltry drop in the bucket in a four and half million refugees situation, needing a place of safety and security. So the least the United States of America could and is expected to do is to absorb at least about ten percent of those refugees. By absorbing 400,000 refugees, America will somewhat make some impact in a very terrible and horrible human refugees crisis which was never before witnessed in recent history. 

Icheoku maintains that the 10,000 agreed to be resettled number is but a drop in the ocean and should be drastically increased in order to actually help alleviate the growing number of refugees who are needlessly suffering as a result of the actions of the West but who were never consulted when the disruptions of their countries and livelihood were planned in these Western capitals and subsequently executed. At least let America do it not only because it can but also because of our joint humanity with the suffering refugees. America can bump up its population to 500 million and still do very well; as there are large expanse of unoccupied land to support and feed these extra population. Better still, settle them somewhere in the middle of America where minimum wage will not be too high; and instead of shipping all our jobs to China and India and Mexico for cheap labor, just use these refugees' labor to help pay for their stay and upkeep in America.

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