Sunday, September 13, 2015


Icheoku says should all future parades   and festivities in Brooklyn New York be banned as result of recurring gun violence which has inflicted such a life threatening injury on Carey Gabay? San Francisco did it with Halloween parade in the Castro following a gun violence some few years ago. Now instead of the organized mayhem that use to be Castro Street Halloween festival, the event is marked in several parts of the city making it much easier for the police to have the celebration under control and not let it get out of their hand. 

Icheoku says like San Francisco, may be New York should consider banning the Caribbean Festival, the shooting of Gaby considered. That a "trouble-prone" parade is still allowed to hold in New York is simply mind befuddling and this latest shooting, one among the several recorded in this year's parade alone, should serve as a wake-up call for New Yorkers to do something about it and take their city back from these hooligans who bring tear and sorrow to an otherwise joyful occasion. Today it is Gabay, who knows who it shall be tomorrow; so lets do it in honor of Gabay by getting his frigging parade consigned to the cold doldrums instead of spreading the red carpet for murderers and thugs to use it to commit heinous crimes. 

Imagine this Harvard-trained lawyer and a staffer of Governor Andrew Cuomo, now fighting for his life because some thug shot him in the head as he was partaking of an otherwise celebratory event, the West Indian American Day Parade festivities. Icheoku says it appears that it is an offense now to be seen strolling with one's brother and friends through a parade's pre-party, J'Ouvert, in Crown Heights Brooklyn? Gabay took evasive action to protect himself from erupted gun fight, diving for cover between two vehicles, yet some blind bullets found his head as resting place? Today, he is in a battle for his life, intubated and unconscious in a hospital's intensive care unit. Icheoku says this is not how to live a life; and it is another sad occasion that calls for a reexamination of conscience by the NRA. The National Rifles Association should ask themselves must this mayhem and insecurity continue in our society as a result of too many guns floating freely around and in the hands of people who do not have to have them. Anyway, Icheoku wishes Cary Gabay victory in the biggest fight of his life. What a shot too many and may these violence please end.

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