Friday, August 21, 2015


Icheoku says a president who achieved more out of office than the conspiracy of circumstances allowed him while he was president and commander in chief of the United States of America. He impacted the lives of so many people the world over with his many pet projects including habitat for humanity using his Carter Center. He is to say the least beloved more out of office than many of his traducers allowed him while he served. So as Icheoku watched the 39th president of America, Jimmy Carter, deliver what could be termed his final farewell address, announcing that his cancer has spread to his brain, one thing and only one thing kept on reoccurring - here is a man well fulfilled and who lived a long happy life, regardless of whatever the prognosis of his cancer might turn out to be. 

90 years old; happily married for 68 years; a nuclear engineer and peanut farmer; politically accomplished individual as Georgia State senator, Georgia State governor, chair of DNC campaign committee and president of the United States of America; Nobel Peace Prize winner and a Professor at Emory University. Icheoku says regardless of the direction his diagnosis might take, President Jimmy Carter lived a long happy fulfilled life and any person in his shoes would happily answer the call whenever it is finally made. Good enough he acknowledged that much when he said "I'm perfectly at ease with whatever comes;" and also being a man of 'deep religious faith', he would not be shy to meet with his maker to get his reward for the many good works he did on earth while his sojourn lasted. 

In as much as Icheoku and the rest of Jimmy Carter fans including his family and friends would want him to stick around much longer, in case of the inevitable eventuality, his was a life well spent in service of humanity. A 'completely honest and transparent man' who would 'like to see Guinea worm die before he dies'; but reducing the scourge from 3.5 million occurrences each year to a mere 126 is as good as the disease predeceasing Jimmy Carter. His only regret seems to still be the failed Iranian hostage rescue that cost him his dream for a second term presidency. But hey, no one ever gets all the questions right all the time and in our strive through life, there are definitely certain things we have to fail in or are unable to get done, but overall posterity will judge President Jimmy Carter fairly. Icheoku says goodluck President Jimmy Carter  in beating the cancer and in any other event, it was nice he walked this earth.  

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