Saturday, August 22, 2015


Icheoku says is it not about time society finally dissolves the institution of marriage and let humans live as they were originally meant to live, wildly? What use then is all the pretentious spousal commitments to one  another when they do not intend to honor same but end up cheating on each other anyway? Now they are getting help with this cheating from none other than Ashley Madison, a casual sex and cheating network? 

Over 37 million married people were caught pants down,  like a deer in the headlights, cheating on their spouses. But thanks to The Impact Team, a hackers group, who successfully got inside Ashley Madison's database to expose this trend. The hackers demanded that the website shut down its business practice, being home wreckers or they will release records of their clients. The cheating website called their bluff and today details of those shriveling patrons who are using Ashley Madison as a cheating portal, have been made public; and there are so many holier than thou Pharisees patrons among them including a member of the Family Values activists family, Josh Duggar.  Icheoku says a website specializing in  "normalizing" extra-marital affairs and thus seriously attacking the very foundation upon which matrimonial relationships are built cannot be anything than anti-marriage and anti-society. 37 million married spouses are a lot of spouses to be cheating on each other and making nonsense of adultery. 

Icheoku says if according to Ashley Madison, life is too short so have an affair; why is it that having an affair is more important than one getting ready to meet his/her maker and explain their sojourn here in earth. Or still, could it be another clear evidence that religion and all their teachings about heaven and earth is nothing but a hoodwinking ruse? The Ashley Madison exposure goes to show that the rich and powerful can do whatever they want including paying for sex and cheating on their spouses. Courtesy of TIT, these cheating dirt-bags, who deserve no discretion whatsoever, who engage in prostitution and human trafficking and also pay per sex, are now exposed to be shamed and hopefully be forced to mend their ways. Icheoku also agrees that these lying scumbags should be having a very bad day with this lifting of the veil to expose who they really are.  Icheoku says the key, if you cannot stay married or do not want to get married, then just don't do it; stay out and remain single. 

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