Sunday, August 23, 2015


Icheoku says no one knows and only time will tell whether Hillary Clinton has irreparably damaged herself in the eyes of the American people, thereby foreclosing whatever chances she might have had of ever being handed over the key to the White House. But it surely does not look good that a person who is asking the American people to trust her with the highest office in their land, the American presidency; has in addition to her indiscretion of using a private server for her emails while Secretary of State, also went ahead wiping the said server clean, and thus shown that she herself cannot be trusted or at best, trust but verify. 

Query, why would a clear-conscience Hillary Clinton wipe clean a server which she knows or should have known contained all the information she sent and received through the unsecured portal; and which will be and is now subject of an investigation if she has nothing to hide? Why would Hillary Clinton so effusively treat this issue as if it is a joke that could be so easily 'wiped out with her cloth;' and this is the same person who wants to be trusted with the American presidency? Icheoku asks what happened to her trusting the American peoples' FBI, having faith that they will do justice with their investigation and not encumber their work by wiping out the slate clean that would have otherwise helped make their job easier? What happened to her leveling with the American people about what she sent and received through her unsecured channels by not stonewalling on their release and also not tampering with evidence by wiping the server with her cloth; and this is the same person who wants to be handed over the American presidency? 

Icheoku has no opinion either way - whether she continues with her quest to become the first female American president or withdraws and recuses herself therefrom the effort by reason of the unraveling and never ebbing away server-gate scandal. But whatever she decides to do should be done fast and soon enough in order to afford the Democratic Party reasonable time to find a shoe-in and in order not to pawn away the presidency to the other guys. A matter made more terrifying a proposition because that other guys might have a bigoted white pig named Donald Trump leading their charge. Therefore Hillary Clinton must act and act fast to either get out or begin to convince the American people that she has plausible explanation for the obvious criminal behavior or at best, her acts that have very limited trustworthiness.

Icheoku maintains that practically all the goodwill Hillary Clinton has been enjoying, is enjoying and continues to enjoy to this day, is courtesy of her husband William Jefferson Clinton. Most people who like or love or admire Hillary Clinton are simply transferring their love for Bill Clinton to her by reason of being married to him. This is the reason why many people have theorized that but for Hillary Clinton's ambition to become president, she would have since walked away from Bill and out of their marriage. Some people also share the view that Bill Clinton, subconsciously does not honestly wish Hillary Clinton well in her ambition to become president. According to this school of thought, he wants her to remain a wanna-be president only; hoping that as long as it simply remains an ambition, a sort of work in progress, his marriage to her will safely remain anchored. But who knows what the sly Billy is actually up to; as all these have not been conclusively substantiated; admitted reasonable grounds do exist to believe and continue to propagate them. 

Anyway, whatever the result of the current FBI investigation of the person of Hillary Clinton, as according to former AG Michael Mukasey, 'the FBI does not investigate machines' but people, Icheoku hopes and prays that she will beat all the rap and come out tops, smoking hot as ever and go on to eventually making record as the first female president of the United States of America. It is also good too that the said AG dismissed the rumor of the current FBI investigation being a political witch-hunt by President Obama against the Clintons? A rumor, almost taking a life of its own, that it is President Barack Obama that is the one engineering the possible forced Hillary Clinton's take-down and take-out of the 2016 presidential contention. Lastly, as the nation and the world await the outcome of the FBI investigation into whether or not Hillary Clinton, as a sitting United States of America Secretary of State, received and sent classified emails using private unsecured network; Icheoku prays and hopes that the former AG was not right that "it is inconceivable that a great deal of the information was unclassified;" thereby pinning Hillary Clinton with knowledge thereto and then its violation, moppets likely of a criminal nature, which might see her doing serious term barring a pardon. Icheoku says hopefully Hillary Clinton will not in her combustible ambition to move into the White House end up being moved into the Big House. Only time will tell.

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