Monday, August 17, 2015


Icheoku says channelling Al-Jazeera television, does not know what manner of a "spell" APC and its honchos have cast on Nigerians such that Nigerians are standing aloof and  awestruck, in the face of proven blatant hypocrisy of the worst kind of the party. The unbridled corruption perpetrated by those APC pretentious Pharisaic  hagglers who are masquerading as knights in shinning armor come to the rescue of Nigeria, when considered, makes that of the PDP seem a mere sleep-over party? A case in point is the recently blown wide-open graft by former Lagos State Governor Babatunde Fashola, using a conduit of a fabled website.  But for the ongoing retributive war of reclamation between himself and his former mentor Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, this fraud would never been brought it to light. Thanks to the feuding bandits, their 'yash' is being blown wide open for Nigerians to see how stinky-corrupt they were. It is indeed quite appalling and unfathomable that a sitting governor could blow away a whopping sum of 75 million Naira just to indulge a personal pastime, his appetite for upgrading a personal website?  

Icheoku laments that this to say the least totally very mind-bungling and to really mean it, outrageously very callous and extravagantly lacking in every judgment and circumspection. Query:- who the fuck is this Governor Babatunde Fashola that thinks himself so that important that any joker wants to read about him to warrant his fleeting the peoples resources in this manner? A substantial State's resources that could have been more usefully applied to some other more needful end and/or purpose? A matter made worse because not even the super duper grandiose websites cost this much to build and maintain/operate? The problem with Nigeria is that Nigerians are the most lackadaisically unperturbed and indifferent people walking the face of the earth. As a result their thieving leaders or pretenders to that honor, are cashing in on this inertia to so brazenly reap them off. Look at Governor Fashola shamelessly admitting to committing such a criminal fraud and he is supposedly a  lawyer and a Senior Advocate of Nigeria? He is boldfaced in claiming to have spent such a ginormous amount of money on a project that is otherwise verifiable and could be so easily verified as having been overtly overinflated? 

Then he had the temerity to be at liberty in explaining this away in so cavalier manner and with such a cursorily dismissive impetus?  Babatunde Fashola did not even make any effort whatsoever to convincingly line-itemize what was undertaken and the expenses that went into each one, to warrant or command or otherwise justify expending such humongous amount of State's funds on a mere website? Yet Nigerians are prepared to give him a pass as having at least come out to broach the issue? Icheoku says at this rate, when would things ever assume some form of seriousness  form from this their continued lackadaisical nature in Nigeria? When will Nigerian leaders start to take responsibility for their actions and Nigerians holding them to account for their stewardship? When will the media finally learn and be matured enough to live up to its expectation as the watchdog of the society; become audacious enough to ask pointy questions and demand with follow-up questions, for straight answers and clarifications, with the honed-insistence required of their profession. 

Icheoku runs a website, a blog; and had for quite some time now too. Icheoku would have since pivoted away from Google owned and operated Blogspot but choose smartly to remain with a leader in the industry. So Icheoku is fully aware of what obtains in the industry especially the nature of fees and charges for operating or running a website. Therefore Icheoku was totally flabbergasted and shocked to hear that Governor Babatunde Fashola spent about a  whopping sum of $370,000 United States Dollars (N75 million Naira) to upgrade and/or otherwise operate his website? Websites that some of them even come free with some web operators including; and as little as $500 from Yahoo, Go-Daddy etc depending on the arrangements? Websites, ranging from the low thousands to plus minus $100,000 for the super-duper websites, is what Governor Babatunde Fashola is telling Nigerians with "koro-koro" eyes that he spent $370,000 to build and operate? 

Icheoku emphatically states that the only credibility the lanky cattle-man of Daura can have, going forward in his prosecution of his one-point agenda of fighting corruption in Nigeria, is to permit the EFCC to pounce on Governor Babatunde Fashola immediately, pull him in for interrogation and possible arrest and thereafter place him in custody without bail, pending his prosecution for a great fraud which he perpetrated against the people of Lagos State Nigeria. Icheoku once surmised that there are only two categories of Nigerians - those who have stolen and those waiting for their own opportunity to steal. This particular former governor of Lagos State, by reason of this website-gate scandal alone, has now lost the last modicum of respectability which otherwise remained following his deportation of fellow Nigerians out of Lagos. Imagine this shrew-looking governor dipping his filthy thieving hands into Lagos State's coffers to make away with 75 million Naira, purportedly for a useless website which adds nothing to anyone but more uselessness. This is a state where so many youths are jobless, with many others living a life of hell, plagued by un-passable ever waterlogged horrible roads; yet this unthinking Senior Advocate of Nigeria found it a greater priority to spend 75 million Naira building and running a website? 

Icheoku says may be Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu was right afterall and should be supported in his current war to permanently put this Governor 75 million Naira website away in the doghouse where he rightly belongs? A good deed many be to just help ABT put Fash out of contention in the current PMB administration, for being such a proven fraud who could in this manner, so blatantly steal from Lagos State? May be also Governor Babatunde Fashola deserves  all that are currently being offloaded on him by the team from Bourdillon; as this scandal alone, proven by his own personal free admission, qualifies him as a then thieving chief executive of Lagos State. Unlike the proverbial rat which does not eat the fish kept under its watch, this special rat of Lagos State not only ate such fish but is now trying to explain away an inexplicable expenditure which he should never have made and therefore should be forced to make restitution in full, with additional penalties paid as recompense. 

But regrettably Nigerians' apathy and their willful indifference to issues affecting and concerning them somewhat borders on the fringes of a hopeless lunacy, otherwise they would have demanded for an example to be made out of Governor Babatunde Fashola. No people in their right frame of minds will tolerate nor allow such pillage of their common treasury by their elected or rather "selected" governor to go unheard or unpunished; without first shouting themselves hoarse in their quest to be heard and for an action in deterrence to be taken. A case now further exacerbated by the dismissive manner with which the thieving governor who perpetrated such fraud, according to his own very free admission, is treating it as "a justified" expenses? Icheoku laments that this Babatunde Fashola SUCKS and his fraudulent website funnel of misappropriation, a stinking sewer. Icheoku encourages the PDP to henceforth demand without ceasing for  a ramped up prosecution of corruption in the country and lets see how the Babtunde Fasholas of the APC will not be the first ones lined up for execution. The only regret is that Icheoku forgot that Nigeria is not China, and the beat goes on. Fie Fashola, away with the thieving former chief executive of Lagos State and may Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu take him prisoner of his own devices. 

1 comment:

  1. The Grand Slam Package– $15,000- $100,000+

    Highly complex websites can be very expensive to create. Social Networking, Advanced Blogging, and Web Application Development will raise the price tag. There are a limited number of companies that can perform well in this arena, and most of them will charge you a consulting fee (the initial consultation with Atilus is free).

    These websites aren’t some of the really good sites we’ve visited. Falling in this price range are sites like,, and These sites will have been coded from scratch, along with the applicable application programming. Websites in this price range require an extreme investment in time to research, develop and implement the software necessary to integrate the entire website in one seamless design.

    It’s more expensive to build a website when you consider the actual cost in terms of hours. There is a distinct difference between amateur websites and the work of a professional development team. While it may cost more money to build the website in the first place, by hiring a professional you will realize a return on your investment (assuming that whatever you’re selling isn’t garbage).
